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Stocks - are among the most basic 6.

Bouquet garni
preparations found in professional
kitchen. They are referred to in French as Assortment of fresh herbs and aromatic
fonds de cuisine, or ―the foundation of ingredients tied in a bundle with string so
cooking.” It is a flavorful liquid prepared it can be removed easily from the stock.
by simmering meaty bones from meat or
poultry, seafood and/or vegetables in
The following are approximate cooking
water with aromatics until their flavor,
time for different stocks; the time will vary
aroma, color and body, and nutritive value
according to numerous factors such as
are extracted.
ingredients quality, volume and cooking

Chicken stock – made from the chicken White beef stock - 8 to 10 hours
White and brown Veal Game stock – 6 to
White stock – made from beef or veal 8 hours
White poultry and Game Bird Stocks – 3
Brown stock – made from beef or veal to 4 hours
bones that have been browned in an
Fish Stock – 45 minutes to 1 hour
Vegetables Stock – 45 minutes to 1 hour,
Fish stock – made from fish bones and depending on the specific ingredients and
trimmings left over after filleting the size


1. Bones
Most of the flavor and body of stocks are  Bay Leaf
derived from the bones of beef, veal,  Cajun Seasoning
chicken, fish, and pork. The kinds of bones  Cinnamon
used determine the kind of stock, except  Curry Powder
vegetable stock  Flax Seed
2. Mirepoix  Ginger
is the French term for the combination of  Mixed Spices & Seasoning
coarsely chopped onions, carrots and  Mustard
celery used to flavor stocks  Nutmeg
3. Acid products  Oregano
Acid helps dissolve connective tissues, and  Paprika
extract flavor and body from bones.  Pepper & Peppercorns

4. Scraps and left-over

Scraps may be used in stocks if they are CLASSIFICATION OF SOUPS
clear, wholesome, and appropriate to the
stock being made. 1. Clear Soups. They are soups based on a
5. Seasoning and spices clear, unthickened broth or stock. They
may be served plain or garnished with a c. Cold soup is variations on the traditional
variety of vegetables and meats soup wherein the temperature when
served is kept at or below temperature.
2. Thick Soups are soups that are
thickened to provide a heavier d. Asian soup is a traditional soup which is
consistency. Thick soup is a cream soup typical broth, clear soup, or starch
based on béchamel sauce and is finished thickened soup.
with a heavy cream. A béchamel sauce is
Other thickening agents for soup
milk thickened with roux.
1. rice
Classification of thick soup
2. flour
 Cream soups – are soups thickened with 3. grain
roux, beurremanie, liaison or other 4. corn starch
thickening agents, plus milk, or cream. Ingredients of soup
• Meat (chicken, beef, pork, lamb, fish)
 Purees – vegetable soup thickened with • Salt
starch • Pepper
 Bisques – are thickened soups made • Vegetables (carrots, string beans,
from shellfish. turnips, tomatoes, mushrooms, celery,
 Chowders – are hearty soups made from • Onion
fish, shellfish or vegetables usually contain • Garlic
milk and potatoes. • Water
• Eggs
 Veloutes – soup thickened with egg, • Cornstarch
butter and cream. • Seasoning (MSG, convenience products)
Other types of soup a. • Butter
• Cream
a. Dessert soup • Garnishes (slices of lemon, egg,
A. Ginataan – a Filipino soup made from shredded vegetables, pimiento strips)
coconut milk, milk, fruit, and tapioca pearl Sauces
served hot or cold. One of the important components of a
B. Osheriku – a Japanese asuki bean soup dish is the sauce. Sauces serve a particular
function in the composition of a dish.
C.Tonge sui – a Chinese soup
These enhance the taste of the food to be
b. Fruit Soup can be served hot or cold served as well as add moisture or
depending on the recipe where dried succulence to food that are cooked dry.
fruits are used like raisins and prunes.
Fruit soup may include milk, sweet or Basic Sauces for Meat, Vegetables,
savory dumplings, spices or alcoholic and Fish
beverages like brandy and champagne.
1. White sauce - Its basic ingredient is
milk which is thickened with flour
enriched with butter.
2. Veloute sauce- Its chief ingredients are Selecting and Purchasing Poultry and
veal, chicken and fish broth, thickened Game
with blonde roux.
Poultry refers to several kinds of fowl that
3. Hollandaise – It is a rich emulsified are used as food and the term includes
sauce made from butter, egg yolks, lemon chicken, turkey, duck, pigeon, and quail.
juice and cayenne. Emulsion – (as fat in These are usually domesticated raised
milk) consists of liquid dispersed with or mainly for meat and/or eggs. Birds such as
without an emulsifier in another liquid smites that are hunted for food are games.
that usually would not mix together.
Chickens and other poultry may be divided
4. Brown sauce / Espagnole – It is a brown into classes which are essentially of the
roux-based sauce made with margarine or same physical characteristics associated
butter, flavor and brown stock. 5. Tomato with age, sex, live weight and/or breed.
– It is made from stock (ham/pork) and
1. Broiler or Fryer. A broiler or fryer is
tomato products seasoned with spices and
young chicken, usually 9 to 12 weeks of
age, of either sex, is tender-meat with
Variation of Sauces soft, pliable, smoothtextured skin.

1. Hot Sauces – made just before they are 2. Roaster. A roaster is usually 5 to 6
to be used. months of age.

2. Cold sauces – cooked ahead of time, 3. Capon. A capon is a surgically desexed

then cooled, covered, and placed in the male chicken usually under 8 months of
refrigerator to chill. age.

Thickening Agents - thickens sauce to the 4. Stag. A stag is a male chicken, usually
right consistency. The sauce must be thick under 10 months of age, with coarse skin,
enough to cling lightly to the food. with somewhat toughened and darkened
Starches are the most commonly used
thickeners for sauce making. Flour is the 5. Hen or Stewing Chicken. It is a mature
principal starch used. female chicken which is usually more than
10 months of age. It can also be a culled
1. Fat
A. Clarified butter. Using clarified butter
6. Cock or Rooster. It is a mature male
results to finest sauces because of its
chicken with coarse skin, toughened and
darkened meat and hardened breastbone
B. Margarine. Used as a substitute for tip.
butter because of its lower cost.
7. Jumbo Broiler. This is a large chicken
C. Animal fat. Chicken fat, beef drippings about 4 kg. dressed weight which are on
and lard. sale especially during the Christmas
D. Vegetable oil and shortening. Can be
used for roux, but it adds no flavor.
Selecting Good Quality Poultry and Live poultry should be healthy, alert, and
Game well-feathered. Avoid poultry which have
bruises, blisters and broken bones.
1. Live Poultry
Whole poultry
a. It has clear eyes.
b. A young chicken has fine and soft feet. Though not alive, the criteria for selecting
If it is old, the feet are thick and scaly. live poultry also apply to whole poultry.
c. The bone at the tip of the breast is soft
in younger chicken and thick in older one. Dressed poultry
d. Small feathers indicate that the chicken This is the most available poultry form in
is young. the market. Dressed poultry are actually
2. Whole Poultry. These are slaughtered slaughtered poultry with the head, feet,
birds that have been bled and de- blood, feathers and internal organs
feathered. a. Their head, feet and viscera removed. Good quality dressed poultry
are still intact. should be free from slime, off-odors and
b. They are clean, well fleshed. discoloration.
c. They have moderate fat coverings.
d. They are free from pin feathers and Drawn poultry
show no cuts, scars or missing skin.
3. Dressed Poultry. These are slaughtered These are dressed poultry that have been
birds that have been bled, defeathered, chilled or frozen. They are usually
and the visceral organs are removed. available in groceries.

a. The skin is smooth and yellow in color Ready-to cook

b. The breast is plump
These are poultry parts such as wings,
c. The thighs are well-developed
breast, thighs, or drumsticks which have
d. It has no objectionable odor
been separately packed in a single
e. It is heavy and the skin is not watery
container and frozen or chilled.
4. Ready-to-Cook. The dressed birds may
be cut up and marinated or seasoned.
5. Poultry Parts. Several pieces of a single
poultry part are usually packed in one Different Cuts of Poultry
carton, wrapped and chilled or frozen. The Whole Chicken
various poultry parts are divided into any Whole Chickens are marketed either fresh
of the following: or frozen.
a. dark meat – drumsticks, thighs, wings,
neck, backs, and rib cage Halves
b. white meat – breasts The bird is split from front to back through
c. giblets – gizzard and heart the backbone and keel to produce 2
halves of approximately equal weight
Market forms of poultry
Breast Quarters
Live poultry
Halves may be further cut into which
include the wing. A breast quarter,
including portions of the back, is all white from the leg quarter and does not contain
meat. a portion of the back.

Split Breast Boneless, Skinless Leg Whole chicken leg

A breast quarter with the wing removed. with skin and bone removed.

Split Breast without Back Thigh

A breast quarter with wing and back The thigh is the portion of the leg above
portion removed. the knee joint.

Boneless, Skinless Thigh

Boneless, Skinless Breast Thigh with skin and bone removed.
Split breast that has been skinned and
deboned. Drumsticks
Drumsticks include the lower portion of
8-Piece Cut The whole bird is cut into 2 the leg quarter (the portion between the
breast halves with ribs and back portion, 2 knee joint and the hock).
wings, 2 thighs with back portion and 2
drumsticks. The parts may be packaged Giblets Includes heart, liver, and neck.
together and labelled as whole cut-up
chicken. These are usually sold without Portion Control for Cooked Poultry
giblets. and Game
Whole Chicken Wing Chicken
The whole chicken wing is an all-white
 Meat shrinks about 25% when
meat portion composed of three sections;
the drumette, midsection, and tip.
 A chicken breast is generally 3-4
Wing Drummettes
 A chicken thigh is usually 2 ounces,
The first section between the shoulder
while a leg is 1-2 ounces
and the elbow.
 Chicken wings are high in fat it
takes 2 wings to equal a 1
Wing Mid-Section with Tip
ounceschoice (or exchange) with
The flat center section and the flipper
(wing tip).

Wing Mid-Section Portion: A ―portion‖ is how much
The section between the elbow and the food you choose to eat at one time
tip, sometimes called the wing flat or mid- (breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack),
joint. whether in a restaurant, from a
package, or in your own kitchen.
Whole Chicken Leg Whole Chicken Leg
The whole chicken leg is the drumstick- Serving: A ―serving‖ size is the
thigh combination. The whole leg differs amount of food listed (and
recommended) on a product‘s
Nutrition Facts (panel of packaged
food) or the amount of food
recommended in the Food Guide
Pyramid and the Dietary Guidelines

Factors to consider in
presenting/plating poultry dishes

 Types of service wares

 Plating
 Garnishing
 Sauces
 Accompaniments

Plating/ Presenting Poultry Dishes

 Plating the food
 Decorate the frame
 Mix shapes, colors and textures
 Garnishes

Factors to Consider in
presenting/plating poultry dishes

 Types of service wares

 Plating
 Garnishes
 Sauces
 Accompaniments

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