Note Analyzer User Guide

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Note Analyzer



1 Note Analyzer ..................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Working with Note Analyzer ......................................................................................... 3
Launch Note Analyzer ............................................................................................ 4
Using Input File .................................................................................................... 4
Result ........................................................................................................ 6
Global Actions ..................................................................................................... 7
Input File Phases ................................................................................................. 10

Note Analyzer
2 INTERNAL Content
1 Note Analyzer

Note analyzer is a tool that allows you analyze the SAP Notes provided by SAP in a file format. These SAP
Notes are relevant to your business requirements. Note analyzer tool analyzes the SAP Notes and suggests
possible actions depending on the result. Using this tool, you can download, check for newer version of SAP
Notes, and implement these SAP Notes.

You can access note analyzer tool via transaction SNOTE in your SAP system.

Currently, the tool consists of the following functionalities:

● Download SAP Notes.

● Implement SAP Notes.
● Check for newer version of the SAP Notes.
● Provides list of prerequisites, if applicable.
● Provides manual checks functionality.
● Allows system analysis to verify whether the system is up to date.
● Check the scope as per your business requirement.

To use note analyzer tool and its functionalities, you need an input file provided by SAP. This file is available in the
XML format as an attachment in SAP Note, which is released by different SAP application teams. Depending on the
business requirement to use note analyzer, corresponding SAP application team can provide this input file. However, it
is not mandatory to provide XML file by any SAP application team. You can use the note analyzer tool only when SAP
delivers the XML file as an attachment. Based on your business need, you can request the XML file by contacting
corresponding team in SAP.

1.1 Prerequisites

To use note analyzer, ensure that you implement the following SAP Notes:
 3200109

1.2 Working with Note Analyzer

You can run analysis on the SAP Notes given in the input file, which is corresponding to your business

Related Information

Launch Note Analyzer [page 4]

Using Input File [page 4]
Result [page 6]
Global Actions [page 7]
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Input File Phases [page 10]

1.2.1 Launch Note Analyzer


You can launch note analyzer tool using Note Assistant.


1. Enter transaction SNOTE.

2. Navigate to Goto Other Tools Launch Note Analyzer .


Displays the Note Analyzer screen.

Next Steps

Using Input File [page 4]

1.2.2 Using Input File


The input file is an XML file provided by SAP. This XML file enables you to utilize the note analyzer

Note Analyzer
4 INTERNAL Note Analyzer
Related Information

Upload New Input File [page 5]

Rerun Existing File [page 5] Upload New Input File


The XML file allow you to analyze the SAP Notes that are relevant to your business requirement.


1. Enter transaction SNOTE.

2. Navigate to Goto Other Tools Launch Note Analyzer .

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3. Choose Upload.

4. Choose the input file from your local file folder.

5. Choose Analyze.

The database stores the uploaded XML file that you can retrieve by using Rerun Existing File.

Related Information

Rerun Existing File [page 5]

Note Analyzer
6 INTERNAL Note Analyzer Rerun Existing File


1. Enter transaction SNOTE.

1. Navigate to Goto Other Tools Launch Note Analyzer .

2. Select Rerun Existing File.

A list of all the uploaded XML file that are stored in the database are displayed. The list provides the overall
status of each input file. The status of the input file is indicated by traffic light icons. These icons indicate
whether there are any pending actions to be performed.

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○ Red - Indicates, the SAP Notes must be downloaded, implemented, or both.
○ Yellow - Indicates, the implementation status cannot be determined.
○ Green - Indicates, there are no pending actions.
3. Select the input file that you want to use.

4. Choose Analyze.

1.2.3 Result


You can see the overview of the input file. The result screen shows different phases of the input file, which
ensure that the system is up to date. Also, possible actions to perform for getting the system up and running.


1. Open note analyzer.

2. In the New File Upload field, choose the input file that you want to use.
3. Click Analyze.
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8 INTERNAL Note Analyzer
On the result screen, you can see the overview of the input file, such as:

○ Overview of the phases of input file, its status, and recommended actions, if any.
○ Scope Check Phase
○ Preparation SAP Note Check Phase
○ Manual Check Phase
○ SAP Note Check Phase

If you use an unsupported input file format, the system redirects you to the earlier version of the note
analyzer tool.

Related Information

Input File Phases [page 10]

1.2.4 Global Actions

You can perform various actions depending on the analyzed result of the input file. You can view the system
information, download SAP Note, check latest SAP Note version, and view the progress of the background jobs.

Related Information

View System Information [page 7]

Download [page 8]
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Check SAP Note Version [page 9]
View Downloads [page 10] View System Information


You can see the current state of your system and other relevant information, which describes system level.


1. Open note analyzer.

2. Provide the input file.
3. Choose Analyze.

The Note Analyzer overview screen is displayed.

4. Choose System Information.

In the System Information pop-up dialog box, you can see the following system details:

Name Description

System Displays the system ID and hostname.

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Kernel Displays the release and support package level of kernel.

R3 Trans Displays the R3trans information.

Database Displays the name, type, release, and version of the


SPAM Displays the release and version of SPAM.

Component Displays the release and support package level of all the
software components that is currently installed in the

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1 Download


You can download all the SAP Notes that are relevant for your system. Once you choose download, a
background job is triggered that downloads the SAP Notes, which are associated with the input file. You can
view these SAP Notes in the View Download.


1. Open note analyzer.

2. Provide the input file.
3. Choose Analyze.

Displays the Note Analyzer overview screen.

4. Choose Download all SAP Notes

Displays a pop-up dialog with the background job <filename_username> format. Confirm whether you
want to run a background job to download all SAP Notes corresponding to the input file.

The background job downloads the SAP Notes that are marked for download in the action column of an
input file phase.

5. Choose Continue.

Depending on the state of the background job, you are prompted to confirm whether or not to continue
with the job. It can state whether there is already a job running or completed on that day. Also shows,
whether there are any SAP Notes for download.

Note Analyzer
12 INTERNAL Note Analyzer Check SAP Note Version


You can see whether there is any latest version of the SAP Notes available for your system. Select the SAP
Notes that you want to download. But we strongly recommend downloading all the SAP Notes for which the
latest version is available. Once you download the latest version of the SAP Notes, you can view these SAP
Notes in the View Download.


1. Open note analyzer.

2. Provide the input file.
3. Choose Analyze.

The Note Analyzer overview screen is displayed.

4. Choose Check SAP Note Version

A pop-up dialog with all the latest version of the SAP Notes is displayed.
5. Select the SAP Notes that you want to download.

You can select one or all the SAP Notes for download. However, we recommend downloading all the SAP
Notes that are relevant for your system.
6. Choose Download.

You are prompted to confirm whether you want to select foreground or background job to continue with
the job. The background job can state whether there is already a job running or completed.
Note Analyzer
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7. Choose Download in Foreground or Download in Background.

If the list of SAP Notes to be downloaded are large, you can choose to run the download job in the
background. However, you can choose Download in Foreground to continuously monitor the progress of
your downloads.


Once the SAP Notes are downloaded successfully, you can check the implementation status of these SAP
Notes in the input file phases. Depending on these statuses, each input file phases flags whether to implement
the SAP Notes.

Note Analyzer
14 INTERNAL Note Analyzer View Downloads


You can download all the SAP Notes that are relevant for your system. Once you choose download, a
background job is triggered that downloads the SAP Notes, which are associated with the input file. If you
trigger background job to download the SAP Notes for the current input file, you can view these SAP Notes in
the View Downloads.


1. Open note analyzer.

2. Provide the input file.
3. Choose Analyze.

The Note Analyzer overview screen is displayed.

4. Choose View Downloads.

You can see the Job Overview screen with the list of jobs that are triggered for the current file.
5. Choose Spool and select the job from the list.
6. Choose the ABAP List icon to view the Input Notes for download.

Note Analyzer
Note Analyzer INTERNAL 1
1.2.5 Input File Phases

The input file phases are a set of process that enables a system to meet the business requirement. Within
these phases you can do the following:

● Scope Check Phase - You can see the scope of the business requirement details.
● Preparation SAP Note Check Phase - You can see the framework-related SAP Notes information. Here the
framework means the tool, which is used to implement the SAP Notes.
● Manual Check Phase - You can see the list of manual checks to perform in your system. This helps
analyzing your system level, trigger job, and so on.
● SAP Note Check Phase - You can see the SAP Notes to be implemented in your system as per your
business requirement.

Note Analyzer
16 INTERNAL Note Analyzer Scope Check


In the scope check phase, you can see the scope information. Also, see the software component information
and any scope dependency.


1. Open note analyzer.

2. Provide the input file.
3. Choose Analyze.

The Note Analyzer overview screen is displayed.

4. Double-click the Scope Check Phase option from the left navigation pane.

You can view the following information:

Name Description

Scope Displays the name of the scope.

Description Displays the description of the scope.

Dependent Scopes Displays the dependent scopes, if any. For multiple scope
dependencies, you can choose the hyperlink to see the
complete list of dependent scopes.

Software Component Displays the software component the scope belongs to.

Release Displays the release information of the software


Support Package Displays the condition of the support package for

software component and its release.

Note Analyzer
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Relevance Displays the scope is corresponding to the intended
software component, release, and support package. The
support package is compared with the system state. If
the support package condition is valid, the relevance is
This option is visible when at least one scope has
relevance value.

Note Analyzer
18 INTERNAL Note Analyzer Prepare SAP Note Check


In the Preparation SAP Note Check Phase option, you can see the SAP Notes relevant to framework and
implement these SAP Notes. These SAP Notes can be fixes or enhancements to your framework.

Depending on the status of the SAP Notes, the overall status of the phase can be one of the following:

● Red - Indicates, the SAP Notes must be downloaded, implemented, or both.

● Yellow - Indicates, the implementation status cannot be determined and there pending actions to be
● Green - Indicates that all SAP Notes are implemented, and no further action is needed for this phase.


1. Open note analyzer.

2. Provide the input file.
3. Choose Analyze.

The Note Analyzer overview screen is displayed.

4. Double-click the Preparation SAP Note Check Phase option from the left navigation pane.

You can view the following information:

Name Description

SAP Note Displays the SAP Note specific to framework.

Version Displays the SAP Note version. If the SAP Note is not
present in the system, the version is fetched from the
input file. If the SAP Note is present, the version available
in the system is displayed.

SAP Note Title Displays the title of the SAP Note.

Status Details Displays the implementation status of the SAP Note.

Status Displays the status of the SAP Note. The status can be:
○ Red - Indicates, the SAP Notes must be downloaded,
implemented, or both.
○ Yellow - Indicates, the implementation status cannot
be determined.
Note Analyzer
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○ Green - Indicates, whether the SAP Note is not valid
for the system. Or it indicates that the SAP Note is
implemented successfully. In both cases, no
action is needed.

Comment Displays a URL for any comment, if any, added to the SAP

This option is displayed only when there are any

comments for the SAP Notes.

Valid Prerequisite Displays the list of Notes that are prerequisites for the
corresponding SAP Note, and which are not
implemented yet.

This option is displayed only when there are any


Errors Displays the error log occurred during processing or

analyzing the corresponding SAP Note, if any.

This option is displayed only when there is any error log.

More Info Displays the information related to SAP Note validity that
are not yet implemented completely.

Action Displays whether there is any action to be

performed. These can be:
○ Download - Allows you to download the SAP Note.
○ Implement - Allows you to implement the SAP Note.
○ Check SAP Note version - Allows you to check
whether there is any latest SAP Note version
available. If available, you continue to download it. Manual Check


In the Manual Check phase, you can see the list of manual checks to be performed for the corresponding
scope. To perform the actions, note analyzer tool is not required. You can perform these actions in your system
as per suggestion during manual check.


1. Open note analyzer.

2. Provide the input file.
3. Choose Analyze.

The Note Analyzer overview screen is displayed.

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20 INTERNAL Note Analyzer
4. Double-click the Manual Check Phase option from the left navigation pane.

You can view the following information:

Name Description

Scope Displays the scope name.

Severity Displays the severity of the manual activity

corresponding to the scope.

Messages Displays the manual activity to be performed

corresponding to the scope.

5. Double-click individual manual check from the left navigation pane.

This option allows you to view the corresponding manual check. SAP Note Check


In the SAP Note Check phase, you can see the SAP Notes that are applicable specifically to the business
requirement. Also, you can download and implement such SAP Notes.

Depending on the status of the SAP Notes, the overall status of the phase can be one of the following:
Note Analyzer
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● Red - Indicates, the SAP Notes must be downloaded, implemented, or both.
● Yellow - Indicates, the implementation status cannot be determined and there pending actions to be
● Green - Indicates that all SAP Notes are implemented, and no further action is needed for this phase.


1. Open note analyzer.

2. Provide the input file.
3. Choose Analyze.

The Note Analyzer overview screen is displayed.

4. Double-click the SAP Note Check Phase option from the left navigation tree.

You can view the following information:

Name Description

Download Selected SAP Notes You can download the selected SAP Notes. Choose
Download in Foreground or Download in Background.

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22 INTERNAL Note Analyzer
Name Description

If the list of SAP Notes to be downloaded are large, you

can choose to run the download job in the background.
However, you can choose Download in Foreground to
continuously monitor the progress of your downloads.

Check Version of SAP Notes You can see whether there is any latest version of the
SAP Notes available for the selected SAP Notes. If yes, a
pop-up dialog with all the latest version of the SAP Notes
is displayed. You can choose to download these SAP
Notes, if necessary.

Scope Displays the scope name. The scopes are displayed in the
order of its dependencies. The prerequisites scopes are
listed first, followed by the successor scopes.

SAP Note Displays the SAP Note number specific to framework.

Version Displays the SAP Note version. If the SAP Note is not
present in the system, the version is fetched from the
input file. If the SAP Note is present, the version available
in the system is displayed.

SAP Note Title Displays the title of the SAP Note.

Status Details Displays the implementation status of the SAP Note.

Status Displays the status of the SAP Note. The status can be:
○ Red - Indicates, the SAP Notes must be downloaded,
implemented, or both.
○ Yellow - Indicates, the implementation status cannot
be determined.
○ Green - Indicates, whether the SAP Note is not valid
for the system. Or it indicates that the SAP Note is
implemented successfully. In both cases, no
action is needed.

Comment Displays a URL for any comment, if any, added to the SAP

This option is displayed only when there are any

comments for the SAP Notes.

Valid Prerequisite Displays the list of Notes that are prerequisites for the
corresponding SAP Note, and which are not
implemented yet.

This option is displayed only when there are any


Errors Displays the error log occurred during processing or

analyzing the corresponding SAP Note, if any.

This option is displayed only when there is any error log.

More Info Displays the information related about SAP Note validity,
which fetched from the input file.

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Name Description

Action Displays whether there is any action to be

performed. The s can be:
○ Download - Allows you to download the SAP Note.
○ Implement - Allows you to implement the SAP Note.
○ Check SAP Note version - Allows you to check
whether there is any latest SAP Note version
available. If available, you continue to download it.

6. Double-click individual SAP Note Check from the left navigation pane.
This option allows you to view the corresponding SAP Notes.

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24 INTERNAL Note Analyzer
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Note Analyzer
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