‘Approved by Stndard Methods Comte, 2021 Joint Tsk Group Mike Micha chip Mickel Schock, Mfg Zhou, Gayle Geeta
A. IntRopucTION
1. Principles
‘Measurement ot pl 1s one ofthe most umportant and requeatly
used tests in water chemistry. Practically every phase of water
supply and wastewater treatment (e-g., acid-base neutralization,
water softening, precipitation, coagulation, disinfection, and cor.
rosion contol) is pH-dependent. A pH is used in alkalinity and
carbon dioxide measurements and many other acid-base eq
libeia, At a given temperature the intensity ofthe cide or basic
character of a solution is indicated by pH or hydrogen ion activity
Acidity and alkalinity ae the acid- and base-neutalizing capaci-
ties ofa water and usually are expressed as milligrams perlite of
CaCO Buffer capacity isthe amount of strong aid or base, usu-
ally expressed in moles perlite, needed to change the pH value
of a -L sample by 1 unit. The basicity or acidity of «solution
is estimated by pH, a scale that i defined asthe log(ET'. Pure
Waters very slightly ionized and at equilibrium the fon producti
tivity of hydrogen ions (moVL),
tivity of hydroxyl fons (mol), and
n product of water.
Because of ionic interactions inal bt very ditte solutions, itis
necessary (use the activity of anion and notits molar concenta-
tion. Use ofthe term pH assumes that the activity othe hydrogen
{on is boing considered. Equivalence to molarity, [H] can be
presumed onl in very dilute solutions Gone stength <0.)
A logarithmic scale is convenient for expressing a wide range
of ionic atvities. Equation 1 in logarithmic form and corrected
to reflect atvity is
(og39 24+) +(—l0Bi0 doy a
pil+pOH= pK,
gig of number
pH = -ogyo ay and
POH =-logi0 201
Equation 2 states that as pH increases pOH decreases corre-
spondingly and vice versa because pK is constant for a given
temperature. At 25 °C, pH 7.0 is neutral the activities of the
hydrogen and hydroxyl ions are equal, and each corresponds to
‘an approximate activity of 10-? mol/L. The neutral point is tem-
perature-dependent and is pH.7.5 at 0°C and pH 6.5 at 60 °C.
‘The pH value of a highly dilute solution is approximately the
‘same a8 the negative common logatthm of the hydrogen ion con-
centration, Natural waters usually have pH values inthe range of 4
0.9, and most are slightly basic because of the presence of bicar-
‘bonates and carbonates of the alkali and alkaline earth metals.
(@500-H’) B. ELectrometric MeTHoD
41. General Discussion
4 Principle: The basic principle of electrometric pH mea-
surement is determination of the activity of the hydrogen ions
by potentiometric measurement using a standard hydrogen elec-
trode and a reference electrode, The hydrogen electrode consists
‘of a platinum electrode across which hydrogen gas is bubbled
at a pressure of 101 kPa. Because of difficulty in its use and the
potential for poisoning the hydrogen electrode, the glass electrode
‘commonly is used. The electromotive force (emf) produced inthe
lass electrode system varies linearly with pH. This linear rela-
tionship is described by plotting the measured emf against the pH
of different buffers. A sample’s pH is determined by extrapolation,
‘Because single ion activities, such as ays, cannot be measured,
pH is defined operationally on a potentiometric scale. ‘The pH
‘measuring instrument is calibrated potentiometrically with an
indicating (glass) electrode and a reference electrode using bul-
fers that are traceable to the SI through a national metrology
institute (NMI) such as the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), so:
Ply = loo a °
Hg = assigned pl of NIST buffer,
“The operational pH scale is used to measure sample pH and is
defined as:
5H, = ply 4 8e—#s) ®
coetraeaies0s Rr
pH, potentiometically measured sample pH,
F = Faraday: 9.649 x 10" coulomb/mol,
E,= sample emf (V),
E,=buffer emt (V),
Note: Although the equation for pH, appears in the literature
‘with «plus sign, the sign of emt readings in millivolts for most pH
‘meters manufactured in the United States is negative. The choice
‘of negative sign is consistent with the TUPAC Stockholm conven
tion concerning the sign of electrode potential."
‘The equation for pH, assumes that the emf of the cells con-
taining the sample and buffer is due solely o hydrogen ion acti
ity unaffected by sample composition. In practice, samples have
‘varying ionic species and ionic strengths, both affecting H’ activity.
‘This imposes an experimental limitation on pH measurement. If
the differences between Ey and E are minimal then the results
‘obtalned are meaningful. Samples must be due squcvus sule-
tions of simple solutes (<0.2 M). Determination of pH eannot be
‘made accurately in nonaqueous media, suspensions, colloids, or
high-ionic-strength solutions.
’. Interferences: The glass electrode is relatively free from
interference from color, turbidity, colloidal matter, oxidants,
reductants, or high salinity, except fora sodium error at pH >10,
Reduce this error by using special Jow-sodium-error electrodes.
‘Measurements of pH are affected by temperature in two ways:
‘mechanical effects that are caused by changes in the properties
of the electrodes and chemical effects caused by equilibrium
changes, In the first instance, the slope increases with increasing
temperature and electrodes take time to achieve thermal equil
rium, This can cause long-term drift in pH. Because chemical
‘equilibrium affects pH, standard pH buffers have a specified pH
at indicated temperatures,
‘Always report the temperature at which pH is measured.
. Quality control (QC): The QC practices considered to be
sm integral part of each method are surnmarized in Table 4020:1
2, Apparatus
I7RO—«>6D3—— ILO
1025931780, 3 ABO
iol S88 1763 588193
100 5824S 592,
9 3516 IB 586 1757
98 570 «170 SBD._—— 39 Very Good
97 S64 1693 ST 1722 Very Good
9 «S88 NTS S68 1104 Very Good
95 5531658562686 Very Good
b¢ 547 TLD 5561658 OK
pa stl naa S80 SLO,
92 335 6S S44 1883. OK
<2 _