QP LDC Tamil and Malayalam Knowing

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Question Booklet Sl. No.

Question Booklet Alpha Code

Total Number of Questions : 100 Time : 75 Minutes

Maximum Marks : 100

1. The Question Paper will be given in the form of a Question Booklet. There will be four
versions of Question Booklets with Question Booklet Alpha Code viz. A, B, C & d.
C 2. The Question Booklet Alpha Code will be printed on the top left margin of the facing sheet
of the Question Booklet.
3. The Question Booklet Alpha Code allotted to you will be noted in your seating position in
the Examination Hall.
4. If you get a Question Booklet where the alpha code does not match to the allotted alpha
d code in the seating position, please draw the attention of the Invigilator ImmEdIATEly.
5. The Question Booklet Serial Number is printed on the top right margin of the facing sheet. If your
Question Booklet is un-numbered, please get it replaced by new Question Booklet with same

alpha code.
6. The Question Booklet will be sealed at the middle of the right margin. Candidate should
not open the Question Booklet, until the indication is given to start answering.
7. Immediately after the commencement of the examination, the candidate should check that
the Question Booklet supplied to him/her contains all the 100 questions in serial order. The
Question Booklet does not have unprinted or torn or missing pages and if so he/she should
bring it to the notice of the Invigilator and get it replaced by a complete booklet with same alpha
code. This is most important.
8. A blank sheet of paper is attached to the Question Booklet. This may be used for rough
9. Please read carefully all the instructions on the reverse of the Answer Sheet before
marking your answers.
10. Each question is provided with four choices (A), (B), (C) and (d) having one correct answer.
Choose the correct answer and darken the bubble corresponding to the question number
using Blue or Black Ball Point Pen in the OmR Answer Sheet.
11. each correct answer carries 1 mark and for each wrong answer 1/3 mark will be
deducted. No negative mark for unattended questions.
12. No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall till the end of the session and
without handing over his/her Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. Candidates should ensure
that the Invigilator has verified all the entries in the Register Number Coding Sheet and
that the Invigilator has affixed his/her signature in the space provided.
13. Strict compliance of instructions is essential. Any malpractice or attempt to commit any
kind of malpractice in the Examination will result in the disqualification of the candidate.

A -2-

1. 7 BÀ ÁS£k® ‰ßÖ C»UP GsPÒ GzuøÚ ?

A) 126 B) 127 C) 128 d) 129

2. TØÖ 1 : Cµsk £Põ GsPÎß TmkzöuõøP G¨ö£õÊx®

Cµmøh¨£øh GsnõP C¸US®.
TØÖ 2 : Cµsk £Põ GsPÎß ö£¸UPØ£»ß G¨ö£õÊx®
JØøÓ¨£øh GsnõP C¸US®.
A) Cµsk TØÖPЮ \›¯õÚøÁ
B) TØÖ 1 \›, BÚõÀ TØÖ 2 uÁÖ
C) TØÖ 2 \›, BÚõÀ TØÖ 1 uÁÖ
d) Cµsk TØÖPЮ uÁÓõÚøÁ
3. Bµ® 21 ö\.«. öPõsh AøµU÷PõÍzvß ö©õzu¨ £µ¨£ÍÁõÚx
A) 2772 \.ö\.«. B) 4158 \.ö\.«.
C) 5544 \.ö\.«. d) 1386 \.ö\.«.

4. (30 + 4–1) × 22 =
A) 5 B) 3 C) 1 d) 4

5. 48 ©o ÷|µ® öuõhº¢x ÷Áø» ö\´x 15 BmPÍõÀ J¸ _Á›øÚ

•Êø©¯õPU Pmi •iUP •i²® GÛÀ, Aa_Á›øÚ 30 ©o
÷|µzvÀ Pmi •iUP GzuøÚ BmPÒ ÷uøÁ¨£k® ?
A) 18 B) 96 C) 36 d) 24

6. J¸ SÔ¨¤mh SÔ±mk ö©õÈ°À GSV Gߣøu THE GßÖ® IllN

Gߣøu ROOm GßÖ® GÊvÚõÀ A÷u SÔ±mk ö©õÈ°À mFNyVI
Gߣx G¨£i GÊu •i²® ?

7. ¤£÷Úõ] öuõh›ß 6 Áx ©ØÖ® 5 Áx EÖ¨¤ØS Cøh°»õÚ

A) 6 B) 8 C) 5 d) 3

8. ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÖÒ ÷ÁÖ£mhøu Psk¤i.

143, 253, 369, 484, 594, 671
A) 253 B) 369 C) 484 d) 671
9. Kº Bs J¸ ö£soh® TÔ¯x EÚx uõ°ß PnÁÛß \÷Põu›
GÚx Azøu GÛÀ A¨ö£s A¢u BqUS GßÚ EÓÄ ?
A) ©õ©õ B) \÷Põu› C) A®©õ d) Azøu
A -3-

10. A\¾hß J¨¤mk |P¼À EÒÍ ¤øÇPÎß GsoUøP PõsP.

A\À :
Flipkart Internet Private ltd,
Vaishnavi Summit,
No 6/B, 7th main,
80 Feet Road,
3rd Block,
Bangalore – 560034
Karnataka, India.
|PÀ :
Flipkarrt Internet Private ltd,
Vaishnavi Sumit,
No 6/B, 7th main,
80 Feet Road,
3rd Block,
Bangalore – 560064
Karnataka, India.
A) JßÖ B) Cµsk C) ‰ßÖ d) |õßS

11. TØÖ (A) : ÷©®£õk ÁõÌUøP uµzøu E¯ºzxQÓx.

Põµn® (r) : ©UPÒ AvP Á¸Áõ´, ]Ó¢u PÀÂ, EhÀ |»® ©ØÖ®
Fmha\zx, SøÓ¢u ÁÖø© ö£ÖÁõºPÒ.
A) (A) ©ØÖ® (R) Cµsk® \›¯õÚx ©ØÖ® (R), (A) øÁ ÂÍUSQÓx
B) (A) ©ØÖ® (R) Cµsk® \›¯õÚx ©ØÖ® (R), (A) øÁ ÂÍUPÂÀø»
C) (A) \›¯õÚx ©ØÖ® (R) uÁÓõÚx
d) (A) uÁÓõÚx ©ØÖ® (R) \›¯õÚx

12. ‰ßÖ £UP® }µõÀ `Ǩ£mh £Sv ______ GÚ AøÇUP¨£kQÓx.

A) PhØPøµ B) w£PØ£® C) wÄ d) }ºa\¢v

13. ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ Gx £n¨£°º

A) A›] B) ÷Põxø© C) £¸zv d) ÷\õÍ®

14. ÷PµÍõ ©ØÖ® Pº|õhPõ PhØPøµ £SvPÎÀ ÂøͲ® ©õ[Põ´PÒ

ÂøµÂÀ •vºÁuØS ______ PõØÖPÒ EuÄQßÓÚ.
A) ¿ B) |õºöÁìhºì
C) ©õg\õµÀ d) öám PõØ÷Óõmh®
A -4-

15. 2011 B® Bsk ©UPÒ öuõøP PnUöPk¨¤ß£i AvP PÀ¯ÔÄ

ö£ØÓ ©õ{»®
A) uªÌ|õk B) Pº|õhPõ
C) ÷PµÍõ d) Ezvµ ¤µ÷u\®
16. C¢v¯õÂß G¢u ©õÚ {ø»¯® Auß ö\¯À£õkPøÍ C¯UP
`›¯ \Uvø¯ ©mk÷© £¯ß£kzxQÓx
A) öPõa] \ºÁ÷u\ ©õÚ {ø»¯®
B) v¸ÁÚ¢u¦µ® ©õÚ {ø»¯®
C) ÷PõÈU÷Põk ©õÚ {ø»¯®
d) PßÞº \ºÁ÷u\ ©õÚ {ø»¯®

17. RÌUPshÁØÔÀ Aµ¤U Ph¼À P»US® BÖ Gx ?

A) ö£›¯õº B) Põ› C) ]ØÓõÖ d) £ÁõÛ
18. ö£õ¸zxP.
i) £õUø\m 1) B£µn[PÒ
ii) ö\®¦ 2) ÁõÞºv
iii) u[P® 3) ªß Phzuõ ö£õ¸Ò
iv) ø©UPõ 4) ªß \õuÚ ö£õ¸mPÒ
i ii iii iv
A) 2 4 1 3
B) 1 2 3 4
C) 4 1 2 3
d) 3 2 1 4

19. RÌUPõq® Á›ø\°À ‘‘C¢v¯ Aµ]¯»ø©¨¤ß •P¨¦øµ ’’ £ØÔ¯

\›¯õÚ öuõhº Gx ?
A) Si¯µ_, áÚ|õ¯P, \©¯a\õº£ØÓ, \©uº©, CøÓ¯õsø©
B) CøÓ¯õsø©, \©uº©, \©¯a\õº£ØÓ, Si¯µ_, áÚ|õ¯P
C) CøÓ¯õsø©, Si¯µ_, \©¯a\õº£ØÓ, \©uº©, áÚ|õ¯P
d) CøÓ¯õsø©, \©uº©, \©¯a\õº£ØÓ, áÚ|õ¯P, Si¯µ_

20. B]¯õÂß ªP¨ö£›¯ ìhõºm A¨ _ØÖa`ÇÀ Aø©¨£õÚ ‘‘íiÀ

÷PµÍõ’’ (Huddle Kerala) ¤ßÁ¸® Ch[PÎÀ G[S |øhö£ÖQÓx ?
A) PßÞº B) ÷PõÁÍ®
C) GºnõSÍ® d) ÷PõÈU÷Põk
A -5-

21. ‘‘E»UøP ÷u´¢x EΨ¤i BÚx÷£õÀ’’ GßÝ® ö\õØöÓõhº

Enºzx® ö£õ¸Ò
A) SzxuÀ B) CizuÀ C) ¤izuÀ d) SßÖuÀ

22. ö£¯öµa\zøu Gkzx GÊxP.

A) Á¢uõß B) ö\ßÓ C) |izx d) £kzuÀ

23. \›¯õÚ ö\õØöÓõhº Gx ?

A) ©UPÍõÀ ¸®£¨£k® ©µ£õº¢u Pø»PÎÀ PµPõmh•® JßÖ
B) ©UPÍõÀ ¸®£¨£k® JßÖ ©µ£õº¢u Pø»PÎÀ PµPõmh•®
C) ©UPÍõÀ ©µ£õº¢u ¸®£¨£k® Pø»PÎÀ PµPõmh•® JßÖ
d) ©UPÍõÀ PµPõmh•® ¸®£¨£k® ©µ£õº¢u Pø»PÎÀ JßÖ

24. \›¯õÚ ö\õØöÓõhº Gx ?

A) ‘‘|õÒöuõÖ® •øÓ |õi ö\´¯õ ©ßÚÁß’’
B) ‘‘|õi |õÒöuõÖ® •øÓö\´¯õ ©ßÚÁß’’
C) ‘‘|õÒöuõÖ® ©ßÚÁß |õi •øÓö\´¯õ’’
d) ‘‘|õÒöuõÖ® |õi •øÓö\´¯õ ©ßÚÁß’’

25. Cosmic Rays GßÝ® B[Q»a ö\õÀ¾US ÷|µõÚ uªÌaö\õÀ Gx ?

A) ¦ÓFuõU PvºPÒ B) ÂsöÁÎU PvºPÒ
C) APa]Á¨¦U PvºPÒ d) `›¯UPvºPÒ

26. ‘‘öuõß©®’’ GßÝ® ö\õÀ¾US ÷|µõÚ B[Q»a ö\õÀ Gx ?

A) Ancestor B) Story C) History d) myth

27. ]ÁÀ, •µ®¦, _ÁÀ, AÁÀ Gß£Ú GÁØÔß ÁøPPÒ ?

A) ©ø» B) BÖ C) {»® d) ©µ®

28. ‘‘Põ’’ Gߣuß ö£õ¸Ò

A) Põø» B) ÷\õø» C) PõÚ® d) PõP®

A -6-

29. ö£õ¸zxP.
ö\õÀ ö£õ¸Ò
a) ©õµß 1) ÷©P®
b) ¦ÚÀ 2) ö|¸¨¦
c) •QÀ 3) ©ß©uß
d) AÚÀ 4) }º
a b c d
A) 4 2 1 3
B) 3 4 2 1
C) 1 4 3 2
d) 3 4 1 2

30. ÷Psø© – Cuß Gvºaö\õÀ Gx ?

A) £øPø© B) ÷©ßø©
C) Esø© d) usø©

31. RÌPõq® ö\õØPÎÀ \›¯õÚ Gvºaö\õÀø»U PshÔP

A) EÁzuÀ × ]ÁzuÀ B) Asø© × Esø©
C) DuÀ × CµzuÀ d) BUP® × FUP®

32. ‘‘ÁÀ»õß ÁSzu÷u Áõ´UPõÀ’’ Gߣx Gøu EnºzxQÓx ?

A) ÷©»õvUP® ö\´uÀ B) Áõ´UPõÀ Aø©zuÀ
C) £õøu ÁSzuÀ d) vmh® ÁSzuÀ

33. ªu©õP Esn÷Ásk® GÚ Enºzx® £Çö©õÈ

A) AÊu ¤ÒøÍ £õÀ SiUS®
B) AÍÄUS ªg]ÚõÀ A•u•® |g_
C) B¾® ÷Á¾® £À¾USÖv
d) BØÔÀ ÷£õmhõ¾® AÍ¢x ÷£õk
A -7-

34. AßÓ»º¢u ©»º ÷£õ» – Czöuõhº Enºzx® ö£õ¸Ò

A) EÖv B) ÷©ßø©
C) AÇS d) ¦zxnºÄ

35. ¤›zöuÊxP – ö£snn[S

A) ö£sn + A[S B) ö£s + An[S
C) ö£s + n[S d) ö£sn + An[S

36. ¤›zöuÊxP – Döµmhõsk

A) Dº + Gmk + Bsk B) C¸ + Gmk + Bsk
C) Cµsk + Gmk + Bsk d) D + öµmk + Bsk

37. J¸ø©&£ßø© ¤øÇPÍØÓ öuõhº Gx ?

A) AÁß |s£ß AÀ»
B) AÁß |s£ß AÀ»ß
C) AÁß |s£ß CÀø»
d) AÁß |s£ß AßÖ

38. ö£õ¸¢uõu Cøn Gx ?

A) ø©zxÚß – ø©zxÛ B) ©õnÁß – ©õnÂ
C) ©õ©ß – ©õª d) ¤µõß – ¤µõo

39. ö£õ¸¢uõu ö\õÀø»U PshÔP

A) SÖøÁ B) A›øÁ
C) öu›øÁ d) ÷£øu

40. HÖ÷£õÀ |h

A) ¤ÓÂøÚ ÁõUQ¯® B) P»øÁ ÁõUQ¯®

C) PmhøÍ ÁõUQ¯® d) ußÂøÚ ÁõUQ¯®

A -8-

41. ^}vW°tOU AvpORa Akq|LkÅfL SqLY°tOU fÐ]q]¨OÐO. RfãLp

S^Lc]W¥ Jv ?
^}vWU Akq|LkÅfL SqLYU
1) A – Rmr]Rmr]
2) d – r]¨ãVyV
3) E – vÌ|f
4) B1 – Ø¡v]
A) 1 oLNfU B) 1, 4 IÐ]v
C) 1, 3 IÐ]v d) 1, 3, 4 IÐ]v

42. jv^Lf w]wO¨tORa SW¥v] RRvWs|U WºOk]a]\ÿV yT^j| \]W]Ã

j¤WOÐf]jLp] SWqt yLoPz]W o]xjOU SWqt BSqLY|o]xjOU S\¡ÐV
jaÕL¨OÐ kÈf] JfLeV ?
A) WLSfLqU B) i~j]
C) èOf] oiOqU d) WqOf¤ RR\¤cV RWp¡

43. fLRuÕrpOÐvp]¤ zQhp Skw]pOoLp] mÌRÕŸ wq]pLp NkñLvjW¥

JRfsæLU ?
ii) yVk]¢c]¤ BWQf]pOç SWLw°¥.
iii) ARRj±]W \sj°¥ yLi|oL¨OÐO.
iv) RI±]W \sj°¥ yLi|oL¨OÐO.
A) i and ii B) ii and iii
C) i and iii d) i and iv

44. fLRuÕrpOÐvp]¤ zq]fYQz vLfWU AsæL¾fV JfV ?

A) WL¡m¦RRc KLWVRRycV B) o}Sg¢
C) SWæLSrLlæPSrL WL¡m¦ d) RRjNayV By]cV

45. fLRu fÐ]q]¨OÐf]¤ JfV DkWqe¾]sLeV RRvh|OSfL¡²U pLNÍ]

SWL¡²oLp] oLrOÐfV ?
A) RRvh|Of ^jSrã¡ B) RRvh|Of lL¢
C) Cñ]q]RÕŸ] d) RRvh|Of m¥mV
A -9-

46. fLRu fÐ]q]¨OÐ qºV NkñLvjWRt yUmÌ]\ÿ wq]pLp KLkVx¢ JfV ?

i) nTSoLkq]fs¾]¤ IsæLp]a¾OU NYLv]ã] oPsoOç f~qeU KqO
ii) KqO vñOv]R£ nLqU nPoi|SqXL NkShw¾V Dçf]Sj¨L¥ WPaOfsLeV
A) qºV NkñLvjWtOU wq]pLeV B) (i) wq]pOU (ii) RfãOU BeV
C) qºV NkñLvjWtOU RfãLeV d) (i) RfãOU (ii) wq]pOU BeV

47. KqO SWL¦RvWõV Rs¢y]jOoOÐ]¤ 10 cm AWRs vñO v\ÿSÕL¥ Rs¢y]¤

j]ÐV 20 cm AWRspLp] pgL¡À Nkf]m]UmU sn]\ÿO. CT Rs¢y]R£
SlL¨yV hPqU INf ?
A) –8 cm B) –10 cm C) + 8 cm d) +10 cm

48. lOaVSmLt]R£ BWQf]p]sOç WL¡me]R£ KqO qPkLÍqoLeV

C) lOçr}¢ d) vN^U

49. KqO oPsW¾]R£ mLz|fo Rxsæ]Rs CsSNW›L¦ v]j|LyU 3s23p5 BReË]¤

oPsW¾]R£ yUSpL^Wf INf ?
A) 1 B) 5 C) 3 d) 2

50. fLRufÐ]q]¨OÐ Ap]qOWt]¤ KqO y¥RRlcV Ap]q]jV DhLzqeoLeV

A) WsLo]¢ B) SmLWVRRyãV
C) SzoRRããV d) y]ËV Rmæ¢cV

51. v]SvSWLhpU oLy]WpORa òLkW¢

A) è}jLqLpe YOqO B) \ŸÒ]y~Lo]W¥
C) WOoLqjLwL¢ d) RW. SWtÕ¢

52. RRf¨LaV AáLvOoLp] mÌo]sæL¾SffV ?

i) RRf¨LaV AáLv]R£ NkiLj w]x|jLp]qOÐO è}jLqLpe YOqO.
ii) RRf¨LaV AáLpORa pgL¡À SkqV yOmÿqLp¢ IÐLp]qOÐO.
iii) yof~yoL^U òLk]\ÿO.
C) KÐOU oPÐOU d) qºV
A -10-

53. è}jLqLpe YOqO yΡw]\ÿ JW v]ShwqL^|U

A) è}sË B) SjÕL¥ C) RR\j d) nPŸL¢

54. ""IR£ ^}v]f yÜqeW¥'' IÐ BÄWg IuOf]p yLoPz| kq]xVW¡¾LvV

A) RW. SWtÕ¢ B) v]. a]. nŸf]q]ÕLaV
C) k¼]ãV WrOÕ¢ d) oоV kÄjLn¢

55. 1896&Rs CTuv RoSÚLr]ps]jV SjfQf~U RWLaO¾ v|©].

A) ScL. k¤ÕO B) ySzLhq¢ AáÕ¢
C) WOoLqjLwL¢ d) jaqL^ YOqO

56. RRvWOeVby~Lo]WtOoLp] mÌRÕŸ NkñLvj JfV ?

i) "AáLvu]' IÐ ofU RRvWOeVby~Lo]W¥ òLk]\ÿ]qOÐO.
ii) f]qOv]fLUWP¡ nqeR¾ j}\nqeU IÐV v]Swx]Õ]\ÿO.
iii) hƒ]SeÍ|p]¤ Bh|oLp] W¹La] Nkf]xVb ja¾].
A) KÐOU oPÐOU B) qºV C) qºOU oPÐOU d) CvRpsæLU

57. AáËLt]Rp YLÌ]^] yΡw]\ÿ v¡xU

A) 1924 B) 1936 C) 1937 d) 1932


A) WOq|LS¨LyV Js]pLyV \Lvr B) RkLpVWp]¤ SpLzÐL¢
C) k¼]ãV WrOÕ¢ d) ySzLhq¢ AáÕ¢

59. AaO¨tp]¤ j]ÐV Aq°S¾àV IÐ jLaWU IuOf]pfLqV ?

A) oоV kÄjLn¢ B) v]. a]. nŸf]q]ÕLaV
C) RW. SWtÕ¢ d) y]. SWwv¢

60. v¨U AmÉO¤ XLh¡ oTsv]pORa Nky]È}WqeU

i) RIW| oOyæ}U yUZU
ii) y~ShwLn]oLj] kNfU
iii) CyæLUof y]ÈLÍ yUNYzU
C) CvRpsæLU d) qºOU oPÐOU
A -11-

61. wq]pLp khSofV ?

62. "oÎU' IÐ vL¨]R£ v]kq}f khU JfV ?
A) wOnU B) w}NZU C) woU d) òPsU
63. wq]pLp khSofV ?
A) wqfV\N΢ B) wqéN΢
C) wqˆN΢ d) wq\VMN΢
64. "nƒ]¨L¢ BNYz]¨OÐ B¥' IÐf]R£ KãkhU IÍV ?
A) mOnOƒO B) k]kLyO C) h]hQƒO d) k]kb]xO
65. "oOãU' IÐ kh¾]R£ kq|LpkhoŠL¾fV JfV ?
A) A^]qU B) WQkLeU C) \f~qU d) AËeU
66. "ijLw]kLaOW' IÐ RRws]pORa A¡ÀU vqOÐ qPkSofV ?
A) BqUn]¨OW B) WPs] RWLaO¨OW
C) AvyLj]¨OW d) kq]zy]¨OW

67. "DÚL¨] WLŸOW' IÐ RRws]pORa wq]pLp v|LX|LjSofV ?

A) ApgL¡goLp KÐV DRºÐ fq¾]¤ Avfq]Õ]¨OW.
B) pgL¡g¾]¤ Dçf]Sj¨L¥ WPaOfsORºÐV WLe]¨OW.
C) KÐV krpOWpOU oRãLÐV Nkv¡¾]¨OWpOU R\áOW.
d) RfãLp oL¡Y¾]¤ yµq]Õ]¨OW.

68. "\]SãLtU' k]q]RˆuOfOW.

A) \]ãV + KLtU B) \]r + KLtU
C) \]ã + KLtU d) \]rO + KLtU

69. NkyLhU – NkLyLhU IÐ} kh°tORa A¡ÀU vqOÐv JfLeV ?

A) ySÍLxU – oOtWV B) ySÍLxU – oLt]W
C) ySÎwU – WOp]¤ d) yPNfU – vQƒU

70. JWv\j qPkSofV ?

A) o]aO¨¡ B) Ai|LkW¡ C) nLYvf¡ d) ojOx|¡

71. mzOv\j qPkSofV ?

A) SNhLe¡ B) RRvh|¡ C) oqàL¡ d) nQf|¡
A -12-

72. WsV + ohU S\¡R¾uOfOW.

A) W¤ohU B) WÓhU C) W¦ohU d) W¡ohU
73. `L¢ KÐOU kb]ˆ]Š. B kq}ƒ `L¢ v]^p]ˆO. – CT vLW|°¥ S\¡R¾uO
fOSÒL¥ DkSpLY]¨LvOÐ wq]pLp ZaWkhSofV ?

74. wq]pLp khSofV ?

A) DM~LyU B) D±~LyU C) D\~LyU d) DSM~LyU

75. "v|©]Rp yUmÌ]ˆfV ' – KãÕhSofV ?

A) v|©]WU B) RRvp©]WU
C) v|©U d) v|©]YfU

76. “He would have come if I had invited him.”– IÐf]R£ wq]pLp kq]nLx
JfV ?
A) `L¢ ƒe]ˆ]RŠË]sOU Av¢ vqOoLp]qOÐO.
B) `L¢ ƒe]ˆ]ŸOU Av¢ vÐ]Š.
C) `L¢ ƒe]¨Lf]qOÐ]ŸOU Av¢ vÐO.
d) `L¢ ƒe]ˆ]qORÐË]¤ Av¢ vSÐRj.

77. Nñ}s]UY wýRouOfOW – "NknO'

A) Nkn]j] B) Nkn C) Nkn~] d) NknLvf]

78. kOŠ]UY wýRouOfOW – "JWLW]j]'

A) JW¢ B) JWLW] C) JWLW¢ d) JWf¢

79. jÐP¤ – k]q]RˆuOfOW.

A) jjV + jP¤ B) jsV + jP¤ C) joV + jP¤ d) jj + jP¤

80. fLRu krpOÐf]¤ wq]pLp qPkSofV ?

A) kºOWLs¾V j]sv]sOç RIf]z|°RtÕã] \q]NfWLqÓL¡ ojô]sL¨]
B) kºOWLsR¾ j]sv]sOç RIf]z|°Rtkã] \q]NfWLqÓL¡ ojô]
sL¨]Rp kãP.
C) kSº j]sv]sOç RIf]z|°RtÕã] \q]NfWLqÓL¡ ojô]sL¨]Sp
d) kSº j]sv]sOç RIf]z|°Rtkã] \q]NfWLqÓL¡ ojô]sL¨]
A -13-

81. He is dependent __________ me.

A) about B) for C) upon d) in
82. Write the antonym of the underlined word.
Things that are cheap in summer are sometimes too __________ in winter.
A) scarce B) dear C) nice d) smooth

83. Preetha ____________ with an accident last week.

A) is meeting B) has met C) meets d) met

84. Rama, as well as mohan __________ passed the exam.

A) have B) has C) is d) was

85. Choose the right option to change into indirect speech.

He said to me, “I finished the work yesterday itself.”
A) He said to me that I finished the work yesterday itself.
B) He said to me that he had finished the work the previous day itself.
C) He said to me that he has finished the work the previous day itself.
D) He said to me that he finished the work the previous day itself.

86. Choose the correct meaning for the idiom underlined.

His blood ran cold when he heard that his friend was murdered.
A) he was angry B) he was upset C) he was horrified D) he was cool
87. It is not good to smoke ___________ cigarette before ____________ meal.
A) a : the B) the : a C) the : the d) a : a
88. I would go and meet him if he ___________ me.
A) invite B) invited C) invites d) had invited
89. Change the following sentence into assertive sentence.
Can you lift the heavy luggage ?
A) Please lift the heavy luggage.
B) How can I lift the heavy luggage !
C) I can lift the heavy luggage.
d) None of the above

90. Add appropriate question tag.

let us have a cup of tea, __________ ?
A) haven’t we B) shall we C) Isn’t it d) have we
A -14-

91. Change the voice.

Cats catch mice.
A) mice is caught by cats B) Cats are caught by mice
C) mice were caught by cats d) mice are caught by cats
92. Change the following sentence into superlative degree.
malacca is an old town in malaysia.
A) malacca is older than any other towns in malaysia.
B) malacca is not so new city.
C) None of the towns in malaysia is as old as malacca.
d) malacca is the oldest town in malaysia.
93. Sparrows : twitter, Elephants : __________
A) scream B) trumpet C) howl d) bellow
94. Bitter : Bitterness, Reject : ___________
A) rejection B) rejectness C) rejectance d) rejecting
95. Choose the correct spelling.
A) Preseverance B) Perseverance
C) Perseverence d) Preseverence
96. duke : duchess, Bachelor : ___________
A) Huntress B) Countess C) Spinster d) Princess
97. Irfan was ___________ in a village in Bihar.
A) Brought in B) Brought up C) Brought out d) Brought for
98. Choose one word for the phrase underlined.
The people who were watching cheered loudly.
A) spectators B) passengers C) authors d) watchers
99. Find one word for the following :
A building with a furnace for cremating dead bodies.
A) Sanatorium B) Granary
C) Crematorium d) Gymnasium
100. ‘Ex-gratia’ means
A) extremely grateful B) not grateful
C) get something in return d) payment made out of generosity

A -15-

Space for rough work

A -16-

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