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Our Lady of Hope Parochial School

137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City

Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


A.Y. 2018-2019

Target Date: September 24-25, 2018

Activity Title: Descriptive Adjectives
Learning Target: Use samples of descriptive adjectives in a sentence
Value Concept: Appreciation
Reference: http://partofspeech.org/kinds-of-adjectives-descriptive-adjectives/, Retrieved September 23, 2018
Concept Digest:
The descriptive adjectives can be simply defined as the type of adjectives that are used to express the
size, color, or shape of a person, a thing, an animal, or a place. They are used to provide more information to a
noun by describing or modifying it. In other words, descriptive adjective adds meaning to the noun that it
modifies. This kind of adjective describes a noun in detail by giving an attribute to that particular word. You
should know that descriptive adjectives usually express things that are observable through the five senses
(touch, taste, sight, smell, and sound).


 She brushed her long brown hair.

 The slender man appeared out of nowhere.
 You should always eat green leafy vegetables.
 The fat boy teased the small kids in the park.
 The spider has hairy legs.
 The old man asked the pretty girl for food.
 The extremely bright light almost blinded me.
 That thin girl is my best friend.
 The attractive guy fell off his black horse.
 I think he’s pretty short for his age.

Draw your dream house. Afterwards, show your output to the class and tell them the details of how your
house looks like by using adjectives to describe it.

Answer “Focus” letter A on page 140 of your textbook.
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


A.Y. 2018-2019

Target Date: September 25, 2018

Activity Title: Descriptive Adjectives
Learning Target: Use samples of descriptive adjectives in a sentence
Value Concept: Sacrifice
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKPRtwt5grg&feature=youtu.be


“As the Lord lives and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” 2 Kings 4:30

A mother’s love is incomparable. They would do everything to provide for their children. It takes a lot
of selflessness and responsibility. How much more will they give up for their loved ones? Watch the following
video and answer the questions that follow.

Guide questions:

1. How would you describe a mother’s love (in general)?

2. What can you say about the mother’s actions based on the video clip?


Read and study the poem entitled “Ballad of a Mother’s Heart” by Jose La Villa Tierra. Encircle the descriptive adjectives
used in the poem and answer the following questions:

Ballad of A Mother's Heart

Jose La Villa Tierra

The night was dark,

For the moon was young,
And the Stars were asleep and rare,
The clouds were thick,
Yet youth went out,
To see his Maiden fair.

Dear one,
He pleaded as he knelt before her feet in tears,
My love is true,
Why have you kept me waiting all this years?
The maiden looked at him.
Unmoved it seemed,
And whispered low.

Persistent Youth,
You have to prove by deeds,
Your love is true.
“There’s not a thing
I would not do for you, Beloved” said he,
“Then go,” said she “to your mother dear,
And bring her heart to me.”

Without another word,

Youth left and went to his mother dear.
He opened her breast and took her heart!
But he did not shed a tear.

Then back to his Maiden fair,

He run unmindful of the rain.
But his feet slipped, And he fell down,
And loud, he groaned in pain.

Still in his hand he held the prize,

That would win his Maiden’s hands.
But he thought of his mother dear,
So kind, so sweet, so fond.

And then,
He heard a voice!
Not from his lips,
But all apart!

“Get up!” it said,

“Were you hurt, Child?”
It was his mother’s heart.

1. Who is the speaker in the poem?

2. What is the setting of the story? What is the significance of the time in the mood of the story?
3. What was the lover’s dilemma/problem in the poem?
4. What was the Maiden’s condition to the “Youth” for him to win her heart?
5. If you were the lover, would you do the same thing? Why?
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


A.Y. 2018-2019

Target Date: September 27, 2018

Activity Title: Limiting Adjectives
Learning Target: Use samples of limiting adjectives in a sentence
Value Concept: Appreciation
Reference: https://www.grammar-island.com/limiting-adjectives.html, Retrieved September 23, 2018
Concept Digest:
 Limiting adjectives words used to restrict or limit the meaning of the noun or a pronoun it modifies.
 They tell "which one," "what kind," "how many," or "whose."
 There are different categories of limiting adjectives. They include:
a.) Articles – a, an, the
an apple a boy the boss
b.) Demonstrative adjectives – this, that, those, these
this pen that chair those toys these papers
c.) Numbers –
six players five bags three friends
d.) Possessive adjectives (both pronouns and nouns) – my, her, his, their, your
my mother his bicycle their project your gift
e.) Indefinite adjectives – some, many, no, few, several, each
Some people few members many soldiers any problem


Underline all the limiting adjective that you find in these sentences and identify its category. Write your
answers on the space after the item.

1. I admire their efforts to help the poor. _______________

2. That restaurant gives its food to feed the homeless. _______________
3. I have one flavor of ice cream. _______________
4. Ted wants his ice cream in a cone. _______________
5. Have you washed your car? _______________
6. That cat ate the rest of my tuna. _______________
7. He has worked as a nurse for three or four months. _______________
8. Our assignment is to memorize these prepositions. _______________
9. Dr. Livingstone's dream of finding the source of the Nile never materialized. _______________
10. Few people pursue their dream for as many years as Dr. Livingstone did. _______________
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


A.Y. 2018-2019

Target Date: October 1, 2018

Activity Title: Degrees of Comparison
Learning Target: Apply the rules in forming the degrees of comparison of objectives
Value Concept: Justice
Reference: English This Way 4, Wilma P. Gonzales; pp. 162-169
Concept Digest:
 Adjectives change in form to show comparison, and it is called degrees of comparison.
 The three degrees of comparison are: positive, comparative, and superlative.
a. Positive – used when an item is not being compared to others
b. Comparative – used to compare two items that are of the same value.
c. Superlative – used to compare three or more items
 The following are the rules in forming the comparative and superlative degree of adjectives:
1. Use the base form of the adjective for the positive degree.
2. Add –er to one- or two-syllable adjective in the comparative degree and –est in the superlative
wise wiser wisest

3. Change –y to –I and add –er and -est to adjectives ending in y.

tiny tinier tiniest

4. Add more or most, less or least to the positive forms of multisyllabic adjectives in its comparative
and superlative degrees.
expensive more/less expensive most/least expensive

5. Change the spelling of irregular adjectives.

good better best
bad worse worst
little less least
many/much more most


Supply the missing degrees of comparison in the columns.


1. happier 2.
knowledgeable 3. 4.
5. 6. most helpful
7. bigger 8.
simple 9. 10.
11. 12.
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


A.Y. 2018-2019

Target Date: October 8, 2018

Activity Title: Royal Order of Adjectives
Learning Target: Arrange adjectives in royal order
Value Concept: Appreciation
Reference: English This Way 4, Wilma P. Gonzales, pp. 155-161
Concept Digest:
 Adjectives fall into different categories, and it is those categories that have been given a particular order.
So once you know the categories, it’s much easier to decide on word order.
 Nouns and pronouns can be described according to the following categories:
1. Determiner—articles (a, an, the), possessives (your, his, her, my, their, our), number (ten, several,
some), demonstratives (this, that, those, these)
2. Observation or Opinion—cold, ugly, tasty, heroic, retired, carefree, enthusiastic, soft, opinionated,
3. Size—huge, minuscule, petite
4. Shape—square, oblong, circular
5. Age—ancient, old, young
6. Color—green, gray, yellow
7. Origin—British, Albanian, Hawaiian
8. Material—wooden, velvet, plastic, aluminum
9. Qualifier—typically a noun used as an adjective to identify the type of the noun—
hound dog, evening gown, bumper crop—or an adjective ending in -ing that describes a noun’s
purpose—adding machine, walking stick, marching orders
 There are times that the royal order of adjectives may require the use of commas. Here are some
reminders on when to use commas in using multiple adjectives in a sentence. (Read and study page 156
of the textbook.)


Study the example on page 156 of your book.

Answer “Focus” letter A on page 157 of your textbook.
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


A.Y. 2018-2019

Target Date: October 9, 2018

Activity Title: Royal Order of Adjectives – FIAT
Learning Target: Understanding the importance of God’s timing
Value Concept: Dependence to God
Reference: Marivic Barawed


“A cardinal principle of the gospel is to prepare for the day of scarcity. Work, industry, and frugality are part
of the royal order of life.” – Keith B. McMullin

Each of us follows a different timeline. There are some instances that what we planned, what we wished and
dream for, do not happen right away either because it is not meant for us to have or just because it’s not yet the
right time. There are also challenges in our life that we did not see coming but God allowed to happen because
He wants to teach and prepare us for something greater that we can use in our life. At the end of the day, the
most important thing to do is to endure all of life’s struggles for now, trust the process, and have faith in Him.

In a piece of bond paper, create a timeline of the things that you would like to achieve for the next 5-10 years
and share to the class how do you plan to make it happen.
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


A.Y. 2018-2019

Target Date: October 11-12, 2018

Activity Title: Simple Tenses of Verbs
Learning Target: Use the simple tenses of verbs in a sentence
Value Concept: Discipline
Reference: https://www.southeastern.edu/acad_research/programs/writing_center/handouts/pdf_handouts/
verbs.pdf, retrieved September 23, 2018

Concept Digest:
 A tense of a verb indicates the time of an event or an action. It tells us when the action is done, being
done, or to be done.
 Verbs have three tenses: past, present, and future.
1. Present tense – expresses that something is currently happening. It also indicates that the situation is
always true. It can usually be shown by adding –s to the main verb if the noun used is singular.
Example: Red prays before and after meals.
2. Past tense – express that something happened in the previous time. It can be formed by adding –d or
–ed if it is a regular verb. In irregular verbs, it can have variety of forms.
Example: Mommy baked cookies last weekend.
3. Future tense – expresses that something is going to happen. It can be shown by adding the word
will before the verb in the sentence.
Example: We will go to Marinduque this coming term break.

Answer “Focus” A-C on pages 124-126 of your textbook.

Our Lady of Hope Parochial School

137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


A.Y. 2018-2019

Target Date: October 15, 2018

Activity Title: Progressive Tenses of Verbs
Learning Target: Use the progressive tenses of verbs in a sentence
Value Concept: Discipline
Reference: https://www.southeastern.edu/acad_research/programs/writing_center/handouts/pdf_handouts/
http://www.cws.illinois.edu/workshop/writers/perfectforms/, retrieved September 23, 2018

Concept Digest:
 The progressive form is a verb tense used to show an ongoing action in progress at some point in time. It
shows an action still in progress.
 Verbs can appear in any one of three progressive tenses: present progressive, past progressive, and
future progressive.
 The verbs in the progressive form use a form of "to be" + the present participle (an -ing verb). (It is the
form of the helping verb that indicates the tense.)
1. Present progressive
- The present progressive tense is used to show an ongoing event that is happening at the moment
of speaking or writing.
Example: The children are sleeping.
2. Past progressive
- The past progressive tense is used to show a past event that was happening when another event
Example: The children were sleeping when we arrived.
3. Future progressive
- The future progressive tense is used to show an ongoing or continuous event that will take place
in the future.
Example: The children will be sleeping when we arrive.

 Create a time table of your activities yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Complete the sample schedule
(_/_/_) (_/_/_) (_/_/_)

Answer your “Focus” letter C on page 132 of your textbook.

Our Lady of Hope Parochial School

137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


A.Y. 2018-2019

Target Date: October 8-9, 2018

Activity Title: Kinds of Verbs
Learning Target: Recognize the different kind of verbs in a sentence
Value Concept: Discipline
Reference: https://www.grammar.com/Five-Kinds-of-Verbs-An-Overview, Retrieved October 1, 2018

Concept Digest:
 Verbs are words that denote action.
 There are different kinds of verbs:
1. Action Verbs
 Action verbs are verbs that express an action.
 Transitive verbs are those action verbs that can have a noun attached directly to them.
Example: write book, hit ball, answer questions
 Intransitive verbs are those action verbs that cannot attach directly to a noun; they need the
help of a preposition.
Example: walk to the store, comply with the regulations, proceed with the inquiry.
2. Non-Action Verbs
 Be-Verbs or “to be” can either serve as a main verb or an auxiliary verb. It is used to indicate
the existence of a person, an animal, or a thing.
She is beautiful.
Jaime is washing his clothes.
 Auxiliary or helping verbs are used together with main verbs to show the tense of the verb.
Example: Samantha is going to Church later.
 Linking verbs show a relationship between the subject of the sentence and a noun or
adjective being linked to it.
Example: The Philippines is rich in natural resources.

Read and study more examples on page 117 of your book.

Answer “Focus” A and B on page 118 of your textbook.

Our Lady of Hope Parochial School

137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


AY 2018-2019

Target Date: September 28, 2018

Activity Title: Two-Word Verbs
Learning Targets: Recognize and use two-word verbs in simple sentences
Value Concept: Obedience
Reference: https://www.englishgrammar.org/verbs-prepositions-adverb-particles/, Retrieved September 20, 2018
Concept Digest:
 Verbs are words that show actions.
 There are different kinds of verbs:
 Two-word verbs are verbs can be followed by a preposition or adverb.
 Do sit down.
 Alice ran down the road without looking at anybody.
 Some verbs and prepositions / particles are regularly used together. Examples are: look at, listen to,
stand up and switch off. These combinations are rather like two-word verbs.
 The meaning of a two-word verb can be very different from the meanings of the two-parts taken
Example: The meeting had to be put off. (The meaning of put off is not the same as the meanings of
put and off.)
 Some verbs can be used with both an adverb particle and a preposition.
Examples: get on with, put up with and look out for.
 The two parts of a phrasal verb made with a verb + adverb particle are often separable. That means
the particle can go before or after noun objects.
Example: Can you switch off the light? OR Can you switch the light off?
 Note that adverb particles can only go after pronoun objects.
Example: She turned it off. (NOT She turned off it.)
 The preposition in a verb + preposition combination usually goes with the verb. It can’t be separated
from the verb.
Example: He fell off the ladder. (NOT He fell the ladder off.)

Answer the worksheet on the next page.

Our Lady of Hope Parochial School

137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


AY 2018-2019

Target Date: November 22-23, 2018

Activity Title: Two-Word Verbs
Learning Targets: Recognize and use two-word verbs in simple sentences
Value Concept: Obedience
Reference: https://www.englishgrammar.org/verbs-prepositions-adverb-particles/, Retrieved September 20, 2018
Concept Digest:
● Verbs are words that show actions.

● There are different kinds of verbs:

● Two-word verbs are verbs can be followed by a preposition or adverb.

● Do sit down.
● Alice ran down the road without looking at anybody.
●Some verbs and prepositions / particles are regularly used together. Examples are: look at, listen to,
stand up and switch off. These combinations are rather like two-word verbs.
● The meaning of a two-word verb can be very different from the meanings of the two-parts taken
Example: The meeting had to be put off. (The meaning of put off is not the same as the meanings of put
and off.)
● Some verbs can be used with both an adverb particle and a preposition.
Examples: get on with, put up with and look out for.
● The two parts of a phrasal verb made with a verb + adverb particle are often separable. That means
the particle can go before or after noun objects.
Example: Can you switch off the light? OR Can you switch the light off?
● Note that adverb particles can only go after pronoun objects.
Example: She turned it off. (NOT She turned off it.)
● The preposition in a verb + preposition combination usually goes with the verb. It can’t be separated
from the verb.
Example: He fell off the ladder. (NOT He fell the ladder off.)

Write 20 examples of two word verbs and give their meanings.
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


A.Y. 2018-2019

Target Date: November 26, 2018

Activity Title: Classification of Adverbs
Learning Target: Recognize and differentiate the adverbs used in sentences
Value Concept: Self-Control (Compassion)
Reference: http://www.studyandexam.com/adverb2.html, Retrieved October 23, 2018
Concept Digest:
 Adverbs are words that give additional information about the verb, the adjective, and to another adverb.
Example: Shane sings with a loud voice.
Shane sings loudly.
 Adverbs provides an additional information about the verb in the sentence in terms of:
a. How the action occurs
b. Where the action occurs
c. When the action occurs
d. How often the action occurs
 There are different classifications of adverbs.
1. Adverb of Manner – expresses how the action occurs and is done.
Examples: cheerfully, happily, sadly, nicely, etc.
Collin dances gracefully.

2. Adverb of Frequency – expresses how often the action occurs.

Examples: weekly, daily, always, seldom, oftentimes, etc.
Carl goes to school everyday.

3. Adverb of Place – tells where the action occurs.

Examples: near, here, there, outside, inside, bottom, up, etc.
He lives somewhere in Quezon City.

4. Adverb of Time – tells when the action occurs.

Examples: yesterday, a while ago, tomorrow, later, etc.
I saw Leah and Matthew yesterday.

Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


A.Y. 2018-2019

Target Date: November 27, 2018

Activity Title: Position of Adverbs
Learning Target: Identify the position of adverbs in sentences
Value Concept: Attentiveness
Reference: https://www.espressoenglish.net/position-of-adverbs-in-english-sentences/, Retrieved November
11, 2018

Concept Digest:
 Adverbs are words that give additional information about the verb, the adjective, and to another adverb.
 The position of the adverbs in the sentence depends on what type of verb it is.
 The following are some of the guidelines to consider in positioning the adverbs in a sentence.
(1) Do not place an adverb between a verb and its object.
 I carefully painted the house. (Correct)
 I painted carefully the house. (Problematic)

(2) The normal positions of adverbs are:

 FRONT POSITION – the adverb is found at the beginning of a clause / sentence.
Surely, it was a night well-spent.

 MID-POSITION – the adverb is placed next to the main verb.

I always exercise before work.
She is probably on her way here.

 END-POSITION – the adverb is found at the end of a clause or sentence.

Julie sings very well.

Underline the adverb used in each sentence and identify its position.

______________ 1. Catherine is a very quiet person.

______________ 2. Indeed, that’s a good movie.
______________ 3. As the saying goes, “We only live once.”
______________ 4. She happily announced the results of the mastery tests to her parents.
______________ 5. Dinah performed cheerfully.
______________ 6. I respectfully nominate Andy for the position.
______________ 7.He never thought that he could get an award.
______________ 8. Marga always finds time in going to the chapel to pray.
______________ 9. The parents are waiting for their children outside.
______________ 10. The bus headed towards that direction.
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]


A.Y. 2018-2019

Target Date: November 29, 2018

Activity Title: Adjectives vs. Adverbs
Learning Target: Differentiate adjectives and adverbs
Value Concept: Attentiveness
Concept Digest:

What can you remember about the difference between adjectives and adverbs?
 Adjectives describe noun or pronoun.
That boy is so loud!
 Adverbs describe a verb.
That boy speaks so loudly!

Study the examples:

(1) Rey works hard for the family.
(2) Rey’s work is hard.
(3) Judy runs fast.
(4) Judy is a fast runner.

Which of the following sentences contains an adjective? An adverb? Why?

Complete the sentences by underlining the appropriate word.

1. Don’t drive (dangerously, dangerous). You might hurt someone.

2. Your house is very (closely, close) to mine.
3. The ballerina dances (graceful, gracefully).
4. Listen (carefully, careful) to what I am going to say.
5. You can learn English (easy, easily) if you practice everyday.
6. Your sister is being (noisy, noisily). Please reprimand her.
7. The dictionary that you gave me was very (helpfully, helpful) in my class today.
8. The monkey moved (quick, quickly) from branch to branch.
9. Go and tidy your room, don’t be so (lazy, lazily)!
10. (Honest, Honestly), I don’t know what you want from me.
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/501-90-83
[email protected]


AY 2018-2019

Target Date: December 5, 2018

Activity Title: Adverbs – LONG TEST
Learning Target/s: Recall the concepts about adverbs
Answer the questions correctly
Value Concept: Perseverance
Reference/s: Marivic Barawed
Summative Test:

I. Identify the type of the underlined adverb in the sentences. Write your answers on the space
before the item.

_____________1. He came here early.

_____________2. Every morning, I make sure that my bed is tidy.
_____________3. Read the questions carefully so you will come up with the right answers.
_____________4. Marcus bought his new shoes in the nearby thrift shop.
_____________5. Matt immediately find a good book to read.
_____________6. I have always believed in miracles.
_____________7. Beth is quite good in cooking.
_____________8. Marsha will meet Josh later.
_____________9. Bart accidentally dropped the vase.
_____________10. This will be the last time that I will be late.

II. Identify the position of the adverb used in the sentences.

_____________11. He holds the boxes gently.

_____________12. Someday, everything will be okay.
_____________13. Marion gladly announced about his wedding.
_____________14. Zoey’s artwork is undeniably beautiful.
_____________15. First, a poem must be magical.
_____________16. We will be attending a family gathering tomorrow.
_____________17. I have partially accomplished my tasks for the day.
_____________18. Sometimes, Marco likes to alone.
_____________19. A visitor will come to our house next week.
_____________20. Leny finished the project before she went to her friend’s house.

III. Rewrite the sentences by locating the adverbs to its correct position.

21. He went to the kitchen. (hurriedly)

22. You will realize all these things. (later on)
23. Ariel drives the car. (fast)
24. Luke prays before he goes to sleep. (always)
25. The children are playing. (outside)
26. He hit the ball. (almost)
27. I wake up at 5AM. (usually)
28. The vendor lives in Quezon City. (somewhere)
29. Manny washed the dishes. (afterwards)
30. I use my gadgets before going to sleep. (seldom)

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