2 LP4
2 LP4
2 LP4
Draw your dream house. Afterwards, show your output to the class and tell them the details of how your
house looks like by using adjectives to describe it.
Answer “Focus” letter A on page 140 of your textbook.
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]
“As the Lord lives and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” 2 Kings 4:30
A mother’s love is incomparable. They would do everything to provide for their children. It takes a lot
of selflessness and responsibility. How much more will they give up for their loved ones? Watch the following
video and answer the questions that follow.
Guide questions:
Read and study the poem entitled “Ballad of a Mother’s Heart” by Jose La Villa Tierra. Encircle the descriptive adjectives
used in the poem and answer the following questions:
Dear one,
He pleaded as he knelt before her feet in tears,
My love is true,
Why have you kept me waiting all this years?
The maiden looked at him.
Unmoved it seemed,
And whispered low.
Persistent Youth,
You have to prove by deeds,
Your love is true.
“There’s not a thing
I would not do for you, Beloved” said he,
“Then go,” said she “to your mother dear,
And bring her heart to me.”
And then,
He heard a voice!
Not from his lips,
But all apart!
Underline all the limiting adjective that you find in these sentences and identify its category. Write your
answers on the space after the item.
4. Add more or most, less or least to the positive forms of multisyllabic adjectives in its comparative
and superlative degrees.
expensive more/less expensive most/least expensive
Answer “Focus” letter A on page 157 of your textbook.
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]
“A cardinal principle of the gospel is to prepare for the day of scarcity. Work, industry, and frugality are part
of the royal order of life.” – Keith B. McMullin
Each of us follows a different timeline. There are some instances that what we planned, what we wished and
dream for, do not happen right away either because it is not meant for us to have or just because it’s not yet the
right time. There are also challenges in our life that we did not see coming but God allowed to happen because
He wants to teach and prepare us for something greater that we can use in our life. At the end of the day, the
most important thing to do is to endure all of life’s struggles for now, trust the process, and have faith in Him.
In a piece of bond paper, create a timeline of the things that you would like to achieve for the next 5-10 years
and share to the class how do you plan to make it happen.
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]
Concept Digest:
A tense of a verb indicates the time of an event or an action. It tells us when the action is done, being
done, or to be done.
Verbs have three tenses: past, present, and future.
1. Present tense – expresses that something is currently happening. It also indicates that the situation is
always true. It can usually be shown by adding –s to the main verb if the noun used is singular.
Example: Red prays before and after meals.
2. Past tense – express that something happened in the previous time. It can be formed by adding –d or
–ed if it is a regular verb. In irregular verbs, it can have variety of forms.
Example: Mommy baked cookies last weekend.
3. Future tense – expresses that something is going to happen. It can be shown by adding the word
will before the verb in the sentence.
Example: We will go to Marinduque this coming term break.
Answer “Focus” A-C on pages 124-126 of your textbook.
Concept Digest:
The progressive form is a verb tense used to show an ongoing action in progress at some point in time. It
shows an action still in progress.
Verbs can appear in any one of three progressive tenses: present progressive, past progressive, and
future progressive.
The verbs in the progressive form use a form of "to be" + the present participle (an -ing verb). (It is the
form of the helping verb that indicates the tense.)
1. Present progressive
- The present progressive tense is used to show an ongoing event that is happening at the moment
of speaking or writing.
Example: The children are sleeping.
2. Past progressive
- The past progressive tense is used to show a past event that was happening when another event
Example: The children were sleeping when we arrived.
3. Future progressive
- The future progressive tense is used to show an ongoing or continuous event that will take place
in the future.
Example: The children will be sleeping when we arrive.
Create a time table of your activities yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Complete the sample schedule
(_/_/_) (_/_/_) (_/_/_)
Answer your “Focus” letter C on page 132 of your textbook.
Concept Digest:
Verbs are words that denote action.
There are different kinds of verbs:
1. Action Verbs
Action verbs are verbs that express an action.
Transitive verbs are those action verbs that can have a noun attached directly to them.
Example: write book, hit ball, answer questions
Intransitive verbs are those action verbs that cannot attach directly to a noun; they need the
help of a preposition.
Example: walk to the store, comply with the regulations, proceed with the inquiry.
2. Non-Action Verbs
Be-Verbs or “to be” can either serve as a main verb or an auxiliary verb. It is used to indicate
the existence of a person, an animal, or a thing.
She is beautiful.
Jaime is washing his clothes.
Auxiliary or helping verbs are used together with main verbs to show the tense of the verb.
Example: Samantha is going to Church later.
Linking verbs show a relationship between the subject of the sentence and a noun or
adjective being linked to it.
Example: The Philippines is rich in natural resources.
Read and study more examples on page 117 of your book.
Answer “Focus” A and B on page 118 of your textbook.
Answer the worksheet on the next page.
Write 20 examples of two word verbs and give their meanings.
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]
Our Lady of Hope Parochial School
137 Road 1, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City
Tel. No. 927-7844/621-8487
[email protected]
Concept Digest:
Adverbs are words that give additional information about the verb, the adjective, and to another adverb.
The position of the adverbs in the sentence depends on what type of verb it is.
The following are some of the guidelines to consider in positioning the adverbs in a sentence.
(1) Do not place an adverb between a verb and its object.
I carefully painted the house. (Correct)
I painted carefully the house. (Problematic)
Underline the adverb used in each sentence and identify its position.
What can you remember about the difference between adjectives and adverbs?
Adjectives describe noun or pronoun.
That boy is so loud!
Adverbs describe a verb.
That boy speaks so loudly!
Complete the sentences by underlining the appropriate word.
I. Identify the type of the underlined adverb in the sentences. Write your answers on the space
before the item.
III. Rewrite the sentences by locating the adverbs to its correct position.