ChatGPT For Research and Publication - A Step by Step Guide
ChatGPT For Research and Publication - A Step by Step Guide
ChatGPT For Research and Publication - A Step by Step Guide
DOI: 10.5863/1551-6776-28.6.576
For example:
Thus, we see that ChatGPT can write an entire title is incorrect and needs manual rectification. However,
page based on just the title and author details. We the rest of the title page, including keywords and the
notice that ChatGPT has created an email address that running title, is appropriate.
Step 2: Abstract/Summary time and effort in crafting abstracts while ensuring that
Creation by chatGPT the key aspects of their study are accurately represented.
ChatGPT can assist in condensing complex informa- In this example, we demonstrate that ChatGPT can cre-
tion into a clear and engaging abstract/summary, helping ate an entire abstract just by using the title alone. However,
researchers communicate the significance and novelty the more information researchers provide (preferably the
of their research to a wider audience. By leveraging the entire body of the paper should be entered into chatGPT),
language proficiency of ChatGPT, researchers can save the more accurate the abstract becomes.
Step 3: Introduction Creation by ChatGPT abbreviations list from the article by using prompts.
By collaborating with ChatGPT, researchers can However, it is important to note that the generated
provide key information, such as the background, sig- introduction should be reviewed, customized, and
nificance, and objectives of their study. ChatGPT can refined by the researchers to align with their specific
then generate a well-structured introduction that sets study and writing style.
the context, highlights the relevance of the research, In the example below, we note that ChatGPT has not
and outlines the paper’s objectives. Also, ChatGPT only created an introduction but also the objectives of
can be used to generate keywords and generate an the study, which can then be edited by the human author.
Step 4: Can ChatGPT Create a Literature ally, a literature review typically requires a comprehensive
Review? analysis of multiple sources, so the generated response
Yes, ChatGPT can help generate a literature review, may not cover all relevant studies. Nonetheless, it can
but it is important to note that it may not have access to assist in providing a basic literature review on a given
the most up-to-date research articles and studies due to topic, which will need human authors to add to and edit it.
copyrights and limited access to some journals. Addition- For example:
As we can see, ChatGPT is not as good at giving Step 5: Can ChatGPT Assist in
a detailed review of the literature as it is at sum- Brainstorming the Methodology
marizing contents or creating an introduction. Thus, of Studies?
its use is limited, if there is any at all, in this section
ChatGPT can be a helpful tool in conceptualizing
of the paper.
the methodology for research papers. By engaging
in a conversation with ChatGPT, researchers can references are entered into ChatGPT and it is asked
discuss their research objectives, study design, data to convert them into a specific style.
collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
ChatGPT’s natural language understanding allows Disadvantages of Using ChatGPT
it to provide suggestions and insights based on its in Research
knowledge base and understanding of research Although ChatGPT offers numerous advantages for
methodologies. Although ChatGPT can assist in gen- assisting in the writing of research papers, there are also
erating ideas and providing guidance, it is important some important potential disadvantages to consider:
for researchers to critically evaluate and adapt the 1. Lack of domain expertise: ChatGPT is a general-
suggestions to align with their specific research goals purpose language model trained on a diverse
Discussion Note
In this commentary I have provided a comprehen- • Please use ChatGPT only if allowed by your insti-
sive step-by-step guide for researchers and authors tution, research lab, and the journal in question.
on harnessing the power of ChatGPT in the realm of • Please acknowledge ChatGPT within your manu-
research and publication. By exploring crucial aspects, script/published paper wherever you are using it.
such as data preprocessing, fine-tuning techniques, • Please do not fabricate or plagiarize data. Chat-
prompt engineering, and ethical considerations, the GPT can be used only for summarizing texts,
guide equips researchers with the necessary knowl- improving English writeups, and brainstorming
edge and tools to effectively integrate ChatGPT into ideas, and not for creating fabricated research
their scientific workflows.8 raw data.