2010 2011
2010 2011
2010 2011
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APRIL 1, 2010
MARCH 31, 2011
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S.No. Page No.
I. The Commission 9
II. The Commission’s Secretariat 9
III. Accommodation 11
IV. Receipts and Expenditure 11
V. Meetings of the Commission 12
VI. Recruitment- 12
(A) By competitive examination with or without interview 12
(B) By the method of interview only 16
VII. Reforms in the recruitment process 17
VIII. Reservation for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Class, 18
S.B.C., Physically Disabled and Woman candidates
IX. Departmental Promotion Committees and other Committees 19
X. Extension in the term of temporary appointments 20
XI. Irregular appointments 20
XII. Disciplinary cases and Appeals 20
XIII. Service Rules 22
XIV. Non-acceptance of Commission’s advice 23
XV. Miscellaneous 23
XVI. Acknowledgement 25
XVII. Chapter - A Review of Performance of candidates in the Rajasthan State 25
and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination, 2008
I. Functions of the Commission 33
II. Profiles of Hon’ble Chairman and Hon'ble Members of the Commission 33
III. (A) List of former Hon'ble Chairman of the Commission 41
(B) List of former Hon'ble Members of the Commission 41
IV. (A) Staff of the Commission’s Secretariat 43
(B) Comparative statement showing the work done from 2006-2007 to 44
V. Receipts and Expenditure of the Commission for the year 2009-2010 and 45
VI. Post/Services covered by the examination held during the year 46
VII. (A) Statement showing the number of Engineering, Medical, Technical 46
& Non-Technical posts, for which requisitions were received during
the year 2010-11.
(B) Statement showing the number of Engineering, Medical, Technical & 49
Non-Technical posts, for which advertisements were issued during
the year 2010-2011.
(C) Selections made by interview 50
dddd 5 dddd
(D) Posts advertised, but selections remained incomplete 54
(E) Screening tests conducted for shortlisting the candidates 55
(F) List of posts for which requisitions were cancelled after advertisement. 56
(G) Post for which interview were held, but candidates not found suitable 56
(H) Posts for which candidated recommended from the reserve lists 56
(I) Post advertised, but non of the candidate applied 56
VIII. Districtwise distribution of candidates (categorywise) recommended 57
through -
(A) Examination 57
(B) Interview 65
IX. (A) Statement showing Departmentwise position of Scheduled Caste, 79
Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Class, S.B.C., Physically Disabled,
General and Woman candidates recommended against the posts
reserved for them
(B) Details showing Departmentwise position of Physically Disabled 80
candidates recommended against the posts reserved for them
(C) Statement showing break-up of SC, ST and OBC, S.B.C. candidates, 81
recommended against unreserved vacancies
(D) Details of posts reserved for SC, ST and OBC candidates for which no 81
candidates applied.
X. Chronic cases – delay in regularising the cases of ad hoc/temporary 82
appointments made by the Departments
XI. Cases of temporary appointments made by the Government against 82
promotion quota posts and concurred to by the Commission
XII. Cases of temporary appointments made by the Government against direct 82
recruitment and promotion quota posts which remained pending for want
of information
XIII. Draft amendments to Rules/Schedules relating to various Services dealt 83
with by the Commission
XIV. New Service Rules or Amendments to Rules relating to various Services 84
promulgated by the Government
XV. List of cases referred to the Commission for appointment to various 85
posts under Compassionate Appointment of Dependants of Deceased/
Permanently incapacitated Armed Forces Service Personnel/Para Military
Personnel Rules.
XVI. Cases of recognition of Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates/Examinations 85
dealt with by the Commission.
XVII. Examinations/Interviews conducted during the year 2010-2011 86
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1.1. The composition of the Commission during the year under report was as follows :-
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2.5 The Government abolished four (04) vacant posts of Stenographers vide their letter No. F.8(8)D.O.P./A-
II/2009, dated 27-01-2011.
2.6 During the year under report, proposals for creation / upgradation of the following posts were sent
to the Government :-
S. No. Name of post Number of posts Remarks
New creation
1 Deputy- Secretary 1 Sanction of the Government was not received till the end of the year
under report.
2 Analyst-cum-Programmer 1 -- do --
3 System Analyst 1 Sanctioned by the Govt.
4 Senior Accounts –Officer 1 Sanction of the Government was not received till the end of the year
under report.
5 Assistant Secretary 3 One post sanctioned by the Govt.
6 Assistant Legal 1 Sanction of the Government was not received till the end of the year
Rememberancer under report.
7 Section Officer 6 Two posts sanctioned by the Govt.
8 Head Legal Assistant 1 Sanction of the Government was not received till the end of the year
under report.
9 Statistical Officer 1 -- do --
10 Sr. Personal Assistant 2 -- do --
11 Assistant 8 -- do --
12 Legal Assistant 2 One Post sanctioned by the Govt.
13 Upper Division-Clerk 10 Sanction of the Government was not received till the end of the year
under report.
14 Lower Division –Clerk 25 Six posts sanctioned by the Govt.
15 Driver 3 Two posts sanctioned by the Govt.
16 Class-IV Employees 15 Sanction of the Government was not received till the end of the year
under report.
Total : 81
2.7 The Government conveyed sanction of H.E. the Governor for the extension in the term of the following
temporary posts up to 29-02-2012 :-
S.No. Name of post Number of posts
1 Deputy Secretary (R.A.S.) 1
2 System Analyst 1
3 Assistant Secretary 1
4 Section Officer 2
6 Legal Assistant 1
7 Informatics Assistant 5
8 Lower Division Clerk 6
9 Driver 2
10 Waiter 1
11 Class IV Employees 5
Total : 26
dddd 10 dddd
S.No. Name of post Number of posts
On contract basis :
1 E.P.A.B.X. Operator 1
2 Generator Operator 1
3 Electrician 1
4 Computer Operator 5
Total : 8
2.8 The Government conveyed sanction for releasing and filling up of the following posts which were kept
in abeyance in the B.F.C. year 2009-10 & 2010-2011, vide their letter No. F.8(6)DOP/A-II/2009, dated
S.No. Name of post Number of posts
1 Lower Division Clerk 4
2 Driver 1
3 Class IV Employee 5
Total : 10
2.9 Details of sanctioned strength of the staff of the Commission as on April 1, 2010 and March 31,
2011 are given in Appendix IV-A.
2.10 A comparative statement of work done during last five years ending with the year under report is
given in Appendix IV-B.
3.1 The Secretariat of the Commission is located in its own building at Ghooghra Ghati, Jaipur Road,
dddd 11 dddd
Receipts and Expenditure
4.2 A comparative statement showing the receipts and expenditure incurred during the year 2009-2010
and 2010-2011 is given in Appendix-V.
6.1 Interview Boards:-During the year under report, the Commission interviewed 10954 (Examination
+ Interview) candidates for different posts/services by constituting 354 Boards. The number of
days on which one, two, three and four Boards interviewed the candidates were 129, 149, 40 and 36
dddd 12 dddd
9. Vidhi Rachanakar Competitive Examination
10. Sub-Inspector of Police Combined Competitive Examination
11. Stenographer Competitive Examination
12. Accountant / Junior Accountant / Tehsil Revenue Accountant Combined Competitive
13. Motor Vehicle Sub-Inspector Competitive Examination
14. Assistant Jailor Competitive Examination
15. Lower Division Clerk Competitive Examination
16. Nurse (Grade-II) Competitive Examination
17. Hostel Superintendent Competitive Examination (For Social Welfare Department)
18. Compounder / Nurse ( Junior Grade ) Competitive Examination (For Ayurved Department)
19. Senior Teacher ( Grade - II ) Competitive Examination (For Secondary Education Department)
20. Physical Training Instructor ( Grade - II ) Competitive Examination (For Secondary Education
21. Informatics-Assistant Competitive Examination (For Information Technology & Communication
22. Teacher ( Grade II & III ) Competitive Examination (For Sanskrit Education Department)
dddd 13 dddd
Number of Candidates
S. Number appeared at Called for Selected/
Name of the Examination applications Inter-viewed
No. of posts Interview Rec.
(admitted) I Stage II Stage
11 Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sec. Edu.)
Competitive Exam 2008 Post Code 48 04 67 29 – – – 4
12 Assistant Jailor, 2008 13 1442 – – 143 136 13
13 Informatics Assistant, 2008 65 3766 – 156 – – 65
14 Nurse Grade II Exam, 2010 903 33709 31164 – – – 776
6.4 Action taken on the pending requisitions and the requisitions received during the year under review
was as follows: -
Name of the Examination / Service Category Pending /
S. No. Number of Post Remarks
/ Post Current Year
1 Labour Welfare Officer & Labour Advertisement Pending,
Inspector Combined Competitive 10+44 Information sought from
(Req. Yr. 07-08)
Exam Department
2 RAS/RTS Exam-2010 Current Posts advertised on 30-06-10
(Req. Yr. 10-11)
3 Rajasthan Forest State & Subordinate Pending Requisition defective, information
combined competitive Exam (Req. Yr. 10-11) sought from Department.
4 Sub Inspector Police Combined Current Posts Advertised on 25-11-10
Competitive Exam., 2010 (Req. Yr. 10-11)
5 Sub Inspector Police (Ex-Servicemen) Current Posts Advertised on 06-12-10
Combined Competitive Exam., 2010 (Req. Yr. 10-11)
6 Accountant/Junior Accountant Pending Pending due to amendments in
Combined Competitive Examination (Req. Yr. 09-10) syllabus.
7 Teacher Grade III (Primary & Upper Pending Requisition returned to Education
Primary Education) Examination (Req. Yr. 08-09) Department for recruitment
8 Stenographer (Reservation shortage) Pending Defective requisition, returned to
Examination (Req. Yr. 09-10) the concerned department.
9 Nurse Grade II Exam, 2010 Pending Posts advertised on 02-06-10
(Req. Yr. 09-10)
6.5 During the year under report, the Commission conducted the following examinations: -
Month in which
Name of the Examination Examination/ Remarks (Current status)
Interview held
1 Rajasthan State & Subordinate Services Combined Interviews held from 1. Result Declared on 25-04-2011
competitive Examination, 2008 21-02-11 to 25-04-11 2. Recommendation send to Govt. on
2 Rajasthan State & Subordinate Services Combined 1. Pre. Examination 1. Result Declared of Main Exam. on
competitive Examination, 2010 Held On 29-09-2010 02.06.11
2. Main Exam held 2. Result of Pre. Exam. Declared On
from 28-12-2010 to 14-11-2010
13-01-11 3. Interviews have been scheduled to be
held from 27-06-2011 to 26-08-2011
3 Assistant Engineer (Civil/Mech./Electrical) Combined Interviews Held From Result withheld by Court Order
Competitive Exam, 2008 22-03-11 to 31-03-11
& 08-04-11
dddd 14 dddd
Month in which
Name of the Examination Examination/ Remarks (Current status)
Interview held
4 Accountant/Junior Accountant/ Tehsil Revenue 1st Stage on 31-05-2010
Accountant Combined Competitive Examination, 2008
5 Sub Inspector Police (Ex-Servicemen) Comp. 09-05-2010
Examination, 2008
6 Vidhi Rachnakar Competitive Exam, 2009 Examination Held On 1. Result Declared on 19-01-2011
18-07-2010 2. Interview to be held
7 PTI Gr. II & III Competitive Exam, 2008 Examination Held On 1. Result Declared on 29-10-2010
04-10-2010 2. Amended Result Declared on
30-05-2011 (By Hon'ble Court Order)
3. Recommendation Pending by Court
8 Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sans. Education) Competitive Examination Held On 1. Result Declared on 17-02-2011
Exam 2008 Post Code 26 (Sanskrit) 21-10-2010 2. Recommendation sent on 29-03-11
9 Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sans. Education) Competitive Examination Held On 1. Result Declared on 09-02-2011
Exam 2008 Post Code 27 (English) 22-10-2010 2. Recommendation sent on 16-03-11
10 Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sans. Education) Competitive Examination Held On 1. Result Declared on 10-02-2011
Exam 2008 Post Code 28 (Mathematics) 23-10-2010 2. Recommendation sent on 16-03-11
11 Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sans. Education) Competitive Examination Held On 1. Result Declared on 12-02-2011
Exam 2008 Post Code 29 (Science) 24-10-2010 2. Recommendation sent on 16-03-11
12 Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sec. Education)Competitive Examination Held On 1. Result Declared on 10-03-2011
Exam, 2008 Post Code 41 (Mathematics) 20-12-2010 2. Recommendation to be sent
13 Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sec. Education) Competitive Examination Held On 1. Result Declared on 14-05-2011
Exam, 2008 Post Code 44 (Hindi) 22-12-2010 & 05-05-11 2. Recommendation to be sent
14 Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sec. Education) Competitive Examination Held On 1. Result Declared on 18-03-2011
Exam, 2008 Post Code 45 (Sanskrit) 21-12-2010 2. Recommendation to be sent
15 Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sec. Education) Competitive Examination Held On 1. Result Declared on 17-05-2011
Exam, 2008 Post Code 46 (Urdu) 20-12-2010 & 04-05-11 2. Recommendation to be sent
16 Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sec. Education) Competitive Examination Held On 1. Result Declared on 11-03-2011
Exam, 2008 Post Code 48 (Sindhi) 20-12-2010 2. Recommendation Sent on 19-05-11
17 Assistant Jailor, 2008 Interview date 29-06-10 Recommendation sent
to 12-07-10
18 Informatics Assistant, 2008 Exam date 30-08-10 Recommendation sent
19 Nurse Grade II Exam, 2010 Exam date 10-10-10 Recommendation sent
6.6 Examinationwise details regarding number of posts, candidates applied, appeared, interviewed etc.
are given in Appendix VI.
6.7 Posts/Services covered by the examinations held during the year are given in Appendix XVII .
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6.8 Candidates debarred from the Commission’s examinations : No candidate found adopting unfair
means in the examinations/screening tests conducted by the Commission, during the year under
* 171 candidates called for interview as per directions of Hon'ble High Court. (Including Woman and P.D. candidate
at each stage).
6.10 At the commencement of the year 35 requisitions involving 1745 posts were pending notification.
6.11 During the year under report 74 requisitions involving 1758 posts were received by the Commission.
Of which 62 requisitions involving 1358 posts being found defective in respect of Educational
Qualifications, Age Limit, Method of Recruitment and Reservation, were returned to the respective
Departments. Action for Advertisement was, thus left for remaining 12 requisitions involving 400
posts, which were notified during the year.
6.12 Six requisitions involving 9 posts of Madan Mohan Malviya Govt. Ayurvedic College, Udaipur,
Ayurved Department were withdrawn by the Government after advertisement. The details have given
in the Appendix VII-F.
6.14 During the period under report, the Commission recommended names of 477 candidates from reserve
lists. Details of which are given in Appendix 7-H.
6.15 Departmentwise / categorywise break-up of posts for which requisitions were received during the
year 2010-11 is given in Appendix VII-A
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6.16 Screening tests :- The Commission conducted 7 screening tests for shortlisting the candidates in respect
of 2054 posts of various departments. The details of screening tests conducted are given in Appendix
6.17 List of posts advertised but selections remained incomplete during the year under report has been
given in Apppendix VII – D.
6.18 Details of posts for which no candidate found suitable and no any candidate applied are given in
Appendix VII-G and VII-I respectively.
6.19 State Eligibility Test for Lectureship (S.E.T.) :- During the year under report, result of State Eligibility
Test declared on 21-07-2010. 2477 candidates were declared successful (provisionally) for different 24
dddd 17 dddd
S.No. Name of Department/Post Reviewed or New framed
10 General Surgery New
11 Endocrinology New
12 Neuro Surgery New
13 Physiology New
14 Medical Oncology New
15 Paediatric Surgery New
16 Medical Officer (Dentistry) Review
College Education Lecturer -
17 Hindi Review
18 English Review
19 Drawing & Painting Review
20 Library Science New framed
21 Urdu Review
Ayurved Department
22 Ayurved Chikitsa Adhikari Review
Secondary Education New framed
23 Head Master, Secondary School
24 Sanskrit Review
25 Hindi Review
Director Treasury & Accounts
26 Accountant / Junior Accountant/ Tehsil Revenue Accountant New framed
(a) Recruitment by examination with or without interview :
8.1. Reservation of 16, 12, 21 and 1 per cent of posts has been fixed for candidates belonging to Scheduled
Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Class and Special Backward Class respectively (for OBC’s
w.e.f. 28/09/93) (For SBC’s w.e.f. 25/08/2009). 30% reservation of vacancies has been fixed for woman
candidates in direct recruitment. Reservation of vacancies for woman candidates is to be adjusted
proportionately in the respective category to which they belong and the reservation shall be treated
as horizontal (for woman candidates vide Notification dated 7/06/99 w.e.f. 01/04/99). Similarly, 3 per
cent reservation of vacancies has been fixed for Physically Disabled candidates in direct recruitment,
which shall be treated as horizontal and adjusted from among all categories (reservation for Physically
Disabled candidates fixed vide Notification dated 22-09-2000 w.e.f. 22-09-2000.)
8.2 Districtwise /categorywise distribution of candidates selected in the Rajasthan Judicial Services, Sr.
Teacher Grade – II, Secondary Education Department, Nurse Grade – II Etc. are available at Appendix
dddd 18 dddd
Number of posts reserved Number of candidates recommended
Category (P.D.) (P.D.)*
Male Female Total Male Female Total
SC 319 132 - - 451 308 144 4 - 456
ST 242 97 - - 339 230 107 3 - 340
OBC 418 176 - - 594 752 308 29 1 1090
S.B.C. 9 3 - - 12 28 3 - - 31
Gen. 1023 443 - - 1466 462 345 36 6 849
(P.D.) - - (100) (100) - - - - -
Total : 2011 851 (100) 1780 907 72 7 2766
* P.D. & Woman candidates from among all categories.
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10.1. A mention is made every year of the ad hoc/temporary appointments referred to the Commission
for obtaining their concurrence to the extension in the terms of temporary appointments. The
Government had also been apprised of the alarming position in regard to the cases of ad hoc/
temporary appointments lasting over 5 years and in some cases even 10 years with the intention
that the Government might take expeditious steps for regularising those cases. The position of ad
hoc/temporary appointments still remained unchanged, in spite of the fact that many Departmental
Promotion Committees meetings were held during the current year for making selection by
promotion. An illustrative list of long outstanding cases of such ad hoc/temporary appointments is
being given in Appendix X.
10.2 During the period under report, the Commission conveyed their concurrence for extension the
terms of temporary appointments in respect of 24 persons appointed against the posts to be filled by
promotion quota as per the details given in Appendix XI
10.3 Total number of such ad hoc/temporary appointees, whose appointments were made against
the direct recruitment and promotion quota posts was, thus, 24 during the year under report, as
compared to 54 during the previous year. It is expected that the Government would take appropriate
action in order to put a check on such appointments.
10.4 Even after specific directions of the Government for sending the requisitions containing clear and
complete information in the prescribed format, some of the appointing authorities failed to furnish
complete information in the prescribed proforma, while referring cases of urgent/temporary/ad
hoc appointments to the Commission for obtaining their concurrence. As a result, the cases have
been delayed inordinately. During the year under report, one incomplete references involving 2
persons and two incomplete reference pending since last year involving 219 persons appointed
against promotion quota and direct recruitment quota posts was referred to the Commission. The
list available in Appendix XII.
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12.3 Of the remaining 49 cases pending advice with the Commission, 40 cases were such, which remained
pending with the Government for the want of clarification sought by the Commission.
12.4 Thus, at the close of the year, out of a total of 139 cases, 49 cases remained pending advice with the
Commission. Details regarding action taken/disposal of D.E. cases pertaining to the previous year(s)
and cases received during the year under report, are given in the following table:-
S. Number of D.E. cases pertaining to
No. Current year Previous year Total
(A) At Commission’s level
1 Previous year's balance - 83 83
2 Received during the year 56 - 56
Total : 56 83 139
3 Advice tendered by the Commission and matters sent to the Government 44 41 85
4 Pending advice with the Commission
Total : (Col. 1 + 2 - 3)
(a) Under clarification with the Govt. 06 34 40
(b) Under consideration of the Commission 06 08 14
Total : [Col.4 (a) + (b)] 12 42 54
*Matter closed by the Government without advice of the Commission. - (-) 05* (-) 05
** Out of Previous of the Commission- - - -
Total : 12 37 49
(B) At Government’s level
1 Balance with the Government at the opening of the year - 48 48
2 Advice tendered by the Commission to the Government 44 41 85
Total : (Col. 1 + 2 ) 44 89 133
3. Disposed of by the Government -
(a) Acceptance conveyed by the Government 34 20+30=50 84
(b) Matter closed by the Government - - -
(c) Non-acceptance of Commission's advice - 01 01
Total : [Col. 3 (a) + (b) + (c)] 34 51 85
4. Pending decision with the Government 10 38 48
Total : (Col. 1 + 2 - 3)
12.5. Appeal/Review D.E. Cases :- During the year under report, one case of Review D.E. was received
by the Commission, which has already been included in the previous year's cases. No case of Appeal
was received by the Commission.
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12.6. Litigations/Writs :- During the year under report, 1092 cases in addition to 2572 cases of previous
years of Civil suits / Complaints/ Writ petitions / appeals / D.B. special appeals / S.L.P. filed in
the Civil Courts / High Court / Service Tribunal / Supreme Court / State Consumer Protection
Commission/ District Consumer Forum etc. were pending, thus, making a total of 3664 cases. During
the period under review, the number of cases decided by the various courts, was 570. Thus, in all,
3094 cases were awaiting decision in the various Courts.
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13.9. During the year under report, it is also stated that Commission’s concurrence to the proposed
amendments in the Rajasthan Ayurvedic, Unani, Homoeopathy and Naturopathy Service Rules, 1973
was conveyed to the Government along with the suggestions contained in this office letter dated
02/07/2009. The Government have issued Notification in this regard. A perusal of the Notification
revealed that the Government have not incorporated our suggestions. This case remains under
correspondence with the Government till the end of the year under report.
15-1 Visits – Chairman/Members :- Shri M.L.Kumawat, IPS (Retd.) Hon'ble Chairman, RPSC attended
the meeting of 13th National Conference of Chairpersons of State Public Service Commission (India)
held at Mumbai on 8th and 9th January, 2011.
15-2 A nine member delegation consisting of following Hon’ble Members of Andhra Pradesh Public
Service Commission visited the R.P.S.C. to discuss matters of mutual interest from 21-07-2010 to
dddd 23 dddd
15-3 Similarly following dignitaries visited the R.P.S.C. to discuss matters of mutual interest
15.7 Library:- The Commission have its own Library enriched with large number of reference books of
various subjects, periodicals, magazines, encyclopaedia, newspapers etc. for readers, subject- experts,
examiners and Commission's staff. Details of these are mentioned as under :-
15.8 Implementation - Report of the “Right to Information Act, 2005” :- Forty one applications were
pending with the Commission on 01.04.2010 under the “Right to Information Act”. During the year
under report, 3184 applications were received by them desiring various information, making a total
3225. The Commission disposed of 2434 applications. Thus, 791 applications remained pending
decision of the Commission, at the close of the year under report.
15.10 An amount worth Rs. 44454/- was received as fees under “Right to Information Act, 2005”, during
the year under report.
15.11 During the year under report, four appeals were pending with the Commission on 01-04-2010 and
10 appeals were received under the Nishaktajan Act, making a total 14. The Commission disposed
of 06 appeals. Thus, 08 appeals remained pending decision of the Commission, at the close of the
year under report.
15.12 During the year under report 04 Appeals were pending with the Commission on 01-04-2010, 08
appeals were received during the year from Rajasthan Suchana Ayog, making a total of 12 Appeals.
The Commission disposed of 10 appeals. Thus, 02 appeals remained pending with the Commission,
at the close of the year under report.
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16.1. The Commission acknowledges the support and co-operation extended by the State Government,
Heads of Departments, District Collectors, Regional / District Employment Officers and other
Organizations of the State Government to the Commission in the discharge of their functions.
16.2. The Commission will like to place on record its appreciation to the Staff and the authorities of the
educational institutions for extending help and co-operation to the Commission in conducting various
16.3. The Commission also record their appreciation for the devoted and efficient services rendered by their
officers and staff.
A review of performance of the candidates in the Rajasthan State & Subordinate Services Combined
Competitive Examination, 2008.
This examination was conducted to make recruitment for 384 posts of State, Allied and Subordinate
Services. The posts were advertised on 28-06-2008, for which last date of receipt of applications was fixed
on 14-08-2008.
Preliminary examination was conducted on 07-01-2009 at 596 centers (i.e. all District Headquarters
and some Sub Division Headquarters such as Laxmangarh, Bandikui and Sagwara). Result of Preliminary
Examination was declared on 11-04-2009.
Main Written Examination was fixed from 25-07-2009 to 11-08-2009. Result of Main (Written)
Examination was declared on 28-12-2010 and interviews of qualified candidates were held from 21-02-2011
to 25-04-2011.
After interviewing the candidates, final result was declared on 25-04-2011. Recommendations of 924
selected candidates were sent to the Government on 27-05-2011.
dddd 25 dddd
General Reserved posts
Item Total SC ST OBC *Disable
No. M F *N.G.E. *DC.
M F M F M F person
6 Qualified for interview 980 268 144 77 32 66 32 291 70 - - -
7 Called for interview (By
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Court's order)
8 Interviewed 924 260 133 71 30 63 31 272 64 - - -
9 Recommended to the
924 260 133 71 30 63 31 272 64 - - -
10 Result withheld - - - - - - - - - - - -
The study is related to the candidates interviewed and finally recommended to the Government. It is
based on the information furnished by them in their applications with regard to the academic attainments,
experience etc. and their performance in the examination.
dddd 26 dddd
Gen. S.C. S.T. OBC Grand Total
S.No District
M F M F M F M F M F Total
29. Sikar 12 7 3 3 3 1 24 8 42 19 61
30. Sirohi 4 - 3 1 - - 1 - 8 1 9
31. Tonk 5 1 1 - 2 1 3 1 11 3 14
32. Udaipur 8 8 2 3 2 1 4 3 16 15 31
33. Pratapgarh - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Rajasthan 227 117 71 30 63 31 272 64 633 242 875
Other States
1 Madhya Pradesh 4 3 - - - - - - - - 7
2 Uttar Pradesh 20 10 - - - - - - - - 30
3 Bihar 3 1 - - - - - - - - 4
4 Haryana 4 1 - - - - - - - - 5
5 Uttarakhand 1 1 - - - - - - - - 2
6 Punjab 1 - - - - - - - - - 1
Total Other States 33 16 - - - - - 33 16 49
Grand Total : 260 133 71 30 63 31 272 64 666 258 924
Out of 924 recommended candidates (including 49 candidates outside the State), the districts provided
more than 48% candidates were Ajmer, Alwar, Bharatpur, Jaipur, Jhunjhunu, Nagaur and Sikar. The Jaipur
district provided the highest i.e. 14.29 per cent.
The above table further reveals that out of 101 ( 71 Male + 30 Female) SCs recommended as many as 27
per cent were belonging to Jaipur district and out of 94 (63 Male + 31 Female) , STs recommended, as many
as 55.32 per cent were belonging to Dausa, Jaipur and Karauli districts.
The districts like Dungarpur, Banswara, Pratapgarh, Udaipur, Chittorgarh, Sirohi, Rajsamand which
are dominant in ST's population, were either totally unrepresented or provided one or two candidates.
Further analysis of the castewise contribution in the selection to key State Services reveals that amongst
Scs nearly 78% representation was from the Balai, Khatik, Meghwal, Raigar. Chamar, Bairwa & Jatav.
However, in case of STs, majority of the candidates belonged to Meena community.
This observation is permanent feature and is a result of non-participation by rest of the castes amongst
SCs and STs. This is due to their socio-economic backwardness, which continued to be the greatest hindrance
in their educational and other attainments. These observations have been pointed out in earlier reviews
also. It is, therefore again recommended that some integrated approach be planned out to bridge up such
Position of woman candidates in the selection :- Total 258 woman candidates (including 133 General,
30 SC, 31 ST and 64 OBC) were also recommended. The following table shows categorywise position of
selection of woman candidates against the posts reserved for them :-
Category Number of posts reserved for woman candidates Number of woman candidates recommended
Gen. 58 133
S.C. 15 30
S.T. 15 31
O.B.C. 21 64
Total 109 258
dddd 27 dddd
Universitywise classification :- The table below reveals that out of 924 candidates recommended, 854
(92.42%) were graduates of Universities of the Rajasthan State with the highest e.i. 47% from the University
of Rajasthan alone. Among the recommended candidates 70 (7.58%) candidates obtained their Graduation
degree from various Universities of other States.
S.No. Name of the University Total
1 University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 287 126 17 430
2 M.D.S. University, Ajmer 136 95 10 241
3 J.N.V. University, Jodhpur 31 36 - 67
4 M.L.S. University, Udaipur 36 30 4 70
5 Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner 10 1 9 20
6 Vansthali Vidya Peeth 01 - - 01
7 Sanskrit Vishvavidyalay 02 - - 02
8 Bikaner University 10 5 - 15
9 M.P.U.A.T. Udaipur 01 - - 01
10 Kota University, Kota 05 1 - 06
11 M.N.I.T. Jaipur - - 01 01
Total : (Rajasthan) 519 294 41 854
Universities out of Rajasthan 44 22 4 70
Grand Total : 563 316 45 924
Educational status :- From among 924 recommended candidates, 563, 316 and 45 were having first,
second and third division respectively at their graduation level. The candidates having good academic record
at schooling, maintained their standard.
Further analysis of educational status of these candidates reveals that as many as 755 (82%) were
post-graduates. Comparative performance of the candidates having Graduation Degree and those having
additional P.G. Degree, is shown in the following table :-
Some of the candidates were also having extra qualifications at their credit as mentioned below :-
S.No. Number S.No. Number
1 Law graduates 23 6 M.Ed. 05
2 LL.M. 03 7 M.B.A. 06
3 Ph.D. 57 8 SLET/NET/JRF 412
4 M.Phil. 66 9 Diploma Courses 34
5 B.Ed. 417 10 M.C.A. 01
dddd 28 dddd
Change of faculty :- Change of faculty i.e. switching over from one faculty to another, after Graduation
(i.e. at Post-Graduation level) has also been observed in some of the candidates. The details are as follows :-
S.No. Number of candidates
1 Science Graduates switched over to M.A. 116
2 Commerce Graduates switched over to M.A. 12
3 Arts Graduates switched over to M.Sc. (Comp./I.T.) 01
4 B.E./B.Tech. switched over to M.A. 04
Whatever might have been the reason of such switch over from one faculty to another, but this has
certainly put them in an advantageous position in having a larger spectrum of subjects to choose their
optional subjects.
Subjects offered as optionals other than studied at graduation level :- This interesting feature was
observed in the examinations conducted in earlier years also. From amongst 924 recommended candidates,
opted for those subjects mostly (from the group of optional subjects) which they had never studied upto their
graduation level (minimum qualification prescribed). It is proved from the fact that 220 (24%) and 199 (22%)
candidates opted for such one or two subjects (out of two optional) respectively, which they never studied.
This category of candidates mostly opts for like, History, Philosophy, Public Administration, Political Science,
Geography etc. The convenience in their study and preparation seems to be the main reason. The following
statement shows the optional subjects offered by the candidates:-
S.No. Nomenclature of subject offered No. of S.No. Nomenclature of subject offered No. of
candidates candidates
1. Agriculture 4 20. Mathematics 5
2. Agricultural Engineering - 21. Mechanical Engineering -
3. Animal Husbandry & Veterinary 2 22. Mining Engineering -
4. Botany 52 23. Philosophy 414
5. Chemistry 10 24. Physics 3
6. Civil Engineering - 25. Political Science 234
7. Commerce & Accountancy 5 26. Psychology 26
8. Crop Husbandry with Horticulture 2 27. Public Administration 214
9. Computer Engineering - 28. Sociology 82
10. Computer Science - 29. Statistics 1
11. Dairy Processing & Technology - 30. Zoology 57
12. Economics 26 31. Anthropology 18
13. Electrical Engineering - 32. Management 1
14. Electronics & Tele-Communication - 33. English 2
15. Geography 172 34. Hindi 77
16. Geology 1 35. Urdu 1
17. Home Science 11 36. Sanskrit 53
18. History 357 37. Sindhi 1
19. Law 16
Total number of candidates : I Paper = 924, II paper =924
Note :- Candidates are required to choose two optional subjects. Each optional subject consists of two papers.
dddd 29 dddd
this fact in view, it has been observed that out of 924 recommended candidates 477 (51.62%) were those, who
were having urban and 447 (48.38%) rural background.
The Divisional Headquarters, having educational institutions of long standing, repute and equipped
with better infrastructure have contributed largely towards the better performance in this examination.
Employment status :- Out of 924 recommended candidates, as many as 702 (76%) were already in
service, in one capacity or the other in Government or private organisations and 222 (24%) were unemployed
fresh candidates. It reveals that experience has played an important role in the selections.
Contribution of age factor :- Age factor also continues to play a positive role in the performance of the
candidates. Nearly 56.60% candidates were in the age group of 21 to 30 years.
Age group (years) Number of candidates Percentage
21-25 142 15.37
26-30 381 41.23
31-33 222 24.00
34-40 176 19.08
41-45 3 00.32
Total : 924
dddd 30 dddd
dddd 31 dddd
dddd 32 dddd
Functions of the Commission
The functions exercised by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission are laid down in Article 320 of
the Constitution of India.
The Public Service Commission shall be consulted :-
(a) On all matters relating to methods of recruitment to civil services and for civil posts;
(b) On the principles to be followed in making appointments to civil service and posts and in making
promotions and transfers from one service to another and on the suitability of candidates for such
appointments, promotions or transfers;
(c) On all disciplinary matters affecting a person serving under State Government in civil capacity,
including memorials or petitions relating to such matters;
(d) On any claim by or in respect of a person who is serving or has served under the State Government,
in a civil capacity that any costs incurred by him in defending legal proceeding instituted against him
in respect of acts done or purporting to be done in the execution of his duty should be paid out of the
Consolidated Fund of the State;
(e) On any claim for the award of a pension in respect of injuries sustained by a person while serving under
the State Government in a civil capacity and any question as to the amount of any such award; and
(f) Any other matter referred to them by the Government.
It shall not be necessary for the Commission to be consulted in matters relating to methods of
recruitment to Civil Services and Posts, or the principles to be followed in making appointments to such
posts, or the suitability of the candidates for such appointments :-
Unless otherwise provided in the relevant Service Rules for recruitment to any post in a Service, when
the appointment is to be made to any post -
1 in Ministerial Service, or
2 in Subordinate Service or State Service whether technical or non-technical starting with an initial Grade
Pay of “Rs. 3200/- or less per month” as per R.P.S.C. (Limitation of Functions) Regulations, 1951.
dddd 33 dddd
Profiles of Honourable Chairman and Honourable Members of the
1. Shri Mahendra Lal Kumawat, IPS(Retd.): M.Sc. (Botany)
Experience –
1970-72 - Lecturer in Botany, Govt. College, Beawar (Raj.)
3/1972 - Joined Indian Forest Service (I.F.S.)
7/1972 - Joined Indian Police Service (I.P.S.)
1982-85 - Director, Vigilance & Security, R.S.E.B.
1985-88 - S.P., C.B.I. (Rajasthan)
1991 - Police Commissioner, Vishakhapattnam
1995-2000 - Joint Director, C.B.I., Mumbai Incharge of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat & Goa
2000-2005 - Chief of C.I.D., Andhra Pradesh Additional Director General, Law & Order, Chairman,
State Level Recruitment Board
2005-2006 - Additional Director General, B.S.F.
2007-2008 - Special Secretary, Internal Security, Govt. of India
2008-2009 - Director General of Police, B.S.F.
Awards –
1985 - Recipient of ‘Merit Award’ of Rajasthan Government
1989 - Recipient of President’s Police Medal for meritorious service.
1992 - Gold Medal in National Defence College.
1997 - Recipient of President’s Police Medal for distinguished Service.
Joined as Hon'ble Chairman, Rajasthan Public Service Commission on dated 28/02/2010 (A.N.).
dddd 34 dddd
Job Profile :
• Joined as Assistant Engineer in U.P. P.W.D. in November, 1972.
• Joined as Assistant Engineer, P.W.D. in June, 1973 after selection through Rajasthan Public Service
• Promoted as Executive Engineer in March, 1982.
• Become Superintending Engineer in January, 1994.
• Promoted as Additional Chief Engineer and Chief Engineer on the basis of merit in September, 1995
and February, 1997 respectively.
• Worked as Chief Engineer (Planning and Monitoring), Chief Engineer (Roads-II) P.W.D., Chairman-
cum-Managing Director of RSBCC Ltd. (Now RSRDS Ltd.), Jaipur.
• Held the post of Chief Engineer & Additional Secretary to Government, P.W.D., Rajasthan, Jaipur from
January, 2000 to April, 2007.
• Promoted to the post of Secretary to the Government, P.W.D., Rajasthan in the month of April, 2007
and manned the post of Secretary to the Government, P.W.D., Rajasthan upto April, 2008.
• Government of Rajasthan appointed as "MEMBER" of Rajasthan Public Service Commission, Ajmer
in April, 2008 and now continued as "MEMBER" of RPSC, Ajmer since 18th April, 2008.
Professional Experience :
• Has long experience of 36 years and got executed many important works of Buildings, Roads
and Bridges in various capacities during last 36 years. Few important projects got executed are
“Improvement of State Highways” under World Bank Assistance, Major Bridges over Rivers
Parvati, Kali-Sindh, Banas, Morel and Chambal. ROB's in the State.
• Also got constructed, New Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha Building in record time for which Hon'ble
President of India at the time of inauguration also quote. "Marvelous Building Constructed In Post
Independence Period".
• Remained responsible for execution and supervision of buildings as well as roads under Pradhan
Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)
• It is worth mentioning here that Rajasthan is leader in implementation of PMGSY in the Country.
• Got constructed New Chief Minister's Office (C.M.O.) Building as well as under ground parking
for vehicles in the Government Secretariat in record time.
• Got constructed New High Court Building also in record time for which Hon'ble Chief Justice of India
(C.J.I.) at the time of Inauguration said that it is the “Best High Court Building ever seen by him”.
Other Achievements :
• Awarded State Merit Certificate on the eve of Republic Day Celebration in January, 1990 for
outstanding services.
• Remained Chairman of The Institution of Engineers (India), Rajasthan State Centre, Jaipur, in the
year 2002-2004.
• Remained Vice-President of Indian Roads Congress (IRC) during the year 2003.
• Life member of Indian Roads Congress and Life Member of Indian Buildings Congress.
• Members of various Technical Committees of Indian Roads Congress (IRC).
• Also attended Seminar/Training in Canada, Australia, Holland, Japan, USA, and Indonesia in the
year 1993, 1995, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005 & 2007 respectively.
dddd 35 dddd
• Remained President of Indian Roads Congress (IRC) from November, 2007 to December, 2008.
3. Shri Shiv Pal Singh Nangal : (B.Com., LL.B. and Diploma in Labour Law and Personnel Management).
Experience :
1 Advocate (38 years)
2 President Students Union, Rajasthan University (Commerce Faculty) (Commerce College) in the year
3 Winner – Inter University Debate Competition held at Madras in 1976.
4 Member – Divisional Rail Users Advisory Council in 1995-96.
5 Remained Vice-President in the year 1997-2000 and President in the year 2001-2003 of Bhawani
Niketan (Shiksha Samittee) Shikshan Sansthan and Charitable Trust, Jaipur.
Key particulars :- Social Service, Member of Religious Temples and Trusts, executive Social &
Educational Activities (Non Government Organization) and affiliated with them.
Foreign Journeys :
1 Dubai 2 Sharjah 3 Anjaman
4 Yum-Al-Quben 5 Phyujelrah 6 Italy
7 Monaco 8 Monte Carlo 9 Vatican
10 Austria 11 Liechtenstein 12 Netherlands
13 Germany 14 Switzerland 15 Belgium
16 France 17 Makaow 18 United Kingdom
19 Hongkong 20 Singapore 21 Malaysia
22 Sri Lanka 23 Australia 24 Newzealand
25 Thailand (Bangkok)
Experience :
Served in Reserve Bank of India, Jaipur - 4 years
Joined the Rajasthan Police Service in December, 1982 and after completing training in R.P.A.,
Jaipur & District Sawai Madhopur, was posted on the following posts :
1 Assistant Commandant, R.A.C. June, 1985 to June, 1986
2 Dy. S.P., Jaisalmer June, 1986 to May, 1988
3 Dy. S.P., Jaipur May, 1988 to Dec., 1989
dddd 36 dddd
4 Dy. S.P., ACD, Jaipur Jan., 1990 to Dec., 1990
5 Dy. S.P., Ajmer Jan., 1991 to Mar., 1993
6 Dy. S.P., Alwar Apr., 1993 to Sept.,1993
7 Addl. S.P., CID Zone, Bharatpur Oct., 1993 to April, 1994
8 Addl. S.P., Sikar April, 1994 to Sept., 1997
9 Addl. S.P., Jaipur City Sept., 1997 to Sept., 1998
10 Addl. S.P., Bikaner Sept., 1998 to July, 2000
11 Addl. S.P., Malpura (Tonk) July, 2000 to June, 2003
12 Addl. S.P., Sikar June, 2003 to Aug., 2004
13 Commissioner, Vigilance, JNN, Jaipur Aug., 2004 to Feb., 2006
14 Addl. S.P., Jaipur (Rural) Feb., 2006 to March, 2007
Promoted in Indian Police Service on 24-01-2007
15 S.P., Banswara 11-04-2007 to 18-04-2008
Rewards :
(1) H.E. the Governor awarded Gun in 1988.
(2) H.E. the Governor awarded Police Medal for meritorious services on Independence Day, 2003.
Subjects of Interest :
Design of Experiments, Sample Surveys, Statistical Methods, Psychometrics, Economic Statistics,
Research Methodology.
Administrative Experience :
• Assistant Dean, Student Welfare (ADSW), Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur (July, 1994 to
Jan., 1999).
• Coordinator, Placement and Information Bureau, MPUAT, Udaipur (October, 2000 to November, 2005).
• Student Welfare Officer, M.P.U.A.T., Udaipur (April, 2004 to November, 2005).
• Chairman, Sports Board, M.P.U.A.T., Udaipur (April, 2004 to November, 2005).
• Coordinator, National Service Scheme, M.P.U.A.T.,Udaipur (April, 2004 to Nov., 2005).
• Foreign Students Advisor, M.P.U.A.T., Udaipur (2007 to July, 2008).
• University Head, Department of Agricultural Statistics and Computer Application, RCA, MPUAT,
Udaipur (January, 2004 to July, 2008).
dddd 37 dddd
• Member, University Committees for Pension, PF, University House Allotment, University Rules
• Convener/ Member in a number of Committees constituted by Rajasthan Technical University, Kota.
• Convener/Member in different Committees constituted by Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan,
• Warden, Vivekanand P.G. Hostel, RCA, Udaipur (May, 1992 - July, 1994).
Publications :
A Research Papers : 67
B Abstracts : 98
C Technical/Other articles : 10
D Radio Broadcasts : 10
E Edited Books : 03
F Editor Magazines : 09 (Chief Editor – University Magazine 01, Chief
Editor-Annual News letter RCEAM 01, Member,
Editorial Board, College Magazine 07)
G Editor Research Journal of : 01 (Prasarika-Journal of Raj. Society of Extension
Education, 2004-2009)
H Editor (Lecture Notes) : 01 (Winter School on Advances in Design of
I Teaching/Reference Manuals : 02 (One each for Statistical Methods and Economic
J Special Lectures : 25
Summer/Winter School Attended : 04
A) Major Advisor
I) Ph.D.(Statistics) 01
II) Diploma in Marketing Management 18
B) Member Advisory Committee
I) Ph.D.(Ag.)/Ph.D.(Ag.Eng.)/Ph.D.(Home Science) : 450 (Approx)
II) M.Sc.(Ag.)/(Ag.Eng.)/(Home Science)/(Dairy Science) : 650 (Approx)
National Awards:
1. Fellowship Award – Rajasthan Council of Educational Administration and Management (Affiliated
to the Commonwealth Council of Educational) (Administration and Management).
dddd 38 dddd
2. Appreciation Award – Commonwealth Youth Programme Asia Centre, Ministry of Youth Affairs,
Govt. of India & N.S.S. Unit Rajasthan for Outstanding Contribution in Organizing Workshop for
Asia Region.
3. Indian Society for Training & Development, Udaipur Chapter Award for E n h a n c i n g A c a d e m i c
Excellence in Youth on 19th March, 2004.
4. Public Felicitation by Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal, Udaipur for Outstanding Contribution in the Field
of Education on 1st May, 2004.
5. Appreciation Certificates by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, MPUAT, Udaipur on Republic Days for the
years 2002, 2003 and 2004 for the outstanding contributions.
6. Appreciation Certificate by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, MPUAT, Udaipur for the outstanding
contribution in organizing activities under Raj Bhasha Hindi Saptah in year 2002.
7. First prize in research poster presentation in Hindi at MPUAT, Udaipur in the year 2003
8. Co-author of paper considered for Subbaraw Mamorial Award, 1993 at satellite meeting of 4th world
congress on Clinical Nutrition organized by ICN, Muradabad (UP) 1993.
9. Co-author of paper considered for Junior Award (Community Nutrition) at XXVIII Annual Meeting
of Nutrition Society of India held at Bombay, 1995.
dddd 39 dddd
9 Rajasthan Council of Educational Administration and Management- Life Member.
10 Society of Applied Statistics and Computer, Hissar-Life Member.
dddd 40 dddd
3. Legal Advisor, Khadi Gramodyog Board, Karauli (1985-2007)
4. Member, Advisory Board, R.C.C.
5. State Member and Advisor of Indian Farmers Association, Rajasthan (Non-political) (1984-1992).
6. President, Bar Association, Gangapur City (District Sawai Madhopur) (1998-99).
7. Pradesh Mantri, Bhartiya Janata Party (Kisan Morcha).
8. Member, National Executive, Bhartiya Janata Party (Kisan Morcha).
(A) List of former Honourable Chairmen of the Commission
Tenure of office
S.No. Name
From To
1. Sir S.K.Gosh, Chief Justice 01-04-49 25-01-50
2. Shri S.C.Tripathi 28-07-50 07-08-51
3. Shri D.S.Tewari 08-08-51 20-01-58
4. Shri M.M.Varma 20-01-58 03-12-58
5. Shri L.L.Joshi, IAS (Officiating) 04-12-58 31-07-60
6. Shri V.V.Narlikar 01-08-60 31-07-66
7. Dr. B.L.Rawat, IAS 27-04-66 31-07-66
8. Shri R.C.Choudhary, RHJS 08-02-67 09-10-71
9. Shri B.D.Mathur 09-10-71 23-06-73
10. Shri R.S.Kapur 24-06-73 10-06-75
11. Shri Mohammed Yaqub, R.H.J.S. 27-06-75 30-06-79
12. Shri Ram Singh Chouhan, IAS 30-06-79 10-09-80
13. Shri Hari Dutt Gupta 10-09-80 09-06-83
14. Shri S. Adaviyappa 10-06-83 26-03-85
15. Dr. D.D.Chavan 26-03-85 07-11-85
16. Shri J.M.Khan, IAS 07-11-85 27-11-89
17. Shri S.C.Singaria (Officiating) 27-11-89 05-09-90
18. Shri Yatindra Singh, IAS 05-09-90 06-10-95
19. Shri Hanuman Prasad, IAS 06-10-95 30-09-97
20. Shri P.S.Yadav, IPS 30-09-97 06-11-97
21. Shri Devendra Singh, IPS 06-11-97 30-12-00
22. Shri N.K.Berwa, I.A.S. 31-12-00 22-03-04
23. Shri G.S.Taunk 15-07-04 04-07-06
24. Shri H.N.Meena, IPS (Retd.) (Acting) 04-07-06 19-09-06
25. Shri C.R. Chaudhary 23-02-08 28-02-10
dddd 41 dddd
(B) List of former Honourable Members of the Commission
Tenure of office
S.No. Name
From To
1. Shri Devi Shanker Tewari 26-01-50 07-08-51
2. Shri N.R.Chandorker 26-01-50 31-12-50
3. Shri V.R.Adige 17-02-51 16-02-57
4. Shri M.M.Varma 28-06-52 20-01-58
01-03-57 03-12-58
5. Shri L.L.Joshi, IAS
01-08-60 20-11-61
6. Shri Raghukul Tilak, Vice Chancellor 04-02-58 07-01-60
7. Shri S.L.Ahuja, IAS 01-12-59 17-11-64
8. Shri Shyam Lal, IAS 17-04-61 15-04-66
9. Shri B.L.Rawat, IAS 04-09-61 04-09-66
10. Shri R.C.Choudhary, R.H.J.S. 20-03-65 07-02-67
11. Shri R.N.Hawa, IAS 27-07-66 19-07-70
12. Shri S.D.Ujwal, IAS 31-05-67 05-01-70
13. Shri Shiv Shankar, IAS 29-07-67 10-09-70
14. Shri B.D.Mathur 11-11-68 08-10-71
15. Shri V.D. Sharma, IAS 11-06-70 06-03-73
16. Shri R.S.Kapur 11-06-70 24-06-73
17. Shri Dhuleshwar Meena, Ex.M.P. 01-01-72 02-01-78
18. Shri Mohammed Yaqub, R.H.J.S. 07-08-72 26-06-75
19. Shri D.N.Handa, I.A.S. 05-04-73 10-12-74
20. Shri N.L.Jain, Ex. Speaker, R.L.A. 27-07-74 03-10-79
21. Shri Hari Dutt Gupta 26-04-75 10-09-80
22. Shri Ram Singh Chouhan, IAS 30-03-77 30-06-79
23. Shri S.Adaviyappa 12-09-79 09-06-83
24. Dr. Deen Dayal Chavan 11-11-79 26-03-85
25. Shri J.M.Khan, IAS 06-11-82 07-11-85
26. Shri Bhawanimal, IPS 04-07-84 27-06-88
27. Prof. Dool Singh 06-07-84 22-09-86
28. Dr. Devi Singh Saraswat 16-12-85 22-01-88
28-05-86 26-11-89
29. Shri Sugan Chand Singaria
05-09-90 27-05-92
30. Shri Subhash Chandra Tandan, IPS 01-12-87 06-11-91
31. Prof. K.L. Kamal 16-09-88 11-09-92
32. Shri G.P.Pilania, IPS 22-12-89 17-02-94
33. Smt.Kanta Kathuria, Ex-MLA 22-12-89 23-04-95 (Resigned)
34. Shri Hanuman Prasad, IAS 31-10-92 05-10-95
35. Shri P.S.Yadav, IPS 28-07-93 30-09-97
36. Smt. Kamla Bheel, Ex-State Minister, R.L.A. 28-07-93 27-07-99
dddd 42 dddd
Tenure of office
S.No. Name
From To
37. Shri Shanker Singh Solanki 03-04-95 05-08-00
38. Dr.(Smt.) Prakashwati Sharma 18-01-96 18-01-02
39. Shri O. P.Gupta, Ex-Chief Whip R.L.A. 26-12-97 04-06-03
40. Shri Dalip Singh 27-12-97 30-06-99
41. Shri M.L.Parihar 14-12-99 14-03-01
42. Dr. Shyam Singh Tak 10-11-99 9-11-05
43. Prof. (Dr.) H.A.S.Jafri 01-02-01 18-06-06
44. Shri H.N.Meena, IPS (Retd.) 25-02-02 04-07-06
45. Shri Vinod Behari Sharma 25-08-03 06-02-08
46. Sh. C.R. Chaudhary 27-02-02 22-02-08
Staff of the Commission's Secretariat
Number of posts as on
S.No. Name of the post
01/04/2010 31/3/2011
I. Gazetted
1. Secretary 1 1
2. Member-Secretary (S.E.T. for Lectureship) 1 1
3. Deputy Secretary (R.A.S.) 1 1
4. Deputy Secretary 2 2
5. Deputy Secretary (Examination) 1 1
6. Controller of Examination (Deputy Secretary) 1 1
7. Legal Advisor 1 1
8. System Analyst - 1
9. Assistant Secretary 9 10
10. Private Secretary 6 6
11. Section Officer 18 20
12. Assistant Accounts Officer 1 1
13. Senior Personal Assistant 1 1
14. Librarian 1 1
Total : 44 48
II. Non-Gazetted
1. Programmer 1 1
2. Personal Assistant 3 3
3. Stenographer 4 -
4. Accountant 2 2
5. Assistant 24 24
6. Junior Accountant 4 4
7. Legal Assistant 1 2
8. Investigator 1 1
9. Research Assistant 1 1
dddd 43 dddd
Number of posts as on
S.No. Name of the post
01/04/2010 31/3/2011
10. Statistical Inspector 1 1
11. Store Keeper (U.D.C. with special pay) 1 1
12. Upper Division Clerk 52 52
13. Informatics Assistant 2 6
14. Lower Division Clerk 30 (26+4*) 36
15. Driver 5 (4+1*) 7
16. Cataloguer 1 1
17. Machineman 2 2
Total : 135 (5*) 144
III. Class-IV Employees
1. Jamadar 5 5
2. Daftari 3 3
3. Book Lifter 1 1
4. Bundle Lifter 1 1
5. Cycle Sawar, Class-IV Employees, Farrash, Gateman, Sweeper 31 (26+5*) 31
6. Waiter 1 1
7. Chowkidar 1 1
Total : 43 (38+5*) 43
IV- On contract basis
1. E.P.A.B.X. Operator 1 1
2. Generator Operator 1 1
3. Electrician 1 1
4. Computer Operator 5 5
Total : 8 8
* Kept in Abeyance.
Comparative statement showing the work done from 2006-07 to 2010-11
S. Years
No. 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
1. Recruitment by examination with or without interview :
(1) Examinations held (First/Second Stage) 3 3 6 9 15
(2) Applications received during the year 269489 741615 1742862 62118 1047404
(3) Old applications dealt with 26473 28559 17773 937386 529566
(4) Candidates admitted to examinations 295915 741607 1085575 380290 914577
(5) Candidates appeared at the examinations 262111 331272 830836 281308 719762
(6) Candidates interviewed 46 238 915 2903 1621
(7) Candidates selected with or without interview 17 29081 1207 7388 5412
dddd 44 dddd
S. Years
No. 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
2 Recruitment by interview:
(a) No. of screening tests conducted 27 42 35 20 07
(b) Requisitions received / dealt with 127 83 146 108 109
(c) Posts advertised during the year 99 85 1862 547 1233
(d) Balance of the previous year's posts 926 530 875 48 2270
(e) Total number of posts 1025 615 2737 595 3077
(f) Posts for which recruitment was completed 1255 656 1238 842 2862
(g) Number of applicants 48257 22753 145581 21571 118379
(h) Candidates interviewed 3504 1737 2611+2* 3098 9333
(i) Candidates selected 1157 625 1082+1* 838 2766
(j) Candidates recommended from reserve lists 153 18 54 32 477
(k) State Eligibility Test for Lectureship conducted (Number
- - - 24 -
of subjects)
3 Miscellaneous:
264 298 300 312 215
(involving (involving (involving (involving (involving
(I) Promotion (Departmental Promotion Committees)
2591 3830 4047 5345 3492
persons) persons) persons) persons) persons)
(II) Regularization of temporary appointments 108 22 136 54 24
(III) Disciplinary cases and appeals (advice tendered by the
46+3* 42 42 48 85
(IV) Amendments to Rules/Schedules considered 100 163 225 196 153
(V) Writ cases- -
(a) Received / Pending 1890 2827 2627 2131 3094
(b) Disposed off by the Courts/Tribunal 203 773 496 441 570
(VI) Candidates debarred from Commission's examinations 8 - 154 132 -
(VII) Workshops organized 30 24 46 11 26
(VIII) Information provided under Right to Information
Act, 2005
(1) Applications Received/Pending 233 912 758 1382 3225
(2) Disposed of by the Commission 117 749 687 1341 2434
* by Court’s Order
Receipts and Expenditure of the Commission for the
year 2009-2010 & 2010-2011
A- Receipts
Amount (Rs. in Lac) Amount (Rs. in Lac)
S.No. Source of the Receipts
Year 2010-2011 Year 2009-2010
1. Fees 970.80 208.57
2. Other Income 647.20 45.73
Total : 1618.00 254.30
dddd 45 dddd
B- Expenditure
Amount (Rs. in Lac) Amount (Rs. in Lac)
S.No. Item
Year 2010-2011 Year 2009-2010
1. Salary 722.95 702.97
2. Travelling allowance 8.00 8.00
3. Medical reimbursement 17.61 10.00
4. Office expenses 60.64 73.73
5. Purchase of new vehicle 7.03 -
6. Maintenance of office vehicles 15.22 16.00
7. Payment for professional/ special services 799.32 350.00
8. Advertisement 35.00 50.00
9. Sumptuary allowance 00.05 -
10. Proper maintenance of building - -
11. Decretal - -
12. Contract expenses (Vehicle) - 1.35
13. Stationery 3.00 2.00
14. Printing 2.00 3.00
15. Contract services 74.20 97.00
16. Employee welfare 00.25 0.25
17. Liveries 00.42 0.36
18. Pension contribution 01.30 0.59
Total : 1746.99 1315.25
Posts/Services covered by the examinations held during the year 2010-11
S.No. Name of Post/Service
1 Rajasthan State & Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination (R.A.S., State, Allied and Subordinate
2 Accountant/Junior Accountant/Tehsil Revenue Accountant Combined Competitive Examination
3 Vidhi Rachanakar Competitive Examination
4 Nurse Grade II (Medical & Health Department) Comp. Examination
5 Informatics Assistant (Information & Technology Deptt.)
6 Sr. Teacher (Grade – II) Sanskrit Education, Sanskrit
7 Sr. Teacher (Grade – II) Sanskrit Education, English
8 Sr. Teacher (Grade – II) Sanskrit Education, Mathematics
9 Sr. Teacher (Grade – II) Sansrkit Educaiton, Science
10 Sr. Teacher (Grade – II) Secondary Educaiton, Mathematics
11 Sr. Teacher (Grade – II) Secondary Educaiton, Hindi
12 Sr. Teacher (Grade – II) Secondary Education, Sanskrit
13 Sr. Teacher (Grade – II) Secondary Education, Urdu
14 Sr. Teacher (Grade – II) Secondary Education, Sindhi
dddd 46 dddd
Statement showing the number of Engineering, Medical, Technical & Non-
Technical posts, for which requisitions were received during the year 2010-
2011 (Posts to be filled up through direct recruitment by interview alone)
Number of Posts
S. No. Name of the Post/ Department Non-
Engineering Medical Technical Total
Public Health Engineering Department
1. Junior Chemist - - 7 - 7
Ayurved Department
2. Unani Chikitsadhikari - 24 - - 24
3. Homeopathic Chikitsadhikari - 43 - - 43
Medical Education Department
4. Senior Demonstrator-Pharmacology - 11 - - 11
5. Biochemistry - 13 - - 13
6. Physiology - 18 - - 18
7. Senior Demonstrator-Dentistry - 10 - - 10
Assistant Professor-
8. Physiology - 3 - - 3
9. Anatomy - 6 - - 6
10. General Surgery - 33 - - 33
11. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - 4 - - 4
12. Opthalmology - 12 - - 12
13. Oto-Rhino-Laringology - 11 - - 11
14. Paediatrics - 8 - - 8
15. Physiotherapy - 1 - - 1
16. Neuro Surgery - 7 - - 7
17. Endochrynology - 1 - - 1
18. Anaesthesiology - 31 - - 31
19. Physiotherapy - 1 - - 1
Madan Mohan Malaviya Rajkiya Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya
20. Dravya Gun Vigyan - 1 - - 1
21. Ras Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana - 1 - - 1
22. Rog Nidan - 1 - - 1
23. Swasthavritta - 1 - - 1
24. Prasuti evam Istri Rog - 1 - - 1
25. Kay Chikatsa - 1 - - 1
26. Shalakya Tantra - 1 - - 1
27. Panch Karma - 1 - - 1
28. Kriya Shareer - 1 - - 1
29. Samhita(Maulik Siddhanta) - 1 - - 1
30. Rachana Shareer - 1 - - 1
31. Kriya Shareer - 1 - - 1
dddd 47 dddd
Number of Posts
S. No. Name of the Post/ Department Non-
Engineering Medical Technical Total
32. Dravy Gun Vigyan - 2 - 2
33. Ras Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana - 2 - - 2
34. Agad Tantra avam Vidhi Ayurved - 1 - - 1
35. Prasuti evam Istri Rog - 1 - - 1
36. Komarbhratya - 1 - - 1
37. Kay Chikatsa - 1 - - 1
38. Shalya Tantra - 1 - - 1
39. Shalakya Tantra - 1 - - 1
40. Panch Karma - 1 - - 1
41. Rog Nidan - 1 - - 1
Animal Husbandry
42. Veterinary Officer - 200 - - 200
Medical Education Department
43. Senior Demonstrator-Anatomy - 10 - - 10
Assistant Professor-
44. Psychiatry - 9 - - 9
45. Forensic Medicine - 2 - - 2
46. Dietician - 1 - - 1
47. Medical Officer (Dentistry) - 56 - - 56
Electrical Inspectorate
48. Assistant Electric Inspector - - 6 - 6
Archaeological Department
49. Curator - - - 5 5
Technical Education Department
- - 62 - 62
50. Lecturer–Civil Engineering
51. Computer Engineering - - 32 - 32
52. Electrical Engineering - - 16 - 16
53. Electronics Engineering - - 16 - 16
54. Mechanical Engineering - - 46 - 46
55. Costume design and Dress Making - - 3 - 3
56. Textile Design - - 3 - 3
57. Chemistry - - 31 - 31
58. Physics - - 31 - 31
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department
59. Junior Engineer Civil (Degree) - - 80 - 80
60. Junior Engineer Civil (Diploma) - - 41 - 41
Mining and Geology Department
61. Geologist - - - 2 2
62. Agricultural Department
Agriculture Officer - - - 27 27
63. Assistant Agriculture Officer - - - 231 231
Social Justice and Empowerment Department
64. District Probation Cum Social Welfare Officer - - - 7 7
65. Probation & Prison Welfare Officer - - - 24 24
66. Social Security Officer - - - 259 259
dddd 48 dddd
Number of Posts
S. No. Name of the Post/ Department Non-
Engineering Medical Technical Total
67. Public Health Engineering Department
Junior Engineer (Degree) Civil 18 - - - 18
68. Junior Engineer (Diploma) Civil 13 - - - 13
69. Junior Engineer (Degree) Mechanical/Electrical 2 - - - 2
70. Junior Engineer (Diploma) Mechanical/Electrical 2 - - - 2
71. Rajasthan State Archaeology Department
Assistant Archivist - - - 2 2
72. Research Assistant - - - 2 2
73. Junior Technical Assistant - - 1 - 1
Ayurved Department
74. Rural Ayurved Chikitsak - 250 - - 250
TOTAL 35 689 375 559 1758
Statement showing the number of Engineering, Medical, Technical & Non-
Technical posts, for which advertisements were issued against requisitions
received during the year 2010-2011
(Posts to be filled up through direct recruitment by interview alone)
Number of Posts
S. No. Name of the Post/ Department Non-
Engineering Medical Technical Total
Ayurved Department
1. Unani Chikitsadhikari - 24 - - 24
2. Homeopathic Chikitsadhikari - 43 - - 43
Medical Education Department
3. Assistant Professor- Physiology - 3 - - 3
4. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - 4 - - 4
5. Opthalmology - 12 - - 12
6. Oto-Rhino-Laringology - 11 - - 11
7. Paediatrics - 8 - - 8
8. Neuro Surgery - 7 - - 7
9. Endochrynology - 1 - - 1
10. Anaesthesiology - 31 - - 31
Animal Husbandry
11. Veterinary Officer - 200 - - 200
Medical and Health Department
12. Medical Officer (Dentistry) - 56 - - 56
Total : - 400 - - 400
dddd 49 dddd
No. of Post Application received Called for interview Appeared Selected
S. Name of
No. Department/Post M F W M F W M F W M F W M F W
Selections made by interview
1 Medical & Health T 40 14 - (1) 716 191 - 4 - 135 63 - 1 - 106 85 - 1 - 29 24 - 1 -
SC 6 2 - - - 63 29 - - - 15 9 - - - 9 8 - - - 3 5 - - -
Nursing Tutor
ST 6 1 - - - 47 15 - - - 19 5 - - - 17 5 - - - 6 1 - - -
OBC 8 3 - - - 297 61 - 2 - 46 18 - 1 - 38 15 - 1 - 13 7 - 1 -
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 20 8 - - - 309 86 - 2 - 55 31 - - - 42 57 - - - 7 11 - - -
P.D. - - - (1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 Medical Officer T 852 346 16 (43) 4314 1214 4 52 5 2150 688 2 38 3 1561 446 2 23 2 799 294 2 20 2
SC 136 56 2 - - 377 117 - 6 - 270 94 - 4 - 170 61 - 2 - 134 54 - 2 -
ST 102 41 2 - - 313 116 - 3 - 204 71 - 2 - 136 47 - 1 - 101 36 - 1 -
OBC 178 73 3 - - 1501 247 - 14 1 778 159 - 12 - 581 96 - 8 - 326 82 - 7 -
SBC 9 3 - - - 50 8 - 2 - 42 5 - - - 32 3 - - - 28 3 - - -
Gen 427 173 9 - - 2073 726 4 27 4 856 359 2 20 3 642 239 2 12 2 210 119 2 11 2
dddd 50 dddd
P.D. - - - (43) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 School Education T 293 119 4 (12) 13823 15961 215 333 158 999 669 14 32 8 974 661 14 30 07 216 184 4 10 2
SC 47 19 - - - 2909 1975 11 26 8 151 55 2 1 - 145 55 2 1 - 47 23 1 - -
Lecturer Hindi
ST 35 14 - - - 1992 1329 6 22 7 101 48 - 3 - 99 48 - 3 - 29 24 1 -
OBC 61 25 1 - - 4999 5372 68 182 57 421 257 3 16 4 412 251 3 16 4 90 72 1 4 1
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 150 61 3 - - 3923 7285 130 103 86 326 309 - 12 4 318 307 - 10 3 50 65 2 5 1
P.D. - - - (12) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 History T 207 84 2 (12) 11629 5381 69 265 68 980 334 9 33 3 920 320 8 28 2 191 88 2 11 1
SC 33 13 - - - 2131 796 1 32 5 120 39 - 3 - 109 37 - 2 - 31 16 - - -
ST 25 10 - - - 1644 515 5 24 5 95 30 - 1 - 88 25 - - - 25 11 - - -
OBC 43 18 - - - 4706 1965 18 138 30 423 138 2 17 1 393 134 1 14 1 79 39 - 5 -
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 106 43 2 - - 3148 2105 45 71 28 342 127 7 12 2 330 124 7 12 1 56 22 2 6 1
P.D. - - - (12) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No. of Post Application received Called for interview Appeared Selected
S. Name of
No. Department/Post M F W M F W M F W M F W M F W
5 Political Science T 283 115 4 13 15104 11011 131 369 100 1443 476 16 46 3 1380 461 13 42 03 253 132 4 13 -
SC 45 19 - - - 2901 1483 12 34 6 156 56 2 1 - 147 52 2 1 - 45 20 - - -
ST 34 14 - - - 2014 775 2 23 4 129 46 - 1 - 121 42 - 1 - 33 15 - 1 -
OBC 59 24 1 - - 6535 4255 56 205 41 704 172 5 18 1 673 167 5 14 1 117 53 2 3 -
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 145 58 3 - - 3654 4498 61 107 49 454 202 9 26 2 439 200 6 26 2 58 44 2 9 -
P.D. - - - 13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 Geography T 158 63 1 9 5383 1606 6 135 10 836 244 3 21 1 797 241 2 17 1 149 64 1 8 -
SC 25 10 - - - 1211 198 1 16 - 97 30 1 1 - 89 30 - 1 - 23 12 - 1 -
ST 19 7 - - - 770 94 1 19 2 89 21 - 2 - 85 20 - 1 - 20 7 - - -
OBC 33 13 - - - 2089 590 - 76 6 402 87 - 14 - 386 86 - 12 - 68 26 - 5
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 81 33 1 - - 1313 724 4 24 2 248 106 2 4 1 237 105 2 3 1 38 19 1 2 -
P.D. - - - 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
dddd 51 dddd
7 Economics T 34 12 - 3 1756 1468 - 37 16 156 40 - 8 2 153 39 - 7 2 26 16 - 3 1
SC 5 2 - - - 271 122 - 7 - 24 6 - 3 - 24 6 - 2 - 4 2 - 1 -
ST 4 1 - - - 223 52 - 2 - 17 3 - 1 - 17 3 - 1 - 3 2 - - -
OBC 7 2 - - - 679 295 - 16 6 61 8 - 1 1 59 8 - 1 1 16 7 - - -
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 18 7 - - - 583 999 - 12 10 54 23 - 3 1 53 22 - 3 1 3 5 - 2 1
P.D. - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8 Sanskirt T 73 28 - 4 7978 6850 - 175 62 268 95 - 10 2 268 95 - 9 2 69 28 3 1
SC 12 4 - - - 1276 461 - 19 2 39 12 - - - 39 12 - - - 12 4 - - -
ST 9 3 - - - 759 327 - 9 2 30 10 - - - 30 10 - - - 8 4 - - -
OBC 15 6 - - - 2564 1912 - 83 27 85 18 - 6 - 85 18 - 5 - 23 8 - 2 -
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 37 15 - - - 3379 4150 - 64 31 114 55 - 4 2 114 55 - 4 2 26 12 - 1 1
P.D. - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No. of Post Application received Called for interview Appeared Selected
S. Name of
No. Department/Post M F W M F W M F W M F W M F W
9 Sociology T 12 2 - - 750 912 - 20 9 48 22 - 1 - 45 19 - 1 - 6 7 - 1 -
SC 2 - - - - 158 126 - - 1 6 3 - - - 6 2 - - - 2 - - - -
ST 1 - - - - 96 58 - 1 - 4 1 - - - 3 1 - - - - 1 - - -
OBC 2 - - - - 220 224 - 11 1 21 5 - 1 - 20 4 - 1 - 4 1 - 1 -
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 7 2 - - - 276 504 - 8 7 17 13 - - - 16 12 - - - - 5 - - -
P.D. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10 Rajasthani T 3 - - - 239 62 - 6 - 7 3 - - - 7 3 - - - 2 1 - - -
SC - - - - - 26 2 - 1 - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - -
ST - -- - - 8 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OBC - - - - - 94 21 - 3 - 2 1 - - - 2 1 - - - 1 - - - -
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 3 - - - - 111 38 - 2 - 4 2 - - - 4 2 - - - 1 1 - - -
P.D. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
dddd 52 dddd
11 Public T 4 1 - - 810 561 - 20 3 22 4 - - - 20 4 - - - 4 1 - - -
SC - - - - - 111 63 - 1 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ST - - - - - 53 31 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OBC 1 - - - - 271 151 - 9 1 9 1 - - - 9 1 - - - 1 - - - -
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 3 1 - - - 375 316 - 7 2 13 3 - - - 11 3 - - - 3 1 - - -
P.D. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
12 Home Science T - 26 - 1 6 1212 - - 7 - 81 - - 2 - 79 - - 2 - 26 - - -
SC - 4 - - - - 87 - - - - 14 - - - - 14 - - - - 4 - - -
ST - 3 - - - 1 42 - - - - 10 - - - - 9 - - - - 3 - - -
OBC - 5 - - - 2 285 - - 3 - 16 - - - - 15 - - - - 5 - - -
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen - 14 - - - 3 798 - - 4 - 41 - - 2 - 41 - - 2 - 14 - - -
P.D. - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No. of Post Application received Called for interview Appeared Selected
S. Name of
No. Department/Post M F W M F W M F W M F W M F W
13 Drawing & T 13 3 - - 704 593 - 12 5 46 18 - - - 45 18 - - - 11 5 - - -
SC 2 - - - - 181 49 - 1 - 7 1 - - - 7 1 - - - 3 - - - 2
ST 1 - - - - 35 7 - - - 5 - - - - 5 - - - - 1 - - - 1
OBC 3 - - - - 127 154 - 6 2 13 5 - - - 12 5 - - - 4 1 - - 3
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 7 3 - - - 361 383 - 5 3 21 12 - - - 21 12 - - - 3 4 - - 7
P.D. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
14 Sanskirat Education T 19 5 1 1129 776 - 19 5 57 36 - - - 52 36 - - - 11 13 - - -
SC 3 1 - - - 139 47 - - - 11 5 - - - 10 5 - - - 2 2 - - -
Sr. Teacher -
English ST 3 - - - - 56 19 - - - 9 3 - - - 7 3 - - - 2 1 - - -
OBC 4 1 - - - 487 247 - 10 3 14 7 - - - 13 7 - - - 4 3 - - -
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 9 3 - - - 447 463 - 9 2 23 21 - - - 22 21 - - - 3 7 - - -
P.D. - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
dddd 53 dddd
15 Hindi T 20 6 - 1 2319 1521 - 70 10 79 36 - 4 - 78 36 - 4 - 14 11 - 1 -
SC 3 - - - - 464 123 - 5 - 11 3 - - - 10 3 - - - 2 1 - - -
ST 3 1 - - - 302 133 - 3 - 10 4 - - - 10 4 - - - 2 2 - - -
OBC 4 1 - - - 931 541 - 42 4 36 5 - 2 - 36 5 - 2 - 6 1 - 1 -
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen 10 4 - - - 622 724 - 20 6 22 24 - 2 22 24 - 2 - 4 7 - - -
P.D. - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
T 2011 824 27 100 66660 49319 425 1517 458 7226 2809 35 194 24 6406 2543 30 162 21 1780 894 13 72 7
SC 319 130 2 - - 12218 5678 25 148 22 908 327 5 13 - 766 286 4 9 - 308 143 1 4 -
ST 242 95 2 - - 8313 3514 14 109 20 712 252 - 10 - 618 217 - 7 - 230 107 - 3 -
Grand Total OBC 418 171 5 - - 25502 16320 142 797 182 3015 897 10 88 7 2719 813 9 74 7 752 305 3 29 1
SBC 9 3 - - - 50 8 - 2 - 42 5 - - - 32 3 - - - 28 3 - - -
Gen 1023 425 18 - - 20577 23799 244 461 234 2549 1328 20 83 17 2271 1224 17 72 14 462 336 9 36 6
P.D. - - - 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Posts advertised, but selections remained incomplete
S. No. Name of the Department/Posts No. of Posts Pay Scale of the Post
1 Ayurved Chikitsak 319 8000-13500
Medical & Health
2 Lecturer-Pharmacology 01 8000-13500
3 Lecturer- Pharmacognosy 01 8000-13500
4 Assistant Professor-Cardiology 19 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
5 Assistant Professor – Nephrology 08 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
6 Assistant Professor – Neurology 11 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
7 Assistant Professor-Psychiatry 02 10000-15200
8 Assistant Professor-Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 04 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
9 Assistant Professor-Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery 17 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
10 Assistant Professor-Medical Gastroenterology 06 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
11 Assistant Professor-Pathology 09 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
12 Assistant Professor-Community Medicine (P&SM) 08 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
13 Assistant Professor-Obstetrics & Gynecology 39 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
14 Assistant Professor-Pediatric 30 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
15 Assistant Professor-Tuberculosis & Respiratory Medicine 04 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
16 Assistant Professor-Dermatology Venerology & Leprosy 07 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
17 Assistant Professor-Radio diagnosis 29 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
18 Assistant Professor-Radiotherapy 06 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
19 Assistant Professor-Neuro Surgery 07 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
20 Assistant Professor-Paediatric Surgery 08 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
21 Assistant Professor-Endocrinology 01 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
22 Assistant Professor-Medical Oncology 02 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
23 Assistant Professor-Micro Biology 02 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
24 Assistant Professor-General Medicine 32 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
25 Assistant Professor-Orthopaedics 19 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
26 Assistant Professor-Anaesthesiology 31 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
27 Assistant Professor-Physiology 03 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
28 Assistant Professor-Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 11 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
29 Assistant Professor-Ophthalmology 12 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
30 Assistant Professor-Pharmacology 02 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
31 Assistant Professor-Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 04 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 17
32 Sr. Demonstrator-Forensic Medicine 08 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 15
School Education
33 Lecturer- Punjabi 03 6500-10500
Rajasthan State Archaeological Department Bikaner
34 Archivist 02 9300-34800 Gr. Pay 13
35 Town Planning Department Assistant Town Planner 11 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 15
College Education Department
36 Lecturer- Hindi 52 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
37 English 10 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
38 Economics 17 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
dddd 54 dddd
S. No. Name of the Department/Posts No. of Posts Pay Scale of the Post
39 Geography 48 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
40 History 42 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
41 Political Science 57 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
42 Sociology 23 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
43 Library Science 1 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
44 Public Administration 3 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
45 Philosophy 12 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
46 Urdu 2 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
47 Psychology 1 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
48 Lecturer- Home Science (CD) 3 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
49 Lecturer- Home Science (CT) 2 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
50 Lecturer- Home Science (EE) 2 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
51 Lecturer- Home Science (FN) 3 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
52 Lecturer- Home Science (HM) 2 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
53 Chemistry 37 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
54 Botany 27 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
55 Zoology 30 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
56 Physics 120 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
57 Maths 10 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
58 Geology 2 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
59 A.B.S.T. 16 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
60 Business Adm. 16 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
61 E.A.F.M. 16 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
62 Drawing and Painting 7 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
63 Law 15 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
64 Music (Vocal) 2 15600-39100 Gr. Pay 6000
TOTAL 1256
Screening tests conducted for shortlisting the candidates
S. No Name of department/ post No. of posts Applied Admitted Appeared Qualified
1 School Education Lecturer- Hindi 30490
416 30490 21692 1722
(2 by court order)
2 Sanskirat 15065
101 15065 11744 375
(1 by court order)
3 Medical & Health Department Lecturer
01 136 136 96 04
(Diploma in Pharmacy Course)-Pharmacology
4 Pharmacognosy 01 105 105 78 08
5 Rajasthan State Archaeological Department
02 300 300 201 12
Bikaner Archivist
6 Medical & Health Department Medical
1214 5587 5587 3705 2881
7 Ayurved- Ayurved Chikitsadhikari 319 5999 5999 4251 554
TOTAL 57682
2054 57682 41767 5556
(3 by court order)
dddd 55 dddd
List of posts for which requisitions were cancelled after advertisement but
before interview during the year 2010-11
S. No. Name of the Department/Posts No. of Posts Pay Scale in Rupees
Madan Mohan Malviya Government Ayurvedic College,
Udaipur, Ayurved Department
1 Lecturer- Moulik Siddhant 01 8000-13500
2 Sharir Kriya 01 8000-13500
3 Ras Shastra 01 8000-13500
4 Prasuti Stri Rog 02 8000-13500
5 Kaya Chikitsa 03 8000-13500
6 Shalakya Tantra 01 8000-13500
Post for which interview were held but candidates were not found suitable
S. No. Name of the Department/Posts No. of Posts Pay Scale in Rupees
Post for which candidates recommended from the reserve list
S. No. Name of Department/Post Number of Post
School Education Department
1. Lecturer- Hindi 6
2. English 28
3. Political Science 3
4. History 5
Medical & Health Department
5. Medical Officer (C.A.S.) 435
Post Advertised, but None of The Applicants Apply
S. No. Name of the Department/Posts No. of Posts Pay Scale in Rupees
dddd 56 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through competitive examination with or without interview)
Part - I
Rajasthan Judicial Service Exam. 2008
S. No. District S.C. S.T. OBC SBC Gen.
1. Ajmer - 1 - - - 1 - - 1 1 1 3
2. Alwar - 1 1 - - - - - - - 1 1
3. Banswara - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. Baran 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
5. Barmer - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 -
6. Bharatpur - - - - 2 - - - 2 - 4 -
7. Bhilwara 1 1 - - 1 - - - 2 - 4 1
8. Bikaner 2 - - - 3 1 - - 2 2 7 3
9. Bundi - - - - - - - - - - - -
10. Chittorgarh - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
11. Churu - - 1 - - 2 - - - 1 1 3
12. Dausa - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 -
13. Dholpur - - - - - - - - - - - -
14. Dungarpur - - - - - - - - - - - -
15. Hanumangarh - - - - - - - - - - - -
16. Jaipur 2 1 - 2 2 - - - 4 1 8 4
17. Jaisalmer - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 -
18. Jalore 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
19. Jhalawar - - - - - - - - - - - -
20. Jhunjhunun 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - 3 -
21. Jodhpur - - - - 1 - - - 1 1 2 1
22. Karauli - - - - - - - - - 2 - 2
23. Kota - - - - - - - - - - - -
24. Nagaur - - - - 5 1 - - 1 - 6 1
25. Pali - - - - - - - - 2 - 2 -
26. Rajsamand - - - - - - - - - - - -
27. S.Madhopur - - 1 1 - - - - - - 1 1
28. Sri Ganganagar 1 - - - 1 - - - - 1 2 1
29. Sikar - - 1 - 1 - - - 3 2 5 2
30. Sirohi - - - - - - - - - - - -
31. Tonk - - - - 1 - - - 1 1 2 1
32. Udaipur - - - - - - - - - 2 - 2
33. Pratapgarh - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other States - - - - - - - - 3 2 3 2
Total recommended 9 4 5 3 19 5 - - 25 16 58 28
Abbreviations : - T=Total, SC=Scheduled Caste, ST=Scheduled Tribe, OBC=Other Backward Class, SBC= Special Backward Class,
Gen.=General, M= Male, F= Female, PD = Physically Disabled.
dddd 57 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through competitive examination with or without interview)
Part - II
Informatics Assistant Exam. 2008
S. No. District S.C. S.T. OBC SBC Gen.
1. Ajmer 6 1 - - - - - - - 1 6 2
2. Alwar 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
3. Banswara - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 -
4. Baran 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
5. Barmer - - - - - - - - - - - -
6. Bharatpur - - 1 - 1 - - - 2 - 4 -
7. Bhilwara 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
8. Bikaner 1 - - - 1 - - - - - 2 -
9. Bundi - - - - - - - - - - - -
10. Chittorgarh - - - - - - - -- - - - -
11. Churu - - - - - - - - - - - -
12. Dausa - 1 4 - - - - - - - 4 1
13. Dholpur - - - - - - - - - - - -
14. Dungarpur - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 -
15. Hanumangarh - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1
16. Jaipur 5 2 4 1 1 - - - 1 - 11 3
17. Jaisalmer - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 -
18. Jalore - - - - - - - - - - - -
19. Jhalawar - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1
20. Jhunjhunun - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
21. Jodhpur 1 1 - - - - - - - 1 1 2
22. Karauli - - 2 - - - - - - - 2 -
23. Kota - - 1 1 - - - - - - 1 1
24. Nagaur - - - - - - - - - - - -
25. Pali - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 -
26. Rajsamand - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1
27. S.Madhopur - - 5 - - - - - - - 5 -
28. Sri Ganganagar 1 - - - - - - - 1 - 2 -
29. Sikar 2 1 - - - - - - - - 2 1
30. Sirohi - - - - - - - - - - - -
31. Tonk 1 - 1 - - - -- - - - 2 -
32. Udaipur 2 - 2 - 1 - - - - - 5 -
33. Pratapgarh - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other States - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total recommended 22 7 23 3 5 1 - - 5 2 55 13
Abbreviations : - T=Total, SC=Scheduled Caste, ST=Scheduled Tribe, OBC=Other Backward Class, SBC= Special Backward Class,
Gen.=General, M= Male, F= Female, PD = Physically Disabled.
dddd 58 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through competitive examination with or without interview)
Part - III
Teacher Grade – II (Maths.), Sanskrit Education
S. No. District S.C. S.T. OBC SBC Gen.
1. Ajmer - 1 - - - - - - 1 1 1 2
2. Alwar - - - - - - - - - - - -
3. Banswara - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. Baran - - 2 - - - - - - 1 2 1
5. Barmer - - - - - - - - 2 - 2 -
6. Bharatpur - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
7. Bhilwara 1 - - - - - - - 1 - 2 -
8. Bikaner - - - - - - - - - - - -
9. Bundi - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 -
10. Chittorgarh - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 -
11. Churu - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
12. Dausa - - - - - - - - - - - -
13. Dholpur - - - - - - - - - - - -
14. Dungarpur - - - - - - - - - - - -
15. Hanumangarh 1 - - - 1 - - - - - 2 -
16. Jaipur - - - - - - - - 2 - 2 -
17. Jaisalmer - - - - - - - - - - - -
18. Jalore - - - - - - - - - - - -
19. Jhalawar - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 -
20. Jhunjhunun - - - - 2 2 - - - - 2 2
21. Jodhpur 1 - - - 2 - - - - 1 3 1
22. Karauli - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 -
23. Kota - - - 1 1 - - - - 2 1 3
24. Nagaur 1 - - - 3 - - - - - 4 -
25. Pali - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1
26. Rajsamand - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 -
27. S.Madhopur - - 1 - - - - - 1 - 2 -
28. Sri Ganganagar - - - - - - - - - - - -
29. Sikar 1 - - - 1 - - - - - 2 -
30. Sirohi - - - - - - - - - - - -
31. Tonk - - - - - - -- - 1 - 1 -
32. Udaipur - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 -
33. Pratapgarh - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other States - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total recommended 5 1 5 1 12 2 - - 13 6 35 10
Abbreviations : - T=Total, SC=Scheduled Caste, ST=Scheduled Tribe, OBC=Other Backward Class, SBC= Special Backward Class,
Gen.=General, M= Male, F= Female, PD = Physically Disabled.
dddd 59 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through competitive examination with or without interview)
Part - IV
Teacher Grade – II (Science), Sanskrit Education
S. No. District S.C. S.T. OBC SBC Gen.
1. Ajmer - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - 2
2. Alwar - - - - 2 - - - 1 1 3 1
3. Banswara - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. Baran - - - - - - - - - - - -
5. Barmer - - - - - - - - - - - -
6. Bharatpur 1 - - - 1 - - - - - 2 -
7. Bhilwara - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
8. Bikaner - - - - 1 1 - - - - 1 1
9. Bundi - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 -
10. Chittorgarh - - - - - - - - - - - -
11. Churu 1 - - - 3 1 - - - - 4 1
12. Dausa - - - - - - - - - - - -
13. Dholpur - - - - - - - - - - - -
14. Dungarpur - - - - - - - - - - - -
15. Hanumangarh - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
16. Jaipur - - - - - - - - - - - -
17. Jaisalmer - - - - - - - - - - - -
18. Jalore - - - - - - - - - - - -
19. Jhalawar - - - - - - - - - - - -
20. Jhunjhunun - - - - 1 1 - - - - 1 1
21. Jodhpur - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1
22. Karauli - - 1 1 - - - - - - 1 1
23. Kota - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
24. Nagaur - - - - 1 - - - 1 - 2 -
25. Pali - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
26. Rajsamand - - - - - - - - - - - -
27. S.Madhopur - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
28. Sri Ganganagar 2 - - - - 1 - - - - 2 1
29. Sikar - - - - 3 - - - - - 3 -
30. Sirohi 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
31. Tonk - - - - 1 - -- - - - 1 -
32. Udaipur - - - - - - - - - - - -
33. Pratapgarh - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other States - - - - - - - - 1 1 -
Total recommended 5 1 2 1 18 6 - - 3 1 28 9
Abbreviations : - T=Total, SC=Scheduled Caste, ST=Scheduled Tribe, OBC=Other Backward Class, SBC= Special Backward Class,
Gen.=General, M= Male, F= Female, PD = Physically Disabled.
dddd 60 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through competitive examination with or without interview)
Part - V
Teacher Grade – II (English), Sanskrit Education
S. No. District S.C. S.T. OBC SBC Gen.
1. Ajmer - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1
2. Alwar - - - - 2 1 - - - - 2 1
3. Banswara - - 1 - - - - - 1 - 2 -
4. Baran - - - - - - - - - - - -
5. Barmer - - - - 2 - - - 1 - 3 -
6. Bharatpur - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1
7. Bhilwara - - - - - - - - - - - -
8. Bikaner - - 1 - 1 - - - - - 2 -
9. Bundi - - - - - - - - - - - -
10. Chittorgarh - - - - - - - - - - - -
11. Churu - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
12. Dausa - - - - - - - - - - - -
13. Dholpur - - - - - - - - - - - -
14. Dungarpur - - - - - - - - - - - -
15. Hanumangarh 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
16. Jaipur - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 -
17. Jaisalmer - - - - - - - - - - - -
18. Jalore - - - - - - - - - - - -
19. Jhalawar - - - - - - - - - - - -
20. Jhunjhunun 1 - - - 2 2 - - 1 - 4 2
21. Jodhpur - - - - - - - - - - - -
22. Karauli - - - - - - - - - - - -
23. Kota - - - - - - - - - - - -
24. Nagaur - - - - 2 - - - 1 - 3 -
25. Pali - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
26. Rajsamand - - - - - - - - - - - -
27. S.Madhopur - - 1 - - - - - - 1 1 1
28. Sri Ganganagar 2 - - - 1 1 - - - - 3 1
29. Sikar - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
30. Sirohi - - - - - - - - - - - -
31. Tonk - - - - - - -- - - - - -
32. Udaipur - - - - - - - - - - - -
33. Pratapgarh - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other States - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total recommended 4 1 4 - 13 4 - - 4 2 25 7
Abbreviations : - T=Total, SC=Scheduled Caste, ST=Scheduled Tribe, OBC=Other Backward Class, SBC= Special Backward Class,
Gen.=General, M= Male, F= Female, PD = Physically Disabled.
dddd 61 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through competitive examination with or without interview)
Part - VI
Teacher Grade – II (Sanskrit), Sanskrit Education
S. No. District S.C. S.T. OBC SBC Gen.
1. Ajmer - 3 - 1 1 1 - - 2 - 3 5
2. Alwar 1 2 1 2 5 7 - - 4 4 11 15
3. Banswara - - 2 - - - - - - - 2 -
4. Baran 1 - - - 2 - - - - - 3 -
5. Barmer - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
6. Bharatpur - 1 - 1 2 3 - - - 2 2 7
7. Bhilwara - - - - - - - - - - - -
8. Bikaner - - - - 2 2 - - - - 2 2
9. Bundi - - 2 - - 1 - - 2 2 4 3
10. Chittorgarh - - - - - 1 - -- - - - 1
11. Churu 1 - - - 3 - - - 2 - 6 -
12. Dausa 4 3 14 4 5 1 - - 8 - 31 8
13. Dholpur - - 1 - 1 - - - - - 2 -
14. Dungarpur - 2 6 3 1 - - - 1 - 8 5
15. Hanumangarh 1 - - - 3 2 - - - - 4 2
16. Jaipur 8 2 2 2 39 6 - - 19 6 68 16
17. Jaisalmer - - - - - - - - - - - -
18. Jalore 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - 3 -
19. Jhalawar 1 - 3 - 6 - - - 1 - 11 -
20. Jhunjhunun 3 - 1 - 5 9 - - 6 2 15 11
21. Jodhpur 2 - - - 3 - - - 1 - 6 -
22. Karauli - 2 - 1 - 3 - - 1 4 1 10
23. Kota 2 - - 1 5 1 - - 1 2 8 4
24. Nagaur 3 - - - 9 - - - 1 1 13 1
25. Pali - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
26. Rajsamand - - - - 1 - - - 1 - 2 -
27. S.Madhopur 7 2 9 3 11 2 - - 5 9 32 16
28. Sri Ganganagar - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 -
29. Sikar 7 - - - 15 8 - - 7 1 29 9
30. Sirohi - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
31. Tonk - 1 2 - 4 - - - 2 - 8 1
32. Udaipur - - 1 - 1 1 - - - - 2 1
33. Pratapgarh - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other States 2 - - - - - - - - - 2 -
Total recommended 44 18 44 18 128 48 - - 66 33 282 117
Abbreviations : - T=Total, SC=Scheduled Caste, ST=Scheduled Tribe, OBC=Other Backward Class, SBC= Special Backward Class,
Gen.=General, M= Male, F= Female, PD = Physically Disabled.
dddd 62 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through competitive examination with or without interview)
Part - VII
Nurse Grade – II Exam., 2010
S. No. District S.C. S.T. OBC SBC Gen.
1. Ajmer 2 7 - - 5 5 2 - 1 4 10 16
2. Alwar 1 4 3 - 3 11 - - 3 3 10 18
3. Banswara - 1 4 6 - - - - 2 2 6 9
4. Baran 2 3 4 1 3 1 - - - - 9 5
5. Barmer 3 1 - - 6 2 - - - - 9 3
6. Bharatpur - 1 - - 13 - - - 2 - 15 1
7. Bhilwara 7 2 - 2 7 7 - 1 5 2 19 14
8. Bikaner 1 2 - - 1 3 - - 1 5 3 10
9. Bundi 2 1 9 4 4 - - - 2 1 17 6
10. Chittorgarh 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 - 2 1 9 4
11. Churu 4 1 - - 5 10 - - - - 9 11
12. Dausa 3 1 - 1 2 - 1 - 3 7 9 9
13. Dholpur - 1 1 3 1 - - - - - 2 4
14. Dungarpur - 1 7 12 1 - - - 5 2 13 15
15. Hanumangarh - - - - 2 4 - - - 1 2 5
16. Jaipur 8 10 2 3 13 19 2 1 10 12 35 45
17. Jaisalmer - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
18. Jalore - - - 1 10 - - - 4 - 14 1
19. Jhalawar - 1 1 1 5 2 - - 1 1 7 5
20. Jhunjhunun 5 6 4 3 13 44 - - 1 1 23 54
21. Jodhpur 4 9 - 1 10 22 - - 1 7 15 39
22. Karauli 2 1 6 3 1 - 1 - 2 1 12 5
23. Kota 1 1 3 5 8 6 - - 1 3 13 15
24. Nagaur 2 - - - 12 12 - - 2 1 16 13
25. Pali 5 - 2 - 6 5 - - 1 1 14 6
26. Rajsamand 4 4 - - - 3 1 - 3 - 8 7
27. S.Madhopur 1 - 5 1 1 1 - - 1 1 8 3
28. Sri Ganganagar 1 2 - 1 1 1 - - - 2 2 6
29. Sikar 9 3 2 2 22 26 - - 4 2 37 33
30. Sirohi - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 -
31. Tonk 8 2 2 1 4 3 - - 4 1 18 7
32. Udaipur 2 2 7 11 3 5 - - - 3 12 21
33. Pratapgarh - - 1 1 - 2 - - 1 - 2 3
Other States - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - 3
Total recommended 79 69 64 64 167 196 8 2 62 65 380 396
Abbreviations : - T=Total, SC=Scheduled Caste, ST=Scheduled Tribe, OBC=Other Backward Class, SBC= Special Backward Class,
Gen.=General, M= Male, F= Female, PD = Physically Disabled.
dddd 63 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 64 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 65 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 66 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 67 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 68 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 69 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 70 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 71 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 72 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 73 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 74 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 75 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 76 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 77 dddd
Districtwise distribution of recommended candidates (Categorywise)
(Recruitment through interview alone)
dddd 78 dddd
Appendix IX-A
Statement Showing Posittion Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, OBC , S.B.C., Gen. & Women
Candidates Recommended against the post reserved for them
Name of No. of Post Application received Called for interview Appeared Selected
Department/ Cat. PD PD PD PD PD
No. M F W M F W M F W M F W M F W
Post M F M F M F M F M F
1 Medical & Health T 892 360 16 44 5030 1405 4 56 5 2285 751 2 39 3 1667 531 2 24 2 828 318 2 22 2
Department SC 142 58 2 - - 440 146 - 6 - 285 103 - 4 - 179 69 2 - 137 59 - 2 -
ST 108 42 2 - - 360 131 - 3 - 223 76 - 2 - 153 52 - 1 - 107 37 - 1 -
OBC 186 76 3 - - 1798 308 - 16 1 824 177 - 13 - 619 111 - 9 - 339 89 - 8 -
SBC 9 3 - - - 50 8 - 2 - 42 5 - - - 32 3 - - - 28 3 - - -
Gen. 447 181 9 - - 2382 812 4 29 4 911 390 2 20 3 684 296 2 12 2 217 130 2 11 2
P.D. - - - 44 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 Sanskrit Education T 39 11 - 2 3448 2297 - 89 15 136 72 - 4 - 130 72 - 4 - 25 24 - 1 -
Department SC 6 1 - - - 603 170 - 5 - 22 8 - - - 20 8 - - - 4 3 - - -
ST 6 1 - - - 358 152 - 3 - 19 7 - - - 17 7 - - - 4 3 - - -
OBC 8 2 - - - 1418 788 - 52 7 50 12 - 2 - 49 12 - 2 - 10 4 - 1 -
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
dddd 79 dddd
Gen. 19 7 - - - 1069 1187 - 29 8 45 45 - 2 - 44 45 - 2 - 7 14 - - -
P.D. - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 School Education T 1080 453 - 54 58182 45617 - 1372 438 4805 1986 - 151 21 4609 1940 - 134 19 927 552 - 49 5
Department SC 171 71 - - - 11175 5362 - 137 22 601 216 - 9 - 567 209 - 7 - 167 81 - 2 -
ST 128 52 - - - 7595 3231 - 103 20 470 169 - 8 - 448 158 - 6 - 119 67 2 -
OBC 224 93 - - - 22286 15224 - 729 174 2141 708 - 73 7 51 690 - 63 7 403 212 - 20 1
SBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gen. 557 237 - - - 17126 21800 - 403 222 1593 893 - 61 14 1543 883 - 58 12 238 192 - 25 4
P.D. - - - 54 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
T 2011 824 27 100 66660 49319 425 1517 458 7226 2809 35 194 24 6406 2543 30 162 21 1780 894 13 72 7
SC 319 130 2 - - 12218 5678 25 148 22 908 327 5 13 - 766 286 4 9 - 308 143 1 4 -
ST 242 95 2 - - 8313 3514 14 109 20 712 252 - 10 - 618 217 - 7 - 230 107 - 3 -
Grand Total OBC 418 171 5 - - 25502 16320 142 797 182 3015 897 10 88 7 2719 813 9 74 7 752 305 3 29 1
SBC 9 3 - - - 50 8 - 2 - 42 5 - - - 32 3 - - - 28 3 - - -
Gen. 1023 425 18 - - 20577 23799 244 461 234 2549 1328 20 83 17 2271 1224 17 72 14 462 336 9 36 6
P.D. - - - 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Details showing Department wise position of Physically Disabled
candidates recommended against the posts reserved for them
No. of
No. of No. of candidates
S. Name of
Cat. Called for
No. Department Posts Application Appeared Selected
ST - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 -
OBC - 16 1 13 - 9 - 8 -
SBC - 2 - - - - - - -
Gen. - 29 4 20 3 12 2 11 2
2 Sanskirt Education T 2 89 15 4 - 4 - 1 -
SC - 5 - - - - - - -
ST - 3 - - - - - - -
OBC - 52 7 2 - 2 - 1 -
SBC - - - - - - - - -
Gen. - 29 8 2 - 2 - - -
ST - 103 20 8 - 6 - 2 -
SBC - - - - - - - - -
SC - 148 22 13 - 9 - 4 -
ST - 109 20 10 - 7 - 3 -
OBC - 797 182 88 7 74 7 29 1
SBC - 2 - - - - - - -
dddd 80 dddd
Statement Showing break –up of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other
Backward Class and Special Backward Class candidates recommended
against unreserved Vacancies
S. Number of Candidates recommended against unreserved vacancies
Name of post/Department/pay scale
1 Medical & Health Department 9
Nursing Tutor - - 9 -
2 Medical Officer (C.A.S.) - - 161 19 180
School Education Department Lecturer
3 Hindi 5 5 81 - 91
4 History 1 1 62 - 64
5 Political Science 1 1 91 - 93
6 Geography 1 1 53 - 55
7 Economics - - 14 - 14
8 Sanskriat - - 12 - 12
9 Sociology - - 4 - 4
10 Rajasthani - - 1 - 1
11 Drawing & Painting 3 1 5 - 9
Sanskriat Education Department Sr. Teacher
12 English - - 2 - 2
13 Hindi - - 3 - 3
TOTAL 11 9 489 19 528
Details of posts reserved for scheduled caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other
Backward Class Candidates for which, no candidates applied
Number of reserved posts
Name of post/Department/pay scale SC ST OBC Total
Medical & Health Department
1 Neuro Surgery - - 1 - - - 1 -
dddd 81 dddd
Chronic cases – delay in regularising the cases of ad hoc/temporary
appointments made by the Departments
S. No. Name of Department/Post Number of incumbents
Ad hoc appointments continuing for the last 5 years and above
Medical & Health
1. Medical Officer 256
Ad hoc appointments continuing for the last 10 years and above
Medical & Health Assistant Professor
2. Radio Diagnosis 1
Total : 257
Cases of temporary appointments made by the Government against
Promotion quota posts and concurred to by the Commission
S.No. Name of Department/Post Number of persons
Medical Education (Gr-1) Department
1 Associate Professor, Obst. & Gynaec. 04
2 Associate Professor, Skin & VD 01
Department of Personnel (A-4)
3. Rajasthan Administrative Service, Supertime Scale 19
Total : 24
Cases of temporary appointments made by the Government against direct
recruitment and promotion quota posts, which remained pending for want
of information
Number of persons involved
S.No. Name of Department/Post
Direct recruitment quota Promotion quota
1 Assistant Director –Tourism (Pending since year 2009-10) - 03
Medical Education (Gr.1)
2 Assistant Professor, Dentisitry (Orthodontics) & (Oral Surgery) 02 -
3 Assistant Agriculture Officer (Pending since year 2008-09) - 216
Total : 02 219
dddd 82 dddd
Draft amendments to Rules/Schedules relating to various Services dealt
with by the Commission
No. of Amendments
S. No. Name of Service Rules
Rule(s) Schedule(s)
State Services
1 Amendments in the Rajasthan Economics and Statistical Service Rules, 1958 1 -
2 Amendments in the Rajasthan Librarian and Physical Training Instructors Service 1
(Collegiate Branch) Rules, 1980 (entire Schedule)
3 Amendments in the Rajasthan Co-operative Service Rules, 1954 1 -
4 Amendments in the Rajasthan Sanskrit Education Service Rules, 1977 - 2
5 Amendments in the Rajasthan Agriculture Service Rules, 1960 1 -
6 Amendments in the Rajasthan Ayurvedic, Unani, Homoeopathy and Naturopathy
4 -
Service Rules, 1973
7 Amendments in the Rajasthan Medical Service (Collegiate Branch) Rules, 1962 1 -
8 Amendments in the Rajasthan Rural Medical & Health Service Rules, 2008 3
9 Amendments in the Rajasthan Rural Development State Service Rules, 2007 3 1
10 Amendments in the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services (Direct Recruitment 2 (out of which
by Combine Competitived Examination) Rules, 1999 - one entire
11 Amendments in the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions)
2 3
Regulations, 1951
12 Amendments in the Rajasthan Commercial Taxes Service Rules, 1971 2 1
13 Amendments in the Rajasthan Computer State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1992 10 (out of which 3
entire schedule)
14 Amendments in the Rajasthan Secretariat Service Rules, 1954 - 1
15 Amendments in the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (Gazetted Staff) Service
1 1
Rules and Regulations, 1991
16 Amendments in the Rajasthan Rural Ayurvedic, Unani, Homoeopathy and
2 -
Naturopathy Service Rules, 2008
17 Amendments in the Rajasthan Judicial Service Rules, 2010 16 6
Subordinate Services
18 Amendments in the Rajasthan Sanskrit Education Subordinate Service Rules, 1978 - 2
19 Amendments in the Rajasthan Subordinate Accounts Service Rules, 1963 1 1
20 Amendments in the Rajasthan Medical and Health Subordinate Service Rules, 1965 2 5
21 Amendments in the Rajasthan Rural Medical & Health Subordinate Service Rules,
3 -
22 Amendments in the Rajasthan Industries Subordinate Service Rules, 1966 - 1
23 Amendments in the Rajasthan Commercial Taxes Subordinate Service (General 6
Branch) Rules, 1975 (entire schedule)
24 Amendments in the Rajasthan Statistical Subordinate Service Rules, 1971 -
(entire schedule)
25 Amendments in the Rajasthan Agriculture Subordinate Service Rules, 1978 4 -
26 Amendments in the Rajasthan Secretariat Ministerial Service Rules, 1970 - 1
27 Amendments in the RPSC (Ministerial and Subordinate Services) Rules and
2 1
Regulations, 1999
dddd 83 dddd
No. of Amendments
S. No. Name of Service Rules
Rule(s) Schedule(s)
28 Amendments in the Rajasthan Compassionate Appointment of Dependents of
1 -
Deceased Government Servants Rules, 1996
29 Amendments in the Rajasthan Rural Ayurvedic, Unani, Homoeopathy and
2 -
Naturopathy Subordinate Service Rules, 2008
30 Amendments in the Rajasthan Ayurvedic, Unani, Homoeopathy and Naturopathy
1 2
Subordinate Service Rules, 1966
31 Amendments in the Mannual Vol.-II under the heading Part-II Classification of the
Rules for Recording Classification, Requisition of files weeding and destruction of 2 -
32 Amendments in the various service Rules regarding Reservation of vacancies for
women candidates shall be 30% categorywise in direct recruitment out of which 8% 1 -
shall be for widows and 2% for divorced women candidates.
33 Amendments in the various Service Rules regarding period of probation 2 -
34 Amendments in the various Service Rules regarding disabled child from earlier
1 -
delivery shall not be counted in the total number of children
Grand Total 106 47
New Service Rules or Amendments to Rules relating to various Services
promulgated by the Government
S.No. Name of Service Rules
1. The Rajasthan Judicial Service Rules, 2010
2. The Rajasthan Service of Engineers and Allied Posts (Public Health Branch) Rules, 1968
3. The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (Gazetted Staff) Rules and Regulations, 1999
4. The Rajasthan Commercial Taxes Service Rules, 1971
5. The Rajasthan Civil Services (Special Selection and Special Conditions of Service for appointment of persons in the
State Directorate of Revenue Intelligence) Rules, 2010
6. The Rajasthan Motor Garage Service Rules, 1958
7. The Rajasthan Ayurvedic, Unani, Homoeopathy and Naturopathy Service Rules, 1973
8. The Rajasthan Voluntary Rural Education Service (Absorption of services of employees working against aided and
sanctioned posts in non-Government aided Educational Institutions in Government Service) Rules, 2010
9. The Rajasthan Rural Ayurvedic, Unani, Homoeopathy and Naturopathy Service Rules, 2008 (Hindi Version)
dddd 84 dddd
S.No. Name of Service Rules
10. The Rajasthan Medical and Health Service Rules, 1963
11. The Rajasthan Rural Medical and Health Subordinate Service Rules, 2008
12. The Rajasthan Educational Subordinate Service Rules, 1971
13. The Rajasthan Subordinate & Ministerial Service Selection Board Rules, 2008
14. The Rajasthan Technical Education (Non-Engineering) Service Rules, 2010.
15. The Rajasthan Statistical Subordinate Service Rules, 1971
16. The Rajasthan Forest Subordinate Service Rules, 1963
17. The Rajasthan Subordinate Offices Ministerial Service Rules, 1999
18. The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (Ministerial & Subordinate Services) Rules & Regulations, 1999
19. The Rajasthan Commercial Taxes Subordinate Service Rules, 2010
20. The Rajasthan Forensic Science Subordinate Service Rules, 1980
21. The Rajasthan Ayurvedic, Unani, Homoeopathy and Naturopathy Subordinate Service Rules, 1966
22. The Rajasthan Subordinate Courts Ministerial Establishment Rules, 1986
23. The Rajasthan Medical and Health Subordinate Service Rules, 1965
24. Reservation of vacancies for women candidates shall be 30% category wise in direct recruitment out of which 8% shall
be for widows and 2% for divorced women candidates
25. The Rajasthan Secretariat Ministerial Service Rules, 1970
List of cases referred to the Commission for appointment to various
posts under Compassionate Appointment of Dependants of Deceased /
Permanently incapacitated Armed Forces Service Personnel / Para Military
Personnel Rules
Name and Designation of
the Deceased /Permanently
Date of Dependant to be Post on which to
S.No. Incapacitated Armed Force/Para Remarks
mortality appointed be appointed
Military Force Personnel and
1 Shaheed Sainik Raj Singh 24-08-05 Wife Naib-Tehsildar
concurrence conveyed
2 Shaheed Sainik Hosiyar Singh 11-04-09 Wife Naib-Tehsildar
concurrence conveyed.
Cases of recognition of Degrees/Diplomas/Certificate/Examinations dealt
with by the Commission
S.No. Name of Degrees/Diplomas etc.
1 Govt.’s order regarding pass outs of Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering conducted by the Institute
of Electronics and Communication Engineers, New Delhi will be treated as recognized till further order for the
purpose of appointment under the State Government.
dddd 85 dddd
Examination/Interviews conducted during the year 2010-2011
Qualified for
Number of Total Application
S. Name of Candidates appeared Interview/ II Stage Interviewed Recommended
Cet. Posts (Admitted)
No. Examination Exam.
1. Raj. State & Total 275 109 384 146114 51173 197287 99624 33846 133470
S.C. 39 15 54 34666 9909 44575 24843 6492 31335
Services Combined
competitive (Pre.) S.T. 34 15 49 31621 7877 39498 22330 5063 27393
Exam, 2008 OBC 57 21 78 40064 14161 54224 29833 10115 39448
General 145 58 203 39763 19226 58989 22618 12176 34794
2. Raj. State & Total 4993 1764 6757 4132 1456 5588 702 278 980 666 258 924 666 258 924
Services Combined S.C. 586 225 811 518 198 716 77 32 109 71 30 101 71 30 101
competitive (Main) S.T. 510 225 735 440 202 642 66 32 98 63 31 94 63 31 94
Exam, 2008
OBC 1720 440 2160 1547 383 1930 291 70 361 272 64 336 272 64 336
General 2177 874 3051 1627 673 2300 268 144 412 260 133 393 260 133 393
3. Assistant Engineer Total 185 45 230 2244 178 2422 1582 124 1706 182 21 203 176+127* 20+05* 196+132*
Combined Result withheld
S.C. 62 09 71 535 25 560 393 19 412 42 02 44 41+70* 02+03* 43+73*
dddd 86 dddd
competitive Exam., by the Order of
2008 S.T. 48 06 54 547 25 572 416 19 435 35 02 37 32+45* 02+00* 34+45*
Hon’ble High
OBC 22 09 31 355 40 395 261 31 292 39 05 44 38+07* 04+01* 42+08* Court
General 53 21 74 807 88 895 512 55 567 66 12 78 65+05* 12+01* 77+06*
4. Raj. State & Total 576 245 821 267642 100877 368519 207322 74923 282245
S.C. 93 36 129 61060 18780 79840 47137 13225 60392
Services Combined
competitive (Pre) S.T. 64 28 92 52750 14166 66919 40066 9663 49729
Exam, 2010 OBC 119 56 175 80158 31084 111242 63732 23784 87516
SBC 3 1 4 6890 1390 8280
General 297 124 421 73674 36847 110521 49497 26831 76328
5. Raj. State & Total 9721 3779 13500 8451 3361 11812
S.C. 1396 540 1936 1275 486 1761
Services Combined
competitive (Main) S.T. 960 421 1381 890 400 1290
Exam, 2010 OBC 2742 914 3656 2535 831 3366
SBC 167 44 211 161 43 204
General 4456 1860 6316 3590 1601 5191
Qualified for
Number of Total Application
S. Name of Candidates appeared Interview/ II Stage Interviewed Recommended
Cet. Posts (Admitted)
No. Examination Exam.
6. Raj. Judicial Service Total 71 16 87 23517 6560 30077 12124 3729 15853 169 64 233 169 64 233 59 27 86
S.C. 10 02 12 2512 423 2935 1592 286 1878 30 06 36 30 06 36 09 04 13
Exam., 2008
S.T. 16 03 19 1060 160 1220 699 105 804 19 07 26 19 07 26 05 03 08
OBC 13 03 16 4907 1058 5965 2894 679 3573 40 10 50 40 10 50 19 05 24
General 32 08 40 15038 4919 19957 6939 2659 9598 80 41 121 80 41 121 26 15 41
7. Accountant/Junior Total 320 131 451 58429 9099 67528 34407 3858 38265 2850 124 2974 - - - - - -
S.C. 106 41 147 26679 4234 30913 15330 1727 17057 1026 27 1053 - - - - - -
Tehsil Revenue
Accountant Comb. S.T. 214 90 304 27445 3787 31232 16496 1611 18107 1569 80 1649 - - - - - -
Competitive OBC - - - 2192 476 2668 1307 218 1525 128 7 135 - - - - - -
Examination, 2008
General - - - 2113 602 2715 1274 302 1576 127 10 137 - - - - - -
8. Motor Vehicle Total 48 18 66 1575 58 1633 935 44 979 182 21 203 - - - - - -
Sub Inspector
S.C. 1 - 1 189 1 190 107 - 107 7 - 7 - - - - - -
Exam., 2008 S.T. - - - 50 2 52 22 2 24 2 - 2 - - - - - -
OBC 7 2 9 445 11 456 259 7 266 63 4 67 - - - - - -
General 40 16 56 891 44 935 547 35 582 110 17 127 - - - - - -
dddd 87 dddd
9. Legal Assistant Total 28 12 40 9773 2848 12621 3651 1253 4904 93 37 130 - - - - - -
S.C. 4 2 6 1521 273 1794 653 141 794 16 3 19 - - - - - -
Exam., 2008
S.T. 3 2 5 592 89 681 271 43 314 12 3 15 - - - - - -
OBC 6 2 8 2799 726 3525 1040 328 1368 23 8 31 - - - - - -
General 15 6 21 4861 1760 6621 1686 741 2427 42 23 65 - - - - - -
10. Sub Inspector (Ex Total 27 6 33 1093 - 1093 773 - 773 18 - 18 - - - - - -
Servicemen) Comp.
S.C. 4 - 4 24 - 24 19 - 19 - - - - - - - - -
Exam., 2008
S.T. 3 - 3 21 - 21 14 - 14 - - - - - - - - -
OBC 5 1 6 538 - 538 380 - 380 10+1 - 11 - - - - - -
General 15 5 20 440 - 440 360 - 360 8 - 8 - - - - - -
11. Vidhi Rachnakar Total - - 5 484 182 666 216 61 277
S.C. - - 2 171 44 215 69 17 86
Exam., 2009
S.T. - - 1 59 14 73 20 5 25
OBC - - 1 143 50 193 72 14 86
General - - 1 111 74 185 55 25 80
Qualified for
Number of Total Application
S. Name of Candidates appeared Interview/ II Stage Interviewed Recommended
Cet. Posts (Admitted)
No. Examination Exam.
12. PTI Gr. II Total 48 14 62 3703 321 4025 2093 93 2186
Competitive S.C. 19 06 25 2020 161 2182 1068 47 1115
Exam., 2008 (Post
Code 35) S.T. 29 08 37 1653 139 1792 989 39 1028
OBC - - - 15 11 26 25 2 27
General - - - 15 10 25 11 5 16
13. PTI Gr. III Total 308 97 405 4144 292 4436 1845 205 2050
Competitive S.C. 160 52 212 2133 154 2287 1011 102 1113
Exam., 2008 (Post
code 36) S.T. 148 45 193 1955 123 2078 821 89 910
OBC - - - 39 7 46 4 8 12
SBC - - - - - - - - -
General - - - 17 8 25 9 6 15
14. Sr. Teacher (Grade Total 274 115 389 23063 10665 33738 19487 8319 27806 298 124 422
II Sans. Edu.) S.C. 44 18 62 4314 1054 5368 3603 827 4430 45 18 63
Exam., 2008 Post S.T. 33 13 46 3739 1146 4885 3034 910 3944 43 17 60
Code 26 (Sanskrit) OBC 57 24 81 8737 3959 12696 7384 3056 10440 57 24 81
dddd 88 dddd
General 140 60 200 6273 4516 10789 5466 3526 8992 153 65 218
15. Sr. Teacher (Grade Total 24 07 31 9748 3552 13300 8407 2749 11156 26 07 33
II Sans. Edu.) Exam S.C. 03 01 04 1539 268 1807 1323 210 1533 03 01 04
2008 Post Code 27
(English) S.T. 03 - 03 780 84 864 625 72 697 04 - 04
OBC 05 01 06 4769 1467 6236 4096 1117 5213 05 01 06
General 13 05 18 2660 1733 4393 2363 1350 3713 14 05 19
16. Sr. Teacher (Grade Total 33 11 44 5887 1205 7092 5033 986 6019 36 11 47
II Sans. Edu.) S.C. 05 02 07 742 91 833 637 73 710 05 02 07
Exam., 2008 Post S.T. 04 01 05 369 23 392 271 16 287 05 01 06
Code 28 (Maths) OBC 07 02 09 2810 414 3224 2438 333 2771 07 02 09
General 17 06 23 1966 677 2643 1687 564 2251 19 06 25
17. Sr. Teacher (Grade Total 28 10 38 14092 4961 19053 12194 3877 16071 31 10 41
II Sans. Edu.) S.C. 05 01 06 3040 522 3562 2658 398 3056 05 01 06
Exam., 2008 Post S.T. 03 01 04 1446 185 1631 1147 142 1289 04 01 05
Code 29 (Science) OBC 05 02 07 6464 1976 8440 5636 1561 7197 05 02 07
General 15 06 21 3142 2278 5420 2753 1776 4529 17 06 23
Qualified for
Number of Total Application
S. Name of Candidates appeared Interview/ II Stage Interviewed Recommended
Cet. Posts (Admitted)
No. Examination Exam.
18. Sr. Teacher (Grade Total 1388 571 1959 20962 7270 28232 15338 5126 20464 1388 571 1959
II Sec. Edu.)
S.C. 217 89 306 2118 334 2452 1597 255 1852 217 89 306
Exam., 2008 Post S.T. 209 83 292 1211 97 1308 902 64 966 209 83 292
Code 41 (Maths) OBC 276 116 392 8016 1875 9891 6318 1458 7776 276 116 392
General 671 282 953 9423 4946 14369 6330 3331 9661 671 282 953
SBC 15 1 16 194 18 212 191 18 209 15 1 16
19. Sr. Teacher (Grade Total 733 290 1023 120492 98361 218853 103116 82184 185290
II Sec. Edu.)
S.C. 116 44 160 27191 13520 40711 23204 11305 34509
Exam., 2008 Post S.T. 99 37 136 24972 10100 35072 21215 8351 29566 Recommendation
Code 44 (Hindi) OBC 149 58 207 45641 38325 83966 39650 32421 72071 to be sent.
General 361 151 512 20673 35822 56495 17039 29506 46545
SBC - 8 8 2015 594 2609 2008 591 2599
20. Sr. Teacher (Grade Total 654 257 911 61966 40696 102662 51140 32143 83283 654 257 911
II Sec. Edu.)
S.C. 102 38 140 11351 3470 14821 9315 2746 12061 102 38 140
dddd 89 dddd
Exam., 2008 Post S.T. 88 34 122 11102 3920 15022 9095 3120 12215 88 34 122
Code 45 (Sanskrit) OBC 132 52 184 22051 13929 35980 18131 11075 29206 132 52 184
General 327 133 460 16135 19136 35271 13279 14962 28241 327 133 460
SBC - 5 5 1327 241 1568 1320 240 1560 - 5 5
21. Sr. Teacher (Grade Total 50 10 60 2486 1406 3892 2149 1219 3368
II Sec. Edu.)
S.C. 05 - 05 104 15 119 83 7 90
Exam., 2008 Post S.T. 05 - 05 75 9 84 51 3 54 Recommendation
Code 46 (Urdu) OBC 09 - 09 1588 635 2223 1406 551 1957 to be sent.
dddd 90 dddd
OBC 2 - 2 442 17 459 260 8 268 68 4 72 65 2 67 3 1 4
General 5 2 7 167 16 183 93 6 99 20 1 21 19 1 20 1 - 1
Note : No. of posts reserved for TSP (SC), TSP (ST) Male and Female are included in the column of Total No. of Posts as respectively.
Raj. State & Subordinate Services Combined competitive (Main) Exam., 2008
Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sans. Edu.) Exam., 2008 Post Code 27 (English)
Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sans. Edu.) Competitive Exam., 2008 Post Code 28 (Maths)
Sr. Teacher (Grade II Sec. Edu.) Competitive Exam., 2008 Post Code 48 (Sindhi)