7 1,451
7 authors, including:
Pasqualino Stefanelli
Sapienza University of Rome
All content following this page was uploaded by Fabio Caratori Tontini on 16 June 2016.
Recently two marine magnetic surveys, combined with the use of a multi-beam sonar (Kongsberg Marittime EM
300 multibeam: 30 KHz frequency echosounder for hydrographic purposes; acoustic lobe composed of 128
beams able to cover a 150° sector) a side-scan sonar (Simrad MS 992 dual-frequency sidescan sonar with echo
sounder transducers 150 Hz and 330 KHz) and a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV – a mobile tools used in envi-
ronments which are too dangerous for humans), were executed in two sites respectively in the Ligurian Sea and
the Asinara Gulf. The aim of these investigations was to test modern instrumentations and set new working pro-
cedures for searching underwater cultural resources. The collected and processed magnetic data yielded very sat-
isfactory results: we detected submerged and buried features of cultural interest at both sites, at depths of 40 m
and 400 m respectively.
Key words High-resolution marine magnetic sur- and it has allowed the implementation of an in-
veys – marine archaeological search – ship-wreck – teresting research program on methodological,
amphorae technical and practical aspects of the high-reso-
lution marine magnetic surveys.
The present paper discusses subjects con-
1. Introduction nected with the use of modern instrumentations
and technologies and with appropriate data ac-
The development and diffusion of marine quisition procedures. Then we describe two case
geophysical investigations for searching under- histories performed at different depths and char-
water and buried archaeological features (i.e. acterized by different submerged and buried tar-
Chahuan and Almeida, 1988; Quinn et al., 2000) gets.
are hindered by the complexity of the execution In the first prospecting, a transverse gra-
and the very high costs involved. diometer configuration was applied in order to
A recent scientific cooperation among some detect high-frequency anomalies generated by a
Italian research institutions and the Italian Navy 20th-century shipwreck sunk at shallow depth
has been crucial in overcoming these obstacles (40 m). In the second case, the use of advanced
technologies and appropriate data acquisition
procedures were combined to execute a deep
(350 m) magnetic survey resulting in fruitful
Mailing address: Dr. Cosmo Carmisciano, Istituto Na-
finding of an extensive heap of Roman amphorae.
zionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, via Pezzino Basso 2, These satisfactory results establish an opti-
19020 Fezzano (SP), Italy; e-mail: [email protected] mum starting-point to continue this interesting
Fabio Caratori Tontini et al.
research in a branch of Marine Applied Geo- The spatial stability of the observatory meas-
physics which strongly requires considerable urements, i.e. the evaluation of the coherence, is
economic undertaking, a multi-disciplinary ap- obtained by comparing one or more magne-
proach and the use of modern technologies. tograms produced by coastal base stations (Fag-
gioni et al., 1997; Faggioni and Caratori Tonti-
ni, 2002).
2. Aspects of the marine magnetic survey During the surveys discussed herein, the ge-
omagnetic observatories were equipped with a
The high-definition study of a marine geo- portable Geometrics G858 caesium magne-
magnetic field structure involves the fundamen- tometer with a sensitivity of 0.05nT at a sam-
tal technical problems of establishing the fol- pling rate of 10 Hz.
lowing items: The instrumentation used for collecting ma-
i) the accuracy in positioning of the meas- rine magnetic data was a Geometrics G-880
urement points; caesium magnetometer (sensitivity 0.05 nT at a
ii) the correct estimation of the geomagnet- 0.1 Hz) equipped with two sensors. Beside the
ic time variation; standard arrangement (the use of one sensor on-
iii) high sensitivity instrumentations; ly), two basic gradiometer sensor array config-
iv) the use of a low-noise magnetic vessel; urations are possible: transverse horizontal or
v) the survey procedure. longitudinal (fig. 1). In the first configuration, a
An high definition assessment of the cross- particular tow frame assembly holds the tow
over error (the differences in the measurements points of the magnetometers apart at a fixed dis-
at the intersection of ship tracks) and an accu- tance (2 m). This frame consists of a triangular
rate positioning of the measurement points are structure composed of fibreglass spars and alu-
of primary importance. These parameters are minium couplings (fig. 2). A ballast fish pro-
directly connected with the short-wavelength vides the necessary weight to maintain the
fields, as well as with the presence of possible frame in a horizontal position, thereby avoiding
magnetic sources lying on the seabed. The the hydrodynamic «tilt». Due to the distance
highly detailed positioning of the measurement between the two sensors and to the hydrostatic
points can be carried out by means of a DGPS sustenance of the whole structure, this configu-
(Differential Global Positioning System) or a ration is particularly effective in shallow waters
GPS coded P, usually equipped on board of for high frequency anomalies. On the contrary,
military ships. Currently, more innovative posi- if deep waters and long wavelengths are in-
tioning techniques based on RTK (Real Time volved, the longitudinal configuration is com-
Kinematics) have being tested. This technique monly adopted; in this case, the sensors are
seems to be very successful, above all in the towed along the same line at a fixed distance
coastal sea area where it is possible to install a one from the other, depending on the wave-
«base receiver» which communicates with the length of the signal of interest. In both case the
«rover receiver» placed on board; the distance array is towed by a Kevlar coax cable which
between the base and rover receivers defines was digital data immune from shipboard noise.
the «baseline». Once the base receiver has re- In order to facilitate handling, a single coax ca-
solved the ambiguities correctly, the accuracy ble, supplied with a Telemetry Interface Unit,
of each position computation is within a few assure power supply, bidirectional communica-
cm, depending on the antenna multipath rejec- tion and control for all towfish systems to be
tion capability. multiplexed down a single co-axial cable. The
In order to make the geomagnetic field telemetry system employed a transmission fre-
measurements independent from time varia- quency of 200 KHz in order to obtain the best
tions, setting up a temporary geomagnetic ob- propagation with the lowest attenuation.
servatory in the study area is particularly effec- The sensors of this magnetometer are also e-
tive. The site selection is made through the co- quipped with a depth transducer, particularly use-
herence analysis (Parkinson and Jones, 1979). ful in vertical gradient application or for quick-
High-resolution marine magnetic surveys for searching underwater cultural resources
Fig. 1. The geometry of the two G880 sensors: transverse and longitudinal gradiometric scheme.
Fig. 2. Instrumentation used for the transverse gradiometric array; the two sensors, the ballast and the triangu-
lar frame are visible.
Fabio Caratori Tontini et al.
connection integration to side-scan sonar systems rine (an Italian naval shipyard, specializing in
to communicate the sensor depth on-line. the design and manufacturing of fiber rein-
A low-noise magnetic vessel allows the use forced plastic marine crafts) delivered two new
of a short tow cable. In January 2002, Interma- catamaran-type Hydrographic Survey Vessels
High-resolution marine magnetic surveys for searching underwater cultural resources
to the Italian Navy: the Aretusa and the Galatea. gether with the ship manoeuvre level. In the ap-
Wholly built in composite materials, the vessels plications of this study, the profile separation
have a length of almost 40 m, a width of 13 m ranged from 25 m, in the first survey, to 100 m,
and a 415 tons displacement. At present, they for the second one. In order to define the survey
are the largest GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) accuracy and to perform statistical leveling,
catamarans in the world (fig. 3). Although these some orthogonal control tie lines were also car-
vessels may appear a little cumbersome, they ried out. The high sampling rate of the magne-
are very useful especially if the survey is car- tometer (10 data/s) combined with the maxi-
ried out far off the coastal area and lasts many mum speed allowed to ensure the safety of the
days. A smaller more practical boat, carried on dropping sensor structure (5 knots) yields a
board the catamaran, may be employed to per- maximum spatial sampling step of 25 cm; this
form surveys in shallower waters, closer to the value is very satisfactory to describe the mag-
coast: this boat is a small hydrographical GRP netic signal in detail.
boat, equipped with a hull-mounted echo-
sounder, communication equipment, radio-po-
sitioning systems and computer for data acqui- 3. Case histories
sition (fig. 4).
In order to emphasize the dipolar geometry, 3.1. Testing the gradiometer configuration:
typical of the geomagnetic artificial sources, detection of a shipwreck
the survey planning is organized by parallel
profiles aligned along a south-north direction. In November 2002 a marine survey just off
The distance between the profiles and the sam- the shore of Scoglio Ferale (La Spezia, Italy)
pling rate are chosen according to the character- was performed using the Galatea vessel to test
istics and the depth of the submerged target, to- the effectiveness of the transverse gradiometer
Fabio Caratori Tontini et al.
configuration. In the surveyed area, a ship- rine documents show that its original weight
wreck is present at a depth of approximately 40 was about 300 tons, and that its structure was
m (fig. 5): it is the Italian armed cargo Equa predominantly ferrous. Two sensors along par-
which was sunk in 1944 ( Ma- allel paths were used for collecting measure-
Fig. 6. Transverse horizontal gradiometric map of the offshore site of Scoglio Ferale (black dot on the map)
underlying the ship line-paths; values and colour range [−1.8 white, +12.7 black] nT/m.
High-resolution marine magnetic surveys for searching underwater cultural resources
ments and to reduce the influence of time origin 3.2. Technological improvement:
signal which could contaminate the measured the amphorae site
One intense high-frequency gradient anom- In summer 2003, a detailed marine survey
alies can be observed in the centre of the map, was performed in the Asinara Gulf (NW of Sar-
corresponding to the location of the ship (fig. dinia Island, Italy) using the Galatea vessel. Ac-
6). The positioning of the measurement points cording to historical evidence, some ships were
can be carried out by means of a DGPS, suffi- sunk in this area during World War II. In this
ciently accurate for this test. It is important to survey, the G880 magnetometer was used in
note the decisive contribution given by the gra- standard configuration and quickly combined
dient field measurements to the correct inter- with a modern digital side scan sonar systems
pretation of the magnetic sources: these meas- in order to measure the geomagnetic field as
urements are approximately free of any time close as possible to the seabed. This investiga-
contaminations which sometimes may generate tion was also carried out to test a deep towed
spurious signals, superimposing and disturbing configuration which is believed to be very ef-
the spatial anomalies. fective in archaeological applications in which
Fig. 7. Magnetic field along the significant profile recorded in the Asinara Gulf.
a b
Fig. 8a,b. Two different views of the extensive submerged heap of Spanish amphorae.
Fabio Caratori Tontini et al.
the targets of interest lie above the sea bottom. actly from the Betica region, south of Spain)
Indeed, the advanced instrumentation perform- and were used to transport garum, a savoury
ance permits to use the magnetometer in deep- fish sauce used in that period and highly appre-
er waters. In the case studied, the depth trans- ciated in the city of Rome.
ducers are able to reach an operational depth of
about 300 m, but it is possible to upgrade its op-
erational performance to a depth of 1000 m. 4. Conclusions
The survey covered a series of 2×2 km sec-
tors and, in each square, several parallel profiles The marine magnetic survey for archaeo-
were executed at a distance of 100 m; in this logical prospecting has been considered by de-
case, the accurate positioning of the measure- veloping technical and experimental aspects.
ment points was obtained by means of a DGPS. The two cases reported demonstrated the high
The ship was maintained at a steady speed be- level of information that this type of investiga-
tween 1 and 2 km. This interval rate allowed the tion may obtain, concerning both the location
sensor, connected to the vessel by a 400 m of the sources (shallow or deep waters) and
Kevlar cable and a ballast of 100 kg, to reach their magnetic origin. The obstacle represented
depths ranging between [350, 100] m. In this by both the complexity of a marine investiga-
way, in water depths less than 400 m, the mag- tion and by the high costs involved may be
netic measurements were collected at a level of overcome by establishing a sound scientific co-
about 35 m above the seabed. operation between Institutions which offer sci-
Figure 7 shows the magnetic field measure- entific capacity, grants and modern instruments
ments along a significant profile. A dipolar high as was the case in the present investigations dis-
frequency signal of about 14 nT in amplitude is cussed.
well isolated from the larger wavelength re-
gional trend. In order to obtain the complete
magnetic anomaly map, time variation reduc- Acknowledgements
tion and regional trend removal were carried
out by using a base station placed on the near- We thank the reviewers M. Fedi and A. Pig-
by coast and an appropriate second-degree natelli for their useful comments.
polynomial in latitude and longitude (De Santis
et al., 2003) respectively. Moreover, final ad-
justments of the data set were obtained through REFERENCES
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files (Minty, 1991; Ferraccioli et al., 1998). Countries, edited by S.R. RAO (Goa, India: National In-
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High-resolution marine magnetic surveys for searching underwater cultural resources
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