OOPS Lab File-2

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Ansh Tyagi

Lab 1.
TITLE: Introduction to Java Environment
1. Installation of JDK
2. Setting of path and classpath
3. Introduction to Eclipse
click on the x64 installer to install the jdk.
After the completion download of the .exe file. Click on
that file and run the file.
After that you have to click on next button to just setup
in your system.

Its default path will be in your C drive. You can change

its path.
As I already install it in my system that’s why it is
showing that warning.
After installing lets set up its Environmental Setting.
Go to environmental setting.

Click on Environmental Variable

Go to Path and click on Edit.
Click on new
Paste the path of bin folder in new.
Click on OK.
Click on Ok
Lets Run our first java program through cmd prompt.
Save the file with First.java as in notepad.
Open cmd
Go the folder location

Check java version install in our system.

Using java –version.
Lab 2.
TITLE: Basic Java Programming
1.Write a program to find the largest of 3 numbers.
2.Write a program to add two number using command line arguments.
3.Write a program to print Fibonacci series using loop.
4.Write a program to implement a command line calculator.
5.Write a program using classes and object in java.

Lab 3.
TITLE: Basic Java Programming
1.Write a program to accept 10 student’s marks in an array, arrange it
into ascending order, convert into the following grades and print marks
and grades in the tabular form.

Between 40 and 50: PASS

Between 51 and 75: MERIT
and above: DISTINCTION

2.Write a program to accept three digits (i.e. 0 - 9) and print all its possible
(For example, if the three digits are 1, 2, 3 than all possible combinations
are: 123, 132,
213, 231, 312, 321.)

3.Write a Java Program to accept 10 numbers in an array and compute

the square of each number. Print the sum of these numbers.

4.Write a program to input a number of a month (1 - 12) and print its

equivalent name of the month. (e.g. 1 to Jan , 2 to Feb. 12 to Dec.)

5.Write a program to find the sum of all integers greater than 40 and less
than 250 that are divisible by 5.
Lab 4.
TITLE Inheritance
1.Write a Java program to show that private member of a super class cannot be
accessed from derived classes.

2.Write a program in Java to create a Player class. Inherit the classes Cricket
_Player, Football _Player and Hockey_ Player from Player class.

3.Write a class Worker and derive classes DailyWorker and SalariedWorker from it.
Every worker has a name and a salary rate. Write method ComPay (int hours) to
compute the week pay of every worker. A Daily Worker is paid on the basis of the
number of days he/she works. The Salaried Worker gets paid the wage for 40 hours
a week no matter what the actual hours are. Test this program to calculate the pay of
workers. You are expected to use the concept of polymorphism to write this program.

4.Consider the trunk calls of a telephone exchange. A trunk call can be ordinary,
urgent or lightning. The charges depend on the duration and the type of the call.
Write a program using the concept of polymorphism in Java to calculate the charges.

5.Design a class employee of an organization. An employee has a name, empid, and

salary. Write the default constructor, a constructor with parameters (name, empid,
and salary) and methods to return name and salary. Also write a method
increaseSalary that raises the employee’s salary by a certain user specified
percentage. Derive a subclass Manager from employee. Add an instance variable
named department to the manager class. Supply a test program that uses theses
classes and methods.
Lab 5.
TITLE: Interface
1.Write a program to create interface named test. In this interface the
member function is square. Implement this interface in arithmetic class.
Create one new class called ToTestInt. In this class use the object of
arithmetic class.
2.Write a program to create interface A, in this interface we have two
method meth1 and meth2. Implements this interface in another class
named MyClass.
3.Write a program in Java to show the usefulness of Interfaces as a place
to keep constant value of the program
4.Write a program to create an Interface having two methods division and
modules. Create a class, which overrides these methods.
Lab 6.
TITLE: Package
1.Write a Java program to implement the concept of importing classes
from user defined package and created packages.
2.Write a program to make a package Balance. This has an Account class
with Display_Balance method. Import Balance package in another
program to access Display_Balance method of Account class.
Lab 7.
TITLE: Exceptions
1.Write a program in Java to display the names and roll numbers of students.
Initialize respective array variables for 10 students. Handle
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExeption, so that any such problem doesn’t cause illegal
termination of program.
2.Write a Java program to enable the user to handle any chance of divide by zero

3.Create an exception class, which throws an exception if operand is nonnumeric in

calculating modules. (Use command line arguments).

4.On a single track two vehicles are running. As vehicles are going in same direction
there is no problem. If the vehicles are running in different direction there is a chance
of collision. To avoid collisions write a Java program using exception handling. You
are free to make necessary assumptions.

5.Write a java program to throw an exception for an employee details.

• If an employee name is a number, a name exception must be thrown.
• If an employee age is greater than 50, an age exception must be thrown.
• Or else an object must be created for the entered employee details
Lab 8.
TITLE: Strings Handling and Wrapper Class
1.Write a program for searching strings for the first occurrence of a character or
substring and for the last occurrence of a character or substring.

2.Write a program that converts all characters of a string in capital letters. (Use
StringBuffer to store a string). Don’t use inbuilt function.

3.Write a program in Java to read a statement from console, convert it into upper
case and again print on console. (Don’t use inbuilt function)

4.Write a program in Java to create a String object. Initialize this object with your
name. Find the length of your name using the appropriate String method. Find
whether the character ‘a’ is in your name or not; if yes find the number of times ‘a’
appears in your name. Print locations of occurrences of ‘a’ .Try the same for different
String objects
Lab 9.
TITLE: Threads and Collections
1.Write a program to implement the concept of threading by extending
Thread Class and Runnable interface.

2.Write a program for generating 2 threads, one for printing even numbers
and the other for printing odd numbers.

3.Write a program to launch 10 threads. Each thread increments a counter

variable. Run the program with synchronization.
4.Write a Java program to create five threads with different priorities.
Send two threads of the highest priority to sleep state. Check the aliveness
of the threads and mark which thread is long lasting

5.Write a program for the following:

Read all elements from ArrayList by using Iterator.
Create duplicate object of an ArrayList instance.
Reverse ArrayList content.

6.Write a program for the following HashMap

find whether specified key exists or not.
find whether specified value exists or not
get all keys from the given HashMap
get all key-value pair as Entry objects
Lab 10.
1.Create a database table to store the records of employee in a company.
Use getConnection function to connect the database. The statement object
uses executeUpdate function to create a table.
2.Create a database of employee of company in mysql and then use java
program to access the database for inserting information of employees in
database. The SQL statement can be used to view the details of the data
of employees in the database
Lab 11.
TITLE: Servlet
1.Write a Servlet page to display current date of the server
Lab 12.
Title: JSP
1.Write a Servlet page to create a simple calculator.
Thank You!

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