Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Firstly, we would like to express our special thanks to Allah for giving us a chance to
accomplish this assignment. The assignment gives us a lot of information about to search certain
information using all the materials.
In performing our grouping assignment, we want to give our appreciation to Madam Najatul
Afiqah binti Mohd. Affandi for guiding us throughout the process and preparations while completing
this assignment and also for providing useful information. We would not be able to complete this
proposal without Madam Najatul’s support.
We would also like give a round of applause to each and everyone in this team, for giving a
full attention and cooperation while doing this assignment. Each of us has given our best performance
in the completion of the assignment. The completion of our assignment is fully based on our hard
work, and guidance from the people around us.
Lastly, we would like to thank our family for being understanding of our current situation and
be patient while we completing our final assignment. Without our family’s support, we would not be
able to continue nor cope of doing online distance learning with the new environment or new norms.
Titans Public Library. The word Titans after Greek mythology meaning influential in a certain field.
Library is Titan of knowledge, that’s the meaning of our library.
Libraries serve as access points to the entire world's knowledge. And, as information-storage devices
and formats evolve, librarians ensure that knowledge is recorded and saved for the future. Libraries
provide services and products that help to level the playing field in terms of intellectual competition.
That is, they enable people of all income levels and backgrounds to gain access to high-quality
information, use computers, and borrow items.
Libraries ensure that knowledge and technology are accessible to all people, not just those who can
afford their own. This is more than just charitable work, it also contributes to society's overall
education levels.
Real research entails much more than simply typing a few words into a search engine like Google.
Scientists, doctors, lawyers, professors, writers, government officials, and other important
professionals rely on librarians for high-level research on a daily basis. All of these people would be
making decisions without having all of the information they need on their topics if librarians weren't
there to help them.
To establish, operate, and maintain the library and its branch libraries throughout the state.
Through its reading materials and resources, it aims to promote literacy and disseminate
useful daily information to the public, as well as encourage lifelong learning.
To place principle above opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of materials of
the highest quality in order to assure a comprehensive collection appropriate for the users of
the library media center.
Provide free and open access to a broad range of materials and services to people of all
Provides an inviting centre for information, instruction, learning, leisure, and cultural
opportunities for our community.
Deliver high-quality learning opportunities that prepare students to adapt and thrive in a
rapidly changing global environment.
To be one of the most visited libraries in Malaysia, intellectual commons is the community's
hub of knowledge and learning, with a staff dedicated to excellence, open, free exchange of
ideas, and making it simple for users to find, navigate, and access high-quality information
Physical Building
Interior Design
Exterior Design
In level 1, the collection of the materials is including fictions and non-fiction books and those
of the book includes STPM examination collection, al-Quran, and some novels.
In level 2, It offers a wide range of fiction and scholarly reading in the areas of technology and
applied science, arts and recreation, literature, history, biology, and geography at level 2.
The academic reading collection at level 3 includes materials in science, computer,
information, and general subjects, as well as philosophy, psychology, religion, social science,
language, and science, including mathematics.
Children under the age of 12 have their own section of the facility.
A huge number of children's books are available.
The total number of generic references in the collection is believed to be 35,000 copies.
The Selangor State Collection includes all library works on the state of Selangor, published in
and outside of Malaysia, as well as Selangor-related artefacts of the highest national or state
heritage significance.
We were overjoyed to receive a book donation of 1,284 volumes from DYMM Sultan
Selangor's personal library.
This collection contains books, papers/seminars, theses, information packages, periodicals,
maps, reports from Selangor State departments, and other materials relating to the state of
This collection is thought to contain 1,800 booklets.
The Titans Library requires a fantastic staff to operate operations and fulfil tasks. As we've seen in the
success of other libraries, they don't just hire anyone to work in the library; they have to hire someone
with a flawless background, great discipline, and tolerance. The hired personnel are from various
levels of library administration. Professional, paraprofessional, and non-professional occupations were
divided into three categories.
Professionals include librarians and other library specialists who have earned the necessary skills and
training. Library assistants and library technicians are examples of paraprofessionals who help
librarians in the technical and service responsibilities of the library. Non-professionals include library
personnel who are eager to help as required, such as clerical and office staff.
The main profession is the librarians. Librarians choose print and non-print items for a variety of
libraries, including public, school, and corporate libraries. They organise and provide guidance to
make these materials available to users. They also oversee other library employees, and some even
advance to the position of library director.
In addition, library assistants are a profession. They assist librarians and Titans library technicians in
organising and making library resources available to people. They are responsible for arranging
materials, collecting fines, and checking in and out books and other items. Typically, they help clients
with inspecting and finding goods. For clerical work, they also answer phones and manage files.
Besides that, library employees such as administrative personnel. They work at Titans Library as part
of a team to ensure that the library's tasks are carried out successfully. They help clients understand
how to use information services like computerised catalogues. For data input, they also use
computerised information management and cataloguing technologies. Their responsibilities also
include keeping the library cleaned.
Titans Library takes on significant obligations and functions in order to make it a library that can serve
as a focal point for society. Responsibilities are essential for the library's successful operation.
Librarians are at the core of the community at a public library, where a tremendous treasure mine of
information is saved, developed, and distributed. Our librarians not only collect and index materials
like books and music, but also acquire and market them to users. The majority of our librarians are
also extremely well-read and technologically savvy. They are also divided into several departments,
each with its own set of responsibilities.
Administration Roles
Ensure that employees are doing their duties, and monitor and support employees who
require assistance in order to enhance the quality of their work.
Find a fantastic answer to any challenges that arise.
Creating a benchmark for improved performance
Technology Roles
Ensure that visitors have access to the greatest facilities and suitable technology.
Creating a website that allows people to access all information over the internet.
Repair any harm that has occurred to facilities that use electricity.
Resolve any issues with the connection.
Hiring personnel with communication skills in order to provide excellent service to visitors.
Ensure that visitors are constantly in a comfortable environment by providing a comfortable
area and location.
Keep the space tidy at all times.
Staffing Roles
Develop a team spirit so that you can always work together to complete given responsibilities.
To be prepared for possible calamities such as floods, keep all information in a safe and
strategic location.
Provide guidelines and issue warnings to users who break the guidelines.
The target user for the audience from the Rumah Ngaji section is from aged 6 until 70 years old.
However, they also focus on the users who lives in Selangor to get more new users every year to
access to use this online website library because this agency will more promote this online library to
the people who lives in Selangor. Then, with the online kids section that they built before they also
can target a lot of kids from 7 until 12 or more to kids below 13 years old to read books at the section
given there in the website. Next, they also targeting adult to go into their library such as they targeting
students to go there to do research in this online library or also can walk in into this library by
themselves. In addition, the teenagers also being their target because of this library also provide a lot
books collection in a youth section there.
Digital Collection –This agency will provide a lot of books in the digital collection such as
novel, history books, scientific books, non-fictional digital books, fictional books, and also
have digital collection of books in this library.
Youth Section
The location of the youth section is at 1st level. The collection in the youth division suitable
from aged 13 until 17 years old. Provide a lot of collection such as fiction books, novels,
motivation books, exam collection UPSR, PT3, SPM and STPM books and also have an e-
book in the online website of this online library. The books collection in PPAS also named as
Teen Collection Library.
Children Section
Children section Raja Tun Uda Library is located at ground floor right wing. This section is
totally made for kids below 13 years old to use all the facilities that suitable for kids like them.
Next, in this section have a lot of wide selection of children`s books that they can borrowed
and read. Then, in this division have various angle in each section like Reading Tree,
Creative Zone, and also Zone Cyber.
a) Reading Tree
The concept of the reading tree is the park in the library for children relax and can read their
books there. This agency also has built replica of a big tree for the children’s user for the
children feels more like in the forest when they read the books there.
b) Creative Zone
Organize various activities for the children to participate such as colouring, storytelling,
playing digital puzzles, gymnastics, and also puppet shows.
c) Zone Cyber
Provide window based personal computer and also a lot of desktops in there. However,
XBOX 360 Kineet games also available in this section to users use it.
Adult Section
The collection for adult section in Pustaka Raja Uda, Shah Alam located at second floor and third
floor. The books collection in adult zone arranged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification
(DDC). All the books can be directly accessed by the users in the library. The users also can access
the books in online at the adult section given in the online website.
Lastly, library is very important for the society because people can get a lot of knowledge from the
library. Then, this library also has the specialty on its own and will make the users easier to get into
this library for them to use it by themselves. In addition, we must appreciate the university's reference
materials and make wise use of all accessible knowledge as a consequence in our daily life.
However, we also believe that in the future, this library will give a lot of benefits, will help other people
such as help them to do research and also do a reference and finally one day it will be allowing all the
library users to be more successful and amazing.