Second Industrial Revolution Quiz

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Name: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Class: ______

Second Industrial Revolution Quiz

How much have you learned about the 3. The _____, completed in 1914,
Second Industrial Revolution? Take this quiz to provided access from one side of
find out. Select the best answer for each the Americas to the other without
question. the need to sail around the tip of
South America.
a. Cape-to-Cairo Railroad
1. Which of the following statements
b. Panama Canal
is not true of the Second Industrial
c. Suez Canal
d. Trans-Siberian Railroad
a. Electricity became the
primary source of power for
4. Who designed the assembly line
factories, farms, and homes
b. Mass production, particularly
a. Eli Whitney
of consumer goods
b. Gottlieb Daimler
c. Saw the spread of the
c. Henry Ford
Industrial Revolution to
d. Thomas Edison
places such as Germany,
Japan, and Russia
5. Who, in 1927, flew the first non-
d. Took place between about
stop flight across the Atlantic?
1750 and 1870
a. Amelia Earhart
b. Charles Lindbergh
2. The _____, completed in 1869,
c. Orville Wright
provided access to the Indian Ocean
d. Wilbur Wright
from the Mediterranean Sea,
without the need to sail around
6. Who invented the telephone in
a. Berlin-to-Baghdad Railroad
a. Alexander Graham Bell
b. Kiel Canal
b. Orville and Wilbur Wright
c. Suez Canal
c. Samuel F.B. Morse
d. Trans-Siberian Railroad
d. Thomas Edison

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Name: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Class: ______

7. Who invented the wireless 12. _____ invented the airplane in

telegraph, an early form of the 1903.
radio, in 1895? a. Orville and Wilbur Wright
a. Guglielmo Marconi b. Robert Fulton and George
b. Lee de Forest Stephenson
c. Samuel F.B. Morse c. Thomas Edison and Elias
d. Vladimir Zworykin Howe
d. Thomas Telford and John
8. Who invented the radio tube in McAdam
a. Guglielmo Marconi 13. Who invented the gasoline
b. Lee de Forest engine in 1885?
c. Rudolf Diesel a. Elias Howe
d. Thomas Edison b. George Stephenson
c. Gottlieb Daimler
9. Who invented the television in d. Rudolf Diesel
a. Guglielmo Marconi 14. What German invented the
b. John Ericsson diesel engine in 1892?
c. Thomas Edison a. Gottlieb Daimler
d. Vladimir Zworykin b. Otto von Bismarck
c. Rudolf Diesel
10. The rotary press was invented d. Thomas Telford
by _____ in 1870.
a. Lee de Forest
b. Ottmar Mergenthaler
c. Richard Hoe
d. William Randolph Hearst

11. The linotype machine was

invented by _____ in 1884.
a. Alexander Graham Bell
b. Cyrus W. Field
c. Ottmar Mergenthaler
d. Richard Hoe

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