Uzbek Phrases

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Uzbek Phrases

Here is a collection of the most popular phrases in Uzbek. This includes common
expressions used on a daily basis including in casual conversations.
Long time no see: Ko'rishmaganimizga ancha bo'ldi
I missed you: Sizni sog'indim
What's new?: Nima yangiliklar?
Nothing new: Yangilik yo'q!
Make yourself at home!: Bemalol joylashing!
Have a good trip: Sayohatga yaxshi boring keling
Do you speak English?: Inglizcha gapirasizmi?
Just a little: Ozgina
What's your name?: Ismingiz nima?
My name is (John Doe): Ismim ...
Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss...: Janob ... / Xonim...
Nice to meet you!: Ko'rishgandan xursandman!
You're very kind!: Juda mehribonsiz!
Where are you from?: Qaerliksiz?
I'm from the U.S: Men AQSHdanman
I'm American: Men Amerikalikman
Where do you live?: Qaerda yashaysiz?
I live in the U.S: Men AQSHda yashayman
Do you like it here?: Bu er sizga yoqdimi?
Who?: Kim?
Where?: Qayerda? / Qayerga?
How?: Qanday? / Qanday qilib?
When?: Qachon?
Why?: Nimaga? / nima uchun?
What?: Nima
By train: Poezdda / poezd bilan
By car: Moshinada
By bus: Avtobusda
By taxi: Taksida
By airplane: Tayyorada
Malta is a wonderful country: Malta ajoyib mamlakat
What do you do for a living?: Kasbingiz nima?
I'm a (teacher/ artist/ engineer): Men (o'qituvchi / rassom / injiner) man
I like Maltese: Men Maltalikman
I'm trying to learn Maltese: Malta tilini o'rganishga harakat qilyapman
Oh! That's good!: O, juda yaxshi!
Can I practice with you: Siz bilan mashq qilsam bo'ladimi?
How old are you?: Necha yoshdasiz?
I'm (twenty, thirty...) Years old: Men (yigirman, o'ttiz ...) yoshdaman
Are you married?: Uylanganmisiz? (man) Turmushga chiqqanmisiz? (woman)
Do you have children?: Bolalaringiz bormi?
I have to go: Ketishim kerak
I will be right back!: Hozir tezda qaytaman
This: Bu
That: Ana u
Here: Bu erda
There: U erda
It was nice meeting you: Uchrashgandan xursandman
Take this! (when giving something): Mana oling
Do you like it?: Sizga yoqdimi?
I really like it!: Menga juda yoqdi
I'm just kidding: Hazillashdim
I'm hungry: Ochman
I'm thirsty: Suzsadim
In The Morning: Ertalab
In the evening: Kechqurun
At Night: Tunda
Really!: Yo'g'e!
Look!: Qarang!
Hurry up!: Tezroq bo'ling!
What?: Nima?
Where?: Qaerda?
What time is it?: Soat necha bo'ldi?
It's 10 o'clock: Soat o'n bo'ldi
Give me this!: Buni menga bering!
I love you: Men sizni sevaman
Are you free tomorrow evening?: Ertaga kechqurun vaqtingiz bormi?
I would like to invite you for dinner: Sizni kechki ovqatga taklif qilmoqchiman
Are you married?: Uylanganmisiz? (man) Turmushga chiqqanmisiz? (woman)
I'm single: Uylanmaganman (men) Turmush chiqmaganman (woman)
Would you marry me?: Menga turmushga chiqing? / Turmush quraylik!
Can I have your phone number?: telefon raqamingizni bera olasizmi?
Can I have your email?: Emailingizni bera olasizmi?
You look beautiful! (to a woman): Sizning ko'rinishingiz juda chiroyli!
You have a beautiful name: Sizning ismingiz chiroyli ekan
This is my wife: U mening xotinim
This is my husband: U mening erim
I enjoyed myself very much: Juda maza qildim
I agree with you: Sizga qo'shilaman
Are you sure?: Aminmisiz?
Be careful!: Ehtiyot bo'ling!
Cheers!: Siz uchun!
Would you like to go for a walk?: Sayir qilishni hohlaysizmi?
Holiday Wishes: Bayram tabriklari
Good luck!: Omad yor bo'lsin!
Happy birthday!: Tug'ilgan kuning bilan!
Happy new year!: Yangi yilingiz bilan!
Merry Christmas!: Rojdestvo bayrami muborak!
Congratulations!: Tabriklayman / tabriklaymiz
Enjoy! (before eating): Osh bo'lsin!
Bless you (when sneezing): Sog' bo'ling!
Best wishes!: Eng zo'r tilaklar bilan!
Transportation: Transport vositasi
It's freezing: Muzday
It's cold: Sovuq
It's hot: Issiq
So so: Bo'ladi

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