Leach 6
Leach 6
Leach 6
(a) Homogeneous environments such as in managed (b) Heterogeneous environment with mixed crops
The aim of the transceiver modeling and simulation is to allow accurate evaluation of
different parameters that influence energy consumption in WSNs nodes. An accurate radio
energy model would enable precise performance measurements and more energy efficient
protocols to be designed and evaluated. In power computation performed to determine the power
consumed from the energy source, LEACH protocols models the energy loss based on the
distance. The algorithm assumes that, as the distance increases, energy consumption increases
exponentially and there are no maximum limits as shown in Figure 6.
Thus, to transmit an G-bit message at distance d, the energy that the radio expends can be
calculated using equation (3).
where the parameters LM* is based on FSL equations meanwhile, LO is calculated based on PE
model.To transmit over a short distance (below cross-over distance), the energy consumption is
proportional to the square distance between the transceivers, ( : , and based on FSL model. On
the other hand, the energy consumed in a data transmission across longer distances (such as from
a cluster head to the base station) is proportional to ( - and calculated based on PE model. Based
on Equation 2, the crossover distance for the experiments described in this research (assuming no
system loss (L=1), transmitting and receiving antenna height of 0.5m and 2.4 GHz radio
frequency) is 21.5m. The power level needed to transmit for a successful reception of data
packets is adjusted based on the distance as given by equation (4).
-. U
Where Q , Q: and '*,R*S=S+S=T is the receiver sensitivity level.
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