The Creole Jazz Band Fakebook (C)
The Creole Jazz Band Fakebook (C)
The Creole Jazz Band Fakebook (C)
C Treble Clef
This Fake Book has been assembled in 2023 with tunes that have been written prior to 1927 which makes them out of
copyright in the USA. This Fakebook has been produced in the following versions: C Treble, Bb Treble, Eb Treble, Bass Clef,
Tuba Bass Clef.
We are pleased to advise the 2023 version of The Creole Jazz Band fake book contains even more tunes, including tunes
copyrighted up to and including 1926, which are out of copyright as of this year.
Many bands are using tablets for their music so it seems only natural that the fake book should be adapted to maximize the
benefits of working on a computer. We have taken a baby step towards incorporating all of the benefits of an electronic
book by setting up bookmarks for all of the tunes. Once you find the tune you want in the bookmarks, all you need do is to
tap, or click, on the tune name, and the book will immediately jump to that tune.
These Fake Books are offered at no charge. Please enjoy them and share them as you see fit. Rather than selling these and
having someone pay us, we are asking that instead you "pay it forward". For those of you who don't know the concept of
paying it forward, here is a quote from the movie of the same name which explains the concept.
"You see, I do something real good for three people. And then when they ask how much they can pay it back, I say they have
to Pay It Forward to three more people. So nine people get helped. Then those people have to do twenty-seven".
Be sure to check out as Scott, our clarinet player has fabulous charts there for incredibly
low prices. He also has superb transcriptions of old recordings. You can even get some of our own arrangements there
under the folder "The Creole Jazz Band" as well as the Creole Jazz Band fake book in C Treble, Bb Treble, Eb Treble, Bass
clef and tuba.
We are always looking for ideas from the users of the book for improvements in the book, tunes you want to see included,
and any other enhancements you are looking for. We cannot guarantee that we will adopt every idea, but please be sure to
let us know anyway. Please let us know of any errors in these fake books so we can fix them.
We hare using our new numbering system for the edition of the fake book from here on. We are simply going with the year
of publication. The 2021 edition was put out in 2021. This 2022 edition was put out in 2022, and the 2023 edition is put out
in 2023. We hope this will make it easier for everyone to keep up-to-date with the latest edition.
On behalf of the lads in the band, we hope you enjoy the book.
Kevin Yeates
Vancouver, Canada
[email protected]
12th Street Rag ........................................................ 1 Black Bottom Stomp …………………………………………. 550
18th Street Strut …………………………………………………. 708 Blue and Broken Hearted ………............................... 320
1919 Rag…………………………………………………………..………. 426 Blue Skies ................................................................... 654
A Cup of Coffee, A Sandwich, And You ………….. 570 Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me ………….. 354
A Good Man Is Hard To Find ................................. 148 Bluin’ The Blues …………….....................…..…............… 262
A’int We Got Fun ...................................................... 284 Boodle Am Shake ………………………………………………..… 692
Ace In The Hole ……………………………………………………. 662 Breezin’ Along With The Breeze ……………………….. 706
Achin’ Hearted Blues ………………………………………….… 324 Brown Sugar ………………………………………………………….. 710
Afghanistan .................................................................... 8 Buddy’s Habit …………………………………………………….…… 360
After Hours …………………………………………………………… 696 Bugle Boy March.…………………………………………………… 180
After The Ball Is Over ........................................... 252 Bugle Call Rag (Vocals) ………………………………………… 418
After You’ve Gone .................................................... 274 Bugle Call Rag …………………………………………………………. 318
Aggravatin’ Papa ........................................................ 214 By And By, When The Morning Comes ……….……… 314
Alabama Jubilee ........................................................ 178 By The Light of the Silvery Moon …..…................ 258
Alabamy Bound ………………………………………………………. 698 Bye Bye Blackbird ……………………………………………….… 616
Alcoholic Blues ............................................................ 90 Bye Bye Blues …………………………………….……………..……. 441
Alexander’s Ragtime Band …….................................. 92 C.C. Rider ………………………………………………………………… 460
Alice Blue Gown .......................................................... 43 Cakewalkin’ Babies ……………………………………………..…. 428
All The Girls Go Crazy …........................….…………… 256 Camel Walk, The …………………………………………………… 604
Alligator Hop ………………………………………………………….. 362 Camp Meeting Blues ……………………………………………... 373
Alone At Last ……………………………………………………….. 640 Canal Street Blues ………………………………………………. 368
Amazing Grace .......................................................... 156 Careless Love ……………………………….....………………….… 186
American Patrol ………………..............................……….. 221 Carolina In The Morning ……………………………………… 290
And They Called It Dixieland ................................ 266 Carolina Stomp ………………………………………………………. 630
Angry ………………………………………………………………………. 532 Cat’s Whiskers, The ……………………………………………. 415
Any Time ..………………………….........................………….… 265 Chant, The …………………………………………………………..…. 670
April Showers ………………….......................….….……….. 232 Charleston …………………………………………..…………………. 374
Are You From Dixie ……………………………………………… 299 Charleston Baby of Mine ……………………………………. 552
Are You Lonesome Tonight? ……………………………… 664 Charleston Crazy ………………………………………………… 730
Arkansas Blues ……………………………………………………… 302 Charmaine ……………………………………………………………… 728
At a Georgia Camp Meeting .......…........................... 25 Chatanooga Stomp ……………………………………………….. 382
At The Devil’s Ball ................................................... 224 Cheatin’ on Me ……………………………………………………….. 566
At The Jazz Band Ball ............................................ 226 Chicago ….…………………………………..................………….… 280
Atlanta Blues …………………………………………………………. 312 Chicago Breakdown ………………..……………………………… 660
Aunt Hagar’s Blues ……….......................….…………..… 154 Chimes Blues …………………………………………………………. 366
Avalon …………………………………….................................… 156 China Boy ……………………………………….…....…………………. 42
Baby Face ……………………………………………………………..… 648 Chinaman Blues …………………………………………………….. 414
Baby Won’t You Please Come Home ..................... 281 Chinatown, My Chinatown …………….......................... 151
Back Home Again in Indiana …………………………………. 4 Chirpin’ The Blues ………………………………………………… 596
Back O’ Town Blues ………………………………………………. 586 Church Street Sobbin’ Blues …………………………….. 738
Ballin’ The Jack ……………............................…………… 260 Clap Hands Here Come Charlie …………………………. 577
Barney Google ………………………………………………………. 384 Clarinet Marmalade ……………………………………………... 450
Barnyard Blues …………………………………………………..… 234 Cleopatra Had a Jazz Band .................................... 152
Battle Hymn of the Republic ………………………………. 303 Coal Cart Blues ……………………………………………………. 380
Beale Street Blues ….………......................……………... 238 Coburn Blues …………………………………………………………… 456
Beale Street Mama …………………………………………….. 378 Come Back Sweet Papa …………………………………….…… 618
Big Butter and Egg Man ………………………………………. 614 Coney Island Washboard Lady …………………………… 672
Big Foot Ham, Big Fat Ham ………………………………... 410 Copenhagen ……………………………………………………………. 446
Bill Bailey ………………………………………..……………………….. 40 Cornet Chop Suey …………………………………………………. 432
Birth of The Blues, The ………………………………………. 676 Creole Belles .………………………………….....…………..……….. 62
Black Bottom ………………………………………………………..… 688 Curse of An Aching Heart ...................................... 206
Dallas Blues …………………………………………………………..… 341 Get It Fixed .............................................................. 650
Dancing Fool ………………………………………………….……….. 436 Get It Right …………………………………………………………… 326
Dangerous Blues ………………………………………….………..... 76 Get Out Of Here ………………………………………………….. 150
Dardanella …………………………….......…….....……….……….. 276 Gettysburg March ………………………………………………... 304
Darktown Reveille……………………………………………….. 488 Good Time Flat Blues ……………………………………………. 582
Darktown Strutter’s Ball ........................................ 228 Got To Cool My Doggies Now ……………………………... 744
Dead Man Blues ……………………………………………………… 656 Grandpa’s Spells ……………………………………………………. 376
Dear Old Southland .................................................. 211 Grizzly Bear Rag ......................................................... 70
Deed I Do …………………………………………………………..…… 668 Gut Bucket Blues ……………………………………….………… 732
Deep Henderson ……………………………………………………. 664 Ham and Eggs ………………………………..………………………. 410
Deep River ………………………………………………………..….… 517 Hard Hearted Hannah …………………………………….…… 510
Dicty Blues ………………………………………………………..… 484 Harlem Blues …………………………………………………………... 316
Dinah ……………………………………………………………………….. 430 He May Be Your Man .................................................. 72
Dippermouth Blues ……………………………………………….. 364 Headin’ For Louisville …………………………………………… 644
Dixieland Jazz Band One Step ............................. 172 Heebie Jeebies ……………………………………………………... 620
Do Lord ……………………………………………………………………. 332 Hello My Baby ……………………………………………………….. 356
Don’t Go Way Nobody ………………………………………….. 468 Here Comes Emaline ……………………………………………. 742
Down Among The Sheltering Palms ........................ 34 Hesitating Blues .......................................................... 68
Down By the Riverside ............................................... 99 Hiawatha Rag ………………………………………..……………..… 322
Down Home Rag ......................................................... 169 High Society ............................................................... 218
Down In Borneo Isle …………………………………………..... 196 Hindustan ........................................................................ 2
Down In Honky Tonk Town ....................................... 54 Honey Man ………………………….…………………………………… 328
Down in Jungle Town .................................................. 56 Hoo-Doo Blues …………………………………………………….…. 530
Down Yonder .............................................................. 278 Hot Aire ………………………………………………………………….. 600
Downhearted Blues ……………………………………………... 386 Hot Lips ....................................................................... 182
Dummy Song, The ………………………………………………… 580 HotTamale Molly ...................................................... 538
Dusty Rag ………………………………………………………….……. 344 How Come You Do Me Like You Do …………………... 463
Easy Rider ……………………………………………………….……. 734 I Ain’t Gonna Give None of My Jelly Roll …………….32
Easy Rider’s Gone ...................................................... 136 I Ain’t Gonna Tell Nobody …………………………………. 490
Eccentric ....................................................................... 10 I Ain’t Got Nobody ………………………………………….……. 296
Eh La Bas ..................................................................... 137 I Can’t Let ‘Em Suffer ............................................... 96
Everybody Loves My Baby …………………………………. 500 I Don’t Care Whose Mama You Were …….……..… 479
Everybody Stomp …………………………………………………. 594 I Like Pie, I Like Cake ………………………………….………. 434
Evolution Mama ……………………………………………………… 458 I Love My Baby …………………………………………………….. 564
Farewell Blues …………………………………………………….… 372 I Never Knew I Could Love Anybody ................... 205
Farewell To Storyville ………………………………………… 582 I Shall Not Be Moved ………………………………………….. 311
Fickle Fay Creep…………………………………………….…….. 724 I Want a Big Butter and Egg Man ……………………… 614
Fidgety Feet .............................................................. 138 I Want To Do The Bear Cat Dance ...................... 272
Five Foot Two ........................................................... 542 I Want To Shimmie ……………………………………………… 352
Flamin’ Mamie …………………………………………………………. 628 I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate .... 348
Flat Foot …………………………………………………………………. 700 I Wonder Where My Baby is Tonight………………. 608
Flee As A Bird .............................................................. 31 I’ll See You in My Dreams …………………………….……. 504
Floatin’ Down That Old Green River ..................... 130 I’m A Little Blackbird (Looking for a Bluebird)…498
Floatin’ Down To Cotton Town ................................ 132 I’m Gonna Charleston Back to Charleston ………. 584
Florida Blues …………………………………………………………… 338 I’m Sitting on Top of The World ……………………... 572
Foolish Questions ..................................................... 212 I’ve Found a New Baby ………………………………………… 686
Foot Warmer ……………………………………………………….… 474 I’ve Found My Sweetheart Sally……………………….… 611
Four O’Clock Blues ………………………………………………… 480 Ida, Sweet As Apple Cider ................................... 246
Frankie And Johnnie .................................................. 42 If You Were The Only Girl In The World ….…… 286
Friendless Blues ……………………………………………………. 704 In The Shade of the Old Apple Tree …………….… 298
Gate Mouth …………………………………………………………….. 746 In The Sweet By and By …………………………….……..… 264
Indiana ............................................................................. 4 Mecca Flat Blues ……………………………………………….. 462
Irish Black Bottom ………………….…………………………… 684 Memphis Blues ............................................................. 80
Ja Da ............................................................................. 112 Messin’ Around …………………………………………………….. 722
Jackass Blues ………………………………………………………… 678 Michigan Water Blues …………………………….………….. 718
Jailhouse Blues……………………………………………………… 516 Midnight in Moscow .................................................... 81
Japanese Sandman ................................................... 230 Midnight Mama …………………………………………………….. 556
Jazz Baby ..................................................................... 44 Midnight Waltz ……………………………………………………… 576
Jazz Lips ……………………………………………………………….. 720 Milenburg Joys ……………………………………………………… 444
Jazz Me Blues ............................................................ 198 Missouri Waltz .......................................................... 270
Jelly Roll Blues .......................................................... 200 Moonlight Bay ………………………..……………………………... 517
Jimtown Blues ………………………………………………………. 548 Moonlight Bay ……………………………………………………….. 524
Joe Avery’s Piece ………………………………………………….… 37 Moonlight on the Ganges …………………………………….. 680
Joe Turner’s Blues ………………………………………………. 340 Mr. Jelly Lord ………………………………………………………… 385
Just A Closer Walk With Thee …………………………. 416 Muskrat Ramble …………………………………………………….. 454
Just a Little While to Stay Here ........................... 30 My Bucket's Got a Hole In It .................................. 95
Just Gone ………………………………………………………………. 492 My Daddy Rocks Me ................................................... 58
Kansas City Stomps ………………………………………………. 358 My Gal Sal ………………………………………………………………. 292
Keep Yourself Together Papa ……………………………. 388 My Heart …………………………………………………………….… 606
King Chanticleer.......................................................... 104 My Honey’s Lovin’ Arms ........................................... 166
King Porter Stomp ……………………………………………….. 508 Neglected Blues …………………………………………….……… 207
Lasses Candy .............................................................. 102 New Orleans Blues ……………………………………………….. 642
Lassus Trombone ...................................................... 424 New Orleans Hop Scop Blues…………………..…………… 401
Last Go Round Blues ................................................ 540 New Orleans Shuffle …………………………………………… 558
Lazy Daddy .................................................................. 112 New Orleans Stomp ……………………………………………… 438
Limehouse Blues ......................................................... 116 Night Hawk Blues …………………………………………..……. 520
Little Liza Jane …………………………………………………….. 333 No Man’s Mamma…………………………………………………… 598
Livery Stable Blues (Vocal) ..................................... 116 Nobody Knows What Red Head Mamma Can Do .632
Livery Stable Blues .................................................. 234 Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out..476
Livin’ High ……………………………………………………………….. 622 Of All The Wrongs You’ve Done to Me ……….…. 522
London Blues ………………………………………..……………….. 390 Oh .................................................................................... 15
Lonesome Blues …………………………………………………….. 470 Oh By Jingo .................................................................. 98
Long Gone ................................................................... 146 Oh Daddy ……………………………………………………….………. 412
Loose Feet …………………………………………………………….. 716 Oh Didn’t He Ramble ................................................ 122
Lord, Lord, Lord ………………………………………………….... 305 Oh Sister, Ain’t That Hot …………………………………… 466
Loud Speakin’ Papa ………………………………………………… 634 Old Rugged Cross ...................................................... 210
Love Nest .................................................................... 192 Ole Miss ...................................................................... 202
Lovin’ Sam ................................................................... 160 On The Alamo ............................................................ 242
M.T. Pocket Blues ………………………………………………….. 592 On The Banks of The Wabash ………………….……….. 342
Ma, He’s Making Eyes At Me .................................. 162 Oriental Strut ……………………………………………….…….. 748
Mabel’s Dream …………………………………..…………………… 370 Original Black Bottom Dance ……………………………… 740
Maitland …………………………………………………………………..… 89 Ory’s Creole Trombone - Trombone part............. 110
Make Me a Pallet on Your Floor ….......................... 312 Ory’s Creole Trombone ............................................ 108
Mama Don’t Allow ...................................................... 123 Ostrich Walk ............................................................. 268
Mama Goes Where Papa Goes …………………………….. 392 Outside of That …………………………………………………….. 422
Mama’s Got The Blues …………………………………………. 521 Over in The Glory Land ……………………………….………. 288
Mandy ............................................................................. 14 Over The Waves ....................................................... 144
Mandy Lee Blues ………………………………………………….. 394 P.D.Q. Blues ……………………………………………………………. 682
Mandy Make Up Your Mind …..…………………………….. 442 Paddlin’ Madeline Home ……………………………..………… 702
Margie ............................................................................ 12 Panama ............................................................................ 16
Maryland, My Maryland ………………………………………. 300 Panama Blues …………………………………………………………. 712
MCMXIX Rag ………………………………………………..……….. 426 Papa De-Da-Da ……………………………………………..………. 506
Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior …………………….…….… 336 Smiles ………………………………………………………………………. 464
Pay Me My Money Down …………………………………….….308 Snag It! …………………………………………………………………… 694
Pearls .............................................................................. 18 Snake Rag …………………………………………………………..…… 496
Pleasure Mad …………………………………………………………. 528 Soap Suds …………………………………………………………….. 724
Poor Butterfly ............................................................ 103 Sobbin' Blues ............................................................... 66
Preservation Blues ………………………………………………… 737 Some of These Days ................................................ 350
Pretty Baby .................................................................. 38 Some Sweet Day ....................................................... 244
Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet …………………….………..306 Somebody Stole My Gal (Foxtrot) ………………….… 237
Put Your Arms Around Me Honey …………………….. 404 Somebody Stole My Gal .......................................... 236
Rambling Blues ………………………………………………………. 574 Someday Sweetheart ............................................. 248
Red Hot ……………………………………………………………..… 482 South ……………………………………………………………………….. 440
Red Hot Mama ………………………………………………………. 518 Spanish Shawl ………………………………………………………… 624
Red Wing ……………………………………………………………..…. 448 Squeeze Me .............................................................. 544
Rip Saw Blues ………………………………………………………… 420 St. James Infirmary ................................................ 168
Riverboat Shuffle ………………………………………………… 452 St. Louis Blues ........................................................... 184
Riverside Blues............................................................ 94 Stack O’Lee Blues …………………………………………….…… 494
Rock A Bye Your Baby ............................................... 26 Steamboat Stomp …………………………………………………. 690
Room Rent Blues ………………………………….…….………….. 402 Stockyard Strut ....................................................... 240
Rose of Washington Square .................................. 208 Stomp Off, Let’s Go …………………………………………….. 588
Rose Room ................................................................... 216 Storyville Blues ........................................................... 82
Royal Garden Blues ................................................... 145 Strut Miss Lizzie ........................................................ 84
Rufe Johnsons’ Harmony Band ............................... 174 Stumbling ...................................................................... 21
Runnin' Wild ............................................................... 176 Suez ................................................................................ 6
Sadie Green …………………………………………………………… 512 Sunset Café Stomp ………………………………………..…….. 674
Sailing Down Chesapeake Bay ................................ 134 Swanee .......................................................................... 20
Salty Dog Blues …………………………………………………….. 337 Sweet Baby Doll …………………………………………………… 597
San ................................................................................. 22 Sweet Georgia Brown ............................................. 546
San Sue Strut ………………………………………………………. 575 Sweet Lovin’ Man ………………………………………….………. 377
Santa Claus Blues …………………………………………………. 514 Sweet Man ……………………………………………………………… 602
Satanic Blues ............................................................... 74 Tain’t Nothin Else But Jazz ..................................... 88
Say Arabella ………………………………………………………….. 646 T'aint Nobody's Business If I Do .......................... 86
Second Hand Rose ................................................... 158 Take Me To The Land Of Jazz .........................,... 194
Second Line ………………………………………………….………….. 37 Take My Hand, Precious Lord ………..……………….…... 89
See See Rider ……………………………………………………….. 460 Tears ………………………..…………………………………………….. 406
Senegalese Stomp ……………………………………………….. 726 Temptation Blues …………………………………………………. 369
Sensation ...................................................................... 24 Terrible Blues ………………………………………………..…….. 507
Shake It and Break It ............................................. 170 That Da Da Strain .................................................... 111
Shake That Thing ………………………………………………... 701 That Dixie Jazz ........................................................ 124
Shall We Gather At The River …………………………… 335 That’s A Plenty ............................................................ 28
She’s Cryin’ For Me ……………………………………………… 560 The Chant ………………………………………………………………. 670
Sheik of Araby .......................................................... 188 The Charleston ………………………………..……………………. 374
Shim-Me-Sha Wabble .…………………………………………. 293 There'll Be Some Changes Made ............................ 60
Shine on Harvest Moon. ……………………………………….. 315 This Little Light of Mine ………..……………………………. 179
Shipwrecked Blues ................................................... 651 Thunderstorm Blues ……………………………………………… 626
Shoot ‘Em ……………………….……………………………………… 287 Tia Juana …………………………………………………………..…… 450
Sidewalk Blues ……………………………………………………….. 658 Tiger Rag .................................................................... 222
Singin' The Blues ...................................................... 157 Til we Meet Again .................................................... 250
Sister Kate ................................................................ 348 Tin Roof Blues ………………………………..……………………… 400
Skeleton Jangle .......................................................... 64 Tishomingo Blues ......................................................... 78
Sleepy Time Gal ……………………………………………………. 562 Titina ……………………………………………………………………….. 636
Slow and Easy ………………………..………………………………. 346 Tonight You Belong to Me …………………………………… 750
Toot, Toot, Tootsie .................................................. 267
Trouble in Mind ……………………………………………….…… 478
Tuck me to Sleep........................................................ 187
Under The Bamboo Tree ........................................ 227
Wabash Blues ............................................................. 100
Wait ‘Til You See my Baby Do The Charleston . 638
Wait Until Your Papa Comes Home ………….…..…… 334
Waitin’ For The Robert E Lee ................................ 140
Walkin' the Dog ......................................................... 142
Walking With the King ……………………………….………….309
Washboard Blues ………………………………………………… 536
Washington and Lee Swing ....................................... 36
Washington Post March ………………………………………. 330
Wa-Wa-Wa ……………………………………………………………. 707
Way Down Yonder in New Orleans ....................... 126
We Will March Through The Streets ………..…… 204
Weary Blues ………………………………………..…………………. 289
Weatherbird Rag ………………………………………..………… 398
Weeping Willow Blues ……………………………….………… 526
West Indies Blues ………………………………………………… 472
What a Friend We Have in Jesus ……………….….… 164
When Ragtime Rosie Ragged The Rosary…......... 128
When The Midnight Choo Choo Leaves ............... 254
When The Roll is Called Up Yonder ………………...… 313
When The Saints ...................................................... 243
When You Wore A Tulip ......................................... 282
When You’re A Million Miles From Nowhere …... 165
Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go ............................. 120
Whiffenpoof Song ................................................... 233
Whispering ..................................................................... 9
Who ………………………………………………………………………….. 705
Who’ll Chop Your Suey When I’m Gone …………... 554
Who’s Sorry Now ………………………………………………….. 396
Whoopin’ Blues ……………………………………….………………. 310
Wild Cat Blues ………………………………………………………. 714
Wild Cherries Rag ..................................................... 106
Wild Papa ………………………………………………………………… 590
Willie The Weeper ……………………………………………..….. 46
Wolverine Blues ………………………………………………,,…… 408
Working Man Blues ……………………………………………. 486
World Is Waiting For The Sunrise ........................ 48
Yama Yama Man ........................................................... 49
Yearning ………………………………………………………………… 578
Yellow Dog Blues ......................................................... 50
Yes Sir, That’s My Baby …………………………………..… 568
Yes, I’m in the Barrel ………………………………………….. 534
You Better Leave My Man Alone ……………………… 612
You Made Me Love You ………………………………………... 294
You‘ve Got To See Your Mama Ev’ry Night .......... 52
You’re In Wrong With The Right Baby ………….… 652
Zulu’s Ball ………………………………………………………………. 502
12th Street Rag Euday L. Bowman - 1914
B¨7 B¨7
B¨7 F7 B¨7
E¨ E¨7 A¨ B7
F7 B¨7
Back to top with Intro
Standard Doo Wack-a-doo chorus
E¨ B¨7 Etc
2 Hindustan
q = 185 Oliver Wallace & Harold Weeks 1918
A C‹ C‹ C‹
Cam- el trap pings jin - gle, Harp strings sweet ly tin - gle,
C‹ C‹ G&7 C‹
With a sweet voice mingle, Un- der neath the stars.
G‹ D7 G‹ D7
Sing - ing, mem- o ries are bring - ing, Tem ple bells are
G‹ D7 G7
ring - ing, call ing me a - far.
B C G+ C C
Hin - - - du - stan, where we
C Gdim G7 G7
stopped to rest our tir - ed car - a - van,
G7 G7 G7 G7
Hin - du - stan, where the
G7 G7 G+7 C C G7
paint - ed pea -cock proud - ly spreads his fan
C C G+ C C
Hin - - du - stan, where the
C7 C7 F F
pur - ple sun - bird flahsed a - cross the sand,
D9 D9 Fm Fm
Hin - - - du - stan where I
D7 G7 C
met her and the world be - gan.
q = 200 Indiana
A F Bb F F7
I have al - ways been a wand - 'rer
Bb Bbm F F
O - ver land and sea
F Bb F F
Yet a moon - beam on the wa - ter
G7 G7 Bbm6 C7
Casts a spell o'er me A
Gm F#º Gm C7
vis - ion fair I see A -
F Fº Gm7 C7
gain I seem to be, Back home a -
B F E7 Eb7 D7 G7 G7
gain in in - di - a - na And it
C7 C7 F F7
seems that I can see the gleam - ing
Bb Bb F D7
can - dle light still shin - ing bright thru the
G7 G7 C7 C7
syc - a - mores for me. The new - mown
C F E7 Eb7 D7 G7 G7
hay sends all its fra - grance From the
A7 A7 Dm Dm
fields I used to roam. When I
F A7 Dm7 Dº7
dream a - bout the moon light on the Wa - bash, then I
F C7 F (C7)
long for my In - di - an - a home.
Ferdie Grofe/Peter DeRose - 1922
E¨ G‹ D7 D7
G‹ E¨ G‹ D7
Rhythm Vamp 4 bars
A G‹
D7 G‹ C‹
G‹ D7 G‹ Rhythm Vamp
G‹ D7 G‹ C‹
G‹ D7 G‹
D7 G‹
G‹ D7
G‹ D7 G‹
Rhythm Vamp:
G‹ D7 G‹ G
D7 G F7
Solos Here
B¨ A& B¨ A&
B¨7 D7 E¨ G7
C‹ G7 C‹ G7
Cº C7 F7
C7 F7
B¨ A& B¨ G7
F7 B¨
8 Afghanistan William Wilander & Harry Donelly - 1920
In the land of Af- ghan- is- tan, There's a Hin-du maid and a man.
B¨‹ F‹ C7 Break
She swore by the stars up a - bove her that he was the one to love her.
F‹ Fº B¨‹/F F‹
But there came an- oth-er one day, stole his Hin-du maid-en a- way.
C7 F‹ E¨7
Hin-du man is lone- ly and blue. In his dreams he's call- ing to her.
E¨7 E¨Œ„Š7
A¨/C A¨‹/C
In Af- ghan- is- tan, There's a car- a- van
B¨‹ B¨‹7 E¨7 A¨ Bº Break - Unison 1 bar
by the fair o- a- sis, Wait- ing for you, And for you on- ly.
F‹ B¨7 E¨7 A¨
There will be a bri- dal day for you,my i- dol, in Af- ghan- is- tan.
Whispering Schonberger - Coburn,
V. Rose - 1920 9
E¨ G‹7 D7 G‹
to. Put your lit - tle head on my shoul -
G‹ B¨ G7 C‹7 F7 B¨7 F‹7 B¨7
der, So that I can whis - per to you.
B E¨
D7 E¨
Whis- per- ing while you cud-dle near me, Whis -per- ing so no one can
C&7 C7 F7
hear me, Each lit- tle whis- per seems to cheer me,
B¨7 B¨&7
I know it's true, there's no one dear, but you, You're
C E¨
whis- per- ing why you'll nev- er leave me, Whis- per- ing
C&7 C7 F7
why you'll nev- er grieve me, Whis- per and say that you be-
B¨7 F‹7
A¨‹ E¨
lieve me, Whis- per- ing that I love you.
10 Eccentric J. Russell Robinson - 1921
F Fº F G7 C7 F F7
A B¨
B¨ F7
B¨ C7
F7 B¨ F7 B¨ F7 B¨ B¨7
E¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7
B¨7 E¨ F7 B¨
B¨7 E¨ B¨7 E¨ F7
Solos Begin Here first time
B¨ C7
B¨ F7
B¨ B¨ F7 B¨
After last solo play "C" as
written then on to "D"
B¨ B¨º B¨ C7 F7 B¨
B¨ B¨º B¨ C7 F7
B¨ B¨º B¨ C7 F7 B¨
B¨ B¨º B¨ C7 F7 B¨
pp f
Con Conrad & J. Russel Robinson
q = 160
AF C Bb F C7 F Gm7 C7
You can talk a - bout your love af - fairs,
F C Bb F C7 F Fº
Here's one I must tell to you;
Gm D7 Gm Eb7 D7
All night long they sit up - on the stairs,
G7 C F C7
He holds her close and starts to coo: My lit - tle
BF Chorus F7 F+7
Mar - gie, I'm al - ways think - ing of you
Mar - gie, I'll tell the world I love you,
F E7 E¨7 D7
Don't for - get your prom - ise to me,
G7 Gº G7 C7 break
I have bought a home and ring and ev - 'ry - thing, For
C F F7 F+7
Mar - gie, You've been my in - spir - a - tion,
Bb A7
Days are nev - er blue. Af - ter
F F7 E7 Eb7 D7
all is said and done, There is real - ly on - ly one, Oh!
Gm7 C7 F C7
Mar - gie, Mar - gie it's you." "My lit - tle
14 Mandy
Irving Berlin - 1918
A B¨ E¨ B¨
Gº F7
I was stroll - ing out one even - ing 'neath the silv'-ry moon. I could
B¨ E¨ B¨ G‹ C7 F
hear some bo - dy sing - ing a fa - mil - iar tune. So I
F7 B¨ F7 B¨
stopped a while to lis - ten, Not a word I want - ed to miss. It was
B¨ E¨ B¨ G‹ C7 F7
just some - bod - y ser - e - na - ding some - thing like this. Oh now
E¨ B¨ G7
Man - dy, there's a min - is-ter han - dy, and it sure would be
C7 F7 B¨ B¨7 E¨
han - dy, If we'd let him make a fee. So don't you ling - er
E¨ B¨ G7 C7
here's the ring for your fing - er is - n't it a hum - ding - er?
F7 B¨ Gº B¨ F7 Gº
B¨ C7
Come a - long and let the wed - ding chimes bring hap - py times far Man - dy and me.
Oh! 15
Byron Gay/Arnold Johnson - 1919
A B¨
Break: 2 Bars
C7 C7 F7 3
B B¨
B¨ F7
3 3
1. 2.
B¨ F7
Panama William H Tyres - 1913
µ E¨ µ B¨7
E¨ B¨7 E¨
E¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7
B A¨ Aº E¨ C7
F7 B¨7 E¨ E¨7
A¨ Aº E¨ C7
A¨ E¨7 A¨ A¨ C‹
G7 C‹ E¨7
D A¨ E¨7 E¨7
A¨ E¨7 A¨ A¨7
D¨ Dº A¨ E¨7
E A¨ E¨7
ff 1.
E7 A¨
A¨ A¨ A¨7
A¨ A¨ E7 A¨ E¨7 A¨
E¨7 A¨ E¨7 A¨
The Pearls
Jelly Roll Morton - 1919
G E¨ D7
G E¨
A‹ E7 A‹
G E¨
G E¨
E7 A‹ E7 A‹ E‹ A7 D7 G
G7 C7
G B‹7
A7 D7
Break - 2 bars
G G7 Gº G7
3 3
C Tuba Only All G7 CŒ„Š7 3 E‹7
A‹ E‹ E¨º D‹7 G7
D‹7 G7 C
D‹ E7 A7 D‹7 G B7 E‹ D‹ C D E G7
G7 C Gº G7
G7 C9
Tuba Only
Swanee Gorge Gershwin - 1919
A F F& B¨ G‹7 C7
Swan - ee How I love you How I love you My dear old
F C©7 C9 C7
Swan ee. I'd give the world to be -
a mong the
F C7 F F&
folks in D - i -x - i - e - ven know my Mam - my's Wait- in' for me
B¨ B B7 C7 F
see me no more, When I get to that Swan - ee shore.
B C7 F C7
Swan -ee, Swan -ee, I am com ing back to
F C7 F
Swan - ee. Swan -ee, Swan -ee,
F G7 C7 F D¨7 C7 F
I love the old folks at home.
Stumbling 21
I stepped right
Stumb-ling here and there, Stum-bling ev-'ry- where,And I must de-clare:
D7 E¨º E‹
on her toes, And when she bumped my nose, I fell and
A7 D7
when I rose, I felt a- shamed. And told her:
G G G7 E7
That's the la-test step,That's the la-test step,That's the la-test step, My hon- ey,
No-tice all the pep, No-tice all the pep, No-tice all the pep. She said:Stop mum-
C‹6 G
bling, tho' you are stum- bling, I like it
A7 D7
just a lit-tle bit, just a lit- tle bit, quite a lit- tle bit.
22 San McPhail/Michels - 1920
Bass Intro
D‹ G‹ A7 D‹
King San of Sen- e- gal
One day the queen came home,
Sat on the shore at Bu- la-
Saw San in sad - - ness on the
D‹ A7 B¨7 A7
may, Bu- la- may,
shore, On the shore.
D‹ G‹ A7 D‹
Sing - - ing a sad re- frain
Told him she'd no more roam.
queen who'd gone a-
To his dear
San she would a
On - ly her
D‹ G‹ A7 D‹ B¨7 A7 C7
way. This was his lay:
dore. Then came his lore:
C 23
F D¨7 F D¨7
Oh, sweet-heart Lo- na, My dar- ling Lo - na,
F D‹ G7 C7 F B¨7 F C7
Why have you gone a- way?
Have you come back to stay?
F D¨7 F D7
You said you loved me, But if you loved me
I knew you loved me,
G7 C7
Why did you act this way?-
I knew you'd come some day.
D F F7 B¨ D¨7
If I had ev- er been un- true to you
F F7 B¨ D¨7
What you have done would be the thing to do.
F D¨7 F D7
But my heart aches, dear, And it will break dear,
But now you're mine dear, For all the time dear.
G7 G‹ C7 F B¨7 F C7
If you don't come back home a gain to San.
And you're for - giv - en by your lov - ing San.
q = 180 Sensation 1917
A Bb Gm Cm F7
Bb G7 1.
C7 F7 2.
Cm F7 Bb
B Eb C7 F7 Bb
F7 Bb7 Eb Eb7
C Ab Db Ab Db Bb7 Eb7 Ab Ab Db Ab Db
1. 2.
Ab Fdim Eb Ab Eb7 Ab Eb7
Back to B
At a Georgia Camp Meeting 25
F7 Bb
A Bb Bb7 Eb Bb F7
Bb C7 F7
Bb Bb7 Eb Bb
2 bars unison
Bb F7 Bb
B F7 Bb
F7 Gdim Bb
F7 Bb Bb Bb7
Eb Edim Bb G7 C7 F7 Bb
Back to "B" for solos, after last solo play "A" once
Rock a Bye Your Baby
Jean Schwartz - 1918
A C C©º G7/D G7 C C G&7
Mam-my mine, Your lit-tle roll- in'stone that rolled a- way, strolled a- way.
E¨ Eº B¨7 B7 E¨ G7
Mam-my mine, Your roll- in'stone is roll - in' home to- day, there to stay.
C Cº G7
Rock- A - Bye Your Ba- by With a Dix- ie Mel- o- dy,
G7 G7 C D7 G7
when you croon, croon a tune from the heart of Dix- ie.
G7 G7 C A7
Just hang my cra- dle, Mam-my mine, Right on that Mas- on- Dix-on Line,
G7 D7 G7
Just hang my cra- dle, from Vir- gin- ia, To Ten- nes-see with all the love that's in ya'
C C Cº G7
Weep no more my la- dy, sing that song a- gain for me, And
D‹ G7 D‹ G7 F7 E7
Old Black Joe, just as though you had me on your knee.
A7 D7 E¨º
A million ba-by kiss-es I'll de-liv- er, The min-ute that you sing the Swan-ee Riv- er,
C C A‹7
G7 D7 C
Rock- a- bye your rock- a- bye ba- by with a Dix- ie mel- o- dy.
28 That's A 'Plenty
Lew Pollack / Ray Gilbert 1914
A Dm
A7 Dm A7
A7 Dm
B C7 F F#º
C7 F 2 bar break
C7 F F7
Bb Bº F D7 G7 C7 F A7
C Dm
A7 Dm A7
A7 Dm F7
D Bb A7 Ab7
solo here
C7 F7 Bb Bbº Cmi7
Bb A7 Ab7
C7 F7 Bb
continue after last solo
trombone, bass
F Bb
C7 F7 Bb Cmi7 F7
30 Just a Little While to Stay Here
q = 160A Ab Ab Db Ab
Just a lit - tle while to stay here,
Soon this life will all be o - ver,
Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab Ab7
Just a lit - tle while to wait
And our trav - els here will end.
Db Db Dbm Ab Fm7
Just a lit - tle while to la - bor,
Soon we'll take our hev'n - ly jour - ney,
B Ab Ab Db Ab
Just a lit - tle more hard trou - ble
Heav - en's gates are stand - ing o - pen,
Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab Ab7
In this low and sin - ful state.
Wait - ing for our en - trance there.
Db Dbm
Then we'll all go march - ing o - ver
Some sweet day we'll all go o - ver,
Bb7 Eb7 Ab
march - ing thru the Pearl - y Gate.
All the beaut - ies there to share.
Flee As A Bird 31
D‹ A7 D‹ A7 D‹
Go to the clear flow-ing foun- tain, Where you may wash and be clean.
He will for-sake thee oh nev- er. Shel-tered so ten- der- ly there.
B F C7 F G‹6 D‹ A7
Fly for the aven -ger is near thee, Call and the Sav- iour will hear thee.
Haste then, The hoursare fly- ing, Spend not the mo- ment in sigh- ing.
C D‹ A7 D‹ A7 D‹ G‹
He on his bos-om willbear thee, Thou who art wea- ry of sin. Oh
Cease from your sor-row and cry- ing, The Sav- iour will wipe ev-'ry tear, The
D‹ A7 D‹ A7 D‹ A7 D‹ A7 D‹
thou who art wea- ry- of sin.
Sav-iour will wipe- ev-'ry tear.
I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody
None of My Jelly Roll
Clarence Williams &
Spencer Williams - 1919
A B¨ C©º F7 B¨ F7 B¨
Lit tle Wil ly Green from New Or leans, a greed y boy was he.
His sister Til ly Green was real ly mean, and ver - y stin gy, too.
F D‹ E¨º C7 F
He al - ways want ed lots of kids just to keep him com pan- y. One
She al - ways want ed some of what you had but gave she noth ing to you.
F7 B¨ C©º F7 B¨
day his mom bought him a Toot sie Roll, the best can- dy that was made.
When her mom bought her a jel ly roll, to hide it she would try.
B B¨ G7 C7
ain't gon na'give no bod y none of my Toot sie Roll, (Toot sic Rol!) I
ain't gon na'give no bod y none of my jel ly roll. (jel ly roll) I
F7 B¨
would n't give you a piece of my sweet,not to save your soul! (save your soul!)
G7 C7
Dad dy told me to day, Just be fore he went a way, If I'd
Mom ma told me to day, Just be fore she went a way;
B¨ B¨ G7 C7
know there ain't no need in yourjust hang- in' a- round, (hang- -in'- a- round) I
F7 F7 D7
know you want it, but I'm- a gon- na' turn you down. My
E¨ Eº B¨ G7
Toot sic Roll is sweet! And you know it can't be beat! I
jel ly roll is sweet!
E¨ Eº B¨/F G7 C7 F7 B¨
know you want it, but you can't have it! I ain't a gon -na' give you none!
Back To "A"
Interlude to Second Verse
B¨ D¨º C‹7 F7 B¨ D¨º C‹7 F7
Down Among The Sheltering Palms
Abe Olman - 1914
I'm way down east, down east, And my heart is pin - ing, pin - ing for you,
D‹ G7 G7
You're way out west, out west, And my soul is crav - ing, crav - ing for you,
C G7 G9 C
I love you so, Just you I know, It
A‹ E‹ D‹ C
takes six days to go there with a train, Just one week more and I'll
G7 C C7
be with you a - gain. I long to be,
B F D7 G7 G7
Down a-mong the shel- ter-ing palms, Oh hon-ey wait for me; Oh hon-ey wait for me;
C7 F G9 C7
Meet me down by the old Gold-en Gate, Out where the sun goesdown a-bout eight.
C F7 B¨ D7 G7 C7
How my love is burn-ing, burn-ing, burn-ing, How my heart isyearn-ing, yearn-ing, yearn-ing to be
F F D7 G9 C9 F
Down A mong the Shel- ter-ing Palms, Oh hon-ey wait for me.
36 Washington and Lee Swing
T. Allen and M. Sheafe - 1910
q = 240 A Bb
Bb Dº F7
F Bb F7
B Bb
Bb Bb7 Eb
Eb Eº Bb G7
C7 F7 Bb
Joe Avery Blues 37
Joe Avery
A B¨
E¨ B¨
1. F7
B¨ 2. F7
B All Play Everytime
F7 B¨ F7
C B¨
A E¨ E¨7 B¨7 E¨ A¨
You ask me why I'm al -ways teas - ing you, You hate to have me call you
E¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7
Pret - ty Ba - by; I real - ly thought that I was
E¨ B¨ F7 B¨ Eº7
pleas - ing you, for you're just a ba - by to me. Your
F‹ B¨7 E¨ Eº F‹ B¨7
cun - ning lit -tle dim -ples and your ba - by stare, Your ba - by talk and ba - by walk and
E¨ F7 B¨ G‹
cur - ly hair, Your ba - by smile makes life worth - while, You're
C7 F7 B¨ B¨7
just as sweet as you can be. Ev' - ry
B¨7 E¨ B¨&
bod y loves a ba by that's why I'm in love with you, Pret ty Ba by, Pret ty
E¨ B¨7
Ba by. And I'd like to be your sis ter,broth er, dad and moth er too, Pret ty
E¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨7
Ba by, Pret ty Ba by. Won't you come and let rne rock you in my
B¨7 F7 B¨7 E¨
might as well be you, Pret ty Ba by of mine.
Hughie Cannon, 1902
Bill Bailey
A Dm
On one sum - mer morn - ing the sun was shin - ing fine. The
F A7 Dm C0
la - dy ho - ney of old Bill Bail - ey she hung clothes on the line in her back
C7 F A7
ya - rd, and weep - in' ha - rd. She
married a B &O brake - man that took and throwed her down. Bell -
F A7
er - in' like an old prune - fed calf and with a big gang hang - in'
Dm C0 C7 F F C7
round. And to that cro - wd She cried out lou - d,
Won't you come home Bill Bail - ley, won't you come home?
F C0 C7
She moans the whole day lo - ng
I'll do the cook - ing ho - ney, I'll pay the rent.
C7 C+ F
I know I've done you wr - ong
'Mem - ber that rain - y eve that I drove you out, with
F7 Bb D7 Gm
no - thing but a fine tooth comb. I
Bb Bbm F D7
know I'm to blame, well ain't that a shame! Bill
G7 G7 C7 F
Bail - ley won't you please come home
42 Frankie And Johnnie
F C7 F C7 F C7 F F7
Frank-ie and John- nie were lov- ers. Oh, Lord-y how they could love! They
Frank-ie went down to the cor- ner, Just for a buck- et of beer. She
B¨ Bº
F G‹7
swore to be true to each oth- er, Just as true as the stars a- bove. He was her man,
said to the fat bar- ten- der, "Has my lov- in-est man been here?
He was my man,
C7 F B¨7 F
But he done her wrong.
But he's done me wrong".
A F F F F E7 Eb7 D7
Chi - na boy go sleep, Close your eyes don't peep,
G7 Bbm F
Sand - man soon will come, While I soft - ly hum.
B Ab Eb7 Ab Ab Eb7 Ab C7
Bud - dha smiles on you, Moon - man loves you too. So,
F F G9 B¨‹ F C7 F
while theirwatch they keep, Chi - na boy go sleep.
first wan - dered down in to town, I was
G7 C A7
both proud and shy, As I felt ev - 'ry eye, But in
D7 G7 G+ G7
ev - 'ry shop win - dow I'd primp, pass - ing by; Then in
man - ner of fash - ion I'd frown, And the
Dm A7 G7 E7
world seemed to smile all a - round, 'Til it
Dm C A7
wilt - ed I wore it, I'll al - ways a - dore it, My
Dm A7 D7 G7 Fm G7 C
sweet lit - tle A - lice Blue Gown.
44 Jazz Baby
M.K. Jerome & Blanche Merrill - 1918
Cº G7 C Cº
My dad-dy was a rag-time trom-bone play-er, My mam-my was a rag-time
G7 C
E7 Eº
cab- a- ret- er. They met one day at a tan- go tea, There was a
D7 G7
syn- co- pa- ted wed-ding and then came me. Folks think the way I
F7 D7
walk is a fad, But it's a birth-day pres-ent from my mam-my and dad. I'm a
C Cº
Jazz Ba-by, I want to be jazz- ing all the time. There's some-thing
in thetone of a sax- o- phone, thatmakes me do a lit- tle wig-gle all my own. Cause I'm a
Jazz Ba-by, Full of jazz-bo har- mo- ny. That"Walk the Dog"and"Ball the Jack"that
F D‹7 C Cº C G7 G&
caused all the talk, is just a cop- y of the way I nat-'ral- ly walk! 'Cause I'm a
C D7
G7 C
Jazz Ba- by, Lit- tle Jazz Ba- by that's me!
DF F©º C
Rocked to sleep while the cra- dle went to and fro, To and fro to the
C A7 D7 G7
tune of the "Tic- kle Toe". Ev- er since I start- ed in to grow,I'd
C Cº D7 F
love to hear the mu- sic play- in', See my dear old mam-my sway- in'. Jazz, jazz, jazz,that's
F F©º C A7
all I ev- er knew, All day long I nev- er would get thru.
D7 G7 C Cº G7 C G7 G&
Jazz, jazz, jazz,That's all I want to do, Play me a lit-tle jazz! 'Cause I'm a
after last solo play C to end
E C C7
Jazz Ba- by, Full of jazz-bo har- mo- ny. That
F D‹7 C Cº
"Walkthe Dog"and"Ball theJack"thatcaused all the talk, is just a cop-y of theway I
C G7 G& C D7
G7 C Solos at D
nat-'ral- ly walk!'Cause I'm a Jazz Ba-by, Lit-tle Jazz Ba- by that's me!
Willie The Weeper
Fm A C7 Fm Cm G7
Have you heard thesto- ry folks of Will- ie the weep er? Will ie's oc cu pa tion was a
C7 Fm C7
chim - ney sweep er He had a dream - in' ha - bit and he
Fm Bbm6 Fm C7 F‹
had it bad, List- en let me tell you'bout the dream he had.
B Fm C7 Fm Cm G7
At the north pole some one shout- ed Will - ie turned a - round saw a
C7 Fm C7
light that knocked him sil - ly. Right be - fore him
F‹ Bbm6 Fm C7 F‹
in the ze - ro breeze, a cut - ie lit - tle ho ney in her B - V - D's
C Eb7 Ab Bbm Bb7
He walked a - round his feet were free- zin', some one said, hey
F7 F7 Bb
ee want it good and strong I want to have
Eb Ab
bis - cuits eight een inch- es long. now
F7 F7 Bb
that you'd lock the door like will - ie the
weep - er and cry for more.
The World Is Waiting For the Sunrise
Eugene Lockhart & Ernest Seity - 1919
F& A B¨ F&
Dear one, the world is
B¨ D7
wait- ing for the sun- rise,
E¨ B¨ F‹ G7
Ev 'ry rose is
C7 F7 F&
heav- y with dew. The
B B¨ F&
thrush on high, His
B¨ D7
sleep - y mate is call- ing,
E¨ B¨ F‹ G7
And my heart is
E¨‹6 F7 B¨
call - ing you.
The Yama Yama Man 49
B B¨ F7 F7 B¨ B¨7
Ya- ma, Ya- ma,the Ya- ma man, Ter- ri-ble eyes and a long bo-ney hand.
B¨ F7 F7 B¨ B¨7
May-be-he's hid- in' be-hind the chair, Read - y to spring out at you un- a-ware!
E¨ B¨ G‹7 C7 F7 B¨
Run to your Ma- ma cuz' herecomes the Ya- ma Ya- ma man!
Yellow Dog Blues W.C Handy 1914
E'er since Miss Su - san John son lost her Jock ey Lee,There has beenmuch ex cite ment,
Yel low Dog Dis trict like a book, In- deed I know theroute that
C7 F F7 F F7 C
more to be; You can hear her moan ing night and morn.
Ri der took. Ev - 'ry cross tie ba - you, burg and bog.
G7 C G7
Won der where my Ea - sy Ri - der's gone?
Way down where the South ern cross the Dog.
F F7 F F7 C
Let - ters come from down in "Bam" And ev - 'ry where that Un - cle Sam
race horse, race track no grand - stand Is like Old Back an' Buck shot land.
G7 C G7
Has e - ven a ru - ral de - lie - ver - y. All day the
Down where the South - ern cross the Dog. Ev - e - ry
C C F C C7
phone rings But it's not for me, At last
kit chen there is a cab a - ret, Down where the
good ti - dings, Fill our hearts with glee, This
boll wev'l works While the far - mers play. This
D7 G C G7 C7
mes sage comes, from Ten - nes - see. Dear Sue your
Yel - low Dog Blues the live - long day.
D F F7 Bb Bdim F F7 Bb7
Ea - sy Ri - der struck this burg to - day, On a south bound'ratt - ler
B¨7 F C7 F
side door Pull man car. Seen him here, and he was on the hog.
C7 F C7
but the hike ain't far. He's gone where the South ern
F C7 F C7
cross the Yel - low Dog. Solos at "D"
A Bb Bbdim Bb Bbdim Bb
Dadd - y dear list - en here your mam ma's feel- in' blue.
Dadd - y dear when you're near well ev' - ry thing's o - kay
Bb F7 Bbdim Bb
I don't see much of you, and that will ne ver do.
but when you stay a - way I mope a - round all day.
Bb Bbdim Bb Bbdim Bb B7
Once a week Ma ma's cheek Needs a kiss or two.
I must know, where you go, and what makes you gay.
C7 F Bb C7 F
I'm not show in' you the door but I must lay down the law. You've got to
I don't want to share my love with a - noth- er tur - tle dove
Bb B F7 Bb
see your ma - ma ev- er - y night or youcan't see your ma ma at all You've go to
Bb C F7
Kiss your ma - ma and treat her right or she won't be at home when you call Now
Bb Eb Eb7
if youwant my com pan - y well you can'tfif- ty fif - ty me you've gotto
I don't want the kind of man who gives his love on the in - stal ment plan,
Bb F7 Bb
see your ma ma ev- er - y night or you can't see your ma ma at all
Bb C F# F7 Bb F# F7
Mon day night I sat a - lone. Tues day night you did notphone
Bb Cm7 F#m7 F7 Bb F7 Bb
Wednes day night you did not call and Thurs day night it was the same old stall
Bb F# F7 Bb F# F7
Fri day night you dodged my path Sat- ur - day you took yourbath
Bb Cm7 F#m7F7 Bb F7 Bb
Sun daynight youcalled on me but you broughtthreegirls forsome com pan y you'vegotto
54 Down in Honky-Tonk Town
Chris Smith & Charles McCarron - 1915
A E¨ D7 E¨ D7
Bill John-son said one day, To his E - li- za May,
E¨ E¨ D7 E¨ D7 G‹
"We've been to near- ly ev'- ry place in town.
A¨ G7 A¨ G7
If you sug- gest to me, some oth -er nov- el- ty,
A¨ G7
A¨ G7
We both will go and do the thing up brown!"
B E¨ D7 E¨
His sweet- tie said,"My Dear, there is this
E¨ D7 E¨ E¨ D7 E¨ D7
place I hear, I got it straight from Mose, who brings the clothes.
G‹ C‹ C‹
It's Hon- ky Ton- ky Town, down where the gals
C‹ D7 D7(b5) G7
are brown. That's where the mu- sic grows.
Come, Hon- ey, let's go down to Hon- ky Ton-ky Town,
it's un- der- neath the ground, where all the fun is found.
There'l! be sing- ing wait- ers, sing- ing syn- co- pa- ters,
D7 G7
danc -cin' to pi- a- no played by Mis- ter Brown.
He plays pi- a- no queer, He on- ly plays by ear,
D7 D7
You want to stay a year, The mu- sic that you hear, would
G7 G7
ev- en start a mon- key, danc- ing with a don- key,
D7 G7 C
Down in Hon - key Ton - ky Town.
Down in Jungle Town
Edward Madden and
Verse Theodore Morse - 1908
A Gm
Down in Jun - gle Town, the moon shines
Gm A7 D7
down with - out a frown;
Soon a shy bab - oon came out to
B¨ F9 Bb
spoon be - neath the moon;
Mon - key Doo - dle wagged his noo - dle, he was Jun - gle King,
C‹ C‹ G‹
She felt flat tered when he chat tered You're a pret - ty thing
Big Bam - boo room for two
So prom - ise you'll be true!"
Bb B C7
Down in jun - gle town, A hon - ey -
F7 Bb
moon is com - ing soon. Then you'll
Bb Bbº F7
hear a ser - en - ade, To a
Bb Bº F7
pret - ty mon - key maid,
C Bb
When that chim - pan - zee up in the
F7 F7 Cm7 D7
tree, Sings that mel - o - dy.
Bb B¨
I'll be true to my mon - key doo - dle - doo way Down In
C7 F7 Bb
Jun - - gle Town.
My Daddy Rocks Me
J. Berni Barbour - 1922
q = 100
A Fm Bbm Fm Dº Db6 Fm/c
I've got a Sweet - ie, no one could be so sweet to me.
Ab G7 Cm Aº Ab Cm/G
He makes me hap - py. I'm glad to say he's al ways gay. I've
Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb
got a great big rock ing chair, and ev - 'ry night you'll find us there. I'm
love and charns, I'm sit ting pret ty when I'm in his arms.
half past nine, We get to geth er and the world is mine.
birch can - oes, You need a chair to rock a - way your blues.
Fm Fm/Eb Fm/Db C7 Fm Gº C7 Fm C7 Fm
rocks me with one stead - y roll. roll.
There'll Be Some Changes Made
Higgins/Overstreet - 1921
A B¨ G‹ C7 F7 B¨ G‹
They say don't change the old for the new, ButI've found out that this will
C7 F7 D7 G‹
nev - er do. When you grow old you don't last long;
C7 F7 F& B¨ G‹
You're jere to - day and then to - mor - row you're gone. I loved a man for ma ny
C7 F7 B¨7 B¨& E¨
years gone by, I thought his love for me would nev - er die.
C7 F A7 D9 D7
He made some chang - es that would nev - er do, from now
G‹ Gº C13 C7 F7 E¨‹6 F7
on I'm go - in'g to make some changes too. For there's a
B G7
change in the weath er there's a change in the sea,
so from now on there'll be a change in me, My walk will be dif 'rent, my talk
G7 C7 F7
and my name, Noth in' a bout me is goin'to be the same, I'm goin'to
G7 C7
change my way of liv- in', if that ain't e- nough, Then I'll change the way that I
C7 D7 G7
strut my stuff, 'cause no- bod- y wants you when you're old and gray,
C7 F7 B¨ G7 C7 F7 B¨
There'll Be Some Chan-ges Made to- day, There'll Be Some Chan-ges Made.
Creole Belles 1900
Bb F
C7 F C#7 G7 C7
Bb F D7
G7 C7 F E7 F7
Bb C7 F7 Bb
Bb F7 Bb
Bb C7 F7 Bb
1. 2.
G7 C. C7 F7 Bb C7 F7 Bb
F7 Fº F7 Bb7 NC
C My Cre - ole
Eb Bb
When stars
Belle I love her well My lit - tle
shine I'll call her mine, my dar - lin'
dar - lin' my Cre - ole Belle My cre - ole
ba - by my Cre - ole Belle. When stars
Eb Bb
belle I love her well my dar - lin'
shine I'll call her mine, my lit - tle
F7 Bb
ba - by my Cre - ole Belle.
dar - lin' my Cre - ole Belle.
D Bb C7 F7 Bb
Bb F7
F7 Bb
Bb C7 F7 Bb
G7 C. C7 F7 Bb
Solos at "C"; Out Chorus use Melody from "A."
Skeleton Jangle Nick LaRocca - 1918
q = 182
Ab Eb7 Eb7 Eb7
Ab A Eb7 Ab Eb7
Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb
B C7 F7
C7 F7 F7
Eb7 Ab Eb7 Ab
C C7 F7
Bb7 Eb7 Ab
C7 F7 F7
Bb7 Eb7
C7 F7
A F F7
mf 3
Bb B¨ Bbm F
F Bb7 F
F F Cm6 D7 G7 C7
FB C7 F F C7
F F7 Bb Bb7 A7 Ab7 G7 C7
F C7 F C7
C F C+ F C+ F C+ F C+
mf pp mf pp
D F Bb7 F C7 F
F Bb7 F C7 F
Bb7 F Bb7 F
F Bb7 F C7 F
Solos on "B" & "C" Section:
After last solo play to bottom.
68 Hesitating Blues W.C. Handy - 1915
A Fº F Fº F Fº F
Hel - lo Cen - tral what's the mat - ter with this line? I want to talk to that
Sun - day night my beau proposed to me. Said she'd be hap py if his
If I was whis - key, and you were a cup I`d dive to thebot - tom and
F/C C#º Dm Bb F
High Brown mine. Tell me how long will I have to wait?
wif - ie I'd be Said he, "How long will I have to wait?
nev - er come up, Oh, How long do I have to wait?
F C7 G7 C7 F Bb7 F F7
Please give me 2 - 9 - 8 Why do you hes - i - tate?
Come be my wife my Kate, Why do you hes - i - tate?
Can I get it now, or do I have to hes i - tate?
Bb F
how long will I have to wait? Oh,won't you
how long will I have to wait? Will he
How long do I have to wait? Can I
C7 G7 C7 F Bb7 F F7
tell me now, Why do you hes - i - tate? Pro - cras - ti -
come back now, or will he hes - i - tate?
get it now, do I have to hes - i - tate?
C Bb Bb7
na - tion is the thief of time, So all the wise owls say, "one
Eb Bb
stitch in time may save nine", To - mor row's not to- day. And if you
F7 Bb F7
put off, Some- bod - y's bound to lose.
D Bb Bb7
I'd be his, He'd be mine, And I'd be feel - ing gay.
Eb Bb7
Left a lone to grieve and pine, My best friend's gone a - way, He's gone and
F7 Bb Eb7 Bb
left me The Hes - i - ta ting Blues.
70 Grizzly Bear Rag
George Botsford - 1910
F D7 G7 C7 F
A F C7 F
F C D7 G7 C7 Break
F C7 F
F D7 G7 C7 F
B C7
C7 F
C7 F
B¨ Bº F C7 F
C F C7 F
F C D7 G7 C7
F C7 F
F D7 G7 C7 F
B¨ D B¨7 G7 C7
F7 Fº F7 B¨
B¨ B¨7 G7 C7 E¨ G¨7
B¨ B¨ B¨ E¨ B¨ C7 F7 1. B¨ F7 2. B¨
Stop time as marked
Back to "B" - Play to Fine
72 He May Be Your Man
(But He Comes To See Me Sometimes)
Lemuel Fowler - 1922
Eb A Cº Eb B7 Eb Eb7
Min - nie Lee from Ten - nes - see was known to be quite rough.
Lu - dy Green was some l'il queen, and jeal - ous as could be.
Ab Eb C7 F7 Bb7
An - y - time and an - y - where She would al - ways strut her stuff. Now
When her man went out at night They would al - ways dis - a - gree. Down
Eb Cº Eb B7 Eb Eb7
Sa - die Snow, she had a beau she loved him night and day.
at the ball, at Moon - shine Hall, where ev - 'ry - bod- y'd go,
F7 Bb7 F7 Bb7
Un - til Min - nie shook a shim - my and stole his heart a - way.
Was Miss Min - nie, drink - in'plen - ty and hug - gin' Lu - dy's beau.
G7 Cm
ain't no vam - pire thatis ture, But I can cert' nly take you man from you.
Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb
My wick - ed smile, My wick - ed walk,I've got the kind of eyes that seem to talk, It's
C Eb F7 Bb7 Eb Eb7
no need of cry - in' and it's no use to weep and mourn.
Ab G7
I love you man and I'm gon - na take him for my own, my own.
C7 F7 Bb+
I don't mean, to be so bold, but I just want, to get you told, He
Ain't no need of get - tin' rough, 'cause I'm just right to do my stuff
A Bb Bb Bb Bb7
Eb Eb Bb Dm G
C7 F7 Bb F Bb F7
Bb B Eb Bb Eb Bb
Eb Eb Bb G C7
1. 2.
F7 Bb F
Bb Bb F Bb
C Eb Eb C7 F7 F7
Bb Eb G7 C7 Bb7
Eb Eb C7 F7 F7
F C7 F
mel-o - dy is in the air,you hear them play it ev -'ry -where you go it seems.
F F‹ F F‹
3 3
Ta de da da de dum ta de da da de dum
F C7
take a look at me and see just what that ta da da de dum me
F F7 Fº E¨7 F C7 F
means, just what it means.
B F F6F& F C7 F F F6F&
Oh, I've got those dang -'rous blues, so sweet and pret - ty Lord
F C7 Aº D7 Eº D7
I mean those dang -'rous blues. Can't you hear the mu -sic play -ing
Aº D7 C‹/G G‹ Gº G‹ C‹/G G‹
soft and sweet It's the kind that makes you wan -na shake your feet.
F B¨ A7 G‹ C‹ G‹ C‹
the kind I'd hate to lose, those dang -er -ous blues. I can't ev -en think, can't
G‹ C‹ G‹ C‹ G‹ C‹ G‹ C‹ G‹ C‹ G‹ G7
ev - en sleep a wink, Ev' ry time I hear those dang' rous blues I want to sink,
C7 F Fº F B¨7 F
Oh, I've got those dang' rous blues.
78 Tishomingo Blues Spencer Williams - 1917
A Ab Eb7
Oh Mis - si - sip - pi, Oh Mis - si - sip - pi,
To - night I'm Pray - in' To - night I'm say - in'
My heart cries out for you in sad - ness
Oh Lord please bless the train that takes me,
Db Dbm Ab Aº
I want to be where, the win - try winds don't blow.
To Tish - o - min - go way down old Dix - ie way,
Down where the South - ern moon swings low, That's
Where South - ern folks are al - ways gay, That's
Bb7 Eb7
where I want to go. I'm
why you hear me say, I'm
B 79
Ab Ab7 Db Ab Ab7
goin'to Tish - o - min - go be - cause I'm sad to - day.
E7 Ab Aº
I wish to lin - ger, way down old Dix - ie way.
Eb7 Ab Aº
Oh my wea - ry heart cries out in pain, Oh how I wish that I was back a - gain,
Ab C Ab7 Db Ab Ab7
down in Mis - si - sip- pi, A - mong the cy - press trees.
They get you dip - py, with their stange mel - o - dies. To re
Ab C7 Fm E7
sist temp - ta - tion, I just can't re - fuse
Eb7 Bb7
Eb7 Ab
In Tish - o - min - go I wish to lin - ger, Where they play the wea - ry blues.
Memphis Blues
W.C Handy - 1912
A B¨7 F7 B¨7 E¨ E¨7 A¨7 A¨‹6 B¨7
B B¨7 E¨
C7 F7
C A¨7
D¨7 D¨7
E¨7 A¨ A¨7 D¨7 D¨‹ A¨
Midnight in Moscow 81
q = 160
A Cm Fm G7 Cm G7 Cm Eb Ab Bb7
Eb Dm7 G7 Cm Fm
Cm G7 Cm Dm7 G7 Cm
Fm Cm G7 Cm Cm
Stop time- first beat of bar only
B Cm Fm6 3 Cm Cm Eb
Ab Eb G7 Cm Cm
Fm Fm Cm G7 Cm Dm7 G7
Cm Fm Cm G7 Cm
The Storyville Blues
q = 132
Eb7 Ab Ab7 Db Dbm Ab
A Ab Ab7 Db Ab Eb7
Ab Bb7 Eb7
Ab Ab7 Db Ab
Db F7 Bb7 Eb7
Ab Ab7
Db Dbm Ab Eb7
Ab Bb7 Eb7
C Ab Ab7 Db D¨m Ab
Ab F7 Bb7 Eb7
Ab Db Ab Ab7 Db Dbm Ab
Back to "B" for Solos
Strut Miss Lizzie
Turner Layton & Henry Creamer - 1921
A Gm D7 Gm Cm Gm D7 Gm F+
Bb C7 F7 Bb Eb7 Bb Bb7
Won't you
Eb B Ebm Bb G7
strut Miss Liz - zie Get bu sy I want to see you walk, for the
C7 F7 Bb Bbº Bb Bb7
folks all state the way you syn- co pate Is the whole town talk. When you
Eb Ebm Bb D7
move so pret ty, It's a pi ty, The oth- er girl- ies frown. But the
Gm D7 Gm Cm Gm D7 Gm F7
men you meet like the way you shake your feet, Oh, you
knock 'em diz - zy, Strut Miss Liz - zie
Bb Bb7 Eb Ebm Bb
Brown.( I'll bet you've got the cut - est lit - tle strut in town!) Go
Vocal to "C"
Bbº C Bbº Bb Bb C7 F7 Bb
down the street, By the school, Pat your feet you step - pin' fool.
Bbº Bb Bbº Bb Bb G7 C7 F7 Bb
Strut your stuff, use your "Kerch", Trot your toot sies by the church.
Bbº Bb Bbº Bb Bb C7 F7
Thru the al ley, Dodge the cans, Shake Miss Sal ly's pots and pans.
A B¨ D7 G‹ D7
There ain't noth- in' I can do, nor noth- in' I can say,
Aft- er all, the way to do is do just as you please,
G7 D‹7 G7 C‹ G7
That folks don't crit- i cize me
Re- gard- less of their talk- in'.
C‹ G7 C‹ C
But I'm gon- na' do just as I want to an- y- way,
Of- ten times the ones that talk will get down on their knees,
C7 G¨7 F7
And don't care if they all de- spise me.
And beg your par- don for their squawk- in'.
B¨ B D7 G‹ B¨7 E¨ Eº
If I should take a no-tion To jump in to the o- cean,
If I dis- like my lov -er And leave him for an -oth- er,
D7 G‹ B¨7 E¨ E¨º
Rath- er than per- se-cute me, I choose that you would shoot me,
If I go to church on Sun -day, Then cab- a- ret on Mon- day,
Bº F7
B¨ C‹7 C©º B¨/D
Tain't no - bod y's biz ness if I do.
B¨ C D7 G‹ B¨7 E¨ Eº
If I should get the feel- in' To dance up- on the ceil- in',
If my friend ain't got no mon- ey And I say "Take all mine,Hon -ey",
G7 A¨
B¨ F7 B¨
On my knees, I'm ask-ing you please, Just to pay at- ten-tion to me while I say:
B¨7 B¨&7
Can't you see it's wrong to con-demn a song. Jazz has sim-ply got to stay, Now!
E¨ F7
High-brow mu-sic real-ly is a treat, In an op-'ra house it can't be beat.
E¨ B7/F© F‹7
But what makes you wan-na shake yo' feet? 'Tain't noth- in'else but jazz, Babe!
E¨ E¨7
In so- ci- e- ty of style and grace, Ev-'ry lit-tle move-ment has just a
E¨ B¨&7
lit- tle bit of wob- blin', Lit- tle bit of tod- dlin'. Waltz-in'-round is might-y fine,
F7 B¨7
C7 F7 B¨7 E¨
'Tain't noth- in'else but jazz, Babe! 'Tain't noth- in'else but jazz.
Maitland 89
Ab Ab7 Db
D¨ Ab Eb7
Ab Ab7 Db
Ab Eb7 Ab Db Dbm Ab
90 Alcoholic Blues
Albert Von Tilzer 1919
A F F7
Bb Bbm F
C7 F Db7 C7 F
F C7 F C7
CF G7 C7
Pro - hi - bi tion, that's the name, pro -a - bi tion drives me in - sane.
Gm G7 C7
I'm so thirs ty soonI'll die, I'm sim ply gon- na'vap - o rate or just run dry. When
F C7 F C7
Mis ter Hoo ver said to cut my din ner down, I did- n't hes - i tate I did n't frown.
G7 C G7 C7
I cut my sug - ar I cut my coal, but now they've cut deep in- side my soul. I've got the
blues, I've got the Blues, I've got the al - co - hol - ic blues. There's
Bb Bbm F
no more beer my heart to cheer, good- bye whis- key used to make me fris - ky.
Bars are closed and night clubs too, lord - y lord - y what to do,
C7 F Db7 C7 F
So long hi ball, good- bye gin, tell me when you're com - in' back a gain.
So long hi ball, good- bye gin, tell me when you're com - in' back a gain.
Solos at "D"
Alexander's Ragtime Band
Irving Berlin, 1911
A C C7 F G7
Oh,ma hon - ey, Oh,ma hon ey, Bet- ter hur - ry and let's me - an - der,
Oh, ma hon ey, Oh, ma hon ey, There's a fid dle with notes that screech es,
C D7 G7
Ain't you go - in', Ain't you go - in' To the lead - er man, rag - ged me - ter man?
Like a chick en, Like a chick en, And the clar i - net is a col - ored pet,
C F G7
Oh, ma hon ey, Oh,ma hon ey, Let me take you to Al - ex - an - der's
Come and lis ten, Come and lis ten, To a class - i - cal band what's peach es,
C C7 F C0 C G7 C C7
grand - stand, brass band, Ain't youcom - in'a - long? Come on and
come now, some - how, Bet - ter hur - ry a - long.
B F F C7 F
hear, Come on and hear, -
Al ex an - der's Rag time Band. Come on and
Bb Bb Bb Bb
hear, Come on and hear! It's the best band in the land. They can
play a bu gle calllike you ne ver heard be fore. So na tur - al that youwant to go to war.
G G7 C C
That's just the best - est band what am, ho ney lamb. Come on a
F F C7 F
long. Come on a long. Let me take you by the hand. Up to the
Bb Bb Bb Bb
man. Up to the man! Who'sthe lea - der of the band. And if you
F7 F7 Bb
care to hear the Swa nee Ri - ver played in rag - time. Come on and
F F C7 F
hear, Come on and hear, Al - ex an der's Rag time Band,
94 Riverside Blues Thomas A. Dorsey &
Richard M. Jones
C‹ G7 C‹ G7 C‹ F‹ E¨ B¨&7
E¨ A A¨7 E¨ E¨
3 2 bar unison break
A¨7 E¨
B E¨ B¨7 E¨
E¨ Play
2 bar unison on out-chorus
F‹7 B¨7 E¨ E¨7 E¨º A¨‹ E¨ Solos at "C"
My Bucket's Got a Hole In It
q = 174
F7 Bb7 F
C7 F F7
Bb7 B¨7 F
C7 F Bb F7
Yeah! My Bucket's Got A Hole In It
Yeah! My Bucket's Got A Hole In It
Yeah! My Bucket's Got A Hole In It
I can't buy no beer.
A E¨ F‹7 B¨7 E¨
B¨& E¨
I love to see the fel -lows hap- py all the while.
B¨7 E¨
Love to see them smile. That shows they're jol- ly and ev- 'ry- thing.
F‹7 B¨7 E¨
B¨& E¨
I love to see the fel - lows hap- py all the while.
shan't let'em suf-fer for the want of love, When I know just what they need. Now there's
no use tryin'to stall, I just can't save them all! But when they
C D¨ E¨7
just got to make'em be my tur-tle dove, My hon-ey love.
F7 B¨7 E¨
can't let'em suf- fer, For the want of love!
q = 180
Oh By Jingo Albert von Tizler
A F C+7 F C+7 F
Oh, by Gee by Gosh, by Gum By Juv,
G7 Gdim G7 Gdim G7
Oh! by Jin - go, won't you hear our love?
C7 F D7
We will build for you a hut. You will be our fav 'rite nut,
G7 C7
We'll have a lot of lit - tle Oh! by Gol lies, Then we'll put them in the Fol lies,
B F C+7 F C+7 F F7
Oh, by Jin - go said, by Gosh, by Gee.
A7 Bm A7/C#
"By Jim - in - y, Please don't both - er me." So they
all went a way sing ing Oh! By Gee, By Gosh by Gum, by Juv, by Jin - go,
q = 180
Gon- na lay down my sword and shield down by the riv - er side,
C7 F F
down by the riv - er side, Down by the riv - er side. Gon- na
lay down my sword and shield down by the riv - er side
C7 C7 F F
down by the riv - er side. Ain't gon - na
B Bb Bb F F
stu dy war no more I ain't gon- na stu dy war no more I ain't gon- na
C7 C7 F F
stu - dy that war no more I ain't gon - na
Bb Bb F
stu - dy war no more I ain't gon - na stu - dy war no
F C7 C7 F
more you know I'll stu - dy war no more.
Wabash Blues
q = 120
A Bb Gm Bb
Near - ly bro - ken heart - ed since the day that I once start - ed from my
C7 F7 Bb Bb D7
Wa - bask home, In - di - an - na's sweet and it's a
Gm Bb C7 F7
place that's hard to beat but then I longed to roam,
Bb Bb7 Eb F#7
My old home stead I now can see, I had a girl was as sweet as could be,
Bb Bb7 G C F7 Bb
Now ev - 'ry day I'm so lone some it's mis - er - y.
Solos at B
Eb F#dim Eb7 Ab Ab Eb Eb B7 B7
A lone - some soul am I, I feel that I could
Eb Eb Bb7 Bb7 Eb Eb
shoes To lose those Wa bash Blues.
CBb D Gm Bb
Thru the syc - a - more the can - dle light is shin - ing bright,
Db7 F# Db7
Mem - 'ry brings the scent of new mown hay to me each night,
C7 F C7 F
I am start - ing for that spot no need to ask me when,
A¨º E¨7 Eº
B¨ B¨‹
B¨7 E7 E¨7
A¨ B A¨º E¨7
E7 A¨ G7 G¨7 F7
C+7 F9 F7
fly for she loved him so. The mo - ments
Bb7 Eb8 Ab Fm
pass in - to hours, The hours pass in - to years, And as she
B Eb9 Abmaj7 Ab
I know that he be faith - ful, I'm sure he
C+7 C7 F9
come to me by and by. But if
die. Poor But - ter - fly.
104 King Chanticleer
Nat D Ayer & Seymour Brown, 1910
D7 G7 C‹ C‹ D7 G7
C‹ B+ C‹/Bb C‹/A Ab C‹/G Ab7/Gb C‹/G
D7 G7 C‹ C‹ D7 G7
B G D7 G
D7 G
D7 D7 D7€5 G7
C Ab7/Gb C‹/G
C‹ B+ C‹/Bb C‹/A Ab C‹/G
D7 G7 C‹
Trombone Solo - 16 Bars
F‹ C‹
C‹ F‹
F‹ D7 D7€5 G7 Bb7
E Chorus
Bb7 Eb
Eb G‹
Bb F7 Bb7
Eb F F7
Bb7 Eb
Eb Eb7 Ab
Eb Bb7 Eb Ab7 Eb
Solos at "E":
106 Wild Cherries Rag
Ted Snyder - 1909
A C E7 A‹ E‹ F A7 D‹
G7 C Cº C C
A‹ E‹ F A7 D‹
G7 C
A7 D‹ A7 D‹
A7 D‹ A7 D‹
F C G7 C F
F C/E D‹
D¨7 C7 3
F C7
1.F 2. F
F C7 A7
take 1st ending and continue to D Fine
D D‹ A7 D‹ A7 D‹ A7
F C7 F C7 F D¨7(b5) C
D¨7 C D¨7 C
C7 C7 F F G7 G7 C G7 C7
Bass Solo - Stop Time
Ory's Creole Trombone
Edward "Kid" Ory - 1921
Trombone solo
G7 C7 F C7 F
G7 C7
G7 C7 F D7
G7 C7 F
C7 F D7
G7 C7 C7
1. 2.
F G7 C7
D7 F
B¨ C7
F7 B¨ C©º C‹ F7
Trombone Solo
Trombone solo
B¨ Solos C7
B¨ C©º C‹ F7
After last solo play "D" to end and then tag
TAG Trombone
B¨ B¨
C7 F7 B¨
Ory's Creole Trombone
Trombone Part
G7 C7 F
G7 C7 F
F F G7 C7 D7
B G7 C7 F C7 F
F D7 G7 C7 F
F G7 C7 1. F D7 2. F
C B¨ C7 F7
F7 B¨ D¨º C‹ F7 B¨
C7 F7 B¨
D D7 Solo C7
B¨ E C7
F7 B¨ D¨º C‹ F7 B¨
C7 F7 B¨
after last solo play "D" to end and then tag
Tag Solo:
112 Ja Da
Bob Carlton - 1918
q = 132
F E7 Eb7 D7 G7 C7 F
Ja - da Ja - da Ja - da Ja - da Jing, Jing Jing.
F E7 Eb7 D7 G7
Ja - da Ja - da Ja - da Ja - da Jing, Jing, Jing.
F Dº C7 F Dº
That's a fun ny lit - tle bit of mel - o - dy, It's so sooth ing and ap -
C7 F E7 Eb7 D7 G7 C7
peal ling to me, It goes Ja da Ja da Ja- da Ja- da Jing, Jing,
F D7 G7 C7 F
Jing, Oh yeah! Ja - da Ja - da Jing, Jing, Jing!
That Da Da Strain
q = 152 Smith and Medina - 1922
D7 A Gm
F C7 F7
Bb B D7 G7
C7 F7 Bb Cm7 F7
Bb D7 G7
C7 F Bb Eb7 Bb
Solos on B
114 Lazy Daddy ODJB, 1918
A Bb Bb7 Eb Bb C7 F7
Bb Bb7 Eb C7 F7
Bb Bb7 Eb Bb C7 F7
Eb Eº Bb/F G7 C7 F7
B Bb Bb
Clarinet Break
Eb Bb
Clarinet Break
F7 Bb G7
C7 F F7/C F7
Bb C Bb
Clarinet Break
Eb Bb
Clarinet Break
F7 Bb G7
C7 F7 Bb Ebm6 Bb
Ebº Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb Eº Bb
Eb D
E Eb
Eb Eb Eb
Trombone Break
Trombone Break
Bb7 Eb F7 Bb7
Eb Eb Eb Eb
Trombone Break Trombone Break
Ab Aº Eb/Bb C+ F7 Bb7 Eb F7
Back to "B" al fine
q = 184
Limehouse Blues
AF Eb F F Eb F
In Lime - house Where yel low Chin - kies love to play,
Oh Dear Oh Dear, Right here in or - ange blos- som land,
Am E7 Am Am E7 Am C7
In Lime - house, Where you can hear those blues all day,
I'm wear - y 'Cause no oneseems to un -der - stand.
B F7 Bb A7 Dm Db
And they seem all a - round, Like a long, long sigh.
And Those weird Chi - na blues, Nev - er go a - way.
C Db7 C7 B7
Oh! Lime- house kid Oh! Oh! Oh! Lime- house kid.
Go - ing the way That the rest of them did
Ab C7 Fm7
Poor bro - ken blos - som and no - bod - y's child,
D Db7 Db7 C7 B7
Oh! Lime- house blues I've the real Lime- house blues,
Learned from the chink - ies those sad Chin - a blues,
Ab F7 Bbm F7 Bbm
Rings on your fin - gers and tears for your crown,
Bbm7(b5) Eb7 Ab
That is the sto - ry of old Chin - a town.
Ab9 for repeat
Livery Stable Blues (Vocal)
A E¨º E¨ Eº E¨ B¨&7
Way down in Al- a- bam, It was in Bir- ming- ham, There was a
E¨ E¨7 A¨
la- zy color-ed- fel-low named Lee,- In-stead of work-ing all day, up- on the
B¨7 E¨ C7
sta- ble brush he play, to the hor- ses he'd sing, and play up-
F7 B¨7 E¨ A¨7 E¨
on one string, this sad and lone-some- mel- o- dy,
E¨ B
Oh hon-ey,-lis-ten- here, Oh hon - ey lis - ten here I've got those mean old liv-'ry
E¨7 A¨ Aº
sta- ble blues. Oh how I miss your kiss, I was - n't born for this,
hon- ey you know why I have got those blues, ba- by mine,
B¨7 E¨ A¨7 E¨
I've got those liv- 'ry sta- ble blues.
C E¨7
A¨ A¨‹ E¨
B7 B¨7
E¨ E¨7
Oh, law-dy- me, I've lost my pep com- plete,
E¨ G¨º E¨
I'se g'wine backto my Al- a-bam-a ba- by, she prom - ised that she'd mar-ry-
E¨ B¨7 E¨
they're the blu - est kinfd of blues!
120 Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go?
Verse Young/Lewis/ Meyer - 1916
A F Fº C7
Thous - ands of years a - go or may - be more,
C7 Fº C7
out on an is - land on a south - ern shore,
D7 G7
Rob - in - son Cru - soe land - ed on fine day,
G7 C7
no rent to pay and no wife to o - bey,
B F Fº C7
His good man Fri - day was his on - ly friend,
F7 B¨
they didn - 't bor - row or lend,
G D7 G D7
They built a lit - tle hut, lived there 'til Fri - day, but
G7 C7
Sat - ur - day night it was shut. And
Chorus 121
C F D7
Where did Rob - in - son Cru - soe go With
Fri - day on Sat - ur day night? Ev - 'ry
Sat - ur - day night they would start in to roam,
G7 G‹7 C7
Then on Sun - day morn - ing they'd come stag - ger - ing home. On this
D D7
is - land lived wild men in can - ni - bal trim - min' and
G7 G‹7 C7
where there are wild men there must be wild wom - men, so
F D7
Where did Rob - in - son Cru - soe go With
G7 C7 F
Solos at "C"
Fri - day on Sat - ur - day night?
122 Oh, Didn't He Ramble
A B¨
B¨ F7
Well his
B¨ B
head was in the mar- ket, his feet were in the street. All the
F7 B¨ F7
girls came run- ning by said: "Look at that mar- ket meat!" Oh didn't he
C B¨
ram - ble, Didn't he ram- ble? He ram-bled all a- round,
B¨ F7 B¨
All a- round the town. Didn't he ram- ble, Didn't he ram-
B¨ F7 B¨ F7
ble? - 'til the
He ram bled wo - men cut him down. Didn't he
Mama Don't Allow 123
Ma-ma- don't 'low no cor- net play'n'round here! No She Don't
B¨7 F7
Ma-ma- don't 'low no cor- net play'n'round here! No She Don't
B¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨‹
We don't care whatMa-ma-don't'low,he's gon-na'- playthat cor- net an- y how.
Ma ma don't'low no cor net play'n'round here! No She Don't
124 That Dixie Jazz
James P. Maguire & Warren DeWitt - 1919
A E¨ B7 E¨ B¨7 E¨
Have you heard the la-teststrain? It will lin-ger in your brain. For it's a
B¨7 E¨ C7 F7 B¨7
rag-gy new mel- o- dy, So full of har- mo- ny, You'll want to hear it a- gain.
E¨ B7 E¨ B¨7 E¨
It's a brand new South-ern drag, It's a dan- dy Dix- ie rag.
That Dix- ie jazz! That Dix- ie jazz!
F7 B¨7 E¨ G7
My how I love to hear that Dix- ie jazz! Oh, just see'em sway-ing when they'replay- ing.
C7 F7
From left to right, Hold to me tight. It makes me
F7 B¨ B¨º B¨7
want to do the shuf-fle and the tick- le toe. Oh, Hon-ey! Come, let's go!
C E¨7
Lis- ten can't you hear that man just coax a moan from his trom- bone.
Lis- ten to that syn- co- pa - tion It's the best I've ev- er known.
That Dix- ie jazz! That Dix- ie jazz!
B¨7 E¨ B¨7
My how I love to hear that dear old Dix- ie jazz. That Dix-ie Jazz!
AF F©º 3 C7 F
Guess! Where do you think I'm go in'when the winds start blow in' strong?
Guess! What do you think I'm think in'when you think I'm think in' wrong?
D‹ A7 D‹
Guess! Where do you think I'm go in'when the nights start grow in' long? I
Guess! What do you think I'm think in'when I'm think in' all night long?
F B¨ F G7(b5) C7
ain't go in' East, I ain't go in' West, I ain't go in' o ver the cuck oo's nest. I'm
ain't think in' this, I ain't think in' that, I can not be think in' a bout your hat. My
F B¨ D7 D7(b5) G7 C7
bound for the town that I love best, Where life is one sweet song;
heart does not start to pit a pat un less I hear this song;
B C7 G‹7 C7 F&7
Way down you der in New Or - leans, in the land of dream - y scenes,
C7 G‹7 C7 F&7
Cre - ole ba bies with flash - ing eyes, soft - ly whis - per with ten - der sighs,
G7 C7(“4) C7
Stop! you bet your life you'll lin - ger there, a lit - tle while.
F D‹ F D¨7
There is hea ven right here on earth, with those beau ti - ful queens,
They've got an gels right here on earth, wear - ing lit - tle blue jeans,
F F©º7 G‹7 C7 F6
way down yon - der in New Or - leans.
B¨ A
Par- son Lee in Ten- nes- see in ac- cents loud and clear, said
"Folks I'm aw- ful sor- ry but our or- gan man ain't here. Now I'd
B¨ B¨
like some-one to stand up and vol- un- teer to help us out". When a
B¨ B
gal named Rag- time Ro- sie stood up and said that she could play, The
E¨ B¨
par- son seemed de- light- ed and he said"Just step this way", And the
B¨ F7 B¨ F&
con- gre- ga- tion all sat down to pray, Then came a shout! When
B¨ F7
Break for Spoken Vocal
Rag-time Ro- sie ragged the Ros- a- ry, Deacon Alexander Started in to reprimand her
B¨ F7
Break for Spoken Vocal
Then he turned a- round on- ly to see: That instead of prayin' Rosie got the folks to swayin'
B¨ B¨7 E¨
To that tune so sweet, It was such a treat,
C7 F7
It charmed their feet and set'em danc- in' and pran- cin' to the
B¨ B¨7 E¨ F7 F&
List- nin' to that low- down mel- o- dy. Then he said "I
B¨ B¨7 E¨ Eº
want you folks to know that this ain't no min- strel show" When
B¨ C7 F7 B¨ E¨7 B¨
Rag- time Ro- sie ragged the ros- a- ry.
Floatin' Down That Old Green River
Cooper - 1915
A F F F7 E7 Eb7 D7
I've been float - in' down that old Green Riv - er on the
good ship "Rock and Rye," But I
wad - ed too far, I got stuck on a bar I was
there all a - lone, Wish - in' that I was home.
F7 Bb
The ship got wrecked with the cap - tain and crew,
D7 G7 C7
And there was on - ly one thing I could do; I
F F7 E7 Eb7 D7
had to drink that whole Green Riv - er dry to
G7 C7 F
get back home to you!
No Repeat First Time - On To Vocal
Verse Interlude:
F F#º C7 F F#º C7
B Verse - Vocal:
F F#º C7 F F#º C7
Half past four, Dan Mc - Graw,
F G7
He came a' creep - in' to his wif - ey's door.
C7 F F7 E7 Eb7 D7
She had been waitin' up half the night For
G7 C7
Dan to come home and go to bed.
F F#º C7 F F#º C7
Dan - ny smiled, like a child,
F G7
But then his wife's eyes grew ve - ry wild!
C7 F D7
"Where have you been all night?" she cried, And
G7 C7 Back to "A"
this is what Dan - ny re - plied: I've been
Back to "A" for Vocal and Solos
132 Floatin' Down To Cotton Town
F. Henri Klickman - 1919
A B¨ D¨º F7 D¨º
I just dropped in to see you all and say, I
F7 F& B¨
leave to- day, I'm on my way.
B¨ B¨‹ F F F©º
I'm go- in' back to sun- ny Dix- ie- land,
C7/G C7 F7 F&
That's why I came to shake you by the hand.
B B¨ D¨º F7 D¨º
The min- ute when I cross that Dix- ie Line, No
F7 F& B¨ D¨º
more I'll pine, won't that be fine? Mis- ter
F F©º C7 F C7
Cap- tain, don't fail me, just hur- ry and sail me,
C7/G CØ7/G¨ F7
To that gal of mine:
B¨ G7 C7
Float- in' down, my hon- ey, float- in' down,
C©º B¨ G7
whis- tle toot! toot! toot- in' a- way, And those
Break 2 bars
C7 Cº C7 F7
dark- ies sing- in', ban- jos ring-in''til the break of day.
B¨ D G7 C7
Hon- ey lamb, my lit- tle hon- ey lamb,
E¨ G¨7 B¨ G7
fields of sug- ar cane seem to wel- come me a- gain,
C7 G¨7 F7 B¨
Float- in' Down To Cot- ton Town.
Sailing Down Chesapeake Bay
Havez - Batsford - 1913
A Verse
Come on Nan- cy put your best dress on,
Come on Nan- cy 'fore the steam- boat's gone.
Ev- 'ry- thing is love- ly on the Ches- a- peake Bay,
E¨ E¨
All a- board for Bal- ti- more, If we're late we'll all be sore.
Come on Cap- 'n let us catch that boat, 'Cause we can't swim, Mis- ter,
we can't float. Ban- jos ring- in' a good old tune,
B¨7 B¨7 E¨
Up on deck there's a place to spoon.
E¨ E¨
Set- tle down close 'neath the sil- v'ry moon, A
B¨7 B¨7
Sail- in' down Ches- a- peake, All a- board for Ches- a- peake,
Sail- in' down Ches- a- peake Bay.
No Repeat 1st time
E¨ C B¨7 E¨
'Round the bend I think I see a steam- er, Dear,
B¨7 E¨
Head- in' here, to this pier. And
E¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨
we can make it if we hur- ry, Nev- er fear, It's the
F7 B¨7
Old Dom- in- ion Line.
D B¨7 E¨
Say, don't she look pret- ty as she hugs the shore,
G7 C‹
Head- in' for Bal- ti- more. Just
F7 F7
hear the pad- dles turn- in', Hear my heart a' yearn- in', She's the
C7 F7 B¨7
Solos on Verse
Queen of the Ches- a- peake Bay!
Easy Rider's Gone
q = 120 Shelton Brooks
I won - der where my Ea - sy Ri - der's gone to - day He
Eb7 E¨7 Bb
ne - ver told me he was goin' a - way. If
F7 D7 Gm
he was here he'd win the race If not first he'd get a place. Cash
F C7 F7
in our tick ets for a jol - ly joy ride right a - way I'm
los - ing all my mon - ey that is why I'm blue. To
Eb7 E¨7 Bb
win a race he knows just what to do. I'd
F7 D7 Gmin
put all my junk in pawn to bet on an - y horse that Jock - ey's on, Oh I
1. 2. Bb
C7 C7 F7 Bb
won - der where my Ea - sy Ri - der's gone. I gone
Eh Las Bas 137
Eh la bas, (band sings echo) Eh la bas, (band sings echo) Eh la
C7 C7 F
bas, (band continues to Eh la bas, Tra la
echo vocals throughout chorus)
la Sis Boom Bah Eh la
C7 F
bas, Eh la bas Well I
C7 F
sounds real good, like I knew it would, like down in New Or - leans, I
on - ly Ca - jun I can say is Lais - sez les bon temps rou - lez!. So
F C7
love to hear that clari - net burn and hear them trom bone gliss - es I'd
let the good times roll my friends, and let the mus - ic play, To -
C7 F
like to sing French when Itake my turn but thatain't the kinda band that this is Eh la
mor - row may nev - er come to be, so let's love it up to - day Eh la
B¨ A B¨7 E¨ Eº B¨ F7
B¨ B¨ B¨7 E¨ Eº B¨
2Bar break 1. 2.
C7 F7 B¨ B¨ B¨7
Stop time - 4 bars
B¨7 E¨ C7
E¨7 A¨
A¨7 D¨ D¨7 C7
A¨ F7 B¨7 E¨ A¨ 1. E¨7
Waitin' For The Robert E Lee
Lewis F. Muir & L. Wolfe Gilbert - 1912
C G& C C7
Way down on the lev- ee in old Al- a- bam- y, There's
The whis- tles are blow- in', the smoke-stacks are show- in', The
F C& F
Dad- dy and Mam- my, and Eph- riam and Sam- my, On a
ropes they are throw- in', ex- cuse me, I'm go- in' to the
C E7 F C
moon light night you can find them all,
place where all is har- mo- ni- ous,
D7 D7 G7
While they are wait- in' the ban- jos arc syn- co- pa- tin'.
Ev- en the preach- er, He is the dance- ing teach- er.
C G& C C7
What's that they're say- in'? What's that they're say- in'?
Have you been down there? Were you a- round there? If
F F C& F
While they keep play- in', hum- min' and sway- in', it's the
you ev- er go there you'll al- ways be found there, Why,
C E7 F7 C
good ship Rob- ert Lee that's come to
dog- gone, Here comes my ba- by on the
D7 G7 C C G7/D C7/E
car- ry the cot- ton a- way.
good old Rob- ert E. Lee.
Watch them shuf- flin' a- long.
See them shuf- flin' a- long. Go take your
best gal real pal, Go
F C& F C7
down to the lev- ee, I said to the lev- ee, And
join that shuf- flin' throng.
Hear that mus- ic and song. It's sim- ply
C7 C7
great, mate, Wait- in' on the lev- ee,
Wait - in' for the
For Repeat:
F G7
Rob - ert E. Lee.
142 Walkin' the Dog
Shelton Brooks - 1917
q = 164
A Bb Bbº F7 Bb Bbº
Now lis ten hon- ey'bout a new dance craze, Been'rig - i - na ted for a -
You all were craz - y 'bout the "Bunn - ny Hug", Most ev 'ry bod - y was a
F7 F#º C7 F F#º C7 F7
bout ten days, It'sthese, It's a bear!, And it's a new step a fun- ny two step.
"Tan - go bug!" But now, and some how, The fun- ny Dog walk is all the town talk.
Bb Bbº F7 Bb Bbº
In ev 'ry cab - a - ret and danc ing hall, You see them do - ing it, yes,
In ev 'ry pri vate home this dance is known. I called a friend of mine up
F7 F7 D7 G7 C7 F7
one and all, If you'll just give me a chance, I'll in - tro duce this dance:
on the phone, Hear ing on his Gram- o phone: This "Dog - gone" rag - gy tone:
B Bb Eb Bb Bbº F7
Get'way back, and snap your fin gers, Get o ver Sal- ly, one and all,
Bb Eb C7 F7
Grab your gal, and don't you lin ger Do that slow drag'round the hall.
Bb Eb Bb F7
Do that step, the"Tex - as Tom my", Drop! Like you're sit ting on a log,Rise
Bb Bb7 Eb Eº Bb F7 Bb
slow, that will show, the dance called "Walk - in' the Dog".
q = 120
Over The Waves
A Bb F7
When you are in love It's the love - li - est night of the year.
F7 Bb
Stars twin - kle a - bove And you al - most can touch them from here.
B¨ Eb
Words fall in - to ryhme an - y time you are hold - ing me near.
E¨ Bb
F7 Bb
When you are in love, It's the love - li - est time of the year.
Eb B E¨ Bb7
Waltz - ing a - long in the blue like a breeze drift - ing o - ver thesand
Bb7 F7
Thrilled be the won - der of you and the won - der - ful touch of your hand, and
Bb C Eb
My heart starts to beat like a child when a birth - day is near.
Eb Bb C7 F7 Bb
So kiss me my sweet It's the lov - li - est night of the year.
Royal Garden Blues Clarence & Spencer
Williams - 1919
F A¨º C7
F F7
B¨ F&7 B¨ F&7 B¨ F&7
C7 D¨7 C7 F B¨7 F C7
Stop time - Play downbeats 4 bars
F7 Cornet F7 Clarinet F7 Trombone F7 Tuba
3 3 3 3
B¨ D¨7 C7 F A¨º
C7 F B¨7 F C7
F7 B¨ B¨‹ F F7
B¨ C B¨7
E¨7 E¨‹ B¨ E¨7 G7
B¨ E¨7 B¨ E¨7 B¨
Back to "C" for Solos
Long Gone
W.C. Handy & Chris Smith - 1920
A A¨
ev-er hear the sto- ry of Long John Dean? A bold bank rob-ber from
Long John stood on the rail- road tie, Waitin' for freight train
A¨ A¨ A¨7/C D¨ E7/D
Bowl ing Green, Was sent to the jail-house yes- ter- day,
to come by. Freight train came just puffin' and flyin',
A¨ F‹7
B¨7 E¨7 A¨
Late last night he made his get- a- way. He was
Ought'a seen Long John grabbin' that blind.
A¨ B
F‹7 B¨‹7 E¨7 A¨ F‹7 B¨‹7 E¨7
Long Gone from Ken- tuck- y, Long Gone, ain't he luck- y?
A¨ A¨7/C
D¨ E7/D
A¨ E¨7
Long gone, and what I mean, Long Gone John from Bowl-ing Green.
A¨ F‹7 B¨‹7 E¨7 A¨ F‹7 B¨‹7 E¨7
A¨ C E¨7
of-fered a re-ward to bring him back, E-ven put blood-hounds
caught him in Fris- co, and to seal his fate, San Quen- tin jailed one
A¨ A¨7/C D¨ E7/D
Dog- gone blood-hounds lost his scent,
on his track.
ev-'ning late. But out on the o- cean John es- caped, The
A¨ F‹7
B¨7 E¨7 A¨
Now no- bod- y knows where Long- John went. He was
guard for- got to close the Gol- den gate. John's
A¨ A¨7/C
D¨ E7/D A¨
Long gone, and what I mean, Long Gone John from Bowl- ing Green.
Long Gone I'm tell-ing you, Shut your mouth and shut mine too.
A Good Man is Hard to Find
q = 100 Eddie Green 1917
A Bb C9 F7 Bb Bdim F7
My heart's sad and I am all a - lone my man treats me mean.
Bb Bbm F Bdim C7 F
I re - gret the day that I was born, and that man I ev - er seen oh
C7 F C F7
my hap pi ness is less to day, my heart is broke and that is why I say. Lord a
G7 B G7 C7 C7 F7
good man is hard to find you al ways get the oth- er kind just when you think that
F7 Bb
he's your pal, you look to find him fool- in''round with some oth- er gal then you
G7 G7 C7 C7 F7 Bb Bbm
rave and you all crave you wan na see him in hisgrave so if your man is nice take
Bb F#7 F7 Bb Bb Bb
my ad - vice and hug him in the morn- in' kiss him ev' ry night give him plen- ty lov- in'
F#7 F7 Bb C7 F7 Bb F7 Bb F7
treat him right cuz a good man now - a - days is hard to find, so hard to find.
150 Get Out Of Here
q = 180 (And Go On Home)
A B¨ F7 B¨
B¨ F7 B¨ F7
B¨ B F7 B¨
B¨ F7 B¨7
C E¨ B¨7
B¨7 E¨
E¨ E¨7
A¨ 1. 2.
E¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7 F7 B¨7 E¨ F7
Chinatown, My Chinatown
Jean Schwartz & William Jerome - 1906
A C E‹ C E‹ G7
When the town is fast a- sleep, And it's mid-night in the sky,
C E‹ D‹7 A‹ G7 C
That's the time the fes-tiveChink, Starts to wink his oth-er eye.
D‹ D7 G7 G7 G&7
Starts to wink his dream-y eye, La- zi- ly you'll hear him sigh:
C G&7 C C G7
Chi- na town, my Chi-na town, Where the lights are low,
G7 E7 A‹ D7
G7 G&7
Hearts that know no oth-er land Drift- ing to and fro.
F‹6 C
G‹6/B¨ A7 D7
C C©º D‹7 G7
Hearts seem light and life seems bright, In dream- y Chi- na- town.
152 Cleopatra Had A Jazz Band
Jack Coogan & Jimmy Morgan - 1917
G E7 A7 D7 G
His- to- ry re- peats it- self, So the wise men say. I be -
G B‹ B¨ A‹
A7 D7 Dº D7 D&
lieve they're right be- cause last night I heard pe- cu-liar mus-ic play.
G E7 A7
D7 E¨º E‹ F©º
In a dream it takes me back two thou- sand years a- go. Which
A7 D7 G7 E& E7
jazz dance, In her queer E - gyp-tian style. She won Marc
D7 Fº
B‹ B¨
played, She swayed. She knew she had him all the while. In the sha-dow of the
A7 D7 G B¨º
pyr- a- mids, 'Neath the old E - gyp - tian moon, A Sphinx was
A‹7 D7 G7 F©7(b5) B Bº B7 C7 B7
look-ing on and said:"There'll be a wed - ding soon". But the
E7 A7
G B‹ B¨
real his- tor- ic scan- dal, was Cle- o lost her san- dal as she
A‹6 D7 A‹6
danced to the strains of the E- gyp-tian jazz band tune.
Aunt Hagar's Blues W.C. HANDY 1921
Ab7 Fm Bb7 Eb Eº
Said he"No swing - in', No rag- time sing - in' to night".
B Eb Eb7
"Why all this razz - in', a bout the jazz - in'? My boys have just come home,
Ab7 Bb7 Eb
With la test mu sic, They play it on the sax - o phone".
B7 Bb7
good Lawd sent it right down to me. Let the
D Eb Eb7
Oh, 'taint no use you preach - in', Oh, 'tain't no use o'teach - in'
Ab7 Eb G7 C7
Such jazz -a - pa tion such mod u la tion, When my feet say dance,I just can't re fuse,
F7 Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb
When I hear that mel- o dy they call theblues, Aunt Ha gar's Child renBlues.
156 Avalon Al Jolson 1920
A C7 F C7 F
I found my love in A - va lon, Be - Side the bay, I
B D7 Gm D7 Bbm6
dream of her and A - va lon from dusk 'til dawn. And
F E7Eb7 D7 Gm7 C7 F
so I think I'll trav - el on, to A - va - lon.
Amazing Grace
F F7 Bb F F C7
F Bb F Dm C F
Singin' The Blues 157
Con Conrod 1920
q = 120
Ab Ebmaj7 Gm Fm Eb Bb7 Eb
Bb7 Eb
G7 C7
C7 Fm
F7 3 Bb7 Eb
158 Second Hand Rose
James F. Hanley & Grant Clarke - 1921
A F C7 F C7 F Fº G‹
Fath-er has a bus- 'ness, Strict-ly sec-ond hand, Ev- 'ry- thing from tooth- picks,
G7 C7 F C7 F C7
To a ba- by grand. Stuff in our a- part- ment, came from fath-er's store,
G7 A‹ D7 G C G‹ D7
E - ven things I'm wear- ing, Some-one wore be-fore. It's no won-der that I feel a-
G‹ G7 C7 C&7
bused, I nev-er- have a thing that ain't been used: I'm wear-ing
F B Fº C7 F G7
Sec- ond hand hats, Sec- ond hand clothes,
Sec- ond hand shoes, Sec- ond hand hose,
C7 C7 F
That's why they call me Sec- ond Hand Rose.
All the girls hand me their sec -ond hand beauxs.
F F©º G‹7 C7
E - ven our pi- an- o in the par- lor,
E - ven my pa- ja- mas when I don 'em,
G‹ C7 C&7 F
Fath- er bought for ten cents on the dol- lar.
Have some- bod- y else's 'ni- tials on 'em.
F Fº C7 F G7
Sec- ond hand pearls, I'm wear- ing sec- ond hand curls, I
Sec- ond hand rings, I'm sick of sec- ond hand things I
F7 F&7 B¨ F& B¨
nev- er get a sin- gle thing that's new.
nev- er get what oth- er girl- ies do.
G‹ C‹ G‹ C‹ G‹
E - ven Jake the plumb- er, he's the man I a- dore, He
Once while stroll- ing thru the Ritz a girl got my goat, She
F G7 C&7
had the nerve to tell me he's been mar- ried be- fore!
nudged her friend and said "Oh look! There's my old fur coat!"
F Fº C7 F G7
Ev- 'ry- one knows, that I'm just Sec- ond Hand Rose, From
Ev- 'ry- one knows, that I'm just Sec- ond Hand Rose, From
F C C7 F C
They say that he's the lov- in' champ, There ain't a wo man he can't vamp,
Of course they say ad - vice is cheap, But if your gal you aim to keep,
D7 G7 C
But let me tell you a bout a man I know:
Then here's my warn- in' and you can pass it on:
B C Cº C C7
He's the great est of lov - ers Ev - er kissed a girl on the cheek.
Keep your gal un der cov - er, Sure as there's a deuce on the dice,
F C C7 F C
There ain't a high brown gal in town Who would n't throw her dad- dy down
If Lov- in'Sam gives her the grin, Then you is out and Sam is in!
D7 G7 C C7
To be the bride of this col ored Ro - me - o. Peo - ple
And in the morn- in' your lov - in' ma ma's gone! Peo - ple
C F G7
call him Lov- in' Sam, He's the Sheik of Al - a - bam'. He's a
C7 F
mean love mak- in' a heart break- in' man! And when the
F Am
gals go stroll- in' by, Boy! He rolls a wick- ed eye!
G7 C7 2 bar break
Does he step? Does he strut? That's what he does n't do noth- in'else but!Could you
love like Lov- in' Sam, You could have your eggs and ham, In the
C7 C7 A7
fin - est kit chens down in Al - a - bam'. You'd make the
F F7 Bb Bbm
high brown ba bies cry for you like ba bies cry for Cas - tor - ia! They
F D7 Gm7 C7 F
all love Lov- in' Sam, The Sheik of Al - a - bam'. Peo ple
E¨ B¨7 E¨
Ev - 'ry sin-gle- night some smart fel- low would try, to cud - dle
B E¨ F7
"Ma, he's mak- ing eyes at me!
B¨7 B¨&7 E¨
Ma, he's aw- ful nice to me!
E¨ Cº B¨7
Ma he's al - most break- ing my heart,
B¨7 E¨ B¨7
I'm be- side him, Mer- cy! Let his con science guide him
If you peek in, Can't you see I'm goin' to weak - en?
C E¨ F7
Ma, he wants to mar- ry me,
B¨7 A¨ G7 C7 F7 B¨7
Be my hon- ey bee.
F7 B¨7 E¨ A¨7 E¨
Ma, he's kiss - ing me!"
What A Friend We Have in Jesus
E¨ A¨ E¨ B¨7
What a friend we have in Je - sus All our sins and griefs to bear
Have we trials and temp - ta - tions? Is there trou -ble a - ny where?
E¨ A¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨
what a pri - vi lege to car - ry Ev' - ry thing to God in prayer.
We should ne -ver be dis - cour - aged, Take it to the Lord in prayer
A B¨7 E¨ A¨ E¨ B¨7
Oh, what peace we of - ten for - feit Oh, what need less pain we bear
Can we find afriend so faith - ful Who will all our sor -rowsshare?
E¨ A¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨
All be cause we do not car - ry Ev' - ry thing to God in prayer.
Je - sus knows our ev' ry weak - ness, Take it to the Lord in prayer
When You're A Million Miles 165
C7/G C7 F
one lit- tle mile from home. It's the
G‹7 C7 G‹7
song of moth- er's tears, That keeps
D7 G‹ G7 G©º
mil- lion miles from no- where, When you're
A F B¨7 F F©º
You've heard lov-ers, Love- sick lov- ers fret A bout their
F B¨7 F A7
I'm so diff-'rent, Oh, so diff-'rent- now; While I'm in
D‹ A‹ G9 G‹ C&7
love I know I simp-ly go and whis-per low to Hon- ey Ba- by:
I love your lov- in' arms, They hold a world of charms,
F C‹6 D7
A place to nes- tle when I am lone- ly.
G7 C7
A com- fy co- zy chair, Oh, what a hap- py pair!
G7 G‹7 C7
One ca- ress, Hap- pi- ness, Seems to bless my lit- tle hon- ey.
C F B¨7
I love you more each day, When years have passed a- way
F C‹6 D7
You'll find my love be- longs to you on- ly;
G9 C7 F7 B¨ B¨‹
'Cause when the world seems wrong, I know that I be- long
F G7 C7 F B¨7 F
Right in my Hon-ey's Lov- in'
St. James Infirmary
A Dm Bb7 A7 Dm A7 Dm Bb7 A7 Dm
When will I ev - er stop moan - in'? When will I ev - er smile?
Gm D7 Gm Bb7 A7
My ba - by went and left me, She'll be gone a long long while.
Dm Bb7 A7 Dm A7 Dm Bb7 A7 Dm
I feel so blue and heart - bro - ken What am I liv - ing for?
Gm Gm Dm Bb7 A7
My ba -by went and left me Ne -ver to come back no more. I went
Dm A7 Dm
Dm Bb7
down to the Saint James In -firm -'ry - My ba - by there she lay, La - id
"What is my ba - by's chan - ces" - I asked old Doc - tor Sharp,
go, let her go - God bless her - Wher ev - er she may be. She can
E¨ C‹7 F7 B¨7
A E¨
E¨ F‹7 A‹6/F
E¨/G E¨ C‹7 F7 B¨7
B E¨6 F7 B¨7
E¨6 E¨ F7 B¨7
E¨7 G¨7 B¨‹ G¨7 E¨7 D6 F©º G¨7 E¨7 E¨7
C A¨ A¨7
D¨ D¨‹ A¨
B¨7 E¨7
D¨ D¨‹ A¨ A¨ A¨7 D¨ A¨ B¨7 E¨7 A¨
B¨ F
C7 C7 F F7 B¨ B¨‹ F
B F C7 F F7 B¨7
F C7 F
C F F7 Break: 2 bars
B¨7 F
C7 C7 F F7 B¨B¨‹ F F7
B¨ F7 B¨
G7 G7 C‹ C©º
After Last Solo
play "D" once as written then go on
B¨ F7 B¨
E F Break: 2 bars
B¨7 F F
C7 F F7 B¨ B¨‹ F
172 Dixieland Jazz Band One Step
q = 200
Bb Bb F7 F7
C7 F7 Bb Bb7 F Bb
Bb Bb F7 F7
C7 F7 Bb Bb7 F Bb
Bb Eb Cm
C7 Fm F#dim Eb Bb7 Eb7
C Ab Ab C7 C7
F7 F7 Bb Bb7
Eb Eb Ab A¨
Cm G7 Cm F7 Eb7
D Ab Ab C7 C7
F7 F7 Bb Bb7
Db Ddim Ab F7
Bb7 Eb Ab Ab
Rufe Johnson's Harmony Band
Shelton Brooks & Maurice Abraham - 1914
A E¨
F©7 Eº B¨7 E¨ F©7 Eº B¨7
Rufe John-son leads a band, He's one grand lead- er man,
When he comes down the street, The peo- ple shake their feet,
B F‹
C7 F‹
He real- ly can't be beat, Plays rag- time mu--sic- sweet,
Old Rufe can't read a note, but he will get your goat, The
B¨ B7 G‹ B¨ Aº B¨ B¨7
they par- ade each hol- i- day, You'll hear the peo- ple say:
horse and mules they act like fools, You al - most hear them say:
Here they come, Just lis- ten to that drum, Boy ain't he
G7 C‹
beat- in' some, He's go- ing rump, rump, rump, rump.
D A¨ E¨ C7
Lis-ten to that dog-gone flute, Root -te-toot, toot- te-toot,toot-te-toot toot-te-toot.
Say Hon, ain't that trom- bone moan- ing, hear it groan- ing,
E E¨ E¨7 A¨
ten to that old cor- net, It's
Lis -
C7 Dº C7 F‹ C7 F‹
played by that lead- er man. He's
F A¨ Aº E¨ C7
got a world wide rep- u- ta- tion For play- ing syn- co- pa- tion;
F7 B¨7 E¨
Solos at "C"
Old Ruf- us John-son's Har- mon -y Band
176 Runnin' Wild
F Bdim F Db7 Gm7 C7 F7
Verse When
A Bb Bb7 Eb Bb
gal and I we had a fight and I'm all by my - self. I
I first met that gal of mine it seemed just like a dream. But
Bb D7 Gm C7 F7
guess she thinks now that she's gone I'll lay right on the shelf. I'm
when she thought she had me right she start - ed act - in' mean. Like
Bb Bb7 Eb Bb
gon- na show her she's all wrong no lone some stuff for me I
Ma - ry led her lit - tle lamb she led me all the time, Un -
B Bb Bb7
lost con - trol, Run - nin' wild,
Eb Bb
might - y bold. Feel - in' gay,
F7 Cm6 D7 Gm Bbm6
Reck less too, Care- free mind,
F C7
all the time, nev- er blue. Al ways goin',
C Bb Bb7
don't know where, Al ways showin'
Eb E¨ D7 G7 C7 F7
I don't care, Don't love no - bo - dy It's not worth-
Bb F7 Bb
while, All a - lone Run - nin' Wild.
q = 160
178 Alabama Jubilee George Cobb - 1915
A Bb Gb7 Bb F7 Bb F7
Man- do lins, vi - o - lins, Ev -'ry - bod - y tun - in' up,the fun be gins,
Bb Gm C7 F F7
Com ethis way, don't de- lay, Bet ter hur ry hon- ey dear,or you'll be miss- in'
Bb Gb7 Bb F7 Bb
Mu sic sweet, rag- time treat, Goes right to you head and trick les to your feet.
C7 F F7 C7 F7
It's a re mind er a mem - o ry find - er ofnights down in old Al-a bam: You ought to
B G7 G7 C7
see Dea con Jones when he rat tles them bones, Old Par son Brown danc - in'
C7 F7 F7 Bb
'round like a clown, Aunt Jem - i - ma who is past eight- y three Shout - in'"I'm full o' pep!
Bb G7 G7
Wtach yo' step, watch yo' step!" One leg ged Joe danced a - round on his toe,
Cmin Cmin
C7 Bb D7
Threw a - way his cane and hol lered,"Let her go!" Oh Hon- ey Hail, Hail, the
Eb Bb C7 F7 Bb
gang's all here for an Al - a - bam - a Jub - i - lee.
This Little Light of Mine
A B¨ B¨7
This lit - tle light of mine I'm gon- na let it shine.
E¨ B¨
This lit - tle light of mine I'm gon - na let it shine.
B¨ B¨ G‹
This lit - tle light of mine I'm gon- na let it shine. Ev' ry
B¨ E¨ B¨ F7 B¨
day Ev' ry day I'm gon na let my lit - tle light shine.
B B¨ B¨7
Won't let a - ny one blow it out I'm gon na let it shine.
I'll take this light all a - round the world, I'm gon na let it shine.
E¨ B¨
Won't let a - ny one blow it out, I'm gon na let it shine.
I'll take this light all a - round the world, I'm gon na let it shine.
B¨ B¨ G‹
Won't let a - ny one blow it out I'm gon na let it shine. Let it
I'll take this light all a - round the world, I'm gon na let it shine.
B¨ E¨ B¨ F7 B¨
shine, Let it shine, I'm gon na let my lit - tle light shine.
180 Bugle Boy March
Tuba & Trmb.
F C7
C7 F
G7 C7
Tuba Trmb.
B F C7
F C F7 B¨ D7
G7 C7 F7
B¨ E¨ B¨
F7 B¨ B¨7
E¨ Eº B¨ G7
B¨ E¨ B¨
F7 B¨ B¨7
E¨ Eº B¨ E¨ B¨
Last Time
1. B¨ B¨
Solos at "C"
182 Hot Lips
q = 180
A Db7 F
There's a boy that's in our band, And how he blows that horn,
C7 F
Fin - est since you're born, When he starts you're gone.
Db7 F Cº
They all call him Hot lips for He blows real red hot notes, And
G7 C Eb7 Eb+7
ev' - ry bo - dy on the floor just floats that's what they say:He's got hot
B 183
Ab Dº Eb7
lips, when he plays jazz, He draws out
Solo Break
Bb7 Bb+7 Eb7 Eb+7
goes, When he plays Blues . I watch the
Ab Dº Eb7
crowd, un - til he's through, He can be
Stop Time
Ab Ab C7
C7 Fm
rare you must de - clare you know the
Eb7 Ab Eb+7
boy is there, with two hot lips. Solos at B
B¨ B¨ F
I hate to see the eve nin'sun go down. Be -
C7 C7 F
'cause my ba- by he done left thistown. If
F B¨7 F F7
to mor row I feel like I feel to - day.
B¨ B¨ F
feel to mor row like I feel to day Then
C7 C7 F
I'll pack my bags and I'll move a - way. St.Lou- is
Latin 185
B Fm C7
Wo man There with her dia mond rings, Pulls that man
C7 Fm
a round, by her a pron sgtrings Ex cept for
Fm C7
pow der and her store bought hair you know the
C7 Fm G7 C7 Swing
man I love, would not have gone no - where, got the
C F F F7
St. Lou - is Blues,just as blue as I can be, That
B¨7 B¨7 F
man got a heart like a rock cast in the sea, or
C7 C7 F
else he would n't have gone so far from me.
Careless Love
A F C7 F F
Love, oh love oh care - less love. You fly right
F D7 G7 C7 F F7 Bb
thru my head like wine. You've broke the heart of ma - ny a
Bbm F C7 F C7
gal, and you near - ly broke this heart of mine.
F C7 F F
If I were a lit - tle bird, I'd fly from
F D7 G7 C7 F F7 Bb
tree to tree. I'd build my nest way up in the
Bbm F C7 F C7
air where the bad boys could not both - er me.
F C7 F F
Now I wear my a - pron high, Now I
F D7 G7 C7 F F7
wear my a - pron high, Now I wear my
Bb Bbm F C7 F C7
a pron high, and he nev - er, nev - er pass - es by.
Tuck Me To Sleep in My Old 187
C7 F D‹ G7 C7
cov - er me with Dix - ie skies and leave me there a - lone.
F F7 B¨ Bº F/C F
Just let the sun kiss my cheeks ev - 'ry dawn, like the
C G7 C7
kiss - in' I've been miss - in' from my mam - my since I'm gone.
B F7 F7 B¨ B¨
I ain't had a bit of rest, since I left my mam my's nest.
G7 G7 G7 C7
I can al - ways rest the best in her lov - in' arms.
F F7 B¨ Bº F/C F
Tuck me to sleep in my old 'Tuck - y home, let me
C7 C7 F G‹7 C7
lay there stay there nev - er no more to roam.
The Sheik of Araby
q = 180
F Bbm F F
Fol - low his love's car - a - van.
Bbm Gb7 C7 F7 Bbm Cm7 Bbm Cm7
Un - der the shad - ow of the palms,
F C7 F7 F7
He sings to call her to his arms. I'm the
Bb Bb Bdim Cm F7 Cm F7
Sheik of ar - a - by Your
F7 F7 Bb Bb
love be - longs to me In -
Dm Dbdim Cm F7
to your tent I'll creep At
Cm F7 F& Bb Gm C7 F7
night when you're a - sleep The
Bb Bb Bdim Cm Cm F7
stars that shine a - bove will
F7 F7 D& D7 D& D7
light our way to love you'll
G G C7 C7
rule this land with me the
F7 F7 Bb Bb
Sheik of Ar - a - by
Sister Kate
q = 164 A.J. PIRON - 1919
E¨ Eº B¨/F G7 C7 F7 B¨
A F7
Went to a dance with my sis - ter Kate. ev-'ry- one there said she danced so great
F7 C‹7 F7 B¨
I re-al -ized- a thing or two, then I got wise to some-thing new,
I looked at Kate and she was in a trance that's when I knew that it was in her dance.
G7 C7 F©7 F7 B¨ Bº
All the boys are a go-ing wild o-ver Ka-tie's danc-ing- style. I
B F7Chorus B¨
wish I could shim my like my sis -ter Kate, she shiv-ers like a jel- ly
I could shim -my like my sis -ter Kate I'd ne - ver stay home I'd stay
B¨ F7 B¨
on a plate. My ma -ma want -ed to know last night, why all the boys treat
out too late I'd get my stuff a bout as high as a kite. You know I'd do it for you
B¨ F B¨
Kate so nice. now Ev-'ry boy in theneigh-bor hood, knows she can shim-my and it's
e'v -ry night.
B¨7 E¨ Eº B¨ G7
un- der- stood. I know I'm late but I'll be up to date, when I can
C7 F7 B¨ G7 G¨7 F7 B¨
shim-my like my sis -ter- Kate, oh yeah Shim-my like my sis -ter Kate.
The Love Nest
Louis A. Hirsch & Otto Harbach - 1920
G‹ D7 G‹ D7 G‹ D7 G‹
Pal - ace, cot - tage man sion, Inn, They have built for man.
F‹ E¨ B¨7 C
Some were small, and some were tall Long or wide or low.
F‹ F‹7(b5) E¨ B¨ F‹ B¨9 E¨
But the best one of them all Jack built long a - go. `Twas
F‹7 B¨ E¨ C7 F7 B¨7
built in by - gone days, Yet mill- ions sing its praise. Just a
B E¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨7
love nest, all co- zy and warm. Like a
A¨ E¨7
dove nest, down on a farm. A ver-
B¨7 E¨ G7/D C7
an- da with some sort of cling- ing vine, Then a
F‹ C F‹ F7 B¨7
kit- chen where some ram- bler ros- es twine. Then a
E¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨7
small room, tea set of blue. Best of
A¨ E¨7 A¨
all room, a dream room for two. Bet- ter
B¨7 G7 G7(b5) C7
than a pal- ace with a gild- ed dome, is a
F‹ B¨7 E¨
love nest, You can call home.
A C7
F7 B¨ C7 F7
There's mu- sic in the breeze, and trom-bones grow on trees.
B¨ C7 G¨7 C7 G¨7(b5) F7
You hear moan- in' and groan- in' and tune-ful har- mo-nies. In
C7 F7
B¨ C7 F7 B¨
ev-'ry ca- bar- et, it's the on- ly thing they play! Well, I
Take me to the land of jazz, Play the kind-a' blues like Mem-phis has,
Take me to the land of Jazz, Let me hear the music New Or- leans has,
F7 C7 C7
I wan' na step, to a tune that's full of gen -u- ine pep!
I like it hot, and you know that's what that ci- ty's got!
B¨ G‹ D7
Pickin''em up and layin''em down, Teach them how all o- ver town,
Come and take the lat- est dare, Learn to do the "Griz-zly- Bear". I
B¨ Bº
dan - cin' 'til the sun comes up, In the lov- in'land of jazz.
run - nin' wild and livin' it up, In the lov- in'land of jazz.
Down In Borneo Isle
Herny Creamer & J. Turner Layton - 1917
A C‹
Far a- way in Jun- gle land,
Tuba- Toms- etc.
F‹ G7
Jun- gle, Jun- gle, Jun- gle land,
Tuba- Toms- etc.
Where they play up- on the sand,
Tuba- Toms- etc.
F‹7 B¨7
Jun- gle, Jun- gle, Jun- gle sand.
B¨7 B¨&
In the eve- ning when the day is cool- er
ev- 'ry- bod- y does the Boo- la Boo- la.
And they say that mon- key band,
Tuba- Toms- etc.
Tum- bles, Stum- bles, As they bun- gle thru the jun- gle.
Down in Bor- ne- o, Down in Bor- ne- o,
E¨ E¨ E¨ Eº
Down in Bor- ne- o Isle. I love to
E¨ D7
And those real wild wo- men in swim- min'
D B¨7
Down in Bor- ne- o, Where I want to go,
Cº C7
All they wear is a smile,
And ev- 'ry eve- ning when the lights are low,
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh!
B¨7 B¨7
How they toad- al- o, To the mus- ic slow,
F7 B¨7 E¨ A¨7 E¨
Down in Bor- ne- o Isle.
The Jazz Me Blues
Tom Delaney
A Eb 1921
Down in Louis - i - an - a in that sun ny clime - They play a class of mu sic that is
F7 Bb7 Eb
su- per fine - And it makes no dif - fer ence if its rain or shine - You can
Eb Bb7 Eb
hear that jazz band mu - sic play - ing all the time it
B Eb
sounds so pe cu - liar 'cause the mu sic's queer Howits sweet vi bra tion seems to
F7 Bb Eb
fill the air Then to you the whole world seems to be in rhyme Youwant
Bb7 Eb
noth - ing else but jazz - band mu - sic all the time
Bb7 Bbº Bb7
Bbº Bb7
Ev -'ry one that's nigh nev - er seems tosigh Hear them loud - ly cry: Oh!
C7 F7
Jazz man Don't stop the mu sic it's Jazz man (Jazz-man!) You
know I want to hear it both day and night and if you
Eb break
Eb7 D7 Db7
don't blow it hot then I don't feel right Now if it's
C7 F7
rag - time Please Sir will you play it in jazz - time (Jazz Time)
Eb G7
Don't want it fast Don't want it slow,
Cmin C7
Take your time don't rush it play it sweet and low I've got those
Stop Time Banjo Solo - 7 beats Ensemble Cornet solo Tbone Solo Ensemble
B¨ G‹ B¨ B¨º B¨
3 3
E¨ B¨
F7 C7 F7 B¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨‹ B¨ F7
3 3
Stop time 3 bars - ad lib breaks
B B¨ D7 G‹ D7 G‹ B¨7
E¨ Eº B¨
C B¨ B¨ B¨ B¨7
E¨ Eº B¨
F7 C7 F7 B¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨‹ B¨ F7
3 3
4 bar interlude - clarinet trill, drum roll
A¨ Aº E¨
B¨7 F7 B¨7 E¨ B¨7
Back to "D" for Solos
Ole Miss W.C. Handy - 1916
A C7 F
C7 F
C7 F
C7 F F7
B B¨ F F©º
C A7 D‹ A‹ E7 A‹ F7
B¨ F D7
G‹ C7 F B¨‹6 F
C 203
C7 F
C7 F
C7 F C7
F F7 B¨ F
C7 F D7 G7 C7
F F7 B¨ A7
B¨ Bº F D7 G7 C7 F
Back to "D" for Solos
Then Play "C" and "D out.
204 We Will March Through the Streets of the City
We will march through the streets of the ci - ty With our
F C7
loved ones who've gone on be - fore. We will
F F7 B¨ B¨‹
sit on the banks of the ri - ver Where we'll
F C7 F
meet to part no more. Je sus
sought me when I was a stran - ger Wan- d'ring
2, Come, thy fount of ev'ry bless - ing Do now
3. Hark the voice of Je - sus cal - ling
F C7
from the fold of God He to
hark to sing God's praise
Who will go and work to - day
F F7 B¨ B¨‹
re - scue me from dan - ger And
Streams of mercy ne - ver ceas - ing
Fields are white and harv - est wait - ing
F C7 F
tran - spor - ted by his blood.
Calls for songs of loudest praise.
Who will bear the sheaves a - way
I Never Knew I Could Love Anybody 205
h = 84
AG G+ C6/G F6 E7
I nev - er knew I could love an - y bod - y,
A7 D7 G
Hon - ey, like I'm lov - ing you; I could - n't
C G E7
re - al - ize what a pair of eyes
A7 A7 D7 D7
And a ba - by smile could do;
B G6 G7
I can't sleep, I can't eat, I
C C Cm C D7
nev - er knew a sin - gle could could be so sweet,
GC G+ C6/G F6 E7
I nev - er knew I could love an - y - bod - y,
A7 D7 G
Hon - ey like I'm lov - ing you.
206 The Curse of An Aching Heart
Al Piantadosi
E¨ E¨‹ B¨ B¨º F7 1913
B¨ B¨º B¨ B¨7
made me what I am to- day, I
E¨ E¨‹ B¨
hope you're sat- is- fied. You
F7 B¨ F7 B¨
dragged me down and down un- til the
soul with- in me died. You
B B¨ B¨º B¨ B¨7
shat- tered each and ev- 'ry dream, You
E¨ A7 D7 E‹ Fº D7/F©
fooled me from the start. And
E¨ Eº B¨/F D7 G7
though you're not true I still love you, That's the
C7 F7
curse of an ach- ing heart.
Neglected Blues 207
AC Cº7 C C7
I am so tired of be - ing wor - ried, I am so tired of feel ing blue.
A7 G7 A7 D7 G7
My nights have been so rest less I did n't know just what to do.
C Cº7 C A9
went down to see a for tune tell - er, Said I,"Please kind - ly read my hand.
G7 E7 A7 D7 G7
And when I crossed her palm with sil - ver, she said,"Gal can't you un der - stand?"
Cº7 D‹7
B G7 C G7 C
You've been wast - ing allyour love on some bod - y, That some - bod - y's un - true
G7 C E‹ B7 E7
He don't e - ven show a lit tle sym pa - thy with a hug and kiss or two.
G7 C
Cº7 D‹7 G7
what you need is just a lov - ing man each day, who will nev - er re -
A7 D‹7 G7 A‹ A7
fuse to give you lots of you know what I mean, and chase a - way
D7 G7 C C7(#5) A7 D7 G7 C
those old ne glect ed blues dog gone 'em those old ne glec ted blues.
208 Rose of Washington Square
James F. Halnley - 1919
A A‹ D‹
A gar - den that nev - er knows sun-shine Once
E7 A‹
shel - tered a beau - ti - ful rose. In the
A7 D‹
sha- dows it grew with-out sun-light- or dew, as a
E B7 E7
child of the cit- y grows. A
A‹ D‹
but- ter- fly flew to the gar- den, from
out of the blue sky a- bove, the
C C©º G E¨7
heart of the rose set a- flut-ter,- with a
A‹ D7 G
won - der - ful tale of love, He
A‹ G7
told her of birds and of bees, of the
D7 G7
brooks and of mea- dows and trees. He whis- pered,
B 209
C Cº G7
Rose, of Wash- ing- ton Square a flow - er so
G7 G&7 C
fair should blos- som where the sun shines,
E7 A‹ A‹
Rose, for Na- ture did not mean that you should
D7 G7
blush un- seen but be the queen of some fair gar- den,
C Cº G7
Rose, I'll nev- er de- part, but dwell in your
G7 Dº A‹
heart, your love to care, I'll bring the
D7 F‹6 C A7
sun-beams from the Hea-vens to you, and give you kis-ses that spar-kle with dew my
D7 G7 C
Rose of Wash- ing- ton Square.
210 The Old Rugged Cross
George Bernard - 1913
C C& F
C G7 C F F‹ C
C Cº
C C7
C Cº C
C7 F Fº D7
F7 C
B G7 C F C
F F& F6 G7
C B¨7 A7
C G7 C F F‹ C
Dear Old Southland 211
Henry Creamer & Turner Layton - 1921
F‹ E& A¨/E¨ C7/E F‹ E& A¨/E¨ C7/E
Iwant to stray to the townI was born, My home town, My lit-tle home town.
F‹ A¨º B¨‹7 C7 F‹ C7
say-ing "Go long, go long, go long, go long to school".
B F F& B¨ Bº
Dear, Dear Old South land, I
Dear, Dear Old South- land, for
F B¨ F D7 G7 C7
hear you call- ing to me. And I
you my heart is yearn- ing. And I
F F& B¨ Bº
long, how I long to roam back
long just to see once more the
F B¨ F
all heardfool - ish ques tions and you no doubt won - der why Some
then there's that per - son who's al ways hanging'around the place And
say the ele - vator per - son should for - get to close the door, And
F G C7
one will ask you a fool ish ques tion but ex pect a sen- si ble re - ply Like
he watch- es you take yourshav ing brush and start to lath-er up your face. And
you should hap pen totumble down let's say for - ty se ven floors. And
F B¨ F
when you take your girl some can - dy Say just af - ter tea The
as you give your ra - zor its prelim - in - ar - y wave You
when you hit the bot tom and you're lying there in - ert Some
B¨ F D7 G7 C7 F
first thing she'll do is wrin kle up her nose and ask "Is it for me?"
know that fool will come up to you and ask "Are you gonna shave?
fool will stick his stick his down the shaft and ask, "Are you hurt?"
B F B¨ F 213
Foo - lish ques tion no doubt you re - ply No it's for your
your reply is I hope No I'm not pre -
I hope that you re - ply No, he just though
You utter your dy ing moan No, I was in
F G C7 F
Ma or your Pa or it's for some oth- er guy I just want- ed you to
paredfor shav ing I just love the taste of soap. I like to take my shav
he'dhave the fu ne ral now and then die la - ter on. Ned was al ways so ori -
an aw ful hurryand this ele vator's just too slow. It usual ly saves a lot
F B¨ F B¨ F D7
see it And now I'll take it a - way. A - no - ther fool ish ques tion You'll
ing brush and paint my - self up this way.
gi - nal he would have want- ed it that way.
of time com- ing down this way.
1.2. C
G7 C7 F E‹ A‹
hear them ev'ry day. Then there's this fel - low who meets you on your
E‹ B7
way, And he asks you why you're all dressed up and this is what you say. You're
E‹ A‹
just re - turn- ing from the fu - ne - ral of dear old bro - ther
E‹ B7
Ned And as you're ring ing out your hank- ie he'll ask "Is Ned dead?"
Aggravatin' Papa
214 Roy Turk & Russell Robinson - 1922
A E¨ A¨
I know a trif- lin' man, They call him "Trif- lin' Sam".
B¨7 E¨ Eº
He lives in Birm- ing- ham, 'Way down in Al- a- bam'. Now the
F7 B¨ C7 F7
oth- er night, He had a fight with a gal named Man-dy Brymm, And she
B¨ F7 C‹7 F7 B¨7
plain- ly sta- ted she was ag- gra- va- ted, An she shout- ed out to him:
B E¨ C7 F7 B¨7 E¨
"Ag- gra- va- tin' pa- pa, Don't you try to two-time me, I said don't
E¨ E¨ F7 C7B¨7 E¨
two-time me. Ag- gra- va- tin' pa- pa, Treat me kind or let me be, I mean just
E¨7 A¨ E¨ E¨7 A¨
let me be. List- en while I get you told, Stop mess- in''round, sweet
E¨ C7 F7
jel- ly roll. If you step out with a high brown ba- by,
Break 2 bars
I'll smack you down and I don't mean may- be.
C E¨ C7 F7 B¨7 E¨ E¨7
Ag- gra- va- tin' pa- pa, I'll do an- y-thing you say, yes, an- y- thing you say.
A¨ G D7 B¨7
But when you go strut- tin', Doyour strut- tin'round my way. So pa- pa,
Now pa- pa,
Now pa- pa,
Stop Time - Play beats 1 & 4 as marked
E¨7 E¨7
Just treat me pret- ty, Be nice and sweet, 'Cause
You best be care-ful,- As yon can be, 'Cause
Once you were stead-y Once you were true, But
A¨ A¨ Aº Aº
I pos- sess a fort - y four that don't re- peat!
I can beat you do - in' what you're doin to me,
pa- pa, now sweet ma- ma can't de- pend on you,
ros - es bloom. I want to lead you in - to Na ture's Hall,
E¨7 A¨
Where ev' ry year the ros es give a ball. They have an or ches tra up
A¨ A¨7 D¨ D¨‹ E¨ E
in the trees, For their mu- si cians are the bird s and bees. And the will
Ab7 Db
Where the hon - ey bees are "A May - ing".
Dbm Ab F7
There all the ros - es are sway - - ing,
Bb7 Eb7
Danc - ing while the mead- ow brook flows. The moonwhen
C Bb7 Eb7 Ab
shin - ing, is more than ev - er de - sign - ing
Ab7 Db
For 'tis ev - er then I am pin - ing,
Dbm Ab F7
Pin - ing to be sweet - ly re - clin - ing, Some where in
Bb7 Eb7 Ab
Rose - land, Be side a beau- ti - ful rose.
High Society 1901
Bb F7
F7 Bb F7
D7 Gm D7 Gm
Gm D7 Gm C7 F7
B F7
Bb C7
Bb Bb7
Bb Bb7
Eb Ab Eb
Solos here
Bb7 D7 Eb F7 Bb7
Eb Bb7 Eb Ab
Eb Eb7
Ab Adim Eb C7 F7 Bb7 Eb
Cm G7
Cm G7
Fm Cm
G7 Fm
E Cm
Cm D‹ Ab Eb
Bb7 D7 Eb F7
G7 Bb7 Bb+7 Eb
Eb Bb7 Eb F Ab
Eb Eb7 Ab Adim
Eb C7 F7 Bb7 Eb
Alphonse Picou Clarinet Solo in High Society
220 Eb
C Eb3 3 3
E¨ Eb Ab Eb
Bb7 3
Eb Ab Eb Ab
Eb 3 3
C7 F G7 C7
B¨ G‹7 C7 F
B C7 F
C7 F F7
B¨ F C©º D‹
B¨ F C7 F
Tiger Rag
The Original Dixieland Jazz Band - 1917
A B¨
F7 B¨
1. 2.
Cues are Trombone/Tuba
B C7 F C7 F
C7 F C7 F
C E¨ Solo Break
B¨7 Solo Break
E¨ B¨ E¨ Solo Break
A¨ C7 F‹ F©º E¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨7
A¨ E¨7
E¨7 E¨7
Solo Break
D¨ Dº A¨ F7
B¨7 E¨7
Solos at "E"
At The Devil's Ball
Irving Berlin - 1913
A A‹
I had a dream last night, - That filledme full of fright: - I dreamt that
A‹ G7
I was with the Dev - il be - low. In his great big fier- y hall, Where the
C E7 A‹
Dev- il was giv- ing a Ball. I checked my coat and hat and start-ed-
gaz- ing at the mer-ry crowd that came to wit-ness the show. And I
D7 G7
must con- fess to you, There were ma- ny there I knew. At the
B C D7
Dev-il's Ball, At the Dev-il's Ball, I saw the
G7 C C©º G7 C C©º
cute Mrs. Dev- il, so pret-ty- and fat, Dressed in a lit- tle red fire- man's hat.
D7 G7
Eph- re-ham,the lead-er man,who led the band last Fall, He played the mu-sic at the
Dev-il's Ball, In the Dev-il's- Hall. I saw the
G7 C G7 C C7
fun-ni-est dev- ilthat I ev-er saw, Tak-ing the tick- ets from folks at the door,
F E7 A‹ D7 D7 G7
I caught a glimpse of my moth-er in- law, Danc-ing with the Dev-il,
D7 G7 D7 G7 C
Oh! the lit - tle Dev - il, Danc-ing- at the Dev-il's- Ball. At the
226 At The Jazz Band Ball
q = 180
Original Dixieland Jazz band - 1918
A Gm
F7 Bb G7 C7 F7
C7 F7
G7 B C7 F7
Bb G7 C7
C7 Eb Edim
Bb G7 C7 F7 Bb
G7 C7 F7
F7 Bb G7
C7 Eb Edim Bb G7 C7 F7 Bb
Under The Bamboo Tree
Bob Cole - 1902
q = 164
A Ab Bbm Eb7 Ab Bbm Eb7 Db
Down in the jun - gles lived a maid, of roy - al blood though dusk - y shade.
C7 Fm Bb7 Eb7
a marked im -pres- sion once she made , up - on a Zu - lu from Ma -ta- boo- loo
C7 Fm Bb7 Eb7
a - wait- ing there his love to see. and then to her he'd sing: If
B Ab
you like - a me like I like - a you and we like - a both the same,
Eb7 Ab Eb7
I like - a say, this ve - ry day, I like - a change your name. 'Cause
I love - a you and love - a you true and if you a love a me,
Eb7 Ab
One live as two, two live as one, un -der the bam - boo tree.
Darktown Strutter's Ball
Sheldon Brooks - 1917
A B¨ B¨º C‹7 F7 B¨ B¨º
I've got some good news hon - ey, An in - vi - ta- tion to the
We'll meet our high toned neigh bors, An ex - hi - bi - tion of the
F7 F7 F7 E¨7 D7
Dark town Ball. It's a ver - y swell af - fair, All the
"ba - by Dolls", And each one will do their best, Just to
G‹ C7 F7 B¨ B¨º F7
"high browns"will be there. I'll wear my high silk hat and a frock tail coat, You
out - class all the rest. And there'll be danc - ers from ev -'ry for eign land, The
D7 G‹ F F&7
wear your Par - is gown and your new silk shawl, There ain't no doubt a -
clas - sic, buck and wing, and the wood en clog. We'll win that fif - ty
D‹ F7 G‹ C7 F7
bout it babe, We'll be the best dressed in the hall. I'll be
dol - lar prize When we step out and "Walk the Dog".
B Bb G7 C7
down to get you in a tax - i hon ey,You'd bet - ter be read y a bouthalf past eight.
C Bb G7 C7
mem- ber when we get there hon ey, The two stepsI'm goin'to have'em all. Goin'to
Eb Eº Bb A7 G7
dance out both my shoes, When they play the"Jel ly Roll Blues" To -
C7 F7 Bb B¨dim Cm7 F7
mor row night at the Dar town Strut -ter's Ball. I'll be
Japanese Sandman
Raymond Egan & Richard Whiting - 1920
A F‹ D¨Œ„Š7 Eº F‹ D¨9 B9 C7
Won't you strecth im ag - i na tion for the mo ment and come with me. Let us
A¨ B¨‹7 A¨6
hind the cher- ry blos soms here's a sight that will please your eyes.
C7 F‹ F‹ F7
There's a ba by with a la - dy of Ja - pan sing ing lu - la - bies.
G7 C7 F
hand man, He'll buy your old day from you. He will take ev-'ry
sor- row of the day that is through, And he'll give you to-
E7 A
mor row Just to start life a new.
C C7 F F7 B¨
Then you'll be a bit old- er In the dawn when you wake,
B¨ B¨‹ G‹
And you'll be a bit bold- er with the new day you make.
C7 F Fº
Here's the Jap- an- ese Sand man, Trade him sil- ver for gold,
Fº G‹7 C7 F B¨7 F C7
Just an old sec-ond hand man, trad ing new days for old.
232 April Showers
Louis Silvers & Bud DeSylva
A D7 G 1921
Tho' A - pril Show - ers may come your way, They bring the
flo - wers that bloom in May. So if its
rain - ing have no re - grets, Be - cause it
A7 D7
is - n't rain - ing rain you know, it's rain - ing vi - o - lets. And where you
D7 G
see clouds up - on the hills, you soon will
see crowds of daf - fo - dils, So keep on
look - ing for a blue - bird, and list - 'ning for his song, when
ev - er A - pril Sho - wers come a - long.
The Whiffenpoof Song 233
Tod B. Galloway - 1909
A E¨
Eº B¨7
We're poor lit- tle lambs who have lost our way.
Baa! Baa! Baa! We're
E¨ Eº B¨7
lit- tle black sheep who have gone a- stray,
F‹7 B¨7 E¨
Baa! Baa! Baa.
B E¨‹
Gen - tle - men song - sters Off on a spree,
C7 F‹7
Lord have mer- cy on such as we,
Eb Bb&7 Eb Eb7
Ab Eb C7
Ab Eb C7
Last Time: To Coda
F7 Bb7 Eb Eb Ebº Bb7
Trombone Gliss to "C"
Eb Bb+7 Eb Fine
Bass Drum
Clarinet Break
C Eb Ab
Cornet "Horse Whinny"
Ab Eb F7
D Eb Solos Eb7
Ab7 Eb C7
F7 Bb7 Eb Ebº Bb Eb
Clarinet Break
E Eb Ab
Cornet "Horse Whinny"
Eb C7 Trombone F7
Bb7 Eb Ebº Bb7 Eb
Back to "B" - Take CODA:
Somebody Stole My Gal Leo Wood 1918
A E¨ E¨º/F© B¨7 E¨ E¨º/F© B¨7
Gee but I'm lone - some,lone - some and blue, I've found out some - thing I nev - er knew.
C7 F7 B¨7
I know now what it means to be sad, For I've lost the best gal I ev - er had.
F‹ C7 F‹
F7 B¨7
She on - ly left yes - ter day, Some - bo - dy stole her a - way.
Bass Pickups
C7 F7
Some- bod-y came and took her a- way. She did-n't ev- en, say she was leav- in'.
Gee! I know that she, would come to me, if she could see, her
Bb F7 Bb F7 Bb F7 Bb
A Bb
see pret - ty Browns in beau - ti - ful gowns, You'll see
see Hog - Nose rest -'rants and Chit - lin Ca - fe's, You'll see
Beale Street Could talk, If Beale Street could talk, Mar - ried
Eb Bb Cm Bb F C7 F7 Bb Bb7
tail - or - mades and hand - me - downs. You'll meet hon- est men, And
Jugs that tell of by - gone days. And plac es, once plac - es,
men_would have_to pack their bags and walk. Ex -cept one or two, Who
Eb Ebm Bb
pick pock - ets skilled, You'll find that bus' ness nev - er clos - es 'til some -
Now just a sham, You'll see Gold - en balls e - nough to pave the
nev - er drink booze, And the blind man on the corner who sings these
1. 2.
Bb F7 Bb Bb F7 Bb Bb7
bod - y gets killed. You'll Beale Street Blues.. Well I'd
New Je - ru - sa - lem. If
B Eb Bb7 Eb Eb7
rath - er be here, Than an - y place I know. I'd
goin' to the river, May- be bye and bye. I said I'm
rath - er be there, Than an - y place I know I said I'd
Ab Abm Eb Eb
rath - er be here, Than an - y place I know. It's gon - na
goin' to the river, And there's a rea son why: Be cause the
rath - er be there, Than an - y place I know New
Ab Ab Ab Ab
Eb7 Eb7
Ab Break Ab Ab
Ab Ab Ab7 Ab7
Db Db Ddim Ddim Ab F7
Bb7 Eb7 Ab Ab
C Ab Ab Fm Ab Ab Ab Adim
Ab Ab Ab Ab7
Ab F7 Bb7 Eb7
Rhythm section plays charleston rhythm
D7 D‹7 G7
wan- der to and fro. For she said I'll
CŒ„Š7 D‹7 C D7 A‹7 F‹ D7
wait by the gar- den gate, On the night I
A‹ C F©º
dreams it seems I go Where the moon swings
D7 D‹7 G7 C F7 C
low, On the Al- a- mo.
When The Saints 243
A F F7 Bb F
I am just a wea - ry pil - grim Plod ding thru this
Well I pray each day to heav - en, For the strength to
Want to join the heav'nly band, Want to play in the
F G7 C7 F F7
land of sin; Gett - ing read - y for that
help me win, I want to be in that pro -
ang - el band, Want to hear the trum - pets
Bb F C7 F
ci - ty, When the saints come march - ing in. Oh when the
cess - ion, When the saints come march - ing in.
blow ing, When the saints come march - ing in.
saints go march ing in Oh when the saints go
F F#dim Gm7 C7 F F7
march - ing in Oh lord I want to be in that
Bb F F C7 F
num - ber When the saints go march - ing in.
Some Sweet Day
Tony Jackson - Ed Rose - Abe Olman - 1917
q = 146
A C/E Ebº G7/D C#º Dm G7 G& C Cº G7
Al - though it's spring the birds don't sing You're leav ing me to - day. It's
C Cm G E7 Am D7 G7 G&
not the first time my poor heart has been in pain this way. In
D7 G7 D7 G7
long for me some - day, But I'll be far a - way. 'Cause when the
B C C7 C7/Bb D7/A D7
cold wind does blow with its ice and its snow, Then your heart
G7 C Ebº G7/D G7
soon will melt for each sor - row I have felt. And when your
C C7 C7/Bb D7/A D7
friends turn a - way, time will prove what I say. Now's your time,
G7 C C7 Cº G7 C
I'll have mine Some Sweet Day. (Yes,Some Sweet Day.)
Ida, Sweet As Apple Cider
Eddie Munson & Eddie Leonard - 1903
A E¨ G¨º B¨7
In the re- gion where the ros- es al- ways bloom,
Breath-ing out up- on the air their sweet per- fume,
E¨ G¨º
Lives a dus- ky maid I long to call my own,
C7 F7
For I know my love for her will nev- er die;
B E¨ G¨º B¨7
When the sun is sink- in' in that gold- en West,
E¨ B¨7
Lit- tle Rob- in Red Breast gone to seek their nests.
Then I sneak down to that place I love the best,
Ev- 'ry ev'n- ing there a- lone I sigh:
I- da, Sweet as ap- ple ci- der,
Sweet- er than all I know.
Come out, in the silv- 'ry moon- light, of love we'll
F7 B¨7
whis- per, so soft and low.
D E¨
Seems tho', can't live with- out you,
E¨ G7
Lis- ten Oh, Hon- ey do!
C7 F7
I- da, I i- dol- ize ya, I
B¨7 E¨
love you I- da, 'deed I do. Solos at "C"
Someday Sweetheart
G‹ D7 G‹ G‹7
broke your vow and now some-how- it seems I'm al-ways blue. But there'll come a day
C7 F6 F
When you're far a- way. You'll sit a- lone
A‹ E7
A‹ G7 C7
and cry for me you'll sigh and the days that have gone by. Some-day Sweet-
F C&7 F F
E7 E¨7 D7
heart, you may be sor- ry for what you've
G7 C7 F F©º C7/G
done to my poor heart. You may re-
F C&7 F A‹
gret the vows you've bro- ken, The
E7 A‹ C7
things you did that made us drift a- part, You're hap- py
C F9 B¨6
now, and can't see how, the wear- y
G9 C7
blues will ev- er come to you. But as you
F C&7 F F E7 E¨7 D7
sow so shall you reap, dear, and what you
G7 C7 F B¨7 F C7
reap will make you weep some - day, sweet - heart. Some - day Sweet -
'Til We Meet Again
A Fm C7 Fm Eb7
There's a song in the land of the li - ly Each
Tho'good - bye means the birth of a tear drop Hel -
Ab Eb7 Ab
sweet - heart has heard with a sigh. O - ver
lo means the birth of a smile And the
C7 Fm
high gar - den walls This sweet e - cho falls As a
smile will e - rase The tear blight - ing trace When we
Eb7 Ab Ab7
When the clouds roll by I'll come to you.
Db Db Dbm Ab F7
Then the skies will seem more blue,
CAb Eb7
Wed - ding bells will ring so mer - ri - ly,
Eb7 Ab Ab7
Ev - 'ry tear will be a mem - o - ry. So
Db D¨ Dbm Ab F7
wait and pray each night for me,
Bb7 Eb7 Ab
'Til we meet a - gain.
q = 100 After The Ball
Charles K Harris - 1891
A Ab
A lit - tle maid - en climbed an old man's knee,
E¨7 Ab
Begged for a sto - ry "Do unc - le please"
B A¨
C7 Fm
Why are you sin - gle, why live a- lone?
Db Ddim7 Ab
F7 B¨7 E¨7 Ab
Have you no ba - bies, have you no home? n
C7 Db E¨7 Ab
I had a sweet - heart, years, tears a - go;
D¨ Dº A¨ F7 B¨7 E¨7 A¨
I believed her faith - less, af - ter the ball.
Af ter the ball is o - ver Af ter the break of morn,
A¨ F7 B¨7
Ma ny a heart is break - ing if you could read them all
E¨ A¨ A¨‹ E¨
give the land-lord back his rust- y key, The ver- y key, That opened
have - n't had a good meal since the day I went a- way. I'm goin'to
E¨ B¨& E¨ B¨& E¨ Eº
up my drear-y- flat, Where ma- ny wear- y nights I sat, Think- ing
kiss my Pa and Ma, a doz-en times for ev- 'ry star, Shin- ing
F7 B¨ B¨º B¨
of the folks down home who think of me. That is
o- ver Al- a- ba- ma's new mown hay. I'll be
mid- night choo- choo leaves for Al- a- bam', I'll be right
B¨7 E¨
there, I've got my fare. When I
E¨ B¨7 E¨
see that dust- y haired con- duc- tor- man, I'll grab him
F7 B¨7
by the col-lar And I'll hol - ler, "Al- a-bam! Al- a-bam!"- That's where you
C E¨7 A¨
stop this train, That's takin' me home a- gain. Back home where
C7 F‹ B7
I'll re- main, Where my hon- ey- lamb am.
E¨ G7 C‹
I will be right there with bells, When that old con- duc-tor yells, "All a-
B¨7 E¨ B¨7
board! All a- board! All a- board for Al- a- bam'. When that
All The Girls Go Crazy
Stop Time 2 bars Kid Ory 1916
A E¨ E¨ E¨ E¨ B¨
F7 F7 B¨ B¨7
Stop Time 2 bars
E¨ B¨
E¨ E¨
F7 B¨ B¨7
All the
B Solos Here
girls go craz - y 'bout the way that I walk The
on their knees say - in' "Ba - by," Sayin'
F7 F7 Bb Bb7
way that I walk Hon ey'bout the way I walk Yes, all the
"Ba - by," - Craz - y 'bout the way I walk. Yes,they fall
Eb Bb
girls go craz - y 'bout the way that walk, 'Bout the
on their knees plead - in' "Ba - by," Say - in'
F7 F7 Bb Bb7
way that I walk, Hon ey'bout the way I walk They fall
"Ba - by," Craz - y 'bout the way I walk to "C" after last solo
Chorus: 1st Time Soft:
C Eb Bb
F7 Bb Bb7
Eb Bb
F7 Bb Bb7
Climax Chorus: ad lib:
D Eb Bb
F7 Bb Bb7
F7 Bb Bb7
F7 Bb Eb7 Bb
By the Light of the Silvery Moon
Dm E7 A7 Dm G7 Dm7 G7 Dm7 C G7
Cast two, me, you, Sound of kiss es float ing on the breeze.
Cast three, you, me Preach er with a sol emn look ing face.
C Cdim G7 C C Cm6 G
Act one, be - gun Di - a - logue,"where woud you like to spoon?"
Choir sings, bell rings Preach er, "You are wed for e ver more."
D7 G Em Am Am7 D7 G7
My cue, with you, Un der neath the sil- v'ry moon. By the
B C D7 E7
Light of the sil - ve - ry Moon, I want to
G7 C C#0 G7
spoon, to my ho ney I'll croon love's tune; Ho - ney
C F A7 Dm A7 Dm
moon, Keep a shin - in' in June, Your sil - v'ry
C C7 D7 Fm Am
beams will bring love's dreams, we'll be cud - dl - ing
E7 A7 D7 C G7 C
soon, By the sil - ve - ry Moon.
Ballin' The Jack
Chris Smith - 1913
A G A7 D7 E¨7
Folks in Geor- gia's 'bout to go in- sane Since that new dance
It's being done at all the ca- bar- ets, All so- cie - ty
C7 F©º F7 G¨7
down in Geor-gia came; I'm the on- ly per- son who's to blame,
now has got the craze, It's the best dance done in mod- ern days,
E¨7 D D7
I'm the par- ty in- tro- duced it there, so!
That is why I rave a- bout it so!
B G A7 D7 E¨7
Give me cre- dit to know a thing or two, Give me cre- dit
Play some good Rag that will make you prance; Old folks, young folks,
C7 F©º F7 G¨7
for spring-ing some-thing new; I will show this lit- tle dance to you,
all try to do the dance, Join right in now whileyou got the chance,
E¨7 D F7
When I do you'll say that it's a bear!
Once a - gain the steps to you I'll show:
C G7 C7
First you put your two knees close up tight, Then you sway'em to the left then you
C7 F7
sway'em to the right, Step a-round the floor kind of nice and light, Then you
B¨ D7 E¨7 D7
Twist a- round and twist a- round with all your might,
D G7 G7 C7
Stretch lov- in'arms straight out in space, Then you do the Ea- gle Rock with sty-
G7 B¨ D7 G‹ G7
le and grace Swing your foot way 'round then bring it back, Now
C7 F7 Bb F7 Bb F7
D Bb Bb Bb7
Eb7 Gb7 Bb A7 Ab7 G7
C7 F7 Bb F7
pp f
In the Sweet By and By
Joseph Philbrick Webster
A F B¨ F F
1. There’s a land that is fair - er than day, And by faith we can see it a
2. We shall sing on that beau - ti - ful shore The me - lo - di - ous songs of the
3. To our bount - i - ful Fa - ther a - bove, We will of - fer ourtrib - ute of
C7 F B¨ F
far; For the Fa - ther waits o - ver the way To pre
blessed; And our spir - its shall sor - row no more, Not a
praise For the glor - i - ous gift of His love And the
F C7 F
pare us a dwell - ing place there. In the
sigh for the bless - ing of rest.
bless - ings that hal - low our days.
B F C7 F
sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beau - ti - ful shore; In the
F B¨ F C7 F
sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beau - ti - ful shore.
Any Time
Herbert Lawson 1921
D7 G7
An - y time you're feel - ing lon - ly, An - y
C7 F
time you're feel - ing blue,
An - y
Bb Bbm F D7
time you feel down heart - ed, That will
G7 C7
prove your love for me is true. An - y
D7 G7
time you're think - ing 'bout me, That's the
C7 3 A7
time I'll be think ing of you, So an - y
D7 G7
time you say you want me back a - gain, that's the
1. 2.
C7 F F#0 C7 F Bb F
time I'll come back home to you. An - y you.
And They Called It Dixieland
Raymond Egan & Richard Whiting - 1916
B¨ A B¨ D7 G7
They built a lit-tle gar-den for the rose, And they called it Dix- ie- land. They built a
F7 B¨ A¨
sum-mer breezeto keep the snows far a- way from Dix- ie- land. They built the
G7 C‹ G‹7 C7
fin- est place I've known, When they built my home sweet home, Noth-ing
C7 C7 F7
was for-got- ten in theland of cot- ton,from the clo-ver to the hon- ey comb, And then they
B B¨ B¨ D7
G7 C7
took an an- gel from the skies, And they gave her heart to me. She had a
F7 D7
bit of heav- en in her eyes, Just as blue as blue can be. They put some
G7 C7
fine springchick ens in the land, And taughtmyMam myhow to use a fry-ing pan.Theymadeit
F7 B¨ D7 G7 C7 F7 B¨
twice as nice as Par- a- dise, And theycalled it Dix- ie- land.
Toot, Toot, Tootsie 267
Gus Kahn, Ted Fiorito - 1922
A E¨ F7
Toot, Toot, Toot- sie, Good - Bye!
B¨7 E¨
Toot, Toot, Toot- sie, don't cry,
E¨ E¨ Eº F‹7 B¨7
The choo choo train that takes me,
B¨7 F‹7
E¨ G¨º F‹7 B¨&7
a- way from you no words can tell how sad it makes me
E¨ F7
Kiss me, Toot - sie and then,
Do it o- ver a- gain.
Watch for the mail, I'll nev- er fail, If
E¨ B¨7
you don't get a let- ter then you know I'm in jail,
C E¨ F7
Tut, Tut, Toot- sie don't cry.
B¨7 E¨
Toot, toot, Toot - sie, Good - bye.
Ostrich Walk
Original Dixieland Jazz Band - 1918
F C©7 G‹7 C7
G G7 C7
F F G7 C7 F
F G7 C7
Stop Time 4 bars
F Trombone F7 B¨ B¨‹
Cornet Clarinet Trombone
F D7 G‹7 C7 1. F 2.
F B¨ Fº
Fº C7 Break F
Break Break
F Fº
Fº F
Break Break Break
Fº C7
G‹7 C7
C F F G7 C7 F
F G7 C7
Stop Time 4 bars
Cornet Clarinet Trombone
F Trombone F7 B¨ B¨‹
F D7 G‹7
C7 F
D F G‹7
F D7 C7 C&7 F
F Fº G‹ C7 F
Fº C7 F
Unison F F C&7 F
270 Missouri Waltz John Eppel &
J.R. Shannon
Hush - a - bye, my ba - by, slum - ber time is com - in' soon;
C7 F
Rest your head up - on my breast while mom - my hums a tune; The
Bb F G7
sand - man is call - in' where shad - ows are fall - in' while the soft bree - zes
C7 F
sigh as in days long gone by. Way down in Miss - our - i where I
C7 F
heard this mel - o - dy. When I was a tin - y child up - on my mom - my's knee; The
Bb F0 F G7 C7 F
old folks were hum - min',their ban - jos werestrum - min'so - o sweet and low.
B Dm
Strum, strum, strum, strum,strum, seems I hear those ban - jo's play - in'once a - gain.
Dm A7 Dm
Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, Tha - t same old plaint - ive strain.
A7 Dm
C D‹ A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm
Hear that mourn - ful mel - o - dy, It just haunts you the wh - ole day long,
D‹ Bb F G7 C7
and you wan - der in dreams back to Dix-ie it seems when you hear that old time
song. Hush - a - bye my ba - by, go to sleep on mom - my's knee.
F C7 F
Jour - ney back to Dix - ie - land in dreams a - gain with me; It
Bb F G7
seems like your mom - my was there once a - gain, and the old folks were strum - min. that
C7 F C7 F
same old re - frain. Way down in Miss - our - i, where I learned this lull - a -
F C7 F
by, when the stars were blink - in' and the moon was climb - in' high, and I
Bb Dm F G7 C7 F
hear Mom - my Chloe, as in days long a - go, sing - in'
"Hush a bye."
I Want To Do the Bear Cat Dance
Shelton Brooks (1913)
q = 164
A D7 G G7
Miss Sa - die hall went to a ball one balm - y night in June. Just
C7 F F
as she en tered in the hall they played a rag - time tune. They were
D7 G7
teach - ing all the schol - ars how to do the Bear Cat Dance. Miss
Dm Db F/C D7 G7 C7 F
Sa - die watched them for a while then thought she'd take a chance. So she
C G7 C Dm G7 C7
walked out on the floor, then she be - gan to roar,
B F C7 F
C7 F
I want to do it I want to do it I want to do it now! It's a
D7 G7 C G7 C7
bear, its' a bear, but I don't care I want to do it an - y how.
F C7 F C7 F C7 F7
That tune is snap - py It makes you hap - py You feel you want to dance! Oh pro
D7 G7 C7 F
fess - or keep it up, keep it up, keep it up,'cause I want to do the Bear Cat dance.
F7 D7 Gm7 3
goin' a - way? Don't say that we must part,
F7 G7 Bb7 Cm7 F7 Bb
Don't you break your ba by's heart. You know that I've loved you for these
F7 Dm G7 Eb7
ma - ny years, Loved you both night and Day
B Eb Ebm6 Bb G7
Af - ter you've gone, and left me cry - in' Af - ter you've gone, there's no de - ny - in'
C F9 Bb7
You'll feel blue You'll feel sad you'll miss the dear - est pal you've ev - er had.
Eb Ebm6 Bb G9
There'll come a time now don't for - get it, There'll come a time, when you'll re - gret it.
Down be-side the Dar-da- nel- la Bay, Where Or- i- en- tal breez-es
G7 G7 C
play, There lives a lone-some maid Ar- me- ni - an
By the Dar- da-nelles with glow-ing- eyes, She looks a - cross the seas and
G7 C
sighs, And weaves her love spell so si- re- ni- an.
B A¨ B¨7(b5) E¨7
Soon I shall re - turn to Turk- e- stan.
G A7(b5) D7 G G7 Break
I will ask for her heart and hand.
C G7 C
Oh, sweet Dar-da- nel- la, I love your ha-rem eyes.
I'm a luck- y fel-low To cap-ture-such a prize. Oh Al-lah
F C A7
knows my love for you, And he tells you to be true, Dar-da-
D7 G7 Break 1 bar
nel- la, oh hear my sigh, My Or- i- en- tal,
G7 C
Oh, sweet Dar- da- nel- la, Pre-parethe wed-ding wine, There'll be
F E7 F©‹7 Gº E7/G©
one girl in my ha- rem when you're mine. We'll build a
tent just like the chil-dren- of the Or- i- ent.
C G7 C
Oh, sweet Dar- da- nel- la, My star of love di- vine.
Down Yonder
L. Wolfe Gilbert - 1921
AE¨ F7 B¨7 E¨
Rail- road train, Rail- road train, Hur- ry some more.
F7 B¨7 E¨
Put a lit- tle steam on just like nev- er be- fore.
E¨ F7 B¨7 E¨
Hus- tle on, Bus- tle on, I've got the blues.
F7 B¨7
Yearn- ing for my Swan- ee shore,
Broth- er if you on- ly knew,
You'd want to hur- ry up too.
B E¨
B¨ E¨ E¨7
Down yon- der some- one beck- ons to me,
A¨ E¨7 A¨ A¨
Down yon- der some- one reck- ons on me.
E¨ B¨7 E¨ Eº B7/F
I seem to see a race in mem- o- ry,
E¨ B¨7 E¨
Be- tween the Natch- ez and the Rob- ert E. Lee.
F7 F7
Swan- ee shore I miss you more and more, Ev- 'ry
day, my mam- my land, You're sim- ply grand.
C E¨
B¨7 E¨ E¨7
Down Yon- der when the folks get the news,
A¨ E¨7 A¨
Don't won- der at the Hul- la- ba- loos. There's
E¨ C7
dad- dy and mam- my, There's Eph- raim and Sam- my,
F7 B¨7 E¨
Wait- in' down yon- der or me.
280 Chicago
Fred Fisher - 1922
A E¨ G¨º F‹7 B¨7 F‹7 B¨7
Chi - ca - go, Chi- ca- go, That tod- dl'-in' town, tod - dl' - in' town, Chi-
E¨ E¨ B¨7
ca- go, Chi- ca- go, I'll show you a- round, I love it,
Bet your bot-tom dol-lar you lose the blues in Chi- ca- go, Chi- ca- go, The
D‹7(b5) G7 C‹ C7
do things they don't do on Broad- way, Say,
F‹ A¨‹ E¨ Gº
They have the time the time of their life, I saw a man,he danced with his wife, In Chi-
C7 F7 Bb D7 D7b5 Gm D+ Gm7 C7 F7
I could on - ly make you un -der - stand. It sure - ly would be grand.
Bb Dbº C7 F7 Bb7 Eb
I'm goin'to tel - e - graph you ba by, As you won't you please come home, "Cause
F#º Gm7
when you're gone I'm all for - lorn, I wor - ry all day long.
B Bb D7
Gm7 C7
Ba - by won't you please come home, "cause your mam -ma's all a - lone.
F7 F#º Gm 3 C7 Gb9 F7
I have tried in vain, nev -er no more to call your name.
Bb D7 G7 Cm7 Eb D7
When you left you broke my heart, Be - cause I nev -er thought we'd part. Ev -'ry
Eb Eº Bb Ab7b5 G7 C7 F7 Bb
hour in the day, you will hear me say, Ba- by won't you please come home.
282 When You Wore A Tulip
Percy Wenrich & Jack Mahoney - 1914
A B¨ C7
I met you in a gar - den in an old Ken tuck- y town, The
sun was shin - ing down, you wore a ging han gown. I
B¨ C7
kissed you as I placed a yel - low tu - lip in your hair, Up -
F7 B¨
on my coat you pinned a rose so rare. Time
E¨ B¨ G7
has not changed your lov - li - ness, you're just as sweet to me, I
C7 F7
love you yet I can't for - get the days that used to be. When
B B¨ B¨7
you wore a tul- ip, a sweet yel- low tul- ip, and
E¨ B¨ B¨7
I wore a big red rose,
E¨ E¨‹ B¨ G7
When you ca - ressed me, 'twas then Heav - en blessed me, what a
C7 F7
bless - ing no one knows.
C B¨ B¨7
You made life cheer- y, when you called me dear- ie, 'twas
E¨ D7
down where the blue grass grows, Your lips were
G7 C7
sweet- er than jul- ep, when you wore that tul- ip and
F7 B¨
I wore a big red rose.
q = 185
Ain't We Got Fun Kahn & Egan Whiting
A E¨
F‹ B¨7
E¨ E¨
Bill col - lec- tors gath-er 'Round an rath - er Haunt the cot- tage next door.
B¨7 E¨ D7 G‹
Men the gro - cer and butch - er sent Men who call for the rent. But with
G‹ D7 G‹ C9/G G7
in a hap - py chap - py And his bride of on - ly a year, Seem to
B E¨ B¨7
Ev-'ry morn ing, Ev-'ry eve-ning, Ain'twegot fun! Notmuchmon ey, Oh,buthon -ey
E¨ E¨7 Ab E¨
Ain'twe got fun! Therent'sun - paid, dear, We have'nta car,
Gm D7 Gm B¨7
But an - y way, dear. We'll stay as we are,
C E¨ B¨7
E - ven if we owe the gro - cer Don't we have fun?
B¨7 E¨ E¨7
Tax col - lec - tor's get - ting clos - er Still we have fun!
B¨7 G7 Cm Fm D7 E¨ Ab B¨7
Tax col - lec - tor's sur - er, the rich get rich andthe poor get poor - er
E¨ C7 F‹ B¨7 E¨
In themean - time in be tween time Ain't We Got Fun!
286 If You Were The Only Girl In The World
Clifford & Nat Ayer - 1916
AC A7 D7 G7
If you were the on- ly girl in the world, And I were the on- ly
C E¨º D‹7 G7 C D‹7
boy, Noth- ing else would mat-ter in the world to- day.
G7 G&7 C G7
We could go on lov- ing in the same old way. A
B C A7 D7 G7
gar- den of E - den just made for two, With noth- ing to mar our
C E¨º D‹7 G7 A‹ E‹
joy. I would say such won- der-ful things to you,
D‹ F‹ C A& A7
you were the on- ly girl in the world, and
D7 G7 C
I were the on- ly boy.
Shoot 'Em 287
C F6
C7 F
C F6
Bº F/C D7 G C F
Bº F/C D7 G CF
Over in the Glory Land
288 James Acuff and Emmett Dean
q = 200 A Bb
I've a hom pre - pared where the saints a - bide,
What a joy - ful thought that my Lord I'll see,
Now if you get there be - fore I do,
O - ver in that Glor - y Land, And I
And with
You just
long to be by my Sa - vior's side,
kin - dred saved there for e - ver be,
tell them all that I'm com - in' too,
O - ver in that Glor - y Land. I'm sing - in'
Bb Bb7 Eb
Ov - er in that Glor - y Land, Yes, O - ver in that
Eb Bb
Glor - y Land, O - ver in that Glor - y Land. Glor - y hal - le - lu - ia
O - ver in that Glor - y Land Yes, O - ver in that
Eb Bb B¨ F7
Glor - y Land, O - ver in that Glor - y Land.
q = 200 Weary Blues 289
F F7
Bb F
To Coda
C7 C7 F
C7 F F7 Bb F
F C7 F 1.
2. F F F7
D.C. al Coda
C Bb F7 Bb Bb F7
Bb F7 Bb Bb
G7 Eb Bbº
Bb F7 Bb
Solos at "C"
Carolina In The Morning
AC A‹ C C7/B¨ A7 D‹ G6 C
Wish -ing isgood time wast - ed, Still it's a hab - it they say.
C G©º7 G9 D‹ G7 C6
Wish -ing for sweets I've tast - ed, That's all I do all day.
C A‹ C C7/B¨ A7 D9 D7 G7
May -be there's noth -ing in wish - ing, Butspeak -ing of wish ing I'll say.
B C C‹7 C6 C©º D‹7 G7
Noth -ing could be fi -ner than to be in Ca -ro - li -na in themor - ning
D7 G E7 A‹7 D7 G7
Whis -pe -ring pret - ty sto -ries I long to hear once more
C C7 F D7 G7
If I had A -lad -din's lamp for on -ly a day I'd make a wish andhere's what I'd say
C G&7 C A‹7 D7 G7 C
Noth -ing could be fi -ner than to be in Ca -ro - li -na in the mor - ning
Paul Dresser
My Gal Sal 1905
A Bb
Eb Bb
They called her friv - o - lous Sal, A pe -
B¨ Eb
cu - liar sort of a gal, With a
heart that was mel - low, an all 'round good fell - ow was
C7 F7
my old pal. Your
B Bb
Eb Bb
trou - bles sor - rows and care she was
al - ways will - ing to share. A
Eb Bb G7 Cm
wild sort of de - vil, but dead on the lev - el was
C7 F7
My Gal Sal.
Shim-Me-Sha Wabble 293
A C‹
G7 C‹
C‹ G7
C‹ G7 C‹
F‹ C‹ G7 C‹
C C©º
G7 C C©º
C E‹ B7 G7 E‹
C C©º D‹7 G7 C C©º D‹7 G7
C C7 F F‹ C G7 C G7
James Monaco &
You Made Me Love You
Verse Josephy Mc Carthy
q = 112
A C Cº7 G7 C Cº7 G7
I`be been worr -ied all day long, Don't know if I'm right or wrong.
E&7 E7 A‹ G D7 G7
I can't help just what I say, Your love makes me speak this way.
C Cº7 G7 E7 A‹
Why oh why should I feel blue? Once I used to laugh at you But now I'm
D7 D7 D7 G7
cry ing, no usr de - ny ing That no one else but you will do.
Chorus 295
B C C0 Dm7 G7 Dm7 G7
You made me love you, I did -n't wan -na do it, I did -n't wan -na do it,
G7 Dm7 G7 C
Youmademewant you, Andall thetimeyouknew it, Iguessyou al -ways knew it,
A7 Ab7 A7 D7
You made me hap - py some times, you made me glad,
D7 Dm7 G7
But there were times dear,you made me feel so bad.
C C C0 Dm G7 Dm G7
You made me sigh for, I did -n't wan -na tell you, I did -n't wan -na tell you,
G7 Dm B7 E7
I want some love, that's true,yes I do,'deed I do,you know I do.
A7 D7
D7 Am7
Gim - me,gim -me what I cry for,youknow you gotthebrand of kiss -es that I'd die for,
C G7 C
You know you made me love you.
I A'int Got Nobody
q = 124
F F& F6
F& F C7 F
There's a say - ing go - ing 'round and I be - gan to think it's true It's
D‹ A7 E¨7(b5)
D7 G7 C7
aw - ful hard to love some - one when they don't care a - bout you.
A F F& F6
F& F
C7 F F©º
Once I had a lov - ing gal the sweet - est lit - tle thing in town,
F9 F9 E9 E¨9 D9 G7 G7
I'm so sad and lone - ly,
G7 G7 C7 C7
wont'some - bod - y come and take a chance with me?
C F7 F7 B¨ B¨
I'll sing you love songs hon - ey all the time,
D7 D7 G7 C7
If you'll be that lov - in' mom - ma of mine, 'Cause
D F9 F9 E9 E¨9 D9 G7 G7 G7(b5)
I ain't got no - bod - y and
F D‹7 G7 C7 F
no - bod - y cares for me.
298 In The Shade of the Old Apple Tree
q = 100 E. Van Alstyne
In the shade of the old ap - ple tree When the
G D7
love in your eyes I could see When the
D D7 G
voice that I heard, like the song of the bird Seemed to
whis - per sweet mu - sic to me I could
hear the dull buzz of the bee In the
blos - soms as you said to me With a
D D7 G
heart that is true, I'll be wait - ing for you In the
D7 G
shade of the old ap - ple tree
Are You From Dixie? 299
Hel lo there stran ger how do you do? There's some thing I'd like to say to you.
G D D G7
Don't be sur prised, You're re cog nized! I'm no de tec tive but I'vejust sur mised,
You're from the place where I long to be Your smi ling face seems to say to me,
G D7 G7
You're from my own land, My sun ny home land, tell me can it be? Are you from
Dix ie? I said from Dix ie? Where thefields of cot ton beck on to me I'm glad to
see you, Tell me how be you, and the friends I'mlong ing to see. If you're from
Al - a - ba - ma, Ten - nes - see or Ca - ro - line,
An - y place be - low the Ma - son Dix - on line, Then you're from
C G7
Dix- ie Hur ray for Dix ie! 'Cause I'm from Dix- ie too!
Maryland, My Maryland
5 A C7
C7 F F
C7 F F
C7 F
F7 E7 A‹
E7 A‹
21 B F
A‹ B¨
G‹ D7 G‹ G7
25 C7
C7 F
A C©º
D‹7 C7
33 F C7 F C7 F
37 C F
F C7 F F
C7 C7
45 F
F C7 F F
C7 C7 F
53 D D7
D7 G‹ G‹
57 C7
F F C7
61 E F
F C7 F F
C7 C7 F
Arkansas Blues
73 B¨7 B¨7 F F
77 C7 C7 F F
81 BF C7 F C7
85 F D7 G7 C7
89 F C7 F C7
93 F D7 G7 C7 F
5 D7 G‹ C‹ B¨ F7 B¨
9 B B¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨
13 B¨ D7 G‹7 C‹ B¨ F7 B¨
Gettysburg March
h = 100 A A¨ A¨ D¨ A¨ A¨
26 D¨ D¨ Dº A¨ F‹7
34 B A¨ A¨ D¨ A¨ A¨
42 D¨ D¨ Dº A¨ F‹7
46 B¨7 E¨7 A¨
Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord
(you've been good to me)
B¨ B¨ B¨ B¨
Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, You've been good to me.
You saved my soul when I was lost
You filled me with the Ho-ly Ghost,
58 B¨ B¨ B¨ B¨
Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, You've sure been good to me, Since - you
You saved my soul when I was lost, You've
You filled me with theHo-ly Ghost, You've
62 F F B¨
saved my soul from sin and shame.
Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet
AC C D7 D7
5 G7 G7 C G7
9 C C D7 D7
13 G7 G7 C
17 B D7 G D7 G
21 A7 D7 G7 G7
25 C C D7 D7
29 G7 G7 C C7
33 C F F B¨ B¨
37 F G7 C7 C7
41 F F7 B¨ F
45 F G7 C7 F
q = 126 Pay Me My Money Down
Brass Band Style
A F C7
Well I thought I heard the Cap - tain say, Pay me my mo - ney down, To -
As soon as the boat was clear of the bar, The
If I'd been a rich man's son, I'd
I wish that I was mis - ter gates, They'd
For - ty longnights at sea, They
5 C7 F
mor - row is our sail - ing day. Pay me my mo - ney down
cap - tain hit me with a spar.
sit on the ri - ver and watch it run.
haul my money in big crates.
worked ev'ry dol - lar out of me.
9 B F C7
pay me pay me, Pay me my mo - ney down,
C7 F
Pay me or go to jail, Pay me my mo - ney down
Walking With The King
Sing Al - le lu - ia I'm walk - ing with the King,
Sing Al - le - lu - ia, I'm wal - king with the King;
Al - le - lu - ia, I'm hol - ding to His hand;
5 G7 C
Right there hold - ing hands. Walk - ing with the King. Sing Al - le -
Tal - king with the King, wal - king with the King. Sing Al le -
He will help me stand, on my way to Glo - ry land. Sing Al - le -
9 C
lu - ia I'm walk - ing with the King. To - day I'm
lu - ia, I'm wal - king with the King. To - day I'm
lu - ia, I'm hol - ding to His hand; I'm hol - ding
13 G7 C
walk - ing with the King!
walk-ing with the King of Kings.
to Je - sus hand
310 Whoopin' Blues
Ruckus Brass Band Style
q = 164 A E¨
A¨7 E¨
B¨7 E¨
E¨ E¨7
A¨7 E¨
25 B E¨7
Yeah Yeah
A¨7 E¨
B¨7 E¨
I Shall Not Be Moved 311
q = 126 AF C7 Trad.
Glo - ry hal - le - lu - jah! I shall not be moved,
In His love a - bid - ing, I shall not be moved,
Tho' all hell as - sail me, I shall not be moved,
Tho' the tem - pest ra - ges, I shall not be moved,
4 F
An - chored in Je - ho - vah, I shall not be moved; Just like a
And in Him con - fid - ing, I shall not be moved; Just like a
Je - sus will not fail me, I shall not be moved; Just like a
On the Rock of A - ges, I shall not be moved.
B¨ F
tree that's plant - ed by the wa - ters,
F C7 F
I shall not be moved.
16 B F Chorus C7
I shall not be I shall not be moved,
C7 F
I shall not be I shall not be moved Just like a
B¨ F
tree that's plant - ed by the wa - ters,
F C7 F
I shall not be moved.
Make Me A Pallet on Your Floor
q = 126
A D¨ Trad.
A¨ A¨7
Hon - ey I can't lay a - cross your bed.
Don't you let my good gal catch you here.
D¨ A¨
hon - ey I can't lay a - cross your bed.
Don't you let my good gal catch you here.
A¨ C7 D¨ Dº
Now you must know I can't lay a - cross your pret - ty bed, 'Cause my good gal
'Cause she mightshoot you cut and stomp you too. A'int no tellin'
13 E¨7 A¨
she might shoot me dead.
what all she might do.
16 B D¨
A¨ D¨
Make me a pal - let on your floor. Make me a
21 A¨ C7
pal - let on your floor. Make it soft, make it low, so my
26 D¨ Dº A¨ E¨7 A¨
good gal she won't ev - er know. Make me a pal - let on your floor.
When the Roll is Called Up Yonder
h = 100 James Milton Black 1893
Verse A A¨
When the trum- pet of the Lord shall sound,and time shall be no more, And the
B¨ E¨7
mor - ning breaks, e - ter - nal, bright and fair When the
9 A¨ D¨ A¨
saved of earth shall ga - ther o - ver on the o - ther shore, And the
A¨ E¨7
roll is called up yon- der, I'll be there. When the
17 B A¨
roll, is called up yon - - der, When the
21 E¨7
roll, is called up yon - der, When the
25 A¨ D¨
roll, is called up yon - der, When the
29 A¨ E¨7 A¨
roll is called up yon - der I'll be there
By and By (When The Morning Comes)
Verse q = 180
E¨ A¨ E¨
We are tossed and dri - ven on the re - stless sea of time; som - ber
We are of - ten des - ti - tute of the things that life de - mands, want of
E¨ F B¨7
skies and how - ling tem pests oft suc - ceed a bright sun - shine; in that
food and want of shel - ter, thir - sty hills and bar - ren lands; we are
E¨ A¨
land of per - fect day, when the mists are rolled a - way, we will
trus - ting in the Lord, and ac - cor - ding to God's word, we will
E¨ B¨7 E¨
un - der - stand it bet - ter by and by.
un - der - stand it bet - ter by and by.
17 Chorus
By and by, when the morn - ing comes.
F B¨7
When the saints of God are ga - thered home, We will
A¨ E¨
tell the sto - ry how we've o - ver - come, We will
E¨ B¨7 E¨
un - der - stand it bet - ter by and by.
q = 120
Shine On Harvest Moon Nora Bayes-Norworth
Verse A D‹ A7 D‹ F A7
The night was migh - ty dark so you couldhard - ly see, For themoon re - fused to shine.
5 D‹ A7 D‹ G7 C7
Cou - ple sit - ting un - der - neath a wil - low tree, For love they pine.
9 C7 F
Lit - tle maid was kind - a'fraid of dark - ness, so She said, "I guess I'll go."
13 G7 C G7 C D7 G7 C7
Boy be - gan to sigh, looked up at the sky, told the moon his lit - tle tale of woe.
17 Chorus
B D7 G7
Shine on, shine on Har - vest moon up in the sky,
21 C7 F F7
I ain't had no lo - vin'since Jan - u - ar - y,Feb - ru - ar - y, June or Ju - ly.
25 D7 G7 C7
Snow time ain't no time to stay out - doors and spoon, So
C7 F B¨7 F
shine on, shine on har vest moon, for me and my gal.
Latin Harlem Blues W.C. Handy 1922
q = 138 D‹ G‹ A&7 D‹ B¨7 A&7 D‹
8 D¨ B¨‹
F‹7 G7 C E7
12 A D‹ G‹ A&7 D‹ D‹ A7
24 D¨ B¨‹
F‹7 G7 C E7
28 A D‹ G‹
A&7 D‹ D‹ A‹6 D7
Chorus Swing
32 G D7 G7 C C‹ G D7 G
36 E‹ G7 C C7 G D7
40 G D7 G7 C C‹ G D7 D©º E‹ Eº
1. 2. G
44 G A7 D7 G G©º A7 D7 G©º D7 G7
C7 F
D‹ G7
54 G7 C A‹
G B7
58 E A‹ G7
A F©‹ B7
62 C7 F D‹7 G7 C
318 Bugle Call Rag Jack Pettis, Billy Meyers,
Elmer Schoeble - 1922
Cornet Solo - Stop Time - 3 bars
A B¨
B¨ B¨ B¨7
Cornet Solo - Stop Time - 3 bars
13 B B¨
B¨ B¨7
B¨ B¨7
25 3
C E¨7
29 3 3
B¨ B¨7
3 3
B¨ B¨
Stop Time Ensemble Interlude - 3 bars
B¨ B¨7 Begin Solo
45 D
E¨7 B¨ G7
C7 F7 B¨ B¨7
Stop time ensemble interlude - 3 bars
53 B¨ B¨
Drum Break 2 bars
ff mp
57 E B¨7
mp - f
65 B¨7
E¨ Eº B¨
G7 C7 F7 B¨
81 B¨ C F7 B¨ B¨7
But I ad - mit that I changed my mind.
85 D‹ G‹6 A7 D‹ D7 G7
I go to sleep and I dream a - bout you,
89 F G‹7 C7 F7 F&7
And thru the day you can al - ways find me,
Chorus 321
93 B Bb A7
Blue be - cause we're part - ed,
97 D7 G&7 G7
Blue and bro - ken heart - ed.
101 Cm Ebm F7
There was a time I was jol - ly,
Bb G‹7
You know the rea - son I'm mel - an - chol - y,
109 C Bb A7
Blue, and oh so lone - ly,
G&7 G7
True, I want you on - - ly.
Cm E¨
We made a blun - der and lots of time I won - der if
121 C‹7 F7
Bb Ebm Bb
you're blue too.
Hiawatha Rag
1 A C
G7 G7
G7 C
C G7 G
17 B
33 C F
F C C7
41 C
47 D
51 F F7
B¨ B¨‹ F
D7 G7 C7 F
Achin' Hearted Blues Clarence Williams, Clarence Johnson
Verse and Spencer Williams
1 A
E¨ B¨&7 E¨ B¨&7 E¨
B¨7 E¨7
Lis - ten folks, it's no joke I'm blue as I can be.
A¨ Aº E¨
Lost my man my lov - in' man to - day he went a - way, and
G‹ D7 G‹
left me weep in' like a wil - low tree. I'm lone - some see.
13 B E¨
A¨ E¨ Fº E¨7
Got those dog - gone ach - in' heart - ed blues 'bout my ba - by
A¨ E¨
Want some - one to tell my wor - ried news.
B¨7 Eº B¨7 Eº B¨7 E¨
I've lost my best - est man on earth, I'm sad and wear - y now.
G‹ B¨º B¨7
to me my lov - in' man is worth his weight in gold, I vow. If
29 C
A¨ E¨
Fº E¨7
I could get him back I'd be so good to my dad - dy
A¨ D7
treat him right just like a good gal should, in - ded I would.
Aº E¨
My con - science is whip- pin' me, I'm down - heart - ed as can be I've
41 A¨ C7 F‹
C7 F7
A¨‹ E¨ A¨‹ E¨
learned a les - son, I'm con - fes - sin' I've got those ach in'heart - ed blues.
Get it Right
A B¨7
E¨ E¨ Eº
5 Break
B¨7 E¨
13 C7
A¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨ Eº
B¨7 E¨
E¨ Eº
21 Break
B¨7 B¨7
B¨7 E¨
29 C7
A¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨
33 B E¨
37 E¨ D7 G‹ B¨7
45 C7
F©º E¨
F7 B¨7
E¨ Eº
49 C
B¨7 E¨
E¨ Eº
53 Break
B¨7 E¨
61 C7
A¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨
Honey Man Al Piantadosi and
Verse AC Joe McCarthy 1911
I've got the fin - est man I got the grand - est man what's
He's got the grand - est heart He's got the big - gest heart I ev - er
in the land Oh there is some - thing 'bout him on - ly
knew be - fore He's more than twice as nice as an - y
6 G7
love can make me un - der - stand.
oth - er man and then some more.
9 G7
When he calls me cut - ey sweet - y Oh you kid. I
When he gets a - long be - side me, Oh that man. He
11 C
feel my sen - ses leav - ing and the Lord for - bid 'Cause when I
springs lit - tle tricks of love, like no one can and when that
13 G7 D7 G7
hear him call I'm gone that's all Yes gone I'm sing - ing to him all the while;
man does kiss I shake with bliss I hear my - self a sing - ing all the while.
Chorus 329
17 B C D‹7
G7 C
My lit - tle lov - in' hon - ey man, He sure has won my
20 D‹7
G7 A7 D7
heart and hand I'm on - ly wait - ing now for him to name the day, and
23 D7 G7 C
when he says to me come on what will I say? I'll say come'round here
26 D‹7
G7 C D‹ G7
hold me tight, I would - n't let him leave my sight And if I
C9 F D‹7 A D‹ C
thought he'd go, If I on ly thought he'd try to go, Then I would sigh no! I'd
34 G7
cry, yes! I'd lay me down and die Yes
37 D7
G7 C
die! If I should lose my hon - ey man.
Washington Post March John Philip Sousa
q = 200 1889
1 Intro in unison
9 A G‹ C7 F
13 C7 F
17 G‹ C F F‹
21 C G7 C
25 B G‹ C7 F
29 C7 F
33 G‹ C F F‹
37 C G7 C
41 C C7 C7 F
45 C7 C7 F
49 C7 C7 F
53 F
F C7
57 D B¨ F7 D‹ F7 B¨
61 B¨ F7 B¨ B¨
65 E¨ G7 C‹ G7
69 B¨ Bº F7 B¨ B¨
q = 180 Chorus Do Lord
Bb Bb
Do Lord, O, Do Lord, O do re - mem - ber me
Eb Eb Eb
Do Lord, O, Do Lord, O do re - mem - ber me
Bb Bb
Do Lord, O, Do Lord, O do re - mem - ber me
13 B¨ F7 Bb
Way be - yond the blue.
17 Verse
B¨ B¨
I've got a home in glo - ry land that out - shines the sun
I took Je - sus as my sa - viour you take him too.
E¨ E¨ E¨ F7
I've got a home in glo - ry land that out shines
- the sun
I took Je - sus as my sa - viour you take him too.
B¨ B¨
I've got a home in glo - ry land that out - shines the sun.
I took Je - sus as my sa - viour you take him too.
29 B¨ F7 B¨
Way be - yond the blue.
Little Liza Jane
q = 200
D¨ A¨
I've got a friend in Bal - ti - more, li'l Li - za Jane.
I've got a gal and she loves me
D¨ A¨7 D¨
Street- cars run - ning by her door, Li'l Li - za Jane.
She's as sweet as sweet can be.
9 D¨ G¨ D¨ D¨ A¨
Oh E - li - za Li'l Li - za Jane.
13 D¨ G¨ D¨ A¨7 D¨
Oh E - li - za Li'l Li - za Jane.
9 B F C G7 C
Yes, we’ll ga - ther at the ri - ver, The beau - ti - ful, the beau - ti - ful ri - ver;
13 F C G7 C
Ga - ther with the saints at the ri - ver That flows by the throne of God.
9 BF F7 B¨ F D‹ C7
Sa vior, Sa vior, Hear my hum ble cry;
13 F
B¨ C7
F B¨ F
While on oth - ers you are cal ling, Do not pass me by.
q = 180 Salty Dog Blues 337
1 D7 G7
My name's Liz - zie from New Or - leans. and I sure do love my red beans'cause I'm a
5 C7 F
Sal - ty Dog (echo) Sal - ty Dog yes Sal - ty Dog (echo) Sal - ty Dog Now
9 D7
I've been east and I've been west but I like New Or - leans the best It's a
13 C7 F
Sal - ty Dog (echo) Sal - ty Dog yes Sal - ty Dog (echo) Sal - ty Dog
8 G7 C A¨7 G7
12 C C7 F F7 C
16 F C C©º
20 G7 C G7
24 B C C7
28 F C
32 G7 C A¨7 G7
36 C C7
40 F C
44 G7 C G7 C
48 C C C7
52 F C
56 G7 E7 F C
Joe Turner Blues W.C. Handy 1915
A B¨
E¨ B¨ B¨7
E¨ B¨
F7 B¨
E¨ B¨
24 B
A¨ E¨
B¨7 E¨ B¨7 E¨
A¨ E¨ B¨7
E¨ B¨7 E¨
Dallas Blues Lloyd Carrett
and Hart Ward - 1912
1 A B¨
B¨º B¨7
E¨ B¨
13 B B¨
B¨º B¨7
B¨ F7
B¨ B¨ B¨º F7
25 C B¨
B¨ F7
B¨ B¨ B¨º F7
37 D B¨
On The Banks of The Wabash
Paul Dresser 1897
A A¨ D¨ A¨
'Round my In - di - an - a home - stead wave the corn - fields, In the
2 A¨ B¨ E¨7 A¨
dis - tance loom the wood - lands clear and cool, Of - ten
4 A¨ D¨ A¨
times my thoughts re - vert to scenes of childd - hood, Where I
6 A¨ B¨ E¨ A¨
first re - ceived my les - sons Na - ture's school. but
8 C7 F‹
one thing there is miss - ing in the pict - ure, With -
10 B¨ E¨7
out her face it seems so in - com - plete. I
12 A¨ D¨ A¨
long to see my moth - er in the door - way, As she
14 A¨ B¨ E¨7 A¨
stood there years a - go her boy to greet. oh the
16 A¨ B C7 F‹ D¨
moon - light's fair to - night a - long the Wa - bash from the
18 B¨7 E¨
fields there comes the breath of new - mown hay. Through the
20 A¨ C7 F‹ D¨ A¨º
syc - a - mores the can - dle lights are gleam - ing on the
22 A¨ B¨7 E¨7 A¨
banks of the Wa - bash far a - way.
344 Dusty Rag May Aufderheide (1908)
q = 160
1 AF F©º
Way down in Ten - nes - see hap - py as he can be
Some day I hope to go back there to Dus ty snow,
3 B‹ G7 B‹ G7
un - der the Dix - ie moon There lives a la - zy coon,
Way down in Ten - ne see, Then Dus - ty's bride I'll be,
5 C E‹ C E‹
White folks thhey call him Joe. but he says that ain't so,
We'll live on kid - ney stew, pork chops and pos - sum too,
7 Bº7 F C7 F F©º
Dus - ty's his name. And when the moon - light shines down on the mel - on vines,
and buck wheat cakes. And ev - ry sum - mer night un - der the pale moon - light
11 B‹ G7 B‹ G7
then mis - ter Dus - ty Snow, he gets that old ban - jo
Then Mis - ter Dus - ty Snow, he'll get that old ban - jo
13 Bº7 C7 F
Hear him tune up and start to play.
Hear him tune up and start to play.
17 B C F A7 D‹
Tin - kle, tin- kle, tin - kle hear that tune Stars be - gin to twin - kle to the moon,
21 G7 F G7 C
When I hear that ma - gic har - mon- y An - gels seem to whisp - per love to me,
25 C7 F A7 D‹
I just want to love him hold him tight! I could keep ondan - cin' all the night.
29 G‹ F7 G7 C7 F
Sets my heart a thump - in' play - in' tag, Oh it'sthe dus - ty rag.
q = 148
Slow and Easy Norman Spencer and
Verse Harry Williams 1919
1 A E¨
E¨ F7 B¨7 E¨
Oh, ho-ney dear, my ho-ney dear, I hear those dog - gone "blues;"
Oh, ho-ney dear, my ho-ney dear, I fear I'll have to stop;
G‹ D B¨7
And, ho - ney dear, oh, lis- ten here, I feel those dog - gone shoes.
And, ho - ney dear, oh, lis- ten here, I feel my feet will "pop."
Though they're new and kil- ling me too, Hear that blue and what can you do?
When they choose to put on the blues, Two new shoes mean ter - ri - ble news.
Cº7 Aº7
E¨ C7 C‹7 F7 B¨ B¨ F‹7 B¨7
Oh, boy! Oh, joy! Let's tod - dle it through: But take it
Oh, boy! No joy! I've got to re - fuse so walk it
17 B Cº7
Aº7 E¨ C7 F7 E¨ B¨ F‹7 B¨7
slow and ea - sy, if you want to get a - long with me. I said, go
slow and ea - sy, if you want to get a - long with me. I said, go
Cº7 E¨
C7 F7 B¨7
slow and ea - sy; be as ea - sy as a man can be.
slow and ea - sy; be as ea - sy as a man can be.
Stop time
E¨ E¨7
A¨ A¨ B7
I'm a la - dy, pure and sweet, But "shim - mee" up a lit - tle while I rest my feet. Go
Sit me down here in the shade. I'd like a lit - tle beer I mean a le - mo - nade. Go
E¨ /B¨ F‹ B¨7 0
E¨ Aº7 E¨ C7 F7 B¨7
slow and ea - sy if you want to get a - long with me.
slow and ea - sy if you want to get a - long with me.
Sister Kate
A.J. PIRON - 1919
q = 164
33 E¨ Eº B¨/F G7 C7 F7 B¨
37 A F7
Went to a dance with my sis - ter Kate. ev-'ry- one there said shedanced so great
F7 C‹7 F7 B¨
I re-al -ized- a thing or two, then I got wise to some-thing new,
45 F7
I looked at Kate and she was in a trance that's when I knew that it was in her dance.
49 G7 C7 F©7 F7 B¨ Bº
All the boys are a go-ing wild o-ver Ka-tie's danc-ing- style.
53 B
F7 B¨
wish I could shim my like my sis-ter Kate, she shiv-ers like a jel- ly
I could shim - my like my sis ter Kate I'd ne - ver stay home I'd stay
56 B¨ F7 B¨
on a plate. My ma - ma want - ed to know last night, why all the boys treat
out too late I'd get my stuff a bout as high as a kite. You know I'd do it for you
Kate so nice. now Ev-'ry boy in theneigh-bor hood, knows she can shim-my and it's
e'v - ry night.
64 E¨ Eº B¨ G7
un- der- stood. I know I'm late but I'll be up to date, when I can
67 C7 F7 B¨ G7 G¨7 F7 B¨
shim-my like my sis -ter- Kate, oh yeah Shim-my like my sis - ter Kate.
Some Of These Days
Verse F G7
Two sweet hearts court - ed happ - i - ly for quite a - while midst
lit - tle girl - ie feel - ing blue said I'll go too, And
3 C7 Dm C7
sim - ple life of coun - try folk.
show him two can play this game.
5 F Fm C A7 D7
When the lad told girl - ie he must go a - way her
WHen her hon - ey heard this mel - an cho - ly news, He
7 G7 C7
lit - tle heart with grief 'most broke. She
quick - ly came back home a - gain. But
9 F G7
said you know it's true I love you best of all so
when he reached the shouse he found his girl was gone so
11 C7 Dm F B¨
hon - ey don't you go a - way. Just as he went to go
down he rush - es to the train. While it was pull - ing out,
14 Dm E A7 D‹ E D‹
it grieved the girl- ie so These words I heard her say. Some of these
he heard his girl lie shout This lov - ing sweet re - frain.
A7 A7 Dm
days your gon - na miss me hon - ey. Some of these
4 A7 A7 Dm Dm
days you'll feel so lone - ly, you'll miss my
8 D&7 D7 G7 G7
hug - gin' you'll miss my kiss - in' you'll miss me
12 G7 G7 C7 C7
hon - ey when you're a - way. You'll be so
16 F7 F7 B¨ B¨
lone - ly just for me on - ly, cuz you know
20 D7 D7 Gm Gm
hon - ey you al - ways got your way, And when you
24 B¨ Bdim F D7
leave me I know you'll grieve me you know you'll
28 G7
C7 F
miss your ba - by oh some of these days.
5 B¨ D7 G‹ F G7 C7
all dressed up like As - tor's pup They sure looked out of sight. The
9 F7 B¨ F7 B¨
band be - gan to play a waltz just as they strol'd in - side Mose
13 F D‹7 G7 C7 F7
said Come dear let's hes -i - tate then Li - za she re - plied.
17 D B¨7 G7 G7
I don't want no waltz for mine, I want to shim - mie I want to shim - mie Pav -
21 C7 C7 A7 A7
lo - va's dance may be di - vine, But I'd ra - ther Shim - mie I'd ra - ther Shim - mie
25 F7 F7 B¨ D7 G‹
I don't want no Hes - i - ta - tion All I crave is syn - co - pa - tion and I
29 F G‹ F B¨ F7
don't like mu - sic play'd in waltz time I want Jazz time
33 B¨7 G7 G7
I can two - step, waltz and fox - trot but I pre - fer to shim - mie, I'd ra - ther shim - mie the
37 C7 C7 D7 D7
dance they call the Tex - as Tom - my Glide I've tried, I've
41 G G7 C7
walked the dog and Balled the Jack but they don't seem to have the knack, Just
45 C7 F7 B¨
let me shim - mie and I'm sat - is - fied.
Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives To Me
q = 120 8 bar Instrumental
B¨ E¨‹7 F7 B¨ B¨ E¨‹7 F7 B¨
53 F7 B¨ G7 C7 F7
57 C B¨ E¨‹7 F7 B¨ B¨ E¨‹7 F7 B¨
What is that song a- bout kiss es, What is that song a- bout smiles,
61 F7 B¨ G7 C7 F7
If I could have my way, I'd sing a song to day That would beat them all by miles.
65 B¨ E¨‹7 F7 B¨ B¨7 E¨
I would - n't sing a - bout smil ing, That's not the ti - tle I'd choose,
E¨ D‹ E7 A7
I would sing a - bout what I've got, And what I've got's the wear - y blues. There are
q = 180
73 D Dm Bbdim Dm D7 Gm
Blues that you get from wor - ry There are Blues
Blues that you get when sin - gle There are Blues
Blues that you get from sweet - ie When she phones
78 Gm Ebdim Gm Bb7 A7
that you get from pain, And there are Blues when you're lone - ly For
that will give you pain, And there are Blues when you're lone - ly For
to ano - th - er guy, And there are Blues when your hon - ey spends
83 Dm E7 A7
your one and on - ly, The Blues you can nev
- er ex - plain; There are
your one and on - ly, The Blues you can nev - er ex - plain; There are
all of your mon - ey, And Blues when she tells you a lie; There are
89 Dm Bbdim Dm D7 Gm A7
Blues that you get from long - ing But the blu - est Blues that be
Blues that you get from long - ing To hold some - one on your knee,
Blues that you get when mar - ried Wish - ing that you could be free,
96 A7 D7 G7
Are the sort of Blues that's on my mind, They're the ve - ry
But the kind of Blues that al - way stabs, Come from hi - ring
But the kind of Blues that's good and blue, Comes from hav - ing
G7 C7
G7 C9 F (A7)
mean - est kind, The Blues my naught - y sweet - ie gives to me. There are
tax - i cabs, The Blues my naught - y sweet - ie gives to me. There are
wine for two, The kind of Blues my sweet - ie gives to me. There are
356 Hello! My Baby
q = 148 A F
I've got a lit - tle ba - by but she's out of sight, I
This morn - ing thru the phone she said her name was Bess, And
F C7
talk to her a - cross the tel - e - phone. I've
now I kind of know where I am at, I'm
5 C7
nev - er seen my hon - ey but she's mine all right, So
sat - is - fied be - cause I've got my babe's ad - dress, Here
7 C7 F
take my tip and leave this gal a - lone.
past - ed in the lin - ing of my hat.
9 F
Ev' - ry sin - gle morn - ing you will hear me yell, "Hey
I am might - y scared,'cause if the wires get crossed, 'Twill
11 D7 G7
Cen - tral fix me up a - long the line." He con -
sep - a - rate me from my ba - by mine, Then some
13 B¨ Bº
F D7
nects me with my hon - ey, than I ring the bell, And
oth - er guy will win her, and my game is lost, And
15 G7 C7
this is what I say to ba - by mine.
so each day I shout a - long the line,
17 B F D‹ G7
Hel - lo! my ba - by, Hel - lo! my ho - ney, Hel - lo! my rag - time gal.
21 C C7 F E7 C7
Send me a kiss by wire. Ba - by my heart’s on fire!
25 F D‹ G7
If you re - fuse me, Ho - ney you’ll loose me, then you'll beleft a - lone. Oh! Ba - by,
29 C F C7
te - le - phone and tell me I'm your own. Hel - lo! Hel - lo! Hel - lo - there!
Kansas City Stomps Jelly Roll Morton - 1923
Trombone Bass
37 A B¨7
E¨ E¨7
49 A¨ Aº E¨ C7 F‹7 B¨7 E¨
53 B G7
2 bar break
F7 B¨7 E¨
G7 C7
F7 B¨7 E¨ E¨
69 C E¨7 B¨7 E¨7 A¨ G7
73 B¨‹7 E¨7
77 Kick !
E¨7 B¨7 E¨7 A¨ Eº F7
mp 1. 2.
B¨‹7 Bº A/C F7 A¨ Aº
81 B¨‹7 E¨7
D Clarinet
86 Cornet Trombone
Bass All
B¨7 E¨
A B¨ D7 G‹ B¨7 E¨ B¨ F7 B¨ Bº
114 B¨ D7 G‹ B¨7 E¨ B¨ F7
To Coda
B¨7 ø
1. 2.
E¨ Eº
B¨ G7 C7 F7
B¨ F7 B¨
On DC go to "C"
B F7 F7
Break B¨ B¨
F7 Break B¨ F7
F7 F7 B¨ B¨
Break Break
B¨ B¨7 Break E¨ Break G¨7
3 3 3
139 F7 F7 Break C7
2. B¨ F7
D.C. 1. B¨ G‹ Bº
On DC go Back to "A",
take 2nd ending and go to "C"
144 C B¨
B¨º B¨7
E¨ B¨7 F©º E¨ E¨7 A¨
G7 C7
E¨ Eº
B¨ G7 C7 F7
B¨ F7
B¨ D7 G‹ G¨7 F7 B¨
362 Alligator Hop
Bb C7 F7 Bb
192 A F7 F7 Bb Bb
196 F7 F7 Bb Bb
200 F7 F7 Bb Bb F7 Bb
clar. break - rhythm out
C7 F7
208 B
Eb Eb Eb
Eb Eb F7 clar. break - rhythm out
216 Eb Eb Eb Eb Bb7 Eb
clar. break - rhythm out Bb7 Eb
224 C F7 F7 Bb Bb
228 F7 F7 Bb Bb
232 F7 F7 Bb Bb F7 Bb
clar. break - rhythm out
C7 F7
240 D F7 F7 Bb Bb
244 F7 F7 Bb Bb
248 F7 F7 Bb Bb F7 Bb
clar. break - rhythm out
C7 F7
256 E Solo
Eb Eb
T-bone break -rhythm out
Eb F7 B¨
264 E¨ E¨ E¨ Eb Bb7 Eb
268 t- bone break - rhythm out B¨7 E¨
364 Dippermouth Blues
Fdim F7 C7 F7
276 A Bb Eb Bb Bb7 Eb
281 Eb Bb Bb
284 F7
F7 Bb Bb
288 B Bb
Clarinet Solo Bbdim
Ebdim G7
Bb F7
Trumpet Solo
300 C Bb Eb Bb Bb7 Eb Eb
306 Bb Bb F7 F7 Bb Bb
Add Clarinet background
312 D Bb Eb Bb Bb7
316 Eb Eb Bb Bb
320 F7 F7 Bb Bb
Add Trombone background
E Bb Eb Bb Bb7 Eb
329 Eb Bb Bb F7
333 F7 Bb
Oh Play That Thing!!
336 F Bb Eb Bb Bb7
340 Eb Eb Bb Bb
344 F7 F7 Bb Bb
Chimes Blues 1923
Intro Bb F7
5 A B¨ Bb7
9 Eb7 Bb G7
13 C7 F7 Bb Bb7 Bbdim Ebm Bb F7
24 G7 C7 F7 Bb Eb7 Bb F7 Cm F7
Piano Chimes
Chimes: 8va Bb7 Eb Ebm
29 C Bb
Bb G7 C7 F7 Bb Eb Bb Eb Bb
41 D Bb Gb7 Bb Bb7
45 Eb Edim Bb G7
End Solo
49 C7 F7 Bb C7 F7 Bb
57 Eb Ebm Bb G7
61 C7 F7 Bb Eb Bb Eb Bb
Canal Street Blues
Joe "King" Oliver - 1923
F B¨ B¨‹ C7
69 F F7
73 B¨ F
1. 2.
77 C7 F B¨9 F C&7 F C7
83 B F F7 B¨
89 F C7 F Break C7
2. Final Ending
F B¨7 F
95 To "A" F B¨7 F
C7 3
D¨7 F
Solos on "A" only. After last solo
play "A", "B" and last ending
Temptation Blues King Oliver and Lil Hardin - 1923
A F C7 F F7
105 B¨
C7 F
D‹7 G7 C7 F C7 F
B F F B¨
117 F A7 D7
121 G7 C7 F B¨ B¨‹ 1. F
126 F
C F7
B¨ B¨ F
C7 B¨ C7 F B¨7 F
q = 160 Mabel's Dream
138 Eb Eb Ab Adim Bb7
A Eb Eb Ab Eb Bb7
146 Eb Eb Ab Bb7 Eb
B Eb Bb7 3 Eb Cl. Brk
Eb Bb7
Eb Tromb break ad lib
164 Ab
Eb G7 Ab7
D Ab Ab
Eb Db Ab
172 Ab
Eb Eb7 Eb
176 Ab
Eb Db Ab
180 Ab Ab 1. Eb Ab
Eb Ab Ab Eb Ab
Farewell Blues The New Orleans Rhythm Kings - 1922
F7 F7 F
D7 G‹ Fº F7 F C&7
204 B
F C7 F
208 F C7 F F7 E7 E¨7
D7 G‹ Fº F
217 C7 F No repeat 1x - on to "C"
220 C F C7 F C7 F
224 F C7 F C7 F
228 D7 G‹ Fº
Back to "B" for Solos
232 F C7 F C7 F
Camp Meeting Blues
A Eb Eb Eb Eb7
Eb Eb Eb7 Ab7 Ab7
Eb Eb7 Bb7 Ab7
Clar & Trumpet
Eb Eb7 Bb Eb
374 The Charleston
q = 180
Mack / J. Johnston - 1923
A G‹ E‹7(b5) A‹7(b5) D7 G‹
Car - o - lin - a, Car - o - lin - a, At last they got you on the map,
E‹7(b5) A7 D7
With a new tune, Fun - ny blue tune, With a pe- cu - li - ar snap! You may
F7 B¨
G‹ B¨
not be a - ble to buck or wing, Fox - trot, two- step or e ven sing, If you
F Fº F F©º C7 F C F7
ain't got re - li gion in your feet, You can do this prance and do it neat.
B¨ B D7 G7
Charles - ton! Charles - ton! Made lin - Car - o - lin - a,
B¨ D7 G7
Charles - ton, Charles - ton, Lord how you can shuf - fle,
D‹ A7 D7 F7
Ev -'ry step you do, Leads to some - thing new, Man I'm tell ing you, It's a la pa zoo,
C B¨ D7 G7
Buck dance, Wing dance, Will be a back num - ber But the
B¨ B¨7
Some - time You'll dance it one time, The dance called the
F7 Bb Eb F7 Bb
C7 F7
Bb Bbdim F7
C7 F7
F7 Bb
Bb G7 Cm D7 Gm
C7 F7
Bb Bb7
C Eb Bb7 Eb Bb7
Eb Ab F7 Bb7
Eb Bb7 Eb Bb7
Eb F7 Bb7 Eb
Back to "B" for Solos
Sweet Lovin' Man 377
Lil Hardin & Walter Melrose - 1923
Intro B¨ G7 C7 F7 B¨
A B¨ Verse:
D7 G‹ B¨7
I've seen ros- es rare, I've seen vio-lets- blue,
E¨7 B¨ A7 A¨7 G7
I've seen po- sies beau- ti- ful, morn-ing- glor- ies too. But they
all just fade and die when my sweet Dad- dy goes by.
B B¨ Chorus G7 C7 F7 B¨
There'sno flow- er that can com- pare with my sweet lov- in' man.
B¨ G7 C7 F7
Take a look a- round an- y where, Find one if you can.
Band Plays Down Beats Only
B¨ B¨7 E¨
When he calls hon-ey and speaks of love, I feel my soul a-float- in' the
B¨ G7 C7 F7
land a- bove. He's the fond- est thing I is of, He's my sweet in'
C7 F7 B¨
B¨ D7 G7
man (Sweet Dad- dy) He's my sweet lov- in' man.
378 Beale Street Mama
Roy Turk & Russel Robinson - 1923
Intro AF A7
G C7
F B¨7 F
BF F7 B¨ F C7
Jen - ny Neale Down in Beale Gave her pa - pa the air Left him cold
F D7 G7 C7 F7 B¨
Got him told Said she did - n't care Old Joe, her beau looked
F7 B¨ G7
just like he would die. If you were near him
C Cº C C©º D‹ G7 C7
you would hear him sob his mourn - ful cry.
Chorus 379
Beale Street ma- ma, why don't you come back home? Well,you
B¨7 F F©º
know it is-n't pro-per to leave your lov-in' pa-pa a- lone, all a- lone. I
know that some - times I was cruel that's true, but
F A7 D7
ma - ma your sweet pa - pa nev - er two - timed you, boo
G C7
hoo, I'm blue, so, how come you do me like you do?I'm cry-in'
Beale Street ma- ma, don't mess a-round with me. I know
B¨ B¨7 A7
there is fan-cy- pet- tin' that I can get in Ten- nes-see. I still get
F A7 D‹
my sweet cook-ies con-stant- ly, but not the kind you served to me, so
G C7 F B¨7 F
Beale Street ma- ma come back home.
380 Coal Cart Blues Louis armstrong &
Lil Hardin
q = 124
E¨ F7 B¨7 E¨ B¨7
A E¨ E¨7
A¨ E¨ Aº B¨7 E¨
B¨7 1. E¨ B¨7 2.
E¨ E¨7
A¨ D7
E¨ C7
B¨7 E¨
A¨ D7 E¨ C7
1. 2. E¨
A¨ D7 E¨ C7 F‹7 B¨7 E¨ E¨7
C E¨
E¨ D7 A¨ F7
E¨ E¨7 A¨
A¨ D7 E¨ B¨7
E¨ F7 B¨7 E¨
Chatanooga Stomp
B¨ F A¨7 C‹ A¨7 F7 F7
q = 210
A B¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨ Break
B¨ B¨ C7 F7
B¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨ B¨ Eº
B¨ B¨7 G7 C7 F7 B¨ F7 B¨
1. 2.
B B¨ E¨ B¨ Bº F7 B¨ F7 B¨ E¨ B¨ Bº
F7 B¨ Bº F7 B¨ E¨ B¨ Bº F7
B¨ F7 B¨ E¨ B¨ Bº F7 B¨ F7
C B¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨ Break
B¨ B¨ C7 F7 t-bone
B¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨
D E¨ E¨ E¨7 A¨ A¨ A¨‹7 E¨ E¨ Eº B¨7
B¨7 E¨
B¨7 E¨ E¨ E¨‹7 B¨ Bº F7 B¨7 Instrumental Break
F C7 F C7 F F©º
Who's the man our Pres- i- dents tell all their troub-les to? No it
Who's the man that Val - en - tin - o takes his hat off to? No it
G7 C G7 C
is - n't Mis- ter Bry- an, And it is- n't Mis- ter Hughes. I'm
is - n't Doug - las Fair banks, That the la dies rave a - bout. When
D7 G
might-y proud that I'm al- lowed a chance to in - tro - duce:
he ar - rives who makes the wives chase all their hus bands out?
C©º G7 C
Bar - ney Goo- gle, with his Goo Goo Goo - gly eyes.
C D7 G7
Bar - ney Goo - gle, had a wife three times his size.
Bar - ney Goo - gle, bet his horse would win the prize.
C7 F D7 G7
She sued Bar- ney for di- vorce, Now he's liv- ing with his horse!
When the hors - es ran that day, Spark Plug ran the oth - er way!
C D7 G7 C
Bar - ney Goo - gle, with his Goo Goo Goo - gly eyes.
Mr Jelly Lord Jelly Roll Morton - 1923
q = 128
E¨ Eº B¨ G7 C7 F7 B¨ F7 B¨
A B¨ D¨º
F7 B¨ F7 D¨º
B¨ D¨º F7 B¨7 E¨
E¨ Eº B¨ G7 C7 F7 B¨ Eº
E¨ Tag Ending
B7 B¨7
Downhearted Blues
E¨ C7 F7 B¨7 E¨ B¨7
A E¨ C7 F7 B¨7 E¨ B¨7
Gee but it's hard to love some one When that some one don't love you,
If I could on - ly find the man Oh how hap - py I would be,
E¨ C7 F B¨7
I'm so dis - gus - ted heart bro ken too I've got the down heart- ed blues.
To the good Lord ev - 'ry night I pray, Please send my man back to me.
E¨7 A¨ A¨ G
Once I was cra zy a bout a man he mis-treat- ed me all the time the
I've al most wor - ried my - selfto death, won d'ring why he went a - way, but
F B¨ C7 F7 B¨
next man I get he's got to pro mise to be mine all mine. 'Cause he
just wait and see he's gon na want me back some sweeet day.
A E¨
Chorus A¨7 E¨ E¨7
mis -trea - ted me and he drove me from his door, yes he
world in a jug got the stop - per in my hand got the
ain't nev - er loved but the three men in my life, say I
may be a week and it may be a month or two, oh it
walked the floor and I wrung my hands and cried, yes I
A¨ E¨
mis -trea - ted me and he drove me from his door, but the
world in a jug got the stop - per in my hand, and if
ain't nev - er loved bu the threemen in my life, 'twas my
may be a month and it may be a week or two, all the
walked the floor and I wrung my hands and cried, had the
B E¨7 A¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨
bam - a Brown the mean-est gal in town, was lay- ing down the rule toher mis
E¨7 A¨ A¨‹
Got a Smith and Wes son so don't you fool a round If I catch you cheat ing gon - na
Got my old frog stick - er and it is full of rust. If you don't be care - ful gon - na
If I catch you flirt - in'here'sone thing I must say, An - y - one can find you ev'- ry
A B¨ E¨ Eº B¨ B¨7
E¨ G¨7 B¨ D7 F‹6 G7
C7 F7 B¨ F7 B¨
3 3
E¨ G¨7 B¨ G7
C7 F7 B¨ E¨ B¨ F7
C B¨7
B¨ E¨
E¨ B¨ B¨7 G7 C7
3 3
F7 B¨ E¨ B¨ F7
C7 F7 B¨ E¨ B¨ tag
392 Mama Goes Where Papa Goes Milton Ager - 1923
C7 F7
When the eve- nin' sun goes down? You eat my meat and drink my
With a bus-'ness friend down town? 'Course I don't know but, Hen- ry,
B¨7 E¨ B¨7
chick-en soup, Then I no- tice that you fly- the coop. You
I sus- pect, That your friend is of the fe- male sex. So
B¨ C7 C7(b5)
F7 B¨&7
can't pass thru that door With- out your ma- ma an- y more. 'Cause
ma- ma goes a- long To see you keep your will-pow'r strong. 'Cause
A E¨ Eº B¨ G7 C7 F7 B¨ B¨ D7 G‹
Ma-ma goes where Pa-pa goes, or Pa-pa don't go out to-night! Ma-ma-goes'cause
D‹ F C7 F7
Ma-ma knows You can't be trust-ed out of her sight.
B¨7 E¨
Ma-ma's got a feel -in' that she must be near, Just to help her Pa - pa keep his
B¨&7 E¨ Eº B¨
G7 C7 F7
con-science clear, So Ma-ma goes where Pa-pa goes or Pa-pa don't go out to-night,
B¨ G7
F7 B¨ B¨&7
No! Pa-pa don't go out to-night! 'Cause Here's your
bed-room slip - pers and your fav-'rite pipe, Here's your yel-low bath- robe withthe
C7 F7 B¨ G7
pur-ple stripe. Here's your arm-chair and the pa-per that you read and here's a
D7 G7 G¨7 F7 B¨ F7
ain't the worst,But your ma-ma here be-lieves in Safe-ty First. An-y mar-ried wo- man will ad
B¨ G7 C7 G¨7 F7 B¨
mit I'm right, -
a hus band in your home is worth a doz-en out of sight!
C B¨7
I don't meanto say you've beenbe - hav- in' bad, You ain't yet been got-ten, but you
E¨ B¨&7 E¨ Eº B¨
can be had! So Ma-ma goes where Pa -pa goes or
F7 B¨ G7
C7 F7 B¨
Pa-pa don't goout to-night, No! Pa-pa don't go out to night!
Mandy Lee Blues bloom & melrose - 1923
q = 200
D7 G7 C7 F
AF F G7 G7
C7 F G7 C7
D7 D7 G7 C7
F F G7 C7
B D7 D7 G7 G7
C7 C7 F break ad lib
D7 D7 G7 G7
D¨7 F D7 G7 C7 F D7 G7 C7 F
C B¨ clar solo B¨ B¨7
E¨ B¨
B F©7 B C G7
C C7 E¨7 G‹ E¨7 C7
D D7 D7 G7 G7
trpt break
C7 C7 F C&7 F
Who's Sorry Now?
Verse Vert Kalmar, Harry Rubby, Ted Snyder - 1923
A C7
F7 B¨ B¨º
You smiled when we part- ed, It hurt me some-how, I
Al- though I for- give you, I can-not for- get, How
F7 F&7 B¨
thought there was noth- ing worth-while, The
you shat-tered all my i- deals, You
ta- bles are turn- ing And you're cry- ing now, While
smiled when I told you That you would- re- gret, And
F Fº F C7 Cº C7 F7 C‹7 F7 F&7
I am just learn- ing to smile.
now you know just how it feels.
Who's sor- ry now? Who's sor- ry now?
G7 C7
Whose heart is ach- ing for break- ing each vow?
Who's sad and blue? Who's cry- ing too?
F C7 F7 C‹7 C‹7(b5) F7
Just like I cried ov- er you.
C B¨
Right to the end, Just like a friend,
G7 C‹ G7 C‹ G7
I tried to warn you some- how.
C‹ C‹7(b5) B¨ G7
You had your way, Now you must pay;
B¨ Bº C‹7 F7
I'm glad that you're sor- ry now.
q = 132
Weather Bird Rag King Oliver - 1923
D¨ D¨‹ A¨ F7 B¨7 E¨7 A¨
A A¨ D¨ D¨‹ A¨ A¨
E¨7 Eº F‹ G7 C‹ E¨7
A¨ D¨6 D¨‹ A¨ F7
B¨‹ D¨ Dº A¨ F7 B¨7 E¨7 A¨
D¨ Dº A¨ F7 B¨7 E¨7 A¨
400 Tin Roof Blues
A Bb F7 Bb Bb7
I have seen the bright lights burn - ing up and down old Broad way.
Eb 3 Bb
Seen'em in gay Ha-van- a,Birm-ing-ham Al-a-bam-a and say, Theyjustcan'tcom
Gm F7 Bb Eb BbEb6 Bb
pare with my home - town New Or- leans. 'cause
There you'll find the old Tin Roof Ca - fe, Where they play the blues'til the
When the lead - er man starts play- in' low. Folks get up and start to
Bb7 Eb7
break of day. Fas-cin - a - tin' ba - bies are a hang - in''round,
walk it slow. Do a lot of move - ments thatare hard to beat,
Bb G7 C7
Danc - in' to the mean - est band in town, Lord,
'Til the old floor man says "move your feet!" Lord,
F7 Bb Bb7 Bbº Ebm6 1. Bb Bb
how they can play the blues.
I've got those Tin Roof Blues.
New Orleans Hop Scop Blues 401
Thomas - 1916
A B¨ B¨ B¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨ B¨ B¨
F7 F7 B¨ F¨ B¨
B B¨ B¨º B¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨ B¨
3 3
B¨ F7 F7 B¨ E¨ B¨
Room Rent Blues
Intro Newton 1923
D7 D7 Gm D7 Bb7
Chorus 403
B Bb7
Bbdim Adim Bb7 Eb Ebdim Ddim Eb
Bb7 Bb7 Eb Eb Bb7
Eb Eb C7 Fm F7
F7 F7 Bb
Bb7 Bbdim Adim Bb7 Eb Ebdim Ddim Eb
Bb7 Bb7 Eb Eb Eb7
C7 C7 F7 F7
Bb7 Bbdim Adim Bb7
Eb Ebdim Ddim Eb Bb7 Eb
Clarinet Solo 8va
C Bb7
Bb7 Eb Eb Edim
Eb Eb
Eb Bb7 Eb C7 Fm C7 Fm F7
Bb7 Bb7 Bb7 Eb
Back to A
Put Your Arms Around Me
q = 98
Intro von tilzer - 1910
E¨ C‹ E¨ C‹
I hear cu - pid call - ing ev' ry Jack and Jill It's
A Db Db Ab7 Db Db Ab7
Db Db Fm Fm
Gb Gdim Db B¨7
Db Db B¨m B¨m
Db Db F F
Db Db Db Db
A Bb Bbdim F7 Bb Bbdim F7
Since I left my old home town, Home sick - ness has wore me down.
Bb F Bdim C7
I'm long - ing for that land of sweet hap - pi - ness For I con - fess my
F7 Bb Bbdim F7 Bb Bbdim
wear - y soul is in dis - tress. Mich - i - gan keeps call - ing me, To come home to
F7 Bb7 Eb Ebm
my ba - by; That's why I can't sleep, That's why I can't eat,
C7 F7
1. Bb 2.
Oh, how I long to be there
Bb7 Eb
Bb7 Eb Solo Break
Bb7 Eb
Cm Gm7 C7 F7 Bb7 Eb
C Bb Bdim F7 Bb Bdim F7
Wol - ver - ine, I've been yearn - ing Wol - ver - ine,
F7 Bb Bb7 Eb
I'm re - turn - ing, I'll soon be back with you
D Bb Bdim F7 Bb Bb7 Eb
Mich - i - gan, How I miss you Both night and day.
Eb Ebm Bb G7
I'veseen 'bout all that there is to see, I know they'rewait - ing backhome for me,
C7 F7 Bb
That's why I've got those Wol - ver - ine Blues.
410 Big Foot Ham, Big Fat Ham
(Ham and Eggs) Jelly Roll Morton - 1923
A G7
C7 F F
A¨º G7
C7 C7
F D‹
D¨ D¨ F D7
F F7 D7 G7
E¨7 B¨ B7 C7 F F7 Fº B¨‹ F Fº B¨ F
C G7
C7 F F A A¨º
C7 Gº
F F D‹7
G7 C7 F F
F C7 F Fº B¨‹ F
B¨ B F7/C
B¨ B F7/C
B¨ B¨º D
A7 D‹ F7
F7 B¨
F7/C Bº
1. B¨ B¨7 E¨ G‹ F C7/E F7 B¨ C‹ F7
E¨ B¨7 E¨ F7 B¨ G7 C7
Intro Oh, Daddy
G‹ C7 F G7 C7
AF G7 C7
just like a flow - er I am fad - ing a - way.
F G7 C7
The doc - tor calls to see me most ev' - ry day but he
F F7 B¨ B¨‹ F D7
don't do me no good, why?
G7 C7 C7
'cuz I am long - ing for you. And if you care for
C7 Gº D‹ G7 C7
me, then you will list - en to my plea.
B C7 C7 C7
Oh, Dad - dy look what you're do - ing
C7 D7 D7
look what you're do - ing Oh, Dad - dy
C‹6 D7 C‹6 D7
you with your fool - ing look what you're los - ing,
G7 C7
all the lov - ing that I give you,
is go - ing to make you feel aw - ful - ly blue
G7 G7
when you miss me want to kiss me
you'll curse the day that you ev - er quit me,
C7 C7 C7 E7(b5)
Oh, Dad - dy think when you're all a -
A7 B¨
lone you'll want me to wait and see but there'll be
F E¨ D7 G7
some - one mak - ing love to me and Dad - dy, Dad - dy,
C7 F
you won't have no ma - ma at all.
414 Chinaman Blues
Verse Gene Burdette - 1923
A E¨7
B¨7 E¨7 A¨
B¨7 E¨7
A¨ A¨7 A¨º D¨‹6 A¨ C7 F‹ B¨7 E¨7
B A¨ Chorus
F F F7
3 3 3
E¨7 E¨7
D A¨
B¨7 E¨7
B¨7 E¨7
E A¨
3 C7 3
F 3 F F7
B¨7 E¨7 A¨ A¨º B¨7 E¨7 A¨
3 3
D¨ F7 B¨7 E¨7 A¨
3 3 3
The Cat's Whiskers 415
Felix Austed & Ed Gladstone
Verse 1923
A E¨ B7
B¨7 E¨ E¨ B7 B¨7 E¨7
Stretched out on the mat lies our Kit - ty cat.
B E¨ E¨7 B7 B¨7 E¨ B¨&7
old cat's whis - kers areturn - ing grey She's just a lone - some kit - ty now be cause the
E¨ E¨7 F7 B¨7
neigh bor's cat went and left her flat, he found him - self a new me - ow, me - ow
E¨ E¨7 B7 B¨7 E¨
old cat's whis - kers areturn - ing grey, The neigh - bors get a night's rest now.
F7 F7 Bb Bb
Je - sus keep me from all wrong
Time for me will be no more
If I fal - ter, Lord,who cares?
Bb Bb7 Eb C7
I'll be sa - tis - fied as long As I
Guide me gent - ly, safe - ly o'er To Thy
Who with me my bur - den shares? None but
Bb F7 Bb
walk, let me walk close to thee.
king dom's shore to Thy shore
Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee.
Bb Bb F7 F7
Just a clo - ser walk with Thee
F7 F7 Bb Bb
Grant it, Je - sus, is my plea,
Dai - ly wal - king close to Thee Let it
Bb F7 Bb
be, dear Lord, let it be.
Bugle Call Rag - Vocals Jack Pettis, Billy Meyers,
Cornet Solo - Stop Time - 4 bars Elmer Schoeble - 1922
B¨ B¨
B¨ B¨7 B¨ Aº B¨7
You're bound to
A E¨
E¨7 B¨
fall for the bu - gle call you're gon - na brag
F7 B¨
'bout that bu - gle call rag.
cornet solo
B¨ B¨ B¨ B¨7
Thin or fat young or old shake their shoul - ders bold you're boundto
B E¨ B¨
fall for the bu - gle call you're gon - na brag
F7 B¨ B¨7
'bout that bu - gle call rag.
E¨7 C B¨ G7
Hold me ba by let's syn - co pate to that blue me - lo - dy just
C F7 B¨
hes - i - tate, while a break they take shh!
E¨7 B¨
While we're danc - ing please hold me tight, step live - ly don't
G7 C F7 B¨ E¨7 B¨
lag swing a - long to that bu- le call rag.
A B¨ B¨ C‹7 B¨º B¨ B¨º B¨ F7 B¨ B¨º
C7 F7 F7
B¨ C‹7 B¨º B¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨ B¨ B¨ B¨º
B¨ B¨ F7 B¨ C‹7 B¨º B¨ F7
B E¨ E¨ B¨ B¨ B¨º
C B¨ F7 B¨7 E¨ B¨ F7
B¨ B¨/F F©º G‹ D‹ G‹ C7 F7
B¨ B¨ E¨ B¨ F7
B¨ B¨ C7 F7 B¨
Outside of That
J.C. Trent & Clarence WIlliams
Intro (He's alright with Me) 1923
q = 110
C7 E¨7 C7 C7 D‹6 E¨º C7/E
AF Fº F F Fº F B¨7
got the mean - est man in the land But his love is that stick - ing brand His
A7 D‹ F‹ C C©º G7/D G7 C
kiss just lin - gers on my lips Andthrill me to my fin - ger - tips
BF F C& C7 F Fº B¨‹ F7 Fº F7
Out - side of that, he's all right with me
B¨ B¨ F B¨ F
Out - side of that, he's just as sweet as can be. I
A7 A7 D‹ D‹
love him as true as the stars a - bove, He beats me up, but how he can love
CF F C& C7 F Fº B¨‹ F7 Fº F7
I said for fun, I don't want you no more
B¨ B¨ B¨7 A D‹ E7 A7 E‹7 A7
when I said that, I made sweet pa - pa sore
D7 Stop Time D7 D7 D7
He blacked my eyes, so I could not see,
7 C7 F D7 G7
D¨7 F C7 F F
1. 2.
To Coda G7 C7 F
21 F
26 G7 C7 F G7 C7
32 F G7 C7 F
1. 2.
D.S. al Coda ending
F7 B¨
B¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨‹
B¨ F7
B¨ F7 1. B¨
2. B¨
G7 C7 F F G7
C7 1. F 2. F
1919 Rag
q = 200
B¨7 B¨7 B¨7 B¨7
A E¨
E¨ E¨ E¨
E¨ E¨ E¨
B¨ B¨ F7 B¨7
A¨ Aº E¨ B¨7 E¨
C A¨ B¨‹ Bº A¨ A¨
D¨ D¨ A¨
E¨7 E¨7 A¨ A¨
B¨7 B¨7 E¨7 E¨7
A¨ B¨‹ Bº A¨ A¨
D¨ D¨ A¨
D¨ Dº A¨ F7
B¨7 E¨7 A¨
Cakewalkin' Babies From Home Smith-Troy-Clarence Williams - 1924
F7 A B¨ F&7 B¨ F&7
Cake - walk - ers may come and cake - walk - ers may go,
B¨ B7 C7 F7
But I want to tell you 'bout a coup - le I know.
D7 G‹ D7 G‹7
High step - pin' pair deb - on - aire. But
C7 G¨7 F7
when it comes to bus - 'ness not a soul can com - pare.
B F7
Here they come. Look at 'em syn - co - pa - tin'
B¨ A7 A¨7 G7
Go - in' strong Yeah they are dem - on - strt - in'.
Talk of the town, Eas - in' a - round, They're
C7 G¨7 F7
pick - in' 'em up, and lay - in' 'em down.
C F7
Danc - in' fools, Yeah they are dem - on strat - in'
B¨ D7 G‹ B¨7
they're in a class of their own. The
D E¨6 E¨‹6
on - ly way to win is to cheat 'em,
B¨ B¨º
You can tie 'em, but you're nev - er gon - na beat 'em.
Strut your stuff boys Don't do noth - in' dif - 'rent, Those
C7 F7 B¨
Cake - walk - in' ba - bies from home. Solos at "B"
E E¨ Stop Time Cornet Solo - Band plays Down Beat Every Two Bars
F7 Time
C7 F7
Intro Dinah Harry Akst - 1925
F D‹ F F©º
C7 F B¨ F
AF Verse
Car - o - lin - a gave me Din - ah,
F G7
I'm the proud - est one be - neath the Dix - ie sun.
F A‹7 D7
News is spread in' 'bout the wed din',
C A‹ D‹ G7 C7
I hear church bells ring - in', Here's the song my heart keeps sing - in':
F D‹ F F©º
Din - ah is there an - y- one fin - er in the state of Car - o -
C7 F C7
lin - a, If ther is and you know her, shw her to me.
F D‹ F F©º
Din - ah with her Dix- ie eyes blaz - in' how I love to sit and
C7 F B¨ F
gaze in - to the eyes of Din - ah Lee.
F D‹ F F©º
Din - ah if she wan dered to Chin - a, I would hop an o cean
C7 F B¨ F
lin - er Just to be with Din- ah Lee.
Cornet Chop Suey
Louis Armstrong - 1926
Cornet solo 3 bars Time
E¨ B¨7
E¨ Eº
F‹7 B¨7 E¨ G7 C‹7
B¨7 B¨&7 E¨ C7 F‹7 B¨7
E¨ Eº F‹7 B¨7 E¨ G7 C‹7
F7 B¨7
G‹ D7 G‹ G‹ D7 D7 G‹ B¨7
C E¨ E¨7 A¨ A¨‹ E¨
Solo - Stop Time - band plays marked chords
C7 C7 F7 B¨7
E¨ E¨7 A¨ A‹ E¨ E¨7
Solos at "B"
A¨ Aº E¨ C7 F7 B¨7 E¨
Cornet Solo - rhythm plays chords where marked
D E¨
E¨ B¨7
E¨ A¨‹ A¨ E¨ F7 B¨7 E¨
E¨ E¨ E¨ B¨7
E¨ A¨ A¨‹ E¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨
Back to "B" al Fine
I Like Pie, I Like Cake
q = 162
C A7 D7 G7 C
B A‹ F7 C7
Ro - me - o did - n't know The way to han - dle wom - en
Ju - li - et nev - er met A man like Hen - ry who could
E7 A7 D9 G& C G&
long a - go. Here's a tip on a pip of a lov - er.
love and pet. What a hot hot- sy tot of a lov - er
A‹ F7 C E7
Hen - ry Brown Mem - phis town. Has got a sweee - tie that hehangs a - round.
Still one gal Hen - ry's pal has on -ly got to call and say," It's Sal"
A7 D9 G7
It's a yell when he tells of his love. I like pie
Watch him run to his hon - ey and say,
C C C C7 F F7
I like cake An - y thing that they bake And I like
C A7 D9 G G&
crack - ers too bro - ken up in a stew When I see
C C7 F F7
jel - ly roll I loose all my con - trol but of all
C A7 D7 G7 C
those things, I like you best of all.
436 Dancing Fool
Intro 1922
q = 148
A B¨‹ F7/C B¨‹ F7/A
B Bb B¨& G‹ B¨7 Eb E¨‹ B¨ B¨º7
Oh list - en to that mel - o - dy Your dan - cing eyes are tempt ing me
You are my dance af - fin - i - ty, We move in per - fect har - mo - ny
F7 Fº7 F9 B¨ G7 C7 F9
The band ought to play on for ev - er While we two are danc - ing to - ge - ther
And while we step to the me - tre I ask you "What could be sweet - er?"
D‹ A7 D‹ A7 D‹ B¨º7 F7 F9
feel - ing new, Thrills me through Can't re - sist, I must dance with you.
soon we'll ride Side by side, a dan - cin fool with his dan - cing bride.
C Bb F+ Bb C7 C7
Come on and dance I feel so hap - py, Come on and dance we'll make it snap - py
F7 F7 Bb G7 C7 F7
Now don't re - fuse, my sweet and pret - ty Oh Oh Come on let's go
Bb F+ Bb C7 C7
So put your feet with me in mo - tion we'll roll a - long just like the o - cean
F7 Bb C7 F7 Bb
'cause in my head I've got a no - tion you'll mar - ry a danc in' fool.
I've a feel - ing that I'm fall - ing hon - ey for you.
F7 Eb7 F7
Return to "B"
Say the word and soon we'll have a won - der - ful hon - ey moon.
438 New Orleans Stomp
Hardin - arms trong- 1923
AF F D‹ D‹
C7 C7 F A¨º G‹7 C7
F F D‹ D‹
C7 C7 F B¨ F
B C7 C7 F F D7
G7 C7 F A¨º C7
C7 C7 F F F7
B¨ B¨7 F D7
G7 C7 F B¨ F
C Fº Fº F F
C7 C7 F Bº C7
Fº Fº F F
C7 C7 F B¨ F
DF F D‹ D‹
C7 C7 F A¨º G‹7 C7
F F D‹ D‹
C7 C7 F B¨ F
South Bennie Moten - 1924
Down be -low that old Dix- on Line, There's a place that real -ly is fine.
Don't you know jus'what I'm talk- in' a- bout? Ya' wan'-na find out? Then take a trip with me
down be- low that old Dix-on- Line, Where the sun is hap -py to shine.
Where a friend- ly face is com- mon to see, That's where I'm long- n' to be. Where the
E B¨7
E¨ B¨&7 E¨
folks and hap-py and gay, and the eas- y way is the right way. Where the
B¨7 Bº B¨7
Heav- en down South. Where the moon shines mel- low and bright, and the
F‹ B¨7
gals hold you tight, Law - dy how I love the South.
Bye Bye Blues 441
Lown, Grey, Hamm Bennet
A C Ab7 C
Bye, bye, blues Bye, bye, blues
D7 D7 G7 C B7 C0 Dm G7
Bells ring, Birds sing, Sun is shin - ing No more pin - ing,
C Ab C A7
Just we two Smil - ing through
D D7 G7 C Ab7
Don't sigh, Don't cry, Bye, Bye
1. 2.
C G7 C F7 C C7
Blues Blues
B F Db7 F
Bye, bye, blues Bye, bye,
G7 C7 F E7 F0
blues Bells ring, Birds sing, Sun is shin - ing
Bb C7 C9 C+ F Db F
No more pin - ing, Just we two Smil - ing
A G7 C7 F Fº
C7 F D7
G7 C7 F F‹
C G7 C7 Cº C7
Wed- ding bells are
B F C&7 F C&7 F AØ7 D7
dan- dy, Man- dy make up your mind. Preach- er man is
han- dy, Man- dy, eas- y to find. March- ing down the
aisle your style will make 'em all stare, with a lit- tle
CF A¨º G‹7 C7
black- eyed Su- san stuck in your hair. Gee but you're the
F C&7 F C&7 F Aº D7
can- dy, Man- dy won't you de- cide? Ev- 'ry- thing is
dan- dy, Man- dy, once you're a bride. In a year or
G‹7 A7 D7
two there may be three of a kind. Lis- ten to me
G7 C7 F C7
Man - dy, make up your mind. Solos at "B"
444 Milenburg Joys
q = 180 Jelly Roll Morton 1923
E - li - za Green, the shim - mie queen, says that it is just grand.
and ev- 'ry night, with all her might she does a dance that's hard to beat.
Eb Edim Bb G7 C7 F7
The way she syn - co- pates don't leave noth - in' out; you should hear this ba - by shout!
B A Bb
A Bb A Bb
F7 Bb
A Bb A
Bb A Bb Bb7
Eb Edim
Bb G7 C7
C Bb
F7 Bb
Rock my soul with the Mil - en - burg Joys,
Bb F7
Rock my soul with the Mil - en - burg Joys,
Play 'em Dad - dy don't re - fuse, Sep - a - rate me from the wear - y blues,
F7 Bb
Hey Hey Hey Sweet boy, syn - co - pate your ma - ma
D Bb
F7 Bb
all night long with that Dix - ie land strain,
Bb Bb7
Play it down, then do it a - gain,
Bb G7
Ev' - ry time I hear that tune good luck says I'll be with you soon,
C7 F7
That's just why I've got the Mil - en - burg Joys.
Copenhagen Wlater Melrose/
Charlie Davis - 1924
B¨ Bº
E¨6 Eº
B¨ F7 B¨ F9
B¨ F7
B¨ Bº
E¨6 Eº
F7 B¨ F9 B¨
A E¨
E¨ E¨7
Way down in old New Or - leans you will
B¨7 E¨ Aº
find shoul - der shak - in' queens, and when they roll their
E¨ B¨&7
eyes you wake up in par - a - dise.
E¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨7
And when that old lead - er man I said
B¨7 E¨ Aº
when that old lead - er man picks up his sax - o -
E¨ A¨7 E¨ F7
phone, all the should - er shak - ers moan.
@ B Solos at "C"
A7 A¨7 G7
Pro - fes - sor man won't you play Co - pen - ha - egn 'cause
C7 F7
B¨ B¨7(b5) B¨7 B¨&7
that's one tune sure has got me run- nin' wild.
E¨Œ„Š7 E¨‹6 B¨ A7 A¨7 G7
No - bod - y knows how that tune burns up my clothes, so
C7 F7 B¨ E¨7 B¨
hey hey hey, syn - co- pate it all night long.
C B¨ C‹ D‹ B¨ G¨
Doo da da doo dum,
F7 B¨ E¨7 B¨ F&7
f pin' dad - dy,
step ma - ma's feel - in' good.
B¨ C‹ D‹ B¨ G¨
Doo da da doo dum,
F7 B¨ E¨7 B¨ B¨7(b5) B¨7 B¨&7
f syn - co- pate me like a dad - dy should. D.S. al Fine
448 Red Wing
q = 180 A A¨
B¨7 E¨
B E¨
Verse A¨
once was an In - dian maid, A shy lit - tle prai - rie maid, Who
watched for him day and night She kept all the camp - fires bright, And
B¨7 E¨ F7 B¨7
sang a - way a love song gay as on the plain she'd while a way the day, She
un - der the sky each night she would lie, and dream a - bout his com ing by and by, But when
E¨ A¨ E¨
loved a war - rior bold this shy lit - tle maid of old but
all the braces re - turned, the heart of Red Wing yearned for
B¨7 E¨ F7 B¨7 E¨
brave and gay, he rode one day to bat - tle far a - way. Now the
far far a - way, her warr ior gay fell brave - ly in the fray.
C chorus
A¨ E¨
moon shines to - night on pret - ty Red Wing the breeze is
sigh - ing, the night bird's cry - ing, for a -
A¨ E¨
far neath his star her brave is sleep - ing while Red Wing's
1. E¨
weep - ing her heart a - way.
450 Tia Juana
Larry Conley & Gene Rodemich - 1924
q = 132 - 184
F7 E7
E7 F7 E7 E¨7 D7
G7 3
C7 3
F B¨7 F C7
F E7 F7 E7 E¨7 D7
G7 3
C7 3
F B¨7 F F7
B B¨ B¨‹ F F7
F G7
B¨ B¨‹ C7
F E7 F7 E7 E¨7 D7
G7 3
C7 3
F B¨7 F
Solos here after 1ox
B¨ F7
B¨7 E¨ B¨7 E¨
C7 F7 B¨ E¨ G7
solos at C
Then play A & B take Coda
Riverboat Shuffle
Hoagy Carmichael - 1924
A G‹ D7 G‹ D7 G‹ G‹ D7
G‹ C‹ G‹ D7 G‹ D7
G‹ C‹ G‹ D7 G‹
G7 C‹ G7 C‹
G‹ C‹ G‹ D7 G‹ B¨7
E¨ Eº B¨7
E¨ Eº B¨7
C E¨
Eº B¨7
E¨7 A¨
A¨ A‹ E¨ D¨7 C7
A B¨ Ensemble F7 B¨
B¨ D‹ A7 D‹ F7
B¨ F7 B¨ A7 A¨7
Last time jump to tag
C‹ F7 B¨
Play these two bars behind each solo
B C7 C&7 F7 B¨
F7 B¨
Play these two bars behind each solo
C7 C&7 F7
B¨ A7 A¨7
G7 C‹ F7 B¨
Solos End Here
C B¨ Band F7
Band etc. B¨
B¨ D‹
A7 D‹ F7
B¨ F7
B¨ A7 A7
Trombone Tag
G7 C‹ F7 B¨ Back to "A"
Solos play "A" and "B"
Band plays last two notes
456 Coburn Blues
q = 124
G7 G C G7
F D‹7 C C
G7 G C F C
C7 C7
Trb. Trb. Trb.
Bass Trb.
F‹ G7 C
C C7
F C7 C7
Trio F F
B¨ B¨‹ F
C7 F C7 F E¨ Dº C7 F‹D¨7 C7
p f
B¨ B¨‹ F
Evolution Mama
q = 142 Intro
A A¨ A¨7 E¨ C
F7 B¨7 E¨ B¨7
B E¨
Verse E¨ F7 B¨7 E¨
Lu cian Burn had a gal Way down in Ten nes - see
E¨ E¨ F7 B¨7 E¨
She told Lu cian all a - bout e - vo - lu tion She was sit tin'down on his knee. Then
G7 C‹
one fine day, she got gay, And star- ted step pin' out But
F7 B¨7
old bro- ther Lu cian start ed a re vo- lu tion the neigh bors all could hear him shout He said,
C E¨ C F B¨ E¨
e - vo - lu tion ma ma, e - vo - lu tion ma ma Don't you make a mon keyout- ta me He said,
A¨ B¨7 E¨
e - vo - lu tion ma ma, Don't you think you got me up a tree. now I re -
D G7 C‹7
mem ber the time I had you nice and tame You was ea tin'right out- ta my hand
F7 B¨7
Some fine day, I'm gon na take good aim and knockthat pea- nut whis - tle off of your stand.Now
E¨ A¨7 E¨
e - vo - lu tion ma- ma, Lis- ten while I get you told. I'm gon - na
A¨ G7
tell you some thing that's gon - na make your blood run cold Now I
A¨ A¨7 E¨ C
aint half man and I aint half beast But I can do ya more good than this store bought yeast
F7 B¨7 E¨
e - vo - lu- tion ma - ma Don't you make a mon key out - ta me
q = 100
See See Rider Gertrude "Ma" Rainey - 1925
Intro Eb Eº Bb Bº
F7 Bb Eb Ebm Bb F7
A Bb F+7 Bb F+7 Bb
Now I feel so lone ly, I feel so blue, I al - ways feel so bad.
Bb F+7 Bb C7 F7
I made a mis take right from the start, and now it seems so hard to part.
Bb F+7 Bb C7 F7 F+7
O - pen this let ter that I will write, I hope you will be lieve it when you re ceive it:
B Bb Chorus Bb7
See See Rid - er See what you have done, Lord, Lord, Lord
Eb Eº Bb Bº
Made me love you, now your gal has come. You
F7 Bb F7
made me love you, Now your gal has come. I'm
C Bb Bb7
going' a - way ba - by, I won't be back 'til Fall, Lord, Lord, Lord,
Eb Eº Bb Bº
goin' a - way ba - by, Won't be back 'til Fall. If I
F7 Bb Eb Ebm Bb F7
find me a good man, won't be back at all.
462 Mecca Flat Blues
Intro 1924
q = 108 G7 F7 C G7
Talk a - bout blues I got the mean est kind Talk a - bout blues yeah
I'm gon - na find a Mec - ca Flat man to day I'm gon - na find a
I got the mean - est kind got
Mec - ca Flat man to - day. Cuz
G7 F7 C C
those Mec - ca Flat Blues Can't get 'em off my mind A
I've got the blues and some - bod - y's got to pay. What are
C F C C7
Mec - ca Flat wo- man Makes a good man feel bad A
we gon - na do When they Burn the Barrelhouse down? What are
Mec - ca Flat wo- man Makes a good man feel bad Give him
we gon - ne do When they burn the Barrelhouse down. We'll move the
G7 F7 C C
co- caine and whis- key But she'll ne - ver let him die
jazz band out side and bar - rel house on the ground.
How Come You Do Me Like You Do?
Gene Austin & Roy Bergere - 1924
A F D7 C7 F7
'Way soonthis morn- in' I come rap-pin'at your door. Youkept me
Sat up 'til day- break, Could n't ev- en sleep a wink. My mindwas
B¨ D¨7 C7 F
wait- in' like you nev- er did be- fore. That's a
wand- 'rin', All I did wasthink and think. The way
C D‹ E¨º C/E D¨7/F C7 F F7
sure sign,brown skin, I'll nev- er rap no more (no more).
I've been treat- ed, Woulddrive a man to drink (to drink).
B¨ E¨ B¨ A¨7 G7 C7 F7
Whydo youtry tomake me feel soblue, I ain'tdonenuth-in' to you.
A A¨7 F7 B¨7 E¨7 A¨ A¨ Bm7
Dea - rie, now I know Just what makes me love you so, Just what holds me
Dea - rie, when you smile Ev’ - ry thing in life’s worth while, Love grows fon der
A¨ A¨ A¨
that make us blue There are
C7 C7 F‹ F‹
smiles that steal a - way the tear drops As the
Dº Dº A¨ A¨
smiles that filled my heart with sun - shine Are the
E¨7 E¨7 A¨ A¨
smiles that you gave to me
Oh Sister, Ain't That Hot
Intro Will Donaldson & Harry White - 1923
q = 148
B¨ G7 C9 F7 B¨ G7 C9
A B¨ G¨ B¨ B¨7
When they're play- in' the blues, Smoke comes out of my shoes.
E¨ G¨7 B¨ G7
Folks say I'm a live wi- re, Just an oil can on fi- re. But
C7 F7 G7 C7 F C7 F7
I don't mind thingslike that, I'm gon-na' grab my-selfa fi-re-man's hat, And hol-ler!
B B¨ G7 C9 F7 B¨ G7 C7 F7
Oh! Sis-ter, ain'tthat hot? Oh! Sis-ter, ain'tthat hot?
B¨ D7 G7 C9 F7
That band is full of pep, and when you step it makes you siz-zle!
B¨ G7 C7 F7 B¨7 E¨ G7
Oh! Sis-ter, ain'tthat hot? It's hot as hot can be. Those
C‹ A¨º G7 C‹
lov- in' blues that lead -er- man plays, will set your two shoes
A¨º G7 E¨ Eº B¨/F G7
right in a blaze, When he lets go, he's got the dev -il be--low,
C7 F7 B¨ G7 C7 F7 B¨ C7 F7
look -in'-like an Es- ki- mo. Oh! Sis- ter, ain'tthat hot? Solos at "B"
Don't Go Way Nobody Buddy Boldon 1906
q = 180
F Intro C7 F C7
A F F F C7 F
worked out on the le - vee front right in the broil ing sun, I've
used to be a rail-road man had wrecks most eve ry night The
G‹ D7 G‹ G7 C7
worked on eve - ry steam-boat too, that ev - er dare to run.
rea - son that I quit the job was get - ting too much fright.
D7 D7 G7 G7
Worked at the docks from morn 'til night, and burnt out lots of men.
I saw a man, hold up a train,pass - an - gers were in dread.
F F C D7 G7 C7
When the whis - tle blew to knock off, the boss would yell out then,
He held a big gun in his hand, and this is all he said.
Don't go'way no - bo - dy Don't no - bo - dy leave.
F C7 G7 C7
'Cuz I need some - bo - dy, to help me I be - lieve.
C7 C7 F F
Stay right here, and be nice, I don't want to tell you twice.
Don't go 'way no - bo - dy Don't no - bo - dy leave.
Lonesome Blues Perry Bradford - 1918
q = 100
Intro F/C
D7 G7 C7 F F7FºB¨‹6 F F7
B¨ G‹7(b5) F/C B¨ F/A B¨ F/A B¨ F/A B¨ F/A B¨
Want some one to love me want some one to hug me now.
Look here lit tle dad day how I wish you had me dear
B¨ G‹7(b5) F/C B¨ F/A B¨ F/A B¨ F/A B¨ F/A B¨
Want some one to squeeze me Want some one to teach me how
When you're 'way I'm lone - ly that is why I want you near.
G7 C7 F F7 Fº B¨‹6 F
I don't wnat your mon- ey All I want my hon ey's you. Woke up this
Hon ey please don't leave me, you will sure ly grieve me dear.
Chorus 471
A7 A7 D‹ D‹
morn - ing feel - ing aw - ful - ly blue, Ain't got no -
A7 A7 D‹ D‹
one to tell my trou - bles to the for tune
D7 D7 G7 G7/D
tell - er has told me lit - tle fell - ow that I am
F/C D7 G7 C7 F F7 Fº B¨‹6 F F7
lone - ly lone - ly and I've got those lone some blues.
F G‹7/C F
q = 140 - 160 West Indies Blues Edgar Dowell, Spencer WIlliams
Intro Clarence WIlliams 1923
E¨ Eº B¨7 E¨ Eº B¨7
A E¨
C7 Eº B¨7 E¨ Eº B¨7
E¨ A¨
E¨ Eº
E¨ B¨&
E¨ C7 Eº B¨7 E¨ Eº B¨7
E¨ A¨
E¨ Eº
E¨ B¨&
E¨ E¨
C‹ B¨7
E¨ E¨ Eº
B¨7 E¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨
C‹ B¨7
E¨ E¨ Eº
B¨7 E¨
B¨7 E¨ B¨7 E¨
E¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨
E¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨
D E¨
E¨ E¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨
E¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨
C‹ B¨7
E¨ E¨
Eº B¨7 E¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨
C‹ B¨7
E¨ E¨
Eº B¨7 E¨
474 Foot Warmer Anton Lada, Joe Crawley,
Al Nunez 1919
B¨ A¨ G7 C7 F7 B¨ G7 A¨ C7 F7
B¨ G‹ Bº C7 C‹/G A¨7 F7/A
B¨ F7 B¨ F7
B¨ B¨7
G7 C7 F Fº F7
A F‹7 B¨7 B¨7 E¨ E¨ E¨º E¨7
D7 D&7 D7 G‹ G‹ G‹7 A¨º
C7 Cº C7 C7 F F F‹
C7 C7 F7 F7 B¨ B¨º B¨
F‹7 B¨7 B¨7 E¨ E¨ E¨º E¨7
E¨ E¨º
E¨ E¨º E¨ E¨º E¨ Fº
F7 Fº F7 Fº
F7 Fº F7 B¨º
B¨7 B¨7 E¨ E¨
E¨ E¨º E¨ E¨º E¨ E¨º E¨ Fº F7
Fº F7 Fº F7
Fº F7 B¨º
A¨ Aº E¨ C7
in your pock et- not one pen - ny
F9 B¨7
and your friends well you ain't got an - y but as
E¨ G7 C7
soon as you're back on your feet a - gain,
F‹ C7 F‹
Ev' - ry bo - dy wants to be your long lost friend, it's
A¨ Aº E¨ C7
migh - ty strange but with - out a doubt,
F9 B¨7 E¨
no - bo - dy know you when you're down and out.
Trouble In Mind
F C7 F F7 B¨ Bº
Trou - ble in mind I'm blue but I won't be blue al - ways, for the
I'm gon -na lay my head on some lone -some rail -road line, let the
F C7 F Fº G‹7 C7
sun will shine in my back-door some- day. Trou - ble in
two nine -teen train ease my trou -bled mind. Trou -ble in
F C7 F F7 B¨ Bº
mind that's true I have al- most lost my mind life
mind I'm blue My poor heart is beat - ing slow never
ain't worth liv - in' feel like I could die.
had no trou-ble in my life be - fore.
I Don't Care WHose Mama You Were Harry Pease,
Ed. G. Nelson - 1923
q = 1148 C Intro A7 D7 G7 C
A C G7 C C G7 C
Li- sten to me prett - y ma - ma You will have to toe the line.
C A‹ G G©º D7 G7
You must re - mem - ber nice ma - ma that from now on you are mine.
C7 C7 F C&7 F E&7E¨7
All the swee - ties you once had you must leave be - hind.
G7 G7
Don't think that I'm get - ting mad, just bear this in mind.
CB A7 D7
I don't care whose ma - ma you were but you're my sweet ma - ma now.
C A7 D7
I don't care who e - ver they were but they sure have lost you some - how.
C C7 F A¨7
I'm the "he", You're the "she" andthat's the on -ly he and she there'sgon- na be.
C A7 D7
G7 C
I don't care whose ma - ma you were, but you're my sweet ma - ma now.
Four O'Clock Blues Johnny Dunn & Gus Horsley 1923
Intro F7 F7 B¨ B¨º F7 B¨ F7
A B¨
B¨ B¨
F7 B¨ B¨7
I wokeup this morn - in' Just as day was dawn- in' and the clock was strik - in' four.
E¨ E¨ B¨ F7 B¨
My lov - in' babe Came in the door and it made me sore
F F7 C7 F7 B¨ F7 B¨ F7 C‹ F7
Now it seems as'though he don't want his ba - by an - y more 'cause he told me so, I tell you
B¨ E¨ B¨ Eº B¨ B¨7
my lov- in' babe's done packed his trunk and he's read - y to go. Slip- pin''way from town
E¨ E¨ B¨ F B¨7
I've looked for him, He can't be found, Look ev'-ry where Ev' ry place a- round He
F7 F7 B¨ B¨º F7 B¨ E¨ B¨
more that I cry, the furth- er my man gets a - way.
Instrumental Verse
Red Hot! Ted Koehler, Frank Trumbauer 1923
C/G C7 F C/G C7 F
F7 B¨ F7 B¨ G¨7 F7 B¨7
A E¨ E¨ F7 F7
Red hot! That band is red hot what it takes
E¨ E¨ F7 F7
I'll bet you just can't help step 'cause bro - ther
C7 C7 F7 F7 G¨7 F7 B¨7
one an swer ev' - ry dan cer when they startto play will hol-ler
A¨‹ E¨
E¨ ¼ ¼ A¨7 ¼ F7
¼ B¨7 E¨ E¨
Don't stop 'cause they're red hot!
484 Dicty Blues Fletcher Henderson
A E¨ E¨
A¨7 A¨7 E¨ E¨
B¨7 B¨7 E¨ Eº B¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨
A¨7 A¨7 E¨ E¨
B¨7 B¨7 E¨ Eº B¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7 E¨
B E¨ E¨ E¨‹ E¨ E¨ E¨‹
A¨7 A¨7 E¨ C7
F7 B¨7 E¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7
E¨ B¨7 E¨7 E¨7 B¨7 E¨7
C A¨ A¨7 A¨7 A¨ A¨7
D¨ D¨ DºA¨/E¨ E¨/D¨
A¨/C Bº
D¨ D¨ DºA¨/E¨ E¨/D¨
A¨/C Bº
E¨7 E¨7 A¨ A¨7 A¨º D¨‹6 A¨
D¨7 D¨7 A¨ A¨
E¨7 E¨7 A¨ Aº
E¨ E¨7
A¨ A¨
E¨ A¨ A¨7 D¨ D¨‹ A¨
Trumpet Break
D A¨
A¨7 A¨7
D¨ D¨
Clar Break
A¨7 A¨7
D¨ D¨
Trumpet Break
A¨ E¨7
A¨7 A¨7
D¨ D¨ A¨ E¨7
A¨ E¨7
Darktown Reveille W.C. Handy, Chris South
(adapted from w.c. Handy's Bugle Call Blues) Walter Hirsch - 1921
A C7 C7 C7 C7
You all re - call the Mem - phis Blues that came from down in Ten - nes - see
F F F F G‹ D7 G‹
Beale Street Blues brought mourn - ful news that ling - ers in my mem - o - ry 'cause that's the mu sic
F D¨7 C7 F Dº D¨7 C7 F
I can un - der - stand I
B C7 C7 C7 C7
can't re - fuse Aunt Ha - gar's Blues be - cause it's such a pret - ty strain.
There's St. Lou - is and "Ole Miss" that told a - bout a rail- road train. But
G‹ D7 G‹ F D¨7 C7 F DºD¨7 C7 F
here's a new one came from Dix - ie - land When you
C F F7
hear the bu - gle blow, then you know you got to go, that' s the Dark town Re - veil - le
B¨7 F
Wake up your feet and make the first ad - vance There's
C7 C7 F F7 Dº D¨º F D¨7 C7 C&7
no re - treat, just get your la - dy and dance, you ne - ver heard such mu - sic.
D F G7 C7 F F A7/E A7/E¨
Oh, that trum - pet's cry - in' there ainn't a thing to choose. Law - dy,
D‹ G‹ F©º G‹ F B¨ F B¨7 F
Oh just hear it sigh - in' The meand old bu gle blues. you
E C7 C7 C7 C7
step with pep at eight P. M. and find you're go - in' fine at nine.
F F F C7 F D7
Then at ten you start a - gain you're dan- cin'up and down the the line be -
G‹ D7 G‹ F D¨7 C7 F Dº D¨7 C7 F
cause you can't re - fuse those bu - gle blues. And
F C7 C7 C7 C7
at e - le - ven you're in heav - en twleve o' clock you'll be all set.
F F F C7 F
One A. M. you're raom - in' home to hit the fea- thers with re - gret, and
TagF C7
so got to sleep 'til the dawn of the moon, you will keep those bu - ble blues.
490 I Ain't Gonna Tell Nobody
q = 185
Bb G7 C7 F7 Bb F7 Bb
Bb F7 Bb F7
Bb G7 C7F7
Bb F7 Bb F7
Bb F G7 FC7 F7
B Bb G7 C7 C7 F7
F7 Bb Bbdim F7 3
Bb G7 C7 C7 F7
Bb Bbdim Bb Bbdim F7 Bb Bbdim Bb Bbdim F7
Bb G7
C7 F7
Bb F7
C G7
C7 C7
F7 F7 Bb Bbdim F7
Bb G7 C7 C7 F7
Bb G7 C7 F7 Bb
Bb Bb F7 Bb
Intro Just Gone Joe "King" Oliver - 1923
q1 = 200
Eb Cm Fm7 Bb7
Eb7 Cm Fm Bb7
A Eb Eb Eb7 Ab
F7 F7 F7
Eb Eb Eb7 C7
F7 Bb7 Eb Bb7
Eb Eb Eb C7
F7 Bb7 Eb Eb Eb7
B Eb Gm
Eb Eb
F7 Bb7 Eb Bb7
Eb Eb Eb C7
F7 Bb7 1. Eb
Eb Bb7
Eb Eb Eb Bb7 Eb
494 Stack 0'Lee Blues Williamn Ray
Intro Lew Cowell - 1924
A B¨ G7
F D7 C7
F F C7 F C7
A F Verse F
G C7
Hon - ey dear just lis - ten here to this be - witch- ing tune
F F G7
It's sweet mu - sic to the ear at morn - in' night or noon. and
A7 D‹ G7 G‹7 C7
if you come from dix - ie - land I want to take you by the hand and
G7 C
F G7
C7 C&7
lead you to a jaz - zy band I know that you'll be sing - ing,
BF D¨7
F F7
Stack o' Lee ball - oos I don't know what it means
B¨ F D7 G7 C7
come on hon - ey let's be stepp - ing 'cause my feet won't keep still
F F C7 F C7
I've just got to dance un - til I've had my fill.
F D¨7 F F7
Stack O' Lee Ball - oos Play it ov - er for me.
B¨ F D7 G7 C7
I go cra - zy when I hear it an - y where I may be.
F F C7
F D¨7 C7 F D‹7 A¨7
I long to hear them play that Stack O' Lee
C C7 Patter
C7 F F
Ee - ny mee - ny min - ey mo They'll play some more now let us
Catch a ti - ger by the toe One more en - core we've got to
left foot right foot hop and skip oh lor dy hear that tune ain't htat a pipp, you'd bet ter
C7 C7 F C7 F C7
watch your step or else you'll trip just lis - ten to them play - ing
F F7
Stack o' Lee ball - oos I don't know what it means
B¨ F D7 G7 C7
come on hon - ey let's be stepp - ing 'cause my feet won't keep still
F F C7 F
I've just got to dance un - til I've had my fill.
Snake Rag Joe "King" Oliver - 1923
E¨ E¨ E¨ E¨
Duet Break
B¨7 E¨ B¨7
A T-Bone
E¨ E¨
E¨ E¨ B¨7 B¨7
E¨ E¨ E¨ E¨
Duet Break
E¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7
B B¨7 B¨7 E¨
T-Bone E¨
E¨ E¨ B¨7 B¨7 E¨ E¨ E¨ E¨
Duet Break
T-Bone B¨7 E¨ B¨7E¨
D A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨
A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨
E¨7 E¨7 A¨ F7
B¨7 B¨7 E¨7
A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨
A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨
B¨7 E¨7
1.A¨ A¨ 2. A¨ A¨ Aº
E¨7 A¨ E7 E¨7
A¨ G A¨
I'm a Little Blackbird
Looking for a Bluebird Grant Clarke, Roy Turk
Intro Geo. W. Meyer, Arthur Johnson - 1924
D7 D7 D7 G D7
G C‹ G G C‹6 G
Ne - ver had no hap - pi - ness ne - ver felt no one's ca - ress.
B7/F© E7 A7 D7
Just a lone some bit of hu - man i - ty, Born on a Fri - day I guess.
E7 E7/B E7 A‹ A A7
you know lit - tle black birds, get a lit - tle lo nesome too and blue.
D6 D6 G F© F7 E7
I'vebeen all o- ver from east to the west in search of some one to fea ther my nest,
E7 E7 A‹ D7
buil - ding fai - ry cas tles, just like all the white folks do that's true
G7 G7 C7 F7 E7 A7
for love I'm dy- in' my heart is cry - in' a wise old owl said keep on try - in',
D7 D7 G G7 G6 C‹/G G
I'm a lit tle black - bird look - ing for a blue bird too.
Everybody Loves My Baby
Intro Spencer WIlliams/Jack Palmer - 1924
q = 180
G‹ D7 G‹ D7
A G‹ D7 G‹ E¨7 D7
I'm as hap-py as a king, Feel- in' good 'n' ev- ry-thing.
G‹ E¨7 G‹ E¨7 D7
I'm just like a bird in Spring, Got to let it out.
G‹ D7 G‹ E¨7 D7
It's my sweet- ie, can't you guess? Wild a- bout her, I'll con- fess;
G‹ E¨7 G‹ E¨7 D7
Does she love me? Oh, my, yes! That's just why I shout:
Chorus 501
B G‹ G‹ G‹ G‹
Ev- 'ry- bod-y loves my ba- by, but my ba- by don't love no- bod-y but
C7 F7 B¨6 D7
me, no- bod- y but me.
G‹ G‹ G‹ G‹
Ev- 'ry- bod- y wants my ba- by, but my ba- by don't want no- bod- y but
D A7 D7 F7
me, that's plain to see. She
C B¨7 B¨7 B¨7 B¨7
is my sweet Pa- too- tie and I am her lov- in' man. Knows
got a form like Ve- nus, hon- est, I ain't talk- in' Greek, no
when my ba- by kiss- es me up- on my ros- y cheeks,
E¨7 E¨7 C7 F7 D7
how to do her du- ty, loves me like no oth- er can. That's why
one can come be- tween us, she's my She- ba, I'm her Sheik.
I just let those kiss- es be, Don't wash my face for weeks!
G‹ G‹ G‹ G‹
ev- 'ry- bod- y loves my ba- by, but my ba- by don't love no- bod- y but
C7 F7 B¨ E¨7 D7
me, no- bod- y but me.
502 Zulu's Ball Joe "King" Oliver - 1923
q = 182
A E¨ E¨ F7 B¨7
E¨ E¨ F7 B¨7
B E¨ B¨7 Bº C7
B¨7 E¨ C7 F7 B¨7
C C‹ C‹
A¨ C‹ A¨7 G&7
C‹ C‹
C‹ A¨7 G&7
A¨7 Aº E¨ C7 F7 F©º D7 G7
D C7 F7
C7 F7
E¨ C7 F7 B¨7 E¨
I'll See You In My Dreams
Verse Isham Jones - 1924
A E¨
E¨7 C
Tho' the days are long, Twi - light sings a song,
In the drea - ry gray; of a - no - ther day,
F7 Abm6 B¨7 E¨
Of the hap - pi - ness that used to be.
You'll be far a - way and I'll be blue;
D7 D7
Gm Gm
Soon my eyes will close, Soon I'll find re - pose,
Still I hope and pray, thru each wea - ry day,
B¨ Bº Cm7 F7
B¨7 B¨
And in dreams you're al - ways near to me. I'll
For it brings the night and dreams of you.
B Ab
see you in my dreams
E¨ E¨dim
Hold you in my dreams,
Some - one took you out of my arms,
F7 B¨7
Still I feel the thrill of your charms,
Ab Abm6
Lips that once were mine,
E¨ E¨dim
Ten - der eyes that shine,
B¨m6 C7
B¨m6 C7 G7 Cm
They will light my way to - night, I'll
Ab Abm6 B¨7 E¨
see you in my dreams.
506 Papa De-Da-Da
Spencer Williams, Clarence Todd &
Verse Clarence Williams- 1924
E¨º B¨7
Down in New Or- leans, Land of dream- y scenes,
E¨ A¨
E¨ B¨7
E¨ B¨7
There's a man, mu- sic man, Plays and sings, Buck and wings.
B¨7 E¨
B¨7 E¨ E¨7
Pa- pa tree- top tall, Long and lean that's all,
A¨ E¨ A¨ E¨ F7 B¨7
Ev- 'ry night, it's a sight, you should hear folks call: Pa- pa
E B¨7 E¨
B¨7 B¨&7 E¨
De- Da- Da, He's the la-dies man. Pa- pa De- Da- Da, Sweet-est in the land. Pa- pa
B¨7 F7 B¨7A7 A¨7
De- Da- Da, Watch him clap his hand. He can play pi- an- o grand. Pa- pa
B¨7 E¨
B¨&7 E¨ E¨7
De- Da- Da, He can string the blues, Pa- pa De- Da- Da, Al-ways spread- in' news.
A¨ D7 G‹
C7 F‹7
B¨7 F7 B7 B¨7 Gº
Neat and keen, That's what I mean, Got all the gals in New Or- leans. Pa- pa
B7/F Eº B¨7 C‹ F7 B¨7 E¨ A¨7 E¨
De, Da, Da- De- Da, He's the hot- test man in town.
Terrible Blues 507
Clarence Williams - 1924
Intro D7 G7 C C7GbdimFm C
C C C7 C7
F F C Dm C Dbdim
C G7 C C7 Gbdim Fm C
C C C C7 F
F F C C7 A7
D7 G7 C C7 GbdimFm C
C C C7 C7
F F C Dm C Dbdim
G7 C G7 C C7 Gbdim Fm C
Solo ad lib
King Porter Stomp Jelly Roll Morton - 1906
B¨ E¨
C7 F7
A B¨
A¨6 G7 C7
F7 B¨
B¨ A¨6 G7 C7
E¨ B¨ C7 F7 B¨
B G‹
D7 G7
B¨ C7 F7
G‹ D7 G7 C‹
B¨ Ensemble F7 B¨ F7 B¨
C A¨ A¨‹ E¨/B¨
A¨ A¨‹ E¨/B¨
A¨ A¨‹ E¨
C7 1.F7
B¨7 F7
B¨7 E¨
D A¨ Aº E¨/B¨ E¨7 A¨ Aº E¨/B¨ E¨7
mp mp
E¨/B¨ B¨7
A¨ Aº
A¨ Aº
A¨ Aº E¨/B¨
C7 F7 B7 B¨7
A¨ Aº E¨/B¨
E¨7 A¨
Aº E¨/B¨
E¨ B¨&7
The weath- -er there is nice and warm;
Out - side she's just as soft as silk;
A¨‹ E¨
The cli- mate's of the South- ern brand,
But so- cial- ly she's hard as nails,
A¨‹ E¨ B¨7
But here's what I don't un- der- stand;-
She's just a gal who hates the males!
E¨ B¨&7
E¨ B¨&7
They've got a gal- there,- A pret - ty gal there,
And when she's nas- ty, Oh, when she's nas - ty
E¨ B¨&7
Who's cold- er than an arc- tic storm; Got a
She's 'bout as sweet as sour milk; Noth- ing
G‹ D7
heart just like a stone; E - ven
she likes bet- ter than Feed -in'
ice -men leave her a- lone. They call her
pois -oned food to a man,
Hard Heart -ed Han- nah, the vamp of Sa- van- nah,
The mean - est gal in town;
Leath -er is tough but Han- nah's heart is tough -er;-
Talk of your cold re- frig- er- at- ing Ma- mas,
B7 B¨7
She's a gal who likes to see men suf -fer! To
Broth -er she's the po-lar bear's pa-jam- -as! To
E¨ D7 D¨7 C7
tease 'em and thrill 'em, to tor- ture and kill 'em,
F‹ G7 C‹ E¨7
is her de- light, they say, I
A¨ B7
saw her at the sea- shore with a great big pan; There was
ev'- ning spent with Han -nah sit -ting on your knees, Is like
E¨ D7 D¨7 C7
Han- nah pour -ing wat -er on a drown- ing man, She's
trav' ling thru A - las - ka in your B, V, D,'s
F7 B¨7 E¨
Hard Heart -ed Han -nah, the vamp of Sa- van- nah G. A. They call her
Solos at "B"
512 Sadie Green
The Vamp of New Orleans
q = 124 Intro 1924
D‹ A7 D‹ A7 D‹ A7 D‹ A7
A D‹ A7 D‹ B¨7 A7 D‹
Way down south in New Or - leans there was a girl named sa - die green, and
D‹ A7 D‹ B¨7 A7 D‹ Cº
all the fel - lows raved a - bout this lit - tle queen oh she
F C7
F D7
vamps them one and all she near - ly drove them wild when
G7 G7 C Cº C7
she walked by oth - ers cried "fire - man save my child."
D¨7 C7 F D¨7 C7
Sa - die green the vamp of new or - leans.
D‹ A7 D‹ A7
when she starts to shake her hips, cap - tain cap - tain sink your ship.
G7 G7 C
E¨7 D¨7
if she starts to vamp oh gosh! Ma - ma burn my mac - in - tosh
B¨ B¨
E7 A7 A7
She tore ev' - ry thing right up - side down.
D7 D7 G7 G7
oh boy! full of speed what she has - n't got she does - n't need.
F F7 D7 C7
G7 C7 F
what a queen, Sa - die green the vamp of new or - leans.
Santa Claus Blues
q = 124 Verse 1924
A E¨ A¨ B¨ E¨
The mer - ry bells are ring ing to day But they don't mean noth - ing to me.
E¨ A¨ F7 B¨7
I hear the child - ren sing- ing to - day But I'm as blue as I can be.
E¨ A¨ E¨7 B¨7 A¨
Old San - ta CLaus for - got my ad dress That's one thins I can plain - ly see, It
F7 B¨7 C7
may be Christ - mas to some folks,It's just De - cem - ber twen - ty fifth to me.
B E¨ F©‹7(b5) E¨ F©‹7(b5) E¨ E¨7
No mon - ey, No hon - ey to buy a pres - ent for me.
A¨ A¨‹ E¨ E¨
No - bod - y, No tod - dy to make things pleas - ant for me.
B¨7 E¨ C7
Last night my stock - ing hung, Just like when I was young
B¨ F7 B¨
But this morn - ing there was va - can - cy.
A¨ A¨‹ F9 B¨7
No pick - in' on chick - en or pork ten - der loin And soon I'll
E¨ D7 Dº E¨ B¨7 C7 C‹7(b5) B¨
hear the hap - py New Year's chimes but that just means some more hard times,
B¨7 E¨
Bad luck you're hard to lose, I've got the San - ta Claus blues.
Bessie Smith and
Jailhouse Blues Clarence Williams - 1923
A E¨ B¨&7
Thir - ty days in jail, with my back turned to the
mind bein' in jail, but I got - ta staythere so
stop your man from ticklin' me under my
morn - ing blues blues how do you
E¨ E¨7 A¨7
3 3
wall Thir - ty days in jail, with my
long. I don't mind bein' in jail but I
chin Bet - ter stop your man from
do? Good morn - ing blues
B7 B¨7 E¨ E¨ B¨7
back turned to the wall Look here mis -ter jail keep - er
gotta stay there so long. Ev' - ry friend I had
ticklin' me under my chin. If he keeps on tick lin' I'm
blues how do you do? I just came here to
B7 F‹7 B¨7 E¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨7 A¨ B7 E¨
put a noth er gal in my stall. I don't you.
done shook hands and gone. Bet ter
gon- ne - let him on in. Good
have a few words with
Deep River
q = 100
A F B¨‹ C7 F B¨ C‹ D7 E¨º C7/E
Deep ri - ver, my home is o - ver Jor - dan,
F B¨‹ B¨ Bº G‹7 F Bº B¨ C7 F
Deep ri - ver, Lord I want to cross o - ver in - to camp ground.
F B¨‹ B¨ Bº G‹7 F Bº B¨ C7 F B¨ F
Deep ri - ver, Lord I want to cross o - ver in - to camp ground.
Verse Red Hot Mama Gilbert Wells, Bud Cooper &
Fred Rose 1924
q = 148 C G& C A‹7 D7
I've got a girl a won - der - ful girl she's the sweet - est one in town you can
I've got a plan a mar - ve- lous plan that I fig - ured out last night you just
G7 G7 C G7
search for miles a - round but no - one can be found like this one
let me put you right that ne - ver have I been as cle - ver
C G& C A‹7 D7
she has a smile that will o - pen your eyes in a cer - tain lit - tle was and
as when I thought that I'd pur chase a ring for her pret - ty lit - tle hand, and
G7 G7 G&7 C Cº C
red hot ma - ma you're some charm - er yes in - deed
E7 Eº E7 A‹ D‹ A‹ C‹/E¨
I claim that you should be in the fol- lies hot to - ma - les
D7 D7 D7 D‹7 G7
you have a pair of eyes just like old sven - ga - li's
C C/E C‹/E¨ D7 D7
I con - fess that you pos - sess the sweet - est charm in town
G7 G7 F E7 E&7 E7
and un - less I miss my guess the boys all fol - low you a - round, you make a
A7 A7 D7 D7
mu - sic mas - ter drop his fid - dle make a bald head - ed man part his hair in the mid - dle,
C/G C/G A7 D7 G7 C G7
red hot ma - ma red not ma - ma sweet - est girl in town.
520 Night Hawk Blues
q = 124
Intro 1924
C/E E¨º D‹7 G7 C/E Eº D‹7 G7
Verse C C C
E7 A‹ D7 G G7
C7 C7 C7 C7
D7 G D7 G7
B F F C C Cº
G7 G7 C C C7
D7 A¨7 G7 C F7 C F7 C
Sara Martin &
Mama's Got The Blues Clarence Williams - 1924
q = 100 Intro G7 G7 C F7 C G7
A C7 C7 C7 B¨ C7
Some peo - ple say that the wear - y blues ainn't bad. oh some
Woke up this morn - in' with the jinx a round my bed Oh I
Ne - ver will know what's on a brown skin Dad - dy's mind, Oh you
Brown - skin's de - ceit - ful but a yel - low man is worse Brown - skin
F C G7 C F7 C F7
peo - ple say that the wear - y blues ain't bad. but it's the
woke up this morn the blues a round my bed. I did - n't
ne - ver will know what's on your Pa - pa's mind He'll hug and
man's de - ceit - ful, a yel- low man is worse I'm gon - na
G7 C F7 C
worst old feel - ing That I ev - er did have.
have no Dad - dy, to hold my ach - in' head.
kiss and pet you and be leav - in' all the time.
get a black man and I'll play safe - ty first.
Of All The Wrongs You've Done TO Me
Lew Payton, Chris Smith &
Verse Edgar Dowell - 1924
q = 120
BG Gº D7 G C G D7
You're fly - ing high don't e - ven try to e - ver stop and think the
G Gº D7 G G¨ GŒ„Š7 G¨ D7
birds fly high to - wards the sky. But they've got to come down and drink.
G Gº D7 G C G B¨7
I'm not trying to lec - ture you but here's one point that's deep re -
D A‹ D B
A7 D7
mem - ber that old say - ing, Just as you sow you shall reap. Now
C E7 A7 D7 G C G
all the wrongs you've done to me they're bound to come back to you. your
E7 Dº D E¨º E‹7 A7 D7
sobs and sighs and bit - ter tears will fall like the morn - ing dew. You've
G7 F C E7 A7 D7
made me weep, youve made me mourn now what more could you do? So
A7 D7 G
all the wrongs you've done to me they're bound to come back to you.
524 Moonlight Bay
Intro Percy Wenrich - 1912
q = 100 G‹7 D7 G‹ Cº G‹7 D7 G‹ Cº
A G‹7 D7 G‹ Cº C©º D7 G‹
Voi - ces hum croon - ing o - ver moon - light bay.
Can - dle lights gleam - ing on the si - leny shore.
G‹7 D7 G‹ Cº C©º D7 G‹
Ban - jos strum, tun - ing while the moon - beams play.
Lone - ly nights dream - ing 'til we meet once more.
F7 F7 B¨ B¨
all a lone un known they find me mem - mo - ries like these re mind me
Far a part her heart is yearn - ing with a sigh for my re - turn ing,
F7 F7 G‹ C7 F7
of the girl I left be - hind me down on moon - light bay. We were sail - ing a -
with the light of love still burn- ing, as in days of yore. ----
B B¨ E¨ B¨ B¨
long on moon - light bay we could hear the voi - ces
F7 F7 B¨ B¨
ring - ing they seemed to say: "you have stol- len my
B¨ E¨ B¨ B¨
heart, now don't go 'way" as we
F7 F7 B¨ E¨ B¨ B¨º B¨
sang love's old sweet song, on moon - light bay.
q = slowly
Weeping Willow Blues Paul Carter - 1924
Intro F F F F C7
went down to the ri - - ver
went up on the moun tain,
hear the whis - tle blow - ing
sat be - neath a wil - low tree
high as an - y gal could stand,
and the fire - ,an ring the bell,
a dew dropped on those wil - low leaves and it
and looked down on that en - gine that
they've tak - en a - way that wil - low tree that gave
C7 C7
rolled right down on me and that's the
took away my lov - in' man,
me this weep - in' spell.
C7 B¨ 1.2. F F C7
rea - son I've got those weep -ing wil low blues. I
3. F B¨7 F F7 E¨ F7
B Patter
B¨ B¨ F&7
When you're bro - ken heart - ed and your man is out of town,
Go to the ri - ver take a chair and then sit down. and
B¨ B¨ F&7
if he don't come back to youm I'll tell you what to do, just
jump right o - ver baord 'cause he ain't no more to you.
B¨ B¨ F&7
folks, I love my man I kiss him morn - ing noon and night, I
wash his clothes and keep him clean and try to treat him right.
C B¨
B¨ F&7
Now he's gone and left mew af - ter all I tried to do, the
B¨ B¨
way he treats me, girls, he'll do the same thing to you.
F7 3 C‹7 F7 B¨ B¨7 E¨7 B¨
That's the rea - son I've got those weep - ing wil-lowblues.
528 Pleasure Mad Sidney Bechet &
Rousseu Simmons - 1924
q = 100 F/C D7 G7 C7 F F7 Fº B¨‹6 F F7
A B¨ G‹7(b5) F/C B¨ F/A B¨ F/A B¨ F/A B¨ F/A B¨
Want some - one to love me want some - one to hug me now.
Look here lit tle dad- day how I wish you had me dear
G7 C7 F F7 Fº B¨‹6 F
I don't wnat your mon - ey All I want my hon - ey's you. Woke up this
Hon - ey please don't leave me, you will sure - ly grieve me dear.
A7 A7 D‹ D‹
morn - ing feel - ing aw - ful - ly blue, Ain't got no -
A7 A7 D‹ D‹
one to tell my trou - bles to the for- tune
D7 D7 G7 G7/D
tell - er has told me lit - tle fell - ow that I am
F/C D7 G7 C7 F F7 Fº B¨‹6 F F7
lone - ly lone - ly and I've got those lone- some blues.
F G‹7/C F
530 Wendell Hall, Harry Geise, and
Hoo-Doo Blues Emory O'Hara 1924
q = 100
D‹ G7 C
C C/EE¨7
G/D G G¨&7 F7 E7 E¨7 D7
A¨7/G¨ G7 C C/G Aº
Bº C Cº C
I'm feel - in' bro - ken heart - ed, sad and blue, I've lost my last thin dime,
C C Cº C D7 A‹7 D7 G E¨7 G
and now I bid you a dieu, And leave this cold world be- hind.
G Aº G B7/F© E‹ E‹7 A7 A7/E E¨º D7 G7
Got a date now at three with the fish - es in the sea.
C D‹6 C/E F7 C C
Night and day I've got those Hoo - Doo blues.
D‹ G7 C
C C/E E¨7
Ev' ry where I go there's a black cat at my door, and I'm
G/D G G¨&7 F7 E7 E¨7 D7
load - ed down with care A Jo nah man for fair.
C D‹6 C/E F7 C C
My bright gold - en sun has ceased to shine,
C D‹6 C C7 F A7/E D‹ Eº
Can't shake that mis - for - tune from my mind.
F F A¨7
Lost my rab - bit's foot and four leaf clo - ver too.
C C E7/B A‹ A‹7
Turned a - round and broke my look - ing glass in two.
G&7 C
A¨7 G7
I've got those Hoo - Doo Blues. 3
532 Angry
Intro F G#dim F G#dim F F C7 F C
A F F G7 G7
True love ne - ver does run smooth at least that's what I'm told,
C7 C7 F F
and if that is true then ou - rs must be good as gold. 'Cause
A7 A7 Dm Dm
ev' - ry night we bat - tle and I beg you for a kiss, then
G7 G7 G7 C7
I have to start ex - plain - ing and it sounds a bit like this.
Chorus 533
B F F G7 G7
dar - lin' please don't be an - gry 'cause I was
C7 C7 F F7
on - ly teas - in' you. you know that
Bb F D
i would - n't ev - ver let you think of leav - in' oh
G7 G7 C7 C7
don't you know I love you true now
C F7 F7 F7 F7
just be - cause I took a look at some - bo - dy else
Bb Bb C#7
that's no rea - son that you should put me on the shelf,
F F G7 G7
dar - lin' please don't be an - gry 'cause I was
C7 C7 F C7
on - ly teas - in' you.
534 Yes, I'm In The Barrel Louis Armstrong - 1925
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15
F D‹ D‹
C7 F
F7 B¨
3 3
F7 B¨ F7 B¨7
B¨ B¨‹ F
G7 C7 F
C D‹ D‹
D‹ A7 D‹ F
E7 A‹ A7
D‹ A7 D‹
B¨ F C7 F G7 Cº C7
Solos Here
F B¨7 F F7
B¨ B¨‹ F F
C7 C7 F Fº C7 F C7
Pickups to "E"
After Last Solo
E F F D‹ D‹
Break C7
3 3
C E¨ A¨‹ B¨7
E¨ A¨‹ B¨7 E¨ A¨‹ B¨7 E¨ Eº
B¨7 E¨ D¨ C7
B¨7 E¨ A¨7
E¨ A7 E¨ A¨7 E¨ A7 E¨
538 Hot Tamale Molly
Intro Herman Ruby, Bud Cooper
& Gilbert Wells - 1925
q = 180 AC F G7 C
B G7 C E¨º D‹6 G7 C
I know a girl - ie named Mol - ly The sweet est ba - by in town.
G7 C E¨º D‹6 G7 C
A mong the up to date vam - pires This ba by's caus- in' a stir. Those
G G/D D7 G7 E7
red - hot mam - mas and the oth - er charm - ers
A‹ D7 G G7 D‹/A Bº
have ta - ken les - sons from her, They call her
Chorus 539
C C Cº C E‹ E¨ D7 D7
Hot ta - ma - le mol - ly just a noth- er vam- pin' fool.
G7 G7 C Cº C C6
Hot ta - ma - le mol - ly she's a gal that can't keep cool.
E7 E7 A‹ F7/A A‹ A‹7
Is she hot? Tell you what. most ev' - ry - bo - dy knows
D D7 D7 D7 G7
when they kiss af ter this he'll have to wear as - bes - tos clothes
C Cº C E‹ E¨ D7 D7
Hot ta - ma - le Mol - ly, she's a gal with lots of charm
G7 G7 E7 E7
If you want her ad dress,why just ring in the fi - re a larm When she
A7 E‹7 A7 E‹7 A7 D7 D7
kiss es you, I'll make a bet, It's justa - no ther case of "fi - re men spread your net!"
C/E A‹ A7 D7 G7 C
On a porch, she's a torch she's that hot ta - ma - le of mine.
540 Last Go Round Blues
q = 100 Jimmy Cox - 1922
Intro C/G A7 D7 G7 C A¨7 C/G D‹7/G C G&7 C
A C Verse C C C7
Would - n't lis ten sis ter, I would - n't lis ten bro ther, I would - n't lis ten dad- dy, nor dear old mo ther
C C C C7
I've for - sa - ken sis- ter and I've for - sa - ken bro - ther, yes I've for - sa- ken dad - dy and dear old mo- ther
CC Chorus C C7 F F
I'm might - y sick but my looks don'yt show it I'm al - most dy - ing but he don't know it.
C C A7 D7 G7 C7 C7
I have done all that a poor sick girl could do.
C G‹ A7 G‹ A7 G‹ A7
I just saw a ma- ni - ac, ma- ni - ac ma- ni - ac
Love made him a lu- na - tic, lu- na - tic, lu- na - tic
D7 G7 D‹7 G7 C D‹7 G7
Wild and tea - rin' his hair.
Gee, he hol - lered and cried.
C G‹ A7 G‹ A7 G‹ A7
Jum pin' like a jum pin' jack, jum pin' jack, jum pin' jack
Like a mon key on a stick, on a stick, on a stick
D7 G7 D‹7 G7 C D‹7 C B7
Child, you shoul - d'a been there.
He was fit to be tied.
E7 D‹ E7 E‹7 A7
Laughed so loud, I thought that I would cave in
When we asked him for his wife's des - cript - tion
D7 C‹ D7 G7 C©º D‹7 G7
When I heard that sil - ly daf - fy dil - ly ra - vin'
He just an swered all of us with this con - nip - tion.
B C Chorus E7 A7
Five foot two, eyes of blue But oh what those five feet can do Has
D7 G7 C A7 D7 G7
an - y - bod - y seen my gal?
C E7 A7
Turned up nose, turned down hose, Flap- per, yes sir, one of those Has
D7 G7 C
an - y - bod - y seen my gal? Now if you
C E7 A7
run in - to a five foot two, co - vered with fur,
D7 D7 G7 Dm7 G7
dia- mond rings and all those things Bet- cha life it is n't her, But
C E7 A7
could she love? could she woo? could she,could she could she coo? Has
D7 G7 C
an - y bod - y seen my gal?
544 Squeeze Me
q = 100 C. Williams and
Intro Bº B¨º Aº A¨º Gº F7 Fº Eº Fats Waller - 1925
G7 G7 C7 G¨7 F
Verse Dad - dy
A G7 C7 F6
you've been dog gone sweet on me. Dad - dy
G7 C7 F6 Fº F7 A¨7
you're the on - ly one i see you know I
A7 E‹7 C‹6 A7 D‹ Bº
need but you cuz you're my man you
C G7 G‹7 C7
leave me like no one can some - thing
D‹ G7 C G‹ A7
a - bout you I can't re - sist when you
D‹7 G7 C Cº C7
kiss me dad - dy I stay kissed. oh dad - dy
Chorus 545
G7 C7 F E¨Œ„Š7 D7
squeeze me and squeeze me a - gain, oh hon - ey
G7 C7 F E7 F
dont' stop 'til I tell you when now ba - by
G7 C7 F‹
kiss me and squeeze me some more
C G7 G‹7 C7
just like you did be - fore. your ba - by
G7 C7 F E¨Œ„Š7 D7
cu - pid is stand - ing close by oh dad - ddy
G7 C7 F7
don't let your sweet ba - by cry, just
Bº B¨º Aº A¨º Gº F7 Fº Eº
pick me up on your knee I
G7 G7 C7 G¨7 F
feel so good - y good - y when you kiss me.
546 Sweet Georgia Brown
q = 180
F F D G7 C7 F
A DmVerse A7 Dm A7
She just got here yes - ter- day, Things are hot here now they say,
it's been said she get the blues, all you pals will sure - ly lose.
Dm A7 Dm Dm
There's a new gal in town.
And, there'sbut one ex - cuse.
Dm A7 Dm A7
Gals are jea - lous, there's no doubt. All the guys just rave a - bout
Now I'vetold you who she was, and I've told you what she does,
G7 G7 C7 C7
Sweet, Sweet Geor - gia Brown And
Still, give this gal her dues. This
C7 C7 C7 C7 A7
e - ver since she came, the co - lored folks all claim say!
co lored
- mai-den's prayer is ans-wered a - ny - where;
Chorus 547
B D7 D7 D7 D7
no gal made has got a shade on Sweet Geor - gia Brown.
G7 G7 G7 G7
Two left feet, but oh, so neat has Sweet Geor - gia Brown.
C7 C7 C7 C7
They all sigh and wan - na die for Sweet Geor - gia Brown, I'll tell you just
F F C7 F A7
why, you know I don't lie (not much!).
D7 D7 D7 D7
It's been said she knocks 'em dead when she lands in town.
All those tips the por - ter slips to Sweet Geor-gia Brown
G7 G7 G7 G7
Since she came why it's a shame how she's cooled 'em down.
They buy clothes at fa-shionshows for one dol - lar down.
Dm A7
Dm A7
Fel - las that she can't get are fel - las she ain't met
Fel - las, tip your hats. oh boy ain't she thecats.
F F D7 G7 C7 F
Geor - gia claimed her geor - gia named her sweet geor - gia brown.
Who's that mis - ter, tain't her sis - ter,
548 Jimtown Blues Charlie Davis & Fred Rose - 1924
B¨7 C&7 F7
I've saved up my ones and twos.
F7 B¨7
D¨7 C7 F
No more sing- ing thiswear- y song, When I go back where I be- long.
A G‹
G G7
C‹ G7/D C‹/E¨ B¨/F F7/E¨ B¨/D B¨º/D¨ F7
G‹ D7 G G7
C‹ G7/D C‹/E¨ B¨/F F7/E¨ B¨/D B¨º/D¨ F7 Break
B G‹
D7 G G7
C‹ B¨/D F7
B¨º/D¨ F7/C C©º D7
G‹ D7 G G7
B¨7C E¨ B¨7
B¨7 B¨7
E¨ E¨
Cornet Pickups
C7 F‹
F©º E¨ Eº
B¨7/F B¨7 E¨
B¨7 E¨
B¨7 E¨ Break
B¨7 E¨
C7 F‹ F©º
E¨/G G¨º B¨7/F B¨7 E¨ E¨7 A¨ A¨‹ E¨
Solos at "C"
Charleston Baby of Mine
Danny Dougherty and
Intro Bernie Grossman - 1925
q = 200
E¨ E¨º C7 F7 B¨7 E¨
E¨ E¨º C7 F7 B¨7 E¨
Hey! all you high yel - lows start sing - in'the blues.
E¨ E¨º C7 F7 B7 B¨7
Tell all of your fel - lows I'm bring- in'bad news cuz I
E¨ E¨º C7 F7 B¨ B¨7
Hey! all you O - thel - los, Get rea - dy to go.
B B¨7 E¨/B¨ Cº E¨ E¨
Wait'til I show you thatChar- le ston ba by of mine.
A F‹ Dº C7 F‹
There is some thing hon - ey babe that grieves my mind. I'm
F‹ Dº D¨7 C7
think - ing 'bout your fu - ture when I leave you be - hind. It's
A¨6 Gº F‹ C G7 C G7 G‹7 C7
got me up a tree. Here's the thing that wor - ries me:
B F F B¨7
Who'll chop your su- ey when I'm gone?
C7 C7 F F
Who'll corn your frit-ters Sun-day morn?
A7 A7 D7 D7
When you're feel- in' chil-ly, and heat is your de-sire,
G7 G7 C7 G7
Who'll ease down in your cel-lar and heap some coals up- on your fire?
C F F B¨7 B¨7
Who'll clam your chow-der Fri-day night?
C7 F7 B¨ F& B¨
Who'l toot your fruit-ie nice and tight?
B¨ B¨‹ F E7 E¨7 D7
Tell me while I'm put- tin' chil-e on your corn- pone you sil-ly;
G‹ C7 F B¨7 F C7
Who'll chop your su- ey when I'm gone?
Midnight Mama
Jelly Roll Morton - 1925
E - li- za Green is said to be the
F7 C F7 C7
fast- est gal in Bal- tl- more. She
F B¨7
steps out at night and leaves her dad- dy
F F7
all a- lone 'til half- past four. But
C C©º G/D G7
yes- ter-day morn- in' when it was dawn- in',
Aº A¨7 C Aº A¨º
This is what he said whenshe came home: Mid- night
B C7/G C7 F B¨ F F©º
Mam- ma! Don't you five o'-clock-me!
C7/G C7 F F E¨7(b5)
If you do I'll take a-way your door key.
D7 D7
Please don't leave your dad-dy all a- lone.
Stop this ram- blin' all a- round at night,
G‹ D7 G‹ D7 A¨º
If you do you're gon- na lose your home sweet home. Oh, Mid- night
When you come backhome your clothes don't fit you right.
C/G C7 F F7 B¨B¨‹ F
Solos at "B"
Mam - ma! Don't you five o' clock me!
C7/G C7 F B¨ F F©º
C7/G C7
F F E¨7(b5)
D7 G‹ D7 G‹ D7 G‹ A¨º
C7/G C7 F
F7 B¨ B¨‹ F
Back To "B" with Repeat for Out Chorus
New Orleans Shuffle
Tom-Tom Intro
Tuba N.C.
F‹ C7 F‹ C7 F‹ C7 F‹
F‹ C7 F‹ C7
F‹ C7 F‹
B¨‹ F‹
G7 G7(b5) C7 N.C.
B F‹ C7 F‹ C7
F‹ C7 F‹
B¨‹ F‹
C A¨ B¨7
E¨7 A¨
A¨7 G7 G¨7
B¨7 E¨7
D A¨ B¨7
E¨7 D¨7 C7
D¨‹ E¨7 A¨
Back to "C" for Solos
She's Crying For Me
Santo "Pec" Pecore - 1925
A F‹ D¨7 C7 D¨7 C7
F‹ D¨7 C7 F‹ D¨7 C7
F‹ D¨7
A¨ A¨ A¨
E¨7 E¨7 A¨ A¨
Cornet Solo ad lib
A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨
E¨7 E¨7 A¨ D¨7 A¨
A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨
E¨7 E¨7
A¨7 A7
D F F F F7
B¨ B¨ F F
C7 C7 F B¨7 E¨7
Back to "B" to Fine
No solo
Intro Sleepy Time Gal Lorenza - Whiting 1925
q = 120
A‹ D7 G G
A E¨7 G D7 G
Would - n't it be a change foryou and me to stay athome once in - a while?
G E¨7 G D7 G
We'd ca - ba - ret un - til the
break of day I'll bet we've danced ma- ny a mile
B7 E‹ B7 E‹
I'll like to see a mo - vie once more They don't keep peo - ple stay - in' up un - til four.
G E¨7 A7 D7
Would - n't it be a plea - sant no- vel - ty to tum- ble in ear - ly once more?
G7 G7 E¨7 D7 D7
Slee - py time gal, you're tur - ning night in - to day
D7 D7 G G F7
Slee - py time gal, you've danced the ev' ninga - way Be - fore each
E7 E7 A7 A7
sil - ve - ry star fades out of sight Please give me
A7 A7
one lit - tle kiss Then let us whis - per 'good -
D7 D7 D&
night' It's get - ting' late and dear your pil - low's wai - tin'
G G E¨7 D7 D7
Slee - py time gal, when all your dan- cin' is through
D7 D7 B7 E‹ E‹
Slee - py timegal I'll find a cot - tage for you You'll learn to
E‹ E‹ G D‹ E7
cook and to sew What's more you'll love it I know When you'rea
A‹ C‹ D7 G
stay - at- home play - at- homeEight o' clock slee - py time gal.
q = 180
I Love My Baby Bud Green &
Intro Harry Warren 1925
F7 B¨ F7 F7 C‹7 F7
B¨ B¨ B¨ E¨9
Talk a - bout your fam - ous love af - fairs,
F7 C7 F C13 F D¨7
Ro - me - o and Ju - li - et had theirs,
C7 F
I just lound some - one and some - one found me
F7 F7/E¨ G7 C7 F Bº F7
We're not ve - ry fa - moue but who cares?
F7 F7 F7 F7
I love my ba - by, my ba - by loves me,
I love my ba - by, my ba - by loves me,
G7 G7 G7 G7
Don't know no - bo - dy as hap - py as we!
We're hap - py hap - py, why should-n't we be?
C7 F7 B¨ F7 G7 G7
I'm on - ly twen - ty and he's twen - ty one,
He gives me kis - ses, each one is a smack,
C7 C7 C7 E¨‹ F7 F7
We ne - ver wor - ry, we're just ha - vin' fun!
but you should hear 'im when I give 'em back!
F7 F7 F7 F7
Some -times we quar - rel, and may - be we fight,
I bought a cook book I'm lear - nin' to bake,
G7 G7 G7 G7
But then we make up the fol - lo - wing night!
He likes my cof - fee, keeps him - self a - wake!
C7 F7 B¨ G7 G7
When we're to - ge - ther, we're great com - pa - ny, I love my
We wash the dish - es from se - ven to three, I love my
C7 F7 B¨
ba - by, my ba - by loves me!
ba - by, my ba - by loves me!
q = 100 - 180 Cheatin' on Me Lew Pollack &
Jack Yellen 1925
G Intro A7 D7
Verse F©‹7 B7 C C‹6 G
I ne - ver thought when I met you It would come to this,
I was told you were de - ceiv - ing From the ve - ry start
A‹ A‹7 B B7 E‹ C C‹ D7
Ther is no one so hate - ful As the one who's un - faith - ful You're
Ne - ver once did I doubt you; Now I know all a - bout you.
Chorus 567
G7 G‹7(b5) F7 G C Cº G7 C
chea - tin' on me Chea - tin' on me
G Gº D7 G E7 A7 D7
You're not the kind of a sweet - heart I hoped you'd be
G7 G‹7(b5) F7 G B B7 E‹ A¨7
I trus- ted you thought you'd be true My
A7 A¨7 A7 D D7
love was so strong that I went a - long Ne - ver dream - ing you do me so wrong
G7 G7 C C
Love is a game and I played on the square
A7 A7 D7 E7 D7
But you're the kind who can ne - ver play fair
G7 G‹7(b5) F7 G G7 C Gº
I may for - give but sure as you live
G7 G‹7(b5) F7 G E7 A7 D7 G
Some day you're gon - na be sor - ry you cheat ed on me.
Yes Sir, That's My Baby
Walter Donaldson &
Intro Gus Kahn 1925
E¨ E¨ Eº7 B¨7 B¨7
E¨ E¨ B¨7 B¨7
Who's that co - ming down the street? Who's that look - ing so pe - tite?
Who's the "who" I rave a - bout? Who do I feel blue with - out?
I've gotta gal in New Or - leans Prett - iest of the South - ern queens
B¨ B¨ E¨ F‹7 B¨7
Who's that co - ming down to meet me here?
In the Win - ter, Sum - mer, Spring and Fall?
She's the gal that I'm just wild a - bout,
E¨ E¨ B¨7 B¨7
Who's that you know who I mean, Sweet - est "who" you've e - ver seen,
What was I just "gon - na" say, I for - get, but a - ny - way,
When she walks down Bour - bon street, Guys all whis - tle to her beat,
E¨ E¨ Eº B¨7 B¨7
Yes, Ma'am, I've de - ci - ded, No, Ma'am, we won't hide it.
Well well, "lookit" that ba - by Do tell, don't say "may - be",
Yes, Ma'am, you're in - vi - ted now. By the
Nell's bells, won't she cause some row. Pret - ty
E¨7 E¨7 Ab A¨
way, by the way, when we
soon, Pret - ty soon, We will
F7 F7 B¨7 B¨7
reach the preach - er I'll say,
hear that Lo - hen - grin tune,
E¨ E¨ Eº B¨7 B¨7
Yes, sir, that's my ba - by. No, sir, don't mean may - be,
Who for should she be sir, No one else but me sir,
Yes, sir, that's my ba - by now.
A Cup of Coffee, A Sandwich,
Intro And You Joseph Meyer, Billy Rose,
q = 148
F7 Al dubin 1925
A B¨ G¨9 B¨ A¨7(b5) G¨9 G¨7
In the mo - vie plays of now - a - days A
C7 F7 B¨ F‹/A¨ G7 G‹7 F
ro - mance al - ways must be - gin in June
C7 C7 F7 C‹7 F7 C‹7 F7
love laid in a gar - den 'neath the moon
G‹ D‹ G‹ G7
But I don't miss, that kind of bliss
C7 B¨ C7 C&7 F7 F7 F&
What I want is this A cup of
B B¨ E¨‹ B¨ B¨ Bº
cof - fee, a sand - wich and you A co - zy
F7 F& B¨ Bº F7 F&
cor - ner, a ta - ble for two A chance to
B¨ E¨‹ B¨ B¨ Bº
whis - per and cud - dle and coo With lots of
F7 F& B¨ B¨ F7 B¨7
hug - gin' and kis - sin' in view I don't need
E¨7 E¨7 D7 D7 G7
mu - sic, lob - ster or wine Whe - ne - ver
C7 C7 F9 F9 F&
your eyes look in - to mine The things I
B¨ E¨‹ B¨ B¨ Bº
long for are sim - ple and few A cup of
F7 F7 B¨ C‹7 B¨
cof - fee, a sand - wich and you
I'm Sitting On Top of the World
Ray Henderson, Sam Lewis
q = 180
Intro & Joe Young 1925
G7 C7 F G‹7 F C&
Don't want an - y
Some peo - ple have
A F C& C‹6 D7
mil - lions I'm get - ing my share I've on - ly got
dia - monds And beau - ti - ful pearls, While oth - ers have
G/D B¨5/D¨ C7 F F7
one suit, That's all I can wear A bun - dle of
chil - dren, Just kid - dies with curls. Keep all of your
D‹ A E¨º G7 C C7 C&
ho - ney is ma - king me say I'm
swee - tie, who's chang - ing her name.
B F F7 Bb F F
Sit - ting on Top of the World; Just roll - ing a -
G7 C7 F F
long, Just roll - ing a - long, I'm
F F7 Bb F F
quit - ting the blues of the world, Just sing - ing a
G7 C7 F F7
song, Just sing - ing a song, Glo - ry hal - le - lu - jah!
Bb E7 F F
I just phoned the par - son, "Hey, Par, get rea - dy to call."
Dm D‹ G7 C7
Just like Hump - ty Dump - ty, I'm go - ing to fall. I'm
F F7 Bb F F
sit - ting on top of the world Just roll - ing a -
G7 C7 F
long, Just roll - ing a - long.
Rambling Blues D. Larocca, Larry Shields, &
Al Bernard 1921
q = 110 F F G7 C7 F
F Fº F Fº F D‹7 C7
I left my home got the hab - it to roam when I was a - bout knee high.
F Fº F Fº G7 C Cº C7
I just don't care, hang my hat a - ny where, I don't know the rea son why.
F F G7 Fº C7 F
I've been froze, Pawned my clothes, slept an - y old place that I would find.
G7 A‹ D7 G7 C Cº C7
I'm 'bout tir - ed good ness knows No rest of an - y kind.
F F7 B¨ C7 F
'Cause I got the ram - bl - ing blues. I know ev - 'ry freight train's crew.
F A7 D‹ G7 C7
Jail hous - es plen - ty on my list, Don't think one I've missed.
F F7 B¨ Fº C7 F 575
Mid dle name is ram ble Ram ble is my game, I ain't got no hap - py home to lose.
F F G7 C7 F
I think it's a mease ly shame 'Cause I've got the ram bling blues.
C F F F D7 G7 C7
Dined with San Fran cis co's mil lion - aires. Slept on Phil - a - del phia's poor house stairs.
F F7 B¨ D¨7 F D7 C7 F
Been in ev' - ry town from A to Z, But I ne ver found one could hold me.
F F7 B¨ C7 F
'Cause I got the ram - bl - ing blues. I know ev - 'ry freight train's crew.
F A7 D‹ G7 C7
Jail hous - es plen - ty on my list, Don't think one I've missed.
F F7 B¨ Fº C7 F
Mid dle name is ram ble Ram ble is my game, I ain't got no hap - py home to lose.
F F G7 C7 F
I think it's a mease ly shame 'Cause I've got the ram bling blues.
The Midnight Waltz Walter Donaldson &
Intro Gus Kahn 1925
q = 110
E¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7
A E¨ E¨ E¨ E¨
Dear while we're sway - ing they're play - ing the
B¨7 Gº B¨7 B¨7
mid - night waltz.
B¨7 B¨7 B¨7 B¨7
Dear I've been pray - ing you'd stay for the
E¨ Cº E¨ E¨
mid - - night waltz.
F C7 C7 F C7
A F F F©º C7 C7
The song bird yearns to sing a love song
When sha - dows fall and stars are beam - ing,
D‹ D‹ A7 A7
The ro - ses yearn for just the dew.
'tis then I miss you most of all.
G‹ D7 G‹ G‹
The whole world's year - ning for the sun - shine
I go to sleep and start in dream - ing,
G7 G7 C7 C7
I have a year - ning too,
It seems I hear you call,
B F B¨7 F F B¨
Year - ning just for you, that's
F C7 C7 F F
all I do, my dear.
F B¨7 F F B¨
Lear - ning why I'm blue, I
F C7 C7 F F
wish that you were here.
C A‹ A‹ E7 E7
Smiles have turned to tears,
E7 E7 A‹ C G7
days have turned to years.
D F B¨7 F F B¨
Year - ning just for you, that's
F C7 C7 F F
all I do, my dear.
Dummy Song Ray Henderson
Intro Lew Brown, Billy Ross 1925
h = 102
C F‹ C C C©º7 G7
A C F‹ C C F C C©º7
John - ny got a fur - lough and he took it on the run to
Came a - no - ther fur - lough and he called her on the phone He
G7 G7 G7(#5) C C
see his lit - tle hon' and have a lit - tle fun He
said, "Are you a - lone?" She said, "No, no, my own I'm
C F‹ C C F C
found her with a ser - geant, she was bounc - ing on his knee and
sit - ting with your Co - lonel and he's love - ly com - pa - ny" And
G D7 G7 Gº7 G7
John - ny yelled "No wed - ding bells for me" I'll take the
John - ny cried, "Ha - ha, ho - ho, hee - hee"
C C C C G7
legs from some old ta - ble I'll take the
C C Cº G7 G7
arms from some old chair I'll take the
G7 G7 G7 G7
neck from some old bot - tle And from a
D7 D7 G7 G7
horse I'll take the hair I'll take the
hands and face from off the clock And
C7 C7 F F
ba - by when I'm through I'll
F Cº C A7
get more lo - ving from the dum - dum - dum - my than
D7 G7 C C
I e - ver got from you
582 Farewell to Storyville
(Good time Flat Blues) Spencer Williams 1925
q = 92 G A‹7 G E7 A9 D7 G D7
All you
G A‹7 D7 G E7 A9 D7 G
old time queens, from New Or - leans, who lived in Sto - ry - ville You
G A‹7 D7 G E7 A9 D7 G
law step - in and call it sin to have a lit - tle fun The
D D F©‹7 E‹7 A‹ D7 A‹ D7
po - lice car has made a stop and Sto - ry - ville is done
E7 E7 E‹7 A7 E‹ A7
Pick outyour steam boat, pick your- self a train A slo - ow train
D7 E¨ D7 G D‹7 G7
Pick outyour steam boat, pick your- self a train A slo - ow train
E7 E7 E‹7 A7 E‹ A7
They made you close up they'll ne ver let you back Won't let you back
D7 E¨ D7 G
Go buy your tick - et or else you walk the track
E7 E7 E‹7 A7 E‹ A7
No use com plain ing, blue sky's fo - low rain The cold - old rain
D7 E¨ D7 G D‹7 G7
No use com plain ing, blue sky's fo low rain The cold - old rain
E7 E7 E‹7 A7 E‹ A7
Just say fare well now and get your one last thrill your one last thrill
D7 E¨ D7 G G
Just say fare well now Fare well to Sto - ry ville.
I'm Gonna Charleston
Lou Handman
Back to Charleston Roy Turk 1925
q = 180
E¨ A¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨ G‹ C‹ C‹ G7
Dan - - - cing mad! Hear my heart
E¨ E¨ G7 G7 C‹
I'm so full of joy to - day, I could charles- ton all the way
B¨ C‹ C7 F7 B¨ B¨7
'Till I land in some one's emp - ty arms. Say I can
E¨ E¨ A¨ A¨
al - most hear those sou thern peo - ple Hum - min', strum - min'
E¨ E¨ F©º7 F©º7
That old fav' - rite me - lo - dy of mine.
1. 2.
F7 B¨7
E¨ B¨7
E¨ F7
Charles - ton back to Charles ton, Ca- ro line!
B¨ Eº7 B¨7 G‹
First saw light in Charles - ton Grew up right in Charles - ton,
B¨ G‹7 C‹ C7 F7
Learned to dance in Charles - ton, Found ro - mance in Ca ro - li - na.
B¨ Eº7 B¨ G‹
Proud that I'm from Charles - ton, Had good times in Charles - ton,
Back to top of page,
end on 1st ending
G¨7 G7 C7 F7 B¨7
Charles - ton Hey! Hey! On my way to - day! Say I can
Back O' Town Blues Herbie Herbedeaux,
William Bowin 1923
C q = 120 B¨7 C G7
C C7
Look at me straight in the eye Look at me then you'll know why,
F7 F7 C C
Ma- ma's got the blues, mean- est kind of blues, low, just 'cause I wan - no go
G7 G7 C C E7 Cº C©º
3 3
son as I get the means trav- el- lin' down to New Or - leans. I'm go - ing
G7 G¨7 F7 G7 C‹ A7 G7 C‹ A7 G7
back when those blues the jaz - zy bands are jaz- zin' thrill you with a mu - sic spa - sm
C7 G7 G& C C7 G7 G& C G
How I love that raz - ma - taz - am A'int no oth - er place that has 'em I'm gon - na wear a frown
E7 F7 G7 A7 D7 G 1. G E
un - til you see me down in New Or leans back o' town
E A‹ C©º 2. G G7
I'm go - in' town.
Verse 587
C C7
It is strange that Ma - ma's blue Need a change You know it too.
F7 F7 C C
Home- sick as can be That's what's ail - in' me, Now I'll get back there some- how,
G7 G7 C C
3 3
long for the old - en scenes I used to know in New Or - leans.
F C7
F7 B¨ B¨‹ F F7
Oh hon - ey there's that strain, Fills me with the sweet- est pain
B¨7 C7
That trom - bone play - er's cert'n - ly got his hab - its on
3 3
Tick - l - in' me to death, Mak - in' me lose my breath
E7 A7 D7 G7 C7 F C7 F
I'll be hap - py, Oh so hap - py When I am back - o' town a - gain.
Stomp Off, Let's GoElmer Schoebel 1925
h = 110
B¨ B¨7 C7 F7 B¨ B¨7 C7 F7
D7 G‹ C7 F7 A¨7/G¨C‹/G
B¨ B¨7 C7 F7 B¨7 E¨
B¨ B¨7 C7 F7 B¨ B¨7 C7 F7
G‹ C7
F7 A¨7/G¨C‹/G
B¨ B¨7 C7 F7 B¨7 E¨
E¨ E¨7 C‹
G7 C A¨º
E¨ E¨7 E¨ D7 A¨7 E¨ A¨7 E¨7
E A¨ E¨7 C‹ A¨ A¨
A¨ E¨ C‹ A¨ A¨ A¨7
A¨ E¨7 C‹ A¨ A¨
A¨ E¨ C‹ A¨ A¨ A¨7
D¨7 D¨7 A¨ F7
B¨6 E¨7 A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨ G7 A¨
Wild Pappa Lou Davis &
Benny Krueger 1923
h = 90
F C A D7 G7 C
C Cº
G9 C©º
D‹ B7
Most ev - 'ry beau that I know is too sweet.
I took my beau to that show called "The Sheik"
C G7 G7 C
They're gent - le and re - fined. I crave the oth - er kind,
FOr love like that I years. I thought the chump would learn,
C Cº G7 C©º D‹ E7 A‹
I just de - test be - ing "yessed", night and day. Why are
That poor old clown just sat down went to sleep dur - ing
G D7 G A(“4) D7 G
they so blah and mild, when I love 'em wild? I'm sigh - in'
all the wild ap - plause, he roared deaf 'ning snores I'm sigh - in'
Chorus 591
G G7 C E¨º G7 C
I want to catch me a wild pap - pa, I want one that is un - tamed and
F C A7 D7 A¨7 G7
kills me with kiss- in' and thrills that I'm miss- in', busts my heart right a - part.
G C G7 C C7
I want the style that's a cave dad - dy I want one that is the boss,
F‹ F‹
C A7 A7
so when I'm bad Pap pa says just like he should, I've al ways had poor old saps that were too good,
D7 D7 G7 G7
I hope and pray our friends will all tell us the dirt each day they hear so he's jeal ous,
G7 C Cº G7 C
then I can fight with my wild pap - pa for ma - kin' up is so sweet. I'm
F C A D7 G7 C
dy - in' from fret tin' and sigh- in' for pet tin' I want a Pap- pa that's wild.
M.T. Pocket Blues Lewis michelson &
Victor Olivier 1923
q = 110
C G7 C G7
A Verse
C C7 A¨7 C G7 C
Lost my job Lost my gal Trou bles come in a heap.
C C7 A¨7 C G7 C A¨7 C
Like a child Run nin' wild Play - in' read 'em and weep.
F‹ G7 C‹ F‹ G7 C‹
I've had Ma - mas by the score, Chas - in' me a - round.
C7 A¨7 G7 C G7 Cº G7
Had my day, I must pay, they smacked their old Dad- dy down. I've got those
B Chorus
C7 B7 B¨7 A7 A¨7 G7 C7 C7 C&
M. T. pock - et blues, the mean est kind and hard to lose. I've got no
F F D7 D7
place to rest my wea - ry head, my throat thinks that my stom ach is dead.
G7 C7 F A¨ C A¨7 G7 C G&7
solong Ma mas good bye dice,you'll find your dad- dy lay ing on a cake of ice, I pass a
AF F6 F6 F©º C7/G C7
We've had dan - ces Dan ces of most ev - 'ry kind
F6 F6
F©º C7 C7/G C7
Here's one Hot one And it's just a brand new find. You can
C7/G Bº C7
F F6 F6 F©º C7/G A‹ A¨º
Somp - in' Romp - in' That is all you have to do.
F F7
B¨7 F‹7 B¨7
Now that the band has start - ed to play, Here's how to chase your trou - bles a - way.
F G7 C7 F F
Get on the floor let ev - 'ry bo - dy stomp!
F F7
B¨7 F‹7 B¨7
Just stomp your foot be mer - ry and gay, Then slap your side and hol - ler Hey - Hey!
F G7 C7 F F
Get on the floor let ev - 'ry bo - dy stomp!
B¨7 B¨7 F F7
Don't have to sing all you have to do is stomp Teach 'em how to stomp!
B¨7 B¨7 F F7
Don't have to dance all you have to do is stomp Look- ey at 'em stomp!
F7 B¨7 F‹7 B¨7
It's just a dance like In - di - ans do, Old as the hills, but still it is new.
F A¨‹ G7 C7 F F
Get on the floor let ev - 'ry bo - dy stomp! stomp! Ev - ry bo - dy stomp
F B¨7 F
Stomp! Stomp! Ev - ry bo - dy stomp!
Chirpin' The Blues Alberta Hunter &
Lovie Austin 1923
q = 94 G7 F7 C/G F7/A 3 G7 C A7 D7 3 G7
3 3
3 3
3 Woke
Verse C G7 C C7
up this mor- nin', heard some - bo - dy cal ling me, woke
2. cried all day and part of the night be - fore, I
3, blues where whis key, I'd stay drunk all the time If the
4. wor - ried now but I won't be wor ried long I'm
F7 F7 C
up this mor- nin', heard some - bo - dy cal ling me My
cried all day and part of the night be - fore. Gonna
blues where whis key, I'd stay drunk all the time. 'Til the
wor - ried now but I won't be wor ried long, It
G7 F7 C/G F7/A G7 C A7 D7 3 G7
3 3
3 3 3
ba - by had packed his grip, said he was leav ing for Ten - nes - see.
2. I
change my way of liv- ing so I won't have to cry no more.
3. If the
man I love would ease my trou - bled mind. 4. I'm
takes a wor - ried wo - man to chirp wor - ried
q = 132 Sweet Baby Doll Wilbur Leroy &
George W. Thomas 1919
Intro F7 F7 Bb7 Eb7 Ab
Ab Eb7 Ab Eb
C7 Fm Bb7 Eb7
Ab Eb C7 Fm
Eb7 Ab
F F7 Bb7
E Ab F7 Bb7 Eb7 Ab
No Man's Mamma
Jack Yellen and
Lew Pollack 1925
q = 110
E¨ G7 A¨ E¨ A¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨ B¨7
You may won- der What's the re - ason For this great big smile;
B¨ B¨º
Say I have - n't Been so hap - py For the long est while;
B¨7 E¨ B¨7 E¨
Got a big load off my mind; Here's the pa - per, Sealed and signed
B¨7 G
And the judge was nice and kind All through the trial; This
B¨ Aº B¨
F‹ B¨7
ends the five year war. I am my - self once more; I can
E¨ G7 A¨ E¨ A¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨º
go where I please; I can come when I please; I can flit, fly,and flut ter Like the birds in the trees Be -
E¨ E¨º
E¨ B¨7
cause I'm no man's ma - ma now. Hey! Hey! I can
E¨ G7 A¨ E¨ A¨ E¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨º
do what I like; I can say what I like; I'm a gal who is on the ma- tri - mo - ni - al strike Be -
C G7 G7 C‹ C‹ G7
now I know how A fel - low feels get tin' out of jail.
F7 F7 B¨
I've got twin beds And I take plea sure in an noun cing One's for sale. Am I
E¨ G7 A¨ E¨ A¨ E¨ G7 C‹
ma - king it plain? I will ne - ver a - gain Drag a round a - no ther ball and chain. Be -
q = 210
Hot Aire and Bill Meyers 1925
G7 G7 Bº F F7 E7 E¨7 F
F F Fº C7 C7 C7 C C7
F F©º C7/G Break F F Fº D‹
F C7 D6 A¨7 G7 C7 D¨7 C7 G7 C7
F7 F7 F7 F7 B¨
B¨ B¨ A A‹ C& F F F7
D7 G7
Bº 1. F
G7(b5)/D¨ To Interlude F F7 E7 E¨7 F
C7 E¨7 C7 E¨7 G‹ E¨7 G‹ E¨7 C7 B¨ C7
B F F F F7 B¨7 B¨7
Fº C7 F
G7 B¨‹ C7
2. C7 A7 D‹ G7 G7
Sweet Man Roy Turk &
Maceo Pinkard 1925
h = 90 F F D7 D7
G7 C F C7
A F F/E¨ D7 G7 C7 E7/D F/C C7
T - N- T gas - o line, E- ven ni - tro - gly - ce rine Ain't
G7 C7 F9 F9
feet man, And that is - n't all!
G‹7 A7 D7 D7
Dan - cing I claim is just one of hischarms; When
G7 G7 C7 B¨‹/G C7
I'm in hisarms I yell like, well, I've more to tell a bout
F E7 A7 D7
Sweet man, The plea - sure to meet man, My can - dy re -
G7 C7 F7 F7
ceipt man, He taught me to smile!
B¨6 E7 A7 D7
One kiss from his red lips Sends my conscience off on trips My
G7 C7 F
sweet man is dri - vin' me wild!
The Camel Walk Chris Smith and
Intro Tim Brymn 1925
q = 158
A¨ E¨/G B¨7/F E¨ A¨ E¨/G B¨7/F E¨
Verse B¨7/F E¨ A¨ E¨/G B¨7/F E¨
Hon ey Ba by Don't you know to - night is thenight of the dark town show,
E¨ E¨ E¨7 C7 Cº C7
Showme please how to cam -el walk with my knees, that'sthe move - ment that
F7 Fº F7 F‹7 B¨7 B¨&7 E¨ E¨ F‹7/B¨ B¨&7 E¨
makes 'em fall, Got-ta do it,that's all.
My Heart Lil Armstrong 1925
q = 184 E¨ E¨
E¨ A¨7 E¨ A¨7
E¨ A¨7 E¨ A¨7
E¨7 E¨7 A¨ A¨ ø
A¨‹7 A¨‹6 E¨6 C7
F7 B¨7 E¨ Break
E¨ E¨ A¨7 E¨ E¨7
A¨7 Break A¨7 E¨ C7
F7 F7 F‹7 B¨7
q = 172 G‹ C7 F B¨7
AF G7 E7
I burned up ev' - ry let - ter And thought that I'd feel bet - ter
F G7 C7 F B¨7
I put a - way her pic - ture too.
F G7 E7
Sent back each lit - tle pre - sent, And tho' it was - n't plea - sant,
F G7 C7 F B¨7
It seemed the wis - est thing to do.
E7 B7 E7 A‹ E7 A‹
I've done ev - 'ry thing I could and yet It
G7 G7 C7 C7
is - n't ve - ry ea - sy to for - get. I
Chorus (Alternative Chorus is on Next Page)
BF A7 B¨ D7
won - der where my ba - by is to - night, I
G‹ G7 C7
won - der how my ba - by is to - night, I
F E7 C7 F E7 C7
won - der where she's gone, And how she's get - ting on, I
F G7 C7
won - der why my ba - by does - n't write. If
F A7 B¨ D7
she came back I won - der what I'd do, I
G‹ G7 C7
won - der did she find some - bo - dy new, She
F E7 G7 F E¨ D7
did - n't treat me fair, And tho' I should - n't care, I
G‹ C7 F F
won - der where my ba - by is to - night. I
Charleston Chorus
C F A7 B¨ D7
won - der does my ba - by do the Charles - ton Charles - ton I
G‹ G7 C7
won - der who is teach - ing her the Charles - ton Charles - ton,
F E7 C7 F E7 C7
While I sit and sigh the time goes drag - gin' by, I'd
F G7 C7
like to kill the guy who wrote the Charles - ton Charles - ton We
F A7 B¨ D7
par - ted 'cause I could - n't do the Charles - ton, Charles - ton, She'd
G‹ G7 C7
still be here if I could do the Charles - ton Charles - ton, I'm
F E7 G7 F E¨ D7
ta - kin' les - sons now, I'll win her back some - how, I
G‹ C7 F F
won - der where my ba - by is to - night.
I've Found My Sweetheart Sally
Intro Lew Pollack & Jack Yellen 1925
q = 110
G B7 E‹
E7 E7
D7 G G
A Melody
G B‹7 B¨º A‹
I've found my sweet - heart sal - ly,
D7 D7
I've found my long lost pal.
E7 E7
A7 A7
Sal - ly is back in our al - ley
A7 A7 D7
Where there was sad - ness now there is glad - ness what
she has been, what she has done I ne - ver care to know be -
cause to me she'll al - ways be as pure as dri - ven snow.
G B7 E‹ E7
I'm glad I've found my Sal - - ly
A7 D7 G G
God sent her back to me.
You Better Leave My Man Alone
q = 140 Fred Rose - 1923
E¨ G7 C B¨&7 E¨ B¨B¨&7 E¨
E¨ E¨º E¨ G7 C7 F7 B¨7 E¨
Man - dy Brown told Lin - dy Lou who lives a - cross the way, I
E¨ E¨º E¨ G7 C7 F7 B¨ B¨7
saw my sweet boy call on you Just the oth - er day.
E¨ E¨7
He's been treat - in me kind of cool,
A¨ A¨7 E¨ E¨7
all on ac - count of you. you may - be
A¨7 E¨ G‹7 C7
wealth - y but if you care to stay health - y, I'll
Good ad - vice is hard to get, so
G¨º B¨7/F B¨&7
don't do noth - in' that you'll re - gret and when he
D¨9 C9
calls you on the phone, you bet - ter
F7 B¨ B¨& E¨
tell him that you're not at home.
I went out and bought my - self a for - ty four and
you can tell the neigh - bors when they pass byyour door Keep
right on go - ing, you don't live there no more. If you
B¨ B¨&7 E¨
don't leave my man a - lone.
Big Butter and Egg Man
Intro Louis Armstrong and Percy Venable - 1926
F D7 G7 C7
F Dº D¨7 F Dº D¨7
I feel so sad real - ly feel bad
I'm al - ways blue for some - one who,
F F B¨ D7
I'm al - ways lone - ly it seems,
I'd al - ways love and o - bey.
G‹ D7 G‹ D7
and ev' ry day I kneel and pray,
who'd build a nest out in the west
G7 G7 C7 C7
Just for the man of my dreams. 'Cause
where lovewould rule day by day,
F F G7 G7
I want a big but ter and egg man from
C7 C7 F Fº G‹7 C7
way out in the west
F Fº G‹7 C7
I'm get - tin' tired of work - ing all day,
G7 C7 F Fº C7
I want some - bod - y who wants me to play.
F7 F7 B¨ B¨
Pret - ty gold and sil - ver have nev - er been mine, but
D7 D7 G7 C7
if my dreamcomes true dear, the sun's gon - na shine. So
F F G7 G7
I want a big but ter and egg man Now don't
C7 C7 F
some big but-ter and egg man want me?
h = 102 Bye Bye Blackbird
Intro 1926
G‹ C7 F B¨7 F C7
A D‹ F& D‹7 G7 G‹7 C7 D‹
Black - bird, Black - bird, sing - ing the blues all day,
Blue - bird, blue - bird cal - ling me far a - way
A7 D‹ A7 D‹ D‹ A7
right out - side of my door.
I've been wait - ing for you
D‹ F& D‹7 G7 G‹7 C7 D‹
black - bird Black - bird, Why do you sit and say,
Blue - bird, blue - bird, what do I hear you say
A7 A7 D‹
"There's no sun shine in store".
Skies are turn - ng to blue
C7 C7 B¨ B¨‹ F
All through the win - ter you hung a - round,
I'm like a flow - er that's fa - ding here
C7 C7 C7 A7
Now I be - gin to feel home - ward bound.
Where ev' - ry ho - ur is one long tear.
D‹ F& D‹7 G7 G‹7 C7 D‹
Black - bird Black - bird, got - ta be on my way,
Blue - bird, blue - bird, this is my luck - y day
G7 C7 B¨‹ C7
Where there's sun - shine ga - lore.
Now my dreams will come true
F G‹7 C7 F
Pack up all my care and woe, Here I go, sing-ing low,
F A¨º G‹7 C7
Bye, Bye, Black- bird.
G‹7 C7 G‹7
Where some- bod- y waits for me, sug-ar's sweet, so is she,
G‹7 C7 F G‹7 C7
Bye, Bye, Black- bird.
F7 F7 AØ7 D7
No one here can love and un- der- stand me.
G‹ G‹ GØ7 C7
Oh what hard luck stor- ies they all hand me.
Make my bed and light the light, I'll ar- rive late to- night,
G‹ C7 F B¨7 F C7
Black- bird, Bye, Bye.
Come Back Sweet Papa
Paul Barbarin - Luis Russell
B¨ G¨7 F7 B¨ G¨ F7
B¨ G7 C7 F7
B¨ G¨7 F7 B¨ G¨ F7
C F F©º C7 F7
B¨ G7 C7
F7 F7 B¨ D7
G7 G7 G7 G7
C7 C7
2 bar break
B¨ G7 C7
F7 F7 B¨ D7
G7 G7 G7 G7
C7 C7 F7
2 bar break
B¨ G7 C7 C7
F7 F7 D7 A‹7(b5) D7
G7 G7 C7 C©º
B¨ G7 C7 F7 B¨
Solos at "A"
Heebie Jeebies
Boyd Atkins - 1925
E¨7 A¨
E¨7 A¨
A¨ A¨7 D¨ Dº
A¨/E¨ F7
E¨7 A¨
B¨7 E¨7
A¨ E¨7 E¨7
A¨ C‹ B¨7 E¨7
B¨7 E¨7
E¨7 A¨
Blues that they call it boys, Mix it in with little bit of joy! Say,
A¨7 A¨7
Don'tyouknow it? You suredoshow it! Satrt it blue, I wantto teachyou
B¨7 E¨7 A¨
Mama'sgon na do the Hee bie Jeebies dance.
q = 200
Livin' High Maceo Pinkard &
Intro Alex Beledna - 1926
C G E7 A7 D7 G7
C A7 D‹ G7 G&7 C
Fan - ci est of clothes clean down to my toes,
C E7 F G7 G&7 C
and sil - ver ser vice me dals are some of my i - deals.
C A7 D‹ E7 B‹7 E7 A‹
With my in - cime low, I'm just get - ting by,
G GB‹7(b5) E7 A7 D7 G G7
still I got tomake a show - in', That'sthe rea son why I'm li - vin' high
C CŒ„Š7 C7 G7 C C7 A‹6F‹ C G7
some time li - vin' high. get tin' by
CŒ„Š7 C7 A7
D7 F‹/D G7 Gº G7 Cº
some time get - tin' by. I work all
G7 C
E7 F
G7 C
week and drawmy pay by Sun - day night it's gone a - way. liv - in' high
G7 D7 G7 C C7 CºF‹6 C G7
some time liv - in' high I'm li - vin' high
C CŒ„Š7 C7 G7 C C7 A‹6F‹ C G7
some time li - vin' high. get tin' by
C CŒ„Š7 C7 A7 D7 F‹/D G7 Gº G7 Cº
some time get - tin' by. I went and
C G7 C E7 F G7 C D7
bought a Ca - dil - lac then let the man cometake it back, liv - in' high
G7 D7 G7 C C7 CºF‹6 C G7
some time liv - in' high I'm li - vin' high
C CŒ„Š7 C7 G7 C C7 A‹6F‹ C G7
some time li - vin' high. get tin' by
C CŒ„Š7 C7 A7 D7 F‹/D G7 Gº G7 Cº
some time get - tin' by. I had a
C G7 C E7 F G7 C D7
flat and wascon - ten un - til the land lordaskedfor rent, liv - in' high
G7 D7 G7 C C7 Cº F‹6 C
some time liv - in' high
624 Spanish Shawl Elmer Schoebel - 1925
q = 180
E¨ A¨9 B¨9 B¨7
Bass Cym. Bass
A¨9 B¨9
E¨ A¨7 A¨7
E¨ E¨ B7 B¨7 E¨ C‹ F7 B¨&
E¨ E¨ A¨7 A¨7
E¨ E¨ B7 B¨7 E¨ E¨7
A¨ A¨ E7 E7 E¨
E¨ B7 B7 E¨ E¨
A¨7 A¨7 E¨ E¨ B7 B¨7
1. E¨ Aº E¨ Gº B¨7 B¨& 2. E¨ B¨9 A¨9
Cym. Silent
A¨7 A¨7 E¨ E¨ C7(b5) B¨7
B¨7 E¨ A¨‹ E¨7 A¨7 A¨7
E¨ E¨ B¨7 B¨7
B¨9 A¨9 2. E¨ Aº E¨ B¨º B¨7 B¨&7
C E¨ E¨ A¨7 A¨7
E¨ A¨ A¨ E7 E7 E¨ E¨
B7 B7 E¨ E¨ A¨7 A¨7 A¨7 E¨
E¨ Cº B¨7 1. E¨ 2. E¨ E¨7 F‹ B7 E¨ A¨7 E¨
Cym. Silent Bass solo
Thunderstorm Blues
Spencer Williams &
Intro Arthur Ray - 1925
q = 110 E¨ A¨‹6 E¨ E¨ A¨‹6 E¨ B¨7
E¨ A¨‹6 E¨ B7 B¨7 E¨
Hear the thun - der rum - blin', see the light - nin' flash,
E¨ A¨‹/C¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨
trees are break - in', sha - kin' all a - round the
A¨‹/C¨ A¨‹ E¨ E¨
trees are break - in', sha - kin' all a - round the
E¨ A¨‹/C¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨
man is cru - el left me all a - lone, my
A¨‹/C¨ A¨‹ E¨ E¨
man is cru - el left me all a - lone, here
E¨ A¨‹/C¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨
storm is ra - gin' I know what I'll do. the
A¨‹/C¨ A¨‹ E¨ E¨
storm is ra - gin' I know what I'll do. I'll
G7 C
A Verse
A7 D‹
G7 E7 A‹
Vam - pires come, vam - pires go, But a cer - tain vamp I know
Hot - ter than an - y wire She's a hum - an ball of fire
D7 G7 D7 G7
Goes on for - ev - er, I want to tell the world she's clev - er.
and I'm not jok - ing; the oth - er day I saw her smok - ing
A7 D‹ G7 E7 A‹
Ev - 'ry - thing this ba - by's got Has to be flam - in' hot 'Cause if you
Not a drug store sheik in town, Ev - er turned her dam - per down And not a
D7 D7 G E7 A7 D7 G7 G&
pass her on the street Here's what you'll re - peat: She's a
one would e - ven try Here's the rea - son why: She's a
Chorus 629
A7 D7 G7
flam - in' Ma - mie, the sure - fire vamp, The hot - test ba - by in town. She's a
flam - in' ma - mie, the sure - fire vamp, The hot - test ba - by in town. She's a
Cº C
heart - scorch - er, she loves tor - ture, A gal that burns 'em down.
joy check - in' home wreck - in' Gal that turns 'em down.
Of all those dam - per turn - in' ma - mas, not one com - - pares; 'Cause she
Come in you fu - tur - is - tic pa - pas, it's time you're told, She's got 'em
G E7 A7 D7 G7 G&
standa en - dur - ance; car -ries fire in - sur - ance On ev 'ry thing she wears. When it
all cheat - ed, She's a steam - heat - ed Gal that's an - y - thing but cold. Her
A7 D7
comes to lov - in', she's a hu - man ov - en, But she's hard to un - der - stand. It
nerves are ten - sive but her mind's ex - pen - sive, She knows her P's and Q's A
G7 G7 E7
may sound fun - ny but pa - per mon - ey Burns right in her hand, A
- - les Cay - enne pep - per,
red hot step per sprink In her danc - ing shoes. Her
A7 G7
fire - man that's so old, he had to re - tire, Said she's the hot-test thing he's seen since the Chi - ca-go fire.
fath - er's name is Burns, heworked in a mine, Said she ate a box of match - es at the age of nine.
A7 D7
G7 C
Flam - in' Ma - mie, The sure - fire vamp, The hot - test ba - by in town.
Flam - in' Ma - mie, the sure - fire vamp, The hot - test ba - by in town.
Carolina Stomp
Rube Bloom - 1925
G GŒ„Š7 G6 G G©º A7 A7 D7
A7 A7 D7 D7 1. G
C/E E¨º G7/D G7 C/E E¨º G7/D G7 C/E E¨º
1. C C7 2.
C C‹ D7
G7/D G7 C¨ A¨7 G7
G GŒ„Š7 G6 G G©º A7 A7 D7
1. D7 Eº E¨7D7 2.
D7 G G A¨7 G7
C C7
p p
F7 F7 C C C/E E¨º G7/D
G GŒ„Š7 G6 G G©º A7 A7
D7 D7 D7
Break Bass
C A¨7 C G7 C
Stop! Look! Lis-ten to me, A - ny bo - dy seen my gal?
C A¨7 C G7 C
Look what she did to me, and Ithoughtshe was my pal.
G A¨º D7 G A¨º D7
Next gal I go and get Must be blonder or bru nette.
G D7 G D7 Dº D7 A¨7(b5) G7
Red head gals may be O K but I am here to say,
B C A¨7 G7 C Cº G7
No - bo - dy knows what a red head ma - ma can do do do do do
C A¨7 G7 C C6 C7
Give her a heart made of rock she'llbreak it in two two right in two.
F F E7 B7 E7 A‹
There's no doubt thatshe's got a con- science and a mind,
D7 D7 D& G7 A‹7 B¨º G7
But when shesteps out she leaves them both be - hind.
C A¨7 G7 C Cº G7
She can draw rings'round a gal like Lou - is-ville Lou, Lou, Lou Lou Lou,
F7 F7 E7 F7 E7
She can make a blue - beard feel migh - ty blue so blue. to
A7 A7 D7 D7 Cº
keep her from talk - in' wiht - out a muz- zle, is hard-er to do than a cross word puz- zle,'Cause
C A¨7 G7 C F7 C
no - bo - dy knows what a red head Ma - ma can do.
Loud Speakin' Papa Jack Yellen,
q = 140 Lew Pollack - 1925
E¨ D¨7 C7 F7 B¨7 E¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨ E¨ F‹7 B¨7 E¨
Lu - cy Lee from Ten nes - see, Wentandbought a ra - di - o set; She al-so
B¨7 F‹7
B¨7 B7 E¨ B¨7
had as ahouse hold pet, The loud estspeak in' Pa -pa I'veheardyet.
E¨ E¨ E¨ F‹7 B¨7 E¨
He talked tough, ac ted rough and hestrut ted ter ri bly proud, He'd
F7 F7 C‹7 F7 B¨ B¨& C7 F7 B¨
rave and shoutout loud; He al-wayssoun dedlike a crowd; One
G‹6 F7 B¨ F7 B¨ B¨& 3 Gº F7 B¨
bustyour horn; I don't like what you're broad cast-ing an - y how; Your
G‹7 G¨7 F7 G‹B¨ B¨&
pro -gram's get -tin' stale; it'sfull of sta - tic now; You
know yourma ma'sgot an aw-ful
Gº F7 B¨ B¨
G‹6 F7 B¨ B¨7
pow'r -ful set, And there ain't no - thin' no - where that I can't get! I've
"Back to C" to Fine
C7 F‹ B¨‹ C7 F‹
al waysbeen a rest - less ro - ver, in searchof fem - i - ni - ni - ty. I've
C7 C7 C7 F
met thepret ty girls all o - ver, but on - ly one ap pealed to me. My
G7 C G7 C
lov-ingheart I gay - ly tossed her, this Spa - nish kid in old Ma drid. She
G7 C G7 C
cap turedme andthem I lost her, and e - versinceI'm off my lid. I
G‹7(b5) C B¨‹6
ne verwillfor get her face, I'm search ing for her ev' ry place. I'm
D¨ F‹ D¨ F‹ D¨ F‹ C7
look - ing for Ti - ti - na, Ti - ti - na, My Ti - ti - na.- I've
C7 F‹ B¨‹ C7 F‹
searched from Pa - les - tee - na to Lon - don and Pe - ru. I'll
F‹ F‹
F‹ D¨ D¨ C7
Die with - out Ti - ti - na I can't eat my Fa - ri - na! I
C7 F‹ B¨‹ C7 F‹
don't want Rose or Le - na Ti - ti - na I want you!
F C7
C7 F‹ C7
ah! Ma - ma Ah! Pa - pa!
F C7 F C7 F
Wait 'Til You See My Baby
Do The Charleston
E¨7 E¨7 A¨ Aº
E¨ F B¨7 E¨ Eº F‹6 B¨7
Bring out your dan - cers and let them do their stuff.
E¨ F7 B¨7 E¨ E¨7
I've got a ma - ma that's gon - na call their bluff.
A¨ D¨‹ A¨ A¨‹ E¨
clap your hands when they get through. then get set for some - thing new, tha's
F‹7 B¨7
E¨ Eº B¨7
wait 'til you see my ba by do the Char - les- ton prance, (get off the mo - ney)
E¨7 A¨
G7 G¨7
The way they do it in New York town is sim - ply fine, yes migh - ty fine.
F7 F‹7 B¨7
F7 B¨7
But it does - n't com - pare with that sweet gal of mine from South Ca - ro line. Just
E¨7 E¨7 A¨ Aº
There she goes, on her toes, Where she learned it no one knows! Just
E¨ E¨ D7
There was I wait - ing all a - lone
E¨ E¨ A¨& C7
won - d'ring why I was all a - lone
E¨ E¨ D7
then we met and we've nev - er known
E¨ E¨ A¨& C7
what it means be - ing all a - lone
B¨ B¨ B¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨7 B¨ B¨
F7 F7 B¨ B¨ F7
B B¨ B¨ B¨ B¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨7 B¨ B¨
B¨ B¨ B¨ B¨
E¨ E¨7 B¨ B¨
F7 E7 E¨7 B¨ F7
B¨ F7
B¨ E¨7 B¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨ B¨ B¨
F7 F7 E¨7 B¨ E¨
B¨ F7 B¨
Headin' For Louisville B.G. De Sylva &
Intro Joseph Meyer - 1925
FŒ„Š7 F‹6 C E A‹
D‹6 D‹7 G7
A‹ A‹ A‹7/G B7/F© B7/F©
It's kind- a hard for me to re- a- lize
be - cause I'm go - ing back to Pa ra dise.
D‹/F E&7 E7 1. A‹ F D‹ E7 2.
A‹ F D‹ E7
I ev- er had the blues news.
and get some home - town
G7/D G7 C C/G D7/F© D7/F© F‹ G7
So be- fore the dawn of day I'll be on my way:
If she said the You would hur- ry, too:
B C C E7 E7 A7 A7 D7 D7
Oh! boy1 Head- in' for Lou- is- ville. My home town.
G7 G7 G7 G7
Ohl Joy! Speak- in' of Lou- is- ville
C/E E¨º D‹ G7
The weath- er's al- ways pleas- in' and there's an- oth- er rea- son
C C E7 E7 A7 A7 D‹ D‹
Some- one's Wait - in' Lou- is- ville Eyes of brown
Por- ter, wake- me at Lou- is- ville Train slow down
F F‹ C/G E/G© A‹ D7
So I'm head- in' for Lou- is- ville My home-
For I'm- head- in' for Lou- is- ville my home
To Patter
1. G7 C Bº 2. C
town. town. Fine
F F‹
Ken - tuck - y's grass is blue , But its not half as blue As
D7 G7
C Cº
I've been ev- 'ry day Since I've been a- way_
C7 F F‹ C
I just cant wait un til They hol - ler Lou - is -ville That's
C/E E¨º
D‹6 G7 C
F7 C
one sound al - ways hands me a thrill
E‹ E‹(Œ„Š7) E‹ A7
I'll soon be on my way._ and soon you'll hear me say:
G/D G E‹
A‹ D7 G7
On your mark Get set Are you read - y? Lets go!-
D.S. Al Fine
q = 192 Say Arabella
Intro Gus Kahn & Ted Fiorito - 1925
G7 C7 F B¨7 F
A F F©º C7/G C7 F F©º C7/G C7
Ar - a - bel - la Smith is a ri - ot with
F F©º C7/G C7 F F
ev' - ry boy who e - ver comes her way.
A‹ E7 A‹ E7
Fel - lows come in flocks, stand in line for blocks.
A‹ E7 A‹ F7/A A‹ A7
Ev' - ry eve ning you can heear them say - ing:
D7 D7 D7 D7
Say Ar - a - bel - la what's a Fell - a to do If
G7 G7 G7 G7
you won't tell a fell - a well, a fell - a gets blue
C7 C7 C7 C7 C&7
You should pick some -bod - y out
F Bº7 F F6 F A7
but you just keep 'em in doubt
D7 D7 D7 D7
Most ev - ery fell - a goes a - call - ing on you
G7 G7 G7 G7
Most ev - ry eve -ning there'sa hund -red or two
C7 C7 F C& C‹ D7
you nev - er say who is who Say
G7 C7 F B¨7 F
Ar - a - bel - la what's a fell - a to do
Baby Face
Intro Davis - Akst
q = 164 B¨ E¨ B¨ F7 1926
Bb F7 Bb Bb7 Fm G7
Pret - ty lit - tle dim - ples here and dim - ples there.
C7 F7 Bb F7
I'm rav - ing 'bout my ba - by now.
Bb F7 Bb B¨ Bbm
Pret - ty lit - tle dim - ples here and dim - ples there. Don't
F C7 F Bbm F C7 F Bbm
want to live with - out her, I love her good - ness knows. I
F C7 F Cm D7 Ebº C7 F7
wrote a song a - bout her, And here's the way it goes:
25 B C C C C
Ba - by Face, You've got the cut - est lit - tle
29 G7 G7 G7 G7
Ba - by Face. There's not an - oth - er one could
33 G7 G7 C Gm6 A7
take your place, Ba - by Face
37 D7 D7 G7 G7
My poor heart is jump - in', You sure have start - ed some - thin'
41 C C C C
Ba - by Face, I'm up in heav - en when I'm
45 E7 Bm7 E7 Am C7
in your fond em - brace. I did - n't
49 F F©º C B7 Bb7 A7
need a shove, "cause I just fell in love with your
53 D7 D+ G7 C G7
pret - ty Ba - by Face.
q = 120 Get It Fixed Spencer Williams - 1925
B¨ B¨‹
F A7 D7 G7 C7 F B¨7 F
AF D‹7 G‹7 C7 F D‹7 G‹7 C7
Pa - pa, pa - pa, let me tell to you, Dad - dy, dad - dy, here's what you must do:
D‹ A7/E D‹/F
When you come a - round me, pre - cious tur - tle dove,
G7 G7 C7
ChorusBet - ter come here read - y if you want to win my love.
B C7 C7 F C7 F D‹7
Get it fixed, sweet pa - pa. Get it fixed, to treat me pro - per.
C7 C7 F F7/E¨ D‹7 G7
Get it fixed, I'm screa - min'. I'm on - to all your tricks.
B¨ F A7 D7B¨‹ G7 C7 F B¨7 F
I don't want no mes - sin''round with my sweet love, So,dad - dy, get it fixed.
Shipwrecked Blues
Spencer Williams - 651
q = 80 - 100
E7 E7 A‹ E7
A‹ E7 A‹ A‹
gale is ra - ging and my ship's with - out a sail Oh, the
ship is sink - ing and the light - ning struck the mast Now the
life pre - ser - ver, tell me what am I to do, With no
don't mind drow - ning, but the wa - ter is so cold No, I
wrecked Ship wrecked I ain't got no time to lose, Oh ship
D‹ E7 A‹ A‹
gale is ra - ging and my ship's with - out a sail If the
ship is sink - ing and the light - ning struck themast And my
life pre - ser - ver tell me what am I to do. If my
don't mind drow - ning, but the wa - ter is so cold If I
wrecked ship - wrecked and ain't got no time to lose. Lord f
D‹ E7 A‹ A‹ F E7
wind keeps on a - blowing, I won't be left to tell the tale
crew is done de - serted I've got to stick here to the last Oh, the
ship hits the bot - tom I know I'll float the o - cean blue. With no
must leave, this good world I wan - na leave it brave and bold. Oh, I
some - one don't save me I'll go down singin'the ship - wrecked Ship
A‹ F7 A‹
652 You're In Wrong With The Right Baby
Maceo Pinkard, Spencer Williams &
Intro Alex Belinda - 1925
Charleston Feel
q = 144 D E‹/G B7/F© B7 E7 A7
D E‹/G B7/F© B7 E7 A7
D7 A7(“4) D
D7 Dº
D E7
A7 D©º
done me wrong, just too long Oh and howyou've lied You've
E‹ C B7 E‹
Cº E7/B E7 A7
tri -fled on me for yourlast time, now hear these words of mine.
D E‹/G B7/F© B7 E7 A7 D D©º A7/E A7
You'rein wrong withthe right ba - by, soyou'd bet terkissyour selfgood - bye.
D E‹/G B7/F© B7 E7
E‹7/A A7
You're in right for a fight, may - be that'sthe ve - ry rea-son why. I
D7 D7 G E‹ E‹7(b5) A7
toldyouthe last timeto quitmes sin' 'round, or you'dbepush ing dai-sies up out of the ground.Now
D E‹/G B7/F© B7 E7 A7
You're in wrong with the right ba - by, so you'd bet - ter kiss your self good -
D E‹/G B7/F© B7 E7
A7 D7 A7(“4) D
bye, bye, bye, so you'd bet - ter kiss your -self good - bye.
Blues Skies
Intro Irving Berlin - 1936
q = 144 D‹ D‹7 D‹7 B‹7(b5) B¨‹
F F©º G‹7 C7 F C7
A F F7 B¨ F F
I was blue, just as blue as I could be
F F7 B¨ F6 G7 G7
Ev' - ry day was a clou - dy day for me
A‹ E& E7 C7 C7
Then good luck came a - knock - ing at my door.
F F7 B¨ F F A&/C©
Skies were gray but they're not gray a - ny - more
D‹ D‹7 D‹7 B‹7(b5) B¨‹
Blue skies smil - ing at me. noth- ing but
F F©º G‹7 C7 F A7
blue skies do I see.
F F©º G‹7 C7 F F
blue - birds all day long.
F B¨‹ F B¨ F C7 F
Nev - er saw the sun shin - ing so bright. Nev- er saw things go - ing so right.
F B¨‹ F B¨ F C7 F
no - tic - ing the days hur ry ing by: when you're in love, my how they fly. oh
Am Am Dm/A Am G7
C6 C7 C6 C7 C7 C7
F7 C E7/B A7
D7 G7 C F7 C G7
F F7 C E7 A7
D7 G7 C F7 C G
Solos Here 657
F C6 E7 A7
D7 G7 C F7 C G7
C C7
F C6 E7 A7
D7 G7 C F7 C E7
Dirge Tag - Same as Intro
Am Dm/A Am E7
Am Am Am Dm/A Am
658 Sidewalk Blues Jelly Roll Morton - 1926
F F7
Trombone Break - 2 bars Cornet Break - 2 bars
C7 Ensemble
B¨ Clarinet Break - 2 bars
A F Cornet Solo - Band plays backbeats only
F7 B¨
F D7 G7 Time
C7 F 1.
F F7 B¨ B¨‹ F B¨ B¨‹ F F7
B¨ Bº F
A7 D7
G7 F C7
F F7 B¨ B¨‹ F B¨ B¨‹ F F7
B¨ Bº
G7 C7 F C7
F7 C7 F7 C7 F7
ff sf
B¨ D7 G7 C7 F7B¨ Bº F7/C
B¨ F7 D‹ A7 B¨7 A7 D‹ F7
B¨ D7 G7 C7 F7 D7 G‹ D7 B¨7
E¨ Eº B¨ G7
C7 F7
F7 Solos at
Play only on Tag
F©7 B¨ F7 B¨
Bend Bend
660 Chicago Breakdown
Jelly Roll Morton - 1926
A C D7 G7 C D7 G7
C7 F E7 A7 D7 G7
F F©º C A7 D‹7 G7 C
Ensemble Harmony 2 bars
B Break 2 bars
D7 G7 C
G7 C
Ensemble Harmony 2 bars
Break 2 bars
G7 C
F F©º
C A7 D‹7
G7 C
Ensemble Harmony 2 bars
Solos begin here with 2 bar break
D7 G7 C
G7 C
Ensemble Harmony 2 bars:
Solo Continues (no break)
D7 C G7 C7
After solos - On to "D"
F F©º C A7 D7 G7 C
D C7 F7 B¨
F7 B¨
C7 F7 B¨ B¨ Bº
F D7 G7 C7 F7
C7 F7 B¨
F7 B¨ B¨7
E¨ Eº B¨ D7 G7
C7 F7 G7
1. B¨
B¨ D7 G7 C7 F7
B¨ E¨7 B¨
Ace In The Hole
Intro Mitchell & Dempsey - 1936
q = 160 G G A‹ A7
G D7
G E¨7 G E¨7 The
town is full of guys, Who think they're might - y wise,
G E7 A‹ A‹ E7 A‹
Justbe - cause they know a thing or two. You'll see them night and day,Strol - ling
A‹ E7
A‹ A7 D7
up and down Broad - way, Tel - ling of thewon- ders they can do. There's
BG E¨7 G E¨7
con men and there's boos - ters, There'scard sharksand crapshoot - ers, They
G E7
con - gre - gate a - round the Met - ro - pole. They wear
D A7
flash - y ties and col - lars, But where they get their dol - lars
A7 A7(b5) D7
They all have an ace down in the hole.
G G A‹ A7
Some of them write to the old folks for dough,
Some of them write to the old folks for coin,
That is their ace in the hole. And
G A‹
some have got friends in the old Ten - der - loin,
others have got gals in the old Ten - der - loin,
D7 D7
That is their ace down in the hole. They'll
D D A7
tell you of trips thatthey're gon - na take, From
tell you of money that they may have spent, But they
A7 A7
D7 D7
Nash - ville to the North Pole. But their
never can flash a bank - roll They'd be
G A‹
names would be mud, like a suck - er play - in' stud, If they
in the bread - line, with out clothes or a dime,
D7 D7 G A‹7 D7
lost that old ace down in the hole.
Deep Henderson Fred Rose - 1925
q = 100
G C7
C D7
G C7 C7 G C7
Yes - ter - day I hap - pened by a won-der - ful sign ad-ver tis ing some -thing 'bout that
C7 D7
home town of mine. right a - way I start - ed in a pic-tur - in'those sun ny south-ern
views Hen-der - son. There's no usedis- guis-ing what I've got on my mind.
G C7 C7
G C7
Now I'm re - a - li - zin' there's just one way to find SOme -thing that can cure me of the
D7 G C7 G D7
deep- est of the low - est kind of blues.
Chorus 665
B G G B¨dim Adim G G7 G Am7 B¨m7 G7
Deep er than the ri - ver in the ear -ly spring, That's the kind of wear- y blues I
C7 D7
G D7
sing. How I wish that I was born with wings! I'd like to be a swal- low.
G B¨dim Adim G G7 G Am7 B¨m7 G7
Night is clos -ing 'round my weath - er beat - en soul, Dark - er than the black - est kind of
C7 C7
D7 G D7
G F© F
coal Gloom has got me un -der his con - trol. Got me in his goal.
B‹7 E7 A D A F7 E7 D©7
I've got a feel - in' steal - in' through my brain.
G D7
I wont' be hap - py 'til I'm home a - gan. Hen der -son
G G B¨dim Adim G G7 G Am7 B¨m7 G7
There's the on - ly place I real-ly want to be Might- y plain for an - y - one to
see Blues have made an aw - ful wreck of me
Are You Lonesome Tonight
Lou Handman,
Intro Roy Turk - 1926
q = 100 D D E7
to -
G©5 D
G©5 D
night I'm down - heart - ed For tho' we have part - ed, I
hold with af - fec - tion, A fond re - col - lec - tion, A
E‹ A7 D D
love you and I al - ways will. And
ro - mance of days now gone by, And
while I'm so lone - ly, I'm wri - ting you on - ly, To
of - ten I won - der, If I made a blun - der, by
A7 A7
see if you care for me still. Are you
let - ting you bid me "Godd - Bye"
lo - nesome to - night Do you miss me to - night? Are you
B7 E‹
sor - ry we drif - ted a - part? Does your
E‹ A7 A7 A7 A7
me - mo - ry stray to a brigh - ter sun - ny day When I
A7 A7
kissed you and called you sweet heart? Do the
D7 D7 G G
chairs in your par - lor seem emp - ty and bare? Do you
A7 A7
gaze at your door - step and pic - ture me there? Is your
D D E7
heart filled with pain, shall I come back a - gain? Tell me
dear, are you lo - nesome to - night?
Deed I Do
Intro Fred Rose - Walter Hirsch - 1926
h = 96 F F7 B¨ B¨‹
F G7 C7 F B¨7 F C7
A G‹ C7 A‹7 F
I was oh so blue 'til you came a - long,
G‹ C7 A‹7 D7
Just to make my life a won - der - ful song.
G‹ G©º
You brought sun - shine just to bright en my lone- li - ness.
D‹ G‹ C7 G‹7 C7
Is it an - y won - der in my hap - pi - ness, I con - fess:
F F7 B¨ B¨‹
Do I want you Oh my, do I?
F G7 C7 F F©º G‹7 C7
Hon - ey 'deed I do!
F F7 B¨ B¨‹
Do I need you Oh my, do I?
F G7 C7 F F7
Hon - ey 'deed I do.
C B¨
I'm glad that I'm the one who found you,
D7 G7 C7 C&7
That's why I'm al - ways hang - in' 'round you.
F F7 B¨ B¨‹
Do I love you Oh my, do I?
F G7 C7 F B¨7 F C7
Hon - ey 'deed I do!
The Chant Mel Stitzel - 1926
Horns only - 4 bars
E B7 E B7 E B7 E B7
A C F©7 C G©
C F7 C D7
B Horns only
Ensemble: Bass:
E B7 E B7 E B7 E B7 E
B¨ E¨ B¨ B¨ E¨ B¨7
E¨ E¨‹ B¨ G7
C7 F7 B¨ E¨ B¨ E¨ B¨
E¨ E¨‹ B¨ G7
C7 F7 B¨ E¨ B¨ E¨ B¨
Tag After last solo play "D"
and then tag
B¨ E¨ B¨ B¨ E¨ B¨
p pp
Coney Island Washboard Durand-Adams
Nestor-Shugart - 1926
q = 200
D7 D7 G7 D‹7/A B¨º G7/B G7
C A¨7 G7 C
Down by the beach lives thesweet - est lit-tle peach,
C A¨7 G7 C
And I must say, She has the cu-test way of
A7 D‹ A7 D‹
play- ing a chord up- on her wash- board.
D7 D7
D7 D7
hear her on the board-walk ev- 'ry day.
G7 G7 C A7
Soap suds all a- round, Bub- bles on the ground;
D7 D7 G7 G7
Rub- a- dub- a- duh, in her lit- tle tub all the tunes she found!
C C B7 B¨7 A7 A7
Thim-bles on her fin- gers made the noise, She played the
D7 D7
D7 D7
Charles-ton on the laun -dry for the boys. She could
F F©º C A7
drag a tune right thru the knees of a brand new pair of B. V. .D.'s
D7 G7 C
Con-ey Is- land wash-board roun- de-lay.
674 Sunset Cafe Stomp Percy Venable &
Louis Armstrong - 1926
G D7 G G D7 G7
C C G7 G7
G7 G7 C C
E7 E7 A7 A7
D7 D7 G7 G7
C C6 Dº C7/E F F7 E7 E¨7
D7 D7 G7 G7
F F©º C A7 D7 G7 C A7
D7 G7 C
Clarinet solo in Watters arr.
C C G7 C G7
C A7 D7 G7
G7 C G7 C
G7 C A7
D7 G7
G7 Gº G7
G7 G7
A7 B¨7 A7 D G7 D B¨7 A7
D7 D7 G9 D D G9
Oh! they say some peo- ple long a - go were search-ing for a diff'rent
D7 D7 G9 D D G7
So they start - edsway-ing to and fro. They did n't know just whatto
A7 B¨7 A7
B¨7 A7 D G7 D B¨7 A7
use, That is how the blues re - al - ly be - gan. They heard the
D B7/D©
E‹7 A&7/E©
D D& G G©º
breeze in the trees sing - ing weird mel - o - dies, and they made
A E‹6
D©º E‹11
B¨7 A7
the start of the blues. And from a
A E‹6
G7 D
that as part of the blues. From a whip - poor-
F©7 C©‹7(b5)
F© C©‹7(b5)
F©7 C©‹7(b5) F©7
will out on a hill, They took a new note, Pushed it thru a
E7 A7 B¨7 A7
horn, 'til it was worn in - to a blue note. And then they
D B7/D©
E‹7 A&7/E©
D D& G G©º
nursed it, re - hearsed it, And gave out the news, That the South
G G D7 G G7
C7 G G G
D7 D7 G G7 Gº C‹ G D7
G G D7 G G7
C7 C7 G G
G G7 Gº C‹ G D7
B G G G G7
Mis - ter,mis - ter, hear a sis - ter that's been a fool, I've gotthe Jack - ass blues.
C7 C7
C7 G
I've just learned to care a - bout that dog - gone mule and him I'm gon - na lose so won't you
G G7 Gº C‹ G
give him back 'cause I've got the Jack - ass blues.
G G G G7
No - thin' e - ver made me feel so blue and for - lorn I've got the blues and how
C7 C7
C7 G
All myu life I keep a wish- in' I'd ne'er born. If you take him now oh won't you
G G7 Gº C‹ G
give him back 'Cause I got the Jack - ass blues.
680 Moonlight on The Ganges S. Meyer &
Chester Wallace - 1926
q = 220 Intro
B‹ B‹ 3 B‹ 3 B‹
B‹ 3 B‹ B‹ A G
B‹ A B‹ A B‹ F©‹ B‹ C©‹
Dew dropsglis- ten- ing, no one lis- ten- ing, By the Gan - ges some one whis - pe- ring,
B‹ A B‹ A B‹ B‹
To a Hin - doo maid:
E‹ F©
E‹ F©
"Though to - mor- row, dear, you will yearn, Don't you sor- row, dear, I'll re - turn,
F© E‹ F© E‹ F© F©
To my Hin - doo maid."
B‹ A7
D G Gº D
Me - lo - dy bells of love ring out 'Neath the mel - low moon,
E‹7 A7 D B‹ F© C©7 F©
Me - lo - dy bells that try to tell you I'm re - tur - ning soon,
F© F© G7 G©7 A7 A©7
In the mel - low
Chorus 681
A9 D©‹6 D©‹6 C©‹6 C‹6 B‹6 B¨7 A7
Moon - light on the Gan - ges, my
D6 D
D7 D6
lit - tle Hin - du When I
F©‹ F©‹ F©7
whis - per love's sweet me - lo - dy All our
B‹ B‹6 E7
dreams and our schemes came true
D D D7(#5)
D& G
need you once more And I'll
Dº F©7
kiss you and ca - ress you Where the
A9 D
wa - ters kiss the si - lent shore.
682 PDQ Blues
Charles Henry and John Simpson - 1926
q = 108
F C7 F C7
A F F F F7
B¨ B¨ B¨ F
C7 C7 F B¨ F C7
F F7
C7 C7 F B¨7 F C7
This is the
C F F F F7
P. D. and Q. Let the glo - ry ring out. This train's
C7 C7 F B¨7 F C7
may- be gon - na break us out. Break us out. All a -
F F F F7
board for Al - a - bam. All a - board for Birm - ing - ham
C7 C7 F B¨7 F
Come on la dies And nev er go. Where you've been be - fore. All a -
board! All a - board! All a - board me and you I'll be
C7 C7 F B¨7 F
home pret- ty ma - ma. I'll be there P D Q P D Q
684 Irish Black Bottom
Map: Intro - A-B-C-D Louis Armstrong & Percy Venable - 1926
Back to "A" & "B" for Solos
Last Ensemble on "A"& "B", take Coda
G G7
C C©º
A7 D7
G B7
$ E‹
A A‹ E‹
E‹ A‹ E‹
D7 G D7 G
G A7
E‹ A‹ E‹
E‹ C B7 D7
G G7 F©7
F7 E7
A7 ø D7 G B7
Last Time go To Coda
E‹ B7 E‹ B7
E‹ B7
E‹ A‹ E‹
A‹ C7 B7
Back to "A" thru "B" for Solos
G G7 C G
C C©º G G/E A7 D7 G D7 G
I've Found a New Baby
Jack Palmer & Spencer Williams 1926
q = 180 Intro Dm A7 Dm D7
G7 C7 F F
Dm A7 D7 Gm
E - v'ry bo - dy look at me, Hap - py fel - low you will see,
Gm Dm Bb7 A7
I've got some - one nice, oh, gee! Oh, what joy what bliss.
Dm A7 D7 Gm
Just the trea - sure that I need, Pure as gold and gua - ran - teed,
Gm Dm A Adim A7
Is she pret - ty Yes, in - deed! Let me tell you this. I've found a new
B Dm A7 Dm D7
ba - by I've found a new girl my fa - shion plate
G7 C7 F A7
ba - by has got me a - whirl. Her sweet kind of
Dm A7 Dm D7 G7
lo - vin' just makes me in - sane her sweet tur - tle do - vin'
C7 F F
is all that I crave.
A7 A7 Dm Dm
sweet - est miss, with a kiss full o' bliss can't re - sist some- how.
G7 G7 C7 E7 A7 A7
Tells me lies, but she's wise, naugh - ty eyes,mes -mer - ize I vow and how, I don't mean
Dm A7 Dm D7
may - be! I just had to fall. I've found a new
G7 C7 F
ba - by new ba - by that's all.
Black Bottom 'Ray Henderson, Bud G.
DeSylva & Lew Brown - 1926
q = 160
D‹ A‹ B‹ B¨‹ C7
Oh the
F7 B¨ F D‹
A‹ D‹
black bot - tom of the Swa - nee ri - ver some - times like to shake and shi - ver, and it
F D‹ D7 G7 C7
makes the dar - kies feel like strut - ting a - round. By watch - ing
F7 B¨ F D‹
A‹ D‹ C7
they found a way to im - t - tate it, I know they ex - ag - ger - ate it, But I
F D‹ E7 A‹ A‹
wish that you could see the dance that they found. Ev' - ry
G‹7(b5) C7 G‹7(b5) C7 F
high brown gal and her bon - bon bud - dy Go down where the flats are mud - dy, To
G7 E7 G7 E7 A‹ C& C7 F6 C7
do a step that soon will be re - nowned. They call it
F C7 C7(#5) F C7 C7(#5)
Black Bot - tom a new twis - ter It's sure got 'em, And oh, sis - ter they
F Fº G‹7 D7 G‹ C7 G‹7 C7
clap their hands and do a rag - ged - y trot Hot!
F C7 C7(#5) F C7 C7(#5)
Old fel- lows with lum - ba - go and high yel- lows, A - way they go, They
F Fº
C7 F
jump right in and give it all that they've got! They say that
C E‹7 A7 E‹7 A7 D‹
when that ri - ver bot - tom cov- ered with ooze, Start in to squirm.
F C7 C7(#5) F C7 C7(#5)
Black Bot - tom a new rhy - thm when you spot 'em you go with 'em, And
do that Black, Black Bot - tom all the day long!
Steamboat Stomp
Boyd Sentner - 1926
q = 160
A F Fº C7 F Fº
1. D7 D7 G7 C7
F6 E¨6 D7 A¨7 G7 C7 øF
D©º C E¨7
D7 D7 G7 G7 C7 C7 C7(#5) F
2. C7 F B¨‹ F B¨‹ C7
Back to "A"
Take first and sec
Ø F F Fº F
F Dº F7
endings to coda
C Cymbal
B¨ Gº B¨ G7
C7 F7 1. B¨ F7
F7 B¨ Dº F7
B¨ F7 B¨ F7
Repeat Trio, use 1st Go To "D"
and 3rd endings
B¨ F7 B¨
C7 F7 B¨
B¨ B¨7 C©º B¨ B¨7 G7
C7 F7 B¨ F& F&
Return to Trio, Take
1st ending and fine ending
692 Boodle Am Shake Spencer Williams 1926
q = 200
C E7 D7 G7 C G7 C
C G7 C G7
D7 D7 D7 G7
C E7 A‹ E7 A7 A7
D7 G7 C G7
C E7 A‹ E7 A7 A7
D7 G7 C C7
F F‹ C C7
F F‹ D7 G7
C E7 A‹ E7 A7 A7
D7 G7 C G7 C
Snag It! Joe "King" Oliver - 1926
q = 160
D D‹ D
D‹ D
D6 D6 D6 D9
G9 3 G9
D D Dº
3 3
A7 E‹7
D G9 A7
3 3 3
B D 3 D
Rhythm Out
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
G9 G9 D6 D
3 3
A9 3 G9
3D6 E‹7 A7 D
G9 D6
D6 Dº
E‹7 A9 D6
A7(b9) D6
After Hours J.P. Johnson - 1923
q = 140 Intro
Bass Solo
D‹ D‹ B¨7 A7 D‹ D‹
G‹ G‹ E¨7 D7 G‹ G‹
G‹ A7 A7 D‹ D‹ B¨7 A7 D‹
Fine 2.
D‹ D‹ B¨7 A7 D‹ A7 D‹
C7 B7 B¨7 A7 D‹
B7 B¨7 A7
C7 B7 B¨7 A7 D‹ F7 B¨ A
F G7 B¨7 A7
2. A&7 C D D D Dº A7
D A7
D Dº A7 D A F©‹ A7 D G D A7
Back to A,
take Fine ending
698 Alabamy Bound
DeSylva, Green, Henderson - 1924
G D‹ E7 E7 A7 A7
E‹ C7 E‹ E‹ A‹ B7 A‹ B7
A Verse
Good - bye, blues Bir-dies are sin - gin’ ev’-ry old thing in
E‹ E‹ E‹
C7 E‹ E‹
tune Good - bye, blues
A‹ B7 A‹ B7 E‹ E‹
No - thin’ but laugh - ter mor - nin’ and af - ter - noon
D7 Aº A‹ B7 E‹ E‹
Saw a rose - bud in a store.
D7 Aº A‹ B7 E‹ E‹
So I’m go - in' where there's more
C7 E‹ E‹
Good - - bye, blues
A‹ B7 A‹ B7 E‹ E‹
Trou-bles are o - ver I'll be in clo - ver soon. I'm al - a
G‹ G‹ G‹ G‹
bam - y bound, There'll be no "Hee - bie Jee - bies"
A7 A7 A7 A7
hang - in' 'round, Just gave the mean - est tick - et
E‹ E‹
man on Earth All I'm worth
A7 A7 D7 Dº D7 E‹
To put my toot - sies in an up - per berth. Just hear that
G‹ G‹ G‹ G‹
choo - choo sound, I know that soon we're goin' to
A7 A7 A7 A7
cov - er ground, And then I'll hol - ler so the
G D‹
A7 A7
world will know, "Here I go",
I'm Al - a - ba - my bound.
700 Flat Foot Lil Armstrong 1926
E¨ E¨ C‹ C‹ E¨ E¨
B¨7 B¨7 F‹ F‹ C7
C7 F7 F7 B¨7 B¨7
E¨ E¨ B¨7 B¨7
F7 B¨7 E¨
q = 164 Shake That Thing Charlie Jackson - 1926
Eb E¨
I woke up this morn - in' bout half - past four, I
Well, my little girl she's nice and round,
Down in Geor - gia got a dance that's new, There
My Uncle Dud, Sick in bed, The
Now the old folks are doin' it the young folks to The
E¨ E¨ Ab7
told my ba - by could - n't use her no more You bet - terShake That Thing
She can look up as long as I can look down.
ain't nothin'to it, it's easy to do Called
doc - tor says he's al - most dead From
old folks learn the young folks what to do, It's
A¨7 Eb E¨
(Shake That Thing)You bet - ter Shake That Thing (ShakeThat Thing) I'm
Cº D‹7 G7
ev' - ry night the moon is bright she rides in my ca - noe. At
al - ways wait - in' for my call and meets me at the gate. I've
F C Cº C G7 A‹ A7(b5)
mid - night on the ri - ver I heard her fa - ther call, but
pet - ted in the par - lor, and hugged her in the hall, but
G D7 G D7 G7
she don't care and I don't care if we get back at all; Cause when I'm
when she's out in my can - oe I lover her best of all:
C G&7 C
pad - dl - in' Ma - de - lin' home, Gee when I'm
D7 Dº D7
pad - dl - in' Ma - de - lin' home, First I
First I
G7 G&7 C A‹ A7
drift with the tide, Then pull for the shore, I
kiss her a - while, and when I get through, I
D7 G7
hug her and kiss her and pad - dle some more, Then I keep
pad - dle for one mile and drift back for two.
C C G&7 C D7 Dº
pad - dl - in' Ma - de - lin' home un - til I find a spot where
D7 D7(b5) C E‹
we're a - lone, Oh she ne - ver says "no" so I
Oh if she'd on - ly say, "Throw you
A‹ A‹7 D F‹6 C Cº G7 G&7 C C7 A7
kiss her and go pad - dl - in' Ma - de - lin' Sweet! sweet Ma -
pad - dles a - way!"
A7(b5) D7 G7 G&7 C Solos at "B"
- de - lin', pad - dl - in' Ma - de - lin' home.
Friendless Blues
q = 120 W.C Handy
C7 F Fº G‹7 C7 F F7 Bº B¨‹6 F C7
A F C7 F F7
B¨ B¨ F F
C7 C7 F B¨ F C7
F F7 B¨ B¨‹ F C7 F F7 B¨ B¨‹ F C7 F
B¨7 B¨7 F B¨ F Fº
C7 F Fº G‹7 C7 F F7 Bº B¨‹6 F C7
F F7 B¨ F F7
B¨7 B¨7 F F Cº
Solos on C
C7 F C7 F F7 Bº B¨‹6 F C7
back to "A" for final Chorus
Jerome Kern - 1925
E¨ E¨/F E¨/F© E¨/G E¨
stole my heart a- way,
Dreams, I know, can nev- er be true,
Seems as tho' I'll ev- er be blue
Who means my hap- pi- ness,
who, no one but you.
Breezin' Along with the Breeze
Gillespie, Simons, & Whiting
F F A7 D7 1926
I'm just breez - in' a - long with the breeze, Trail - in' the
G7 C7 F F
rails, roam - in' the seas.
F F A7 D7
Like the bird - ies that sing in the trees, Pleas - in' to
G7 C7 F F7
live, liv - in' to please The
Bb B¨ B¨ B¨ Bbm
sky is the on - ly roof I have o - ver my head;
F Dm G7 C7
And when i'm wea - ry Moth - er Na - ture makes me a bed.
F F A7 D7
I'm just go - in' a long as I please, Breez - in a
G7 C7 F F0 F
long with the breeze.
q = 162 Mort Schaeffer - 1926
B¨ F7 C7 F7
G‹ D7 D7 G‹ D7 G‹
G7 C‹ F7 B¨ F7 B¨
G‹ D7 D7 G‹
F7 F©º Fº F7
B B¨ Chorus F7 B¨ F7
D7 G‹ D7 G‹ C7 F7
B¨ F7 D7 G‹ B¨7
E¨ E¨7 B¨ D7 F‹ G‹
C7 F7 B¨ B¨7 E¨ E¨‹ B¨
18th Street Strut
q = 160 Bennie Moten - 1926
E¨ Rhythm out A¨ E¨ Rhythm out A¨ B7 B¨7
Bass Bass
A¨ A¨7 E¨ E¨7
A¨ A¨ E¨ C7
A¨ Fº G¨7 A¨ E¨ E¨7/D¨ C7
F7 B¨7 E¨ F7 B¨7 E¨ F7 B¨7
A¨ E¨7 A¨ F©º E¨ G7 C7
A¨ A¨ E¨
F7 A¨ A¨7/B¨ E¨ F7 B¨7 E¨
710 Brown Sugar
Harry Barris - 1926
q = 170 - 190
E¨ G7 G7 C Silent
1. C7 F‹ F7 B¨7
A¨7 A¨7 E¨ G7 C7
A¨7 Cº B¨&7
E B7 B7 A¨‹6 1. A¨7
2. G‹
E¨ G7 G7 C‹
C7 F‹ F7 B¨7
B¨7 E¨ B¨7 F‹ B¨7
E¨ G7 G7 C Silent
1. C7 F‹ F7 B¨7
2. Cº Cº B¨7 E¨ B¨&7
B7 B7 A¨‹ A¨7
B7 A¨‹
Rit. . . . . . . . . .
Panama Blues
Merrit Brunies, Henry Brunies &
A q = 110 Laurie Friedman - 1926
B¨ B¨ A A¨ C7 C7
F7 F7 B¨ Break F7
B¨ B¨ A A¨ C7 C7
F7 F7 B¨ G¨ C7 F7 B¨
B¨ C7 F7 B¨ C7 F7
G7 C7 C7 F7
B¨ C7 F7 D7 G7 C7
E¨ Eº B¨ D7 G7 C7 F7
B¨ B¨ A A¨ C7 C7
F7 F7 B¨ Break
B¨ B¨ A A¨ C7 C7
F7 F7 B¨ G¨ F7
D B¨ A A¨ C7 C7
B¨ B¨ C7 C7
F7 F7 B¨ G¨ D7 Break
E B¨ D7 D7
Cº Cº G‹
G‹ G‹ D7 D7
Cº Cº Cº F7(#5) D.C. al Fine
Wild Cat Blues Thomas Waller &
Clarence Williams - 1926
q = 110
A C E A‹ E A‹ C
3 3
G7 D‹7 1. G7 G& C C
2. G7
C C7 Cº F‹6 C
C D‹ E‹ F C Cº G7 C D‹ E‹ F C Cº G7
1. C FD‹ E‹
E‹ B7 B7 E G7
3 3
2. C7 F F‹ C G7 C
F F F 1. B¨ F
F F A‹ E7 A‹ C7
1. E7 A
D‹ Dº G‹6 D‹ E7 A7
D 3
D‹ Dº G‹6 D‹ F©º E7
F©‹6 A7
3 3
D.S. al Fine
Loose Feet
Spencer Williams - 1922
q = 120
C‹ G7 C7 F‹7(b5) B¨7 D&7
E¨ F7 G7 C‹ G¨7
a pran - cin', dan - cin' all a - round the stage with his head up in the air.
G‹/B¨ G‹ D7 D7 G‹ B¨7
Jump - in' all a-round just like a nim - ble jack, buz - zin' like a bee up - on an old cow's back.
A¨ A¨6 D7/A D7 G G
tech - nique he's dis - play - in', while the mu-sic's play - in' blues sweet.
Mi - chi- gan wa - ter tastes like sher -ry I said Sher - ry, I mean wine.
B¨7 F7 B¨7 E¨ A¨ E¨
back to Mich - i - gan and she would cure my blues my Mich - i- gan blues.
Jazz Lips
Lillian Hardin Armstrong - 1926
G7 C7 F C7 F C7 F
G7 C7 F
F D‹ G7 C7 F
F F7
G7 C7 F B¨ B¨‹ F C7
F7 F7 B¨ B¨
acappella ad lib Solo
D B¨ B¨ F F
G7 G7 Gº F F9
Messin' Around John St. Cyr &
Charles Cooke - 1926
q = 190
F F‹ C A7
D7 D7 D7 G7 C D‹7 G7
A C F7 C G&7 C C Cº C
What is all this noise I hear a - round here? Please don't keep
Dad - dy spent the night down in a ca - fe, came home at
G7 G7 G7 G7 D‹7 G7
me in doubt; What is it all a - bout? Now hon - ey
break of day; Oh boy! how he did sway! Then ma - ma
C F7 C G&7 C C Cº C
calm your - self and don't be an - gry with me, and right here
met him at the door with a free - zin' bow and said "Dog -
B7 B7 E B7/D G7/D G7
on this spot some - thing hot you'll see.
gone your soul, get me told right now!
B C C F7 F7 C
That dance called "mess - in' a - round" A dance that's new in the town; it runs the
Have you been mess - in' a - round, out with some oth-er sweet brown? 'cause if you
D7 D7 D7 D7 F‹
still it's full of pep; keep you dog gies still, mess - in' a-round un - til morn -
you stayed out all night. S'pose you got a thrill, mess - in' 'round un - til morn -
C C F7 F7
My grand - ma thinks it is nice and grand - pa he's done it twice,
ing. Now broth - er you can go tight, and stay out just one more night,
C C7 F F F
It is the eas - i - est dance I've found, Let's ro right
Then to some ca - ba - ret I'll be bound. If you don't
now sure is a "wow"
stop I'm goin' to hop
D7 D7 D7 G7 1. C D‹7 G7 2. C
mess - in' a - round mess - in' a - round dance they call mess - in' a - round.
Get a new man with a se - dan, Then I'll start mess - in' a - round.
Fickle Fay Creep
Intro (Soap Suds) Jelly Roll Morton - 1926
q = 134
A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨
A¨ A¨ E¨7 D7 E¨7
A¨ A¨ F7 B¨ B¨7 B¨7
E¨7 E¨7 A¨ Fº E¨7
A¨ A¨ A7 B¨7 B¨7
E¨7 E¨7 A¨ Fº E¨ A¨
Rhythmic Vamp
A¨ A¨
B A¨7 A¨7 G7 G¨7 A¨ A¨
D¨ D¨‹ A¨ A¨7
3 3
D¨ A¨ A¨ A¨
Rhythm Break
E¨7 E¨7 A¨
B¨ G7 A¨
F&7 B¨ E¨7 A¨
Rhythmic Vamp
A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨
A¨ A¨ A¨ A¨
Senegalese Stomp Clarence Todd - 1926
q = 134
C7 F‹ C7 F‹ E¨7 A¨ E¨7 A¨
Dº A¨/E¨ F‹ B¨7/F E7(b5) E¨7
$ B E¨7/B¨ E¨7
A¨ A¨/C Bº
E¨7 B¨‹6 E¨7 A¨º A¨
A¨7 D¨ D¨‹ A¨
B¨7 F‹ B¨7 A¨ C7
F‹ A¨ F‹ B¨7 E¨7 1. A¨ Aº 2.
A D¨ Dº7 A¨7 A¨7
went a - way one drear - y day, I
can't for get that night we met, How
D¨ Dº7 A¨7 A¨7
knew you had to go, 'Mid
bright were skies a - bove, That
D¨ Dº7 A¨
tears and cheers I heard you say, Char -
pre - cious mem - 'ry lin - gers yet, When
B¨‹ E¨7 A¨7 A¨7
maine I love you so. Though
you de - clared your love. And
D¨ D¨ E¨‹7 A¨7
maine, cries in vain. I
my Char - maine
E¨‹7 A¨7 E¨‹7 A¨7 E¨‹7 A¨7
won - der when blue - birds are ma - ting Will
A¨7 A¨& D¨ D¨ A¨&
you come back a - gain? I
D¨ D¨ A¨‹6 B¨7
won - der if I keep on pray - ing, will
q = 188
Charleston Crazy Peter Grainger &
Robert Rickets - 1923
A¨ E¨7 E¨&7 A¨ A¨
D¨ B¨7/D A¨/E¨ F7
B¨7/F B¨7 E¨7
A¨ E¨7 E¨&7 A¨ A¨
A¨ A¨7 D¨ D¨
B¨7/D B¨7 B¨7 A¨ E¨7 A¨
A¨ Open for Solos E¨7 E¨&7 A¨ A¨
A¨ E¨7 E¨&7 A¨ A¨7
D¨ B¨7/D A¨/E¨ F7
B¨7/F B¨7 E¨7
Open for Solos
A¨ E¨7 E¨&7 A¨ A¨
A¨ A¨7 D¨ D¨
B¨7/D B¨7 B¨7 A¨ E¨7 A¨
D µ A7 A¨7 D¨
A7 A¨7 D¨
µ A7 A¨7 D¨
D¨7 D¨7 Eº Eº
F F B¨7 E¨7
D.C. al Fine
Gut Bucket Blues
Intro Lillian Hardin Armstrong - 1926
q = 120
D‹7 F7 C C7 Cº F‹ C
C C C C7
F7 F7 C C
G7 F7 C C7 Cº F‹ 1. C 2. C G7
F7 F7 C C
1. 2. 3. 4. Last
D‹7 F7 C C7 Cº F‹ C G7 C
C C C C7
F7 F7 C C
G7 F7 C C7 Cº F‹ C
C B C C B C C B C B C C7
F Fº F F Fº F C B C C B Gº A7
D‹7 G7 F7 Cº C C G&7 C
Break NC G&7 C
Easy Rider
Note: Three pages long
Thomas A. Dorsey
E¨ Eº Break B¨ D7 G7 break
C7 F7 B¨ B¨/D F7/E¨ A7/E B¨/F
G‹ E¨7 D7 G‹ E¨7 D7
1. D7 G‹ C7 F7
C7 F F7 F©º C7 F7 A¨7
G7 G7 C7 C7
F7 F7 B¨ Break
2. E¨ Eº Break B¨ D7(b5) G7 Break
C7 F7 B¨ C‹ Eº B¨ A¨/F Eº A¨7
D¨7 C7 B7 B¨7 B¨7(#5)
A¨ A¨ E¨ E¨ F©º
E¨ E¨ E¨ E¨
A¨ A¨ E¨ E¨
A¨7 A¨7 E¨ E¨
F G7 G7 C7 C7
1. 2.
F7 F7 B¨ break E¨
Eº B¨ D7 G7 C7
F7 B¨ B¨7 E¨ Eº B¨
F F7 C A7
D7 G7 C F C G7
B C F C C7
F/C C C C7
3 3
G7 G7 C F 1. C G7 2. C
Church Street Sobbin' Blues
Anton Lada, Jas Chawley, &
Al Nunez 1919s
q = 118 B¨ B¨Œ„Š7 B¨7 G¨7 B¨‹ G¨7 E¨‹ B¨ F7 B¨ E¨ G¨7
Bass Line: Bb A Ab G Gb F E Eb D C Bb G Gb
B¨ E7 F7 F&7 B¨ E¨ B¨
B¨ E¨ B¨ C7 F7 B¨ B¨7
E¨ G¨7 B¨ F& B¨
B F F7 B¨ D¨7
F C&7 1. F F7 G7 D¨ C&7
2. F B¨7 F B¨ F 3. F B¨7 F B¨ F
B¨ E¨ B¨ C7 F7 B¨ B¨7
E¨ G¨7 B¨ F& B¨
F7 F7 B¨ C7 F7
B¨ B¨ B¨7 E¨ G7 E¨6 F7
B¨ E¨ C7 B¨
B¨ B¨7 C7 F7 1. B¨ 2. B¨
Original Black Bottom Dance
Perry Bradford &
Gus Horsley - 1926
q = 160
Intro B¨ B¨ F7 B¨ B¨ F7
B¨ B¨ B¨7
bot - tom it's got 'em Down in At - lan - ta on De - ca- tur Street.
E¨7 E¨7 B¨ F7 F&7 D‹7 D¨º
Ev -'ry oneyou meet in dark - town sha - kin' their feet and buzz - in' 'round, they
F7/C F7 C7 F7 B¨ C‹7 B¨ C7 F7
do it and call it that At - lan - ta Black Bot- tom Dance.
B¨ B¨º B¨ B¨ B¨7
Hop down front and then you doo- dle back, Mooch to the left and then youmooch to the right, your
E¨7 E¨7 B¨ B¨º B¨
hands on your hips and do the mess a - round. Break a leg un-til you'renear the ground: now
F7 F7 B¨ F7(“4) B¨ B¨&
that's the old back bot - tom dance.
G7/D G7 C G7 C C‹ D7 G7 C F‹6 C6 C7
F7 B C& A‹7(b5) D7 G7 G7
Good-bye Sue, So long Lou Here comes Em - a - line.
G‹7 C7 Cº C&7 FŒ„Š7 FŒ„Š7
Man - dy Lee, Par-don me. Here comes Em - a - line.
F A‹7 A¨º C7/G C7
She's got that brand of love you re - mem - ber.
G7 G7 G‹7 C D¨ D E¨ E
One kiss will last from May 'til De - cem - ber.
F7 C& A‹7(b5) D7 G7
Traf-fic cop, Make 'em stop, Here comes Em - a - line.
G‹7 C7 Cº
C&7 A7 D‹
tell that crowd, shout it loud, that lump of su-gar is mine.
G G G7 G¨7 G¨7
Look out folks for I justwon't be late. Clear the way I've got a hea-vy date.
F7 C& A‹7(b5) D7 G7 C7
Good-bye Sue, So long Lou Here comes Em - a
D¨7 D7 E¨7 E7 F7 F©7 G7 A¨7 A7 A7 C&7 F
line. (Instrumental)
744 Got To Cool My Doggies Now Bob Schafer, Babe THompson, &
Spencer Williams - 1922
D7 G7 C E7 A7 D7 G7 C G7
A C C/E E¨º G7/D G& C C/E E¨º G7/D G&
Sal - ly Lee a rag gystep per, Sweet Ba - by, some cay enne pep- per
11 C E‹ B B7 E‹ E¨º D‹ G7
down at a dark town dance, do - in' a coot - ie crawl prance.
19 C7 C& F E& E¨ D7 G7
fun ny tricks a roundthe hall; say Bo she had 'em.that's all
23 C7 F E& D7 G7
and when the band would stop Miss Sal ly Lee would hop up tothe lead- er man and say, "Don't chop it!"
Chorus 745
27 C C7 Cº C7 D D7 Dº D D7
When I hear a jazz tune full of pep Got toshoot mynel son that's my rep,
31 G G7 Gº G G7 C E7 A‹ A‹7 Cº D‹6 C G7
strut tin'like a pea- cok when I step, hot dog ba - by ain't no may - be
35 C C7 Cº C7 D D7 Dº D D7
when my dog giesstartin act ing rough, that'sthe time I want to do my stuff
F F D7/F© C C Cº G7/D G7
I com mence toprancejustlike a mon- key, when youplay a ragthat'shon- kyton ky
C D‹7 C Cº C A‹7 D7 G7 C E7 A7
'cause I'm a dan - cin' fool I vow got tocool my pup- pies now bow wow!
D7 G7 C F7 C
got to cool my dog gies now.
Gate Mouth
q = 120 Armstrong (Lil Hardin?) - 1926
A B¨7 B¨7 (Fill) E¨ E¨ (Fill)
A¨ A¨‹ E¨ C7 F7 B¨7 E¨
E¨ E¨ E¨ E¨7 G7
C‹ F7 B¨7
E¨ E¨ E¨ E¨7
A¨ E¨ C7 F7 B¨7 B¨7
B¨7 B¨7 Cl. Break E¨ E¨ Cl. Break
B¨7 B¨7 Cl. Break E¨ Cl. Break E¨
A¨ A¨‹ E¨ C7 B¨7 E¨
Oriental Strut
q = 166 John A. St. Cyr - 1926
D‹ D7 G‹ A7 D‹ D‹7 G‹6 A7
D‹ A7 D‹ D‹ µ
D‹ D7 G‹ A7 D‹ D‹7 G‹6 A7
A7 D‹ B¨ A7
D7 D7
G7 Fº
G‹ C7 C7 F F7 B¨
B¨ F F7 D7
G7 G7 C7 D‹6 D¨7 C7 C&7
F F D¨
F F C‹6 D7 D7
G‹ A7 D‹ D‹7D7
G‹7 C7 F F©º C7/G C7
D‹ D7 G‹ A7 D‹ D‹7 G‹6 A7
A7 D‹ D‹ µ
D‹ D7 G‹ A7 D‹ D‹7 G‹6 A7
A7 D‹ B¨ A7
G‹ C7 C7 F F7
B¨ B¨ F F7 D7
G7 G7 C7 D‹6 D¨7 C7 C&7
F D¨ D¨
F D7F D7 A7
G‹ G‹7 A7 D‹ F C‹6 D7
G‹7 C7 F6 F9
Tonight You Belong To Me Lee David and Billy Rose - 1926
q = 110 Intro
A¨ E¨7
A¨ E¨7
A¨ D¨ E¨7 A¨
here now we meet, you look so sweet,
D¨ E¨7 F‹
I love you still, I al - way will,
B¨ B¨6 E¨7
You have the same old ap - peal, I
B A¨ A¨7 D¨ D¨‹
know you be - long to some bo - dy new, but to -
I know you be - long to some bo - dy new, but to -
A¨ E¨7 A¨
night, you be - long to me! al -
night you be - long to me.
A¨ A¨7 751 D¨ D¨‹
we're a - part,
al - though we're a - part,
you're a
you're a part
part of my
of my heart!
heart! and to -
and to -
A¨ E¨ A¨
be - long
be - long
D¨‹ D¨‹ D¨‹
down by the stream! How sweet it would seem! Once
down by the stream! How sweet it would seem! Once
A¨ F7 B¨‹7 E¨7
just to
just to dream
in the
moon - light!
moon - light!
ho - ney, I
ho - ney I
A¨ A¨7 D¨ D¨‹
with the
know, I know with the dawn,
dawn, that
will be
will be gone,
gone, but to -
but to -
A¨ E¨7 A¨
night, you be - long to me!
night, you be - long to me.