IP02 - SGP AI.2 and 5 - Management of1030-1090MHz Utilization
IP02 - SGP AI.2 and 5 - Management of1030-1090MHz Utilization
IP02 - SGP AI.2 and 5 - Management of1030-1090MHz Utilization
(Presented by Singapore)
This information paper presents the works that is being undertaken by the Surveillance
Panel to manage the 1030/1090 MHz utilization.
1.1 The utilization of the 1030/1090 MHz frequencies has greatly increased in certain areas of the
world. If no action is taken, the situation will reach an unacceptable level that will result in harmful
corruption or loss of information to the aeronautical surveillance and collision avoidance systems.
1.2 The total or partial loss of this data will affect the ATM systems and aircraft to-aircraft systems
resulting in an increase in the probability of mid-air collisions, disruption to Air Traffic Services, and a
reduction in airspace efficiency.
1.3 There are several applications currently competing for channel time on the 1030/1090 MHz
frequencies. It must be ensured that the spectrum capacity is being utilized in the most efficient way to
preserve the performance of current systems and to consider future applications that require an increase
in capacity.
2.1 The Surveillance Panel therefore established the Surveillance Spectrum Focus Team (SSFT) in
September 2019 to look into the overall issue of 1030/1090 MHz utilization, including the impact of
evolving systems that will potentially share the 1030/1090 MHz link (e.g. RPAS, new ACAS versions,
military IFF, Electronic Conspicuity devices for General Aviation) contributing to the spectrum load.
It also covers examining techniques and capabilities that could be considered to reduce 1030/1090 MHz
2.2 The SSFT will develop specific solutions, which can be transferred into Proposals for
Amendment for Annex 10 Volume IV or change proposals for ICAO Manuals.
DAPs WG/5 - IP/02 -2-
Agenda Items 2 & 5
2.3 Annex A identified issues related to 1030/1090 MHz spectrum load and possible mitigations.
It also contains information to affected ICAO documents and specific aspects like regulation and
already available standards. All this material is considered as a basis to formulate appropriate text for
ICAO SARPs and guidance material. Annex A is a “living document” and will be continuously updated
to provide a comprehensive database.
2.4 States are urged to follow the guidance and SARPs and guidance materials produced to keep
the frequency utilization healthy.
3.1 The meeting is invited to note the information presented in this paper.
-A.1- DAPs WG/5 – IP/02
Agenda Items 2 & 5
Annex A
(1) Reduction of Mode A/C Annex10V4 This means the reduction of the Implement a change from
transmissions from maximum Mode A/C reply rates by 500 to 2000 to only 500 (?)
transponders decreasing the limit for the reply
limiting function in the standard.
001 TOP Mode A/C utilization
(2) Guidance for the correct Doc 9924 Annex ? SSFT-AI-20/004 Introduce a common
calculation of minimum SSFT-AI-20/007 formula
necessary interrogation
Too many Mode A/C replies Removal of Mode A/C only Since this is a very long process, it This is only achievable with
002 transponders from the fleet might be necessary to implement official regulations
technical solutions before.
Too high or also insufficient Clarify the meaning/number Annex10V4 Limit of 250 for A/C/S and “paired”
number of all-call replies due to of IRF for “paired interrogations seems insufficient for
003 unclear interpretation of all call interrogation “ “paired” (125+125).
IRF for “paired interrogation “
004 closed see issue 021, CP005 and CP004
005 closed see CP005
006 closed see CP006
007 closed see CP007
ACAS interrogations in high Implementation of ACAS-II This might be limited to high-density Perhaps only as an upgrade
008 density areas V7.1 Extended Hybrid areas (criteria need to be defined). to existing ACAS-II version
Surveillance 7.1 installations
009 closed see CP009
(1) BDS extraction and Data distribution by radar data
Unnecessary (re-) extractions information distribution in networks for unclustered radars.
010 Mode S radar clusters
of BDS registers
(2) closed see CP010
DAPs WG/5 - IP/02 -A.2-
Agenda Items 2 & 5
High number of All-Call Networking radars into Doc 9924 Appendix J, Central and distributed cluster modes Cluster description already Could be mandated based on
replies (DF11) due to clusters sections 4 and 8 are available and already in available in Doc 9924. national or regional
012 (national/international)
nonclustered operation of operational use regulations
Misaligned Surveillance and Both coverage maps should Doc 9924
Lockout Coverage in Mode S be aligned to minimize the
radars area of all-calls without
013 lockout. A corresponding
output power should be
Generation of unused XPDR The interrogator output See also issue 013
014 replies due to unnecessary high power shall be adjusted to
interrogator output power the surveillance coverage
(1) closed see CP005
Too many interrogation-reply (2) Reduction of the Annex10V4 See also issue 001 (1)
015 cycles caused by high IRF maximum Mode A/C reply
rates by decreasing the limit
for the reply limiting
function in the standard.
Implementation of new Impact of use of additional ADS-B
collision avoidance logic(s) by messages for collision avoidance,
016 use of Mode S Extended i.e., high spectrum use due to raised
Squitter messages (e.g., squitter rates.
ACAS-X for UAS and sUAS)
-A.3- DAPs WG/5 – IP/02
Agenda Items 2 & 5
High number of All-Call Develop provisions to avoid Annex10V4 Recent analyses in the U.S. did not
interrogations in the cone of unnecessary high show this behavior.
027 In progress
silence of Mode S radars transponder reply rates SP-ASWG14-WP/13
Inconsistency of RF Add RF measurement Doc 9924 Appendix M CPASM/19 Doc 9924 3rd Edition 2020
FIN measurement methodologies guidance material to
and results reporting Doc 9924
Use of uncertified transponder Add guidance material to Doc 9924 Appendix S, State Letter SP44/2-19/77 Doc 9924 3rd Edition 2020
006 FIN or NT/ES devices for small Doc 9924 section 1 to 3
High number of Mode A/C/S Complete removal of long Annex10V4 The long/wide P4 is not used in civil Annex10V4 AMD 90
024 All-Call replies (DF11) due to P4 processing from the AMD 90 radars. Effective date 01/01/ 2020
(1) P4 misinterpretation of the XPDR
Increase in ADS-B squitter Removal of the reply to Annex 10V4 This supports the ADS-B MOPS CPA10V4/38
CP rates to introduce MOPS long/wide P4 in ADS-B Version 3 and keeps the equilibrium (for approval at SP/5)
Version 3 version 3 transponders of 1030/1090 MHz utilization.
Demand on increasing ADS-B The implementation of Annex10V4 The implementation will occur over CPA10V4/38
squitter rates to introduce new Phase Modulation and its Note 1 a longer period. In the current text (for approval at SP/5)
services or provision of use for all new defined proposal, it is only a note (see also CP010-4)
additional information ADS-B messages. (recommendation).
Mode S Transponder Removal of Mode A/C/S Annex10V4 CPA10V4/39
004 CP unavailability All-Call interrogations (for approval at SP/5)
Too many replies issued by Introduction of a Mode S Annex10V4 Proposed is a threshold of 180 CPA10V4/39
005 CP Mode S transponders reply limit function replies per second (for approval at SP/5)
Uncoordinated and/or Guidance Material for the Doc 9924 Appendix S, Supplement to the already existing CP draft in working paper
excessive use of 1090 MHz use of Reduced section 4 guidance on small drones. ASWG TSG WP 14-19R1
007 CP
Reduced Performance Devices Performance Devices
on small or unpowered aircraft
ACAS interrogations in high Implementation of Doc 9863 All sections SP/3 (Sep 2018) approved technical CP9863/18 (in progress)
density areas ACAS-Xa and Xo provisions for AXAS-Xa and Xo
009 CP Annex10V4 Section 4 CPA10V4/37 (AMD 91) Not mandatory
3.1.2 CPA10V4/39
(for approval at SP/5)
(2) Passive use of ADS-B Annex10V4 3.1.2 Use of ADS-Wx AIREP messages:
Unnecessary (re-) extractions information instead of 5.2.3 many of the EHS purposes are CPA10V4/39
010 CP Not mandatory
of BDS registers active extraction by radars served by the ADS-Wx AIREP (for approval at SP/5)
DAPs WG/5 - IP/02 -A.6-
Agenda Items 2 & 5
(3) Basic Dataflash solution Annex10V4 The Basic Dataflash solution is defined in the in the new version of
the MOPS. The implementation will
occur over a longer period.
(4) Phase Overlay Annex10V4 3.1.2 Phase modulated BDS content in a
regular downlink message.