The student will be able to extend their wine knowledge and be able to identify
the tools and its usage.
Value the importance of basic wine presentation in handling guests.
Demonstrate properly on how to present and serve the wine to the guests.
Performance Standard: The Learner independently provides basic wine service based
on industry standards.
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation/visual aids, wine, wine glass, cork screw,
table, table napkin and bucket.
A. Preparation:
Opening prayer
Checking of the classroom environment
Checking of the attendance
B. Review:
C. Motivation:
Gallery Walk
The Teacher will post picture on any of the four walls of the classroom and let the
students view the pictures by going around.
The teacher will instruct the group to list down what is seen on the pictures and
organize an idea or concept about the pictures while going around.
The Teacher will ask somebody to report their output in front.
2. Analysis
3. Abstraction
4. Application
The Teacher will form a group again just the same group earlier in activity and let
each group to choose a representative to pick a card.
The Teacher will give each group 15min. to read, understand and practice the
activity that they pick and demonstrate the correct method of serving wine to the
Using standard procedures nos. 1,2 and 3 approach the guest’s table and
present the bottle of wine to the host.
Using standard procedures nos. 4-8 open the bottle of wine and present
the cork to the host for evaluation and Wipe the rim of the bottle to remove
any cork or mold.
Criteria 5 4 3
Displays excellent Displays good
Posture posture, relax and posture and with Displays poor
with confidence. confidence. posture.
Arrange the following sequence in wine service procedure. Write only the
______ 1. Pour about 1 ounce of wine into the glass of the host for him to taste
and evaluate. Wait for his approval.
______ 2. Place the bottle with its remaining contents at the right side of the
host. Show the label and wait for him to confirm his selection.
______ 4. Wipe the mouth of the bottle to remove any cork or mold.
______ 5. Insert the tip of the corkscrew slightly off the center and turn it in a
clockwise direction until it has fully penetrated into the cork.
______ 6. Approach the guest table. Bring the requested wine, a clean cloth
napkin, a wine opener, with a corkscrew and an ice bucket.
______ 7. Present the bottle to the host. Show the label and wait for him to
confirm his selection.
______ 8. Proceed to serve the wine starting from the ladies then the gentlemen
and lastly the host.
______ 9. Holding the bottle firmly in one hand, hook the lever of the corkscrew
unto the rim of the bottle.
______ 10. To finish pouring the bottle must be moved upward with a twisting
motion so that the wine will not drip.
______ 11. Wipe the top of the bottle and cork with cloth napkin.
______ 12. Carefully cut the metal or capsule of the bottle about half inch below
the neck.
Answer key:
1. 9
2. 12
3. 7
4. 8
5. 5
6. 1
7. 2
8. 10
9. 6
10. 11
11. 4
12. 3
VI. Assignment
The Teacher will let the students familiarize with the other glassware to discuss
at the next meeting.
Field study 1
Batch 35th