Lab 2
Lab 2
Lab 2
Lab Title:
Student Name: Reg. No:
Data presentation
Experimental results
Date: Signature:
DeMorgan’s Law
To verify the DeMorgan’s Law
Equipment required:
TTL IC-7408
TTL IC-7432
TTL IC-7404
TTL IC-7400
TTL IC-7402
Digital Electronics Trainer
Background Knowledge:
Boolean algebra has postulates and identities. We can often use these laws to reduce expressions or put
expressions into a more desirable form. One of these laws is the DeMorgan’s Law. DeMorgan’s Law has
two conditions, or conversely, there are two laws called DeMorgan’s Laws.
DeMorgan’s First Law:
DeMorgan’s Law for two inputs A and B is
(AB)' = A' + B'
This means that NAND gate function is identical to OR gate function with complemented inputs.
DeMorgan’s Second Law:
DeMorgan’s second law is
(A + B)' = A'. B'
This means that NOR function is equal to the AND gate function with complemented inputs.
Logic Diagrams:
First Law:
Left Hand Side: Right Hand Side:
Second Law:
Left Hand Side: Right Hand Side:
1. Patch the left hand side circuit for the first condition of DeMorgan’s Law on the Digital
electronics trainer. Connect the inputs to the input switches and output to the LED and verify the
truth table for all the combinations.
2. Similarly, patch the right hand side circuit for the first condition of DeMorgan’s Law on the
Digital electronics trainer. Connect the inputs to the input switches and output to the LED and
verify the truth table for all the combinations. Both the truth tables should be similar.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the second condition of DeMorgan’s Law.
Lab Tasks:
Follow the given procedure and complete the given truth tables for both the laws.
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
Truth Table for DeMorgan’s Second Law:
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
Simulation Activities:
7. Simulate the given circuit for the verification of DeMorgan’s first law.
8. Simulate the given circuit for the verification of DeMorgan’s second law.