CLASS 6 Eng Second Quar

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Second Quarterly Examination 2023-24 Date: 30 November, 2023

Class - VI Subject: ENGLISH Max Marks: 40 Marks Duration: 1 Hour 30 Mins
NAME: ________________________ SEC: _____ ROLL NUMBER :


Education is no longer restricted to bookish knowledge and four walls of schools,
colleges and universities. It is essential for all round development of a student that
he/she should participate in one or the other activity. There are many extracurricular
activities, some of them are debate, elocution, painting, dance, singing, poetical
recitation, etc. We should work on improving all the skills of a child.
The system of education in our country is defective. It is not keeping pace with the
passage of time. It follows the pattern which was valid five decades ago. The aim of
education is to prepare students for the tough battle of life. The basic needs of life are a
sound mind in a sound body, and skill to make a living. It widens the sphere of
knowledge and builds our character. In short, education should turn out a strong team
of responsible citizens. The entry to a good education should not depend upon wealth,
power, class and caste, residence and occupation, but on a child’s intelligence, abilities,
talents, achievements and overall merit. Education has to be related to life and also the
needs of the nation.
Policy-makers set up schools and colleges only to turn out an army of graduates who are
good for nothing. As a nation, we need men with brains, we need good scientists and
technicians, we need tough soldiers for the army.
“Education for all” sounds sweet. But mere slogans and schemes on paper won’t take us
far. Also, these schemes fail many times. Therefore, the government should work to
improve the quality of education.

Q.1. On the basis of reading the above passage, complete the following questions:
a) Education is no longer related to ? (1m)
b) Name the extracurricular activities that a child can participate in in order to
improve his/her skills ? (2m)
c) How is our education system defective ? (2m)
d) The entry to a good education should depend on ? (2m)
e) What do we need as a nation ? (2m)
f) Find the word from the passage that means opposite to the word “delicate”? (1m)

g) The synonym of the word “defective” from the given options will be: (1m)
i) Sound ii) Disagree iii) Malfunctioning

h) Find a word in the provided that means: (1m)

“An official plan provided by government”


Q.2. You have won a prize. Write a diary entry sharing your success and hard
work behind it within 100 words.
Q.3. Match the words with their appropriate meanings and write them.
a) Relief (i) terrible
b) Ghastly (ii) to give or put something back
c) Restore (iii) hearing something carefully
(iv) a welcome change
(v) understanding the difficulties

Q.4. Circle the subject and underline the Predicate. (3m)

a) Akshay and his friends are cycling.
b) I am working on the computer.
c) The neem tree is well known for its medicinal properties.

Q.5. Choose the correct phrases from the box to complete each sentence. (2m)
out of his wits, on a very small matter, to the problem, from the banyan tree
a) No one knew the solution ___________ except Ajay.
b) The Quarrel began _____________ but later became serious.

Q.6. Read the extract given below and answer the questions:

I”ll find out what they do

Then I”ll put it in a poem
That they can read to you.

(a) Who is the poet of “Where do all the teachers go”?

(b) What will the poet find out about the teachers?
(c) What will he do once he finds out?
Answer the following Questions:
Q.7 Why shouldn’t we let a thought shrivel and die? (1m)
Q.8 Explain the following lines from the poem, “The Wonderful Words”. (2m)
But only words can free thoughts.
From its prison behind your eyes
Q.9. Why does the poet want to know where the teachers got at four o’ clock? (2m)
Q.10. Why do the children think that blind day was the hardest? (2m)
Q.11 What was the real aim (purpose) of Miss Beam’s School? (2m)
Q.12 Why does the poet wonder if teachers also do things that other people do?

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