Operating Systems
Date: 13th/September/2023
Part1 (40%):
Part 2 (60%):
4. Please save all your important data on a Google drive, Dropbox, Microsoft Drive, ...etc
before you continue.
5. Create a bootable USB drive. You can use software like RUFUS on Windows to create the
bootable USB drive.
Check the following detailed tutorial on how to create a bootable USB drive (scroll to
this section: Create a Bootable Red Hat Enterprise Linux USB Flash Drive with Windows
Ideally you need a USB drive which is 16GB or larger, and just use the ISO file which you
downloaded earlier in the semester to install Linux as a virtual machine.
WARNING: this step will delete everything on the USB drive and replace it with the OS
6. Resize your hard-disk to make free space for the new operating system:
Check the following tutorial for example (Section: How to Partition your Hard Drive for
You can skip this step if you plan to install Linux on an external drive. Just make sure that
there is a good possibility that the installer will format this drive (i.e. delete/wipe all the
data on the drive in order to use it for the new operating system).
7. Reboot your computer while plugging the newly created bootable USB:
You might have to change the BIOS options to allow the computer to start (BOOT) from
the USB.
WARNING: select the free space (or the newly created partition in Step6) as a
destination for your installation.
8. If after you install Linux, you do not see Windows when you start the computer, then you
have to update your boot menu (grub):
Check the following link for more details (Changing the Default Boot Option):
An-Najah ﺟﺎﻣﻌـــﺔ
National University اﻟ ــﺎح اﻟ ــﺔ
Faculty of Engineering and ﻛﻠ ـﺔ اﻟﻬ ﺳـﺔ وﺗ ﻟ ﺟ ﺎ
Information Technology اﻟ ﻌﻠ ﻣﺎت
Computer Engineering Department ﻫ ﺳﺔ اﻟ ﺎﺳ ب ﻗ
Submission rules:
Submission: Demonstration in person (for both team members) of your newly installed OS
during office hours until Thursday 21th/September/2023.