Dear Editor-in-Chief
Alzheimer's disease is a disease that society reduced cognitive function. Various diets, such as
knows little about. This is the great evil of the intermittent fasting, the keto diet or the Mediter-
century, predetermined to become a major con- ranean diet of omega-3 fats, fruit and vegetables,
cern for the health of our societies in the coming nuts and whole grains, and reduced carbohy-
years, but an evil that research and medicine still drates, can reduce the risk of the disease (5).
do not know how to cure. The signs/symptoms Regular physical exercise can reduce the risk of
of the disease are memory problems, loss of au- developing Alzheimer's disease by up to 50%,
tonomy, dementia and progressive apathy. This moreover, exercise can also slow down the fur-
disease deprives us of the most precious things ther deterioration of cognitive problems (6). Ex-
we care about - our memories and our identity ercise protects against Alzheimer's disease and
(1). other types of dementia by stimulating the brain's
The International Alzheimer's Federation esti- ability to maintain old connections, renew and
mates that there are 50 million people worldwide detoxify completely. Given this, aerobic exercise
suffering from the disease, and predicts that the once a week is recommended to build good mus-
number will rise to 152 million by 2050 (2). The cles and maintain them over time (7).
purpose of this Letter to the Editor is to provide Humans are highly social beings. Older people
information on the disease prevention factors. need to remain socially involved in the preven-
In connection with the prevention of the disease, tion of Alzheimer's disease. The priority is to
the idea is promoted: "Healthy lifestyle for a keep in touch with friends and develop new
healthy brain". Several factors are crucially im- friendships. Activities that can be useful in this
portant for the prevention of diseases such as direction are organizing a weekly meeting with
Alzheimer's (3). friends, visiting museums and other public places,
In Alzheimer's disease, inflammation and insulin as well as caring for a pet (5).
resistance injure neurons and inhibit communica- Older people who challenge their brains
tion between brain cells. Extremely carbohydrate- throughout their lives are less likely to develop
rich foods that developed societies are accus- Alzheimer's disease. Brain's activity and com-
tomed to, lead to insulin resistance (4). Patients mitment to solving tasks and problems, such as
with Alzheimer's disease have brain insulin re- crossword puzzles and sudoku, have a good ef-
sistance that leads to problems with learning and fect on brain function (4). Adults who received