nn501124h - Article
nn501124h - Article
nn501124h - Article
Instituto Nacional del Carbón (CSIC), P.O. Box 73, Oviedo 33080, Spain
orous carbons have recently attracted which results in relatively large diffusion
widespread attention in relation to paths (>5 μm). This is a serious drawback
their application in energy storage as it severely limits the ion-transport kinetics
systems such as double-layer electrochemi- within the pores, resulting in a dramatic
cal capacitors (EC) and Li-ion batteries,15 reduction in EC performance at high current
owing to the following important proper- densities (high power).7 In order to over-
ties: (a) their good electronic conductivity, come this problem, it is crucial to reduce the
(b) high chemical stability, (c) low cost and effective diffusion paths. Two strategies
wide availability, and (d) large surface area have been adopted for this purpose. Wang
ascribed to pores whose size can be tuned et al. described the fabrication of carbon
and adapted for specific applications. These powders with a hierarchical porous struc-
properties have made these materials the ture that combines macropores, meso-
preferred choice of manufacturers for fabri- pores, and micropores.8 The macropores
cating electrodes for EC systems. More spe- act as ion-buffering reservoirs, the meso-
cifically, porous carbons with high surface pores serve as channels for the rapid trans-
areas and a porosity made up of narrow port of ions, while the micropores are the * Address correspondence to
[email protected].
micropores in the ∼0.71 nm range con- locations for the charge accommodation in
stitute the best option for supercapacitors the double electrical layer. Thus, relatively Received for review February 26, 2014
because they exhibit the largest specific large carbon particles are able to offer short and accepted April 9, 2014.
capacitance values (up to ∼14 μF cm2 in effective diffusion paths, thereby improving
Published online April 14, 2014
organic electrolyte).6 Usually these micro- EC performance. An alternative synthesis 10.1021/nn501124h
porous carbons are fabricated in the form of strategy is based on the fabrication of 3D,
granular powders made up of particles >10 μm, 2D or 1D nanometer-sized porous carbon C 2014 American Chemical Society
thermogravimetric analysis. The TGA curve in Figure S1 The thickness of the carbon nanosheets was deter-
(Supporting Information (SI)) clearly shows two weight mined by means of electron energy loss spectroscopy
loss steps in the temperature ranges of 200500 °C (EELS) applied to numerous particles (Figure S4 (SI)).
and 700900 °C, which can be ascribed to the decom- The calculated values are in the 3080 nm range for
position of the organic moiety and the gasification the CK-850 sample. Furthermore, the transmission
process, respectively. The washing step removes com- electron microscopy (TEM) image in Figure 1c confirms
pletely the inorganic impurities as confirmed by the that the carbon samples derived from the carboniza-
XPS general spectra depicted in Figure S2 (SI) for the tion of potassium citrate are made up of highly porous
samples CK-850 and CK-900, which show that the particles with a 2D morphology. The HRTEM micro-
carbon particles do not contain any inorganic impurity photograph shown in Figure 2d, which was taken on
and they are mainly composed of carbon (>93 at %), the edge of a CK-850 nanosheet, clearly reveals that the
with less than 6.5 at % oxygen. The above results porosity is made up of randomly oriented narrow
demonstrate that the use of potassium citrate as micropores, thereby anticipating the results obtained
carbon precursor allows the integration of the carbo- from the nitrogen physisorption measurements (vide
nization and activation processes in only one step, infra). Additional HRTEM images of the samples CK-800
simplifying the production of porous carbons and CK-900 are provided in Figure S5 (SI). The FFT
considerably. patterns included in Figure 1d and Figure S5 (SI)
The microstructure and morphology of the carbon evidence the amorphous structure of the carbon nano-
samples were examined by scanning electron micro- sheets. This is corroborated by the XRD patterns and
scopy (SEM). Figure 1a shows that the architecture of Raman spectra displayed in Figure 2, which are typical
the carbon samples resembles that of a desert rose (see of carbonaceous materials with an amorphous-like
inset in Figure 1a). Indeed, these particles are an structure. Thus, broad and low-intensity (002) and
assembly of fully interconnected carbon nanosheets (100) bands can be identified in the XRD patterns in
(see Figure S3 (SI)) of extreme thinness as suggested by Figure 2a, and broad and overlapping D (1351 cm1)
the high-magnification SEM image in Figure 1b (inset). and G (1587 cm1) bands are registered in the first
order Raman spectra in Figure 2b. The deconvolution nanosheets exhibit high BrunauerEmmettTeller
of these two overlapping bands gives rise to two (BET) surface areas and large pore volumes. The pore
additional peaks commonly identified in poorly orga- volume increases steadily with temperature from
nized carbons: (i) 1135 cm1, assigned to disordered 0.59 cm3 g1 (750 °C) to 1.30 cm3 g1 (900 °C), whereas
graphitic lattice (A1g symmetry)31 or sp3-rich phase,32 the BET surface area increases from 1360 m2 g1 at
and (ii) 1486 cm1, ascribed to amorphous sp2-bonded 750 °C to 2220 m2 g1 at 850 °C and then slightly
forms of carbon.33,34 It is worth noting that a slight decreases to 2130 m2 g1 at 900 °C. Moreover, analysis
increase of ordering is registered with the increase of of the porosity by means of the DubininRadushkevich
the carbonization temperature. Thus, the ID/IG ratio (DR) method confirms that these samples are essen-
decreases from 0.905 for CK-750 to 0.834 for CK-900. tially microporous, the micropore volume constituting
Nitrogen physisorption measurements were carried more than 80% of the total pore volume (see Table 1),
out at 196 °C to analyze the textural characteristics of except for the sample synthesized at 900 °C, whose
the carbon nanosheets obtained by the carbonization micropore volume accounts for ∼60% of the total pore
of potassium citrate at several temperatures: 750, 800, volume.
850, and 900 °C. The N2 sorption isotherms and the The electronic conductivity of the powder samples
pore size distributions (PSDs) deduced by means of the was measured using a four-probed method. The home-
QSDFT method are shown in Figure 3a,b, respectively. made apparatus employed for such measurements
The isotherm profiles displayed in Figure 3a can be allowed the simultaneous determination of con-
categorized as being of type I, indicating that the ductivity and packing density. These PCNS exhibit
porosity is mainly made up of micropores. More inter- electronic conductivities in the range of 1.77.4 S cm1
estingly, as the temperature of carbonization increases (load pressure: 7.1 MPa), the conductivity being en-
from 750 to 900 °C, a widening of the knee of the hanced with the increase of the synthesis temperature.
isotherms takes place, which suggests an enlargement Especially remarkable is the conductivity of CK-900 (i.e.,
of the micropore size as the temperature increases. 7.4 S cm1), which is close or superior to that of materials
This is confirmed by the pore size distributions in normally used as conductive additives for the preparation
Figure 3b, which clearly show a shift in the PSD toward of supercapacitor electrodes, such as Super P (8.6 S cm1)
larger pore sizes as the carbonization temperature or Super C65 (5.2 S cm1). It is, as well, higher than that of
increases. Interestingly, the PSDs reveal the presence commercial activated carbons used in supercapacitors,
of two pore systems in the micropore range. The main such as Supra 50, which possesses a conductivity of
maximum shifts from 0.7 to 0.85 nm as the carbon- 4.3 S cm1. With regards to the packing density, as is
ization temperature increases from 750 to 900 °C, usual for many nanomaterials,35 they possess relatively
whereas the second pore system is enlarged from low packing densities, decreasing from 0.50 g cm3 at
0.95 nm (750 °C) to 1.6 nm (900 °C). Moreover, it can 750 °C to 0.27 g cm3 at 900 °C (load pressure: 7.1 MPa).
be seen that, whereas the sample prepared at 750 °C is Electrochemical Performance. The carbon nanosheets
exclusively microporous, the samples prepared at T g presented here have a unique structure that combines
800 °C exhibit pores of up to 45 nm. The textural an extreme thinness (diffusion paths <40 nm) and a
parameters of the synthesized carbons are presented very large surface area (up to ∼2200 m2 g1), which
in Table 1. These results show that the carbon can be ascribed to micropores and small mesopores.
Figure 5. (a) Charge/discharge voltage profile at 5 A g1 (the voltage profiles of CK-850 and CK-900 have been displaced by 3 s
for clarity), (b) charge/discharge rate performance, and (c) Ragone plot of the PCNS samples and the activated carbon Supra in
1 M TEABF4/AN, and (d) cycling stability at different current densities (in A g1) in the 02 V range for CK-850 and CK-900.
profiles are highly linear and symmetrical indicating which suggests that these materials exhibit an excel-
ideal EDLC behavior, in agreement with the results lent rate performance. This is confirmed by the results
obtained by cyclic voltammetry (see Figures 4a,b,c and in Figure 5b, which show the variation in specific
S5a (SI)). Interestingly, a small IR drop (almost negligi- capacitance with the current density. It can be seen
ble for CK-850 and CK-900) is observed even at a high that the samples synthesized at higher temperatures
discharge current density of 5 A g1 (see Figure 5a), (i.e., CK-800, CK-850, and CK-900) have high specific