Utilities - 2019 - : Preamble

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Part 5


— 2019 —


The position of the Association is that the encasement of pipelines transporting liquids under pressure across, over, or under a
railroad operating right-of-way, or that railroad right-of-way proposed for future operations, is in the best interest of the
railroad, public, and parties contracting for the crossing.

The encasement, when installed in accordance with the recommended practice of the Association, permits the pipeline
operating company to install a facility of usual design, at or near, a usual depth of cover or a usual overhead clearance
requirement. Installation of the encasement pipe prior to pipeline construction activities reduces the risk of delay caused by 1
encountering unanticipated facilities, poor subsurface conditions, or difficult attachment at the crossing location.

The encasement affords the pipeline and railroad companies a measure of protection from damage to their operating facilities
resulting from the actions of unauthorized parties, or the errant actions of authorized parties. Additionally, it shields the
pipeline from potential physical damage as a result of derailment, thus reducing the risk of product loss in the surrounding soil
and promoting the earliest possible safe return to operation of the pipeline facility. By conducting the flow of lost product to
the outer limits of the railroad operating right-of-way, the risk of delay or curtailment of railroad operations during repair and 3
cleanup activities is reduced. Allowing both the railroad and pipeline companies to resume safe operation of their facilities as
quickly as possible following an event serves the interests of the public, the railroad, and the pipeline company.

The Association supports research for engineered encasements that allow cathodic protection and railroad service protection.


Section/Article Description Page

5.1 Guidelines for Pipelines Conveying Flammable Substances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-4

5.1.1 Scope (1993) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-4
5.1.2 General Requirements (2002) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-5
5.1.3 Steel Carrier Pipe (2002) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-6
5.1.4 Plastic Carrier Pipe Conveying Non Liquid Flammable Substances (2002) R(2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-7
5.1.5 Casing Pipe (2002) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-8
5.1.6 Construction (2002) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-9

References, Vol. 34, 1933, p. 163, 830; Vol. 42, 1941, pp. 555, 831; Vol 43, 1942, pp. 481, 731; Vol. 54, 1953, pp. 1089, 1385; Vol. 55, 1954, pp. 692, 1054;
Vol. 56, 1955, pp. 688, 1115; Vol. 57, 1956, pp. 645, 1077; Vol. 62, 1961, pp. 692, 938; Vol. 63, 1962, pp. 582, 750; Vol. 65, 1964, pp. 491, 835; Vol. 67,
1966, pp. 527, 739; Vol. 72, 1971, p. 109; Vol. 73, 1972, p. 150; Vol. 92, 1991, p. 39; Vol. 94, p. 42. Latest page consist: 1 to 19 incl. (1993).

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association 1-5-1

Roadway and Ballast


Section/Article Description Page

5.1.7 Approval of Plans (2002) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-11

5.1.8 Execution of Work (1993) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-12

5.2 Guidelines for Uncased Gas Pipelines within the Railroad Right-of-Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-12
5.2.1 Scope (1993) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-12
5.2.2 General Requirements (2002) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-13
5.2.3 Carrier Pipe (2002) R(2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-14
5.2.4 Construction (1993) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-22
5.2.5 Approval of Plans (2002) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-22
5.2.6 Execution of Work (1993) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-23
5.2.7 Commentary (1993) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-23

5.3 Guidelines for Pipelines Conveying Non-Flammable Substances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-24

5.3.1 Scope (1993) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-24
5.3.2 General Requirements (2002) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-24
5.3.3 Carrier Pipe (2002) R(2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-25
5.3.4 Steel Casing Pipe (2002) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-26
5.3.5 Construction (2002) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-28
5.3.6 Approval of Plans (1993) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-29
5.3.7 Execution of Work (1993) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-30

5.4 Guidelines for Overhead Pipelines Crossings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-30

5.4.1 Scope (2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-30
5.4.2 General Conditions (2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-30
5.4.3 General Design Requirements (2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-30
5.4.4 Structural Elements (2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-31
5.4.5 Inspection and Maintenance (2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-32

5.5 Guidelines for Wireline Crossings and Parallel Encroachments on Railroad Right of Way. . . . . . . . . . 1-5-32
5.5.1 Scope (2018). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-32
5.5.2 General Guidelines (2018) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-33
5.5.3 Parallel Wireline Encroachments (Underground and Overhead) (2018) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-33
5.5.4 Wireline Crossings (Carrying 750 Volts or Less) (2018) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-34
5.5.5 Wireline Crossings (Carrying More Than 750 Volts) (2018) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-36

5.6 Guidelines for Fiber Optic “Route” Construction on Railroad Right of Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-39
5.6.1 Scope (2014) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-39
5.6.2 Planning (2014) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-39
5.6.3 Design (2014) R(2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-40
5.6.4 Construction (2014) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-45
5.6.5 Documentation (2014) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-47
5.6.6 Maintenance (2014) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-49
5.6.7 Definitions (2014) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-50
5.6.8 Abbreviations (2014) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-52

5.7 Guidelines for Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Construction on Railroad Right-of-Way. . . . . . 1-5-53
5.7.1 Scope (2013) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-53

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

1-5-2 AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering



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5.7.2 Design (2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-54

5.7.3 Construction (2013) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-57
5.7.4 Documentation (2013) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-58
5.7.5 Definitions (2013) R(2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-58

5.8 Microtunneling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-59

5.8.1 Scope (2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-59
5.8.2 Planning (2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-59
5.8.3 Design (2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-62
5.8.4 Construction (2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-68
5.8.5 Submittal Documentation (2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-70
5.8.6 Definitions (2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-71
5.8.7 Abbreviations (2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-74

5.9 Pilot Tube Guided Boring Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-75

5.9.1 Scope (2019) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-75
5.9.2 Pilot Tube Applicability (2019) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-75
5.9.3 Design (2019). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-79
5.9.4 Construction (2019) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-84
5.9.5 Submittal Documentation (2019). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-88 1
5.9.6 Definitions (2019) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-88
5.9.7 Abbreviations (2019) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-91
5.9.8 References (2019) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-91

5.10 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-91

5.10.1 Exhibits (2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-91

Figure Description Page

1-5-1 Casing Pipe Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-6 4

1-5-2 Uncased Gas Pipelines Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-13
1-5-3 Casing Pipe Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-24
1-5-4 Theoretical Railroad Embankment Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-60
1-5-5 Typical Microtunneling Equipment Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-69
1-5-6 Installation of the Pilot Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-76
1-5-7 Installing Thrust Casings to Enlarge the Pilot Tube Hole by Excavating the Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-77
1-5-8 Typical Upsizing with a PRH or PCH to Install a Jacking Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-78
1-5-9 Typical Pilot Tube Method Shaft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-81
1-5-10 Stacked Launch Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-82
1-5-11 Typical Jacking Frame Configured for Pilot Tube Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-83
1-5-12 Pilot Tube Equipment Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-85
1-5-13 Theodolite to Set Orientation and Grade with Camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-86
1-5-14 Typical LED Target and Images Displayed On Operator's Control Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-87
1-5-15 Methodology for Equating Fiber Optic Cable Locations to Railroad Track & Right-of-Way Maps . . . . . . 1-5-93
1-5-16 Bridge Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-94
1-5-17 Cable Depth Around Culverts and Ditches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-95

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

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Figure Description Page

1-5-18 Bore Pit Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-96

1-5-19 Regen Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-97
1-5-20 Conventional Fill Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-98
1-5-21 Standard Turnout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-99
1-5-22 General Shoring Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-100
1-5-23 Fill Installation Directional Bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-101
1-5-24 Installation on Top of Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-102
1-5-25 EXHIBIT "K" Plan Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-103
1-5-26 Horizontal Directional Drilling Plan View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-104
1-5-27 Horizontal Directional Drilling Bore Parallel to Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-105
1-5-28 Horizontal Directional Drilling Under Track Bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-106


Table Description Page

1-5-1 Minimum Wall Thickness for Steel Casing Pipe for E80 Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-8
1-5-2 Plan Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-12
1-5-3 Minimum Nominal Wall Thickness (inches) for Uncased Carrier Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-15
1-5-4 Plan Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-23
1-5-5 Minimum Wall Thickness for Steel Casing Pipe for E80 Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-27
1-5-6 Plan Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-29
1-5-7 Pipe Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-64
1-5-8 Shaft Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-66
1-5-9 Standard Specifications Diameters and Lengths of Typical Pilot Tube Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-80
1-5-10 Items Typically Included in The Pilot Tube Ancillary Equipment Layout and Their Typical Dimensions. 1-5-84
1-5-11 Site Inspection Document "Exhibit O" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5-107


5.1.1 SCOPE (1993) R(2017)

These guidelines cover minimum requirements for pipelines installed on or adjacent to railroad rights-of-way to carry liquid
flammable products or highly volatile substances under pressure. The term “Engineer” used herein means the chief engineer of
the railroad company or the authorized representative. These guidelines may be increased when risks from any of the
following conditions are increased:

a. Track speed.

b. Traffic density.

c. Traffic sensitivity.

d. Terrain conditions, cuts/fills, etc.

e. Curvature and grade.

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f. Bridges and other structures.

g. Pipe size, capacity and material carried.

h. Environmental risks/damages.

5.1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (2002) R(2017)

a. Pipelines under railroad tracks and across railroad rights-of-way shall be encased in a larger pipe or conduit called the
casing pipe as indicated in Figure 1-5-1. Except for plastic carrier pipe, casing pipe may be omitted in the following

(1) Under secondary or industry tracks as approved by the Engineer.

(2) On pipelines in streets where the stress in the pipe from internal pressure and external loads does not exceed 40
percent of the specified minimum yield strength (multiplied by longitudinal joint factor) of the steel pipe material,
as approved by the Engineer.

(3) On gas pipelines as provided in Section 5.2.

(4) On pipelines installed by HDD as described in Section 5.7.

b. Pipelines and casing pipe shall be installed under tracks by boring, or jacking, or HDD, if practicable.

c. Pipelines shall be located, where practicable, to cross tracks at approximately right angles thereto but preferably at not 1
less than 45 degrees and shall not be placed within a culvert, under railroad bridges nor closer than 45 feet (13.72
meters) to any portion of any railroad bridge, building or important structure, except in special cases and then by
special design as approved by the Engineer.

d. Pipelines carrying flammable substances shall, where practicable, cross any railroad where tracks are carried on an
e. Emergency response procedures should be developed to handle a situation in which a pipeline leak or railroad
derailment or incident may jeopardize the integrity of the pipeline. Local conditions should be considered when
developing these procedures.

f. Where laws or orders of public authority prescribe a higher degree of protection than specified herein, then the higher
degree of protection so prescribed shall be deemed a part of these guidelines.
g. Pipelines and casing pipe shall be suitably insulated from underground conduits carrying electric wires on railroad
rights-of-way. All pipelines, except those in streets, shall be prominently marked at the rights-of-way (on both sides of
track for undercrossings) by signs substantially worded thus:

“High pressure…main…in vicinity. Call…”

h. Additional signing may be required by the Engineer where above signs are not readily visible from the track. Pipeline Inspection and Maintenance

a. Pipeline owners engaged in the transport of liquid flammable or highly volatile substances are subject to regulations of
the Federal Government. These regulationsrequire certain inspection routines that, in the general case, are conducted
from within the carrier pipe or by non-destructive methods not requiring it be exposed.

b. It is the responsibility of the pipeline owner to conduct the necessary inspections without interference to the operations
of the Railroad Company. Should it become necessary to expose a pipe for an inspection, or for its replacement, the

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Note 1: See Article 5.1.3

Note 2: See Article
Note 3: See Article
Note 4: See Article
Note 5: See Article

Figure 1-5-1. Casing Pipe Installation

owner shall design a procedure that does not interfere with railroad operations, and shall make prior arrangements with
the railroad as may be necessary to permit safe conduct of the work.

c. Pipeline maintenance shall be limited to the installation of a new carrier pipe in an existing casing, renewal of carrier
and casing pipe separators or the installation of a new crossing. In all cases, the work shall be conducted in the same
manner as in the installation of a new crossing, which is subject to the requirements of these guidelines. Casings
abandoned or replaced by new location work shall be backfilled by methods and materials as directed by the Engineer.
The location of abandoned facilities shall be recorded and records maintained by the pipeline owner.

d. The owners of pipelines not subject to regulation requiring inspection are expected to inspect their facilities as a matter
of due diligence in the conduct of its business. The railroad may, as a right but not a duty, require an inspection of the
construction, to include receiving a written report of findings certified by a registered professional engineer.
Maintenance of these facilities shall be conducted as above described.

5.1.3 STEEL CARRIER PIPE (2002) R(2017)

a. Pipelines carrying oil, liquefied petroleum gas and other flammable liquid products shall be of steel and conform to the
requirements of the current ASME B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries, and other
applicable ASME codes, except that the maximum allowable stresses1 for design of steel pipe shall not exceed the
following percentages of the specified minimum yield strength (multiplied by longitudinal joint factor) of the pipe as
defined in the above codes.

b. Requisites for steel carrier line pipe under railroad tracks shall apply for a minimum distance of 50 feet (15.24 meters
(measured at right angles) from centerline of outside tracks or 2 feet (0.61 meters) beyond toe of slope or 25 feet (7.62
meters) beyond the ends of casing (when casing is required), whichever is greater.

c. The pipe shall be laid with sufficient slack so that it is not in tension.

If the maximum allowable stress in the carrier pipe on either side of the crossing is less than specified above, the carrier pipe at the crossing shall be
designed at the same stress as the adjacent carrier pipe.

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Utilities Allowable Hoop Stress Due to Internal Pressure With Casing Pipe

The following percentages apply to hoop stress in steel pipe within a casing under railroad tracks and across railroad rights-of-

a. Seventy-two percent on oil pipelines.

b. Fifty percent for pipelines carrying condensate, natural gasoline, natural gas liquids, liquefied petroleum gas, and other
liquid petroleum products.

c. Sixty percent for gas pipelines. Without Casing Pipe

The following percentages apply to hoop stress in steel pipe without a casing under secondary or industry tracks:

a. Sixty percent for oil pipelines.

b. Forty percent for pipelines carrying condensate, natural gasoline, natural gas liquids, liquefied petroleum gas, and other
liquid petroleum products.

c. For gas pipelines see Section 5.2. On Right-of-Way
The following percentages apply to hoop stress in steel pipe laid longitudinally on railroad rights-of-way:

a. Sixty percent for oil pipelines.

b. Forty percent for pipelines carrying condensate, natural gasoline, natural gas liquids, liquefied petroleum gas, and other
liquid petroleum products.
c. For gas pipelines see Section 5.2.


(2002) R(2017)

a. Plastic carrier pipelines shall be encased according to Article 5.1.5.

b. Plastic carrier pipe material includes thermoplastic and thermoset plastic pipes. Thermoplastic types include Polyvinyl
Chloride (PVC), Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Polyethylene (PE), Polybutylene (PB), Cellulose Acetate
Butyrate (CAB) and Styrene Rubber (SR). Thermoset types include Reinforced Plastic Mortar (RPM), Reinforced
Thermosetting Resin (RTRP) and Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP).

c. Plastic pipe material shall be resistant to the chemicals with which contact can be anticipated. Plastic carrier pipe shall
not be utilized where there is potential for contact with petroleum contaminated soils or other non-polar organic
compounds that may be present in surrounding soils.

d. Plastic carrier pipe can be utilized to convey flammable gas products provided the pipe material is compatible with the
type of product conveyed and the maximum allowable operating pressure is less than 100 psi (689.5 kPa). Carrier
pipe materials, design and installation shall conform to Code of Federal Regulation 49 CFR Part 178 to 199,
specifically Part 192 and ASME B31.3 and B31.8 and ASTM D2513. Codes, specifications and regulations current at
time of constructing the pipeline shall govern the installation of the facility within the railroad rights-of-way. The
proof testing of the strength of carrier pipe shall be in accordance with ASME requirements. Plastic carrier pipelines
will be encased according to Article 5.1.5.

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5.1.5 CASING PIPE (2002) R(2017)

a. Casing pipe and joints shall be steel in conformance with ASTM A1097 and of leakproof construction, such as butt
welded or interlocking joints which are capable of withstanding railroad loading. Pipe shall have a specified minimum
yield strength, SMYS, of at least 35,000 psi (241,317 kPa). The inside diameter of the casing pipe shall be large
enough to allow the carrier pipe to be removed subsequently without disturbing the casing pipe. All joints or couplings,
supports, insulators or centering devices for the carrier pipe within a casing under railroad tracks shall be taken into

b. When casing is installed without benefit of a protective coating or said casing is not cathodically protected, the wall
thickness shall be increased to the nearest standard size which is a minimum of 0.063 inches (1.6 millimeters) greater
than the thickness required except for diameters under 12-3/4 inches (323.8 millimeters).

Table 1-5-1. Minimum Wall Thickness for Steel Casing Pipe for E80 Loading

When coated or When not coated or

cathodically protected cathodically protected
Nominal Diameter (inches) Nominal Thickness (inches) Nominal Thickness (inches)
12-3/4 and under 0.188 0.188
14 0.188 0.250
16 0.219 0.281
18 0.250 0.312
20 and 22 0.281 0.344
24 0.312 0.375
26 0.344 0.406
28 0.375 0.438
30 0.406 0.469
32 0.438 0.500
34 and 36 0.469 0.531
38 0.500 0.562
40 0.531 0.594
42 0.562 0.625
44 and 46 0.594 0.656
48 0.625 0.688
50 0.656 0.719
52 0.688 0.750
54 0.719 0.781
56 and 58 0.750 0.812
60 0.781 0.844
62 0.812 0.875
64 0.844 0.906
66 and 68 0.875 0.938
70 0.906 0.969
72 0.938 1.000

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

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Utilities Flexible Casing Pipe

For flexible steel casing pipe, a maximum vertical deflection of a casing pipe of 3 percent of its diameter plus 1/2 inches (12.7
millimeters) clearance shall be provided so that no loads from the roadbed, track, traffic or casing pipe itself are transmitted to
the carrier pipe. When insulators are used on the carrier pipe, the inside diameter of flexible casing pipe shall be at least 2
inches (50.8 millimeters) greater than the outside diameter of the carrier pipe for pipe less than 8 in. in diameter; at least 3-1/4
inches (82.5 millimeters) greater for pipe 8 inches (203.2 millimeters) to 16 inches (406.4 millimeters), inclusive, in diameter
and at least 4-1/2 inches (114.3 millimeters) greater for pipe 18 inches (457.2 millimeters) in diameter and over. Length of Casing Pipe

Casing pipe under railroad tracks and across railroad rights-of-way shall extend to the greater of the following distances,
measured at right angles to centerline of track. If additional tracks are constructed in the future or if the railroad determines that
the roadbed should be widened, the casing shall be extended or other special design incorporated:

a. 2 feet (0.61 meters) beyond toe of slope.

b. 3 feet (0.91 meters) beyond ditch.

c. A minimum distance of 30 feet. (9.14 meters) each side from centerline of outside track when casing is sealed at both

d. A minimum distance of 45 feet. (13.72 meters) each side from centerline of outside track when casing is open at both

e. Plastic carrier pipe conveying flammable substances shall be encased the entire limits of the right-of-way. If special 1
conditions exist which prevent encasement within the entire limits of the right-of-way, the minimum encased lengths
must be approved by the Engineer.

5.1.6 CONSTRUCTION (2002) R(2017)

a. Casing pipe shall be so constructed as to prevent leakage of any substance from the casing throughout its length, except
at ends of casing where ends are left open, or through vent pipes when ends of casing are sealed. Casing shall be so 3
installed as to prevent the formation of a waterway under the railroad, and with an even bearing throughout its length,
and shall slope to one end (except for longitudinal occupancy).

b. Where casing and/or carrier pipe is cathodically protected, the engineer shall be notified and a suitable test made to
ensure that other railroad structures and facilities are adequately protected from the cathodic current in accordance with
the recommendation of current Reports of Correlating Committee on Cathodic Protection, published by the National
Association of Corrosion Engineers. 4 Method of Installation

a. Installations by open-trench methods shall comply with Part 4, Culverts, Section 4.19, Assembly and Installation of
Pipe Culverts, of this Chapter.

b. Bored or jacked installations shall have a bored hole diameter essentially the same as the outside diameter of the pipe
plus the thickness of the protective coating. If voids should develop or if the bored hole diameter is greater than the
outside diameter of the pipe (including coating) by more than approximately 1 inch (25.4 millimeters), remedial
measures as approved by the Engineer shall be taken. Boring operations shall not be stopped if such stoppage would be
detrimental to the railroad.

c. Tunneling operations shall be conducted as approved by the Engineer. If voids are caused by the tunneling operations,
they shall be filled by pressure grouting or by other approved methods which will provide proper support.

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering 1-5-9

Roadway and Ballast Depth of Installation Casing Pipe

Casing pipe under railroad tracks and across railroad rights-of-way shall be not less than 5-1/2 feet (1.68 meters) from base of
railroad rail to top of casing at its closest point, except that under secondary or industry tracks this distance may be 4-1/2 feet
(1.37 meters) On other portions of rights-of-way where casing is not directly beneath any track, the depth from ground surface
or from bottom of ditches to top of casing shall not be less than 3 feet (0.91 meters). Carrier Pipe

Steel carrier pipe installed under secondary or industry tracks without benefit of casing shall be not less than 10 ft. from base
of railroad rail to top of pipe at its closest point nor less than 6 ft. from ground surface or from bottom of ditches. Plastic
carrier pipe must be encased under secondary or industry tracks within the limits of the right-of-way. Inspection and Testing

ASME Codes current at time of constructing the pipeline, shall govern the inspection and testing of the facility within the
railroad rights-of-way except as follows:

a. One-hundred percent of all steel pipe field welds shall be inspected by radiographic examination, and such field welds
shall be inspected for 100 percent of the circumference.

b. The proof testing of the strength of carrier pipe shall be in accordance with ASMI requirements. Seals

a. Where ends of casing are below ground they shall be suitably sealed.

b. Where ends of casing are at or above ground surface and above high-water level they may be left open, provided
drainage is afforded in such manner that leakage will be conducted away from railroad tracks or structure. Where
proper drainage is not provided, the ends of casing shall be sealed. Vents

Casing pipe, when sealed, shall be properly vented. Vent pipes shall be of sufficient diameter, but in no case less than 2 inches
(50.8 millimeters) in diameter, shall be attached near end of casing and project through ground surface at right-of-way lines or
not less than 45 feet (13.72 meters) (measured at right angles) from centerline of nearest track. Vent pipe, or pipes, shall extend
not less than 4 feet (1.22 meters) above ground surface. Top of vent pipe shall be fitted with down-turned elbow properly
screened, or a relief valve. Vents in locations subject to high water shall be extended above the maximum elevation of high
water and shall be supported and protected in a manner that meets the approval of the engineer. Vent pipes shall be no closer
than 4 feet (1.22 meters) (vertically) from aerial electric wires. Shut-Off Valves

Accessible emergency shut-off valves shall be installed within effective distances each side of the railroad as mutually agreed
to by the Engineer and the pipeline company. These valves should be marked with signs for identification. Where pipelines are
provided with automatic control stations at locations and within distances approved by the Engineer, no additional valves shall
be required. Longitudinal Pipelines

Longitudinal pipelines should be located as far as possible from any track. They must not be within 25 feet (7.62 meters) of
any track and must have a minimum of 6 feet (1.83 meters) ground cover over the pipeline up to 50 feet (15.24 meters),
measured from the track centerline. Where pipeline is laid more than 50 feet (15.24 meters) from centerline of track, minimum

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cover shall be at least 5 feet (1.52 meters) Pipelines must be marked by a sign approved by the Engineer every 500 feet (152.39
meters) and at every road crossing, streambed, other utility crossing, and at locations of major change in direction of the line.
Longitudinal carrier pipeline shall be steel. Plastic carrier pipe may be utilized for longitudinal installation with approval by
the Engineer, but shall be encased within the limits of the right-of-way. Casing may be omitted with approval of the Engineer,
provided that minimum burial depth is increased to comply with the most conservative requirements of either: the Engineer's
instructions, current ASME specifications, current OSHA regulations, or local regulatory agency specifications.

5.1.7 APPROVAL OF PLANS (2002) R(2017)

a. Plans for proposed installation shall be stamped and sealed by a registered engineer and submitted to and meet the
approval of the Engineer before construction is begun.

b. Plans shall be drawn to scale showing the relation of the proposed pipeline to railroad tracks, angle of crossing,
location of valves, railroad survey station, right-of-way lines and general layout of tracks and railroad facilities. Plans
should also show a cross section (or sections) from field survey, showing pipe in relation to actual profile of ground
and tracks. If open-cutting or tunneling is necessary, details of sheeting and method of supporting tracks or driving
tunnel shall be shown.

c. In addition to the above, plans should contain the following data:

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Table 1-5-2. Plan Data

Carrier Pipe Casing Pipe

Contents to be handled

Outside Diameter

Pipe Material, minimum yield strength

Specification and grade

Wall thickness

Actual Working pressure

Type of Joint, butt welded, fusion welded, or interlocking joint


Method of installation

Vents: Number: Size: Height above ground:

Seals: Both ends: One end: Type:

Bury: Base of rail to top of casing: feet inches (meters)

Bury: (Not beneath tracks) feet inches (meters)

Bury: (Roadway ditches) feet inches (meters)

Type, size and spacing of insulators or supports:

Distance C.L. track to face of jacking/receiving pits ft. in. (meters)

Bury: Base of rail to bottom jacking/receiving pits ft. in. (meters)

Cathodic protection: Yes No 

5.1.8 EXECUTION OF WORK (1993) R(2017)

The execution of work on railroad rights-of-way, including the supporting of tracks, shall be subject to the inspection and
direction of the Engineer.


5.2.1 SCOPE (1993) R(2017)

These guidelines cover minimum requirements for pipelines installed on or adjacent to railroad rights-of-way to carry
flammable and nonflammable gas products which, from their nature or pressure, might cause damage if escaping on or in the
vicinity of railroad property. The term “Engineer” as used herein means the chief engineer of the railroad company or the
authorized representative. These guidelines may be increased when risks from any of the following conditions are increased:

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a. Track Speed.

b. Traffic density.

c. Traffic sensitivity.

d. Terrain conditions, cuts/fills, etc.

e. Curvature and grade.

f. Bridges and other structures.

g. Pipe size, capacity and material carried.

h. Environmental risks/damages.

5.2.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (2002) R(2017)

a. Pipelines shall be installed under tracks by boring or jacking, if practicable.

b. Pipelines shall be located, where practicable, to cross tracks at approximately 90 degrees but not less than 45 degrees,
and shall not be placed within a culvert, under railroad bridges, nor closer than 45 feet (13.72 meters) to any portion of
any railroad bridge, building or other important structure, except in special cases and then by special design as
approved by the Engineer.

c. Pipelines carrying flammable gas products shall, where practicable, cross any railroad where tracks are carried on an

d. Emergency response procedures should be developed to handle a situation in which a pipeline leak or railroad
derailment or incident may jeopardize the integrity of the pipeline. Local conditions should be considered when
developing these procedures.

e. Uncased gas pipelines under railroad track and on right-of-way shall be installed as indicated in Figure 1-5-2. 3

Note 1: See Article

Note 2: See Article

Figure 1-5-2. Uncased Gas Pipelines Installation

f. Where laws or orders of public authority prescribe a higher degree of protection than specified herein, then the higher
degree of protection so prescribed shall be deemed a part of these guidelines.

g. Pipelines and casing pipe shall be suitably insulated from underground conduits carrying electric wires on railroad
rights-of-way. All pipelines, except those in streets, shall be prominently marked at the rights-of-way (on both sides of
track for undercrossings) by signs substantially worded thus:

“High pressure…main…in vicinity. Call…”

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Roadway and Ballast

h. Additional signing may be required by the Engineer where above signs are not readily visible from the track. Pipeline Inspection and Maintenance

a. Pipeline owners engaged in the transport of flammable and non-flammable gas products are subject to regulations of
the Federal Government. These regulations require certain inspection routines that, in the general case, are conducted
from within the carrier pipe or by non-destructive methods not requiring it be exposed.

b. It is the responsibility of the pipeline owner to conduct the necessary inspections without interference to the operations
of the Railroad Company. Should it become necessary to expose a pipe for an inspection, or for its replacement, the
owner shall design a procedure that does not interfere with railroad operations, and shall make prior arrangements with
the railroad as may be necessary to permit safe conduct of the work.

c. Pipeline maintenance shall be limited to the installation of a new carrier pipe at a new crossing location, which is
subject to the requirements of these guidelines. Carrier pipes abandoned by new location work shall be backfilled by
methods and materials as directed by the Engineer. The location of abandoned facilities shall be recorded and records
maintained by the pipeline owner.

d. The owners of pipelines not subject to regulation requiring inspection are expected to inspect their facilities as a matter
of due diligence in the conduct of its business. The railroad may, as a right but not a duty, require an inspection of the
construction, to include receiving a written report of findings certified by a registered professional engineer.
Maintenance of these facilities shall be conducted as above described.

5.2.3 CARRIER PIPE (2002) R(2017)

a. Pipelines carrying flammable and nonflammable gas products shall be of steel and shall conform to the requirements of
the current ASME B 31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems, and other applicable ASME codes.

b. Carrier line pipe construction shall be approved by the engineer. Joints for carrier line pipe must be of an approved
welded type. Steel pipe must have a specified minimum yield strength, SMYS, of at least 35,000 psi (241,317 kPa).
The nominal wall thickness for the steel carrier pipe, specified minimum yield strength, SMYS, maximum allowable
operating pressure, MAOP, and outside pipe diameter, D, are given in Table 1-5-3.

c. These Table 1-5-3 wall thicknesses are based on four design criteria. These design criteria consider:

(1) The maximum allowable hoop stress due to internal pressure as specified in regulatory codes;

(2) The maximum combined multiaxial stress due to external and internal loads;

(3) Fatigue in girth welds due to external live loads;

(4) Fatigue in longitudinal seam welds due to external live loads.

d. The greatest wall thickness resulting from each of the design conditions are shown in Table 1-5-3.

e. Design parameter assumptions used to calculate the Table 1-5-3 wall thicknesses are as follows:

• Depth of carrier from base of rail is 10 feet (3.05 meters).

• Double Track condition is assumed.

• Modulus of Soil Reaction E´ = 500 psi (3,447 kPa).

• Soil Resilient Modulus Er = 10,000 psi (68,948 kPa).

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• Girth weld is located at centerline of track.

• Overbore of 2 inches (50.8 millimeters) over pipe diameter during installation.

• Class location design factor F = 0.6 used in design criterion paragraph c(1) given above.

• Factor of Safety FS = 1.5 used in design criteria b, c, and d given above.

f. See “Design of Uncased Pipeline at Railroad Crossings” as referenced in Article 5.2.7 for additional details on the
design parameters used to determine the wall thickness.

g. If actual crossing conditions fall outside these parameters, tending to require a thicker walled pipe, a detailed analysis
must be performed using the design methodology referenced in Article 5.2.7. Design calculations must be provided for
railroad review when conditions outside those above are present.

Table 1-5-3. Minimum Nominal Wall Thickness (inches) for Uncased Carrier Pipe

SMYS (psi) SMYS (psi)

D (in.)
35000 42000 52000 60000 70000 35000 42000 52000 60000 70000

MAOP < 100 psi MAOP < 200 psi

< 18.0 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
20.0 0.219 0.219 0.219 0.219 0.219 0.219 0.219 0.219 0.219 0.219
22.0 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.226
24.0 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250
26.0 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.281
28.0 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.312 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.281
30.0 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.344 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312
32.0 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344
34.0 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.406 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344
36.0 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.406 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375
38.0 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.438 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.406
40.0 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.469 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.406
42.0 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.500 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.438
MAOP < 300 psi MAOP < 400 psi
< 12.75 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
14.0 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.203 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
16.0 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.281 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
18.0 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.281 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188
20.0 0.250 0.219 0.219 0.219 0.219 0.312 0.250 0.219 0.219 0.219

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering 1-5-15

Roadway and Ballast

Table 1-5-3. Minimum Nominal Wall Thickness (inches) for Uncased Carrier Pipe (Continued)

SMYS (psi) SMYS (psi)

D (in.)
35000 42000 52000 60000 70000 35000 42000 52000 60000 70000

MAOP < 300 psi - Continued MAOP < 400 psi - Continued
22.0 0.281 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.344 0.281 0.226 0.226 0.226
24.0 0.312 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.375 0.281 0.250 0.250 0.250
26.0 0.344 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.406 0.312 0.281 0.281 0.281
28.0 0.375 0.312 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.438 0.344 0.281 0.281 0.281
30.0 0.406 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.469 0.375 0.312 0.312 0.312
32.0 0.438 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.344 0.344
34.0 0.469 0.375 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.531 0.438 0.344 0.344 0.344
36.0 0.500 0.406 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.562 0.469 0.375 0.375 0.375
38.0 0.531 0.438 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.625 0.500 0.406 0.406 0.406
40.0 0.562 0.469 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.656 0.531 0.406 0.406 0.406
42.0 0.594 0.500 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.688 0.562 0.438 0.438 0.438
MAOP < 500 psi MAOP < 600 psi
< 8.625 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
10.75 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.203 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
12.75 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.250 0.203 0.188 0.188 0.188
14.0 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.281 0.210 0.188 0.188 0.188
16.0 0.281 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.312 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.188
18.0 0.312 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.344 0.281 0.219 0.188 0.188
20.0 0.344 0.281 0.219 0.219 0.219 0.375 0.312 0.250 0.219 0.219
22.0 0.375 0.312 0.250 0.226 0.226 0.438 0.344 0.281 0.226 0.226
24.0 0.406 0.344 0.281 0.250 0.250 0.469 0.375 0.312 0.250 0.250
26.0 0.469 0.375 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.281 0.281
28.0 0.500 0.406 0.312 0.281 0.281 0.562 0.469 0.375 0.312 0.312
30.0 0.531 0.438 0.344 0.312 0.312 0.594 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.312
32.0 0.562 0.469 0.375 0.344 0.344 0.625 0.531 0.406 0.375 0.344
34.0 0.625 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.344 0.688 0.562 0.438 0.375 0.344
36.0 0.656 0.531 0.438 0.375 0.375 0.719 0.594 0.469 0.406 0.375
38.0 0.688 0.562 0.469 0.406 0.406 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.438 0.406
40.0 0.719 0.594 0.500 0.406 0.406 0.781 0.688 0.531 0.469 0.438
42.0 0.750 0.656 0.500 0.438 0.438 0.844 0.719 0.562 0.500 0.469
MAOP < 700 psi MAOP < 800 psi
< 6.625 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
8.625 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.203 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
10.75 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.250 0.203 0.188 0.188 0.188

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

1-5-16 AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering


Table 1-5-3. Minimum Nominal Wall Thickness (inches) for Uncased Carrier Pipe (Continued)

SMYS (psi) SMYS (psi)

D (in.)
35000 42000 52000 60000 70000 35000 42000 52000 60000 70000

MAOP < 700 psi - Continued MAOP < 800 psi - Continued
12.75 0.281 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.312 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.188
14.0 0.312 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.344 0.281 0.219 0.188 0.188
16.0 0.344 0.281 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.375 0.312 0.250 0.219 0.188
18.0 0.375 0.312 0.250 0.219 0.219 0.438 0.344 0.281 0.226 0.219
20.0 0.438 0.344 0.281 0.226 0.226 0.469 0.406 0.312 0.250 0.250
22.0 0.469 0.406 0.312 0.281 0.226 0.500 0.438 0.344 0.281 0.250
24.0 0.500 0.438 0.344 0.281 0.250 0.562 0.469 0.375 0.312 0.281
26.0 0.562 0.469 0.375 0.312 0.281 0.625 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.312
28.0 0.594 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.281 0.656 0.562 0.438 0.375 0.312
30.0 0.656 0.531 0.438 0.375 0.312 0.719 0.594 0.469 0.406 0.344
32.0 0.688 0.562 0.469 0.406 0.344 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.438 0.375
34.0 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.438 0.375 0.812 0.688 0.531 0.469 0.406 1
36.0 0.781 0.656 0.531 0.469 0.375 0.844 0.719 0.562 0.500 0.438
38.0 0.844 0.688 0.562 0.500 0.406 0.906 0.750 0.625 0.531 0.438
40.0 0.875 0.750 0.594 0.500 0.438 0.938 0.812 0.656 0.562 0.469
42.0 0.938 0.781 0.625 0.531 0.469 1.000 0.844 0.688 0.594 0.500
MAOP < 900 psi MAOP < 1000 psi
< 6.625 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
8.625 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
10.75 0.279 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.307 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.188
12.75 0.312 0.281 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.344 0.281 0.250 0.188 0.188 4
14.0 0.344 0.312 0.250 0.203 0.188 0.375 0.312 0.250 0.219 0.188
16.0 0.406 0.344 0.281 0.219 0.188 0.438 0.375 0.312 0.250 0.219
18.0 0.469 0.375 0.312 0.250 0.219 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.281 0.250
20.0 0.500 0.438 0.344 0.281 0.250 0.562 0.469 0.375 0.312 0.281
22.0 0.562 0.469 0.375 0.312 0.281 0.625 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.281
24.0 0.625 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.312 0.688 0.562 0.438 0.375 0.312
26.0 0.656 0.562 0.438 0.375 0.312 0.750 0.594 0.469 0.406 0.344
28.0 0.719 0.594 0.469 0.406 0.344 0.750 0.656 0.531 0.438 0.375
30.0 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.438 0.375 0.812 0.688 0.562 0.469 0.406
32.0 0.812 0.688 0.562 0.469 0.406 0.875 0.719 0.594 0.531 0.438

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering 1-5-17

Roadway and Ballast

Table 1-5-3. Minimum Nominal Wall Thickness (inches) for Uncased Carrier Pipe (Continued)

SMYS (psi) SMYS (psi)

D (in.)
35000 42000 52000 60000 70000 35000 42000 52000 60000 70000

MAOP < 900 psi - Continued MAOP < 1000 psi - Continued
34.0 0.875 0.719 0.594 0.500 0.438 0.938 0.781 0.625 0.562 0.469
36.0 0.906 0.781 0.625 0.531 0.469 1.000 0.812 0.688 0.594 0.500
38.0 0.969 0.812 0.656 0.562 0.500 1.062 0.875 0.719 0.625 0.531
40.0 1.031 0.875 0.688 0.625 0.531 1.125 0.906 0.750 0.656 0.562
42.0 1.062 0.906 0.750 0.656 0.562 1.188 0.969 0.781 0.688 0.594

MAOP < 1100 psi MAOP < 1200 psi

< 5.563 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
6.625 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.203 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
8.625 0.250 0.203 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.277 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188
10.75 0.307 0.250 0.203 0.188 0.188 0.344 0.277 0.219 0.188 0.188
12.75 0.375 0.312 0.250 0.219 0.188 0.406 0.330 0.281 0.226 0.188
14.0 0.406 0.344 0.281 0.226 0.219 0.438 0.375 0.312 0.250 0.219
16.0 0.469 0.406 0.312 0.281 0.219 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.281 0.250
18.0 0.531 0.438 0.344 0.312 0.250 0.562 0.469 0.375 0.344 0.281
20.0 0.594 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.281 0.625 0.531 0.438 0.375 0.312
22.0 0.625 0.531 0.438 0.375 0.312 0.688 0.562 0.469 0.406 0.344
24.0 0.688 0.594 0.469 0.406 0.344 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.438 0.375
26.0 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.438 0.375 0.812 0.688 0.562 0.469 0.406
28.0 0.812 0.688 0.562 0.469 0.406 0.875 0.719 0.594 0.500 0.438
30.0 0.875 0.750 0.594 0.531 0.438 0.938 0.812 0.625 0.562 0.469
32.0 0.938 0.781 0.625 0.562 0.469 1.000 0.875 0.688 0.594 0.500
34.0 1.000 0.844 0.688 0.594 0.500 1.062 0.875 0.719 0.625 0.531
36.0 1.062 0.875 0.719 0.625 0.531 1.125 0.938 0.750 0.656 0.562
38.0 1.125 0.938 0.750 0.656 0.562 1.188 1.000 0.812 0.719 0.594
40.0 1.156 0.969 0.812 0.688 0.594 1.250 1.031 0.844 0.750 0.625
42.0 1.250 1.031 0.844 0.750 0.625 1.312 1.094 0.906 0.781 0.656

MAOP < 1300 psi MAOP < 1400 psi

< 5.563 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
6.625 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
8.625 0.277 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.312 0.250 0.219 0.188 0.188
10.75 0.344 0.307 0.250 0.203 0.188 0.365 0.307 0.250 0.219 0.219

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

1-5-18 AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering


Table 1-5-3. Minimum Nominal Wall Thickness (inches) for Uncased Carrier Pipe (Continued)

SMYS (psi) SMYS (psi)

D (in.)
35000 42000 52000 60000 70000 35000 42000 52000 60000 70000

MAOP < 1300 psi - Continued MAOP < 1400 psi - Continued
12.75 0.438 0.344 0.281 0.256 0.219 0.438 0.375 0.312 0.256 0.250
14.0 0.469 0.375 0.312 0.279 0.226 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.281 0.281
16.0 0.531 0.438 0.375 0.312 0.281 0.562 0.469 0.375 0.344 0.312
18.0 0.594 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.312 0.625 0.531 0.438 0.375 0.344
20.0 0.656 0.562 0.438 0.375 0.344 0.688 0.594 0.469 0.406 0.375
22.0 0.719 0.594 0.500 0.438 0.406 0.750 0.656 0.531 0.469 0.375
24.0 0.812 0.656 0.531 0.469 0.406 0.844 0.688 0.562 0.500 0.438
26.0 0.844 0.719 0.594 0.500 0.438 0.906 0.750 0.625 0.531 0.469
28.0 0.906 0.781 0.625 0.531 0.469 0.969 0.812 0.656 0.594 0.500
30.0 0.969 0.812 0.688 0.594 0.500 1.031 0.875 0.719 0.625 0.531
32.0 1.031 0.875 0.719 0.625 0.531 1.094 0.938 0.750 0.656 0.562
34.0 1.125 0.938 0.750 0.656 0.562 1.156 1.000 0.812 0.719 0.594 1
36.0 1.188 1.000 0.812 0.719 0.625 1.250 1.062 0.875 0.750 0.656
38.0 1.250 1.062 0.844 0.750 0.656 1.312 1.094 0.906 0.781 0.688
40.0 1.312 1.094 0.906 0.781 0.688 1.375 1.156 0.938 0.844 0.719
42.0 1.375 1.156 0.938 0.844 0.719 1.469 1.219 1.000 0.875 0.750
MAOP < 1500 psi MAOP < 1600 psi
< 4.5 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
5.563 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
6.625 0.250 0.203 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.280 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188
8.625 0.312 0.277 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.344 0.277 0.250 0.219 0.188 4
10.75 0.406 0.344 0.279 0.226 0.219 0.438 0.344 0.279 0.250 0.219
12.75 0.469 0.406 0.312 0.281 0.250 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.312 0.250
14.0 0.500 0.438 0.344 0.312 0.250 0.562 0.469 0.375 0.312 0.281
16.0 0.594 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.312 0.625 0.531 0.438 0.375 0.312
18.0 0.656 0.562 0.469 0.406 0.344 0.688 0.594 0.469 0.406 0.344
20.0 0.719 0.625 0.494 0.438 0.375 0.781 0.656 0.531 0.469 0.406
22.0 0.812 0.688 0.562 0.469 0.406 0.844 0.719 0.594 0.500 0.438
24.0 0.875 0.750 0.594 0.531 0.438 0.938 0.781 0.625 0.562 0.469
26.0 0.938 0.812 0.656 0.562 0.500 1.000 0.844 0.688 0.594 0.500
28.0 1.031 0.875 0.688 0.625 0.531 1.062 0.906 0.750 0.656 0.562

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering 1-5-19

Roadway and Ballast

Table 1-5-3. Minimum Nominal Wall Thickness (inches) for Uncased Carrier Pipe (Continued)

SMYS (psi) SMYS (psi)

D (in.)
35000 42000 52000 60000 70000 35000 42000 52000 60000 70000

MAOP < 1500 psi - Continued MAOP < 1600 psi - Continued
30.0 1.094 0.938 0.750 0.656 0.562 1.156 0.969 0.781 0.688 0.594
32.0 1.156 0.969 0.812 0.688 0.594 1.219 1.031 0.844 0.719 0.625
34.0 1.250 1.031 0.844 0.750 0.625 1.312 1.094 0.906 0.781 0.656
36.0 1.312 1.094 0.906 0.781 0.688 1.375 1.156 0.938 0.812 0.719
38.0 1.375 1.156 0.938 0.844 0.719 1.469 1.219 1.000 0.875 0.750
40.0 1.438 1.219 1.000 0.875 0.750 1.531 1.281 1.062 0.906 0.781
42.0 1.531 1.281 1.062 0.938 0.781 — 1.344 1.094 0.969 0.844

MAOP < 1700 psi MAOP < 1800 psi

< 4.0 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
4.5 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.203 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
5.563 0.258 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.258 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188
6.625 0.280 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.312 0.250 0.219 0.188 0.188
8.625 0.375 0.312 0.250 0.219 0.188 0.375 0.312 0.250 0.219 0.188
10.75 0.438 0.365 0.312 0.256 0.219 0.469 0.406 0.312 0.279 0.250
12.75 0.531 0.438 0.375 0.312 0.281 0.562 0.469 0.375 0.344 0.281
14.0 0.594 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.312 0.625 0.500 0.406 0.375 0.312
16.0 0.656 0.562 0.438 0.406 0.344 0.688 0.594 0.469 0.406 0.344
18.0 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.438 0.375 0.781 0.656 0.531 0.469 0.406
20.0 0.812 0.688 0.562 0.500 0.406 0.875 0.719 0.594 0.500 0.438
22.0 0.906 0.750 0.625 0.531 0.469 0.969 0.781 0.656 0.562 0.500
24.0 1.000 0.812 0.656 0.594 0.500 1.031 0.875 0.719 0.625 0.531
26.0 1.062 0.906 0.719 0.625 0.531 1.125 0.938 0.750 0.656 0.562
28.0 1.156 0.969 0.781 0.688 0.594 1.219 1.000 0.812 0.719 0.625
30.0 1.219 1.031 0.844 0.719 0.625 1.312 1.094 0.875 0.750 0.656
32.0 1.312 1.094 0.875 0.781 0.656 1.375 1.156 0.938 0.812 0.688
34.0 1.375 1.156 0.938 0.812 0.688 1.500 1.219 1.000 0.875 0.750
36.0 1.469 1.219 1.000 0.875 0.750 1.562 1.312 1.062 0.906 0.781
38.0 1.562 1.312 1.062 0.906 0.781 — 1.375 1.125 0.969 0.844
40.0 — 1.375 1.094 0.969 0.844 — 1.438 1.156 1.000 0.875
42.0 — 1.438 1.156 1.000 0.875 — 1.500 1.219 1.062 0.906

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

1-5-20 AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering


Table 1-5-3. Minimum Nominal Wall Thickness (inches) for Uncased Carrier Pipe (Continued)

SMYS (psi) SMYS (psi)

D (in.)
35000 42000 52000 60000 70000 35000 42000 52000 60000 70000

MAOP < 1900 psi MAOP < 2000 psi

< 3.5 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
4.0 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
4.5 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188
5.563 0.258 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.281 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.188
6.625 0.312 0.250 0.219 0.188 0.188 0.344 0.280 0.219 0.188 0.188
8.625 0.406 0.344 0.281 0.277 0.219 0.438 0.344 0.281 0.250 0.219
10.75 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.312 0.250 0.531 0.438 0.375 0.312 0.256
12.75 0.594 0.500 0.406 0.344 0.312 0.625 0.531 0.438 0.375 0.312
14.0 0.656 0.531 0.438 0.375 0.344 0.688 0.562 0.469 0.406 0.344
16.0 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.438 0.375 0.781 0.656 0.531 0.469 0.406
18.0 0.812 0.688 0.562 0.500 0.438 0.875 0.719 0.594 0.500 0.438
20.0 0.906 0.781 0.625 0.531 0.469 0.969 0.812 0.656 0.562 0.500 1
22.0 1.000 0.844 0.688 0.594 0.500 1.062 0.875 0.719 0.625 0.531
24.0 1.094 0.906 0.750 0.656 0.562 1.156 0.969 0.781 0.688 0.594
26.0 1.188 1.000 0.812 0.688 0.594 1.250 1.062 0.844 0.750 0.625
28.0 1.312 1.062 0.875 0.750 0.656 1.344 1.125 0.906 0.781 0.688
30.0 1.375 1.156 0.938 0.812 0.688 1.438 1.219 0.969 0.844 0.719
32.0 1.469 1.219 1.000 0.844 0.750 1.531 1.281 1.031 0.906 0.781
34.0 1.562 1.312 1.062 0.906 0.781 — 1.375 1.094 0.969 0.812
36.0 — 1.375 1.125 0.969 0.844 — 1.438 1.156 1.000 0.875
38.0 — 1.438 1.188 1.031 0.875 — 1.531 1.219 1.062 0.906 4
40.0 — 1.531 1.219 1.062 0.906 — — 1.312 1.125 0.969
42.0 — — 1.281 1.125 0.969 — — 1.375 1.188 1.000 Allowable Hoop Stress Due to Internal Pressure

The maximum allowable hoop stress due to internal pressure shall be sixty percent of SMYS or per ASME Code if lower
allowable percentage of hoop stress applies. Length of Special Carrier Pipe

Carrier pipe, with nominal wall thickness greater than or equal to those shown in Table 1-5-3, shall extend from right-of-way
line to right-of-way line, or 30 feet (9.14 meters) from centerline track, whichever distance is greater, unless special conditions
exist which prevent this from occurring or as approved by the Engineer.

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering 1-5-21

Roadway and Ballast Cathodic Protection

a. Carrier pipes must be coated and cathodically protected to industry standards and test sites for monitoring pipeline
provided within 50 feet (15.24 meters) of crossing.

b. Where carrier pipe is cathodically protected, the Engineer shall be notified and a suitable test made to ensure that other
railroad structures and facilities are adequately protected from the cathodic current in accordance with the
recommendation of current Reports of Correlating Committee on Cathodic Protection, published by the National
Association of Corrosion Engineers.

5.2.4 CONSTRUCTION (1993) R(2017) Special Protection

When the Engineer determines there is a possibility of having foreign materials in the subgrade, unusual potential for third
party damage exists, or for other reasons, special protection of the carrier pipe will be required. Special protection may require
concrete jacketed steel pipe be used, or protection slabs be placed above the pipe, the depth of burial increased, or other means.
Soil borings may also be required to determine soil characteristics and to identify if foreign material is present in the bore. Depth of Burial

a. Carrier line pipe under railroad tracks shall not be less than 10 feet (3.05 meters) from the base of railroad rail to the top
of the pipe at its closest point. At all other locations on the rights-of-way the minimum ground cover must be 6 feet
(1.83 meters). Where it is not possible to secure the above depths, casings as specified in Section 5.1, Guidelines for
Pipelines Conveying Flammable Substances, or other means of protection, will be required.

b. The Inspection and Testing, and Shutoff Valves specifications are the same as in Section 5.1, Guidelines for Pipelines
Conveying Flammable Substances, Article and Article respectively. Longitudinal Pipelines

Longitudinal pipelines should be located as far as possible from any track. They must not be within 25 feet (7.62 meters) from
the centerline of any track and must have a minimum of 6 feet (1.83 meters) ground cover over the pipeline up to 50 feet
(15.24 meters) from centerline of track. Where pipeline is laid more than 50 feet (15.24 meters) from centerline of track,
minimum cover shall be at least 5 feet (1.52 meters).t. Pipelines must be marked by a sign approved by the Engineer every 500
feet (152.39 meters) and at every road crossing, streambed, other utility crossing, and at locations of major change in direction
of the line. The nominal wall thickness of the pipeline is to be in accordance with Table 1-5-3. Method of Installation

Installations shall be bored or jacked, and shall have a bored hole diameter essentially the same as the outside diameter of the
pipe plus the thickness of the protective coating. If voids should develop or if the bored hole diameter is greater than the
outside diameter of the pipe (including coating) by more than approximately 1 inch (25.4 millimeters), remedial measures as
approved by the Engineer shall be taken. Boring operations shall not be stopped if such stoppage would be detrimental to the

5.2.5 APPROVAL OF PLANS (2002) R(2017)

a. Plans for proposed installation shall be sealed and signed by a registered engineer and submitted to and meet the
approval of the Engineer before construction is begun.

b. Plans shall be drawn to scale showing the relation of the proposed pipeline to railroad tracks, angle of crossing,
location of valves, railroad survey station, right-of-way lines and general layout of tracks and railroad facilities. Plans
should also show a cross section (or sections) from field survey, showing pipe in relation to actual profile of ground

© 2019, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

1-5-22 AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering


and tracks. If open-cutting or tunneling is necessary, details of sheeting and method of supporting tracks or driving
tunnel shall be shown.

c. In addition to the above, plans should contain the following data found in Table 1-5-4.

Table 1-5-4. Plan Data

Description Carrier Pipe

Contents to be handled

Outside Diameter

Pipe Material, minimum yield strength

Specification and grade

Wall thickness

Actual Working pressure

Type of Joint, butt welded


Method of installation

Bury: Base of rail to top of carrier feet inches (meters) 1

Bury: (Not beneath tracks) feet inches (meters)

Bury: (Roadway ditches) feet inches (meters)

Distance C.L. track to face of jacking/receiving pits feet inches (meters)

Bury: Base of rail to bottom jacking/receiving pits feet inches (meters) 3

Cathodic protection? Yes  No 

5.2.6 EXECUTION OF WORK (1993) R(2017)

The execution of work on railroad rights-of-way, including the supporting of tracks, shall be subject to the inspection and
direction of the Engineer.

5.2.7 COMMENTARY (1993) R(2017)

A commentary on the “Design of Uncased Pipelines at Railroad Crossings” and the “Guidelines for Pipelines Crossing
Railroads” outline the design methodology as developed by Cornell University under the sponsorship of the Gas Research
Institute. This information is published in AREA Bulletin No. 738 Vol. 93, 1992.

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5.3.1 SCOPE (1993) R(2017)

Pipelines included under these guidelines are those installed to carry steam, water or any nonflammable substance except
nonflammable gas products as covered in Section 5.2 which, from its nature or pressure, might cause damage if escaping on or
in the vicinity of railroad property. The term “Engineer” as used herein means chief engineer of the railroad company, or the
authorized representative.

5.3.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (2002) R(2017)

a. Pipelines under railroad tracks and across railroad rights-of-way shall be encased in a larger pipe or conduit called the
casing pipe as indicated in Figure 1-5-3. Casing pipe may be omitted under the following conditions:

(1) Under secondary or industry tracks as approved by the Engineer.

(2) On pipelines in streets where joints are of leakproof construction and the pipe material will safely withstand the
combination of internal pressure and external loads as approved by the Engineer.

(3) For non-pressure sewer crossings where the pipe strength is capable of withstanding railroad loading as approved
by the Engineer.

b. Pipelines shall be installed under tracks by boring or jacking, if practicable.

c. Pipelines shall be located, where practicable, to cross tracks at approximately right angles thereto but preferably at not
less than 45 degrees and shall not be placed within culverts nor under railroad bridges where there is likelihood of
restricting the area required for the purposes for which the bridges or culverts were built, or of endangering the

d. Pipelines laid longitudinally on railroad rights-of-way shall be located as far as practical from any tracks or other
important structures. If located within 25 feet (7.62 meters) of the centerline of any track or where there is danger of
damage from leakage to any bridge, building or other important structure, the carrier pipe shall be encased or of special
design as approved by the Engineer.

Note 1: See Article

Note 2: See Article

Figure 1-5-3. Casing Pipe Installation

e. Where laws or orders of public authority prescribe a higher degree of protection than specified herein, then the higher
degree of protection so prescribed shall supersede the applicable portions.

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f. Pipelines and casing pipe shall be suitably insulated from underground conduits carrying electric wires on railroad
rights-of-way. Pipeline must be able to be electronically located.

g. Additional signing may be required by the Engineer where above signs are not readily visible from the track. Pipeline Inspection and Maintenance

a. Pipeline owners engaged in the transport of non-flammable substances are subject to regulations of the Federal
Government. These regulations require certain inspection routines that, in the general case, are conducted from within
the carrier pipe or by non-destructive methods not requiring it be exposed.

b. It is the responsibility of the pipeline owner to conduct the necessary inspections without interference to the operations
of the Railroad Company. Should it become necessary to expose a pipe for an inspection, or for its replacement, the
owner shall design a procedure that does not interfere with railroad operations, and shall make prior arrangements with
the railroad as may be necessary to permit safe conduct of the work.

c. Pipeline maintenance shall be limited to the installation of a new carrier pipe in an existing casing, renewal of carrier
and casing pipe separators or the installation of a new crossing. In all cases, the work shall be conducted in the same
manner as in the installation of a new crossing, which is subject to the requirements of these guidelines. Casings
abandoned or replaced by new location work shall be backfilled by methods and materials as directed by the Engineer.
The location of abandoned facilities shall be recorded and records maintained by the pipeline owner.

d. The owners of pipelines not subject to regulation requiring inspection are expected to inspect their facilities as a matter
of due diligence in the conduct of its business. The railroad may, as a right but not a duty, require an inspection of the
construction, to include receiving a written report of findings certified by a registered professional engineer.
Maintenance of these facilities shall be conducted as above described. 1

5.3.3 CARRIER PIPE (2002) R(2017)

a. Carrier line pipe and joints shall be of acceptable material and construction as approved by the Engineer. Joints for
carrier line pipe operating under pressure shall be leak-proof mechanical or welded type.

b. The pipe shall be laid with sufficient slack so that it is not in tension. 3
c. Plastic carrier pipe materials includes thermoplastic and thermoset plastic pipes. Thermoplastic types include
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Polyethylene (PE), Polybutylene (PB), Cellulose
Acetate Butyrate (CAB) and Styrene Rubber (SR). Thermoset types include Reinforced Plastic Mortar (RPM),
Reinforced Thermosetting Resin (RTR) and Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP).

(1) Plastic pipe material shall be resistant to the chemicals with which contact can be anticipated. Plastic carrier pipe 4
shall not be utilized where there is potential for contact with petroleum contaminated soils or other non-polar
organic compounds that may be present in surrounding soils.

(2) Plastic carrier pipes operating under pressure shall be encased according to Article 5.3.4. Casing may be omitted
with approval by the Engineer, provided that minimum burial depth is increased to comply with the most
conservative requirements of either: the engineer's instructions, current ASME specifications, current OSHA
regulations, or local regulatory agency specifications.

(3) Plastic carrier pipes without casing shall be designed to withstand internal operating pressures according to ASME
B31.3 specifications. External loads due to soil pressures and railroad live loads from Table 4.9.1 of Chapter 1
shall be used to determine deflection. Deflection resulting from external loading shall be calculated assuming there
is no internal pressure. Deflection shall be limited to no more than 5% of the diameter.

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(4) Design shall consider differential settlement of attachments, longitudinal bending, shear loadings due to uneven
settlement of pipe bedding, temperature induced stresses, ground movement due to seasonal variations in moisture
content (i.e. expansive clays), seismic ground movement and potential for ground cover surface erosion.

(5) The plastic pipe material must be compatible with the type of product conveyed and the temperature range
anticipated for the transported materials and surrounding environment. The maximum allowable operating
pressure is 100 psi (689.5 kPa). Plastic carrier pipe design and installation shall conform to the ASME B31.3
specifications and/or the following specifications:

Specification No. Carrier pipe properties:

ANSI/AWWA C900-89 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pressure pipe, 4 inch. (101.60 millimeters) through 12
inch. (304.79 millimeters) for water distribution.
ANSI/AWWA C901-96 Polyethylene (PE) pressure pipe and tubing, 1/2 inch. (12.70 millimeters) through 3
inch. (76.20 millimeters) for water service.
ANSI/AWWA C902-88 Polybutylene (PB) pressure pipe and tubing, 1/2 inch. (12.70 millimeters) through 3
inch. (76.20 millimeters) for water.
ANSI/AWWA C905-88 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) water transmission pipe, nominal diameters 14 inch
(355.58 millimeters) through 36 inch (0.91 meters).
ANSI/AWWA C906-90 Polyethylene (PE) pressure pipe and fittings, 4 inch (101.60 millimeters) through
63 inch. (1.60 meters) for water distribution.
ANSI/AWWA C907-90 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pressure fittings for water, 4 inch. (101.60 millimeters)
through 8 inch (203.19 millimeters).
ANSI/AWWA C950-95 Fiberglass pressure pipe.

d. Codes, specifications and regulations current at time of constructing the pipeline shall govern the installation of the
facility within the railroad rights-of-way. The proof testing of the strength of carrier pipe shall be in accordance with
ASME requirements.

5.3.4 STEEL CASING PIPE (2002) R(2017)

a. a.Casing pipe and joints shall be leak-proof construction, such as butt welded or interlocking joints which are capable
of withstanding railroad loading. The inside diameter of the casing pipe shall be at least 2 inches. (50.80 millimeters)
greater than the largest outside diameter of the carrier pipe, joints or couplings, for carrier pipe less than 6 inches.
(152.39 millimeters) in diameter; and at least 4 inches. (101.60 millimeters) greater for carrier pipe 6 inch. (152.39
millimeters) and over in diameter. It shall, in all cases, be great enough to allow the carrier pipe to be removed
subsequently without disturbing the casing pipe or roadbed.

b. b.When casing is installed without benefit of a protective coating or said casing is not cathodically protected, the wall
thickness shown above shall be increased to the nearest standard size which is a minimum of 0.063 inches. (1.60
millimeters) greater than the thickness required except for diameters under 12-3/4 inches. (323.83 millimeters)
(Table 1-5-5). Steel Casing Pipe Strength

Steel casing pipe shall have a specified minimum yield strength, SMYS, of at least 35,000 psi (241,317 kPa). Concrete and Corrugated Metal Pipe

For pressures under 100 psi (689.5 kPa) in the carrier pipe, the casing pipe may be reinforced concrete pipe conforming to
AREMA guidelines in Chapter 8, Concrete Structures and Foundations, Part 10, Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe, coated

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corrugated metal pipe or steel tunnel liner plate conforming to the AREMA guidelines for such pipe, Part 4, Culverts, this
Chapter. Length of Pipe

Casing pipe under tracks and across railroad rights-of-way shall extend to the greater of the following distances, measured at
right angles to centerline of track. If additional tracks are constructed in the future or the railway determines that the roadbed
should be widened, the casing shall be extended or other special design incorporated.

• 2 feet (0.61 meters) beyond toe of slope.

• 3 feet (0.91 meters) beyond ditch.

• A minimum distance of 30 feet (9.14 meters) from center of outside track when end of casing is below ground.

Table 1-5-5. Minimum Wall Thickness for Steel Casing Pipe for E80 Loading

When coated or When not coated or

Nominal Diameter (inches) cathodically protected cathodically protected
Nominal Thickness (inches) Nominal Thickness (inches)
12-3/4 and under 0.188 0.188
14 0.188 0.250
16 0.219 0.281 1
18 0.250 0.312
20 and 22 0.281 0.344
24 0.312 0.375
26 0.344 0.406
28 0.375 0.438 3
30 0.406 0.469
32 0.438 0.500
34 and 36 0.469 0.531
38 0.500 0.562
40 0.531 0.594
42 0.562 0.625
44 and 46 0.594 0.656
48 0.625 0.688
50 0.656 0.719
52 0.688 0.750
54 0.719 0.781
56 and 58 0.750 0.812
60 0.781 0.844
62 0.812 0.875
64 0.844 0.906
66 and 68 0.875 0.938
70 0.906 0.969

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Table 1-5-5. Minimum Wall Thickness for Steel Casing Pipe for E80 Loading (Continued)

When coated or When not coated or

Nominal Diameter (inches) cathodically protected cathodically protected
Nominal Thickness (inches) Nominal Thickness (inches)
72 0.938 1.000

5.3.5 CONSTRUCTION (2002) R(2017)

Casing pipe shall be so constructed as to prevent leakage of any substance from the casing throughout its length except at ends.
Casing shall be so installed as to prevent the formation of a waterway under the railroad, with an even bearing throughout its
length, and shall slope to one end (except for longitudinal occupancy).

Where casing and/or carrier pipe is cathodically protected, the Engineer shall be notified and suitable test made to ensure that
other railroad structures and facilities are adequately protected from the cathodic current in accordance with the
recommendations of current Reports of Correlating Committee on Cathodic Protection, published by the National Association
of Corrosion Engineers. Method of Installation

a. Installations by open-trench methods shall comply with Part 4, Culverts, Section 4.19, Assembly and Installation of
Pipe Culverts. Plastic pipelines shall be installed according to ASTM D 2774 and D 2321.

b. Bored or jacked installations shall have a bored hole diameter essentially the same as the outside diameter of the pipe
plus the thickness of the protective coating. If voids should develop or if the bored hole diameter is greater than the
outside diameter of the pipe (including coating) by more than approximately 1 inch (25.40 milimeters), remedial
measures as approved by the Engineer shall be taken. Boring operations shall not be stopped if such stoppage would be
detrimental to the railroad.

c. Tunneling operations shall be conducted as approved by the Engineer. If voids are caused by the tunneling operations,
they shall be filled by pressure grouting or by other approved methods which will provide proper support. Depth of Installation Casing Pipe

Casing pipe under railroad tracks and across railroad rights-of-way shall be not less than 5-1/2 feet. (1.68 meters) from base of
railroad rail to top of casing at its closest point, except that under secondary or industry tracks this distance may be 4-1/2 feet.
(1.37 meters) On other portions of rights-of-way where casing is not directly beneath any track, the depth from ground surface
or from bottom of ditches to top of casing shall not be less than 3 feet (0.91 meters). Carrier Pipe

Carrier pipe installed under secondary or industry tracks without benefit of casing shall be not less than 4-1/2 feet. (1.37
meters) from base of railroad rail to top of pipe at its closest point nor less than 3 feet (0.91 meters) from ground surface or
from bottom of ditches. Plastic carrier pipe must be encased under secondary or industry tracks according to Article 5.3.4. Shut-Off Valves

Accessible emergency shut-off valves shall be installed within effective distances each side of the railroad as mutually agreed
to by the Engineer and the pipeline company. These valves should be marked with signs for identification. Where pipelines are
provided with automatic control stations at locations and within distances approved by the Engineer, no additional valves shall
be required.

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Utilities Longitudinal Pipelines

Pipeline laid longitudinally on railroad rights-of-way 50 feet (15.24 meters) or less from centerline of track, shall be buried not
less than 4 feet (1.22 meters) from ground surface to top of pipe. Where pipeline is laid more than 50 feet (15.24 meters) from
centerline of track, minimum cover shall be at least 3 feet (0.91 meters). Plastic carrier pipe may be utilized for longitudinal
installations with approval by the Engineer, but shall be encased within the right of way. Casing may be omitted with approval
of the Engineer, provided that minimum bury depth is increased to comply with the most conservative requirements of either:
the Engineer's instructions, current ASME specifications, current OSHA regulations, or local regulatory agency regulations.
Pipelines must be marked by a sign approved by the Engineer every 500 feet (152.39 meters) and at every road crossing,
streambed, other utility crossing, and at locations of major change in direction of the line.

5.3.6 APPROVAL OF PLANS (1993) R(2017)

Plans for proposed installation shall be submitted to and meet the approval of the Engineer before construction is begun.

Plans shall be drawn to scale showing the relation of the proposed pipeline to railroad tracks, angle of crossing, location of
valves, sign details, railroad survey station, right-of-way lines and general layout of tracks and railroad facilities. Plans should
also show a cross section (or sections) from field survey, showing pipe in relation to actual profile of ground and tracks. If
open-cutting or tunneling is necessary, details of sheeting and method of supporting tracks or driving tunnel shall be shown.

a. In addition to the above, plans should contain the following data:

Table 1-5-6. Plan Data

Carrier Pipe Casing Pipe

Contents to be handled

Outside Diameter 3
Pipe Material, minimum yield strength

Specification and grade

Wall thickness

Actual Working pressure 4

Type of Joint, butt welded, fusion welded, interlocking, coupling or
band, bolted, stab joint, glued or chemically bonded


Method of installation

Seals: Both ends: One end: Type:

Bury: Base of rail to top of casing feet inches (meters)

Bury: (Not beneath tracks) feet inches (meters)

Bury: (Roadway ditches) feet inches (meters)

Type, size and spacing of insulators or supports

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Table 1-5-6. Plan Data (Continued)

Carrier Pipe Casing Pipe

Distance C.L. track to face of jacking/receiving pits feet inches (meters)

Bury: Base of rail to bottom jacking/receiving pits feet inches (meters)

Cathodic protection? Yes No 

5.3.7 EXECUTION OF WORK (1993) R(2017)

The execution of the work on railroad rights-of-way, including the supporting of tracks, shall be subject to the inspection and
direction of the Engineer.


5.4.1 SCOPE (2017)

This section shall govern the design of pipelines which cross the tracks or right-of-way of a Railroad Company on overhead
structures. It shall include pipelines attached to existing or new vehicle or pedestrian bridges, and existing or new bridges
designed for the exclusive use of pipeline facilities. It shall apply to pipelines designed for all levels of operating pressures, to
include vacuums, and to all commodities, flammable and non-flammable, usually transported through pipelines. The term
"Engineer" as used herein means chief engineer of the railroad company, or the authorized representative.

5.4.2 GENERAL CONDITIONS (2017) Location Investigation

Where possible, pipelines shall be installed underground. There may be circumstances that warrant consideration of an
overhead pipeline crossing; however, an overhead crossing of the tracks or right-of-way of a railroad by a pipeline facility will
be investigated for permitting only in the case where the applicant can demonstrate it has exercised due diligence in locating a
subgrade crossing. Use of Existing Structures

In no case shall a bridge or overhead structure owned or maintained by a railroad be used for the attachment of a pipeline
facility. Applications proposing to make an attachment to an overhead structure owned and maintained by a party other than a
railroad shall submit evidence that the owner of the structure has reviewed the plan and has issued, or proposes to issue, a
permit or license for the facility.

5.4.3 GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (2017) Leak Protection

The design shall provide for protection of the property and track structure of a railroad in the event of a pipeline leak or failure
by use of a casing pipe or other means acceptable to the railroad. The design shall direct leaking liquid and dense gaseous
products off the railroad right of way, but in no case, less than 25 feet (7.62 meters) beyond the back of parallel roadway

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Utilities Emergency Shut-Off Valves

Accessible emergency shut-off valves shall be installed within an effective distance on each side of the railroad right of way.
The Engineer may, at his option, accept existing automatic control stations as suitable emergency shut-off valves. Other

Emergency telephone numbers shall be clearly posted on both ends of an overhead pipeline crossing, and pipelines and
pipeline bridge structures must have effective apparatus to prevent unauthorized access. Additional signing may be required
by the Engineer where signs are not readily visible from the track.

Additional pipeline attachments to an existing overhead pipeline crossing shall be approved by the railroad.

Overhead pipelines could be subjected to high temperatures from the exhaust stacks of stationary running locomotives
positioned directly under the carrier pipe. Pipeline contents and the pipeline materials may be adversely affected. The design
shall incorporate suitable insulation or other heat deflection measures to prevent damages and insure pipeline integrity under
high temperature conditions.


The structural elements of an overhead pipeline facility shall be the casing pipe, the carrier pipes, attaching hangers or
bearings and the supporting bridge. Pipeline Design

1 Casing Pipes

Casing pipes shall be assumed to provide no structural support to the carrier pipe. The dead load of the casing pipe shall be
included in the calculation of the dead load of the carrier pipe, and the load effects of wind and ice on the carrier pipe shall be
calculated with respect to the diameter of the casing pipe. Carrier Pipes 3

Carrier pipes shall be designed in accordance with the most restrictive applicable federal or local regulation for the operating
pressure and commodity of the facility. In addition to the loads exerted on the pipe by the conditions of its operation, the
structural loads resulting from suspension or bearing conditions shall be considered. Supporting Bridge Design

4 General Design Considerations

Bridge spans, bents or piers and foundations shall be designed in accordance with generally accepted engineering practice,
accounting for all dead, live, impact, seismic and secondary force loads. Pipe hanger and bearing attachment device design
shall consider thermal expansion and seismic displacements.

Drawings, plans, calculations and other documents representing the details of an application shall be prepared, signed and
sealed by a professional engineer registered to practice in the state of the installation. New Overhead Pipeline Bridges

Overhead pipeline bridges shall be designed in accordance with the following criteria:

Clearances shall be:

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VERTICAL-Not less than 25 feet (7.62 meters) above highest top of rail of the tracks to be spanned, except that cable
supported spans shall have a vertical clearances of not less than 50 feet (15.24 meters).

HORIZONTAL-Not less than 25 feet (7.62 meters) from the centerline of the nearest existing main, siding, spur, or industry
track, except in cases where the Engineer directs that additional clearance for future tracks must be provided. If conditions
warrant, the engineer may require Pier Protection in accordance with Chapter 8, Concrete Structures and Foundations, Part 2,
Reinforced Concrete Design.

New beam span, girder and truss type structures and the details of the proposed attachment shall be designed in general
accordance with Chapter 15 of this Manual of Recommended Practice.

New cable suspended type structures shall be reviewed only upon special application to the railroad. Such application shall
identify the design specifications to be used, to include the loads, allowable stresses and design considerations to be applied.
Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, cable supported spans shall include a minimum floor system with lateral bracing. Attachments to Existing Overhead Bridges

Where the pipeline is to be attached to an existing overhead structure not specifically designed for pipelines, the following
shall apply:

Existing structures proposed as support for a pipeline shall be investigated for the additional loads of the operating pipeline
facility. Additionally, the report of the professional engineer shall contain a conclusion with respect to the effects of the
additional loads on the existing structure.

Pipelines shall be installed inside the main structural members of the supporting bridge. In cases where this is not practical, the
pipeline may be attached to the outside surface of the structure, but in no case shall the bottom of the pipeline be less than one
foot above the elevation of the lowest main structural member of the supporting bridge.

Pipe hanger and bearing attachment device design, and their connections to the supporting structure and the pipeline, shall be
based on unit stresses equal to one-half (1/2) those otherwise permitted. Attachment device design shall consider thermal
expansion, live loads deflection of the existing bridge, and seismic displacements.

Pipeline and attachment designs shall consider the force and effect of seasonal temperature change, expansion and contraction,
vibration, and the elements of the weather. Attachments shall be protected against corrosion in situations where chemical ice
removal is utilized, or other corrosive condition is known or suspected.


Overhead pipelines, attachment devices, and supporting structures should be inspected and maintained on a routine basis.
Also, emergency response procedures should be developed to handle a situation in which an accident or incident might
jeopardize the integrity of pipeline facility.



5.5.1 SCOPE (2018)

a. These general requirements and technical details are provided only as a guideline for the successful completion of
wireline installations on railroad rights-of-way. Individual railroads reserve the right to adopt part, all or none of these
guidelines as needed for their codes or standards without prior notice. These guidelines are not to be taken as authority
to construct without prior review and approval by each of the impacted railroads.

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b. Wirelines for this section are defined as electric power and communication utility systems including, but not limited to,
all associated conductors, cables, support systems, and equipment. Examples would be electrical transmission lines,
local electrical services, fiber optic telecommunications, highway traffic signaling, and cable television service. This
section does not apply to railroad electrical, traction power, signals, and communications infrastructure

c. Where laws or orders of public authority prescribe a higher degree of protection than specified herein, then the higher
degree of protection so prescribed shall be deemed a part of these guidelines.

d. See Section 5.6 for fiber optic installations.


a. At times, this document references the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) not the National Electrical Code

b. All utility crossings should have their own crossing agreement with the railroad even in existing utility corridors.
Authorities proposing to install wirelines on or near railroad rights-of-way are recommended to contact the railroad
during the early design phases to ensure that any railroad requirements are addressed in the design and construction of
the wirelines and to apply for all necessary permits.

c. Above-ground facilities should be located as far as possible from vehicle or pedestrian crossings and constructed in
such manner to allow automobile or pedestrian traffic adequate sight lines to view approaching trains.

d. The wireline and associated structures shall be located to allow space for future tracks as deemed necessary by the
e. Wirelines are recommended to cross the track 90 degrees from the centerline of the track. In no case shall it cross less
than 60 degrees off the centerline of the track.

f. Locate and identify all existing utilities, including those owned and operated by the railroad, within the railroad right-
of-way. Railroad-owned facilities can include not only electrical services to signal houses and cases, but also
communications, signal conduits, and propane gas service lines to switch heaters, which are not usually documented by
call-before-you-dig agencies. Duct banks for traction electrification will also be found on electrified lines. Provide 3
and show all existing utilities on the plans submitted to the railroad.

g. A railroad signal representative must be present during installation if railroad signals are in the vicinity of the wireline
crossing unless the railroad signal representative authorizes otherwise.

h. Shoring shall comply with the individual railroads' shoring requirements.

i. Warning tape and witness posts. 4

(1) Within the railroad right-of-way and outside the track subgrade section, a 6 inch (0.15 meters) wide warning tape
shall be installed 1 foot (0.3 meters) below natural grade directly over the underground wireline

(2) Warning tape is not required for approved horizontal direction drilling routes located on railroad property.

(3) Durable witness posts must be placed to show location of the wireline at the railroad right-of-way line for
crossings and placed every 500-ft (152 meters) for parallel wirelines.



a. Submittals shall show that all options to locate the wireline off the railroad right-of-way have been exhausted and that
the proposed plan is the only feasible solution. Cost shall not be the determining factor.

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b. Regardless of underlying land ownership, parallel overhead wirelines located within 200 feet (60 meters) of any track
shall be submitted to the railroad for review. Each submittal will be evaluated individually and may be rejected.

(1) Provide a thorough evaluation of the proposed wireline and its effects on existing and proposed railroad signal and
communication systems and road crossing warning devices. Mitigation of all negative effects on railroad
infrastructure will be required.

NOTE: Overhead parallel wirelines within 200 feet (60 meters) of a track have the potential to induce voltage in the
rail which, among other negative effects, can cause road crossing warning devices and/or the railroad's
signal and communication system to fail.

c. Horizontal Clearance Requirements:

(1) At locations adjacent to a railroad bridge, culvert, switch or other Railroad structure type, the greatest of the
following minimum horizontal clearances shall be provided regardless of underlying land ownership. These
minimum clearances ensure the railroads' ability to build, maintain and reconstruct Railroad infrastructure.
Greater clearances may be required for reasons stated in 5.5.2.c and 5.5.3.b.

i 50 feet (15 meters) from the edge of railroad structures.

ii 2 feet (0.6 meters) beyond the toe of railroad embankment slope.

iii 3 feet (0.9 meters) beyond the outside edge of a ditch.

d. Vertical Clearance Requirements:

(a) The wireline should be located a minimum of 4 feet (1.2 meters) above or below any existing drainage
structure except that 8 feet (2.4 meters) is required if beyond the downstream end of the drainage structure

5.5.4 WIRELINE CROSSINGS (CARRYING 750 VOLTS OR LESS) (2018) Underground Wireline Crossings (750 Volts or Less)

a. Vertical clearance

(1) Minimum vertical clearance required from base of rail to top of wireline and associated wireline structures such as
casings shall be 4.5 feet (1.4 meters) for steel casings and 12 feet (3.7 meters) for non-metallic casings.

i All horizontal directional drilling (HDD) installations shall be a minimum of 12 feet (3.7 meters) from the
base of rail to the top of wireline and associated wirelines structures.

(2) Minimum vertical clearance from natural grade, on other areas of the railroad right-of-way away from the track, to
the top of wireline and associate wireline structures such as casing shall be 3.0 feet (0.9 meters).

(3) Minimum vertical clearance required between wirelines, structures, and casings and railroad signal and
communication lines shall be 4 feet (1.2 meters).

b. Horizontal Clearance

Greater clearances may be required due to site characteristics, as required by the railroad.

(1) Wirelines shall be located no closer than:

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i 150 feet (45 meters) to the nearest portion of any railroad bridge, box culvert or other railroad infrastructure,
as required, except as stated below in Section

ii 50 feet (15 meters) to a pipe culvert, control point, switch, signal lights, signal shed or other railroad
infrastructure, as required, except as stated below in Section

(2) Neither permanent nor temporary wirelines shall be placed within railroad culverts or under railroad bridges
except as stated below in Section

(3) For crossings within through streets which cross under Railroad bridges and at-grade crossings:

i Railroad Bridge - The wireline shall remain a minimum of 10-ft (3.0 meters) from the near face of any bridge
pier or abutment and all associated subsurface components, i.e. footings, and shall only be placed within the
street right-of-way.

ii At-grade Crossing - The wireline should be located within the street right-of-way limits while maintaining the
maximum distance to railroad infrastructure such as signal cabins and crossing gates.

c. Casing (required)

(1) Casing length

i Casing must extend a minimum of 30 feet (9 meters) from the centerline of the nearest existing or future
track(s), measured perpendicular to the centerline of track, as required by the railroad.
(2) Casing material

i The casing material shall be steel or rigid metal conduit and shall meet or exceed the specifications
inSection 5.1.5, Table 1-5-1.

ii Plastic (non-metallic) casing may be considered for depths below grade and base of rail greater than or equal 3
to 12 feet (3.7 meters), as approved by the railroad.

d. Installation

(1) Acceptable methods of Installation

i Horizontal directional drilling, see Section 5.7. 4

ii .Dry jack and bore.

iii Other, as approved by the railroad.

(2) The railroad may require on site observation and top of rail monitoring during and after the installation process. Overhead Wireline Crossings (750 Volts or Less)

a. Vertical clearance

(1) Minimum vertical clearance required from top of rail to lowest hanging overhead wireline shall be as required by
NESC + 3 feet (0.9 meters).

(2) Minimum vertical clearance required between wirelines and railroad signal and communication lines shall be 4
feet (1.2 meters).

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Roadway and Ballast

b. Horizontal clearance

(1) Minimum horizontal clearance from overhead wireline crossings to railroad infrastructure.

i 300 feet (90 meters) from the near edge of any railroad bridge or culvert.

ii 50 feet (15 meters) from the near edge of any switch or other railroad infrastructure as required by the

(2) Minimum horizontal clearance from the centerline of the nearest track, measured perpendicular to the centerline of
track, to near face of the wireline support structure.

i 50 feet (15 meters) for tracks other than industry tracks.

ii 15 feet (4.6 meters) for industry tracks.

iii Unguyed support structures.

1 From railroad signal and communication lines located above and below grade shall be located a minimum
distance equal to the height of the wireline structure above the groundline.

2 From centerline of near track shall be located a minimum distance equal to the height of the pole above the
groundline plus 10 feet (3.0 meters).

iv In curved track the above clearances shall be increased either 6 in. (0.15 meters) total or 1.5 in. (0.04 meters)
for every degree of curve, whichever is greater.

c. Guy wires

(1) Guys wires shall be placed in such a manner as to keep the pole from leaning or falling in the direction of the

5.5.5 WIRELINE CROSSINGS (CARRYING MORE THAN 750 VOLTS) (2018) Underground Wireline Crossings (More Than 750 Volts)

a. Vertical clearance

(1) Minimum vertical clearance required from base of rail to top of wireline and associated wireline structures such as
casing shall be 4.5 feet (1.4 meters) for steel casings and 12 feet (3.7 meters) for non-metallic casings.

i All HDD installations shall be a minimum of 12 feet (3.7 meters) from base of rail to top of wireline and
associated wireline structures.

(2) Minimum vertical clearance from natural grade, on other areas of the railroad right-of-way away from the track, to
the top of wireline and associate wireline structures such as casing shall be 4.0 feet (1.2 meters).

(3) Minimum vertical clearance required between wirelines and railroad signal and communication lines shall be 4
feet (1.2 meters).

b. Horizontal Clearance

Greater clearances may be required due to site characteristics, as required by the railroad.

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(1) Wirelines shall be located no closer than:

i 50 feet (45 meters) to the nearest portion of any railroad bridge, box culvert or other railroad infrastructure, as
required, except as stated below in Section

ii 50 feet (15 meters) to a pipe culvert, control point, switch, signal lights, signal shed or other railroad
infrastructure, as required, except as stated below in Section

(2) Neither permanent nor temporary wirelines shall be placed within railroad culverts or under railroad bridges
except as stated below in Section

(3) For crossings within through streets which cross under railroad bridges and at-grade crossings:

i Railroad Bridge - The wireline shall remain a minimum of 10-ft (3.0 meters) from the near face of any bridge
pier or abutment and all associated subsurface components, i.e. footings, and shall only be placed within the
street right-of-way.

ii At-grade Crossing - The wireline should be located within the street right-of-way limits while maintaining the
maximum distance to railroad infrastructure such as signal cabins and crossing gates.

c. Casing (required)

(1) Casing Length

i Encasement is required across the entire width of the railroad right-of-way.


(2) Casing Material

i The casing material should be steel or rigid metal conduit.

ii Plastic (non-metallic) casing may be considered by the railroad with the following conditions: 3
1 The depth below base of rail to the top of the casing shall be greater than or equal to 12 feet (3.7 meters), as
approved by the railroad.

2 It is not allowed within 50 feet (15 meters) from the centerline of existing or future tracks, as approved by
the railroad.
3 It shall be encased in a minimum of 12 inches (0.30 meters) of concrete to the outer face of the conduit
across the entire width of the railroad right-of-way.

d. Installation

(1) Acceptable methods of Installation

i Horizontal directional drilling, see Section 5.7.

ii .Dry jack and bore.

iii Other, as approved by the railroad.

(2) The railroad may require on site observation and top of rail monitoring during and after the installation process.

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Roadway and Ballast Overhead Wireline Crossings (More Than 750 Volts)

a. Vertical clearance

(1) Minimum vertical clearance required from top of rail to lowest hanging overhead wireline shall be as required by
NESC + 3 feet (0.9 meters).

(2) Minimum vertical clearance required between all wirelines and railroad signal and communication lines shall be 4
feet (1.2 meters).

b. Horizontal clearance

(1) Minimum horizontal clearance from overhead wireline crossings to railroad infrastructure.

i 300 feet (90 meters) from the near edge of any railroad bridge or culvert.

ii 50 feet (15 meters) from the near edge of any switch or other railroad infrastructure as required by the

(2) Minimum horizontal clearance from the centerline of the nearest track, measured perpendicular to the centerline of
track, to near face of the wireline support structure.

i Structures supporting wirelines with voltage equal to or greater than 34.5 kilovolts must be located off
railroad right-of-way.

ii 50 feet (15 meters) for tracks other than industry tracks.

iii 30 feet (9 meters) for industry tracks.

iv Unguyed support structures.

1 From railroad signal and communication lines located above and below grade shall be located a minimum
distance equal to the height of the wireline structure above the groundline.

2 From centerline of near track shall be located a minimum distance equal to the height of the pole above the
groundline plus 10 feet (3.0 meters).

iv In curved track the above clearances shall be increased either 6 in. (0.15 meters) total or 1.5 in. (0.04 meters)
for every degree of curve, whichever is greater.

c. Guy wires

(1) Guys shall be placed in such a manner as to keep the pole from leaning or falling in the direction of the tracks.

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5.6.1 SCOPE (2014) R(2017)

These general requirements and technical details are provided only as a guideline for the successful completion of fiber optic
installation. This shall include parallel and crossings on railroad right-of-way by railroads or outside communication
companies that enter into agreements with railroads. All railroads shall reserve the right to change these recommendations as
needed, and are not to be taken as authority to construct without prior review and approval by each of the participating
railroads. Any items not covered specifically herein are to be in accordance with American Railway Engineering and
Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) recommended practices, subject to the approval of the participating railroad's
Engineering Department. All railroads shall reserve the right to change these recommendations as needed without prior
notice. The term "Engineer" as used herein means chief engineer of the railroad company, or the authorized representative. A
glossary of terms used in this document follows in Article 5.6.7. Dimensions are given in English with metric units in

5.6.2 PLANNING (2014) R(2017) Coordinate the engineering criteria, from the preliminary route inspection through the actual route
design, with railroad representative. When planning a fiber system project.

a. Identify and note on maps any wetlands any potential impact to the railroad track structure or right-of-way.
b. Note vegetation, property uses and topography not indicated on maps.

c. Note cuts and fills.

d. Identify potential track crossings, particularly under-track bores.

e. Call the State 1-CALL utility locate system (811) and the railroad for signal, fiber optic, and other underground utility 3
locations. The ticket number shall be provided to the Railroad.

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Roadway and Ballast Fiber Optic installations are governed by unique rules and regulations. It is the responsibility of the
Fiber Optic Company that these be adhered to during planning, including preliminary investigations and
route surveys on the railroad's right-of-way. Special permission is required for the use of all vehicles, including ATV's, on the railroad's right-of-
way. Obtain permission to occupy the property or right-of-way of landowners other than the railroad. It is the fiber optic company's responsibility to obtain any permits, including but not limited to right-
of-entry, NPDES, Corps 404, and local jurisdictional permits. Permits must be onsite for inspection.

5.6.3 DESIGN (2014) R(2017) Conventional Build General Requirements (See Paragraph for Railplow) Detail all fiber facilities including lines, repeater sites, junctions, and structures. Design the fiber system, if practical, to run near the outer limits of the railroad's right-of-way.
Keep the fiber system running line as straight as possible while maintaining a consistent distance from
track centerline. Design the fiber system to run on the field side of all railroad structures, including bridges, signal
facilities, buildings and platforms. If the fiber system has to be placed under an existing signal or communication structure, place
the system a minimum of 10 feet (3.05 meters) under natural ground. This extra depth may also be required
in "signal sensitive areas" such as interlocking or control plants. If the fiber system has to be located under existing signal or communication wires, a minimum 2
feet (0.61 meters) of separation is required. Fiber optic cable must not be installed within 5 feet (1.52 meters) of underground power or signal
lines, unless suitably insulated. If the fiber system is designed within 30 feet (9.14 meters) of a track centerline or structure of any
type, excavations within this area may require shoring designed to include train or structure surcharges.
In such cases, submit shoring plans with calculations, stamped by a licensed professional engineer, to the
railroad for approval prior to construction. See, Trenches and Excavations. Refer to Figure 1-5-22. Do not design fiber system components that create stumbling hazards on the railroad's right-of-
way. Design the fiber system to be installed a minimum of 42 inches (1.07 meters) below natural
ground, except as noted herein. See Figure 1-5-17. In the event local ground conditions prohibit the placement of the fiber system at a depth of at
least 42 inches (1.07 meters), the fiber system must be encased, and specific approval by the railroad is
required. Compact all backfill in excavations and trenches to 95% maximum density as defined in ASTM
Standard D698. Use clean, suitable backfill material. Design the fiber system to be buried a minimum of 60 inches (1.52 meters) below the bottom of
all culverts on the railroad's right-of-way, or around the end of the culvert (field side) and 60 inches (1.52

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meters) below the bottom of the flow line. This minimum depth must be maintained a minimum of 20 feet
(6.10 meters) each side of the culvert centerline. Only after specific evaluation by the railroad will any
system be allowed to be placed over the top of any culvert. See Figure 1-5-17. Locate and identify buried utilities and other potential obstructions. Do not attach the fiber system to railroad bridges to cross waterways, highways, etc., unless no
other feasible alternative exists. Fully explore the burying alternative before submitting requests to the
railroad for attachment of the fiber system to a bridge, and provide appropriate documentation, detailing
the reasons why an attachment is necessary.

a. Submit bridge attachment designs, for railroad approval prior to construction. Include details at and around the bridge
back walls.

b. Design bridge attachments that will not interfere with nor delay future repair, replacement, inspection and other
construction to take place on or near the bridge (superstructure and substructure).

c. Include in the design extra cable in a protected facility near the bridge so the bridge can be raised if necessary, and
prevent delay to railroad operations.

d. Design the fiber system so it does not obstruct the bridge bearings. See Figure 1-5-16.

e. If practical, design the fiber system to be installed on the downstream side of the bridge.

f. Fiber system must not be attached to a timber bridge, nor to the handrails of bridges.

g. Fall protection is required for work performed on all bridges and above ground installations. Work on all bridges and
structures on the railroad's right-of-way is governed by the most restrictive of OSHA (29 CFR Parts 1910 and 1926),
FRA Bridge Worker Safety Regulations (49 CFR Part 214), or state regulations.

h. Contractors performing work on bridges and above ground facilities on or over railroad property must submit written
documentation certifying their employees have received proper training in fall protection prior to engaging in work on
railroad property. The contractor must further satisfy the railroad representative that proper equipment and compliance
with these standards will be adhered to on the job site. 3 Design hand holes, splice boxes and manholes for appropriate loading conditions. In general,
locations within 30 feet (9.14 meters) of track centerline should be designed for a Cooper E80 surcharge,
while all other installations should withstand AASHTO H-20 highway loading requirements, in addition to

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Roadway and Ballast

soil-pressures. If a future main track is anticipated, the installation must be designed to handle surcharge
loadings. Show the location of fiber system marker signs on the design drawings, and submit a detail of
the sign, including it's color, for railroad approval. This also applies to aerial marker signs. Additional
signing may be required by the Engineer where above signs are not readily visible from the track. Trenches and Excavations Use shoring conforming to the most restrictive of state, OSHA, or AREMA standard in all
excavations where required. Refer to OSHA standard in 29 CFR XVII Paragraph 1926.650. Submit shoring
plans involving the railroad's track or structures for approval prior to construction. See Figure 1-5-22. All excavations and trenches will be attended or protected. Fence, fill or guard each site prior to
leaving. Monitor shored trenches and excavations continuously during work for signs of instability and
failure. Trenchless Installation of Fiber Systems Submit plans for all bores that impact railroad's right-of-way for approval. This includes both
under-track bores and parallel-to-track bores. Detail the following on the plans:

a. Boring methods and equipment.

b. Depth(s) of the fiber system.

c. Locations of bore pits relative to track centerline.

d. Casing specifications.

e. Excavation supports at bore pits. An extensive geotechnical analysis may be required to verify that railroad tracks will not be
affected by the proposed bore. It is the responsibility of the fiber optic company or its contractor to
provide such an analysis at the railroad's request. All bores are subject to railroad, federal, state and/or local requirements. Ultimate approval of the boring process rests with the railroad. The railroad has the authority to
delay the operation or establish additional requirements based on site characteristics. Generally accepted dry bore installation methods for under-track or parallel-to-track bores

a. Jacking the casing through the subgrade.

b. Dry auger boring.

c. Dry mini-directional boring.

d. Other methods will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Wet bores are not allowed for installing fiber systems on the
railroad's right-of-way. Wet bores in this context refer to the use of liquids to displace soil. Under-track dry bores are subject to the following requirements:

a. Keep track bores under main line tracks to a minimum.

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b. Locate the fiber system a minimum of 66 inches (1.68 meters) below the base of rail or natural ground, whichever is

c. Encase in galvanized steel pipe or black iron pipe [Specified Minimum Yield Strength of 30,000 psi (206,843 kPa) or
above] all fiber system lines under tracks in a single casing. For depths greater than 15 feet (4.57 meters) below the
natural ground, Schedule 80 PVC pipe may be used in lieu of steel pipe or black iron pipe. Extend the casing a
minimum of 30 feet (9.14 meters) from centerline of nearest track, measured perpendicular to the track, or longer, to
stay out of cuts and/or fills. Multiple duct installations must use a single Schedule 80 or better casing for the bore. The
crossing angle shall not be less than 45 degrees. The ends of the casing must be sealed.

d. If practical, design track bores to be greater than 150 feet (45.72 meters) from the nearest bridge, culvert, track switch
(see Figure 1-5-21), building or other major structure.

e. Design bore pits to be a minimum of 30 feet (9.14 meters) from centerline of nearest track when measured at right
angles to the track. See Figure 1-5-18. Do not locate bore pits in the slope of a cut or fill section of the roadbed. Keep
the bore pit size to a minimum. Location of crossings shall be in an area that does not require extensive shoring. See Trenches and Excavations. Refer to Figure 1-5-22.

f. Keep bore pits and other excavations to the minimum size necessary. All boring methods are subject to the following conditions:

a. The machine operator follows all railroad standards and OSHA regulations, including the use of grounding mats and
other safety measures.

b. The machine operator has control over the direction of the boring tool. 1
c. Pull back methods use mandrels up to two inches (50.8 millimeters) larger than the diameter of the casing, up to a
casing diameter of 8 inches (203.2 millimeters).

d. Shallow bores, misdirected bores, or other unsuccessful bores are abandoned and filled at the discretion of the railroad.

e. If a bore is unsuccessful, future attempts are made only with the approval of the railroad.
f. Auger heads are not allowed more than six inches (152.4 millimeters) ahead of the casing being inserted.

g. Any parallel-to-track bore that is made in either a cut back or fill section will be located a minimum of 60 inches (1.52
meters) below the toe of the ballast section or natural ground, whichever is lower. See Figure 1-5-23 & Figure 1-5-24. Trenchless horizontal directional bores (HDD) will be considered for under-track and parallel-to-
track bores on a case-by-case basis, subject to these additional constraints.
a. Under-track bores must be installed a minimum depth of 12 feet (3.66 meters) below the base of rail or five feet (1.52
meters) below the natural ground line, whichever is greater.

b. An approved slurry must be kept to a minimum and only used for head lubrication and/or spoils return. Calculate
anticipated slurry use and monitor slurry use during the bore operation to determine slurry loss into the surrounding
soil. A bentonite slurry should be used to seal the hole with a minimum of 95% return. Should excessive slurry loss
occur, operations must cease immediately.

c. Maximum size of the finished hole is 10 inches (254 millimeters).

d. Submit complete specifications for the machine to be used, including:

(1) Operating and maximum pressures of liquid at the drilling head;

(2) Water volume;

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Roadway and Ballast

(3) Source of water;

(4) Power supply;

(5) Type of reamer or cutting tool, number and size of holes/nozzles on the head, and method of head control;

(6) Volume of anticipated spoils removal.

e. Bore stems and cutting heads may have to be left in the ground if they can not be retrieved through the bore hole. Open
excavation to retrieve the parts may not be possible. Special conditions such as rock drilling that require the use of high-pressure air or water are
subject to all of the conditions of this section and will be evaluated as they occur. Blasting is not allowed. Installation of fiber cable on pole lines within the railroad right-of-way will be considered on an
individual basis. Any overhead crossing of the track by the fiber system must at least adhere to AREMA
Clearances and National Electric Code (NEC) Standards. Repeater Stations (Regens) Submit the regen design with the running line plan. Indicate all details of the site, such as building
size, building access, concrete pad depth, soil removal and method conforming to environmental
requirements, power supply, distance from track centerline, fences, all appurtenances, and distances from
all road crossings. Include with the power supply detail the following: voltages, distances relative to the mainline and
other structures, overhead clearances and below ground dimensions. Locate regens a safe distance from the nearest grade crossing. The governing minimum distance
is the most stringent of either:

(1) Local, state, FRA, or AASHTO clear sight distance requirements for grade crossings, or

(2) 500 feet (152 meters). See Figure 1-5-19. These requirements could vary due to train and vehicle speeds at the
crossings. Do not locate regens under signal, communication, or power lines. Locate regens a minimum of 50 feet (15.24 meters) from centerline of the nearest track to the
nearest element of the regen facility, and avoid placement adjacent to track curves. See Figure 1-5-19. Do not place regens where vision will be obstructed or interfere with railroad operations. Train
signals must be clearly visible. Regens may have to be located on private property to meet the requirements of this section. Access to regens shall not foul the tracks and overhead wires, and must have railroad approval. Railplow Design

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Utilities Routes that will utilize an on-track plow shall be designed approximately 11 feet (3.35 meters)
from the centerline of track or beyond the toe of ballast line. The running line shall not be permitted between centerline of tracks. Hand holes and pull boxes
shall be no closer then 30 feet (9.14 meters) to the centerline of track. Signal plants should be avoided by trenching behind the facility. The depth of the installation shall be 42 inches (1.07 meters) or greater. Other considerations may
apply depending on the specific code. The distance to centerline of track for bores and other excavations will be a minimum of 30
feet(9.14 meters) to accommodate railplow design and construction. Excavations in these areas must not
violate train and structure surcharges.

5.6.4 CONSTRUCTION (2014) R(2017) Call the State 1-CALL utility locate system (811) and the railroad for signal, fiber optic, and other
underground utility locations. The ticket number shall be provided to the Railroad. A complete set of approved construction documents must be maintained at the project site. Complete arrangements must be made for safety training and protection of construction operations
prior to any construction activity.
1 Obtain approval from the railroad for any deviation to the construction drawings and indicate such
changes to the construction drawings. Avoid the slope of cut or fill sections.

3 If the fiber system has to be located in the ditch, place the system a minimum of 60 inches (1.52
meters) beyond the toe of the slope and a minimum of 60 inches (1.52 meters) below the bottom of the
flowline. The fiber optic company may want to consider placing the fiver system at extra depth to allow for
ditch cleaning. Stabilize any waterways that have been plowed or cut. Use rip-rap or other approved erosion
control methods. 4 Use OSHA and railroad approved shoring procedures on all trenches and excavations. See,
Trenches and Excavations. Backfill, cover or fence all excavations when unattended. No equipment is allowed on any track ballast section. Do not foul the track ballast with dirt or other foreign materials. Do not store or place equipment, supplies, materials, tools, or other items within 25 feet (7.62
meters) of the nearest track centerline, or within 500 feet (152.4 meters) of road crossing.

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Roadway and Ballast Start cleanup and restoration of the railroad's right-of-way immediately after the fiber system
installation in each construction area and continue on a daily basis as the project progresses until
complete. Ensure that any stumbling hazards are removed immediately. Take care not to foul the ballast, block ditches, culverts, or otherwise impede drainage. If chipping
is approved, remove any brush or items that can not be chipped to 1 inch (2.54 centimeters). Bridge attachments are generally not permitted. The fiber optic company must provide written
justification prior to applying for permission to attach to the railroad bridge. Detailed drawings prepared by
a registered structural engineer must be prepared for review and approval by the railroad. Install only
railroad approved bridge attachments incorporating the following:

a. The Fiber Optic Company is to install extra cable in a protective facility near the bridge so the bridge can be raised if
necessary and without delay to railroad operations.

b. Install the fiber system so as not to obstruct the bridge bearings. See Figure 1-5-16. The conduit should not be placed
on top of the deck unless clearances can be obtained to stay outside the track structure for normal maintenance. Place
the conduit on the outside of the superstructure by supporting it from the concrete deck, curb and/or walkway. Tie
maintenance must not be impeded.

c. Exercise care in trenching between the toe of the roadbed slope and bridge backwalls, typically by hand-digging or dry

d. Torch cutting or welding of bridge members is not allowed. Drill holes, if approved, are required for bracket
attachment and specify high strength bolts (ASTM A325) for any brackets. Provide an expansion joint in detail.

e. If brackets must be removed from the bridge, do not torch cut bolts. After removing the bracket, insert a bolt in the
open hole and paint with galvanized paint. If the bridge is concrete, cut the bolt flush with the concrete surface.

f. Touch-up any scratched galvanized bridge surfaces, including bracket attachments, with galvanized paint, including
those areas of bridge steel that are to be covered by the brackets. The painted area should extend at least 2 inches (5.08
centimeters) beyond the contact surface. Fall protection conforming to all Federal Railroad Administration and OSHA regulations is
required for work performed on all bridges and above ground installations. Install marker posts, hand holes, splice boxes and manholes at the outer limits of the railroad
right-of-way, not less than 30 feet (9.14 meters) from the centerline of the tracks. Install them so as not to
create a stumbling hazard or to interfere with railroad operations. The marker posts or signs should be placed at intervals that will permit viewing from any
direction, not to exceed 500-feet (152.39 meters), as approved by railroad. The signs must also be placed
at each change of direction, handholes, and grade crossings. Each adjacent sign should be visible from
one sign to the next in each direction. Lateral crossings should have a steel, or approved railroad material,
sign at the right-of- way line. Additional signing may be required by the Engineer where above signs are
not readily visible from the track. Railroad signal personnel will locate, remove, and replace all guy wires on railroad pole lines, if
permitted. Overhead Fiber Optic Work

a. Coordinate work on railroad poles with the railroad.

b. Follow applicable National Electric Codes (NEC) for all pole work.

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c. Obtain approval for all wire drops and splice locations from the railroad prior to construction.

d. Ensure all power lines on the poles have been de-energized. Check the poles for structural integrity before climbing.

Use climbing equipment conforming to OSHA regulations. In addition, comply with federal, state, and local laws and
regulations. Do not throw trash into any excavations. Contain all construction-generated waste material and remove it to an approved disposal site. This
includes, but is not limited to, excavated foundations, old dump sites, debris, concrete or masonry
obstructions, organic matter, rocks and boulders. Remove all abandoned fiber optic cable systems from the right-of-way. Coordinate the method of
removal with the railroad. If any of the fiber optic cable system is not removed, maintain records of the
location of abandoned facilities. Regrade and clean construction sites to the condition they were before the project began. Reseed
disturbed areas with indigenous grass species. Perform clean-up and restoration as the project
progresses. Repair or replace any disturbed fencing and gates to equal or better condition. Immediately repair
and/or monitor fences and gates used to contain livestock. Ensure that livestock are not released onto the
railroad's right-of-way.
1 Do not operate heavy equipment on railroad's paved roads located on the right-of-way without
prior approval of the railroad. Use a protective covering over paved roads when crossing them with heavy
equipment. Repair roads damaged or cut through. Coordinate such moves with the railroad. When installing cable on top of cuts, do not operate equipment or install cable within 5 feet (1.52
meters) of the top of the slope, or the interceptor ditch. (See Figure 1-5-24.)
3 Comply with all applicable federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations. Where Public Utilities Commission requirements meet or exceed the requirements of the Railroad,
those requirements will apply. This would include but not be limited to, safety, clearances and walkways. Maintain all existing facilities used to protect the public and/or railroad employees. Install
additional facilities when needed to protect the public and/or railroad employees.

5.6.5 DOCUMENTATION (2014) R(2017) Construction drawings must have proper railroad engineering stationing ties, to result in
acceptable As Built drawings. If construction plans are approved without the proper ties, it is the fiber
optic company's responsibility to provide them prior to As Built drawing approval. See Figure 1-5-15.
Methodology for Equating Fiber Optic Cable Locations to Railroad Track & Right-of-Way Maps. Include the following information on all construction plans and final As Built drawings:

a. Alignment of the cable with railroad engineering stationing at each running line change or PI (point of intersection)
including handholes, signs, and markers.

b. Include datam reference, basis of bearing, benchmarks, scale factor, and geoid.

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Roadway and Ballast

c. Depth of the cable, cable elevations, and natural ground elevations shown on plan & profile.

d. Bridges (the railroad engineering stationing shown is measured from the inside backwall of a bridge). See Figure 1-5-
16. Show the bridge milepost designation.

e. Bridge attachments and their details.

f. Culverts.

g. Signals, signal houses, and other signal facilities.

h. All grade crossings, overhead viaducts and overpasses, including name of the street (public or private) and railroad
mile marker designation.

i. All utility crossings (both underground and overhead), and all parallel utilities.

j. Rivers, fences, and polelines.

k. Railroad right-of-way limits.

l. Railroad time table station names and mile markers.

m. All mainline track, sidings, spur tracks and turnouts. Include a separate detailed drawing for each regen station. Show all details of the site referenced to
the mainline track, such as:

a. Table of contents or list of drawings.

b. Building size and distance building is from all road crossings.

c. Distance the regen building is from centerline of all adjacent tracks.

d. Power supply required for the regen building, including locations relative to the mainline, voltages, above and below
ground dimensions.

e. Building access.

f. Any other facility pertinent to the project.

g. Location of fencing around the regen site, complete with dimensions. Include the following additional information on construction drawings submitted to the Railroad:

a. General notes along with the symbols and their meanings.

b. A sheet showing all the special details.

c. Small scale maps showing the overall cable route.

d. Schematic showing regen sites.

e. Sheet showing various methods of erosion control.

f. Sheet showing details for backhoe trenching below a ditch, trench below a stream, direct burial for a ditch or creek
crossing (plan and profile view).

g. Sheet showing detail for placement of conduit in rock, including provisions for protecting Railroad ballast where it
may be fouled by rock sawing operations.

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h. Include all boring and casing details. This includes, but is not limited to, dimensions, bore pit locations, and casing
specifications. Show all measurements of each of the above from and at right angles to the centerline of the
nearest mainline track. Show on the drawing the distance to the next facility as measured along the
centerline of the main track. Note: Mile markers found in the field are representative of actual mileposts found on railroad right-
of-way maps. These are intended to provide general locations of facilities for location by railroad
personnel. These mile markers are not accurately located on railroad maps and should not be used to
establish railroad stationing. Show them on your drawings for reference only. Submit As Builts no later than 90 days after the completion of the installation of the fiber system on
the Railroad's right-of-way.

5.6.6 MAINTENANCE (2014) R(2017) Emergency Maintenance

In the event emergency work is required, the following procedures apply:

a. Call the railroad for emergency approval. The railroad will determine inspector/flagger needs based on site conditions.

b. Call the State 1-CALL utility locate system (811) and the railroad for signal, fiber optic, and other underground utility
locations. 1
c. Perform emergency work only when appropriate flagging/inspection personnel are on site.

d. Following the completion of emergency repairs to restore the fiber system to service, permanent restoration of the fiber
system falls under the conditions of the following section. Regular Maintenance 3 Notify the railroad prior to entering the railroad's right-of-way to repair or maintain the fiber
system. Call the State 1-CALL utility locate system (811) and the railroad for signal, fiber optic, and other
underground utility locations.
4 The methods and procedures of all maintenance and repair work are subject to the consent and
approval of the railroad. Submit to the railroad for approval plans for any work not previously detailed in
the approved Construction Plans. Include (as applicable) drawings showing the plan, elevation, details,
Railroad engineering stationing and methods of the proposed construction, installation, maintenance,
repair, replacement or other work. Fiber optic company crew locations and the number of crews may be restricted depending on
railroad flagger availability, job site access and adequate radio communications. Ensure that all representatives and employees of the fiber optic company and its contractor have
been safety trained.

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Roadway and Ballast Follow the construction guidelines in Article 5.6.4 Construction (2014) R(2017) for any repair or
maintenance work involving alteration of the fiber system. Never allow work to disrupt rail operations, including but not limited to, train operations, facilities
maintenance and communications. Do not store or place equipment, supplies, materials, tools, or other items within 25 feet (7.62
meters) of the nearest track centerline unless the railroad approves such placement. Begin clean-up and restoration immediately upon completion of maintenance operations.
Restore the railroad's right-of-way to the same condition as prior to the maintenance being performed. Remove abandoned fiber optic cable, see Article 5.6.4 Construction (2014) R(2017). If any of the
fiber optic cable system is not removed, maintain records of the location of abandoned facilities.

5.6.7 DEFINITIONS (2014) R(2017)

Aerial Marker Sign: A large sign, typically in the shape of a “V” that can be observed from the air, used for aerial location
and inspection of the fiber system.

As Built: A drawing, depicting the actual location of the fiber cable in relation to the Railroad, having proper documentation
for approval by the Railroad.

Ballast: The rock that supports the track and ties. This rock is groomed to keep the track in place, drain water away from the
track and distribute the weight of trains to surrounding soil. Do Not Disturb!

Branchline: A secondary route to the Railroad that, for safety reasons, should be treated as a primary line.

Bridge Attachment: A Railroad approved method of affixing the fiber system to one of the Railroad’s bridges.

Bridge Backwall: The topmost portion of an abutment above the elevation of the bridge bearing, functioning primarily as a
retaining wall for the roadbed.

Bridge Bearing: The contact area and/or physical connection between bridge girders and bridge abutments or piers (Figure 1-

Casing: A secondary, independent, rigid covering used to protect the fiber system and the roadbed when installed under the
Railroad’s tracks.

Car: Any vehicle that can move on the track structure and is not self-propelled.

Centerline of Track: An imaginary line, that runs down the center of the two rails of a track.

Conduit: An independent tube or duct system used to house one or more fiber optic cables.

Contractor: Any fiber optic company authorized worker, other than a railroad employee, who is working on railroad property
as a fiber optic company representative or agent.

Cut: A section of earth that has been excavated to allow construction of the Railroad’s track where an embankment remains
on one or both sides of the track.

Directional Bore: A method that controls the direction of boring and eliminates conventional bore pits allowing for a longer
bore length than conventional methods.

Dispatcher: A Railroad employee responsible for authorizing all track use, including train movements and maintenance.

Drawings: A graphic representation of proposed fiber routes, detailed construction plans, or As Builts.

Dry Bore: A method that utilizes conventional bore pits without using a liquid to displace soil.

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Encased: A term used to indicate that the fiber system has a secondary, independent, rigid, protective covering.

Engine: The vehicle used to pull cars. Typically this refers to the locomotive, but can be any self-propelled vehicle.

Excavation: Any removal of earth to allow installation of the fiber system.

Fall Protection: A requirement by the FRA, that ensures training and protection for work performed on any structure that is
at a height of 12 feet (3.66 meters) or more above water or ground, and/or while working at a height of 12 feet (3.66 meters) or

Fiber Optic Company: The company that enters into the agreement with the Railroad and has the ultimate responsibility for
the fiber system. This includes any contractor, employee, or consultant hired by that company.

Field Side: The side of structures furthest away from the tracks.

Fill: A section of earth built up to support the Railroad’s track structure.

Flagger: A railroad employee, who provides for the safe use of the Railroad’s right-of-way.

Foul the Ballast: Anything that contaminates the ballast section of the roadbed and inhibits the ballast from supporting the
track, draining water, or suppressing weed growth.

Foul the Track: Any obstruction that renders the track system unsafe for train passage.

Grout: A cementitious or epoxy substance used to fill the annular space around pipes, repair concrete, fill holes in concrete,
or to anchor bolts, rods, etc., in concrete. Grout must be approved by the Railroad prior to use.

Handhole: A buried facility that can contain a splice or extra cable. 1

Hy Rail: A vehicle, typically driven on highways, that has a specially manufactured attachment, that allows the vehicle to
travel on railroad tracks.

Industry Track: A secondary track designed to allow access to industries along the main track.

Innerduct: Flexible independent tubes inside a conduit.

Job Site: Any area where work is performed, where materials and equipment are stored, or which employees access during
the fiber project.

Locate: The determination in the field of the depth and horizontal position of fiber optic systems or other underground

Mainline: The primary track used by trains. Some of the routes have double, triple and quadruple mainline tracks.
Marker signs: Signs placed by the fiber optic company indicate a fiber system is in the area, provide a toll free number for
information regarding the system, and provide the fiber optic company’s name.

Milemarkers: Field indicators of approximate distance from a specific point on the Railroad system used for approximate
locations of Railroad facilities. They are not to be used to establish railroad stationing.

Milepost: A theoretical breakdown of rail lines into mile-long segments.

On Track Safety: A set of safety rules, developed and promulgated by the FRA, that must be complied with to work on or
near railroad property. Specific training and obedience to these rules is a requirement of the FRA. Where individual railroad
rules are more stringent, those rules shall apply. Significant fines and the loss of your permission to work on railroad right-of-
way, can result from the violation of these rules.

Point of Intersection: A point on a map or drawing indicating the location of a curve in the fiber system. The point is the
vertex of an angle formed by the intersection of two sequential, non-parallel segments of the fiber system.

Protected Facility: A handhole, manhole, or box that can withstand external pressures and protect the fiber system.

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Pull Box: A facility generally used to pull cable through a conduit system.

Railplow: Rail mounted plowing equipment pulled or powered by locomotive power.

Railroad engineering stationing: Track profile measurement typically found on railroad valuation and track maps. The
stationing is based on a 100-ft interval as measured on the track centerline.

Regen: An acronym for a regeneration facility. Typically a building along the fiber system route housing equipment.

Regen facility: The Regen building and all of its appurtenances such as fences, signs, posts, or other physical features.

Right-of-way: Land that the Railroad owns or owns an interest in that contains facilities for train operations and which is
utilized in the performance of the fiber project.

Roadbed: The graded area beneath and on either side of the track.

Running Line: Proposed or existing location of the fiber system.

Safety Training: A session conducted by a qualified railroad representative, or it’s agent at which railroad rules and
regulations are presented and discussed.

Shoring: Methods and materials used to prevent the collapse of the earthen walls of excavations.

Siding: A secondary track used for the passing of trains on single-track routes.

Signal: A Railroad facility used to inform Railroad personnel of track conditions.

Splice: A point in the fiber optic system running line where cables are fused together to create a continuous system.

Spur Track: A secondary track designed to allow access to industries along the main track.

Switch: A moveable track device that allows trains to transfer from one track to another, encompassing the distance from the
point of switch to the point of frog. (See Figure 1-5-21).

Tracks: The rails, ties and ballast and roadbed that compose the traveling surface used by trains.

Track Structure: The rails, ties, ballast and roadbed that compose the traveling surface used by trains.

Trains: One or more engines coupled together, with or without cars that use the Railroad’s tracks.

Train Movement: Any motion of engines and/or cars over the Railroad’s tracks.

Trench: A narrow section of earth removed to allow installation of the fiber system.

Valuation Map: A Railroad map depicting the Railroad’s facilities and engineering stationing.

Wet Bores: Are bores that use liquid to displace soil.

Yard: A collection of secondary tracks used to store equipment (cars, engines, maintenance machines, etc.), assemble or
disassemble trains, and/or conduct other Railroad operations.

5.6.8 ABBREVIATIONS (2014) R(2017)

AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ANSI: American National Standards Institute

AREMA: American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association

ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASTM: American Society for Testing and Material

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BIP: Black Iron Pipe

Br.: Bridge

CE: Chief Engineer

CIP: Cast Iron Pipe

CL/Trk: Center Line of Track

CMP: Corrugated Metal Pipe

Conc.: Concrete

C/L: Centerline

FIBOCO: An acronym for the fiber optic company

FRA: Federal Railroad Administration

F/L: Flow Line

GSP: Galvanized Steel Pipe

HDPE: High Density Polyethylene Plastic

HH: Handhole

Lt.: Left 1
MH: Manhole

MM: Mile Marker

MP: Mile Post

OSHA: Occupational Health & Safety Administration 3

PI: Point of Intersection

PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic

Rt.: Right

R-O-W: Right-of-way
Xing: Crossing



5.7.1 SCOPE (2013) R(2017)

These recommendations cover minimum suggested requirements for HDD methods used to install pipeline utilities, other than
fiber optic (See Section 5.6), on or adjacent to railroad rights of way. Refer to the applicable sections for specific commodity
carrier pipe and casing requirements. The term “Engineer” used herein means chief engineer of the railway company or the
authorized representative. Any items not covered specifically herein are subject to the approval of the railroad’s Engineering
Department. All railroads reserve the right to change these recommendations as needed, and are not to be taken as authority to

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construct without prior review and approval by each of the participating railroads. A glossary of terms used in this document
follows. Units are given in English Measure with metric units in parenthesis.

5.7.2 DESIGN (2017) General Requirements

Under-track bores are subject to the following requirements:

a. All bores are subject to federal, state and/or local regulations.

b. The location of the bore must not conflict with any facilities within the railroad right-of-way. This may require
designing a longer than normal bore when crossing roads, in order to avoid signal facilities.

c. Design track bores to be greater than 150 feet (45.72 meters) from the nearest bridge, culvert, road crossing, signal
structure, track switch (see Exhibit G, Figure 1-5-21), building or other major structure (or entry point). When a track
bore is required at an at-grade road crossing, the bore may be designed closer than 150 feet (45.72 meters) if approved
by the Engineer.

d. Design bore pits to be a minimum of 30 feet (9.14 meters) from centerline of track when measured at right angles to the
track. See Exhibit D, Figure 1-5-18. In addition, never locate bore pits in the slope of a cut or fill section of the
roadbed. Keep the bore pit size to a minimum. Temporary shoring for the bore pit shall be in accordance with
AREMA recommended practices. (See Exhibit H, Figure 1-5-22)

e. All under track bores are to be at 90 degrees relative to the track centerline.

f. Maximum bore hole diameter will be no more than 2 inches (50.80 milimeters) larger than the outside diameter of the
installed carrier or casing pipe.

g. Casing pipe is required on all under track bores less than 30 feet (9.14 meters) below base of rail, except for non-liquid
pipelines per Section 5.2, Guidelines for Uncased Gas Pipelines within the Railroad Right-of-Way. Under track bores
greater than 30 feet (9.14 meters) below base of rail may have uncased pipelines installed per Section

h. The bore plan should show the bore path profile.

i. The maximum allowed product pipeline outside diameter is 36 inches (0.91 meters).

j. An under track bore will not simultaneously cross the track(s) and an at-grade road crossing.

k. Under-track bores are to be installed a minimum depth of 5 feet (1.52 meters) under natural ground, or 12 feet (3.66
meters) under base of rail, whichever is greater.

l. Submit complete specifications for the machine to be used, including:

(1) Planned parameters for maximum thrust to be used;

(2) Operating and maximum planned pressures of liquid at the drilling head;

(3) Slurry fluid volume;

(4) Source of water; its pH;

(5) Rotational rate and torque;

(6) Pull back force;

(7) Power supply;

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(8) Type of reamer or cutting tool, number and size of holes/nozzles on the head, and method of drill head tracking;

(9) Volume of anticipated spoils removal.

m. The design of the bore shall allow the path to be at a constant slope for a minimum of 30 feet (9.14 meters) from the
centerline of the track, 2 feet (0.61 meters) beyond the toe of slope and 3 feet (0.91 meters) beyond the ditch,
whichever is greater.

See Exhibits L, M, and N; Figures 1-5-26, 1-5-27, and 1-5-28.

n. The bore path of a parallel bore shall be at a zero slope for a minimum of the width of the facility causing the bore.
Facilities shall include, but are not limited to, roads, culverts, ditches, streams, rivers, other utilities and tracks. The
bore shall be extended, when practical, to avoid conflict with railroad facility improvements (at the Engineer’s
discretion). The minimum depth of parallel bores shall be consistent with their respective utility installation

o. A bore profile for the proposed bore, showing the entry angle, must be included with the design plans. The plan and
profile should show relative mileposts and/or engineer profile stationing matching right-of-way maps.

p. Special conditions such as rock drilling that require the use of high-pressure air or water are subject to all of the
conditions of this section and will be evaluated as they occur. Blasting is not allowed. Plans

Submit plans for all bores on the railroad's right-of-way to the railroad’s Engineer for approval. This includes both under-track 1
bores and parallel-to-track bores.

Detail the following on the plans:

a. Boring methods and equipment;

b. Railroad survey stationing, right-of-way lines and general layout of tracks including the existing weight of rail (see
Chapter 4, Rail for determining weight of rail); 3
c. Horizontal and vertical locations of bore pits relative to track centerline and top of rail elevation;

d. Casing specifications;

e. Cross-section or sections from field survey;

f. Show proposed casing alignment and profile in relation to ground and trackage; 4
g. All utility crossings, both underground and overhead, parallel underground utilities, pole lines, signal & signal houses,
and other signal facilities;

h. In addition to the above, plans should contain the data shown on Exhibit K, Figure 1-5-25. Geotechnical

The utility / pipeline owners /applicant’s engineer shall provide the project geotechnical analysis to the Engineer. Specify the
maximum drilling fluid pressures so that applicant’s engineer can insure that frac-out does not occur. As a general rule of
thumb the fluid pressure must not exceed the uplift capacity of the soil (nominally 1 psi per foot of depth).

Reference National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) “Trenchless Construction and Rehabilitation Methods” (4th
Edition) and ASCE’s “Pipeline Design for Installation by Horizontal Directional Drilling” (4th Edition). Per NUCA,
“Important physical properties that need to be determined include strength, grain size, moisture content, plasticity
characteristics, compressibility, and permeability of the deposits”.

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Further geotechnical analysis by the applicant may be required to verify that railroad tracks will not be affected by the
proposed bore. Uncased Steel Pipelines Carrying Liquids Installed by Horizontal Directional Drill under Main Line
Track Scope

a. These guidelines cover minimum requirements for uncased steel pipelines, carrying flammable and non-flammable
liquid products, installed by Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) method.

b. Where laws or orders of public authority prescribe a higher degree of protection than specified herein, the higher
degree of protection so prescribed shall be deemed a part of these specifications.

c. The term "CFR" used herein means Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 195. Design

a. Depth:

(1) For liquid flammable and liquid non-flammable the HDD path shall place the top of the carrier pipe no closer than
30 feet (9.14 meters) from the mainline track base of rail.

(2) For gas non-liquid, see Section 5.2.

b. Carrier Design:

(1) The steel carrier pipe shall be designed for the most restrictive of both AREMA, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Part 5,
Section 5.1.3 and the CFR, Subpart C.

(2) Additional external loads on the pipe shall be compensated for per CFR, Section 195.110 and shall not exceed the
pipe yield strength.

c. Coatings:

(1) Carrier line pipe and girth weld areas shall be coated with an appropriate corrosion coating, e.g. fusion bonded
epoxy (FBE), and abrasion resistant overlay (ARO) to provide mechanical protection to the corrosion coating or
100% solids polyurethane applied per AWWA C222 or similar standard.

(2) Coatings shall be inspected for holidays, i.e. jeeped, prior to installation. All holidays shall be repaired. Coating
inspection shall be in accordance with NACE SP0490.

d. Cathodic Protection:

(1) Required. Design shall conform to CFR, Subpart H and NACE SP0169, Section 7.

e. Horizontal Directional Drilling requirements:

(1) See Section 5.7.

f. Welding and nondestructive evaluation (NDE):

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(1) Shall be in accordance with CFR, Subpart D. All (100%) welds in the pipeline segment installed by HDD through
the railway right-of-way must be subject to NDE. All weld defects that are cracks shall be cut-out and replaced,
not repaired.

g. Pressure testing:

(1) Shall be in accordance with CFR, Subpart E. The pipe must be pre-tested for 4 hours prior to pulling the pipe into
the HDD bore hole at a pressure above the CFR, Subpart E, Section 195.304 maximum test pressure and must
include elevation gradients during the in-place final pressure test. Operation, Maintenance and Inspection

a. Uncased liquid pipeline segments installed by HDD crossing railways shall be subject to the Pipeline Integrity
Management (PIM) requirements specified in CFR, Section 195.452.

b. The pipeline operator shall utilize Computational Pipeline Monitoring compliant with CFR, Section 195.444 and
Control Room Management per CFR, Section 195.446.

c. The pipeline operator shall participate in the local One Call (call before you dig) system and damage prevention
program in accordance with CFR Section 195.442.

d. The crossing area shall be visually inspected for leaks per CFR, Section 195.412.

e. The cathodic protection system shall be monitored annually at intervals as listed in CFR, Subpart H including the
monitoring requirements in Section 195.573.
f. If the HDD crossing is in a high consequence area as defined in CFR Sections 195.450 and 195.452 and the anomaly
defect is a Section 195.452(h)(4) (i) or (ii) immediate or 60-day condition, the railway must be notified if repairs are
not completed within Section 195.452(h) time intervals. Any corrosion anomalies with a wall loss of over 40% must be
reported to the railway.

5.7.3 CONSTRUCTION (2013) R(2017)

a. Only those HDD rigs that use drilling fluids as a lubricant are acceptable.

Reference the latest edition of NUCA’s “Horizontal Directional Drilling Good Practices Guidelines”.

b. Slurry use is kept at a minimum and only used for head end product lubrication and/or spoils return and to fill the
annular space. Calculate anticipated slurry use and monitor slurry use during the bore operation to determine slurry
loss into the surrounding soil. A bentonite slurry (or other approved additives) is required and pressures must be
controlled for the type of soil being bored. Leaving voids or contaminants in the soil is not permitted. All voids
created during the bore operation must be grouted. Using a slurry other than bentonite requires Railroad approval.

c. Have a written frac-out contingency plan in place and at the project site in case of the release of drilling fluids into the
surface environment including material safety data sheet (MSDS) and additive data. This plan shall include
operational procedures and responsibilities for the prevention, containment, and clean-up of frac-outs.

The specific objectives of a frac-out contingency plan are:

(1) Minimize the potential for a frac-out associated with HDD activities;

(2) Provide for the timely detection of frac-outs and establish stop work protocols to determine corrective measures;

(3) Protect the integrity of the railroad roadbed and the surrounding environment;

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(4) Ensure an organized, timely, and “minimum-impact” response in the event of a frac-out and release of drilling

(5) Ensure that all appropriate notifications are made immediately to the Railroad.

d. Wet bores or jet cutting are not allowed for installing pipelines on the Railroad’s right-of-way. Wet bores and jet
cutting in this context refer to the use of liquids to displace soil.

e. The slurry used to seal the hole is to be monitored every 30 feet (9.14 meters) for viscosity and density. A drilling fluid
certification is required from a pre-qualified technician.

Reference the latest edition of NUCA’s “Horizontal Directional Drilling Good Practices Guidelines”.

f. Pull back can only be accomplished with the specified drilling rig.

g. Drill string and cutting heads may have to be left in the ground if they cannot be retrieved through the bore hole. Open
excavation to retrieve the parts may not be possible.

h. Document and provide to the railroad on-site representative the profile and alignment of the initial HDD pilot hole
providing x-y-z coordinates at each 10 foot (3.05 meters) segment along the bore within the plan limits. The tolerances
of the plan elevation and alignment compared to the actual elevation and alignment must be within half the diameter of
the pipe. If the difference is greater than half the diameter of the pipe or minimum depth requirements are infringed,
then the operations must stop and determine if the reamer shall be pulled, slurry fill the bore, and restart the bore.

5.7.4 DOCUMENTATION (2013) R(2017)

a. The installed pipeline must be locatable at the finished depth. Those following in your footsteps must be able to retrace
your work.

b. Document and provide the profile and alignment of the as-built HDD providing x-y-z coordinates. Any change to the
planned bore must be reflected on the as-built. Show the actual located line vs. the planned line.

5.7.5 DEFINITIONS (2013) R(2017)

Bore: A generally horizontal hole, produced underground, primarily for the purpose of installing utility services (Source:

Back Reamer: A cutting head attached to the leading end of a drill string to enlarge the pilot bore during a pull-back operation
to enable the carrier or sleeve or casing to be installed.

Bentonite: A colloidal clay that forms a slick slurry or gel when water is added. It is a clay made up of volcanic ash. Swells
when wet and shrinks when dry.

Cased Bore: A pipe inserted during the bore operation to protect the carrier pipe.

Cutterhead or Cutting Head: The actual teeth and supporting structure that is attached to the front of the lead auger, drill stem,
or front face of the tunnel boring machine. It is used to reduce the material that is being drilled or bored to sand or loose dirt,
so that it can be conveyed out of the hole. Applies to mechanical methods of excavation.

Directional Drilling: A steerable system for the installation of pipes, conduits, and cables in a shallow arc using a surface
launched drilling rig. Traditionally the term applies to most crossings in which a fluid-filled pilot bore is drilled and attached
to a back reamer then attached to a product pipe which is pulled in place. The required deviation during pilot boring is
provided by the positioning of a bent sub. Tracking of the drill string is achieved by the use of a walk-over system or a
downhole survey tool.

Drill String: Total length of drill rods in a drill system typically used with HDD.

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Frac-out: The uncontrolled loss of drilling fluid into the surrounding soils. This may result in a heave of the soil at the ground

Jet Cutting: Use of high pressure fluid to cut the soil in a HDD operation. NOT allowed on railroad right-of-way.

Pull Back: That part of a directional drilling process in which the drill string is withdrawn through the bore to the entry pit,
usually installing the product pipe at the same time.

Pull Back Force: The tensile load applied to a drill string during the pull-back process. Directional drilling rigs are generally
rated by their maximum pull-back force.


5.8.1 SCOPE (2017)

This part of the manual is intended to provide general guidance for the railroad industry to understand the planning, design,
and construction of microtunneling projects. These are not technical specifications, but rather guidelines of recommended

As referred to herein, microtunneling describes a trenchless construction method that can be used in a variety of soil and rock
conditions. A tunnel is considered a microtunnel if the construction method has all of the following attributes: the
microtunneling boring machine (MTBM) used for excavation is remote controlled (personnel entry is not required); the 1
MTBM uses a guidance system (commonly a laser); the pipe is incrementally installed using a jacking system (usually
positioned in a jacking shaft); spoils are continuously removed; and continuous pressure is provided to the excavation face to
balance groundwater and earth pressures.

5.8.2 PLANNING (2017)

The tunnel casing needs to extend a minimum distance that is beyond the theoretical railroad embankment line (TREL). This 3
line starts at a point 12 feet measured horizontally from track centerline of the nearest track and 18 inches below top of rail.
The TREL has a slope of 1.5 Horizontal to 1 Vertical (1.5H:1V), as shown in Figure 1-5-4.

Other common requirements for minimum tunnel casing length include a minimum distance of 25 feet from track centerline
when the casing ends are sealed, and a minimum distance of 45 feet from track centerline when the casing is open. When a
shaft is located within the TREL and less than 18 feet from track centerline, shoring consisting of sheet piles will usually be
required and typically the sheets are abandoned in place after cutting off the top of the sheet piles to a depth of 36 inches below 4
ground surface. A Tunnel should not be located within 45 feet of an existing Railroad Bridge Structure.

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Figure 1-5-4. Theoretical Railroad Embankment Line Equipment Selection

Described below are the two basic types of microtunneling machines depending on how face pressure is maintained. Slurry
machines maintain face pressure with slurry and auger machines maintain face pressure with a screw conveyor. Slurry
microtunneling is more commonly used than auger microtunneling.

Slurry microtunneling uses a water based drilling fluid (which often contains bentonite and/or polymer additives) to convey
the excavated soil to the ground surface via centrifugal pumps. Depending on anticipated soils conditions, the drilling fluid
may or may not contain bentonite. The excavated soils are mixed with the drilling fluid to form a slurry. The slurry is then
pumped to the surface where the solids are separated from the liquids through a system of scalper screens, hydrocyclones and
sometimes a centrifuge. The spoil is then discharged for disposal and the drilling fluid is returned to the tunneling face for re-
use. The advantage of a slurry system is that it can be used below the groundwater table and in difficult ground or unstable soil
conditions. The drilling fluid can be engineered to address a wide variety of ground conditions making this method suited for
excavations in clay, silt, sand, gravel and rock.

Auger microtunneling uses a continuous flight auger enclosed in a separate casing inside the pipe being jacked to convey the
excavated soil to the jacking shaft where it is lifted to the surface for disposal. Positive pressure is maintained at the face by
controlling the volume of soil removed relative to the advance rate of the MTBM. Auger microtunneling is generally used
above groundwater or with limited groundwater pressure.

The vast majority of the available machines are of the slurry type. The slurry machine has greater flexibility in addressing a
wider range of geotechnical conditions.

The successful performance of a microtunneling project is dependent upon the proper configuration of the microtunnel
machine cutter wheel and the associated support equipment. Proper equipment selection and configuration is achieved after
careful consideration of the following parameters:

Geotechnical Conditions: While microtunneling is suitable for a wide range of soils conditions such as loose wet
sand or clayey silty soils below groundwater to solid rock of a medium strength, there are certain conditions that are

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more challenging, such as soils containing cobbles and/or boulders. The MTBM cutter wheel must be configured with
picks and disc cutters to excavate the encountered soils or rock while simultaneously supporting the face. The MTBM
is equipped with a cone shaped crusher located behind the cutter wheel that is able to break down cobbles and smaller
boulders to a size that can be transported in the slurry. Boulders of up to one-third of the diameter of the MTBM can be
handled by the MTBM with an adequate cutter wheel and cone shaped crusher.

Tunnel Length: As the tunnel length increases, consideration to the guidance system must be given. A laser system is
normally effective to about 800 feet after which alterative systems may be used to supplement the laser system or
become the primary source of guidance. Additionally, as length increases the required jacking force increases.
Therefore, intermediate jacking stations may be required as well as increased thrust capacity in the main thrust frame
located in the jacking shaft.

Separation Plant: May consist of shakers, primers, hydrocyclones, mud cleaners, and centrifuges. Each is available
in a variety of sizes and capacities. The quantity of each will depend on soil conditions and slurry design requirements.

Ventilation: A ventilation system is a requirement for personnel entry into any tunnel, and while entry is not usually
required during normal tunneling operations, entry may be necessary for repairs and/or adjustments, and is usually
required to recover the machine upon completion of the tunnel.

Lubrication System: A lubrication system that is capable of generating and placing a lubricant throughout the
exterior of the pipe string and microtunnel head is strongly advised to prevent high jacking loads and even possible
seizure of the liner.

Inadvertent Returns: Inadvertent returns (frac out) is the loss of drilling fluid, slurry, or lubrication to the surface.
While it rarely occurs during a properly designed and executed microtunneling project, a contingency plan should be
developed to address such an event.

Lay-down Area: Microtunneling requires a stable and usable laydown area around the launching shaft. This laydown
area increases with an increase of the tunnel diameter and/or any special circumstances which require additional
separation equipment. Additionally, the area needs to be clear of overhead utilities for the safe operation of lifting
equipment. 3
Site Access: The microtunnel system which normally includes a slurry separation plant requires heavy truck access for
mobilization of equipment and material to and from the job site as well as hauling away excavated spoils during
microtunneling operations and recovery of the MTBM from the receiving shaft upon completion.

Depth of Cover: Refer to Chapter 1, Depth of Installation for a discussion of minimum cover requirements. A
microtunneling operation due to the slurry pressures typically requires at least two pipe diameters or more of ground 4
cover which may be more than the minimum required by the railroad. Slurry pressure is typically limited to 0.5 pound
per square inch per foot of overburden. Microtunneling can be accomplished with less ground cover if special
measures are taken, such as ground improvement or if the in-situ geotechnical conditions are favorable.

Potential Rescue Shaft: An unplanned additional shaft that could be required to remove obstacles/obstructions and/or
retrieve or repair the MTBM. The rescue shaft may need to function as a jacking or receiving shaft to complete the

Intermediate Jacking Stations (IJS): An IJS is used to provide jacking force within the pipe string and is used to
provide the additional thrust that might be required for longer drives. IJS consists of a steel casing pipe, a thrust
distribution ring, and a series of short stroke jacks placed around the perimeter of the jacking pipe. An IJS is typically
3 to 4 feet long. An IJS is strategically placed between two jacking pipes along the pipe string. After completing the
drive, the jacks are removed and the jacking pipe joint is closed. An IJS can also be located directly behind the
tunneling machine and removed with the machine at the end of excavation.

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Roadway and Ballast Environmental Permitting

(1) Wetlands should be avoided for construction of shafts. The extent of wetlands is delineated during the initial
phases of the project and need to be taken into account when laying out the new undercrossing. In the event that
the wetland cannot be avoided, permits need to be filed with the governing agencies and mitigation measures need
to be included in the permit applications. See AREMA Chapter 13 Section13.2, Environmental Review

(2) Erosion Control. Erosion control measures such as silt fences, check dams in ditches and slope erosion matting
may be required to limit the effects of surface runoff causing soil erosion. Nearby storm/sewer inlets, creeks,
rivers and wetlands need to be protected against the inflow of eroded soil. State mandated erosion control
measures need to be followed. The area around the slurry recycling equipment must be protected with silt fences,
containment ditches, or other means to contain slurry. Wheel wash basins and scrubbing areas may be required to
clean trucks leaving the site.

(3) Slurry Disposal. At the end of the project, any remaining untreated slurry needs to be disposed off-site following
local and State regulations.

(4) Endangered Species. If endangered species are identified on-site, seasonal work windows may be imposed by the
Permitting Agencies. Limits may be imposed on construction methods that require hammering and vibration such
as sheet piles for shafts or piles for thrust blocks.

5.8.3 DESIGN (2017) Geotechnical Exploration

A microtunneling project requires a comprehensive investigation of ground conditions. Typically, a geotechnical program will
be advanced including a boring program with soil sampling and/or rock coring when required as well as other geophysical
surveys. The goal of the geotechnical effort is to identify and catalogue any relevant factual information including the
engineering characteristics of soil, rock, and groundwater as well as any environmental restrictions at the site, including
underground utilities and man-made obstructions. Historical review of old air photos and maps may yield the identification of
potential obstructions and historic use of the site. The outcome of geotechnical exploration typically produces two different

(1) Geotechnical Data Report (GDR): This report is the compendium of data resulting from the geotechnical
investigations including boring logs and laboratory test results. It is without interpretation and simply reports the
data. It is the comprehensive source of geotechnical information and also includes relevant project information
including the owner, designers, contractors, and other third parties that may be impacted by the project.

The GDR will usually contain the following topics of information:

(a) Descriptions of the geologic setting

(b) Descriptions of the site exploration program(s)

(c) Logs of all borings, trenches, and other site investigations

(d) Descriptions of all field and laboratory test programs

(e) Results of all field and laboratory testing

(f) Ground water elevations

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(2) Geotechnical Interpretive Report (GIR) - This report presents interpretations of the geotechnical data and
discussions of expected behavior of the ground, as well as design recommendations, such as: appropriate types of
tunneling methods and shaft design parameters. The GIR is prepared for the benefit of the Owner and if provided
to the Contractor, should be for information only. It is standard practice to supersede the GIR with appropriate
language and baseline statements elsewhere in the contract.

(3) Geotechnical Baseline Report (GBR): This report is the document that presents interpreted geotechnical
conditions anticipated to be encountered on the project and forms the basis of a contract between the owner and
the contractor. It is also the basis from which differing site conditions are determined in the resolution of
contractor claims.

The GBR will usually contain the following topics of information

(a) Geotechnical conditions and ground behavior expected to be encountered during shaft construction.

(b) Geotechnical conditions and ground behavior expected to be encountered during microtunneling.

(c) Potential for buried objects (obstructions)

(d) Mixed face

(e) Mixed ground

(f) Mixed reach

1 Types of Pipes

Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP): RCP can be used in single-pass non-pressure pipe conditions only, or as the carrier
or casing pipe for a two-pass system. If used as the carrier pipe, the joints should be designed for a pressure condition
that meets the project specifications.
Polymer Concrete Pipe (PCP): PCP can be used in single pass non-pressure pipe conditions only.

Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer Mortar Pipe (FRPMP): FRPMP can be used in single-pass non-pressure pipe
conditions only, or as the carrier or casing pipe for a two-pass system. If used as the carrier pipe, the joints should be
designed for a pressure condition that meets the project specifications.

Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP): VCP can be used in single pass non-pressure pipe conditions, or as the carrier pipe in a 4
two-pass system.

Steel Pipe: Steel pipe can be used in single pass non-pressure pipe conditions. Steel pipe is commonly used as the
casing pipe for a two-pass system in conjunction with a carrier pipe that is a pressure pipe. Steel pipe can also be used
as the casing pipe and carrier pipe. Steel pipe wall thickness needs to meet the standard minimum requirement
according to AREMA Table 1-5-5 Minimum Wall Thickness for Steel Casing Pipe for E80 Loading of Section 5.3.4
Steel Casing Pipe.

Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP): DIP can be used in single-pass non-pressure pipe conditions only, or as the carrier or casing
pipe for a two-pass system. If used as the carrier pipe, the joints should be designed for a pressure condition that meets
the project specifications.

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Table 1-5-7. Pipe Characteristics

Range of Nominal
Material Type Reference Standards Casing Pipe Carrier Pipe lengths
Diameter (inches)

RCP ASTM C76 ASTM C361 Yes Yes 7.5-24 12-144

PCP DIN 54815-1 Not Yes Not 8 12-102

&2 applicable applicable 10
ASTM D6783
EN 14636-1

FRPMP ASTM D3262 ASTM Yes Yes 10 18-126

D3517 20

VCP ASTM C1208 Not Yes Not 4 15-48

EN 295-7 Applicable Applicable 6
Steel Pipe ASTM A36 AWWA Yes Yes 8 12-144
ASTM A139 C200 10
Grade B API 2B 20
ASTM A515 40

DIP AWWA AWWA Yes Yes 19.5 12-64

C150/C151 C150/C151
ASTM A746 Dewatering

One of the advantages of installing a pipe using the microtunneling method is that construction dewatering is not required for
a successful installation. However, groundwater must be considered during the design and construction of the jacking and
receiving shafts and should include provisions for the successful launch and recovery of the MTBM through the shaft wall
without significant loss of ground or intrusion of water into the shaft.

The geotechnical reports need to identify the groundwater conditions and hydraulic conductivity (permeability) of the
underlying soils. The microtunneling method is ideally suited for tunneling below groundwater because face pressure is
maintained during excavation. In permeable soils with groundwater above the proposed crown of pipe, dewatering or some
form of ground improvement may be required for the MTBM to exit the jacking shaft or enter the receiving shaft. There are a

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variety of ways to lower the water table, including: deep wells, well points, vacuum wells, and sump pumps. A pump test can
be performed to determine anticipated dewatering flows and to design the dewatering system including the type, depth and
spacing of wells.

Shafts in soft soils with high groundwater levels are susceptible to instabilities at the bottom of the shaft. The stability of the
bottom of the shaft needs to be analyzed to provide a minimum shaft wall depth below the bottom of the excavation to prevent
base instability. In some cases, a concrete floor is required to balance the water pressure at the bottom of the shaft.

Some of the shaft types, such as secant pile shaft walls and sheet pile walls, will provide an impermeable groundwater barrier
that will not require lowering of the groundwater level for shaft construction. Whenever the tunnel alignment is located below
groundwater levels, a launch and exit seal will be required to avoid ground and groundwater from flowing into the shaft during
launching of the microtunneling machine and when retrieving the microtunneling machine at the receiving shaft. The launch
and exit seal usually consists of an oversize rubber ring gasket that is supported by steel plate rings attached to the shaft wall.
As the microtunneling machine and jacking pipe is pushed through the shaft wall the rubber ring gasket prevents water and
ground inflow. In some cases, ground improvements are necessary to stabilize the ground at these launch and exit points.
These can include permeation grouting, jet grouting, or soil mixing a block of ground outside the shafts. Jacking and Receiving Shafts

The jacking and receiving shafts can be constructed by a variety of methods. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) guidelines should be followed and engineered designs may be required. The designs should consider applicable
codes and standards, groundwater, support and protection of existing utilities, and allowable settlement of the ground surface
or structures adjacent to the shafts.

If the shaft will be constructed within the TREL, it should be constructed of steel sheeting and left in place. If the shaft is
beyond the TREL, other shaft construction methods may be used, such as: soldier pile and lagging, liner plate, ring beam and
lagging, secant pile walls, drilled shafts, and trench shields and slide rail systems. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list;
other shaft construction methods may be used if properly engineered. Regardless of the construction method, the shaft must
have a stable floor and thrust block to support the pipe jacking system.

Soldier Pile and Lagging: Steel H-piles or pipe piles are driven into place, and as the excavation proceeds, timber or
steel lagging is installed between the driven piles to support the ground. The resulting void between the outside of the 3
lagging and the native soil may be grouted or otherwise filled with aggregate or flowable fill.

Liner Plate: Applicable in circular shafts only, prefabricated steel segments are assembled in place as the excavation
of the shaft proceeds to subgrade. The plates might be supported with ring beams. The resulting void between the
installed liner plate and the native soil is customarily grouted.

Ring Beam and Lagging: Applicable in circular shafts only. As the excavation proceeds, timber lagging is installed 4
vertically between steel ring beams to support the ground. The resulting void between the outside of the lagging and
the native soil may be grouted or otherwise filled with aggregates or flowable fill.

Interlocking Sheet Piles: Flat or Z shaped sheet piles are driven with impact or vibratory hammers to form circular or
rectangular shafts. Sheet piles can be supported by internal bracing or tie-backs and walers.

Secant Pile Walls: Overlapping circular columns of concrete or grout columns to form the shaft wall. As the
excavation proceeds after the secant piles have achieved sufficient strength, a waler system may be installed for
supplemental lateral support.

Drilled Shafts: Large diameter steel casings are drilled into the ground vertically to subgrade. The steel casing
supports the ground as the excavation within it proceeds to subgrade. Sometimes the casing is oversized and used as
primary, temporary support. In this case, a corrugated metal pipe is installed within the casing and the steel pipe is
withdrawn while simultaneously grouting the void between the corrugated pipe and the ground.

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Slide Rail Systems: Steel shoring plates are installed with corner and shoring sliding rails as the excavation is
advanced. Theshoringplatesandsliderailsarealternativelypressedintothegrounduntilreachingshoringdepth.

Trench Shields: While excavating the shaft, prefabricated and load certified steel wall panels with internal bracing are
installed in the ground. The ends of the trench shields are usually lined with steel plates.

Table 1-5-8 illustrates the types of shafts and typical characteristics.

Table 1-5-8. Shaft Characteristics

Typical Depth Water-

Shaft Type
(feet) tight

Soldier Pile and Lag-

60 No

Liner Plates 100 No

Ring Beam and Lag-

100 No

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Table 1-5-8 Shaft Characteristics (Continued)

Typical Depth Water-
Shaft Type
(feet) tight

Interlocking Sheet Piles 50 Yes

Secant Pile Walls 100 Yes

Drilled Shaft Walls 100 Yes

Slide Rail Systems 35 No


Trench Shields 20 No

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Roadway and Ballast Jacking and Receiving Shaft Sizes

The shape and dimensions of the jacking and receiving shafts are usually selected based on minimizing construction costs.
Circular and rectangular shafts are typically considered for design. A circular shaft may be easier to design and support but
site constraints may require the use of a rectangular shaft. The jacking shaft is larger than the receiving shaft because the
receiving shaft only needs to be large enough to retrieve the shield while the jacking shaft needs to include the jacking frame.

The length or diameter of the jacking shaft is dependent on the size of the jacking frame, the length of pipe sections and the
thrust block dimensions. In the event that the MTBM is longer than the pipe sections, the MTBM will control the size of the
shaft. If the MTBM is shorter than the length of the pipe section, the pipe length will control the size of the shaft. Launch and Exit Seals

A launch and exit seal should be planned when the shafts are subject to high groundwater and unstable soils. Launch and exit
seals are mechanical seals, usually consisting of a rubber flange that is mounted to the wall of the shaft. During launch, the
flange seal is distended by the MTBM as it passes through. The seal is intended to prevent groundwater, soils, slurry, and
lubrication inflow into the shaft during tunneling operations as well as the resultant surface settlement. It is good practice to
have a launch seal in all MTBM installations. Thrust Block

The thrust block is built to transfer the jacking loads to the ground behind the shaft. Typically, a reinforced concrete block is
cast in place to create a vertical surface from which the jacking frame can push. Typical thrust blocks are less than 2 feet thick.
Thrust blocks may also be constructed of steel frames and are often customized to suit unique jacking shaft configurations. Jack Frame Assembly

A structural frame that houses the hydraulic cylinders used to propel the MTBM and jacking pipe sections forward by jacking
against the thrust block in the jacking shaft. The jacking frame assembly includes a thrust ring to transfer the jacking force to
the thrust bearing area of the pipe section being jacked. Shield Size and Annular Space

The microtunneling process requires the MTBM to excavate a hole larger than the outside diameter of the pipe being installed
in order to lubricate the pipeline and to steer the MTBM through the soil. This volume is called the Annular Space. The radial
distance between the excavated radius and the outside radius of the jacking pipe is called the annular thickness. The actual
size of the annular thickness depends on the type of soil excavated and the diameter of the jacking pipe. It usually ranges from
½ to 1 inch. In hard ground and rock, the annular thickness can be up to 1-½ inches. The annular space is a source of ground
loss that can influence surface settlement. Injecting lubricant into the annular space during microtunneling mitigates the
potential ground loss by occupying the void volume.

5.8.4 CONSTRUCTION (2017) Equipment Layout

Microtunneling generally requires the following equipment: MTBM, jacking frame, control cabin, electric power source
(often mobile generators), crane, lubrication mixers and pumps, slurry processing equipment, mobile workshop, and spare
parts containers. In addition sufficient space is required to build the jacking and receiving shafts and to accommodate the
storage and movement of jacking pipe. Trucks for delivery of pipe and for removal of excavated spoils (muck) must also be

Other equipment layout considerations include:

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(1) All work associated with the microtunneling process should be located sufficiently far from active rail traffic to
avoid fouling the tracks. If this is not possible track protection accommodations must be made.

(2) The contractor should contain its work activities to the smallest practical area.

(3) Work activity within 25 feet of the track centerline and/or work with equipment which has the ability to foul the
track, no matter the distance from the track, needs to follow railroad established procedures for track protection.

(4) Temporary fences should be placed to limit personnel access to the track and prevent personnel from crossing the
track without track protection.

Figure 1-5-5. Typical Microtunneling Equipment Setup Alignment Control

The pitch and yaw of the pipe being installed by microtunneling are controlled by activating hydraulic cylinders at the
articulation joint of the MTBM. While situated in the control cabin on the surface, the machine operator observes the position
of the MTBM in relation to the theoretical location on the control panel/display and steers the MTBM as needed to maintain
proper line and grade.

In most microtunneling drives, the reference alignment is provided by a laser set up in the jacking shaft at the theoretical line
and grade. When the laser beam hits the target in the MTBM, the information is transmitted to the control cabin for the
machine operator's use. For longer microtunneling drives or curved drives, the contractor may use a gyroscopic or theodolite
system to provide the reference alignment.

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When using the laser beam, the contractor should check the laser alignment against reference marks at regular intervals to
check for accidental movement of the laser and correct if needed. When using gyroscopic and theodolite systems, they should
be checked at regular intervals during the drive in accordance with the guidance system manufacturer's recommendations. Settlement Control

A plan to monitor for settlement or heave of the railroad facilities should be developed and implemented to assure no adverse
effect on the railroad's activities as a result of the microtunneling work. The plan should detail the types of settlement points
that will be installed as well as the frequency of monitoring and the reporting mechanism. Because the track will tend to
bridge over the area affected by the microtunneling operation, the monitoring plan should include checking for settlement or
heave a sufficient depth below the track. Surveying of the monitoring points may be accomplished by traditional means or by
the use of an automated system. A baseline survey should be conducted before the start of construction.

Most settlement plans include a two-step process against which the monitoring data is measured. The alert threshold limit is
the value intended to bring attention to the movement so that it can be managed without reaching the maximum level. The
maximum level is the highest allowable movement value and should be less than the value that could result in damage to
railroad facilities.

Reaching the threshold limit may trigger the following actions:

(1) Discussion of the data and its implications.

(2) Increase in the frequency of monitoring.

(3) Independent confirmation of the monitoring data

(4) A review of microtunneling means and methods to determine if changes are required to mitigate further

Reaching the maximum limit may trigger the following actions:

(1) Immediate stoppage of tunneling and notification to the railroad.

(2) Independent confirmation of the movement.

(3) Review of microtunneling means and methods and implementation of contingency plans, if needed.

(4) Re-evaluation of critical structures in the area and installation of additional monitoring devices if needed.

Typical alert threshold values can range from ¼ to ¾ inch. Typical maximum values often range from ½ to 1 inch. The actual
values must be established by the railroad affected by the work based on its individual requirements. Grouting

After tunneling is completed, contact grouting and/or backfill grouting may be required. Contact grouting between the ground
and the casing pipe should be accomplished after completion of the drive in pipes 42 inch diameter and larger. Backfill
grouting is the process of injecting grout into the void space between the carrier pipe and the casing pipe. Backfill grouting is
not always required when the carrier pipe is a pressure pipe. Regardless of whether backfill grouting is performed, each end of
the casing should be sealed against soil intrusion.


The engineer is responsible to determine what submittals are needed on the project. They may include:

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(1) Job Site: Pre-construction video and/or photos, and overall site layout during construction including: location of
railroad facilities, shafts, stockpiles, pipe storage, and all microtunneling ancillary equipment.

(2) Equipment: Methods statement, MTBM manufacturer drawings, annulus, cutter bit/face design, jacking
equipment, slurry separation plant, bentonite plant, grouting plan, and tunnel drive log.

(3) Track Monitoring Plan: Organization and qualifications of firm performing monitoring, include detailed plan
view of monitoring points, number of points, size and type, frequency of monitoring, and monitoring log.

(4) Pipe Submittals: Manufacturer, size, grout port locations and detail, joint detail, certifications, pipe layout
drawing, maximum anticipated jacking loads, and maximum allowable jacking force.

(5) Jacking and Receiving Shaft: OSHA compliant shoring system, size, and dimensions and layout, as well as
location in reference to the railroad facilities.

(6) General: Contractor's qualifications, tunnel operators' qualifications, surveyor's qualifications, daily reports,
dewatering plan, tunnel spoils plan, haul route, and schedule of work.

(7) Post Construction: Tunnel drive log, settlement monitoring final report, daily activities report, as-built drawings,
and post construction video and pictures.

5.8.6 DEFINITIONS (2017)

Advance Rate: Forward progress over a given period of time, which includes penetration rate, make-up time, down time, and 1
idle time; typically measured in feet/shift or m/shift.

Annular Space: The theoretical volume equal to annulus area x length of tunnel.

Annular Thickness: The radial distance between the excavated radius created by the gauge cutter and the outside radius of
the jacking pipe.

Annulus: The theoretical area between the gauge cut and the pipe OD equal to (? x (Gauge Cut OD2 - Pipe OD2)/4). 3
Backfill Grouting: Grout injected into the void space between the carrier pipe and casing after the drive is completed.

Buried Objects: Items in the ground that can affect boring equipment advancement and line and grade control. Buried objects
that prevent continued advancement along the design path including tolerances are obstructions.

Carrier Pipe: Pipe for conveyance for water, gas, sewage, or other products and services. Some carrier pipe can be installed
by direct jacking (i.e., one-pass installation). 4
Casing: A direct-jacked pipe in a two pass system which supports a bore. The casing is not a carrier pipe.

Contact Grouting: Grouting injected into the theoretical space between the jacking pipe and ground after the drive is

Crown: The highest point of the pipe or tunnel.

Cutter Wheel: Any rotating tool or system of tools on a common support that excavates at the face of a bore.

Dewatering: The act of removing groundwater or lowering the groundwater elevation, using a system of wells and pumps.

Drilling Fluid: Water that may contain additives including bentonite, polymers, soda ash, surfactants, or other materials to
enhance stability and ease of excavation.

Drive: Designation of the pipe installed from a jacking shaft to a receiving shaft.

Drive Shaft: See Jacking Shaft.

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Emergency Recovery Shaft: See rescue shaft.

Entrance Seal: See Launch Seal

Entry Ring: See Launch Seal

Entry Shaft: See Jacking Shaft

Exit Seal: Same as launch seal except for the retrieval of the machine at the receiving shaft. Used in high groundwater and
unstable soils to prevent loss of ground.

Exit Shaft: See Receiving Shaft.

Face: The location where excavation is taking place.

Face Pressure: Earth and groundwater pressures applied against the cross sectional area of the microtunnel face.

Feed Line: Pipeline that transports drilling fluid from the slurry separation plant to the face of the MTBM. Also known as
"inlet" or "charge" lines.

Frac-out: See inadvertent returns.

Gauge Cut: The outermost projection of the excavation measured as a diameter. The gauge cut is subject to cutter wear and
the differential cut.

Ground Cover: Distance between the ground surface and the crown of the pipe.

Groundwater: All subsurface water as distinct from surface water.

Grouting: The process of filling voids or modifying/improving ground conditions. Grouting materials may be cementitious,
chemical, or other mixtures.

Guidance System: System that locates the actual position of the MTBM relative to the laser or other device. The laser or other
device should be referenced to the design line and grade.

Heave: Measurable upward movement of the ground or structure as the result of the excavation process.

Inadvertent Returns: The loss of drilling fluid, including slurry and lubrication, from the slurry or lubrication system. A
special form of inadvertent return, where the fluid exceeds the strength and confining pressure of the ground and reaches the
surface or waterway, is called a hydrofracture or "frac-out."

Jacking Forces: The total force required to overcome the face pressure component and frictional resistance component along
the pipe to allow the forward movement of the MTBM and trailing pipe string.

Jacking Frame: A structural component that houses the hydraulic cylinders used to propel the microtunneling machine and
pipeline into the ground. The jacking frame cradles the MTBM and jacking pipes and serves to distribute the thrust load to the
pipeline and the reaction load to the shaft wall or thrust block.

Jacking Loads: See jacking force.

Jacking Pipes: Pipes designed to be installed using pipe jacking techniques.

Jacking Shaft: Excavation from which trenchless technology equipment is launched for the installation of a pipeline. The
jacking shaft may incorporate a thrust wall to spread reaction loads to the ground and a launch ring to control inflows of
groundwater and earth at the portal.

Laser: A device commonly incorporated into the guidance system used to track alignment and grade during the tunneling or
jacking operation.

Launch Seal: A mechanical seal, usually comprised of a rubber flange that is mounted to the wall of the jacking shaft.

Launch Shaft: See jacking shaft.

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Lubrication: The act of injecting a fluid, normally bentonite and/or polymers, used to reduce the skin friction and jacking
forces on the jacking pipe during installation. The fluid fills the annular space.

Maximum Allowable Jacking Force: The greatest jacking force that can be applied to the jacked pipe, allowing for an
appropriate factor of safety.

Maximum Anticipated Jacking Force: The greatest anticipated jacking force required to advance jacking pipe and machine
along a drive.

Microtunneling: A trenchless method to install pipe into the ground that meets four specific features during construction: (1)
Remote controlled - The microtunneling boring machine (MTBM) is operated from a control panel, normally located on the
surface. The system simultaneously installs pipe as the ground is excavated and removed. Personnel entry is not required for
routine operation. (2) Guided - The guidance system usually references a laser beam projected onto a target in the MTBM,
capable of installing gravity sewers or other types of pipelines to the required tolerance for line and grade. (3) Pipe jacked -
The process of constructing a pipeline by consecutively pushing pipes and MTBM through the ground using a jacking system
for thrust. (4) Continuously supported - Continuous pressure is provided to the face of the excavation to balance groundwater
and earth pressures.

Mixed Face: An interface within the excavated tunnel zone between two geological units with significant contrast in
engineering properties. e.g., rock overlain by soft ground or very soft, low strength soil overlain or underlain by a very stiff,
high strength soil.

Mixed Ground: The excavated tunnel zone without a defined interface that contains soil and coarse fractions of gravels,
cobbles, and boulders, i.e., silt with boulders. This term is not currently defined by ASTM or USCS.

Mixed Reach: A significant change in ground type, characteristics, or behavior along the excavated tunnel between the
jacking and receiving shafts.
Muck: Spoil or removal of same.

Obstruction: Any buried object that lies completely or partially within the cross-section of the microtunnel that impedes
continued forward progress along the design path and within allowable tolerances.

One-pass: The carrier pipe is directly jacked into the ground. 3

Pipe Jacking: A system of directly installing pipes behind a shield machine by hydraulic jacking from a drive shaft such that
the pipes form a continuous string in the ground.

Pipe Lubricant: See Lubrication.

Pipe String: The succession of joined individual pipes being used to advance and support the excavation.

Pitch: The upward or downward angle of the MTBM measured from a theoretical horizontal plane passing through the
longitudinal axis of the MTBM.

Potholing: Small, carefully dug, non- mechanized excavation to locate a utility or other subsurface feature.

Product Pipe: See carrier pipe.

Push Ring Adapter: Mechanical component mounted on the thrust ring to prevent the thrust ring from coming in contact with
the pipe collar and causing damage to the collar.

Receiving Shaft: Excavation into which the microtunneling equipment is driven and recovered.

Reception Shaft: See Reception Shaft.

Rescue Shaft: An unplanned additional shaft required to remove obstacles/obstructions and/or retrieve or repair the MTBM.
The rescue shaft may need to function as a jacking shaft to complete the drive.

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Return Line: Pipeline that transports slurry from the face of the MTBM to the slurry separation plant. Also known as
"discharge" lines.

Settlement: Measurable downward movement of the ground, overlying utility, or other structure as the result of the excavation
process or dewatering.

Settlement Point or Marker: An instrument installed at ground surface or driven into the ground to monitor vertical ground
deformations before, during, and after construction.

Shield Cut: The theoretical difference of the radial measurement of the MTBM shield and the jacking pipe and is equal to
(MTBM OD - Pipe OD)/2

Slurry: A mixture of drilling fluid and spoils.

Slurry Lines: Parallel hoses or pipes that transport spoil and slurry from the face of a slurry microtunneling machine through
the discharge line to the ground surface for separation and then returns the slurry to the face for reuse through the charge line.

Slurry Separation: A process where excavated material is separated from the circulation slurry. Mechanical separation is
typical, although gravity separation in pits or tanks is possible with coarse-grained soils.

Spoil: Earth, rock, and other materials excavated during the installation process. Also referred to as cuttings.

Thrust Block: An engineered structure located between the jacking frame and the shaft wall which distributes the jacking
force developed by the hydraulic jacking frame over a large surface area to the ground behind the shaft back wall.

Thrust Ring: A fabricated ring that is mounted on the face of the jacking frame. It is intended to transfer the jacking force
from the jacking frame to the thrust-bearing area of the pipe section being jacked.

Tooling: Ground engaging elements of the cutter wheel designed to excavate and penetrate the ground.

TREL: Theoretical Railroad Embankment Line

Tunnel Horizon: The vertical band within the ground where the tunnel is excavated and includes one tunnel diameter above
the crown and one tunnel diameter below the invert.

Two -pass: The carrier pipe is installed within a casing.

Unanticipated Returns: See Inadvertent Returns.

Undercrossing: Pipeline installation in which the primary purpose is to provide one or more passages beneath a waterway,
road, railroad, or other surface obstruction.

Yaw: The angle of the MTBM to the left or right of theoretical vertical plane passing through the MTBM's longitudinal axis.

Zone of Influence: Volume of ground that could possibly be impacted by settlement or heave from either the tunnel mining,
shaft excavation, pile driving, or other construction activities.

5.8.7 ABBREVIATIONS (2017)

For the purposes of evaluating the following documents, please note the following acronyms, abbreviations and initials:

API American Petroleum Institute

AREMA American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

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AWWA American Water Works Association

DIP ductile iron pipe
EPBM Earth Pressure Balance Machine
FRPMP fiberglass-reinforced polymer mortar pipe
GBR geotechnical baseline report
GDR geotechnical data report
IJS intermediate jacking station
LP liner plate
MOP manual of practice
MTBM microtunneling boring machine
NASTT North American Society for Trenchless Technology
OD outside diameter
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PCP polymer concrete pipe
PVC polyvinyl chloride
QA/QC quality assurance/quality control
RCP reinforce concrete pipe
VCP vitrified clay pipe


5.9.1 SCOPE (2019) 3

This part of the manual is intended to provide general guidance for the railroad industry to understand the planning, design,
and construction of guided bores using the Pilot Tube Guided Boring Method. These are not technical specifications, but
rather guidelines of recommended practices.

As referred to herein, the Pilot Tube Guided Boring Method is a multistage trenchless construction method that combines the
methods of auger boring and horizontal directional drilling to install a pipe to a design line and grade, often for gravity flow 4


Typical outside diameter for pipe ranges from 4 inches (101.6 mm) to 48 inches (1,219.2 mm), and currently typical
installation length ranges up to 300 feet. The Pilot Tube Guided Boring Method can be used in a variety of soils but is typically
not used in ground containing cobbles and boulders or in rock. Difficulties also arise in hard/dense ground (SPT over 30) and
below the water table. As the diameter of the pipe increases, the distance between access points might decrease due to
equipment limitations. However, the technology continues to evolve, with longer installation lengths and improvements in
rock drilling.

Pilot tube guided boring operations proceed from a jacking shaft to a receiving shaft. Shafts are required to launch the pilot
tube and other guided boring methods' equipment, jack the pipe, and retrieve the pilot tube and boring equipment. Typically,
the jacking shaft will be smaller than for other trenchless methods, about 9 to 12 feet in diameter or in a rectangular shape. The
jacking shaft will be larger when the pilot tubes are used to guide other boring and trenchless methods or when installing

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longer pipe lengths. The typical staging area required is 3,000 square feet at the jacking shaft and 2,000 square feet at the
receiving shaft. Pilot Tube Method

This method incorporates the use of a pilot tube, which is pushed through the ground and might be followed by upsizing tools,
spoil removal systems, and ultimately the final pipe. The pilot tubes are hollow and are fitted with a steering head and an LED
target at the leading edge. In addition, the pilot tubes are hollow, allowing the operator to use a camera mounted theodolite
positioned in the rear of the jacking shaft to view the LED target and to provide guidance information to the operator. Similar
to a horizontal directional drilling (HDD) installation, the operator rotates the string of pilot tubes to steer them in the intended
direction. See Figure 1-5-6.

Figure 1-5-6. Installation of the Pilot Tubes1

The pilot tube displaces the ground during advancement, thereby creating a small-diameter initial borehole. No spoils are
removed during pilot tube installation. Typically, the initial borehole is enlarged to accommodate the outside diameter of the
product pipe. This is accomplished using an upsizing tool as the spoils are removed. As the enlargement of the initial borehole
is made, the pilot tubes are systematically advanced to, and retrieved from, the receiving shaft. Additional enlargement passes
may be required. The final step is to jack the carrier pipe or casing into place while pushing the upsizing tools and spoil
removal system into the receiving shaft for subsequent recovery. Because the pilot tube was accurately installed, and all the
following steps use the pilot tube or subsequent upsizing tools for guidance, the final carrier or casing pipe can be installed
with similar accuracy.

The ultimate goal is to enlarge the borehole created by the pilot tube to a diameter sufficient to allow the insertion of the
jacking pipe. The upsizing tools and spoil removal systems include any or all of the following:

• Reamer and cutter heads

• Thrust casings

• Powered reamer / powered cutter heads

• Simple expander (mandrel)

1 Courtesy of Akkerman

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The reamer head or cutter head is the initial upsizing tool attached securely to the end of the pilot tube string. The reamer head
is static as it slices through the ground, whereas the cutter head rotates its tooling and excavates the ground. Both heads convey
the spoil to the trailing thrust casings. Geological conditions will dictate whether to use the reamer or cutter head.

Thrust casings are typically 11" (279 mm) or 16" (406 mm) diameter jointed steel casing with an internal auger of equal
length. The thrust casings are used to advance the selected reamer or cutter head. At the same time, the internal augers within
the thrust casings convey the excavated spoils to the jacking shaft where they are collected in a skip pan and removed from the
shaft for disposal. See Figure 1-5-7.

Figure 1-5-7. Installing Thrust Casings to Enlarge the Pilot Tube Hole by Excavating the Ground1

A powered reamer head (PRH) or powered cutter head (PCH) is used to install pipe with an outside diameter larger than the
installed thrust casing. Either head is attached to the previously installed thrust casing and are advanced by adding and pushing 3
the jacking pipe forward. The PRH or PCH turns the auger flights within the thrust casing in the reverse direction thus
conveying spoils forward to the receiving shaft. The PCH has a rotating cutter face with openings to allow the spoils to enter.
The powered reaming head does not rotate, and the spoils enter as the PRH advances. The contractor's choice of whether to use
a powered reamer head or a powered cutter head is based on the consistency and strength of ground, jacking pipe diameter,
prior experience, and machine capabilities. As the PRH or PCH is advanced with the jacking pipe, the thrust casings are
advanced into the receiving shaft for removal. See Figure 1-5-8.

1 Courtesy of Bohrtec

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Figure 1-5-8. Typical Upsizing with a PRH or PCH to Install a Jacking Pipe1

For small-diameter pipe installations (up to 8 inches or 203 mm), it may be appropriate to use a simple expander to enlarge the
hole by physically displacing the adjacent soils. This method of hole enlargement does not involve the removal of soil cuttings.
With this approach, the initial pilot tube installation is completed, the expander is attached to the pilot tube rods, which are
then used to push or pull the expander along and through the pilot tube alignment. The diameter of the expander is slightly
larger to create an overcut for the trailing carrier pipe.

Regardless of the number of steps required to install the final pipe, it is important to remember that the enlargement process
excavates the ground 360 degrees around the pilot path. Therefore, unlike most utility pipe installations that rely on invert
elevations, the surveying and construction layout for the pilot tube guided boring method relies on the elevation of the pipe
centerline. During installation, the centerline of the pilot tube should coincide with the centerline of the final carrier pipe that
has been calculated from the elevations called out on the contract drawings.

Variations from the above method include using the thrust casings inside the final carrier or casing pipe and using the pilot
tubes to guide other trenchless pipe installation methods (e.g. horizontal auger boring, pipe ramming, and horizontal
directional drilling.) See ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 133, Pilot Tube and Other Guided Boring
Methods for further explanation and details of these alternative pipe installation methods.

Additional guided boring methods can be used without the installation of a pilot tube. These methods could include the Front
Steer Method (patented), The Eliminator system (patented), and The AXIS system (patented). Please refer to the
manufacturer's installation recommendations for those systems.

The Pilot Tube Method has been used to install the liner of a tunnel by installing tangential pipes in the shape of the circular or
arch tunnel. The pipes can be connected mechanically and backfilled with concrete before excavating the tunnel. A final liner
can be installed inside the pipe arch. Minimum Ground Cover

Minimum depth of cover requirements vary depending pipe material and use, and are listed in Parts 4 and 5. Consideration
should be given to ground settlement that may occur and that increases as the diameter of the installed final pipe increases.
Large diameter pipes may require increased ground cover or ground improvement to prevent settlement at the surface.

1 Courtesy of Bohrtec

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5.9.3 DESIGN (2019) Site Investigation

During the design of the utility crossing a site investigation should be performed to identify site conditions and constraints that
could affect the planning, design and construction aspects of the Pilot Tube installation. These investigations include but are
not limited to the following:

• Geotechnical Investigation as described in Section

• Utility Location (aerial and subsurface)

• Environmental Investigation as described in Section

• Flood Zones, and

• Seismic Conditions Types of Pipes

Pilot Tube pipes are circular with a flush joint and sufficient strength to carry the installation and service loads. Strict
dimensional tolerances for straightness, squareness, and roundness are required for a straight installation without overstressing
the pipe material. Watertight joints are required to resist internal pressures and external groundwater pressures when
applicable. The pilot tube method is routinely used to install casing pipe followed by the installation of a carrier pipe inside the 1
casing pipe.

Pipe materials currently used with the pilot tube method for either direct jacked or pulled back applications are listed
alphabetically below: however, refer to appropriate paragraphs in Parts 4 and 5 for approved materials for specific

• Direct jacked pipe materials:

• ductile iron (DIP),

• fiberglass-reinforced polymer mortar (FRPM),

• polymer concrete (PC),

• polyvinyl chloride (PVC),

• reinforced concrete (RCP),

• steel, and

• vitrified clay (VC).

• Pulled back pipe materials:

• high density polyethylene (HDPE),

• polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and

• steel.

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The following table lists the Standard Specifications diameters and lengths of typical pilot tube pipes. The upper diameter
indicated below is approximate.

Table 1-5-9. Standard Specifications Diameters and Lengths of Typical Pilot Tube Pipes

Material Reference Standards Range of Nominal Standard

Type Diameters Lengths
Non Pressure / Casing Pressure / Carrier
Steel Pipe ASTM A1097 API 2B AWWA C200 API 12-144 8/10/20/40/60
304.8-3657.6mm 2.4/3.0/6.1/12.2/
RCP ASTM C76 ASCE 27- ASTM C361 12-144 7.5 to 24
304.8-3657.6mm 2.3m to 7.3m
DIP AWWA C150/C151 AWWA 12-64 19.5
ASTM A716 ASTM C150/C151
304-1626mm 5.9m
FRPM ASTM D3262 ASTM D3517 18-126 10/20
ASTM D3754
458-3200mm 3.0/6.1m
PVC ASTM D3034 ASTM D1785 8-36 2/4/6
ASTM D2241
203-914mm 0.6/1.2/1.8m
PC DIN 54815-1&2 Not Applicable 12-102 8/10
304-2591mm 2.4-3.0m
VC ASTM C1208 EN Not Applicable 8-48 4/6/8/10
203-1219mm 1.2/1.8/2.4/3.0m Dewatering

Groundwater conditions impact soil behavior and the feasibility of the pilot tube method. Issues with groundwater are
dependent on the type of soils present; clayey soils may not transmit significant amounts of water while sandy soils may allow
groundwater to flow into the face and carry soil particles with it, creating flowing ground conditions.

Generally, the pilot tube method is not used when high groundwater is encountered because of the potential for flowing ground
conditions. Dewatering can be used to lower the groundwater table and improve soil behavior to minimize the risk of flowing

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The presence of groundwater at shaft locations needs to be accounted for during design and construction. Dewatering can
impact the types of ground support that can be effective for shaft design, and the contractor will need to accommodate the
dewatering equipment during shaft construction and pilot tube operations.

The design of a dewatering system depends on several factors, including soil conditions and their hydraulic conductivity, the
amount of groundwater drawdown required, the type of dewatering system selected, and the location of the water discharge
point(s). Estimates of the water discharge volumes are needed during the design phase so adequate discharge points can be
located and the required permits obtained. It is also important to identify if there are contaminants in the ground or
groundwater since contaminants can complicate a dewatering program and significantly increase costs. If dewatering is used,
it needs to be performed so that it does not cause schedule delays, endanger personnel and equipment, or damage third parties. Jacking and Receiving Shafts

Refer to Microtunneling Section, for methods of construction for the jacking and receiving shafts. Typically, the
jacking shaft will be smaller than for other trenchless methods, about 9 to 12 feet (2.7 to 3.6m) in diameter or in a rectangular
shape. Typical shaft materials include corrugated metal pipe, liner plate, soldier pile and lagging, ring beams and lagging or
liner plates, drilled shafts with casing, and trench shields and slide rail systems. For details of these materials, see Table 1-5-8
in Section

A typical jacking shaft showing the installation of vitrified clay pipe is shown in Figure 1-5-9.

Figure 1-5-9. Typical Pilot Tube Method Shaft

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Roadway and Ballast Launch and Exit Seals

The vast majority of Pilot Tube projects do not require launch or exits seals as they are conducted in stable soil conditions.
Yet, on projects utilizing the pilot tube system where unstable soils might be encountered, the Contractor should consider
using launch and exit seals. Ground improvement can be used in conjunction with seals but consideration must be given to the
type and strength of resulting ground improvements. Some of the upsizing tools do not have active cutter bits but are simply a
slanted edge pushed through the soil.

Consideration must also be given to the fact that most pilot tube operations involve more than one pass, and that each
subsequent pass is a different diameter, which must be provided for in both the launch and exit seal assembles and/or ground

See Figure 1-5-10 for a sample of a stacked seal utilized in a two-pass operation.

Figure 1-5-10. Stacked Launch Seal Thrust Block

For pilot tube guided boring projects, a thrust block may be required to transfer thrust loads to the shaft wall. The jacking loads
for pilot tube are typically much lower than for microtunneling, but the thrust block considerations are similar. Please refer to
Section Jacking Frame

A typical jacking frame ranges from 6.6 feet to 14 feet long (2.0 to 4.3m) and has 100 to 265-tons of capacity. Figure 1-5-11
shows an 8-foot (2.4m) long, 100-ton (90,718 kg) frame. It can be adjusted to fit within the shaft at the required height as well
as line and grade. Some frames can be extended to accommodate longer lengths of jacking pipe. The jacking frame
incorporates hydraulic rams to provide thrust for the pipe installation, transfers the jacking force to the shaft wall, and uses a
motor to provide torque to the pilot tube and augers. The camera-mounted theodolite is positioned within, but independent of,
this assembly. The control panel, digital display, and steering deck enable the operator to control the advance of the pilot tube.

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Figure 1-5-11. Typical Jacking Frame Configured for Pilot Tube Installation1 Guided Boring and Lubricants

The thrust load required in each step of the pilot tube and/or guided boring process is a result of the force required to overcome 3
the penetration resistance at the face of the steering head or the leading edge of the upsizing tool, and the skin friction between
the ground and the outside surface of the pilot tubes, the temporary casings, and the final pipe being installed. Different soils
type, such as sands or gravels, might produce higher skin frictions resulting in an increase in the required thrust load. The use
of lubricants in each phase of the installation will reduce the fiction between the tooling and the ground, thus reducing the
thrust load required.

Pilot tube segments are usually double walled tubes through which the lubricant is pumped forward to the steering head which 4
is located at the leading edge of the pilot tubes. The steering head has a larger diameter than the pilot tubes and generates heat
and skin friction as it advances through the ground. The lubricant cools the steering head and reduces friction along the entire
tube line.

Once the pilot tube is installed an upsizing tool is attached at the rear of the pilot tube string which is then followed by the final
pipe. During each of these operations lubricants may be injected to both reduce thrust loads and help in stabilizing the soils if

Typical lubricants used in guided boring applications are bentonite, polymers, and various additives depending on the soils
type and the tooling being utilized.

1 Courtesy of Akkerman

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5.9.4 CONSTRUCTION (2019) Equipment Layout

The assigned work space needs to include the shafts, operation of the ancillary equipment and storage of the jacking pipe. In
restricted work areas, it is important to plan the location of the Pilot Tube Ancillary equipment in the available area around the
shafts considering the Railroad and/or Owner Right of Way and not fouling the track. Equipment layout drawings should be
prepared to show the location of all the equipment in relation to the work area boundaries of the project. For planning
purposes, the construction staging area around the shafts should be a minimum of approximately 3,000 square feet (279 square
meters) for the jacking shaft and 2,000 square feet (186 square meters) for the receiving shaft. In restricted areas, the jacking
pipe may have to be stored nearby.

Items typically included in the Pilot Tube Ancillary Equipment layout and their typical dimensions are indicated below.

Table 1-5-10. Items Typically Included in The Pilot Tube Ancillary Equipment Layout and Their Typical

Typical Dimensions
Ancillary Equipment Width Length Area (sf)
(ft) (ft)
1. Crane with Outriggers 25.0 35.0 875.0
7.6m 10.7m 81.3 sqm
2. Boom Truck 20.0 25.0 500.0
6.1m 7.6m 46.5 sqm
2. Power Pack 5.0 8.0 40.0
1.5m 2.4m 3.7 sqm
3. Ventilation Blower 1.5 2.0 3.0
.45m .61m .28 sqm
4. Bentonite Pump 4.0 6.0 24.0
1.2m 1.8 m 2.2 m
5. Generator 6.0 10.0 60.0
1.8m 3.0 m 5.6 sqm
6. Tool/Parts Container 8.0 20.0 160.0
2.4m 6.1m 14.9 sqm
7. Tube Racks (each) 3.0 4.0 12.0
.9m 1.2m 1.1 sqm
8. Casing Racks (each) 4.0 4.0 16.0
1.2m 1.2m 1.5 sqm
9. Jacking Pipe Varies by Pipe Diameter
10. Fuel Tank 8.0 12.0 96.0
2.4m 3.6m 8.9 sqm
11. Spoil Stockpile 20.0 20.0 400.0
6.1m 6.1m 37.2 sqm

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Figure 1-5-12. Pilot Tube Equipment Layout Alignment Control

The leading end of the Pilot Tube has the angled tip steering head similar to the horizontal directional drill bit. To make
corrections in alignment, the angled tip is rotated to the desired angle. When thrust is applied, the slanted face pushes against
the soil and deflects the pilot tube string to follow the new alignment until further corrections are made. This process is
repeated until the steering head arrives at the receiving shaft. The steering head houses the light emitting diode (LED) target
that is viewed by the machine operator with the camera mounted theodolite. Figure 1-5-13 shows the Theodolite mounted
behind the Pilot Tube drill. Figure 1-5-14 shows the target screen and the operator's control panel. The target is observed from
the jacking shaft to check the orientation of the slanted head and the proximity of the actual pilot tube alignment compared to 3
the theoretical pilot tube alignment.

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Figure 1-5-13. Theodolite to Set Orientation and Grade with Camera

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Figure 1-5-14. Typical LED Target and Images Displayed On Operator's Control Panel1

Top is at start of drive and bottom is at about 200 feet (61m) distance.

1 Photos courtesy of the National Clay Pipe Institute and Akkerman.

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Roadway and Ballast Settlement Control

For guidance on Settlement Control see Section Contact Grouting

Contact grouting after advancement of the casing pipe may be required. Typically, not required for pipes less than 42-inch-
diameter. Please refer to Section


The Engineer is responsible for determining what submittals are needed on the project. They might include:

• Qualifications of Pilot Tube Superintendent, Shaft Designer and Surveyor.

• Jacking Pipe: Diameter, wall thickness, splice detail, strength

• Jacking Force Estimate

• Jacking Equipment

• Guidance and Steering System

• Lubrication method and lubricant

• Shaft Shoring Design including thrust block design

• Shaft Layout

• Spoil Disposal Plan: Testing if required, Chain of Custody if required, transportation method, disposal location

• Dewatering Plan: Pumping method, Maximum flow, Dewatering Elevation, Dewatering time estimate

• Ground Surface Settlement Instrumentation and location

• Construction Observations: Jacking load plots, Volume of spoils, Settlement observations, volume of lubrication and
grout utilized

5.9.6 DEFINITIONS (2019)

Adapter ring: A fabricated ring, usually made from steel, that is mounted on the ?rst pipe of the pipe string. This ring is
intended to transfer the jacking force from the boring equipment to the jacking pipe and to create a waterproof seal between
the equipment and the spigot of the ?rst joint.

Auger boring: See horizontal auger boring.

Auger casing: See thrust casing.

Boulder: Per ASTM D653, a rock fragment, usually rounded by weathering or abrasion, with a dimension of 12 in. (305 mm)
or more.

Caisson: A watertight chamber used in shaft construction under water. The ground within the chamber is excavated, allowing
the chamber to sink under its own weight into the ground.

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Carrier Pipe: Pipe for conveyance of water, gas, sewage, or other products and services. Some carrier pipe can be installed by
direct jacking using the pilot tube method.

Cased auger: See thrust casing.

Cased bore: A bore in which a pipe, usually a steel casing, is inserted simultaneously with the boring operation.

Centerline: a real or imaginary line through the center of something, especially one following an axis of symmetry. In a
trenchless application, the centerline is through the vertical center of the pipe or boring equipment.

Cobble: Per ASTM D653, a rock fragment, usually rounded or semi- rounded, with dimensions between 3 and 12 in. (75 and
305 mm).

Cohesionless soils (noncohesive soils): Earth materials containing less than 20% soil particles passing the #200 sieve. Any
free-running soil, such as sand or gravel, whose strength depends on friction between particles.

Cohesive soils: Earth materials containing 20% or more soil particles passing the #200 sieve.

Compression ring: A ring fitted between the end-bearing area of the leading pipe bell and trailing pipe spigot to help
distribute jacking forces more uniformly. The compression ring is attached to the trailing end of each pipe and is compressed
between the pipe sections during jacking. The compression rings compensate for steering, pipe misalignment, and pipe
dimensional tolerances. Also referred to as a packer.

Controls: Part of the tunneling system that allows synchronized excavation, removal of spoils, and jacking of pipe to balance
forward movement with excavation so that ground settlement and heave are managed.

Cutter head: Any rotating tool or system of tools on a common support that excavates at the face of a bore.
Design specification: Establishes specific requirements the contractor must use including the means and methods. A design
specification creates an implied warranty that if the contractor uses the specified means and methods with industry-accepted
good practices, the constructed product will meet the specification requirements.

Dirt bucket: See skip pan.

Entry shaft: See jacking shaft. 3

Exit seal: Same as launch seal except for the retrieval of the boring equipment at the receiving shaft. Used in high
groundwater and unstable soils to prevent loss of ground.

Exit shaft: See receiving shaft.

Fog: Moisture or dust that exists in the pilot tube that impedes the light- source guidance.

Gauge cutter: The cutter that creates the gauge cut and is subject to wear.
Gravel: Per ASTM D653, rounded or semi-rounded particles of rock that will pass a 3-in. (76.2 mm) and will be retained on a
No. 4 (4.75 mm) US standard sieve.

Guided boring: A general term used to describe various trenchless methods of installing a pipe to a desired line and grade
using a guidance system. The boring process does not provide continuous support at the face of the excavation to balance
groundwater and earth pressures.

Horizontal auger boring: A technique for forming a bore from a jacking or drive shaft to a receiving shaft by means of a
rotating auger with cutting tools. The casings are jacked forward sequentially in a cyclic process while turning the auger. Spoil
is removed back to the drive shaft by helically wound auger flights rotating in the steel casing. The equipment may have
limited guidance and steering capability.

Horizontal directional drilling: A surface-launched trenchless technology for the installation of pipes, conduits, and cables.
Horizontal directional drilling, also called HDD, creates a pilot bore along the design pathway, and reams the pilot bore in one

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or more passes to a diameter suitable for the insertion of the carrier pipe. The carrier pipe is pulled into the prepared bore in the
final step of the process. HDD is typically used in nongravity ?ow applications.

Jacking Shaft: Excavation from which trenchless technology equipment is launched for the installation of a pipeline.

Launch Seal: A mechanical seal, usually comprised of a rubber flange that is mounted to the wall of the jacking shaft. The
seal is intended to prevent groundwater, soils, slurry, and lubrication inflow into the shaft during pilot tube operations.

Muck bucket: See skip pan.

N-value: The number of blows per foot required to drive a standard penetration test (SPT) soil sampler into the ground during
geotechnical exploration (ASTM D1586). The N-value is often used to estimate in situ consistency of clays and silts and
relative density of sands.

Noncohesive soils: See cohesionless soils.

Overcut: The theoretical difference of the radial measurement of the gauge cut and the boring equipment shield, equal to
(Gauge Cut OD - shield OD)/2. Actual overcut is reduced as the gauge cutter is worn and because of the differential cut.

Packer: See compression ring.

Perched water: An accumulation of groundwater that is above the regional groundwater table in an unsaturated zone.

Pilot tube: A small-diameter, hollow, stiff-walled pipe string (tube). Typically, a light source is mounted at the leading edge
and pushed through displaceable ground. Insertion of the tube is the ?rst step in the installation process.

Pilot tube method: A multistage method of accurately installing a pipe to line and grade by use of a guided pilot tube
followed by upsizing to install the pipe.

Pit: A vertical hole shallow shaft usually less than 5 ft. used for launching or receiving the trenchless equipment and
commonly may not require wall support system.

Port: Opening in the barrel of the pipe used to introduce ?uids (lubricant and/or grout) into the annular space between the pipe
and excavated ground.

Product pipe: See carrier pipe.

Pullback: A step in the installation process where the carrier pipe is pulled into the created hole.

Receiving Shaft: See Reception Shaft.

Reception Shaft: Excavation into which the pilot tube equipment is driven and recovered.

Rock: Per ASTM D653, any naturally formed aggregate of mineral matter occurring in large masses or fragments (ISRM).

Shaft: A deep pit (vertical excavation) usually more than 5 ft. for launching and receiving boring units.

Skinning: Also referred to as upsizing or shimming, the act of fitting a steel cylinder over the boring equipment shield body to
increase the diameter of an existing boring tool with use of an appropriately upsized cutter wheel.

Skip pan: A bucket used in the shaft to collect and hoist spoils from the tunnel for removal. Also known as a dirt bucket or a
muck bucket.

Slurry: A mixture of drilling fluid and spoils.

Sump pump: A device placed at the base of a shaft or in the boring equipment to collect and remove fluids incidental to the
construction process and shaft leakage, and to prevent the excavation equipment from flooding.

Thrust casing: A fabricated casing with an auger inside to enlarge the hole created by the pilot tube, typically associated as
the second step in the installation process and fully retrievable.

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Trenchless technology: A family of construction techniques for installing or rehabilitating underground infrastructure with
minimal disruption to surface traffic, businesses, and residents. Also includes technologies for inspection, leak location and
detection, with minimal disruption and excavation from the ground surface.

Upsizing: Process of creating a larger-diameter boring equipment than the original factory con?guration. Also, any method
which increases the cross-sectional area of an existing pipeline, replacing it with a larger cross-sectional area pipe.

Upsizing tool: A fabricated cutting tool such as reaming head or a powered cutting head used to enlarge the hole created by
the pilot tube or thrust casing. The upsizing tool allows the jacking pipe to be installed directly behind the tool as the pilot tube
or thrust casing is displaced.

5.9.7 ABBREVIATIONS (2019)

For the purposes of evaluating the above, please note the following acronyms, abbreviations and initials:

CMP corrugated metal pipe or plate

CSM cutter soil mixing
DIP ductile iron pipe
FR frictional resistance
FS factor of safety
GAB guided auger boring
GBM guided boring method
NSF National Sanitation Foundation
PCP polymer concrete pipe
PTM pilot tube method
PVC polyvinyl chloride
SPT standard penetration test
VCP vitrified clay pipe

5.9.8 REFERENCES (2019)

ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 133, “Pilot Tube and Other Guided Boring Methods”.


5.10.1 EXHIBITS (2017)

List of Exhibits:





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Figure 1-5-15. Methodology for Equating Fiber Optic Cable Locations to Railroad Track & Right-of-Way Maps
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Figure 1-5-16. Bridge Definition

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Figure 1-5-17. Cable Depth Around Culverts and Ditches

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Figure 1-5-18. Bore Pit Location

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Figure 1-5-19. Regen Location

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Figure 1-5-20. Conventional Fill Installation
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Figure 1-5-21. Standard Turnout

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Figure 1-5-22. General Shoring Requirements
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Figure 1-5-23. Fill Installation Directional Bore
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Figure 1-5-24. Installation on Top of Cut
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Carrier Pipe Casing Pipe

Contents to be handled
Outside diameter
Pipe material
Specification and grade
Wall thickness
Actual working pressure
Type of joint
Method of installation
Vents: Number: Size: in./dia. Height above ground: ft. in.
Seals: Both ends: One end: Seal type/brand:
Bury: Base of rail to top of casing beneath track structure: ft. in.
Bury: Amount of cover outside track structure: ft. in.
Bury: Amount of cover below roadway ditches: ft. in.
Type, size and spacing of insulators or supports: 1
Distance C.L. track to face of entry/receiving pits: ft. in.
Bury: Base of rail to bottom of entry/receiving pits: ft. in.
Cathodic protection: yes no
Geotechnical: Soil type: Uplift capacity: psi
Drilling machine: Brand/model: 3
Method of drilling fluid recovery:
Drilling fluid slurry design: Slurry additive(s): Additive(s) qty.:
Mixture: lb./100 gal. Water source:
Note: Minimum 95%
Anticipated volume of slurry required: Pilot bore: gal. Back ream: gal. recovery required.

Drilling head fluid pressure: Pilot bore: psi/min psi/max operating psi
Back ream: psi/min psi/max operating psi
Anticipated drilling fluid rate: Pilot bore: gal./min Back ream: gal./min
Anticipated volume of spoils removal: gal.
Drilling head: Type: Dia.: in. Number/size of holes/nozzles:
Back reamer head: Type: Dia.: in. Number/size of holes/nozzles:

Figure 1-5-25. EXHIBIT "K" Plan Data

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Figure 1-5-26. Horizontal Directional Drilling Plan View
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Figure 1-5-27. Horizontal Directional Drilling Bore Parallel to Track
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Figure 1-5-28. Horizontal Directional Drilling Under Track Bore
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Table 1-5-11. Site Inspection Document "Exhibit O"


□ Name & contact info for Contractor

□ Name & contact info for Railroad representative/engineer


□ Location map and directions

□ Camera; handheld GPS unit
□ Measuring wheel; 100’ tape; 25’ tape

□ Name & contact info for Flagman

□ Copy of drillings specs

□ Level, legs, level rod
□ Job folder including Contract
□ Observation Report form 1
□ Daily Diary form
□ Copy of project specifications
□ Copy of applicable AREMA documents


□ Check-in and check-out with railroad flagman whenever you are on site.
□ Inform Contractor/Utility Company you are on site until installation is complete including end seals,
signage, etc. Inform of contract requirements: i.e. material, depth of cover, location etc.
□ Once casing pipe or portion thereof is installed, it CANNOT be pulled, but must be ABANDONED AND
□ NEVER direct Contractor to perform any work. NEVER act as a flagman or lookout for trains (except for
personal safety). 4
□ Only discuss project with responsible parties (Utility Inspector/General Contractor)and never with laborers,
etc. unless directed by railroad representative or project engineer.
□ NEVER accept any work, unless authorized by railroad representative or project engineer; just note if in
accordance with plans or not.
□ NEVER discuss a change in work unless authorized by railroad representative/project engineer.
□ Request contractor to stop work should any work item not be in accordance w/project specs, i.e.
misalignment, excessive bore diameter, increased pressure, excessive fluid use, frac-outs anywhere along
bore, etc. and notify railroad representative and project engineer.
□ Understand railroad’s and project shoring requirements and note if bore pits adhere to requirements.
Remain on site until bore pits are located on railroad ROW or in the railroad zone of influence and have
been properly backfilled if applicable.
□ Bore pits, if applicable, located on railroad ROW or in the railroad zone of influence must have prior
railroad approval.
□ Stay on site until the end seals are applied or casing/carrier pipe is swept up out of the ground and sealed.

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□ Verify proposed bore route. If not according to plan request halt in work and notify railroad representative
and design engineer.
□ Document any discrepancies in plan requirements. Any change in plans requirements shall be approval
by the railroad representative and design engineer.


□ Secure name of contractor, address and person in charge.

□ Verify location of utility installation.
□ Verify Inside diameter, material type, and wall thickness of casing pipe.
□ Verify outside diameter, material type, and wall thickness of carrier Pipe. Secure largest diameter, which is
commonly at the joint.
□ Record brand name of end seal used, if applicable.
□ Verify installation method.
□ Verify that butt welding on casing pipe completed per AWS D1.1 or project specifications.
□ Refer to observation report for all information required.
□ Secure GPS coordinates of utility installation at centerline of track.
□ Provide track monitoring plan to detect any changes to the track profile.
□ Type of coatings on carrier pipe, if applicable.
□ Type of coating on casing pipe, if applicable.
□ Verify use of casing spacers if carrier pipe is not in contact with casing pipe, if applicable.
□ Verify use of pipe shims/bracing to prevent carrier pipe floatation if the annular space between the casing
and carrier pipe is to be grouted.


For each day, report:

□ Weather conditions at start of work day, noon, and end of work day.
□ Inspector on site arrival and departure times each day. Record travel time to/from site as well as time for
□ Contractor labor & equipment on site each day.
□ Contractor arrival time, departure time and lunch break each day.
□ Special visitors or events, including time.
□ Passage of trains, including time and lead unit number and direction.
□ Monitor and record ALL daily activities, particularly ALL individual work items.
□ Monitor work and record if ALL work is in accordance with plans & specs. IF NOT, document any
discrepancies and call the railroad representative and design engineer immediately.
□ Condense daily diary to ONE SHEET for submittal with observation report.
□ Secure a CONTRACTOR or UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE at end of each work day on single
sheet daily diary.
□ Complete/gather information as required for the evaluation of flagger’s performance sheet.


□ Record drilling slurry mixture and what it consists of (i.e. parts of Bentonite, Condet, Boregel, etc. per
gallon, normally X lbs. per gal). PLAIN WATER IS NOT PERMITTED.
□ Record beginning volume of drilling slurry (calibrated tank).
□ Record ending volume of drilling slurry. Define quantity of slurry used during initial pilot bore and pullback.
□ Record volume of recovered drilling slurry.
□ Record rate of fluid use, i.e. GPM.

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□ Record drilling pressure at nozzle tips. Maximum permitted shall be limited to the HDD design and be
based on the actual soil capacity as determined by soil investigation and depth of bore. Monitor during pilot
bore and pullback.
□ Record type/name of drilling equipment.
□ Watch for fluid Frac-outs/surfacing to the ground (immediately require shut down).
□ Watch for excessive use of drilling slurry. If excessive slurry is used immediately require shut down.
□ Measure outside diameter of back reamer; maximum allowable 10 inch (Note: this may change).
□ Verify butt welding of steel pipe joints per AWS D1.1 or project specifications.
□ Note type of pipe coating and verify coating of welded joints is performed per specifications.


□ Record location (x,y) and elevation along route of initial pilot bore start and both casing/carrier pipe ends.
□ Record elevation of existing base of rail at centerline of bore.
□ Record location (x,y), surface elevation and bore depth along bore at:
o Right of Way, both sides of track
o Ditch flowline or low spots, both sides of track
o Toe of ballast, both sides of track
o At track centerline.
□ Measure distance to nearest milepost from intersection of track centerline and bore centerline.
□ Develop an as-built plan exhibit.
□ Create a cross section exhibit.
□ Measure distance along track centerline from bore centerline to nearest bridge or at-grade crossing if in
the vicinity of bore. 1
□ Record elevation of track base of rail, elevation at top of casing pipe ends, and a horizontal distance from
track centerline to ends of casing pipe at right angles to track centerline, if applicable.
□ Copy of bore pit backfill compaction test results showing the backfill has been placed and compacted in
accordance with the projects bore pit backfill compaction specifications, if applicable.


□ View of existing conditions along planned route of utility across railroad right of way looking from initial bore
pit across tracks.
□ View of bore pit with bore equipment placed and shoving casing material, if applicable.
□ View of stockpiled casing material and carrier pipe material.
□ View of a completed casing weld, and carrier pipe weld if applicable. If a mechanical connection is
present, secure picture.
□ View of interlocking mechanical joint. Joint should be pushed all the way home with no gaps visible on any
point of the periphery.
□ View of carrier pipe placement within casing pipe including any spacers, applicable.
□ View of typical end seals, up close and installed, if applicable.
□ View of initial stub and completed vent pipe, if applicable.
□ View of identifying marker signs in place. Also secure close up view of sign.
□ View of restored ground surface.
□ View of final conditions along route of utility from same location as picture of existing conditions along
planned route.
□ Include a description for each photo taken.
□ Submit a copy of all pictures and an electronic version of all pictures.
□ Photo of back reamer.
□ View of HDD equipment.

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