Lankford 1968
Lankford 1968
Lankford 1968
is Supervisory Naval Architect responsible for the Hull Design of
Auxiliary Ships and Minesweepers in the Hull Structural Branch, Hull
Systems and Weapons Support Division. of the Naval Ship Engineering
Center, Washington, D. C. He graduated from Virginia Polytechnic In-
stitute in 1954 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Architectural Engi-
neering. Received training as a Naval Architect at the Bureau of Ships,
predecessor of the Naval Ship Engineering Center. Author and co-
author of several papers appearing in the NAVALENGINEERSJOURNAL.
Member of American Society of Naval Engineers and the Association
of Senior Engineers of the Nuval Ship Systems Command.
larger quantity of ships of greater efficiency and of NAVY AND COMMERCIAL STANDARDS D E F I N E D
increased capabilities over former designs. To For this discussion, Commercial standards are
achieve lower costs, a trend towards greater utiliq- defined as those resulting from the use of American
tion of commercial standards has evolved. However, Bureau of Shipping R i h i for Building and Classing
because of many variances in design parameters Steel Vessels for design, and those construction de-
such as service experience and ship’s mission, full tails generally accepted by ABS as good Commer-
adherence to the lower cost commercial standards cial shipbuilding practice based on Commercial
in a Naval design has been impracticable. service experience. Navy standards on the other
A description of the differences in Commercial hand, utilize engineering design procedures devel-
and Naval hull structural design standards, and the oped for a particular loading on a ship. The con-
background experience on which Naval hull de-
signs are based will be presented to clarify the struction details are those developed by the Navy
Navy designer’s position which precludes full use through research and from experience gained from
of commercial practices. Further, the discussion will ships of the fleet.
serve to identlry some of the specific areas in a hull While the above distinctions are made between
tural fitting and welding, and increased the plate COMPARISON OF DESIGN METHODS
thicknesses to compensate for the resulting wider The Commercial approach to selecting structural
frame spacing. Further, the builder was given the scantlings differs from that of the Navy in that engi-
option to incorporate design changes aimed at re- neering calculations are reduced to a minimum by
ducing costs. The Contractor did, in fact, save some relying primarily on the scantling tables of the
$300,000 in hull structural cost, but he accomplished Rules. This provides a simplified method of select-
this, surprisingly, by increasing the number of stiff- ing structural members and results in consistent
ening members and reducing plate thicknesses for a scantlings for all ships of the same general size and
lower hull weight. In other words, the Contractor function. However, allowable stresses, design loads
reduced cost by reducing weight which corresponds and corrosion allowances are not readily recogniz-
with Navy’s concept. able, especially to those unfamiliar with the devel-
The question arose as to why this particular ship opment background of the Rules.
design resulted in a lower cost using standard Navy In the following outline of design methods, em-
design methods when the trend has been going in phasis is placed on those areas where variations
the other direction. One possible explanation is that occur between Navy and Commercial practice in
this particular Contractor is familiar with both order to locate the areas where cost and weight
Navy and Commercial design practices and had no differences become significant.
particular preference of one over the other. A strong Design Loads-The design loads for the various
possibility exists that the Contractor was reluctant elements of ship structure used by the Navy cannot
to completely depart from the longitudinal framing be described as being significantly different from
system and design requirements developed in the ABS Rules in any sense. The primary difference in
Navy contract design. If another builder who had a the resulting scantlings lies with the selection of fac-
strong preference for Commercial methods were to tors of safety or corrosion allowances; ABS being
have constructed the ship, he might have elected to more conservative in this respect. The previously
use the transverse framing system to further reduce noted, “Weight Cost Money” theory has led the
cost. Navy to use the lowest factors of safety commen-
While this example cannot be construed to be a surate with design requirements. Also, a greater
fully controlled experiment, it serves to indicate significance is placed in the static hogging, sagging
that building costs are closely affected, not only by and stillwater bending stresses in determining the
the structural weight and construction details of a adequacy of Naval hull girder strength.
design, but also by the experience and preference of Although the basic loading criteria of the ABS
the individual builder. The trend towards larger and Rules are not obvious in the scantling tables,
faster Commercial ships will undoubtedly encour- standard hydrostatic loads for damage control bulk-
age a wider use of lighter longitudinal framing sys- heads, tanks, decks and shell plating and cargo deck
tems, since weight reductions for speed and stability loads form the basis for selection of scantlings. This
will become an increasingly critical factor. As more is also true for Navy designs; however, slight differ-
widespread experience is gained in fabricating lon- ences occur because the Navy designs each specific
gitudinally framed ships, the cost differential be- compartment for the anticipated loading condition
tween longitudinal and transverse construction whereas AF3S has standardized these loads to a large
might be reduced. degree. It is presumed that in the future additional
Another trend which will surely affect the Navy- requirements may appear in the ABS Rules to ac-
Commercial comparison is the “Life-Cycle Cost” count for loads of any new or heavier vehicles and
concept. By this cost concept, more emphasis is di- helicopters which may be carried on board. How-
rected towards the overall reliability, maintainabil- ever, the Navy does not anticipate any basic changes
ity and operational characteristics of a ship and not in the method of selecting the appropriate load cri-
in the initial costs alone. Utilization of commercial teria and design methods in the future than has
practices or reduction of weight for cost savings may occurred in the past. As larger Commercial ships
not be the answer as it has been in recent years. are developed there is a possibility that ABS Rules
The Navy designer will have to look more toward will be modified, providing less factors of safety and
the maintenance aspects of a design. An interesting corrosion allowances to meet the demands for lower
recent commercial design which has considered this weight. This has p a r t i i y been done in the last few
concept is the L a v e Lloyd, a 12,000 dwt fast cargo years, as evidenced by the reduction permitted in
liner constructed by Nippon Kokan KK in Japan. shell platings which are coated with accepted protec-
This ship has 47% tons of steel in the hull which is tive coatings.
equivalemt to that used for 23,000 dwt classes, to Ice Strengthening-ABS has recently included
provide additional strength and durability. The ship new and more restrictive requirements for strength-
is also equipped with copper piping and other cor- ening of the hull for navigation in thin ice condi-
rosion resisting material to provide a ship “free tions provided the customer desires such strength-
from maintenance problems, and one which will be ening. This is one area of hull structure where the
modem even after 20 years of service.” cost of the Commercial design exceeds Navy de-
ABS, the services of ABS Surveyors are not avail- designs, however, the Navy has for the most part
able. This has led to numerous controversies be- accepted the ABS procedures, but as cited previ-
tween the Contractor and Navy inspectors on the ously, the basic problem has been in controlling
proper interpretation of ABS welding requirements. these inspection procedures.
Navy inspectors are generally familiar only with Materials-Several years ago, military specifica-
Navy requirements, and tend to either force Navy tions used for procurement of hull structural ma-
standards on the Contractor or neglect some of the terials contained a considerable amount of more
necessary ABS controls essential for satisfactory restrictive testing procedures and other controls
performance of the welds. Despite these contro- than contained in typical ASTM specifications used
versies, the Navy agrees that many of the Com- for Commercial purposes. "he basic medium steel
mercial welding standards are suitable for non- used in non-combatant naval ships, as a result of
combatant ships and that an effort should be made these restrictions, were more costly. In order to
toward their use. To this end, the Navy has de- reduce these costs, the military specifications were
veloped a new welding specification [7], which is revised to make them essentially the same as the
comparable to Commercial welding standards and ASTM specifications. One exception to the Com-
which is applicable only to welding of non-combat- mercial standard required by the Navy is that
ant ships. Inasmuch as this document is new, the plates over one-inch in thickness must be normal-
cost comparison with ABS rules is unknown. ized. The toughness of plating is reduced as the
Several designs must be completed or a special cost thickness is increased and the Navy desires to retain
study performed before a valid comparison can be toughness by a normalizing heat treatment to pre-
made. The document includes as many of the Com- vent brittle fracture in service. ABS rules do not
mercial standards as practicable, and its use should specifically invoke normalizing except for plates
eliminate the past controversies of interpretation, over 1%inches although a Surveyor of ABS may
and assure the Navy of a satisfactory product at a require this treatment in special cases.
lower cost. Structural DetaiZs-Commercial methods utilized
The actual welding details and inspection pro- for the connections of beams and girders, although
cedures vary between ABS and Navy standards. not precisely defined by ABS rules have been stand-
Because the Navy is not willing to accept certain ardized in industry through cost considerations,
requirements for Naval ships, full adherence to through precedence established by previous ABS
ABS Rules has not been feasible. As an example, plan approvals, and by various reports describing
intermittent welds permitted by ABS is considered proper methods and test results. The type of struc-
unsatisfactory for use in certain critical areas of tural detail is generally dictated by the loading
Naval ships such as peripheries of oiltight and water- condition imposed. For lightly loaded members
tight bulkheads, areas subject to fatigue, blast from where beam end restraint and shear considerations
the ships guns, and dynamic loading such as heli- are of less significance, the stiffener web and flange
copter landing loads. The use of intermittent welding are snipped as shown in Figure 2(a'), or where
for these areas has been proven unsatisfactory es- additional end restraint is necessary, only the flange
pecially in the areas subject to dynamic loadings. is snipped; Figure 2 (b) . Even these simple details
After World War 11, a number of ships investigated require some fitting of beams and, as a result, a
were found to have severely cracked intermittent number of connections are made using a small
welds. Also, intermittent welding of shell plating attachment bracket similar to that shown in Figure
stiffeners subject to impact of boats alongside has 2(c). For hgher loaded members, a bracket or
suffered cracking. A more recent example of a beam knee is used, as shown in Figure 2(d), to
failure was seen in a Commercial catamaran which provide moment and shear restraint at the ends of
suffered cracking of the intermittent welds in the the beam and to permit a reduction in the size of
side frames due to the high sea loads imposed be- the basic member. This type of bracket can also be
tween the two hulls during a storm. Because of these used purely as a connection bracket as noted pre-
problems the Navy requires continuous welds for viously, without any consideration given to its
these areas in all Naval ships regardless of the de- moment carrying ability. For large frame brackets
sign standards used. For other areas of the structure similar to those used for tanker construction, Figure
that are considered less critical, intermittent weld- 2(e), the web is lapped; again to eliminate close
ing is allowed, which accounts partially for the cost tolerances. In reviewing these typical Commercial
saving. details, it is apparent that their desijp is based on
Another source contributing to the cost differen- a desire to provide lower cost and easier construc-
tial lies in the welding inspection procedures; the tion techniques.
Navy being more critical in this respect by requir- Typical details commonly used in Navy construc-
ing generally a greater number of nondestructive tion are shown in Figure 3. These details have been
tests,and more comprehensive record keeping. Also developed primarily for combatant ships to provide
the basic electrodes purchased to Navy specifications a greater degree of ruggedness under battle condi-
have more restrictive controls. For the auxiliary tions. Greater attention is given to eliminating hard-
Figure 2. Commercial Beam C O M ~ ~ ~ ~ O I I S .
5 Some of the salient differences between Commer-
cial and Naval design practices and the effect of
these differences on hull structural cost have been
discussed. Owing to the higher standards of relia-
-- bility necessarily required of Naval ships, it is not
likely that all of these differences can be entirely
eliminated even where the comparison is limited to
Naval auxiliary types. However, much has already
been done to reduce these differences in the areas
of hull material procurement, welding techniques
and inspection. Some progress towards adoption
of simpler Commercial methods have been made in
(a) C O M M E R C I A L GUNWALE structural details, and continued efforts promise to
bring further cost reductions in this area.
“he cost differential associated with the hull fram-
ing system and the shipbuilder’s preference of one
over the other will be a continuing problem for
fl which there appears to be very little that the Naval
designer can do. The longitudinal framing system
offers advantages in structural strength which
makes it attractive for Naval use and will continue
to be the principal system used in Naval auxiliaries.
Hopefully, wider familiarity through greater usage
of this system in Commercial construction will help
to reduce this source of cost difference.
The considerations of individual structural de-
tails and procedures as a basis for weight and cost
comparisons will probably be of less value in the
future as the “Life-Cycle Cost Concept” more and
more becomes the governing criterion on which to
base structural design decisions.
“he author wishes to acknowledge the guidance
Figure 4. and suggestions of Messrs. Kazuyoshi Ikeda, Thomas
Gallagher, Ivo Fioriti and Donald Wilson of the
potentially be serious because both Commercial and Hull Structures Branch. Also to Mrs. Jane Doyle
Naval practice have dispensed with crack arrestors. for her typing assistance.
The possibility of catastrophic cracking becomes 111 “Pins and Collars, Swage Locking”-Military Specifi-
particularly acute when the hull material is at or cation MIL-P-23469
121 “Bolt and Nut, Torque Controlled, Pre-stress”--Mili-
below the Nil Ductility Temperature (NDT) as tary Specification MXL-B-23470
may be the case for the research and salvage ships 131 “Evaluation of Mechanical Fasteners for Ship Struc-
which are required to operate in extremely low tural Joints” by Louis A. Becker DTMB Report 1661
temperature environments. of June 1963
Other considerations for the prevention of frac- 141 “Evaluation of Hi-Lok Fasteners for Ship Structural
Joints” by Louis A. Becker DTMB Report 1681-3 of
ture in the hull girder include such precautions as June 1964
rounding corners of all openings, smoothing rough 151 “An Evaluation of HYSO Steel as a Structural Ma-
edges of plating, and eliminating abrupt changes in terial for Submarines by Capt. S. R. Heller, Jr. USN,
scantlings which may create stress concentrations and Messrs. Ivo Fioriti and John Vasta.
I61 “Fabrication, Welding and Inspection of Ship Hulls”
and subject cracks. These requirements, however, NAVSHE3 o9oo-OO-1ooO
are found in both Navy and Commercial practice [71 “Fabrication, Welding and Inspection of Non-Combatant
since similar experience has been gained in the past. Ship Hulls” NAVSHIPS 0900-014-5010