Of 8.1 million infant deaths in 1993, almost half (3.9 million, 48%) were neonatal deaths.
While infant mortality has been decreasing steadily all over the world, changes in neonatal
mortality have been much slower. Almost-two thirds (2.8 million) of newborn deaths were
within one week of birth, and deaths of many babies after the first week were also due to
perinatal causes. The major causes of neonatal mortality are listed in Table 1.
In 1993, 42% (1.7 million) of all newborn deaths were due to infections (neonatal tetanus,
sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, diarrhoea). Two-thirds of those infections were related to the
birth process. Neonatal tetanus causes more than half a million of these deaths (14% of the
total). Increasing coverage of pregnant women with tetanus toxoid can and does reduce
neonatal tetanus deaths but babies may still die of other bacterial infections caused by lack of
hygiene at birth and during the newborn period. Women and infants delivered at home
without a trained birth attendant and without precautions of hygiene are particularly at risk.
In developing countries around 3% of newborns suffer mild to moderate birth asphyxia, and
an estimated 840 000 newborns died of this cause in 1993 (25% of birth-related deaths). An
equal number of survivors suffer brain damage. Although prompt resuscitation after delivery
can prevent many of these deaths and disabilities, it is often not initiated or the procedures
used are inadequate or wrong.
Few data are available on the incidence of hypothermia for home and institutional births and
almost no data exist on how many newborn deaths are due to hypothermia. Existing evidence
show that hypothermia contributes significantly to deaths of low birth weight and pre-term
infants. Taboos that discourage touching the baby before delivery of the placenta or preparing
clothes/wraps before birth contribute to hypothermia.
The proportion of babies who are breast-fed is high in all regions of the world but there are
wide variations in the duration of breast-feeding. Sub-optimal breast-feeding practices are
still the norm in most countries. Failure to give newborn infants colostrum is a common
example of bad practice. Lack of exclusive breast-feeding substantially increases the risk of
poor newborn and childhood outcome.
In many countries where the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases is high and where
prophylaxis is not widely practised, ophthalmia in newborns is a common cause of blindness.
Blind infants are also at increased risk of dying.
About 19% or almost 24 million of all infants are born with a birth weight less than 2500 g,
which is classed as low birth weight (LBW). LBW is probably the single most important
factor in neonatal mortality, as well as being a significant determinant of post-neonatal
mortality and childhood morbidity. LBW can be caused by many factors, and these
modifiable factors are targeted for intervention by the Safe Motherhood Programme. Major
contributors to the death of LBW infants are prematurity, infections, birth asphyxia,
hypothermia and inadequate feeding.
Around 755 000 newborn infants die of pneumonia. While some of these infections have
their origin in labour and delivery, others are acquired postpartum. Lack of hygiene,
hypothermia and inadequate feeding are important risk factors. Signs of pneumonia in a
newborn are subtle and often remain unrecognized until it is too late.
An unknown proportion of newborn deaths is due to neglect of the female newborn infant.
An unknown number of female newborns are left to die because they are unwanted.
The majority of newborn problems are specific to the perinatal period. They cause not only
deaths but also substantial morbidity and disability. These problems are the result of poor
maternal health, inadequate care during pregnancy, inappropriate management and poor
hygiene during delivery, lack of newborn care and discriminatory care. If a mother dies
during childbirth, her baby will have an even smaller chance of survival. Death among
newborn infants is so frequent that it is accepted as routine by many families and community
members. In some societies a child is named only if she or he survives the critical neonatal
Newborn deaths cannot be substantially reduced without efforts to reduce maternal deaths
and improve maternal health. However, care during pregnancy and delivery must be
accompanied by appropriate care of newborns and measures to reduce newborn deaths due to
postnatal causes such as infections (tetanus, sepsis), hypothermia and asphyxia. Most
postnatal deaths are caused by preventable and/or treatable diseases. Preventive interventions
are simple, inexpensive, available and cost-effective.
Almost two-thirds of births in developing countries occur at home and only half are attended
by a trained birth attendant (Table 2). Strategies to reduce newborn deaths should therefore
also target traditional birth attendants (TBAs), families and communities as well as health
workers within the formal health care system.
Table 2: Births by region, place and attendance at birth (1993)
Number % % % Number %
In 1994, WHO convened a Technical Working Group to define essential newborn care at
three levels of care (at home/in the family, at the health centre and at the first referral level, a
district hospital). The aims of the meeting were:
to review and update best practices and technologies for prevention of neonatal
mortality, morbidity and disabilities through protective actions;
to discuss various ways to integrate these practices and technologies into essential
neonatal care;
to review and adapt the health information systems for recording, reporting and
registering births, deaths and causes of deaths;
to outline an appropriate system for gathering information from communities and
maternity facilities; and
to discuss the indicators of newborn health.
This document presents the summary of the meeting and the recommendations designed to
assist health planners and programme managers in developing countries to improve newborn
health at the health centre and district hospital and to plan IEC activities at the community
level. They will have to be adapted to country-specific guidelines.
The World Health Organization welcomes comments and feedback from users of this document and
will use such comments in the preparation of the new edition of this and other documents. Please
send comments to the Maternal and Newborn Health/Safe Motherhood unit, World Health
Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
Essential interventions
There are striking variations from place to place in the patterns of care and
interventions that newborn infants receive. In many cases there is a lack of
knowledge of what is needed for optimal newborn care. Modern hospital practices
and traditional ones neglect the basic needs of newborns: warmth, cleanliness,
breast milk, safety and vigilance.
Most newborn deaths can be avoided by both preventive measures (such as clean
delivery) and by effective management of complications (such as resuscitation,
management of infections). Other interventions also have important preventive
effects (thermal protection, breast-feeding, eye care to reduce blindness).
Interventions that improve maternal health will have a major impact on the health of
newborns. The knowledge should be translated into practices of health workers who
deliver babies at home, at health centres and in hospitals.
1. Cleanliness: clean delivery and clean cord care for the prevention of
newborn infections (tetanus and sepsis)
Clean delivery and clean cord care can be ensured everywhere: in health
facilities by policies and practices for prevention, detection and control of
nosocomial infections; in home deliveries by strengthening standards of
cleanliness by using disposable delivery kits. A complementary strategy to
reduce neonatal tetanus is immunizing pregnant women with tetanus toxoid.
Simple measures such as a warm room for delivery, immediate drying of the
baby and skin-to-skin contact with the mother can prevent loss of body
warmth. Birth attendants and families need instruction on how to rewarm
babies that become hypothermic.
Eye prophylaxis involves cleaning the eyes immediately after birth and
applying either silver nitrate drops or tetracycline ointment within the first
hour of birth. There must be early diagnosis and management of ophthalmia.
6. Immunization
Major newborn illnesses should be recognized early both at home and at the
health centre so that the baby can be referred to hospital for management.
The above interventions are effective in reducing deaths and diseases in any
newborn. They can be divided into basic care and special care.
Basic care means interventions for all infants to meet their physiological needs:
prevention of infections due to uncleanliness at birth and later; preservation of
warmth and prevention of hypothermia; appropriate nutrition by early, exclusive
and frequent breast-feeding; initiation of breathing by resuscitation when needed.
Basic newborn care assures survival of those that are born well-equipped to survive
(term, well-grown newborns without malformations) and give good start for preterm
and small newborns.
Special care is required for a small group of newborns because of diseases acquired
before, during or after birth and/or because they were born too soon and/or too
Each neonatal death should be investigated, not only for bio-medical causes but
other circumstances that led to the death. The findings should be used to improve
Congenital anomalies are more common at birth than at any other time of life. Many
are lethal and not susceptible to interventions. Others require sophisticated
corrective surgery, not available in most places. Only few are amenable to public
health interventions.
Recommendations for these good practices for newborn care at three levels - home,
health centre and referral hospital - are based on available scientific evidence or, in
the absence of such evidence, on best clinical judgement. Details will be available in
separate guidelines for each of the interventions. However, global guidelines for
good practices need to be adapted to local conditions and traditional practices before
they can become the operational standards for newborn care in a country. Such
changes will have to be incorporated into training materials for health care
providers. At the end of the process, each health facility should have written
policies on newborn care and staff trained in the skills necessary to implement them.
Recommendations for care at the peripheral level and for home delivery are based
on the assumption that a single trained birth attendant is available for a non-
complicated delivery. If complications develop, they must make it clear how to
divide priorities between mother and baby.
Two-thirds of babies in developing countries are born at home and the others are
discharged from health facilities soon after birth. All birth attendants should be
familiar with the basic principles of preventive newborn care and should be able to
recognize danger signs. Health facilities must be the first to adopt good clinical
practices since they set examples of good practice for communities. Nevertheless,
education of the birth attendants who deliver babies and look after them at home is
very important. Health workers need guidance on how to change family behaviour
regarding both newborn care at home and care-seeking.
Cleanliness, clean delivery and cord care for the prevention of newborn infections
(tetanus and sepsis)
Clean delivery and cord care means observing principles of cleanliness throughout
labour and delivery and after birth until the separation of the cord stump. Principles
of cleanliness at birth are:
clean hands
clean perineum
nothing unclean to be introduced into the vagina
clean delivery surface
cleanliness in cutting the umbilical cord
cleanliness for cord care of the newborn baby
The hands of the birth attendant must be washed with water and soap, as well as the
perineum of the woman. The surface on which the baby is delivered must be clean.
Instruments, gauze and ties for cutting the cord should be sterile. Nothing should be
applied either to the cutting surface or to the stump. The stump should be left
uncovered to dry and to mummify.
There is an abundance of traditional practices for cutting the umbilical cord. Many
of them are harmful. Those that observe the principles of cleanliness can be
preserved but others must be changed. For home deliveries, the use of simple
disposable delivery kits will help in achieving as clean a delivery as possible. The
kit should contain, as a minimum, a nail cleaning stick, a small piece of soap for
clean hands and clean perineum, a plastic sheet of about 1 x 1 m to provide a clean
surface, and a sterile razor blade, ties and gauze for the clean cutting and care of the
umbilical cord. All the materials should be packed in a sealed plastic bag with
instructions on how to wash hands thoroughly before delivery and again before
handling the baby's umbilical cord, and how to use other items in the package. The
best means of producing, distributing and promoting the kits to pregnant women
should be determined locally. One option is the local assembly of disposable
delivery kits by women's groups.
The cord stump remains the major means of entry for infections after birth.
Principles of clean cord stump care (keep it dry and clean and do not apply
anything) apply at home as well as in the health facility. The stump will dry and
mummify if exposed to the air without any dressing, binding or bandages. It will
remain clean if it is protected with clean clothes and is kept from urine and soiling.
No antiseptics are needed for cleaning. If soiled, the cord can be washed with clean
water and dried with clean cotton or gauze. Local practices of putting various
substances on the cord stump - whether in health facilities or homes - should be
carefully examined. They should be discouraged if found harmful and substituted
with acceptable ones.
If the umbilical stump is draining pus, the skin around it is becoming red and it has
a foul smell, these are signs of an umbilical infection that requires treatment with
antibiotics. If the baby stops suckling well, is sleepy, does not wake up or is having
difficulty breathing, this may be a sign of serious infection. The baby must be
referred immediately to the hospital for proper treatment.
Infections acquired after birth need special attention. They can be prevented by
clean practices, clean delivery and cord care, early and exclusive breast-feeding,
rooming-in, thermal protection by early skin-to-skin contact, and eye care.
Maintaining the mother-infant contact that was established immediately after birth
favours colonization of the infant's skin and gastrointestinal tract with the mother's
microorganisms, which tend to be non-pathogenic and against which the mother has
antibodies in her breast milk. The infant is thus simultaneously exposed to and
protected against the organisms for which active immunity will be developed only
later in life. There are a number of ways to organize rooming-in to allow a mother
free and easy access to her infant, whether the infant shares the mother's bed or is in
another bed in the same room. In health facilities where mothers and babies are
separated, babies are often kept in nurseries where they share equipment and
supplies. Here they may be exposed to microorganisms of the hospital staff which
are more pathogenic, are often resistant to many antimicrobial drugs and for which
breast milk contains no specific antibodies. Keeping babies with mothers, and
having mothers taking care of them, eliminates the danger of cross-infections.
The normal body temperature of the newborn infant is 36.5 - 37.5 oC. Hypothermia
occurs when the body temperature drops below 36.5 oC. The newborn infant is most
sensitive to hypothermia during the stabilization period in the first 6 - 12 hours after
birth, although hypothermia may occur at any time if the environmental temperature
is low and thermal protection inadequate. The newborn has a relatively large surface
area, poor thermal insulation, a small body mass to produce and conserve heat, little
ability to conserve heat by changing posture and no ability to adjust its own clothing
in response to thermal stress. Hypothermia can easily occur if a newborn infant is
left wet and unprotected from cold while waiting for the placenta to be delivered.
Hypothermia can occur after birth even at moderate environmental temperatures
when babies are not well protected or because of practices such as bathing the
newborn. As the body temperature decreases, the baby becomes less active,
lethargic, hypotonic, sucks poorly and the cry becomes weaker. Respiration
becomes shallow and slow and the heart-beat decreases. Sclerema - hardening of
skin with redness - develops mainly on the back and the limbs. The face can also
become bright red. As the condition progresses it causes profound changes in body
metabolism resulting in impaired cardiac function, haemorrhage (especially
pulmonary), jaundice and death.
If separated from its mother, a newborn baby needs to be well protected from cold
and/or heat. Swaddling is not a good way to keep babies warm. If the cloths are
wrapped tightly round the baby, there is little air trapped between the body and the
cloth and the cloth itself does not provide sufficient insulation. A better way of
protecting babies is to use clothes or wrap the baby in loose layers of light but warm
The newborn infant may be bathed when the temperature is stable and the baby is
doing well. This is usually done for cosmetic purposes (to remove the vernix).
Vernix has lubricating and anti-infection properties and does not need to be
Infants with severe hypothermia need rapid rewarming. They must be referred to the
hospital where they can receive support treatment in addition to effective
rewarming. During transport, skin-to-skin is the best way to rewarm.
Breast milk provides optimal nutrition and promotes the child's growth and
development; it is associated with improved growth during the first months of life.
By breast-feeding, a mother begins the immunization process at birth and protects
her child against a variety of viral and bacterial pathogens before the acquisition of
active immunity through vaccination. Breast milk has unique anti-infective
properties. Frequent and exclusive breast-feeding can be an appropriate method of
fertility regulation for many women, particularly when other family planning
methods are not readily available or desired.
Early contact (immediately after birth) between the mother and the baby has a
beneficial effect on breast-feeding. Early suckling provides the baby with colostrum
that offers protection from infection, gives important nutrients, and has a beneficial
effect on maternal uterine contractions. The baby's skin and gastrointestinal tract are
colonized with the mother's microorganisms, against which she has antibodies in her
breast milk.
Babies have a wide range of behaviours following spontaneous delivery and are not
all ready to feed at the same time. A skilled person can help to facilitate the process
by ensuring correct positioning and attachment. A healthy baby has no need for
large volumes of fluid any earlier than they become available physiologically from
the mother's breast. There is no evidence to support the practice of providing
supplementary feeds of water, glucose or formula. Traditional prelactal feeds should
be strongly discouraged although harmless rituals may be allowed so long as they
do not delay breast-feeding. Every birth attendant should also know the importance
of unrestricted feeding and the ways to support breast-feeding mothers. Mothers
should be instructed about the need for an adequate diet to sustain lactation. They
should be helped and encouraged if they have difficulties breast-feeding.
Rooming-in has many advantages over separating babies from mothers. In health
facilities its advantage, in addition to breast-feeding, is to prevent nosocomial
If a newborn infant does not cry after initial stimulation by drying, it must be
assessed for breathing. If the infant is not breathing or the breathing is poor, it needs
active resuscitation. Newborn infants may have difficulty in initiating breathing due
to prologued and/or obstructed labour, prematurity, infection, and many unknown
causes. Often it is impossible to anticipated that the newborn infant will have
trouble in initiating breathing. Therefore, the equipment and skills for resuscitation
are needed for every birth.
The aim of resuscitation is to initiate breathing by expanding the lungs, filling them
with air to allow an exchange of gases and to permit changes in circulation.
Aspiration of the upper airways is recommended as the first step in resuscitation but
it is not sufficient to initiate breathing. Obstruction of the upper airway is
uncommon and therefore not a primary reason for a newborn not breathing.
However, thick meconium may obstruct airways and it should be removed from the
upper airways before initiating ventilation.
Every birth attendant should know the basic principles of resuscitation, have basic
skills in neonatal resuscitation and have access to appropriate resuscitation
equipment. Whenever possible, a person skilled in resuscitation, and who can
devote full attention to the infant, should attend deliveries when complications are
anticipated. Resuscitation equipment should not only be available in every delivery
room, but its presence and proper working order should be verified before every
The most common serious error in neonatal resuscitation is the failure to recognize
and correct hypoventilation, a problem which is preventable with sufficient staff
training and experience.
Resuscitation of the newborn is also possible at home. The same principles apply.
The birth attendant should be trained in recognizing a problem and managing it.
When teaching mouth-to-mouth ventilation, special attention should be given to
providing the right volume and pressure, to the importance of urgency in initiating
ventilation and some sense of its duration for situations where no clock is available.
Infection by Neisseria gonorrhoea and Chlamydia trachomatis are the two main
causes of ophthalmia but cannot be accurately distinguished on clinical grounds
alone. Complications are more severe and appear more rapidly in gonococcal
ophthalmia. The transmission rate for gonorrhoea from an infected mother to her
newborn is 30-50%. In the absence of systematic diagnosis and treatment of
maternal genital infections before delivery, most cases of conjunctivitis of the
newborn can be prevented by disinfection of the infant conjunctivae immediately
after birth.
Infection can be prevented by cleaning the eyes immediately after birth and
applying either 1% silver nitrate solution, 1% tetracycline or 0.5% erythromycin
ointment to the eyes within one hour of delivery. Nonetheless, newborns given
silver nitrate or tetracycline ointment still run the risk of infection (7% and 3%
respectively) if the mother was infected. Purulent discharge that starts within the
first two weeks of life must be recognized as a sign of ophthalmia and the newborns
treated or referred for parenteral application of antibiotics.
The most common reasons for failure of ocular prophylaxis are giving it too late
(after the first hour), flushing the eyes after administration of silver nitrate to
prevent chemical conjunctivitis, and giving drops that are too concentrated through
evaporation. The latter can be prevented by dispensing silver nitrate in small
containers, avoiding prologued storage or using single-dose preparations.
Since there is a lack of evidence of the extent to which the traditional practice of
applying mother's milk to the eyes of the newborn is effective in preventing
ophthalmia, this practice cannot be recommended in place of silver nitrate drops or
tetracycline ointment.
BCG should be given as soon after birth as possible in all populations at high risk of
tuberculosis infection.
A single dose of OPV at birth or in the two weeks after birth is recommended to
increase early protection.
Since most infants are either born at home or are discharged from the health facility
early, families should be able to recognize signs of newborn illnesses and bring the
newborn infant to the attention of a health worker.
Many signs of the normal transition period mimic those of early disease.
Differentiation of signs of mild illness from normal transitional variation is difficult.
Therefore disease is often in an advanced stage when the newborn is brought to the
attention of the health workers. Danger signs in the newborn period are also non-
specific; they can be a manifestation of almost any newborn disease. The most
common presentation of illness in an infant who has been doing well after birth is
that it stops feeding well, it is cold to the touch or - in rare cases - it has fever.
Breathing may be fast and difficult with grunting and intercostal retractions; the
infant may be irritable but may become lethargic and not wake for feeds. The infant
may vomit, have diarrhoea and a distended abdomen. If pus is draining from red
swollen eyes or from the umbilicus, classification of the problem is easier. Jaundice
on the first day and convulsions are always a sign of a serious illness.
The health worker should have the knowledge and skills to assess the newborn
infant, to classify the infants into those that need referral, those that need treatment
at the health centre, those that can be treated at home and those who are probably
healthy. Breast-feeding assessment, with advice if necessary, should always be a
part of newborn care, as should immunization when indicated.
A series of documents describing the danger signs, assessment of the newborn, and
classification and treatment of problems at the three levels of care is in preparation.
Most of the low birth weight infants in developing countries are born at, or near,
term. They have reached maturity and have the full potential for survival. However,
because of their reduced weight and a lack of fat as the source of energy and
insulation, they are at an increased risk of hypothermia and poor growth. Good
thermal protection and breast milk are the two most important elements of their
care. The best source of warmth is the mother's body and the best food is breast
milk. Having a baby in skin-to-skin contact with the mother provides the necessary
warmth and permits frequent breast-feeding. If possible, a low birth weight infant
should not be separated from the mother solely on the basis of birth weight. If the
baby does not have difficulty breathing and can be breast-fed, it should stay with the
mother. If the small baby becomes hypothermic after birth, their chances for
survival are reduced even with good hospital care. Adequate warmth can
substantially reduce mortality in small babies.
Congenital anomalies
Congenital anomalies, major and minor, occur in 3-4% of births. Some can be recognized at
birth, many become obvious later in childhood, and some are never identified. Many deaths
due to birth defects in the perinatal period result from lethal malformations and
malformations where survival is not possible without complicated surgical intervention.
Many birth defects leave infants disabled. Anomalies such as club foot and cleft lip/palate
can be corrected to allow normal development.
There are a few birth defects that are more common in developing than in developed
countries. Among these are neural tube defects and congenital hypothyroidism. Both can be
prevented to a certain extent by giving the mother folic acid and iodine respectively, before
conception and during early pregnancy when the fetal organ systems are developing.
Traditional practices
Traditional practices cannot be ignored when trying to achieve better neonatal care in
developing countries because most deliveries occur at home and health services may not be
available. Even babies delivered in hospital may be affected by traditional practices after
discharge. These practices have a major impact on neonatal morbidity and mortality patterns.
Traditional and cultural practices must be identified and the extent of their impact on
newborn health evaluated before global standard guidelines are adapted to the local situation.
Practices related to antenatal and intra-natal events, resuscitation, thermal control, feeding
and infections for example, should be classified as follows:
Some modern practices are also harmful. Bottle-feeding, pacifiers, and separation of the
mother from her baby should be discouraged.
Once beneficial and harmful practices are identified, suitable communication strategies
should be developed for individual and community education. They should be monitored as a
part of essential newborn care. A special effort should be made to study home remedies for
simple problems and to promote those that are effective.
Rapid assessment of the baby is needed as soon as it is born. Designation of sex, inspection
for vital signs and major anomalies are the first observations to be made. Definitive
examination should be done after the transitional stabilization period in a well-lit room and in
the presence of the parents. The examination should take into account maternal pregnancy
history, labour and delivery. It should also include an assessment of gestational age and
weight since this helps to establish the level of risk for immediate neonatal morbidity and
mortality. Before leaving the mother and baby, the birth attendant should evaluate the
newborn's respiration pattern (effort and rate), state of alertness, colour, posture, spontaneous
activity, and breast-feeding. Parents should be given instructions for normal newborn care
and information about danger signs that indicate that the newborn infant is not doing well. It
may include immunization according to national policy and instructions for further
A neonatal death investigation consists of an interview with care providers and a review of
medical records, laboratory results, prescriptions and other data, to determine the biomedical
causes of death and ascertain non-clinical factors contributing to death. When birth and death
occur at home, a postmortem interview of the family should aim at determining the medical
as well as non-medical causes of newborn death. This is called verbal autopsy. It is also
useful for deaths that occur in health facilities where information concerning newborn deaths
is poorly recorded or suspect.
The description of all the events surrounding each newborn death is important, since it serves
as a basis for the development of more comprehensive strategies for prevention. The
circumstances, other than biomedical, in which the newborn dies may help in identifying
departures from accepted standards of care, including the failure of services to provide
adequate care.
The following table summarizes strategies for essential newborn care at different levels of the
health care.
Table 3: Summary table of essential newborn care
( landscape printing version)
- ventilation
(by bag and
mask at
mouth to
mouth at
If baby Cleanliness
weak and
breast milk
into baby's
In the long run, genetics education for the public can best be achieved through education in schools. It is also
worth noting that because of the young age structure of most populations of the Eastern Mediterranean Region,
education (and other) efforts focused on schools can have a relatively greater and more rapid impact than in
most more industrialized societies. The scientific community in universities must take greater responsibility in
the reform of school curricula, and in working with schoolteachers to revise school science texts and formulate
an ideal science curriculum for each stage that addresses concepts and principles and not just the delivery of
factual knowledge. Scientists in universities can also make themselves available as consultants to education.
Experiences from industrialized countries should be sought and reviewed in the light of regional circumstances.
Teacher/scientist partnerships developed in intensive summer programmes have been very successful. In
Kansas, United States of America, a programme of 60 contact hours (including lectures on basic human
genetics, genetic disorders, genetic counselling, ethical issues and new technology) has been aimed at leading
high schoolteachers in human genetics, who in turn can train others. The teaching was enriched by laboratory
sessions, with visits to chromosome and recombinant DNA laboratories, computer-assisted instruction and use
of videotapes [296].
It is important for some genetics information to reach every pupil. It is therefore important to define the fewest,
simplest pieces of information that should be included in biology teaching in schools, and the most appropriate
stage for teaching them. Some agreement is developing that the recessive mode of inheritance is the single most
important message to introduce, because it shows that anyone may be a carrier without having an affected
individual in the family (i.e. genetics involves us all), and it prepares students for later offers of screening.
Special high school educational programmes in human genetics have been introduced in North America. In the
United States of America, a module for teaching the Human Genome Project has been incorporated into the
general high schools biology programme [297], and in the United Kingdom the revised national curriculum
requires some teaching on genetics technology for all students. In Canada, a two-decade experience in
introducing genetics science to high school students has proved highly successful. It involved teaching, followed
two weeks later by the offer of voluntary genetics screening for carrier status for Tay-Sachs disease, -
thalassaemia and cystic fibrosis for 60 000 students. The programme "converts public abstractions about
heredity into private facts about genotypes, and converts general statements about prevalence and variation into
specific statements about personal identity and risks". It increased the students' knowledge about genetic
diseases in general and about specific diseases in particular, and revealed favourable attitudes of students
towards the educational and screening experiences [298].
Despite the fact that similar programmes are difficult to implement in some countries because of limited
resources, combining educational goals with community genetics services may prove very valuable in countries
of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. For example, carrier screening for common genetic disorders offered to
high school students could be a form of premarital screening, meet the ethical need for the early offer of testing,
and constitute an important step towards prevention of hereditary disorders.
When adequate services are available, there is every reason to provide information to the public whenever and
wherever possible, and particularly in schools.