Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusions derived, and the
There is no significant difference in the emotional intelligence among Grade 12 STEM students
in terms of sex.
There is no significant difference in the academic performance among Grade 12 STEM students
in terms of sex
Summary of Findings
The following summary of findings were drawn from the result of the study.
1. In terms of respondent’s age 56% (55) out of 100% (99) were male, and 44% (44) were
female. This significantly indicates that most of the Grade 12 STEM students are male.
a. It is found out that there are more male studets than female students from the Grade 12
a. It is found out that Grade 12 STEM students have a high level of relationship-
skills and are able to handle interpersonal interaction, and resolve the conflict with
b. Most of the Grade 12 STEM students in ZNNHS have a high level of social-
they occasionally practiced or adapt the emotional skills to regulate distressing effects
d. The Grade 12 STEM have a high level of self-awareness, students often recognize
and understand their own emotion and feelings when exposes to distressing effects
3. The computed general mean for Academic Performance of Grade 12 STEM students is
4.72, which implies that most of the Grade 12 STEM students have a commendable
performance as they exercise the necessary skills to be equipped and to arrive at a better
4. The significant value for the significant difference between Emotional Intelligence and
Sex is 0.220, which is greater than 0.05, hence it fails to reject the null hypothesis, thus,
5. There is no significant difference between Academic Performance and Sex among Grade
12 STEM students of ZNNHS. The computed significant value is 0.379, and it greater
than 0.05. Therefore, there are no longer distinguishing cognitive, affective and
Performance among Grade 12 STEM students in ZNNHS. The computed p-value is .002
which is lesser than .01, which means that it fails to accept the null hypothesis.
The following conclusions are drawn from the findings of the study:
Generally, this study found out that there is a positive relationship between Emotional
Intelligence and Academic Performance, and the two variable are significantly correlated.
1. Majority of the Grade 12 STEM students in Zamboanga del Norte National High School
were male.
2. Grade 12 STEM students have high level of emotional intelligence. This significantly
concludes that they have the ability to recognize the meaning of emotion, manage the
relationship with others and the ability to solve problems, capable of handling
interaction, being able to resolve the conflict with others and being a good negotiator.
Through understanding and reflecting on their own emotions, they were able to regulate
3. Most of the Grade 12 STEM students in ZNNHS have an outstanding level in terms of
their academic performance. Thus, it implies that students build structure, which draws
from prior knowledge and facilitates the formation of new knowledge, to achieve a
4. It can be derived that there is no significant difference between male and female in terms
of level of emotional intelligence. Thus, Sex is not a factor that determines the level of
performance at school and the output resulted from the emotional skills and competencies
5. The demographic profile of the Grade 12 STEM students in terms of sex, do not affect
their academic performance. Which means, the success and achievement of the student is
not defined by its sex. With this, we can conclude that there is an equal attribution
Performance among Grade 12 STEM students in Zamboanga del Norte National High
academic performance of students, especially those who are exposed to environment with
distressing effects. This is congruent with the conceptual framework anchored on the
Competence Theory of Emotional Intelligence developed by Goleman (1995) and the
Educational Productivity Theory of Walber (1981) which proves the relationship of the
skills to allow them to function effectively as learners, as it was found out that it
effectively contributed to the academic success of the respondents and efficiently respond
enhance emotional skills of their students. It is the suggested that teachers should help
build enthusiasm and interest to remove any negative factors associated with academic
related activities, as this would effectively make the students motivated and perform
develop their child’s emotional skills, to aid them in learning, creativity and problem-
solving skills and positively influence the outcome of their academic performance.
4. It is highly recommended to the future researchers to use the whole population of Senior
High School students in ZNNHS and not just the Senior High School STEM students to
arrive at thorough results. Further studies should be conducted to explore other variables