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Title: Sleep disturbances among Caregivers of Home-Isolated and Hospitalized COVID-

19 Patients: A multi-national cross-sectional study.

Authors list in the giving order of authorship contribution:

1. Nafisa Turabi

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh

[email protected]



2. Onyekachi Emmanuel Anyagwa

School of Medicine, New Vision University

[email protected]



3. Hanusha Durganaudu

Monash University Malaysia

[email protected]



4. Hussam Kiwan

OnDokuz Mayıs University

[email protected]
+90 538 316 19 33


5. Magdalena Kras

Medical University of Silesia, Poland

[email protected]

+48 796 634 896


6. Paraskevi Samouti

Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece

[email protected]



7. Eman Khaled

Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey

[email protected]



8. N Nishitha Ramesh

Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, India

[email protected]

+91 9449291074

9. Amruth Shrinivasagrahara Krishnegowda

Employees State Insurance Corporation Medical College, Bengaluru, India.

[email protected]

+91 9738859550


10. Moshi Moshi Shabani

Medical Doctor l Mbeya Zonal Referral Hospital, Mbeya, Tanzania

[email protected]



11. Miguel Angel Palacios-Garay

Escuela Superior de Medicina, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México

[email protected]



12. Fernanda Ambriz-Salas

Universidad Justo Sierra, Escuela de Medicina, Mexico

[email protected]

+52 5518288896


13. Giancarlo Bolledi

University of Santiago de Compostela

[email protected]

0034 610985143


14. Daniel Ehis Aigbonoga

University of Ibadan

[email protected]



15. Mahmoud Bassiony

Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt.

[email protected]


16. Ishwarya V *

MBBS, Chettinad Hospital And Research Institute, India

[email protected]

(+91) 6385749991


17. Omprakash Raichandani

MD.,DNB., Psychiatry

Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur.

[email protected]


Conflict of interest- The authors declare no conflict of interest. There are no relevant
financial or non-financial competing interests to report.

Funding –The study did not receive any funding or assistance from any authority or

Availability of data and material- The datasets or any other necessary material can be made
available by the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Consent for publication – Not applicable

The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine - Alexandria
University with IRB no. 00012098 and FWA no - 00018699 and all participants were
provided with an online written informed consent.

Collaborators: (5)

Abed Nego Okthara Sebayang, Faiqa Zaki, Lim Jia Jia, Feven Mekonnen, Oliwia Dalek.

Acknowledgments – We express our thanks to Prof. Dr. Maha Ghanem, Chairman of Ethics
Committee, Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, for her help in the IRB approval process, to Dr
Professor Vikesh Agrawal, Head of Department of Pediatric Surgery, NSBCMC Jabalpur and
to Innores International Cohort (Yashendra Sethi, Pratik Agrawal, Vidhi Vora, Neeraj
Gajwani, Oroshay Kaiwan, Keshav Garg, Adyut Prakash, Snehal Gohel, Siva Sai
Belagallu,NancyRuíz-Domínguez,YanaAlInaya,ChrysiMandola,Aakanksha Singh,Bhawdeep
Singla,Maya Abdelwahab,Freya Kankhara,Sudipta Pal,Hoda Walid ElHammady,Shubham
Madan,Shraddha Goyal,Udithi Bandaru,Meena Faiez Assad,Kartik Gohel,Koppineedi Satya
Bharathi,Akshay Jitendrabhai Gajjar,Michael Azeze Negussie,Ashish Ganatra,Umair
Khursheed,Galih Ricci Muchamad,Cristopher Moises Cano-Gonzalez,Mohommad Rayan
Rais,Alaa Akrm ElMarakby,Jade Simpson,Habiba Samy Farag,Aya Mustafa Dawood,Rehab
E. Ashmawy,Juan Carlos Ayala-Alvarez,Ambar Suclly-Calderon,Ifat Mabruka,Ahmed K.
Awad,Taqwa Emad Alden, Fitsum Assefa from Ethiopia, Janelle Britanny Go from
Philippines, Sabrina Zeleke Belay from Ethiopia) for their help in spreading the questionnaire
and support during the study

*Corresponding author

Yours Sincerely,
Ishwarya V

MBBS, Chettinad Hospital And Research Institute

Rajiv Gandhi Salai(OMR), Kelambakkam, Tamil Nadu, India.

Tel.: +916385749991

E-mail: [email protected]

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