Syllabus 3rd
Syllabus 3rd
Syllabus 3rd
Mathematics of Finance: Cost price (CP), Selling Price (SP), Profit or Gain & Loss, Profit, Loss and
Discount related problem solutions, Interest, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, effective and nominal
rates of interest.
Reference Books
1. Calculus and Analytic : George B.Thomas, Jr Ross L.Finney
2.Business Mathematics: Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, Mohammad Osman Gani
3. Linear Algebra : Professor AbdurRahman.
Sewing Machine Engineering & Attachment – Practical Credits: 3 Paper
Code 520530
Sewing Machine Motors: Type of sewing machine motors, Machine test, Adjustment belt tension, Stand,
Paddle etc.
Industrial Sewing Machine: Classification of sewing machine, Machine sub class accordingmaterial, Power
Supply, Measure sewing speed & working temperature.
Single Needle Lock Stitch Machine: Introduction Machine Component, Basic adjustment, Stitch length,
Seam Tension, Rotary hook timing, Synchronization between forward & backward stitch, Lubrication etc.
Feed mechanism: Classification of Feed mechanism & working principle. Special needle for avoiding skip
stitch & needle mark.MR needle for multi directional sewing.
Over Lock Machine: Threading, Introduction sewing component, lopper timing, conversion seam type,
Button Hole Machine: Threading, Sewing, Seam tension, Adjustment pattern length, Belt tension, Knife
driving mechanism & stop position adjustment.
Sewing Problem: Causes of skip stitch, Thread breakage, Poor tension, Material damaged, Seam Pucker etc.
DD Motor: Advantage of DD motor &Dry head machines. Disassembling & assembling of DD motor
Safety: Safety measure & operator responsibilities
Computer Controlled Sewing Machine: Input function panel, Attachment, error warning etc.
Reference Books
1. Dorothy Sara/ Irene Gora – Sewing Made Easy
2. Carr H & Latham B – The Technology of Clothing Manufacture – Blackwell Science 1994
3. Chuter AJ – Introduction to Clothing Management – Blackwell Science 1994
4. Cooklin G – Introduction to Clothing Manufacture – Blackwell Science 1991