Aiello Et Al-2018-Photochemistry and Photobiology
Aiello Et Al-2018-Photochemistry and Photobiology
Aiello Et Al-2018-Photochemistry and Photobiology
Accepted Article
Photodynamic Therapy in HeLa Cells Incubated with Riboflavin and
María Belén Rivas Aiello1, Daniel Castrogiovanni2, Julieta Parisi2, Julio C. Azcárate3,
Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas (INIFTA), Facultad de Ciencias
Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biologia Celular (IMBICE), CCT-La Plata-CONICET, Camino General
(CAB), CONICET, Avenida Bustillo 9500, San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro
R8402AGP, Argentina
Institute of Complex Systems (ICS-4 (Cellular Biophysics)), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Leo-Brandt-
†This article is part of a Special Issue dedicated to Dr. Norman Andi García.
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not
been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may
lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
doi: 10.1111/php.12974
Riboflavin (Rf) is an endogenous photosensitizer, which can participate in Type I and Type II
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processes. We have recently shown that the yield of the triplet excited states of Rf is enhanced in the
Rf and Pec@AgNP (Rf-Pec@AgNP). Consequently, under aerobic conditions the amounts of singlet
molecular oxygen and superoxide radical anion generated are also larger in the presence of the
nanoparticles. This result made us suspect that the nanoparticles could have a beneficial effect in Rf-
based PDT. To prove this hypothesis, we here compared the photodamage in HeLa cells incubated
with Rf in the presence and in the absence of Pec@AgNP applying several optical assays. We used
fluorescence imaging of irradiated HeLa cells incubated with Annexin V and Propidium Iodide to
evaluate the occurrence of apoptosis/ necrosis, the reduction of the tetrazolium dye MTT to
formazan and Neutral Red uptake to prove cell viability, as well as synchrotron infrared microscopy
of single cells to evaluate possible structural changes of DNA and nuclear proteins. The enhanced
photodamage observed in the presence of Pec@AgNP seems to indicate that Rf enters into the cells
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) consists of tumor irradiation with visible or NIR light after application of
a photosensitizer (1). Riboflavin (vitamin B2, Rf) is present in biological systems as a constituent of
proteins binding flavin mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide as cofactors (2). Electron
transfer from numerous donor molecules present in cells to the triplet state of Rf, 3Rf*, yields the Rf.-
radical anion, which initiates free radical reactions (Type I photosensitization) (3). In addition, upon
irradiation of Rf solutions under aerobic conditions, singlet molecular oxygen, O2(1Δg), is also formed
by energy transfer from 3Rf* to ground state oxygen (Type II photosensitization). Consequently, the
publications (4,5).
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The photoinduced generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) motivated the testing of the
aqueous medium was demonstrated to be effective as antibacterial agent (6,7), as crosslinker for
corneal stiffening (5,8), for blood product sterilization (9), and for the treatment of skin lesions (10).
(Pec@AgNP) was previously demonstrated by an indirect method (11). More recently, we have
shown by time-resolved absorption spectroscopy that the decay of the excited state of the complex
excited state. As a result, the amounts of 3Rf*, O2(1Δg), and superoxide radical anion, O2.-, generated
There are many literature reports showing the beneficial role of heavy metals on the photodynamic
noble metal nanoparticles were prepared and their performances in PDT in carcinoma cells were
tested. For instance, studies performed in HeLa cells and Protoporphyrin IX with gold nanoparticles
(13, 14) showed a higher phototoxicity of the sensitizer when complexed with the nanomaterial. The
enhanced performance of nanohybrids in PDT compared to the free sensitizers was also shown for
other systems, including Au nanoparticles functionalized with zinc phthalocyanine and a lactose
to Au nanoparticles in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells (16), pluronic coated gold nanoparticles
incorporating the hydrophobic dye IR780 in murine colon carcinoma C-26 cells (17), and gold
nanocomposites with hematoporphyrin in MT-4 leukemia cells (18). In addition, in vitro photo-
Pheophorbide-A (PheoA), and the cancer-targeting agent hyaluronic acid in the lung cancer cell line
Au nanoparticles containing a targeting agent that recognizes the erbB2 receptor overexpressed on
Accepted Article
the surface of SK-BR-3 were shown to elicit targeted PDT of these cells (20). Au nanoclusters and
nanohybrids for PDT in vivo (21). Examples of nanohybrids employing two-photon excitation can be
Motivated by the enhanced generation of ROS by Rf in the presence of Pec@AgNP and by the
beneficial role of metallic nanoparticles on PDT treatments, the main goal of the present work is to
prove the presumable enhancing effect of Pec@AgNP on PDT when Rf is employed as a sensitizer. To
this end, we here compare the photodamage induced in HeLa cells incubated with Rf in the presence
and in the absence of Pec@AgNP. In order to evaluate the effect of PDT on the cells, we performed a
series of biological assays to monitor apoptosis, necrosis, mitochondrial activity, the integrity of
diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), Neutral Red, Annexin V, and PI were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich.
Silver nitrate was obtained from Biopack and sodium hydroxide from J. T. Baker. All experiments were
TEM imaging. The size of Pec@AgNP was characterized by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
using a Phillips CM200-UT (LaB6) operated at 200kV. The size of the particles was fitted with lognormal
oxygen-sensitive electrode (Consort SZ10T) in initially air-saturated solutions of Rf with and without
Accepted Article
Pec@AgNP in the presence of FFA, a well-known quencher of O2(1Δg) (23).
u u : Hu H L sw g w M d f d E g ’s du (MEM) (GI O)
containing 10% FBS (Internegocios S.A.) and 100 µg.mL−1 of penicillin. Cell cultures were performed in an
incubator with 5% CO2 and 95% air at 37°C. 1.5x104 cells were seeded in 96-well plates and grown for 24
h until confluence.
Cellular uptake of riboflavin. OPTIMEM media (GIBCO) were prepared with and without addition of
Rf (final concentration: 50 µM). An aliquot of 1 mL volume of these media were kept in the dark for 24 h.
for the incubation of HeLa cells for 24h. Then, cells were counted and the fluorescence (exc = 488 nm,
em = 530 nm) of every sample was measured (before and after cell growth) and corrected by the
number of cells.
Cytotoxicity assay in dark. HeLa cells (1.5x104) were plated in 100 µL MEM (GIBCO) containing 10%
FBS (Internegocios S.A.) and 100 µg.mL−1 of penicillin, and incubated overnight at 37°C with 5% CO2 until
confluence. The medium was then removed and the cells were incubated for 24 h with different
concentrations of Rf, Pec@AgNP or a mixture in MEM. Every experiment was compared to a control
culture. Cell survival was assessed by MTT and NRU assay as described previously (24,25,26).
PDT phototoxicity assay. The procedure was the same as in the dark assay. After de incubation with
Riboflavin, Pec@AgNP or the mixture, the medium was changed for DMEM/F12 (GIBCO) without phenol
red and the samples were irradiated with two RPR-3500 A lamps with emission centered at 350 nm for 2
Information). The irradiance measured using potassium ferrioxalate as actinometer (27) with the same
Accepted Article
irradiation geometry was 9.6−2. Photocytotoxicity was evaluated by MTT and NRU assay (28,29).
HeLa cells exposed to Pec@AgNP in the presence as well in the absence of Rf, or to Rf alone and without
any additives were cultivated as indicated above into a glass bottom 35 mm Petri dish (ibidi, Martinsried,
Germany), previously treated with Poly-L-Lysine (PLL) (0.1 mg.mL−1) (1 mL for 5 min). After 24h of
incubation, the cell culture was washed twice with PBS buffer of pH 7.4. Samples were then placed
directly inside a stage top incubator (Okolab S.R.L., Pozzuoli, Italy; environmental parameters set to 37
ºC, 85% humidity, and 5% CO2) on the stage of an inverted microscope (Ti-E, Nikon) and 1 mL of Binding
Buffer BD Pharmingen was added. The inverted microscope was used as a spinning disk confocal
microscope (30) (ACALBFI, Groeben, Germany) with a spinning disk unit (CSU-W1; Yokogawa Electric
Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) as the central part, and an EMCCD camera (Ixon Ultra 897; Andor
Technologies Ltd., Belfast, UK) as a detector and an image splitting device (Optosplit II; Cairn Research,
Fversham, UK) for simultaneous observation of two spectral regions of the emitted light (with the option
of using one or two simultaneous excitation light sources). Bright field images, as well as spinning disk
confocal fluorescence images with excitation at 488 nm and 561 nm were taken with a 100X
magnification immersion objective (plan apo chromat, NA=1.40, Nikon). Appropriate dichroic beam
splitter and bandpath filters in the Optosplit unit allowed the simultaneous detection of fluorescence in
two spectral regions, 500 - 550 nm (Annexin V-FITC excited by 488 nm laser) and 590-650 nm (PI excited
by 561 nm laser), respectively. The software Andor IQ2 was used for image acquisition. Exposure time for
single image was set 200 ms and the frame rate was set the minimal. Irradiation for photodynamic
action: HeLa cells were then illuminated with a 405nm laser (417 mW cm−2), for 5 min to induce
photodamage. Afterwards, 1mL Annexin V/PI solution (50 uL Annexin V-FITC - BD Pharmingen 10X + 20
uL PI 50 ug.mL−1 BD Pharmingen + 930 uL Binding Buffer) was carefully added without moving the
sample. After 15 min of incubation in the dark, both PI fluorescence (excitation at 561 nm (116 mWcm−2,
mWcm−2, 200ms), emission maximum at 530 nm) images were recorded. Control experiments were
Accepted Article
performed in HeLa cells without nanoparticles but with Rf and without neither of the two.
FTIR microspectroscopy. The experiments were performed at the infrared SMIS beamline (SOLEIL
infrared (SR-FTIR) microspectroscopy was employed to investigate structural changes of DNA and nuclear
proteins of HeLa cells grown on CaF2 slides. Spectra were taken specifically on the cells nuclei in
transmission mode. The instrumentation, methods, and conditions used have been previously described
(31). Cell spectra recorded one by one, with 50 to 100 individual cells per sample were analyzed.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used for outliers detection within samples and also for
comparison between samples. The preprocessing methods of the spectra have been described
elsewhere (31). Briefly, the Savitzky-Golay algorithm was applied either to perform a baseline correction
of the raw data (zero order spectra) or to evaluate the second derivative of the data (second order
spectra) (31). Before executing PCA routines, the spectra obtained by the latter procedures were scaled
We have prepared pectin-coated silver nanoparticles according to the reported procedure (12). A
typical TEM image and its corresponding histogram is shown in Figure 1. The measured nanoparticles
size can be described by a bi-modal distribution with an average of 2.3 ± 0.7 nm (major fraction; >
the average diameter of the spherical nanoparticles (2.3 nm) and neglecting the contribution of the
bigger particles, an average volume of the nanoparticles of 6.37×10-21 cm3 is obtained. Taking the
reported metal density of 10.5−3 (32), the molar concentration of the nanoparticles results 3.73
Oxygen uptake experiments with samples containing FFA were performed. The results are
shown in Figure S2 of the Supporting Material. The rate of oxygen uptake is slightly enhanced by the
presence of Pec@AgNP ([Ag] = 1 µM), which is within the concentration range used in the biological
assays. This result is in line with the increase of O2(1Δg) yield produced by Rf in the presence of
According to the phosphorescence assays, a larger increment in rate of oxygen uptake is expected
for concentrations of Pec@AgNP higher than those employed in the present work (12).
The uptake of Rf in HeLa cells was measured by fluorescence. Comparison of the fluorescence
emission spectra (exc = 488 nm) of the Rf solutions before and after incorporation of the dye in the
cells are shown in Figure 2. We tested different Rf concentrations and the uptake was always
significant and in the range of 50%, as shown here for OPTIMEM medium containing 50 µM Rf.
diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) reactivity and neutral red uptake (NRU). The former assay
determines mitochondrial dehydrogenase activities in living cells. In metabolic active cells MTT is
reduced to formazan crystals by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydride (NADH). The purple
crystals of formazan extracted from lysed cells are then dissolved in an organic solvent and the
absorbance is measured at 570 nm (33). The NRU test is based on the ability of viable cells to
incorporate and enrich the dye in lysomes via the endocytotic route. After extraction of the dye with
MTT and NRU assays performed with non-irradiated HeLa cells incubated with Rf in the
concentration range from 0 to 100 µM or Pec@AgNP containing silver in the concentration range
from 0 to 1 µM delivered no evidence that, under our experimental conditions, Rf or the Pec@AgNP
have an inherent adverse effect on HeLa cells (see Figure S3). Similar results were obtained with cells
incubated with Rf (50 µM) and different amounts of the nanoparticles (Figure 3D).
Assays performed with irradiated HeLa cells showed that increasing the concentration of Rf
control is observed (Figure 3A). NRU assays, which test the dye uptake by active cells and its
incorporation into lysosomes, showed a decrease of the number of viable cells for Rf concentrations
qu g 25 μM (F gu 3 ).
The presence of Pec@AgNP ([Ag] in the range from 0.25 to 1 µM) in the pre-incubation
medium of irradiated HeLa cells has no effect on the ability of the cells to reduce MTT to formazan
presence of Rf, MTT and NRU assays were performed with cells incubated with Rf (50 µM) and
Accepted Article
different amounts of Pec@AgNP ([Ag] ranging from 0.25 to 1 µM). The addition of the nanoparticles
produced a further decrease of cell´s viability as sensed by MTT, but not by the NRU assay (Figure
It is accepted that apoptosis is the main mechanism of cell death when cells are treated with PDT in
vitro (34). In particular, it was shown that irradiation of HL-60 and murine NS0/2 tumor cells in a
culture medium enriched with Rf induces cell death by apoptosis (35,36). On the basis of these
results, we performed here Annexin V / Propidium Iodide (PI) tests with fluorescence detection with
HeLa cells previously incubated with Rf with and without Pec@AgNP. Annexin V reveals the presence
of phosphatidylserine on the cell surface, which is indicative of an early stage of apoptosis. On the
Irradiated HeLa cells pre-incubated with 50 µM Rf yielded a positive result to Annexin V, but
negative to PI (see Figure 4) indicating early apoptosis. In contrast, when Pec@AgNP were
additionally included in the culture medium, not only Annexin V but also PI yielded positive results,
thus indicating late apoptosis or necrosis. These results show a higher photodamage achieved in the
SR-FTIR microspectroscopy
Synchrotron based Fourier transform infrared (SR-FTIR) microspectroscopy was used to detect any
and/or the nanoparticles. Comparative assays with cells incubated with the sensitizer 5,10,15,20-
scores, the corresponding scree plots and sample mean zero order spectra in the region of the
Amide I and Amide II bands (1480–1720 cm−1) are shown in Figure 5 for: non-irradiated and
irradiated HeLa cells without the addition of Rf or Pec@AgNP in the incubation medium (controls),
irradiated HeLa cells pre-incubated with 50 µM Rf, irradiated HeLa cells pre-incubated with 1 µM Ag,
irradiated HeLa cells pre-incubated with 50 µM Rf and 1 µM Ag, and irradiated HeLa cells pre-
PC1 (explaining 87% of the variation) seemed to distinguish between PDT-treated HeLa cells
employing TMPyP as the sensitizer from all the other samples (31). Irradiation of HeLa cells
incubated with TMPyP, which tends to accumulate in the cell nucleus, was reported to induce
These results indicate that it was not possible to detect by SR-FTIR microspectroscopy any
significant change in the secondary structure of nuclear proteins of irradiated HeLa cells pre-
incubated with Rf and/or Pec@AgNP. Similar results were obtained after submission of the spectra
to different pre-treatments (see the analysis of the derivative of the spectra in Figure S4). In order to
inspect any change in the region of the Amide III peak and also include the absorption of nucleic
acids, the PCA analysis was also performed in an extended wavenumber region (1748–952 cm−1)
(39). In this region, independent of the data pre-treatment employed it was also observed that only
the sample incubated with TMPyP showed a different behavior, confirming that under the conditions
of our experiments only the use of the porphyrin as photosensitizer affected the IR absorption of the
protein amides of the proteins as well as nucleic acids (see Figures S5 and S6).
treatment, MTT and NRU assays evidenced lower viability of irradiated cells. The MTT test also
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indicated a decreased viability when the nanoparticles were added along with Rf to the incubation
medium. However, we should consider that the MTT assays reflects the mitochondrial activity, NRU
the lysosomal activity, whereas SR-FTIR microspectroscopy analyzes global structural changes of the
biological molecules in the cells nuclei. Under the conditions of our experiments, these latter
alterations were in fact detected when TMPyP was used as the sensitizer, but not with Rf. This could
be related to the different localization of TMPyP and Rf. The porphyrin accumulates in the cell
nucleus (31), whereas endocytic compartments are involved in the uptake and intracellular
trafficking of Rf (41).
In this paper we proved that incubation of HeLa cells with normal cell medium containing
additionally Rf and Pec@AgNP lead to the incorporation of both the dye and the nanomaterial. We
have previously demonstrated that a 1:1 complex (Rf-Pec@AgNP) between Rf and Pec@AgNP is
formed (12). While it is not possible for us to determine directly, i.e., by spectroscopic means,
whether and to which extent the complex exists, when incorporated into the cells, we have here
given evidence for the synergistic photodamage effect by the nanoparticles and Rf (see Figures 3 and
4). This is interpreted as a consequence of the presence of Rf and Pec@AgNP in the same
the amount of ROS (O2(1Δg) and O2.-) generated by Rf in the presence of Pec@AgNP is a consequence
of the decay of the excited state of the complex Rf-Pec@AgNP*, which feeds the triplet state of Rf
(3Rf*) (12) (Scheme 1). Thus, we here propose that the uptake of the complex is the responsible for
the increased photodamage effect observed when Pec@AgNP and Rf are present (see MTT in Figure
of Rf in mammalian cells. Given the nature of Rf, which is a natural vitamin able to cross biological
Accepted Article
membranes, the phototreatment proposed here looks promising for many other biological
work of our colleague and friend Norman A. García (Andi), who actively contributed in the past 40
years to the development of basic and applied photochemistry. We acknowledge SOLEIL for
provision of synchrotron radiation facilities and we would like to thank Christophe Sandt for
PICT 2016-0974 from ANPCyT, Argentina, and by Proposal 20160848 on SMIS beamline from SOLEIL.
G.N. .’s w k the lab of T.G. was financed by a grant from the Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (OptoSys, FKZ 031A16) of the Federal Republic of Germany. M.B.R.A. thanks CONICET for a
graduate studentship. G.N.B., J.C.A., and F.S.G.E. are permanent research staff of CONICET,
Additional Supporting Information can be found in the online version of this article:
Figure S1. Emission spectrum of the 8 RPR-3500 A lamps with emission centered at 350 nm [S1].
Figure S2. Oxygen uptake experiments with samples containing 54 µM Rf and 10 mM FFA:
Without Nanoparticles (brown dots), with 0.5 µM of Ag (orange dots) and with 1 µM of Ag (green
Figure S3. Histograms showing the results of the MTT (green) and NRU (orange) assays on non-
irradiated HeLa cells treated with different concentrations of Ag (A) or Rf (B) in the incubation
medium. Values of formazan and neutral red absorbance were normalized against average values
Error bars refer to one standard deviation; in each case, the number of samples examined was at least
Accepted Article
4 and as large as 8. No statistically significant difference between any number and the number
obtained from the control was observed. (one-way ANOVA with Fisher’s posthoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure S4. PCA scores: PC2 vs. PC1 (upper left panel), PC3 vs. PC1 (lower left panel), scree plot
(upper right panel) and sample mean of second order derivative spectra (lower right panel) in the
region of the Amide I and Amide II bands (1480–1720 cm−1) of the following samples: non-irradiated
(blue) and irradiated (red) HeLa cells without the addition of Rf or NPs in the incubation medium
(controls); irradiated HeLa cells pre-incubated with 50 µM Rf (magenta), irradiated HeLa cells pre-
(cyan), and irradiated HeLa cells pre-incubated with 10 µM TMyP for comparison (green). Vertical
lines show the wavenumbers expected for the peaks of α-helix (1654 cm−1), β-sheet (1632 cm−1), and
Figure S5. PCA scores: PC2 vs. PC1 (upper left panel), PC3 vs. PC1 (lower left panel), scree plot
(upper right panel) and sample mean of zero order spectra (lower right panel) in the region of the
Amide I and Amide II bands (1480–1720 cm−1) of the following samples: non-irradiated (blue) and
irradiated (red) HeLa cells without the addition of Rf or NPs in the incubation medium (controls);
irradiated HeLa cells pre-incubated with 50 µM Rf (magenta), irradiated HeLa cells pre-incubated
and irradiated HeLa cells pre-incubated with 10 µM TMyP for comparison (green). Vertical lines
show the wavenumbers expected for the peaks of α-helix (1654 cm−1), β-sheet (1632 cm−1), and
Figure S6. PCA scores: PC2 vs. PC1 (upper left panel), PC3 vs. PC1 (lower left panel), scree plot
(upper right panel) and sample mean of second order derivative spectra (lower right panel) in the
region of the Amide I and Amide II bands (1480–1720 cm−1) of the following samples: non-irradiated
(blue) and irradiated (red) HeLa cells without the addition of Rf or NPs in the incubation medium
lines show the wavenumbers expected for the peaks of α-helix (1654 cm−1), β-sheet (1632 cm−1), and
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Figure 1. TEM bright field image of Pec@AgNP and the size distribution histogram of 956 particles.
Figure 2. Emission spectra (λexc = 488 nm) of Rf in OPTIMEM medium before and after
incorporation into HeLa cells, as indicated. The emission of the control media without Rf before and
Figure 3. Histograms showing the results of the MTT (green) and NRU (orange) assays on
irradiated (A, B, C) and non-irradiated (D) HeLa cells. Values of formazan and neutral red absorbance
were normalized against average values obtained from the control (irradiated cells to which neither
Rf nor Pec@AgNP had not been added). The data shown were obtained from experiments in which
Rf (A), Pec@AgNP (B), and Rf + Pec@AgNP (C, D) were present in the incubation medium. Error bars
refer to one standard deviation; in each case, the number of samples examined was at least 4 and as
large as 8. The asterisk indicates that there is a statistically significant difference between this
statistically significant difference from the irradiated sample with Rf (one-w y NOV w Fs ’s
Accepted Article
post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 4. Fluorescence images taken after 405 nm (142 µW) irradiation for 5 min. The excitation
wavelength was 561 nm (40 µW) and the maximum emission wavelength was 620 nm for PI test. For
the Annexin V-FITC (AnnV) fluorescence the excitation was at 488nm (21 µW), and the maximum
emission wavelength was 530 nm. (a) Control (b) 50 µM of Rf (c) 50 µM of Rf and 1 µM of Ag.
Figure 5. Figure 5: PCA scores: PC2 vs. PC1 (a), PC3 vs. PC1 (c), scree plot (b) and sample mean of
zero order spectra (d) in the region of the Amide I and Amide II bands (1480–1720 cm−1) of the
following samples: non-irradiated (blue) and irradiated (red) HeLa cells without the addition of Rf or
Pec@AgNP in the incubation medium (controls); irradiated HeLa cells pre-incubated with 50 µM Rf
(magenta), irradiated HeLa cells pre-incubated with 1 µM Ag (black), irradiated HeLa cells pre-
incubated with 50 µM Rf and 1 µM Ag (cyan), and irradiated HeLa cells pre-incubated with 10 µM
TMyP f p s (g ). V ss w w v u b s xp df p ks f α-helix
(1654 cm−1), β-sheet (1632 cm−1), and unordered random coil (1641 cm−1) (26,40).
Scheme 1. Effect of Pec@Ag on the generation of 3Rf*. 1Rf* is the singlet excited state of Rf.