(ENG) (Current Residents) Fall-22 Housing Payment

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Housing Fee Payment Notice

For 2022-Fall Hanwoori / E-House / I-House Residents

※ Please apply for Fall-2022 dorm housing as a NON-RESIDENT if you fall into EITHER one
of the categories below (application guideline to be updated in late July)

1. Those who have cancelled / left during 22-Spring residency

2. Those permitted only for 22-Spring residency (1 semester/한학기 한정 거주자) in E-House & I-House
3. Those who did not live in the dorm during 22-Spring but newly applied for 22-Summer as a NON-
4. Priority residents whose housing period is to end as of 22-Summer

* Please read the guide thoroughly before you apply in order to not miss any information and get disadvantages.

* As the government continues to update the COVID-19 guidelines, important housing dates and policies are subject
to change so please make sure to check the housing website frequently for the most up-to-date announcements.

* Dormitory contact point

E-Mail [Undergrad] [email protected] [Grad] [email protected]

[I-House] [email protected]

Phone [E-House] ☎ 02-3277-5905

[Hanwoori] ☎ 02-3277-5001
[I-House] ☎ 02-3277-6001
(Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9AM-5PM)

Website http://my.ewha.ac.kr/dorm 1
Dormitory Operation Guideline
In accordance with the government’s effort to return to normal activities and normalize school policy,
the University has decided to fully conduct in-person classes for 22-Fall. Therefore, to guarantee the
student's rights for learning and support in-person classes, Single~ Quad rooms are to be fully assigned
for 22-Fall.

1. 22-Fall Dormitory Allocation Principle

1) Single/Double/Triple/Quad rooms to be fully assigned
2) Changes: Triple/Quad rooms, previously assigned as double rooms, are to be fully assigned
※ (Reference) Allocation principle of 22-Spring: Single/Double room fully assigned, Triple/Quad
room assigned as double room
※ Triple/Quad rooms, previously assigned as double room in 22-Spring, will be assigned with
additional students for 22-Fall
※ The allocation rule is subject to change depending on the COVID-19 situation so please make
sure to check the housing website frequently for the most up-to-date announcement

0. Notes
[Residents who applied for 22-Fall housing]
1. Application procedure is not required for 1-year-residents as it has been confirmed based on the previous 2022
2. Please read the notice thoroughly before you make the housing fee payment
3. Room assignment will be automatically cancelled without individual notice if the resident fails to make the
payment within the designated period (no payment period extension, re-applying for 22-Fall housing
4. 1-year-residents of 2022 who have lived through Spring to Summer 2022: No check-out process is necessary
once your room assignment for 22-Fall is confirmed after making the housing fee payment. However, please
note that you must go through the check-in procedure for 22-Fall (further information, please refer to page 5)
5. 1-year-residents of 2022 who checked out during Summer 2022: You can check in on the official 22-Fall check-
in date
6. Please note that Triple/Quad rooms will be assigned with additional students as the allocation policy of 22-Fall
is full assignment of all room types.

7. If 1-year-residents are assigned to the same room, cleaning service will not be provided (depending on the
situation, cleaning service may be provided to newly assigned triple/quad rooms or cancelled spots)
8. Under certain circumstances, the housing office may assign the student to a different room from 22-Spring

※ Priority residents (E.g. enrolled students admitted via Application for International Applicants), whose priority
dormitory assignment is to end as of 22-Summer, must apply as a non-resident if you are willing to apply for
the dormitory residence of 22-Fall. If your application is accepted, you will be assigned to a new room and
must enter the dorm during the official 22-Fall check-in day (Those who have lived in the dorm for 22-Summer
consecutively must leave the dorm during the official check-out day).

[Residents who do not wish for 22-Fall housing]

1. Your application will be automatically cancelled if you fail to make the payment within the designated period
(re-applying for 22-Fall housing unavailable)
2. 1-year-residents of 2022 and lived during Summer 2022 at E-House/HWR: must check out on the official 22-
Summer check-out date (8/25 Thur, by 2pm)
3. 1-year-residents of 2022 and lived during Summer 2022 at I-House: must check out on the official 22-Summer
check-out date (8/24, Wed, by 2pm)
4. Residents newly assigned a room for 22-Summer: must check out on the official check-out date (8/19, Fri, by

※ Check-out schedule

Residents newly assigned 22-Summer 1-year-residents

Dormitory 22-Fall Check-in Date
for 22-Summer Check-out date

2022.8.25(Thur) 2022.8.25(Thur)
2022.8.19(Fri) By 2PM From 10AM
By 2PM

2022.8.24(Wed) 2021.8.24(Wed)
By 2PM From 10AM

1. Eligibility
1. General Application
① 22-Spring Hanwoori/E-House/I-House residents
※ Those who have cancelled/left during 22-Spring residency, permitted only for 22-Spring
residency, or priority residents whose housing period is to end as of 22-Summer, must apply
as a non-resident for 22-Fall

② Undergraduate students: Those enrolled for 22-Fall or who are taking an additional
semester (please note that students taking an additional semester must register for 10
academic credits or above)

③ Graduate students
[Regular Registration] Master ’s, Doctorate, Combined Bachelor's & Master's or Combined
Master’s & Doctorate program
[Thesis-based Registration] Doctorate or Combined Master’s & Doctorate program ONLY
(Students in Thesis-based Master’s or Thesis-based Combined BA/MS programs are NOT
[Research-based Registration] Doctorate or Combined Master’s & Doctorate program ONLY
(Students in Thesis-based Master’s or Thesis-based Combined BA/MS programs are NOT
[Course-based Registration] students taking more than 4 credits

※ Your academic status will be checked in early October after it has been finalized. Those
who do NOT meet the requirements above will be evicted immediately

2. Priority Residents
 Undergraduate students: EGPP/GKS Others
Type of Priority
 Graduate students: EGPP/GKS/HEAT/경전원/ (e.g. Admission for International Applicants
교대원/이공계/WMO/Students with disabilities and more)
 Residents who have been recommended
 Please send inquiry to the department in
Subject by the relevant department/office as
priority resident from 22-Spring
 No need for submission of application or
confirmation since residence of Spring
Confirmation of  Department Contact Point 2022 and Fall 2022 was mandatory when
-EGPP: ISAT / 02-3277-6730 initially applying before the start of Spring
Residence for
-GKS&HEAT: ISAT / 02-3277-6988 semester.
Summer 2022
 For inquiries, please visit the housing office
or send an email (refer to page 1.)
 Result announcements: August 5th (Fri)
Announcements  Housing Fee Payment Period:
 Housing Fee Payment Period:
and Housing Fee July 20th (Wed)~July 22nd (Fri) 19:00
August 5th (Fri)~August 9th (Tue) 19:00
Payment Period

3. Ineligibility

※ If you fall into any of the below standards, your residency will be automatically cancelled
All Residents
① Students who were evicted in 22-Spring or 22-Summer
(Both General and ② Students who will take leave of absence for 22-Fall
Priority Residents) ③ Students with contagious diseases or viruses
④ Students the housing office considers ineligible for dormitory residency

2. Residential Period for 22-Fall

Residential Period for 22-Fall



I-House 2022.8.24(Wed)~12.22(Wed)

Final confirmation of room number/bed number: August 22nd(Mon.)

Make sure to check your room number and bed number as they are subject to change before 8/22(Mon.)

※ 1-year-residents official 22-Fall Check-in period:

- E-House/Hanwoori: August 25th (Thu) 10:00 ~ September 2nd (Tue) 17:00
- I-House: August 24th (Wed) 10:00 ~ September 2nd (Tue) 17:00
※ Check-in is ONLY possible during office hours (refer to 6. Required Documents for Check-in)
※ 3 penalty points will be given per week if a resident fails to complete the check-in process until September 2nd (Fri)

3. Important Information
1. 1-year-residents will be assigned to the same building/room as 22-Spring (E.g. Current Hanwoori Bldg. 103
resident cannot move to E-House in 22-Fall). However, under certain circumstances, the housing office may
assign the resident to a different room for 22-Fall
2. Any request of room/building change will not be accepted so please consider carefully before you make the
housing fee payment
3. I-House is for international students such as exchange and language center students and there may be male
residents in the same building
4. As the dormitory is a community space, there may be various difficulties and inconvenience (noise,
communication problems among room/unit mates etc.) so please consider carefully before you apply

5. When participating in online classes or exams, you may experience data disconnection while using Wi-Fi since
internet connection will be simultaneously used by multiple people over the same internet line. If your Wi-Fi
continuously gets disconnected, Hanwoori and I-House residents may borrow a wired LAN from the dormitory.
However, please note that you must prepare a separate converter that connects the wired LAN with your laptop
6. If an applicant takes leave of absence, is dismissed, or is taking credits below the standard, does not return from
leave of absence, the housing office may revoke your dormitory application and you cannot re-apply for
dormitory. Also, you have a duty to notify the housing office of any changes in your status. Otherwise, you will
be evicted and not allowed to re-apply
7. Triple/Quad rooms, previously assigned as double room in 22-Spring, can be assigned with additional students
for 22-Fall
8. Residents evicted due to accumulated penalty points nor meet the eligibility cannot apply for housing

4. COVID-19 Guideline
※ If there are any changes in COVID-19 guidelines by the government, important housing dates and policies are subject
to change

1. To prevent any outbreaks or spread of COVID-19, please abide by the hygiene rules such as wearing face masks
in shared spaces
2. All overseas travelers are allowed to enter the dormitory after submitting a valid negative COVID-19 test result
without quarantine after entering Korea (overseas COVID-19 test result NOT accepted)
3. Report to the housing office IMMEDIATELY if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or fever (over 37.5 degrees
Celsius), or have contacted a person who was infected in any way during your residency
4. Any visitors - Ewha students living in another residence hall, Ewha students living off-campus, family members
or significant others - are NOT PERMITTED to enter the dormitory, even on the official check-in / check-out
date. When any violation is detected, the student will be evicted
5. If you are planning to visit abroad during your residential period, you must report to the housing office in
advance, and abide by clause 2 stated above upon your return

5. 22-Fall Housing Fee
Important Payment period: 7/20(Wed.)~7/22(Fri.) 19:00 PM
Dates (Announcements will be posted on the housing website when there are any changes)

Remarks Payment unavailable on weekends and national holidays

Payment Check the individual virtual account number on EUREKA and make the payment
Process ([Result Announcement]→Bill→PRINT)
Check a message that states “Fully paid” on EUREKA the day after making the payment
1. If you fail to make the payment within the payment period, your room assignment will be automatically
cancelled without individual notice. Also, you would not be able to reapply for 22-Fall
Cautions 2. In case of overseas transfer, please send the receipt of transfer to the housing office’s email address
mentioned on pg.1 with your student ID number and name within the payment period(If not, your
application can be cancelled)
Dormitory Room Type Housing Fee(KRW)
Single (Disabled) 1,769,890
Single (Long) 1,587,220
Single (Short) 1,498,210
Double (Big) 1,440,500
Double (General) 1,357,670
(119 nights)
Double (Non-unit) 1,316,850
Triple (Big) 1,232,010
Triple (General) 1,161,080
Quad 1,094,560
Double (Bldg. 101) 1,006,150
Double (Bldg. 103) 1,043,510
Quad Balcony (Bldg. 103) 856,090
(119 nights)
Quad In the Front (Bldg. 103) 785,040
Quad In the Back (Bldg. 103) 730,780
Single A(Bldg. A/B) 1,903,440
Single B(Bldg. A/B) 1,532,640
Single (Bldg. C/D) 2,743,920
(120 nights)
Double (Bldg. A/B) 1,223,640
Double (Bldg. C/D) 1,619,160
※ Housing fees are subject to change so please check the finalized amount on EUREKA
※ Refund policy: Please refer to housing website (http://my.ewha.ac.kr/dorm) > 입퇴사 안내 > 퇴사안내
※ 22-Fall cafeteria (located at E-House and Hanwoori hall) meal application guideline to be posted on the housing
website in mid-August
※ The above fee covers 22-Fall housing only; housing fee for 22-Winter will be announced in December

6. Required Documents for Check-In
※ In order to protect personal information, please erase the last 6 digits of your ARC number when submitting documents
※ 22-Fall Check-in Guide to be posted on the housing website during the third week of August
※ In case any document is missing or insufficient, students will be denied to move in to the dormitory so please make
sure to prepare all documents and submit them upon your check-in

1. Negative COVID-19 test Result (submit the either)

① Negative PCR Test Result: Issued within 2 days before the check-in
② Combo Swab Negative Result (ESS): Issued within 2 days before the check-in
③ Negative RAT Result: Issued within 1 day before the check-in
④ COVID-19 Certificate of Release (“격리통지서”) or COVID-19 confirmed text message: The previous
documents can replace Negative COVID-19 Test Result only within 45 days after being tested positive with
※ Self-diagnosis kit (home tests) NOT accepted
※ Overseas COVID-19 test result NOT accepted

A. Valid COVID-19 test results should be printed out when submitting the document for check-in
- Negative PCR Test Result & Combo Swab Negative Result: when checking in on August 25th, only results
confirmed on or after August 23rd are considered as valid
- Negative RAT results: when checking in on August 25th, only results confirmed on or after August 24th are
considered as valid
- COVID-19 Certificate of Release (격리통지서) or COVID-19 confirmed text message: when checking in on
August 25th, only those who have been confirmed to be positive on or after July 11th can enter the dormitory
B. Residents who are entering the dormitory for 22-Fall and are currently staying at the dormitory for 22-Summer
should also submit negative COVID-19 results as of their check-in date
C. All overseas travelers are allowed to enter the dormitory after submitting a negative COVID-19 test result
without quarantine after entering Korea; only those who submit the required document is allowed to check-in

2. Chest X-ray (tuberculosis test) certificate (Korean or English) issued from 2022. 7. 25(Mon)
A. Submit an original copy of chest x-ray (tuberculosis) certificate either in Korean or English
B. Receipts showing that you have paid for the test are not valid – the document should show the result of the
test, state that you are clear of tuberculosis and should be written by a doctor

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