Electricidad Diseño Electrico

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Sept. 15, 1931. N. C.

Filed June 7, 1926


4.4% 4.
V%ty 2 <42. A
Patented Sept. 15, 1931


Application filed June 7, 1926. Serial No. 114,126.
My invention in general pertains to elec assures that the windings in the notch will
trical apparatus and more particularly to be
electrical current controlling apparatus such Itightly wound on the strip.
also provide an improved, simple and
as rheostats and potentiometers. compact electrical current controller such as
s andInthe
operation of conventional rheostats
it is necessary to move the rheo rheostat having a metallic frame prefer 55
stat arm over an objectional hump or raised ably circular in contour and having a concave
portion when moving it from the off position portion or face in which is mounted the rheo
stat contact arm.
onto the winding. That is to say, on ac In accordance with the general features of
9 count of the winding being disposed on the my invention I provide a rheostat having a
edge of the strip or core it is necessary in hollow metallic body with a peripheral or
moving the arm from the off position onto annular flange and a resistance strip dis
the winding that the arm be raised or forced posed thereabouts and abutting the flange.
thereon from the edge of the strip. Obvious Another featureofofanthe inventionstrip
is ly, such a feature does not permit of a highly
smooth and uniform movement on the part to the positioning
mediate the body and
the resistance
of the contact arm and in addition is dele
terious to the longevity of the arm itself. This insulating strip has a castellated edge
I propose to provide a simple, inexpensive for insulating the turns on the strip from
20 and compact rheostat wherein a few turns theBybody or frame.
castellating the edge of the insulating 70
of the resistance wire are buried, so to speak, strip the same is enabled to more properly
in the insulator core or winding EE suffi seat or adjust itself on the flange of the body.
ciently deep so .that the contact surface of Also, this castellated strip will not be dam
these windings "will be flush with the adja
25 cent edge of the insulator strip, thus en aged or broken very easily when being mount
abling the arm to be moved freely to and ed on the body as is the case with analogous 75
from an of position and onto the windings strips which have not been castellated.
In accordance with other features of my.
withoutor itraised
hump having to strike or over-ride a invention
portion. I form or punch spaced prongs
O In general the rheostat or potentiometer tallic frame whichportion
from the concave
of the hollow me
serve as stops for 80.
strip above referred to may be wound in ac
cordance, with the method disclosed an limiting the movement of the contact arm.
claimed in the co-pending patent applica rentThecontrollercontact arm of my improved cur
is provided with a resilient
tion of Charles Havlish, Serial No. 729,479, integral mounting
filed August 1, 1924. The primary distinc to be secured to an end preferably a hub adapted
tion between my present resistance strip or : or rod of the controller.of the operatinga shaft
core and that illustrated in the co-pending Other objects and advantages of my in
application resides in the fact that I provide vention will more fully appear from the fol
a notch in the edge of one end of the strip lowing detailed description taken in connec
so that the last few windings may lie in tion with the accompanying
this notch and be flush with the adjacent edge illustrates one embodiment drawings thereof
and in
of the strip. The strip is first preferably which:
completely wound in accordance with the Figure 1 is an elevation of a rheostatem
method disclosed in the co-pending patent bodying
application. Then the last few windings are Figurethe2 features of my invention;
view 05,
taken off or removed up to the notch. In taken on substantially the linesectional
is an enlarged
2-2 of Fig .
other words, after the strip is wound I pref ure 1; ---,

erably sever the last several turns follow

ing the notch. This method of manufacture tactFigure 3 is a detail view of my novel con
arm assembly; OO
2 1823,472
Figure 4 is a side view of the contact arm and is adapted to receive a tubular sleeve 33.
assembly illustrated in Figure 3; This sleeve 33 is threaded into the sleeve 28
Figure 5 is a sectional view taken on sub and enters into a telescoping relation there
stantially the line 5-5 of Figure 2 and drawn with. Also the sleeve 33 is provided with an
to a somewhat enlarged scale; 1 enlarged head 34 between which and the end
Figure 6 in a detail view illustrating the of the sleeve 28 a mounting or a panel may O
resilient washer adapted to be associated with be interposed. In Fig. 2 I have designated
my novel contact arm; a panel disposed intermediate the head 34
Figure 7 is a fragmentary view of the and the end of the sleeve 28 by reference
notched end of the insulating strip and the character 35. This panel may be of a phenol
windings thereon; condensation compound or any other analo
Figure 8 is a fragmentary view partly in gous and conventional material. It should
section illustrating the castellated edge of the also be noted that the annular flange 21 is
insulator and taken on substantially the line adapted to abut the surface of the panel 35.
is 8-8 of Figure 2; In other words, the end of the flange 21 is
Figure 9 is a fragmentary view somewhat in line with the end of the sleeve 28 as is
similar to Figure 1 illustrating a poten obvious in Fig. 2.
tiometer embodying the features of my in Extending through the telescoping sleeves
vention; and 28 and 33 is an operating shaft. 36. Secured
Figure 10 is a fragmentary sectional view to the external end of this shaft 36 is a han
taken on substantially the line 10-10 of Fig dle or knob 37 by means of which the shaft.
ure 9 looking in the direction indicated by the may be actuated. The shaft 36 is journaled
aOWS. y- in the bore 37 of the sleeve 33 and in the re
Referring now to the drawings in detail in duced bore 38 of the reduced portion 29 of
which like reference numerals designate simi the sleeve 28. The shaft 36 is provided with
lar parts throughout the several views, 20 a reduced end 39 and a shoulder 40 which
denotes generally a metallic frame of a cur abuts the reduced portion 29 of the sleeve 28.
rent controller preferably of the rheostat Mounted upon the reduced end 39 of the
type. The frame 20 is preferably circular in shaft 36 is a resilient washer 41 such as that
30 form and is provided with an annular flange illustrated in Fig. 6. The edge of this wash- is .
21 which extends laterally therefrom and at er is castellated as indicated at 42. The
right angles to the wall of the body. One end washer as shown in Fig. 3 is arcuate in shape
of the metallic frame 20 is provided with a and has an edge which engages the flat por
concave portion 22 formed integral there tion 31 associated with the concave portion .
with. This concave portion is positioned in 22 in the body 20. This washer serves two. 100
side of the annular wall of the body and is purposes, as will be obvious from the descrip
located at an end of the body opposite that tion to hereinafter follow. . .
of the annular flange 21. Also mounted upon the reduced portion 39
The concave portion 22 is provided with an is a contact arm assembly 45 such as that
annular opening 23, disposed in a substantial illustrated in detail in Figs. 3 and 4. This los
ly central position. That is to say, this open assembly includes a contact arm 46 having
ing 23 is concentric with the body 20. Also an arcuate shaped mounting portion 47.
formed integral with the concave portion 22 The base or mounting portion 47 is provided
are a pair of prongs 24 and 25 which consti with an arcuate slot 48, as best illustrated in .
tute stops and whose purpose will be more Figs. 1 and 3. The base is also provided to
fully explained hereinafter. /These prongs with an offset portion 49 which is adapted to
24 and 25 are preferably punched from the be flexed into the plane of the mounting or ,
portion 22 leaving apertures 26 and 27 re base 47 as will become more apparent here
spectively in the FE 22 (Fig.1). inafter. The contact arm 46 and its base 47
50 Associated with the body 20 is a sleeve may be made of any suitable material such, is
or tubular element 28 having a reduced end for example, as nickel, silver, or the like.
29 which extends through the opening 23 in The contact arm.46 includes a slanting por
the concave portion 22. This sleeve 28 is se tion 51 and a substantially-flat contact por
cured to the concave portion 22 by the turned
backportion 30 which may be formed by any istiona collar
50. Mounted on the offset portion 49
or hub 52 having a bore 53 adapt- 20
' conventional riveting apparatus or the like. ed to receive the end 39 of the shaft 36. The
In other words, the end of the reduced por collar 52 has formed integral therewith a
tion 23 of the sleeve 28 is in reality spread reduced portion 54 which extends through
out over the surface of the concave portion an opening 55 in the offset portion 49 and is
CO 22 to clench the sleeve thereto. It should be clenched to the offset portion 49 as indicated 25
observed that the concave portion 22 is pro at 56 in Fig. 2. -
vided at its center with a substantially flat? When the assembly 45 is removed from the
portion 31 to which the end of the sleeve end 39 of the shaft 36 the hub 52 and the por
28 is riveted, so to speak. . . tion 49 will assume the position illustrated
The bore 32 of the sleeve 28 is threaded in Fig. 4. However, when the assembly 45 so
1,828,472 3
is mounted upon the shaft the portion 49 will such an extent that their top surface is flush
be flexed into the same plane as the rest of with the edge of the strip 62.
the mounting or base 48 of the contact arm
46. This will result in the contact portion intoAfter the strip 62 has been wound it is bent
an arcuate shape and disposed about the
50 of the arm 46 being resiliently urged into periphery
engagement with the resistance wire or wind mediate theofwound the body 20. Positioned inter O
strip 62 and the periphery
ings designated generally by the reference of the body 20 is an annular insulating strip
character 60. The collar 52 is provided with 70 which may be made of any suitable insu
a set screw 61 by means of which the same
10 may be fastened to the end 39. of the shaft. lating material. This strip 70 has an annular.
Now the assembly 45 is mounted on the of flange 71 adapted to fit over the flange 21 75.
the body 20. The flange 71 is preferably
end 39 abutting the resilient washer 41. This castellated
washer 41 not only serves as a resilient enables theasinsulating indicated at 72 in Fig. 8. This
strip 70 to be snugly
mounting for the assembly but also serves as positioned intermediate the body and the
a universal mounting due to its arcuate wound strip 62. By castellating the flange 80
shape. This arrangement secures a smooth 71 it is not necessary to break or damage this
movement on the part of the contact arm
throughout its range of movement. Also, it flange 71 adapted to fit over the flange 21
should be observed that with the exception of thethe body. Also the flange 71 serves to in
of the contact portion 50 the entire contact sulate
62 from
bottom of the windings on the strip
the metallic flange 21 of the body 20.
arm assembly 45 is disposed in the depressed The two strips 62 and 70 are tightly drawn
portion 22 within the dimensions of the body around the periphery
20, thus resulting
electrical in a very compact piece of secured at opposite endsoftothethebody
20 and are
body adjacent
The resistance windings 60 previously re the prongsinordetail.
described stops 24 and 25 as will now be
ferred to are wound upon an insulator or core
62 in accordance with the winding process endReferring to Fig. 5, it will be seen that each
disclosed in the co-pending patent applica end of the strip 70strip
of the winding
62 and the associated
secured to the wall
tion of Charles Havlish, Serial No. 729,479, of the body 20 adjacent one of the two prongs.
filed August 1, 1924. The primary difference One end of the winding strip 62 is secured to 95.
between the strip 62 that I employ and that the frame 20 by means of a bolt 75 having a
disclosed in the co-pending patent applica washer 76 and an insulating washer
tion lies in the fact that I provide one end posed about its shank. The washer 7777abuts dis
of the strip with a notch such as that desig the inner wall of the casing 20 and serves to
nated by the reference character 63 in Fi g insulate
The strip is wound from one end to the other, ing 60 onthethe bolt 75 from the body. The wind 00
and thereafter I preferably sever the last few bolt 75 and heldstrip 62 is connected to this
turns on the end of the strip after the notch 78. The washer 78 is byin place means of a washer
maintained in place
0 63. That is to say I remove the turns on this by a pair of lock nuts 79 and 80.
end of the strip 62 up to the notch. By wind The other end of the strip 62 is secured to 05
ing over the notch initially I find that the the wall of the frame 20 by means of a bolt
windings in the notch are much more tightly 81 and a pair of lock nuts 82 and 83. I pref
wound than they would be otherwise. The erably dispose a washer 84 intermediate the
45 unwound portion designated by the reference strip 62 and the lock nut 82 as shown in Fig. 5.
character 65 in Figs. 7
of portion of the rheostat. and 1 constitutes the It will be obvious from the foregoing de O
The strips 62 are wound by the same being the scription that the frame 20 is connected to
revolved through a threaded nut as disclosed contactis bolt or post 81 and one end of the
in the co-pending patent application. The winding connected to the contact bolt or
post 75 which post is insulated from the
threaded nut cuts into the edges of fibrethere frame by means of an insulating washer 77 5
by feeding it forward at a uniform rate and previously
the wire is wound in the grooves made by ed throughdescribed. the means
The circuit is complet
of the movable contact
the nut. This method of winding is an un arm 46. -
55 usually cheap and efficient way of placing The end 50 of this arm 6, as previously
wire on the strip. The notch 63 is employed described, is resiliently urged into engage
for burying the first few windings 60 so that ment with the exposed edge of the windings 20
they will be flush with the edge of the strip 60 on the strip 62. As previously described,
or core 62. This enables the end of the con the contact arm is adapted to be moved from
tact arm to be moved from the off position the off portion 65 of the strip 62 onto the
onto the windings without having to strike adjacent winding without striking any hump 125
an objectionable hump as is the case with or raised portion. This is possible due to
practically all other rheostats now on the the fact that the first few windings are flush
market. It will be observed from Fig. that with the top edge of the insulated strip 62.
In Figs. 9 and 10, I have illustrated my
i the windings in the notch 63 are buried to invention applied to a potentiometer. The 33
primary difference between this device and mounting panel, a resistance strip disposed
about the periphery of said body, an insulator
that described in connection with Figs. 1 to intermediate the said resistance strip and the
8 inclusive, resides in the provision of three
terminals or binding posts instead of two. body and contact mechanism associated with 70
5 In this modification of the invention, the the concave portion and disposed substan
posts or bolts 75' and 81 are both insulated tially within the length of the body includ
from the frame 20' by means of washers ing a contact arm adapted to cooperate with
such as the insulating washer 76 shown in the said resistance strip. :
Fig. 5. The opposite ends of the windings 5. In an electrical current control device, a
10 60 on the strip 62 are secured to these two substantially cylindrical hollow body com 75
bolts 75' and 81 in a manner well known to prising a circular metallic shell having a con
those familiar with the potentiometer art. cave shaped end, the other end of said body
Positioned intermediate the two binding having a peripheral flange adapted to fit
posts 75' and 81 is an additional terminal 90 against a mounting panel, a resistance asso 80
5 which is originally secured to the concave ciated with the periphery of said shell,
contact mechanism connected to the con
portion 22 of the metallic frame 20' by cave end and disposed substantially within
means of a bolt 91 and lock nuts 92 and 93.
Thus it will be seen that my invention can be the overall length of the said shell including
readily applied to both rheostats and poten a contact arm cooperable with said resistance.
20 tiometers. Of course, it is to be understood 6. In an electrical-current control device,
that the present invention is not to be limit a metallic frame comprising a substantially
edinitsapplication to these two forms of elec shaped hollow body having a concave
end, said body having a lateral flange
trical apparatus but only insofar as defined
by the scope and spirit of the appended associated with its periphery, a resistance 90
25 claims. strip with
disposed aboutadjacent
the E. of the
I claim:- body an edge said fla nge, an
1. A resistance strip for use in current con insulator intermediate said body and said .
trollers having a sliding contact, said resist resistance strip, said insulator having a
ance comprising a strip of insulating mate lateral extension adapted to lie over said
30 rial having a notch in a portion thereof and flange to insulate it from said resistance 95
wire turns each extending across the front strip, and contact mechanism cooperable with
and the rear of said strip, the said notch be said resistance strip disposed substantially
ing adapted to receive a turn to cause the within the length of said cylindrical body,
exposed surface of said turn to be flush with said contact mechanism being connected to 100
35 an adjacent bare surface of said strip, said the said concave shaped end.
bare surface being adapted to serve as the of 7. In an electrical current control device,
point for the sliding contact. acylindrical
metallic frame comprising a substantially
hollow body having a concave
2. In an electrical current controlling de
vice, a frame, contact mechanism associated shaped end, said body having a lateral flange
40 therewith including a contact arm, and a associated with its periphery, a resistance
of the
resistance strip associated with said frame strip disposed about the E.
body with an edge adjacent said flange, an
and cooperable with said contact arm, said 2.
strip including an insulator core having a insulator intermediate said body and said
plurality of wire turns thereon, each extend resistance strip, said insulator having a lat
45 ing across the front and the rear of the core, eral extension adapted to lie over said flange O
the turn adjacent the off point of said contact to insulate it from said resistance strip, a
arm being buried in the strip with its exposed contact arm cooperable with the said resist
surface flush with the adjacent exposed edge ance strip disposed substantially within the
of the insulator strip. . . length of said cylindrical body, said arm be
50: 3. In an electrical current control device, ing connected to said concave shaped end 115
a substantially cylindrical hollow body com and having a portion adapted to engage an
prising a circular metallic shell having a con end of the said resistance strip, and means
cave shaped end, a resistance associated with for limiting the movement of the arm com
the periphery of said shell, contact mech prising a stop consisting of a prong integral 120
55 anism connected to the concave shaped end with and punched from said concave shap
including a contact arm cooperable with said O
8. In an electrical current control device,
resistance, and means for limiting the move
ment of said arm including a stop consisting
of a prong extending laterally from and in
a metallic frame
cylindrical hollowcomprising a substantially
body having a concave.
O tegral with said concave shaped end. shaped end, said body having a lateral flange 125
associated with its periphery, a resistance
4. In an electrical current control device,
strip disposed about the periphery of the
a substantially cylindrical metallic body hav
body with an edge adjacent said flange, an
-ing a concave shaped portion at one end, the
other end having a FEEE flange to per insulator intermediate said body and said
As mit said body to be held tightly against a resistance strip, said insulator having a lat 130
eral extension adapted to lie over said flange
to insulate it from said resistance strip, a
contact arm cooperable with the said resist
ance strip disposed substantially within the
length of said cylindrical body, said, arm
being connected to said concave shaped end
and having a portion adapted to engage an
edge of the said resistance strip, and means
for actuating the said arm, said resistance
strip comprising a plurality of wire wind
ings on an insulator core, the winding adja
cent the off point of said contact arm being
buried in the strip with its exposed surface
flush with the adjacent exposed edge of the
insulator core.
9. A resistance device for current con
trollers comprising a strip of insulating ma
terial, a resistance wire wound upon the
strip, said strip being cut away from one
20 edge at an inclination downwardly toward
the adjacent end of the strip providing a
notch decreasing in depth away from said
adjacent end of said strip, the terminal coil
of the wire being disposed at the deepest
25 portion of the notch with its upper portion
substantially flush with the upper face of the
10. A resistance device comprising, a thin
flat strip of insulating material, and a re
30 sistance wire wound upon the strip, said
strip having a notch in one edge and adja
cent one end, said notch receiving the ter
minal winding of the wire and the contact
face of said terminal winding being sub
35 stantially flush with said edge of the strip.
11. In combination, a contact arm, an in
sulating strip disposed in edgewise relation .
to the arm and provided with a notch in its
edge over which the arm operates, and a re
sistance wire wound upon the strip for con
tact by the arm, the terminal winding of the
wire lying in said notch and having its con
tact face substantially
the strip. -
flush with the edge of
45 12. In an electric current control device,
a metallic body comprising a rim and a con
cave end, a resistance disposed in insulated
relation about said rim, a pair of insulated
fastening members serving as terminals for
so fastening the ends of the resistance to the
said rim, contact mechanism associated with
the concave end of the body including a
contact arm cooperable with the said resist
ance, and a third terminal riveted to the said
55 concave part of the metallic body.
In witness whereof, I hereunto subscribe
my name this 26th day of May, 1926.

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