2nd Sample Book Review 1

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Three Sample Book Reviews

Millbrooke, A.M. (1999). Aviation History. Englewood, CO: Jeppensen Sanderson.

Reviewed by Nanette Scarpellini, University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Aviation History delivers an entertaining account and perspective on international aviation

history. This book is an excellent resource to students, educators, and aviation enthusiasts. In
reviewing this book, the principal criteria included content, organization, and reference sources.
While editing errors and organizational incongruities plague some of the latter chapters, many of
the shortcomings of this first edition will likely be alleviated by later editions. These problems
are only a minor distraction to the story being told.

Starting with the first unmanned hot air balloon flight in 1783 through the announcement of the
X Prize that will be awarded to the first non-government sponsored manned spacecraft, the
author shows the detailed progression of international aviation and aerospace technology. The
reader is taken on a journey through the world of aviation and receives first-hand accounts from
the inventors and dreamers who made it possible. The tone of the book reflects a learned
appreciation for the marvel of aviation as illustrated by a quote from the 1759 aviation-related
novel Rasselas by Samuel Johnson, which explains flight in this fashion: "So fishes have water,
in which yet beasts can swim by nature, and men by art. He that can swim needs not despair to
fly: to swim is to fly in a grosser fluid, and to fly is to swim in a subtler" (2-5).

The author, Anne Marie Millbrooke, is a proven historian and author specializing in science and
technology with an emphasis on aviation history. In addition to acting as a historian for such
organizations as the National Park Service and the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), she has also managed the Archive and Historical Center at United
Technologies Corporation and served as a Research Collaborator with the National Air and
Space Museum. Her educational accomplishments include earning her doctoral degree from the
University of Pennsylvania as well as her pilot certificate. Millbrooke’s multifaceted background
establishes her in a strategic position to gather and assemble key pieces of aviation history that
span the globe.

The organization of Aviation History allows the reader to easily follow the evolution of aviation.
The book is divided into ten chapters. Opening with early aviation of the 18th century, the book
progresses through the Wright Brothers, early flight, World War I, peacetime aviation, the
Golden Age of Charles Lindbergh and aviation firsts, World War II, the Cold War, space-age
aviation, and finally modern aerospace through 1999 with glimpses of the 21st century and
beyond. The appendices conclude with a listing of aviation firsts and space flights, as well as a
copy of the Wright U.S. Patent. While it is impossible to thoroughly explore all topics, the
detailed bibliography provides sources for obtaining more information. This format spotlights the
key phases of aviation development.
The construction of the book meshes well with its organization and lends itself successfully to
the study of different time periods in history. Each chapter is broken down into four sections,
which typically fit logically into the topic of the chapter. All chapters are composed of several
defining parts that maintain a sense of continuity throughout the volume. A Summary of Events
for the time period under review leads into the introduction and the chapter goals. Within the text
of the chapter, there are an assortment of breakout boxes that either describes an historic event,
provides historical evidence to support aviation theories, or relates bibliographical information
about individuals who were propitious in shaping aviation history. Unfortunately, the intriguing
stories may also confuse readers when they are so numerous as to distort the flow of the text. The
chapter is completed by a thorough bibliography, study questions reviewing the material
covered, and a timeline augmented by providing events not directly associated with aviation. The
book is well-referenced, making skillful use of first-person sources.

The orderliness of the book conforms to an academic curriculum. While the chapters create
neatly parceled packages, certain areas seem forced to conform to the ten-chapter plan. For
instance, Chapter 9: Space Age Aviation seems oddly burdened by the last third of the chapter
which focuses on fighter aircraft and various wars, from Vietnam to the U.S. invasion of
Granada, as well as a final section completely on private and general aviation. These subjects can
be better covered by creating another chapter or by parceling them into both earlier and later
sections. In this situation, the author provides good material and content, which is hampered by
poor organization. Overall, a detailed story of the advancement of aviation is shown in readable
and entertaining style.

Millbrooke presents a broad analysis of aviation history that focuses on developments

worldwide, as opposed to the many history books that single out achievements of the United
States. Aviation History offers an objective view of aviation developments and illustrates the
interactive nature of the industry. War spurred many of aviation’s most significant advances,
with countries openly borrowing new procedures and operations from enemy progress in the
field creating the most effective fighting fleets. "Nationalistic pride in aviation went beyond the
romance and fads of aviation, to national identity and claims of distinctiveness and
superiority . . . Legends grew around the British S.E. (scout experimental made by the Royal
Aircraft Factory), the French Spad, and the German Fokker" (4-4).

Each chapter is filled with pictures and colorful quotes from people of that era. These firsthand
accounts provide deeper insight into what, in some history books, is just a listing of factual
information. When the "Red Baron" Manfred von Richthofen describes his victory over British
ace Lanoe Hawker on November 23, 1916, the day comes alive. "I was on patrol that day and
observed three Englishmen who had nothing else in mind than to hunt. I noticed how they ogled
me, and since I felt ready for battle, I let them come . . ." (in Richthofen’s The Red Baron, 4-29).

The author supplies an in-depth analysis of various aspects of aviation often glossed over in
aviation books. Some of the areas explored include the development of aerial photography, air-
to-ground communication with early wireless radio equipment, and airmail expansion beyond the
United States. Antoine de Saint-Exupery flew a la Ligne mail route between France and Spain
that sometimes crossed hostile territory. On a flight in February 1927 he recounts the following
in a letter to his mother. "The trip went well, aside from a breakdown and the plane crashing into
the desert" (Schiff. 1994 in 5-41). As evidenced by the stories recounted throughout the volume,
early pilots were part mechanic, part inventor, and part adventurer in order to survive.

Aviation History is a collection of significant events in aviation accented by the people who
made it happen and correlated with world affairs. The book’s use of color and vivid stories helps
to make the advancements come to life as something more than significant events on a timeline.
While at times the stories may clutter the page, they also breathe life into what is considered by
many to be a dull subject. The author’s enthusiasm for the topic is obvious throughout the book.
More thorough proofreading could help alleviate some of the confusion that is caused by typos
and a few mislabeled illustrations. The credibility of the content does not suffer due to these
obvious errors which will likely be corrected in the next edition.


Author description: Nanette Scarpellini is a graduate research assistant in the NASA Space Grant
College and Fellowship program for the University of Nebraska at Omaha Aviation Institute and
the assistant editor for the Journal of Air Transportation World Wide. Ms. Scarpellini is pursuing
a Master of Public Administration degree with an Aviation Administration concentration. In
addition, she has a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Psychology with an Advertising
concentration from The Ohio State University, a Certificate of Organizational Development and
Training from New York University, and is a licensed private pilot.

2. A Sample Book Review

Leòn-Portilla, Miguel. Aztec Thought and Culture: A Study of the Ancient Nahuatl ......Mind.
Translated by Jack Emory Davis. Norman: University of Oklahoma ......Press, 1963.

Review by Kelly Robison

In this ambitious work, Leòn-Portilla endeavors to ascertain the existence of a class of

philosophers in Aztec society. If philosophy, and not merely religion, was present in Nahuatl
culture, what did these philosophers attempt to accomplish? Through a study of Nahuatl texts
and post-Conquest records, Leòn-Portilla examines the manifestations of rational thought and
inquiry in Mexico prior to the Conquest.

The Nahuatls developed a philosopher class that differed in purpose from the more rigidly
religious objectives of the priestly class. These men, akin in style and intentions to the early poet-
philosophers of Greece, probed the most profound questions of the human existence. The
tlamatinime, as they were called, recognized no difference between "the formal objectives of
philosophy,"(xxiii) religion, scientific knowledge, or art. These men thought more deeply about
life and the universe than the common people and questioned what was for the commoner truth
handed down from generation through generation by the priests in the form of myths and

Leòn-Portilla bases his investigations and conclusions on detailed examinations of the records
left by the early missionaries to the newly conquered territories of Mexico and on an in-depth
analysis of the surviving Nahuatl texts, including poetry. In these accounts, he finds evidence of
a deeply philosophical people. But these men, the tlamatinime, differed from the warrior class or
the common people in that they sought to "discover the meaning of life on an intellectual
plane."(177) The warriors were content to accept traditional religious dogma and use it as the
basis for expansion, while the commoners simply accepted it.

The tlamatinime, or wise men, first studied the codices and legends and attempted to interpret
them. But their studies produced questions as to the meaning of life and the universe. The wise
men first perceived that life was fleeting and fragile, dream-like. If this was so, then the question
arose of whether anything was worth doing. A second question arose as well, can there be Truth
if life is dream-life? The reason for man's existence or purpose deeply troubled the tlamatinime.

The wise men recognized the differences between concepts based on magic and superstition and
those based on observation and experience. But, if everything on earth was temporary, then truth
cannot be found here. Truth must be found somewhere beyond the earthly domain, in those
regions where the gods live. But how to get to these regions remained a problem.

Some of the wise men declared that since higher truth cannot be found, one must live life to the
fullest and enjoy the time one has one earth. Others did not despair so easily. Intuition became
the key to truth for these men. Occasionally, one will pronounce the Truth through the medium
of poetry and the arts. This inspiration could allow men to glimpse the truth, reveal the universe,
however briefly, and let him express that truth through the arts and, especially, poetry.

Ometèotl, the dual god, was the "supreme metaphor." He was the supreme creator, the cause and
effect, and gave men the ability to see beyond the natural world. Along the path of the arts, given
to men by Ometèotl, men could find truth. The wise men meditated, thought. They contemplated
the heavens and the earth seeking knowledge. They admired and wrought paintings, sculpture
and poetry. Each of these endeavors was a meaning and an end. Through the arts the wise men
could find truth and they expressed truth through the arts.

Thus "Nahuatl philosophic thought...revolved about an aesthetic conception of the universe and
life, for art 'made things divine,' and only the divine was true."(182) The wise men based their
way of life upon this world view thay they could still not precisely explain. The tlamatinime
contemplated, wrote, wrought and observed, unlike their brethren who thought little about the
deeper meanings of life.

Leòn-Portilla reveals a deep knowledge and understanding of the pre-Conquest Nahuatl mind
and philosophical thought in this book. His work is ambitious in that it seeks to explain some of
the most intangible elements of the human existence using only sources provided by the
conquerors of the Aztecs and the remaining poems of the conquered people. From these few
fragments, the author pieces together the world view of a segment of a vanished civilization.
The author's writing is eloquent yet understandable. He uses translations of the original texts
liberally to illustrate his contentions, thereby providing a balanced, well-documented work
whose thesis could be arrived at by others through the use of the texts supplied.

Organization is the one problem with the work. However, this weakness is outweighed by the
work's strengths. Although Leòn-Portilla does divide the work into chapters based, for the most
part, on the theoretical constructions of the tlamatinime, he could have done a better job of it.

3. A Sample Book Review

Bolland, O. Nigel. Struggles for Freedom: Essays on Slavery, Colonialism and Culture ........in
the Caribbean and Central America. O. New York: Bantam, 1997.

by JohN A. Cruz

One of the most common problems with the literature on the Caribbean is that it is limited to
islands and, despite a common history, does not include the West Indian communities on the
mainland of Central and South America. Moreover, on those occasions when the entire region
receives the attention of a scholar, the product is often from the perspective of the British
Caribbean and makes no attempt to understand Hispanic influences. The results of such
scholarship are often disappointing because it fails to recognize the significance of the circum-
Caribbean region as a frontier between for the British West Indies and Hispanic America. The
coastal plains of the region are an historic meeting place where empires clashed, cultures fused
and new economies were created. With the arrival of the Europeans came the destruction of
aboriginal society, the introduction of African labour and the incorporation of the region into the
North Atlantic world economy. The post-contact history of this stretch of coastline is intertwined
with stories of buccaneers, escaped slaves, indigenous monarchies and international political
intrigue. Moreover, it is the scene of one of the most spectacular intra-regional migrations in the
modern history of Latin America because as many as 500,000 West Indian migrants passed
through or settled in the region between 1850 and 1950. Hundreds of years of interaction
between the English-speaking and Spanish-speaking cultures, with the added dimension of the
African and Amerindian peoples has produced a very different Caribbean society in this isolated

Over the years O. Nigel Bolland's research has offered a different perspective on Caribbean
society and history because his work often touches on the frontiers between the English and
Spanish-speaking Western Caribbean. Struggles for Freedom, at first glance, appears to be a
book that attempts to come to terms with the histories of these two solitudes. The book is a
collection of articles by a sociologist who has made a career of the study Caribbean society and
he makes an effort to expand his research beyond Belize to the Miskito Coast, Central America
and the British West Indies. Bolland's approach is valid because his starting point is on the
shores of Western Caribbean and, as a result, he is in a position to take the reader to the places
where Hispanic America and the British Caribbean meet.

Struggles for Freedomis divided into four parts that reflect Bolland's interest in the social
construction and the history of Caribbean society. The first section establishes the author's
approach to the region's history by examining the concept of Creole society as it is understood in
the West Indies. Bolland argues that in addition to understanding Caribbean cultures as being a
blend of African and other influences, they must also be viewed in dialectical terms. As a
consequence, Bolland's subsequent analysis in the following three sections is framed within a
model of class antagonisms in the period between 1492 and the present. Part II, "Colonization
and Slavery," is comprised of three chapters. One offers an overview of colonization and slavery
in Central America and the other two concentrate on Belize. The chapter on Central America is a
survey which is based on secondary sources published in English. The chapters on Belize are
much stronger and informative. The third part, "From Slavery to Freedom," is divided into two
chapters that examine the problems and politics of freedom in the 19th century. Here, Bolland
takes a more general approach by looking at the transition to wage labour in the post-
emancipation societies of the Americas, and at the politics of control and freedom in the free
societies of the Caribbean. Once again, the first chapter in this section offers a general overview
which is based exclusively on secondary sources printed in English. The two chapters that follow
are more focused and offer well-researched insights into British Caribbean society during the
transitional period after emancipation. The final section of the book offers an analysis of politics,
society and the role of ethnicity at the end of the colonial period in the British West Indies. Here
Bolland's scholarship is focused on the topics he is most comfortable with. The final chapters
also happen to be among the few in the collection that appear for the first time and, therefore,
reflect the author's most recent views on Caribbean society.

Although O. Nigel Bolland offers readers a solid analysis of the political and social history of
creole society, and his insights are applicable to a broad spectrum of Caribbean societies, his
book falls short of exploring the frontier between the Hispanic and English-speaking
communities that inhabit the region. Such an omission might be expected, but the book's title
does promise to include Central America and the expectation is that Bolland would venture
beyond the confines of the only English-speaking country in the region. The author looks out
from Belize, but fails to take account of the West Indian communities in neighbouring countries.
Bolland's dialectical analysis of Creole society would be put to test if the antagonisms he
identifies were examined in the context of an Hispanic environment. For example, are there
situations among West Indians in Central America where ethnicity takes precedence over class,
and if so, what does this tell us about Creole society in general? Moreover, in his surveys of
Central America and the Americas the author did not explore Spanish language sources despite
the obvious depth that such material would provide to his analysis. The result is, once again, a
study of the history and society of the region from the perspective of someone who does not
consider the relationship of Creole society with Hispanic society. Though better than other
publications that look across the Caribbean to Latin America, or that look at the region's Atlantic
coast from the Hispanic highlands, Struggles for Freedom is often as frustrating because it does
not see the Western Caribbean as a transcultural region where notions of Creole society can be
challenged. Nevertheless, O. Nigel Bolland offers readers some of the best scholarship on the
history of Belize and his insights into Caribbean society are a valuable contribution to the field.

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