UTS Reviewer 1
UTS Reviewer 1
UTS Reviewer 1
● We can therefore argue that a person who uses It must be noted that the acquisition and attachment to
objects to gain acceptance and privilege are object still depend on who we think we are or who we
also more likely to ride current trends. want to be perceived by others (Jarrett 2013)
● Our perspective and connection with objects
develop through time. ● Old age brings another aspect to the
relationship between the owner and the object.
SELF AND OBJECTS THROUGH LIFE STAGES The object now becomes a vessel of memory.
The connection of self to the material world develops
and changes over time. Studies showed that, even with IDEAS ON MANAGING RESOURCES
cultural differences, there seems to be a similar
experience in the development of the material self Our current economic system is based on monetary
throughout the life of a person. exchanges and being a consumer necessitates having
cash. Having some money then became a part of our
According to Belk (1988) there could be four stages “self” as we engage in economic activities.
of this development:
1. The infant distinguishes self from environment; However, how finances are handled can make or break
2. The infant distinguishes self from others; a person, an organization, a company, and even a
3. Possessions help adolescents and adults family.
manage their identities;
4. Possessions help the old persons have a sense 1. Keep your perspective in check. The love of
of continuity and preparation for death. money, not the money itself, causes the
problem. Money is important but it should be
In adolescents, the attachment to objects increasingly perceived as a means to a better end. You
depends on who people are, or how they want to be should not sacrifice short-term satisfaction and
perceived, especially by their peers. Various studies happiness for a long- term fulfillment and joy.
state that the lower the self-esteem, the more a person
seems to acquire and/or get attached to more objects, 2. Have money, do not just pretend. Or as others
and vice versa. say, “The goal is to be rich, not to look rich.” In a
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lot of instances, it is appearance that we at the moment or pressured by peers or trends
perceived first. But, pretension can only go so that you want to buy something now, but in
much. Having your own money actually lets you reality, it is something you do not really need.
buy what you want and what you need. You will ➢ Save first before you spend, not spend before
have a higher probability of not loaning in case saving what is left. That way, you save a bigger
of emergency and you will not be in a bad debt amount and you get a more realistic budget for
trying to please other people. all your expenses.
➢ You can reward yourself without being too
3. Have your own goal, take your own time. Have extravagant or overextending your budget. Go
your goal for both short-term (3 months to 1 watch the movies, buy branded clothes, drink
year) or long-term (more than a year). Do not coffee at a high-end coffee shop, buy new
just think of something to buy, but also about upgrades for your ride, and so on, as long as
something to improve your financial status. you keep those things within the above
Then, keep that goal in mind instead of mentioned premises.
comparing yourself with others as we all have
different experiences including backgrounds. 7. Increase income flow. Sometimes the budget can
Do not chase after others, build your own. be too tight or the money in the bank is not
growing enough. Therefore, you must find legal
4. Budget, budget, budget. A lot of people do not ways to increase your income. Any good means to
like the word “budget” because it sounds add to your allowance or current income. Just also
restrictive, but it is not. When you have a be sure that you still have time for yourself, your
budget, you have realistic idea of what you can studies, and your family.
spend on whatever you want, and b) a peace of
mind that you have at least taken care of the 8. Good debt vs. bad debt. Ideally, we must get out
important needs that you have to pay for. Start of debt first before we can continue to make our
by making a list of your common expense. Also, money grow. It is about having a good record and
include how much money you are willing to personal integrity. However, there are also things
save or invest. that we can call good debts.
5. Save in order to be safe. Having a savings in ● Bad debts – those we acquired but do not
the bank provides you a security incase of necessarily need and/or do not increase our
emergencies. Others may have or opt for a financial capabilities
separate emergency and savings as the ● Good debts – those we acquire and will
savings account can be reserved for a increase our financial capabilities.
long-term project, like a house. You must not
use your savings until emergency comes or Remember, installments are still debts, because you
until you can finally use it to purchase a are still providing payments. It is best if you can cash it
long-term goal. in. Also, when you make money, settle your debts first.
6. Keep your spending habits in check. 9. Make your money grow. Increasing your
➢ Make a list when going to the grocery/mall and financial capabilities takes time and honest
prioritize buying those things in your list before work. But, there are means of increasing your
you buy anything else when you have the spare income wherein, after putting the necessary
money. initial work, the money will grow on its own and
➢ Pay in cash. Minimize the use of your credit or will yield profit higher than just being in a bank.
debit card. As a lot of financial experts usually ➔ engage only in a business that you
advice, if you cannot pay it in cash, it is not yet understand;
within your budget or financial capacity. At ➔ do not engage in quick-money pyramid
least wait when you can afford it. schemes;
➢ Wait for a day or a week before you buy ➔ diversify, do not invest all your money in
something, because you might just be enticed one place or one type of business, but
BSAC 1-1 │1st Sem - Finals
do not also scatter them too thinly.
Invest in around three for a start.
4. Socialization and social control – religion self, and a person’s true being that is greatly influenced
represents the value system of the society: by a spiritual deity.Spiritual deities whom people
a. It is a conservative force which contributes to believed vary from one religious group to another.
moral and wider social order and stability. From history, people’s lives have been shaped by their
b. Many cultural norms are given sacred legitimacy religious traditions and practices.
promoting such values through family, school which may yield positive consequences for life
c. Appropriate modes of thinking and behaving are ➢ Research has also shown that when facing
controlled in ways which will promote the good, trials, greater religiosity predicts greater
It tells the story of how he survived the Holocaust by 3. Freedom to will. People are given the freedom to
finding personal meaning in the experience, which gave make life choices which includes how they
him the will to live through it. He went on to later respond to life events. People can discover
establish a new school of existential therapy called meaning through the values that they attach to
logotherapy, based in the premise that man’s underlying things connected with their lives. Values can be
motivator in life is a “will to meaning,” even in the most creative, experiential and attitudinal.
difficult of circumstances.
According to Frankl, people can discover this meaning
Logotherapy in life in three different ways:
● From the Greek word “logos” which means 1. by creating a work or doing a
reason or meaning. deed
● Developed by neurologist and psychiatrist 2. by experiencing something or
VIKTOR FRANKL (1950s) and considered the encountering someone
“Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy” after 3. by the attitude people take
Freud’s psychoanalysis and Adler’s Individual toward unavoidable suffering and
Psychology. It is based on an Existential that “everything can be taken
Analysis. from a man but one thing: the
last of human freedom – to
choose one’s attitude in any given
BSAC 1-1 │1st Sem - Finals
set of circumstances”. benefits, such as focus to decrease pain and depression
together with improved health and happiness.
Human Spirit and Logotherapy
The human spirit is referred to in several of the ● Religious people choose to spend quality time
assumptions of Logotherapy: with family, and they feel a strong sense of
belonging to a community of like-minded
1. The term spirit is not “spiritual” or “religious” in people. Lastly, spiritual people have a very high
Frankl’s view, the spirit is the will of the human regard to prayer. Prayer helps people find
being. comfort by assisting them in dealing with
2. The emphasis is on the search for meaning, difficult emotions, encouraging forgiveness, and
which is not necessarily the search for God or leading healthier relationships.
any other supernatural being. ● Furthermore, positive emotions, increasing
3. Noted the barriers to humanity’s quest for levels of psychological resilience, and improved
meaning in life. He warns against affluence, immune response have all been associated with
hedonism, materialism in the search for spirituality (Miller, K. 2020).
Spirituality is not a simple subject for experiential study.
EXISTENTIAL VACUUM It is actually a complex system that requires serious and
dedicated effort. Nevertheless, considering the positive
➔ The psychological condition in which a person correlation between spiritual, physical, and
doubts whether life has any meaning. This new psychological well-being, health experts and
neurosis is characterized by loss of interest and practitioners can undeniably include spirituality in
lack of initiative. practice in order to help patients recover from their
➔ Thus the individual relies mainly upon actions of illnesses and have a happier and longer life.
others and neglects the meaning of his own
personal life. People worldwide have diverse religious views and
➔ Hence he sees his own life as meaningless and practices. The decision to seek spiritual enlightenment
falls into the “existential vacuum” feeling inner is driven by the innate need for meaning. Joining a
void. spiritual group helps people find meaning in their lives.
➔ Progressive automation causes increasing Through the spiritual group, people find connections in
alcoholism, juvenile delinquency, and suicide. troubling times. The connection group helps ease their
stress and their depressive symptoms, and increase
The Spiritual Self and Coping with Stress their immune response. With these benefits, it is just
According to Dr. Seppala of Stanford University’s Center essential for us to start embarking on spiritual
for Compassion and Altruism research, spiritual people transcendence.
engage in practices that can help reduce levels of stress
(Miller, K. 2020). Starting Your Own Spiritual Journey
It has been observed that spiritual people are more Miller (2020) proposed a simple guideline on how to
likely to help the poor through donations or volunteer start with our spiritual journey.
work. They are also involved in community services.
Spiritually active people cope with stress through 1. Start small and make new habits easy. We are not
meditation rather than overeating or engaging in required to strictly follow a set of beliefs overnight.
unhealthy coping behaviors. Meditations provide Spiritual journey is a process and it is progressive.
BSAC 1-1 │1st Sem - Finals
Becoming spiritual can be as simple as staying silent
for 5 to 10 minutes a day in a peaceful environment.
The political organization of a complex society is called 1. Needs for power- wants others to follow
the nation-state. him/her.
States are organized sets of institutions that govern 2. Need for affiliation - need to please others
and defend a given territory. Today, however the or you want others to like you.
historical evidence suggests a more complicated 3. Need for achievement - need to achieve
picture in which the state operates as a relatively your goals and to be competitive.
autonomous (self- directing) institutional sphere, with
its own history and logic.
Leadership Motivation Patterns
(Chan and Drasgow, 2001)
- An important aspect of politics is the capacity 1. Affective identity motivation – the
to influence and lead a group of people. motivation to lead as a result of a desire to be
Leadership is the process by which certain in charge and lead others.
group members motivate and guide the group
(Myers, 2015) 2. Noncalculative motivation – those who seek
leadership positions because they will result
in personal gain.
- Leadership can be exercised in a small group
like in the family, in the classroom, in school as 3. Social-normative motivation – the desire to
leaders of any school organization. lead out of a sense of duty or responsibility.
Leadership style