Syllabus 3rd

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Year -2, Semester-3

Cutting Room Technology Credits: 2 Paper Code 520525

1.Introduction to Cutting Room in Garment Industry: Introduction to Cutting Room in Garment Industry;
What Is Clothing & Cutting? Importance Of Cutting Room; Functional Chart Or Organ Gram; Process Flow
of Cutting Room; Responsibility Of Cutting Personnel.
2.Production Process in the cutting room: Production Process in The Cutting Room.
Planning; Spreading; Cutting; Different Tools and Equipment; Preparation For Sewing;
Position Marking; Shade Marking; Bundle Preparation; Bundle Tickets.
3.Basic Concept on Pattern, Pattern Information and Symbols: Definition Of Pattern.
Objectives Of Pattern Making; Pattern Grain Line; Pattern Information and Symbols.
4.Marker: Define Marker, Types of marker, Marker Making; Traditional Vs. Modern Methods , Marker
Efficiency calculation( Manual).
5.Spreading: Fabric spreading, Objects Fabric spreading, Method of fabric spreading, Techniques of
6.Cutting: Cutting; Fabric Inspection & Bulk Fabric Cutting Procedure; Different Cutting Techniques &
Wastages Control; Hand Shears; The Short Knife; Electric Powered Cutting
Machines; The Straight Knife Or “Up And Down”; The Round Knife ; Die Cutting ;Band Knife;
Auxiliary Devices; Notchers; Cloth Drills; Inside Slasher: Various Types Of Cutting Machines;
Advanced Cutting Systems; Different Cutting Mistakes & Their Solution.
7.Cut Order Plan preparation: Cut Order Planning; Introduction; Sewing Schedule; CuttingSchedule; Fabric
Delivery Schedule; Economic Cut Quantities calculation .
8.Quality control in cutting section
9.Some Common Terms And Definitions: Numbering, Sorting and Bundling Procedure.
Reference Books:
1. Technology of Clothing Manufacture by Carr & Latham
2. Garments Manufacturing Technology by SaifulAzam
3. Spreading and Cutting of Apparel Products by P. Lakshmanakanth
4. Industrial Cutting of Textile Materials, 1st Edition by Vilumsone-Neme

Cutting Room Technology – Practical Credits: 1 Paper Code 520526

Experiment – 1: Identification of all parts and points of a cutting machine (straight knife m/c). Experiment–
2: Basic exercise- Cutting practice by using paper (straight knife m/c).
Experiment – 3: Making a marker (manually) by using different pattern block.
Experiment – 4: Fabric spreading & Marker placement, Fabric Cutting practice by straight knifem/c.
Reference Books:
1. Technology of Clothing Manufacture by Carr & Latham
2.Garments Manufacturing Technology by SaifulAzam
3. Spreading and Cutting ofApparel Products by P. Lakshmanakanth
4.Industrial Cutting of Textile Materials, 1st Edition by Vilumsone-Neme

Apparel Industry Visit- Practical Credits: 1 Paper Code 520532

Before Visit the factory the students will be provided the understanding about the nature, scope and function
of the textile and Garments factory. A general flow chart of the factory would be presented and after that
students will be taken to factories, at least two types of factories. The purpose of visit is to provide the
students the practical knowledge about how textile and garments factories function and how different
department works, the machineries used and its function, the students will be taken to relevant factories. All
factory visits will the preceded and followed by multimedia presentations on the type of factories the
students will visit. After the visit, students will be required to submit a report on the visit.
Variation of bottoms – Practical Credits: 3 Paper Code 520724
Introduction to Pattern Making:
Introduction to pattern making (draping & drafting), introduction to block
Introduction to pattern making tools &terminologies used in pattern making.
Fundamentals of pattern drafting- fabric terms; pattern & fabric grain line; basic pattern set;
seamless working patterns; completing the pattern. Measuring the form (horizontal & vertical
Introduction to standard measurement chart.
Introduction & analysis of the trouser foundations. Measurement required for a trouser draft. Trouser
terminology. Leg relation of a trouser.
Basic Trouser Block:
Drafting of the basic trouser block in full scale. Drafting the straight & curved waistband & utility of it in
trouser block. Toile making of the basic trouser block with waistband. Test fit & required pattern adaptation.
Trouser Variations:
High – Waist trouser & Low – Waist trouser, Capri, Shorts & Hot pants, Drafting of Hipster, Trouser with
gathers pleats and flares, Baggy Pant.
Basic Jeans Block:
28Basic difference between trouser & jeans, drafting of a denim block. Toile making & test fittings of a
denim block with yoke, pockets & waistband.
Basic Skirt Draft:
Drafting of a basic skirt pattern in full scale, basic waistband. Making up a calico toile of the basic skirt
block, test fittings.
Skirt Variations (Students have to make all toile):
Skirt variations – different types of darts, Basic flared skirt, Added flared skirt (on paper) , Low-waist skirt,
High-waist skirt, Circular skirts & Circular skirts with handkerchief hem.
Skirt Variations (Students have to make all toile):
Adaptation of the Bodice Block:
One piece-dress block, Torso foundation ,Princess-line foundation, Panel dress foundation, Empire
Reference Books:
1. Pattern making for Fashion Design — Helen Joseph Armstrong.
2. Aldrich W- Metric Pattern Cutting –Blackwell.
3. Aldrich W- Metric Pattern Cutting for Menswear –Blackwell.

English Composition Credits: 3 Paper Code 521121

Objectives: This part of foundation course focuses on writing paragraphs and compositions. It is designed to
enable students to develop their creative writing skills. This writing skill will be integrated to encourage
better language use for free handwriting.
Contents: Paraphasing . Summarising .
Organizing a paragraph: topic sentence, detailed sentences, logical order andconclusions, paragraph
writing focusing on the characteristics of pattering, cohesion, coherence and unity in the paragraph,
paragraph analysis, development, outlining.
Writing paragraphs following different models of writing: definition, description, classification, cause
and effect, comparision and contrast.
Prewriting strategies: free-writing, brainstorming, mind mapping/ clustering, narrowing the focus etc. .
Writing with specific purpose and for specific audience. Writing effective thesis statements.
Organizing/ structuring the essay : outlining, writing appropriate introductions, supporting details and
conclusions . Writing the first draft . Revising and editing . Writing the final draft .
Writing different types of essays : narrative /descriptive, exploratory, argumentative.
Reference book:
1. From Paragraph to Essay Maurice Imhoof & Herman Hudson
2. Essays on Writing By-Elizbeth & Heater clark
Principles of Marketing Credits: 3 Paper Code 522301
Introduction: Meaning and Definition, Core concepts, Marketing management philosophies. Concepts of
Marketing mix.
Environment: Definition, influence of micro and macro environment on marketing. Responding to the
marketing environment.
Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning: Definition, benefits, and bases of market segmentation.
Market Targeting, Evaluating, and selecting target markets. Market Positioning, Strategies for market
positioning, choosing a positioning strategy.
Product and Service: Definition of Product, Levels, Classification, Consumer product and Industrial Product,
New product development process, product life cycle. Meaning of Service, Characteristics of Service -
marketing Strategies for Service Firms. Branding strategy: building strong brands.
Price: Definition, Objectives, Pricing considerations, General approaches of pricing. Place/Distribution:
Definition, Objectives, Functions, Importance, Types, Channel selection, Retailing, Wholesaling.
Promotion: Meaning, Importance, Objectives, Promotionmix-advertising, personal selling, sales promotion,
public relations, Direct Marketing, On-line Marketing.
Recommended Books:
1. Kotler, Philip& Armstrong, Gary (2017). Principles of Marketing, 17 th Edition, Pearson
2. Stanton, J .William; Etzel, J. Michael, & Walker, J. Bruce (2007). Fundamentals of Marketing, 14 th
Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Basic Math Credits: 2 Paper Code 523701

Linear Equations & Inequality, Quadratic Equations: Introduction, Equation, Identity, linear
simultaneous equations with two variables, Linear inequality, Introduction, Quadratic Equations, solutions
of a general quadratic equation, Relationship between roots and coefficients of a quadratic equations, Nature
of the roots of a quadratic equation, Formation of quadratic equation with given roots, Curve sketching of
different line and non-linear equations, Business applications.
Function: Introduction, Definition of function, Domain, Range, finding domain and range of a function,
Sketch various types of function, Vertical line test, Even function, Odd function, Absolute function,
Composite function, Business applications.
Differentiation: Introduction, Some Standard derivatives, Increasing and decreasing function,
Determination of maxima and minima of different functions using differentiation rules, Conditions for the
profit maximization, Marginal concept analysis.
Matrix: Introduction, Determinants, Cramer’s Rule, Algebra of Matrices, Adjoint of a square matrix,
Inverse of square matrix, Solution of simultaneous linear equations, Business application to matrices.
Introduction to Geometric Math: Introduction, Abscissa and ordinate of point, rectangular .
coordinates, Distance between two points, straight line, slope, Intercept, Equation of cost line, Volume &
Surface area related math of different shapes, Business application (RMG).

Mathematics of Finance: Cost price (CP), Selling Price (SP), Profit or Gain & Loss, Profit, Loss and
Discount related problem solutions, Interest, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, effective and nominal
rates of interest.
Reference Books
1. Calculus and Analytic : George B.Thomas, Jr Ross L.Finney
2.Business Mathematics: Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, Mohammad Osman Gani
3. Linear Algebra : Professor AbdurRahman.
Sewing Machine Engineering & Attachment – Practical Credits: 3 Paper
Code 520530
Sewing Machine Motors: Type of sewing machine motors, Machine test, Adjustment belt tension, Stand,
Paddle etc.
Industrial Sewing Machine: Classification of sewing machine, Machine sub class accordingmaterial, Power
Supply, Measure sewing speed & working temperature.
Single Needle Lock Stitch Machine: Introduction Machine Component, Basic adjustment, Stitch length,
Seam Tension, Rotary hook timing, Synchronization between forward & backward stitch, Lubrication etc.
Feed mechanism: Classification of Feed mechanism & working principle. Special needle for avoiding skip
stitch & needle mark.MR needle for multi directional sewing.
Over Lock Machine: Threading, Introduction sewing component, lopper timing, conversion seam type,
Button Hole Machine: Threading, Sewing, Seam tension, Adjustment pattern length, Belt tension, Knife
driving mechanism & stop position adjustment.
Sewing Problem: Causes of skip stitch, Thread breakage, Poor tension, Material damaged, Seam Pucker etc.
DD Motor: Advantage of DD motor &Dry head machines. Disassembling & assembling of DD motor
Safety: Safety measure & operator responsibilities
Computer Controlled Sewing Machine: Input function panel, Attachment, error warning etc.
Reference Books
1. Dorothy Sara/ Irene Gora – Sewing Made Easy
2. Carr H & Latham B – The Technology of Clothing Manufacture – Blackwell Science 1994
3. Chuter AJ – Introduction to Clothing Management – Blackwell Science 1994
4. Cooklin G – Introduction to Clothing Manufacture – Blackwell Science 1991

Sewing & Construction Techniques – Practical Credits: 3 Paper Code

Experiment – 1: Threading , bobbin thread winding, bobbin setting in sewing machine.
Experiment – 2: Basic exercise of special type sewing machine (Flat lock, kansai, Feed of thearm, over lock,
button hole, button attach etc)
Experiment – 3: Basic exercise- Sewing practice on fabric (stitching straight, zigzag &curve line sample on
Experiment – 4: Construction of different types of seam .
Experiment – 5: Construction of different parts of garments.

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