Ethanol Dehydration
Ethanol Dehydration
Ethanol Dehydration
NOTATION s Solvent
ALPHA Non-randomness parameter in the NRTL 1 Water
equation ALPHA = A L P + A L T x t 2 Ethanol
ALP Parameter of the NRTL equation 3 Ethylene glycol
ALT Temperature-dependent parameter of the
NRTL equation ("C-')
A Interaction energies in the NRTL equation
(kJ/kmol) A = A A + A T x t
AA Parameter of the NRTL equation (kJ/mol) The petroleum crisis in the 1970s was the starting point
AT Temperature-dependent parameter of the of an increasing interest in renewable sources of energy.
Since that time, ethanol produced by fermentation has
NRTL equation (kJ/kmol "C)
achieved enormous importance, particularly in Brazil, as
F Feed rate of ethanol/water (kmol/s)
Compound indexes an octane enhancer added to gasoline, or as its complete
n Number of theoretical plates substitute. As a mixture with gasoline, it can be used to
P Top product (anhydrous ethanol) rate operate conventional petrol engines without significantly
(kmol/s) reducing their efficiency.',' However, for this purpose,
R Reflux ratio the ethanol must be free of water.
S Solvent rate (kmol/s) Azeotropic distillation, one of the possible distillation
t Temperature ("C) procedures for producing absolute ethanol, has often
Mole fraction of component i been i n ~ e s t i g a t e d ~and
- ~ is considered to be energetically
favourable.'j By contrast, extractive distillation with
Subscripts ethylene glycol was considered to be very expensive with
respect to energy cons~ mption. '.According ~ to Black,'
B Bottom extractive distillation with ethylene glycol consumes at
F Feed least 0.69 of the enthalpy of combustion of pure ethanol
J . Chem. Tech. Biorechnol. 0268-2575/92/$05.00 0 1992 SCI. Printed in Great Britain
182 A . Meirelles, S. Weiss, H . Herfurth
for the purpose of separation, whereas azeotropic in the ethanol depends on the climatic conditions of the
distillation with pentane only requires 0,346. However, country. For example, the average temperatures pre-
Lynn and Hanson* demonstrated, by investigations with vailing in Brazil only require a purity of ethanol of 99.5
the help of an ethanol-water pseudo-equilibrium curve volume YO(at 20°C, 98.4 mole O h ) to prevent the mixture
in the presence of ethylene glycol, that extractive dis- with gasoline from separating.2
tillation may be energetically more favourable. Thermal
integration studies by Knapp and Doherty' confirms
these results. Some industrial plants in the USA already 2 EXPERIMENTAL
use ethylene glycol to produce anhydrous ethano1.l"
However, no experimental studies on the extractive The experiments were first carried out in a laboratory
distillation of ethanol-water have been reported in the column of 65 mm diameter, containing 24 plates with
literature. one bubble cap each. The nearly azeotropic mixture of
The purpose of this paper is to relate the authors' ethanol and water is fed into the column on the 15th
investigations on the extractive distillation of ethanol- plate, and the solvent on the 3rd plate (counted from the
water with ethylene glycol. The reliable data obtained top). Further experiments were then carried out on a
may serve as a base for unequivocal comparison with pilot-scale plant (Fig. I ) consisting of 2 columns of
other procedures concerning energy consumption and in 80 mm diameter; the main extractive column containing
the technological design of plants for producing pure 60 sieve plates with downcomer and the regeneration
ethanol. column containing 40 sieve plates with downcomer. The
A laboratory column and a pilot-scale plant were used water-ethanol mixture was fed into the main extractive
to obtain concentration profiles at different solvent column on plate 31 (counted from the top) and the
molar rate to feed molar rate ratios and reflux ratios, and solvent on plate 3. The bottom product of this column
the effects of these parameters on the purity of the was fed into the regeneration column on plate 19 and
ethanol were examined. The results were extended by processed to give pure ethylene glycol.
process simulation with the help of the NRTL equation Liquid samples required for representing the con-
for describing the phase equilibrium and the relaxation centration profiles were taken every three plates in the
method for calculating the column. laboratory column and about every six plates in the
In these experimental and process simulation studies, pilot-scale plant. Further samples were taken from the
the required purity of ethanol was fixed at a value of top and bottom products and from the two feed products
99.5 mole YO.The maximum permissible content of water in each plant. These samples were analysed by gas
8 m Platform
4m Platform
///////// ////// / / / / / / / / /// ///////; 77777777
Experimental operating conditions S -m
Pilot plant 0.64 < S / F < 1.75 0.71 < R < 2.18 iI
chromatography, and the top product (pure ethanol) was
additionally checked with the help of a densimeter
during the experiments. 24
In the experimental studies, the solvent rate to feed
rate ratio S I F and the reflux ratio R were varied as
essential parameters. The ranges investigated are shown
in Table I . Fig. 2. Typical concentration profile from the laboratory
column: S / F = 0.82; R = 1.96.
Results of Experiments Conducted on Pilot-scale Plant
Parameters of the NRTL Equation
ALPHA = ALP+ A L T x t.
" A =AA+ATxt.
Ethanol dehydration by extractive distillation 185
5z 0.10 0:15 0.20
a Fig. 7. Purity of ethanol xPTversus water concentration in
feed x I F .
Fig. 4. Experimental points of experiment 14 compared with S/F=0.6 R = 0.5
the calculated concentration profile. u c I
( 9 9 . i
d 0
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004
results in decreased purity of ethanol, which has also
> been observed in experiments in the laboratory column.
k i This is due to the dilution of the solvent in the column
and accordingly a smaller effect on the relative volatility
of ethanol-water. The smallest reflux ratio of 071
realised in the experiments can be further decreased to
The above results of the simulation were all obtained
for water concentrations of 15 mole % in the feed
efficiency, which range between 0.38 and 0.52, are clearly mixture. The effect of this value is represented in Fig. 7.
below the values found in conventional distillation. They The purity of ethanol depends little on the concentration
show a decreasing tendency with increasing solvent of water. Thus, the required purity can still be achieved
concentration. Similar results and the modelling of the at a water content of 20-0 mole YOwithout changing the
efficiency have been reported in the literature." favourable process parameters SIP = 0.71 and R = 0.5
Figure 4 represents the experimental points of ex- ( S I P = 0.71 corresponds to S / F = 0.6 at xlv= 0.15).
periment 14 in the pilot-scale plant and the concentration In the experiments carried out in the laboratory
profile obtained by simulation. They are in good column, it was found that the purity of ethanol can be
agreement with each other. This provided the possibility considerably decreased when the solvent is contaminated
15 C T B 53
186 A . Meirelles, S . Weiss, H . Herfurth
14I8 22 26 1.0
Fig. 9. Erect of the number of theorctical plates n and the
position of the feed platc n p on the purity of ethanol.
Typical Plants for Producing Absolute Ethanol
(a) Main Column
Saturated-liquid feed.
" Saturated-vapour feed.
' Feed composition to recovery column.
Ethanol dehydration by extractive distillation 187
3.3 Considerations with respect to energy saving considerations concerning the energy consumption, the
results are modified, taking account of energy-integrated
The specific energy consumption of the main extractive distillation plants. However, extractive distillation is also
column is represented in Fig. 10. As is well known, it is of advantage in this case.
strongly dependent on the reflux ratio, but very little on Extractive distillation is characterised by additional
the S I F ratio; this means that ethanol of almost any favourable properties, such as flexibility and a simple
degree of purity can be produced without significantly mode of operation, which are lacking in azeotropic
changing the energy consumption, by increasing the S l F distillation. Here, the two columns, the azeotropic
ratio and maintaining the reflux ratio at the smallest distillation main column and the recovery column, as
value. well as the separator, are closely connected to each other,
On the basis of the experimental investigations and so that every small disturbance in one of these parts will
process simulation, an SIP ratio = 071 and a reflux directly affect the whole plant. The reflux ratio strongly
ratio R = 0.5 can be fixed as favourable process para- depends on the concentration of the feed stream, so that
meters. Energy consumption in extractive distillation can a small increase in the water concentration, e.g. from 15
be further reduced by feeding a vaporous feed mixture to 17 mole YO,requires a corresponding increase in the
into the main column, since the vapor phase mainly reflux ratio in order to achieve the required degree of
consists of ethanol. However, the vaporous feed reduces ethanol purity. Further, the entrainer and water balances
the purity of the ethanol, so that an ethanol con- have to be strictly checked in order to ensure both the
centration of 99.55 mole YO is only achieved at purity of the ethanol and the mechanical separability of
S I P = 0-94 and R = 0.5. the overhead product. This complex character of the
Table 4 summarizes the most important data obtained operating conditions requires an accurate controlling
for three typical plants for producing pure ethanol. The technique and sometimes leads to low recovery of alcohol
column used for recovering the ethylene glycol contains in the azeotropic column.
10 theoretical plates. Feed plate 5 (counted from the top) In extractive distillation, the main column and the
is operated at a pressure of 20.25 KPa (bottom tem- recovery column are largely independent of each other.
perature of about ISOOC) in order to avoid high The concentration of the feed mixture has little effect on
temperature. The reflux ratio of the recovery column is the operating conditions. Disturbance or changes of
the smallest value that can ensure a pure solvent and an operating conditions, which may occur in the mash
overhead product free of ethylene glycol. High recovery column, e.g. increased water content in the overhead
of ethanol in the extractive column with values above product, can be largely compensated in the main
99.5 YOis reached. Small amounts of ethanol, entrained extractive column, with the process parameters remain-
together with water at the top of the recovery column ing the same, or with a small increase of the SIF ratio.
may be added to the mixture fed into the mash column, The characteristics of the temperature profile may be
which produces the feed mixture for the main extractive used for an efficient control of the column. The
column. temperature difference at the feed plate for the water-
ethanol mixture increases when more water is removed
overhead, and decreases when more ethanol is removed
4 CONCLUSIONS in the bottom. This fact can be used as a possibility of
controlling head product purity and ensuring a bottom
The favourable process parameters established in this product free of ethanol.
paper, particularly those for the reflux ratio, lead to
reduced energy consumption in extractive distillation, as
is evident from a comparison of the energy consumption
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