BE Balance of Payment
BE Balance of Payment
BE Balance of Payment
"surplus" payments is in
deficit it is
a Similarly, when its balance of surplus
'deficit' country.
is often
payments s In
The Types of
The following Di sequi
are the main li brium
types of
in the
Balance of
Cyclical disequilibrium; disequilibrium in the balanceeof payments:
Structural disequilibrium;
Short-run disequilibrium; and
eLong-run or secular
cyclical Disequilibrium
t occurs on account of trade
mdecycles like prosperity.and cycles. Depending upon the different phases of
depression, demand and other forces vary, causing
anges in the terms of trade as well as growth of
deficit will result in the balance of payments. trade and accordingly a surplus or
Cyclical disequilibrium in the balance of payments may occur
wirade cycles follow different paths and patterns in different
There are no identical timingsland periodicity of occurrence ofcountries.
cycles in
different countries.
.sNo identical stabilisation programmes and measures are adopted by
different countries.]
Income elasticities of demand for imports in different countries are not
Price elasticities of demand for imports differ in different countries.
In short,cyclical fluctuations cause disequilibrium in the balance of payments
because of cyclical changes in income, employment, output andprice variables.
When prices rise during prosperity and fallduring adepression country which has
ahighly elasticdemand for imports experiences adecline in the valueof imports and
Iitcontinues its exports further, it will show a surplus in the balance of paymcnts.)
Since deficit and surplus altematively take place during the depression and
POsperity phase of acycle, the balance ofpayments equilibrium is automatically set
forth over the complete cycle.
Structural Disequilibrium
in some sectors of the
emerges on account of structural changes occurring
demand or supply relations of
at home or abroad which may alter the
or Imports or both. Suppose, the foreign demand for
India's jute produçts
employed by India in the
declines because of some substitutes,then the resources
Managerial Economics -I
production of jute goods will have tobeshiftedtosome other commoditicss of export.
If this is not easily possible, India's exports may decline whereas with impors
remainingthe same, a disequilibriumin the balance of payments will arise Similarly.
expor items is changed, i.e., supply is reducedidue to crop
if the supply condition of ete
prime commodities or shortage of raw materialsor labour strikes.
failure in also exports may decline to that
extent and
the case of manufactured goods, then of payments will arise.
structural disequilibrium in the
changes in tastes, fashions. habite
Moreover, a shift indemand occurs with the
to import may change as a resut)
income, economic progress, etc., propensity increase, while that for certain goods may
Demand for some imported goods may
decline leading toa structuràl change.
by variations in the rate of
Furthermore, structural changes are also producedinternational capital tends to
internationalcapital movements. A rise in the inflow
have a direct impact on a country's balance of
Short-run Disequilibrium
payments will bea temporary
JA short-run disequilibrium in a country's balance of country
occur once in a while. When a
one, lasting for ashort period, which may disequilibrium in its balance of
borrows or lends internationatty, it witt have short-run for a long
period þreven if they are
payments, as these loans are usually for a shortposition
duration, they are repayable later on; hence the will be automatically corrected
disequilibrium arising from international (er
7. Fundamental Disequilibrium
IM.E. uses the term 'fundamental disequilibrium' to describe a persistent,
long-run disequilibrium, especially, deficits which exist continuously for a long period
of time in a country's balance of payments. Unchecked series of short-run disequilibria
in a country's balance of payments ultimately lead to the 'fundamental disequilibrium'
in the long run. There are deep-rooted causes and factors in a
country's economy
which are responsible for the emergence of afundamental disequilibrium in its balance
of payments.
It is also referred to as long-term disequilibrium caused by dynamic forces and
long-term factors. A persistent disequilibrium over a long period may cause chronic
and serious disequilibrium in the balance of payments position of a
main object of microeconomic policy of a country is to correct this country.
disequilibrium. It is functional in nature. To correct this, various measuresfundamental
are required
to be undertaken.
The International Monetary Fund (I.M.F), however, insists that the
country facing a "fundamental disequilibrium'" in its balance of member
consult the Fund so that the Fund can advise and assist in payments should
taking some appropriate
measures like devaluation in overcoming the grave situation.
disequilibrium is to be corrected immediately if the country is to Indeed,
a long-term
economic arena. survive in the world
8. Causes of
Adisequilibrium in a country's balance of payments position may arise either
Or a short period or for a long period. Any
arise owing to alarge number of causes ordisequilibrium
in the balance of payments
disequilibrium differ from country to country,operating simultaneously. Types
while the different kinds of
disequilibrium and their causes in the same country wil differ at different times.
OfHowever,! following are theimportant causes producing adisequilibrium inthe balance
payments of a
in Irade Cycles. Cyclical fluctuations, their phases and
different amplitudes, differences
countries, generally produce cyclical disequilibrium.