Iec 60900 2012
Iec 60900 2012
Iec 60900 2012
Edition 3.0 2012-06
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IEC 60900:2012
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FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 7
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 8
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................... 8
3 Terms and definitions ....................................................................................................... 8
4 Requirements ................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 General requirements .............................................................................................. 9
4.1.1 Safety .......................................................................................................... 9
4.1.2 Performance under load .............................................................................. 9
4.1.3 Multiple-ended hand tools .......................................................................... 10
4.1.4 Marking ..................................................................................................... 10
4.1.5 Separating of covers .................................................................................. 11
4.1.6 Instructions for correct adjustment and assembly ...................................... 11
4.2 Requirements concerning insulating materials ....................................................... 11
4.2.1 General ..................................................................................................... 11
4.2.2 Thermal stability ........................................................................................ 11
4.3 Additional requirements ......................................................................................... 11
4.3.1 Hand tools capable of being assembled ..................................................... 11
4.3.2 Screwdrivers ............................................................................................. 14
4.3.3 Wrenches – uninsulated areas ................................................................... 15
IEC 60900:2012
4.3.4 Adjustable wrenches.................................................................................. 15
4.3.5 Pliers, strippers, cable scissors, cable-cutting hand tools .......................... 16
4.3.6 Scissors .................................................................................................... 19
4.3.7 Knives ....................................................................................................... 20
4.3.8 Tweezers ................................................................................................... 21
5 Tests .............................................................................................................................. 22
5.1 General ................................................................................................................. 22
5.2 Visual check .......................................................................................................... 23
5.3 Dimensional check ................................................................................................ 23
5.4 Impact tests........................................................................................................... 23
5.4.1 Type test ................................................................................................... 23
5.4.2 Alternative means in case of insulated and insulating hand tools
having completed the production phase ..................................................... 26
5.5 Dielectric tests ...................................................................................................... 26
5.5.1 General requirements ................................................................................ 26
5.5.2 Conditioning (for type test only) ................................................................. 26
5.5.3 Dielectric testing of insulated hand tools .................................................... 27
5.5.4 Dielectric testing of insulating hand tools ................................................... 30
5.6 Indentation test (for insulated hand tools) .............................................................. 31
5.6.1 Type test ................................................................................................... 31
5.6.2 Alternative means in case of insulated hand tools having completed
the production phase ................................................................................. 32
5.7 Test for adhesion of the insulating material coating (for insulated hand tools) ....... 32
5.7.1 Conditioning .............................................................................................. 32
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Table F.1 – Classification of defects and associated requirements and tests ........................ 51
IEC 60900:2012
60900 © IEC:2012 –5–
TO 1 000 V AC AND 1 500 V DC
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To
this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications,
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2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
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3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
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5) IEC itself does not provide any attestation of conformity. Independent certification bodies provide conformity
assessment services and, in some areas, access to IEC marks of conformity. IEC is not responsible for any
services carried out by independent certification 60900:2012
All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors,60900-2012
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International Standard IEC 60900 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 78: Live
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition, published in 2004. This edition
constitutes a technical revision.
It includes the following significant technical changes with regard to the previous edition:
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
the stability date indicated on the IEC web site under "" in the data
related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
This International Standard has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of
IEC 61477 where applicable.
The product covered by this standard may have an impact on the environment during some or
all stages of its life cycle. These impacts can range from slight to significant, be of short-term
or long-term, and occur at the global, regional or local level.
This standard does not include requirements and test provisions for the manufacturers of the
product, or recommendations to the users of the product for environmental improvement.
However, all parties intervening in its design, manufacture, packaging, distribution, use,
maintenance, repair, reuse, recovery and disposal are invited to take account of
environmental considerations.
TO 1 000 V AC AND 1 500 V DC
1 Scope
This International Standard is applicable to insulated and insulating hand tools used for
working live or close to live parts at nominal voltages up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c.
The products designed and manufactured according to this standard contribute to the safety
of the users provided they are used by skilled persons, in accordance with safe methods of
work and the instructions for use (where appropriate).
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and
are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
IEC 60060-1, High-voltage test techniques – Part 1: General definitions and test requirements
IEC 60212, Standard conditions for use prior to and during the testing of solid electrical
insulating materials
IEC 60900:2012
IEC 60417, Graphical symbols for use on equipment
IEC 61318, Live working – Conformity assessment applicable to tools, devices and equipment
IEC 61477, Live working – Minimum requirements for the utilization of tools, devices and
ISO 1174-1, Assembly tools for screw and nuts – Driving squares – Part 1: Driving squares for
hand socket tools
ISO 9654, Pliers and nippers for electronics – Single-purpose nippers – Cutting nippers
ISO 9655, Pliers and nippers for electronics – Single-purpose pliers – Pliers for gripping and
ISO 9657, Pliers and nippers for electronics – General technical requirements
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 61318 and the
following apply.
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NOTE For the definitions of general terms in this document, reference should be made to the IEC 60050 series or
to special definitions laid down in IEC 60743. Nomenclature of hand tools are found in the relevant ISO standards
such as ISO 1703, ISO 5742 and ISO 8979.
hand tool (for live working)
hand held insulated or insulating tool
Note 1 to entry: Hand tools are normally tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches or knives.
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-651:1999, 651-01-27, modified – The scope of the definition has been
insulated hand tool
hand tool made of conductive materials, fully or partially covered by insulating materials
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-651:1999, 651-01-25, modified – The definition has been changed to
refer specifically to hand tools.]
insulating hand tool
hand tool made totally or essentially from insulating materials except for inserts made from
conductive materials used for reinforcement, but with no exposed conductive parts
NOTE Insulated hand tools completely covered by insulating materials and insulating tools minimize the risk of
short circuits between two parts at different potentials when they are used in the correct manner.
The following requirements have been prepared in order that the hand tools covered by this
standard are designed and manufactured to contribute to the safety of the users, provided
they are used by persons skilled for live working, in accordance with safe methods of work
and the instructions for use (where appropriate).
The mechanical specifications for insulated hand tools shall comply with the corresponding
ISO standards, or, where no ISO standard exists, with a standard specified by the
manufacturer or the customer, (for example a national standard). The mechanical
specifications for the working parts of the hand tools shall be retained even after application
of an insulating layer.
Insulating hand tools specially designed for live working may have lower stress resistance
than insulated hand tools, but they shall withstand the expected workloads without failing due
to remaining deformation or breaking. These hand tools can be equipped with devices that
limit the workloads that can be applied with them, for example by overload slipping clutches
(see also Annex A).
– 10 – 60900 © IEC:2012
Multiple-ended hand tools, such as box wrenches, keys for hexagonal socket screws, double-
ended socket-wrenches, double-head open-end wrenches, etc., are not allowed for insulated
hand tools but are allowed for insulating hand tools if the design assures that there is no
conductive connection between two of the working heads.
4.1.4 Marking
The marking shall be clearly identifiable by persons with normal or corrected sight without
further magnification. Each hand tool and/or tool component shall be legibly and permanently
marked with the following items of marking:
indication 1 000 V (i.e. the electrical working limit for alternating current), immediately
adjacent to the symbol double triangle (see Figure 1 for an example);
IEC 60900:2012
1 000 V
IEC 1042/12
Figure 1 – Marking of the electrical working limit adjacent to the symbol double triangle
– number of the relevant IEC standard immediately adjacent to the symbol double
triangle, (IEC 60900);
– for hand tools designed for use at extremely low temperature: letter “C” (see 4.2.2);
– additional marking for hand tools capable of being assembled and designed to be
interchangeable between different manufacturers (see;
– additional marking where specified by the customer (for example ownership mark).
The hand tools shall bear no voltage marking apart from those described above.
NOTE For example, the indication of test voltage may lead to the assumption that the hand tool is suitable for
work at that voltage.
Other characteristics or information not needed at the work location, like the year of
publication of the standard, shall be associated to the product item by other means, such as
coded information (bar codes, microchips, etc.), or shall be associated to its packaging.
60900 © IEC:2012 – 11 –
The symbol double triangle shall be at least 3 mm high; the letter and the figures of the
electrical working limit shall be at least 2 mm (see Figure 1).
If hand tools have conductive elements (for example: torque adjusting screws, operating
direction switches, etc.) which are insulated with covers of insulating materials, these covers
shall be well fastened, so that they do not come off during normal use (see 5.7.4).
Where the manufacturer deems that instructions are necessary for correct adjustment or
assembly, then the manufacturer shall provide these in accordance with the general
provisions given in IEC 61477 (see also Annex C).
4.2.1 General
The insulating material shall be selected according to the electrical, mechanical and thermal
stresses to which it may be exposed during use. In addition, the insulating material shall have
an adequate resistance to ageing and be flame retardant.
The insulating coating may consist of one or more layers. If two or more layers are adopted,
contrasting colours may be used.
The insulating material applied on hand tools shall adhere securely to the conductive part
from –20 °C to +70 °C.
Hand tools intended for use at extremely low temperatures (down to –40 °C) shall be
designated “Category C” and shall be designed for this purpose.
Hand tools capable of being assembled shall have suitable retaining devices to prevent
unintentional separation of the assembly. The retaining forces shall be tested according to
In the case of connecting parts of hand tools capable of being assembled, the insulation shall
be applied in such a manner that if any part becomes detached during use by exceeding the
retaining forces according to 5.8.4, no conductive part, which may still be live, can be
inadvertently touched or cause a disruptive discharge.
– 12 – 60900 © IEC:2012 General
Hand tools capable of being assembled with square drives shall have square drives and
square sockets in accordance with ISO 1174-1 (for separating forces, see To ensure
compatibility of insulation between different manufacturers, these hand tools shall be
designed with overlapping elements described in Figure 2. Their dimensions and tolerances
shall be in accordance with Table 1.
IEC 1043/12
A admitted shapes
6,3 19 16 2 12,5 13 18 19
10 19 16 2 17,5 18 23 24
12,5 19 16 2 21,5 22 27 28
20 19 16 2 32 33 38 39
I 1 , I 2 , I 3 , d 1 , d 2 , d 3 and d 4 are described in Figure 2.
Hand tools capable of being assembled and designed to be interchangeable between different
manufacturers shall be specifically marked as such.
The marking symbol and the dimensions are given in Figure 3. The dimension H shall be
greater than or equal to 5 mm.
Dimensions in millimetres
IEC 60900:2012
0,6 H
IEC 1044/12
The reliable function of locking systems used for those hand tools shall be tested by applying
a separation test in accordance with 5.8.4 with a corresponding dummy.
For this kind of hand tools, instructions for correct assembly are mandatory. The manufacturer
shall include the following information: “To assure that the complete assembly of insulated
hand tool components from different manufacturers will withstand separating forces that are
expected during the intended use, prior to the use of any assembly the user shall assure, by
pulling by hand in a separating direction, that the retaining devices of all used elements are
working efficiently”.