Memorandum Order No. 014-09-2023
Memorandum Order No. 014-09-2023
Memorandum Order No. 014-09-2023
No. nra-m-rnzt
ln he interesl of h€ s€rvice and pursuant to his Commission's lhrust to abate fio poliferation
of unregistered radio equipment; recognizing he imporbnce of amatour radio equipment,
unlicensed as hey are at he moment in times of calamitiss such as posfttphoon or pos!
calamity communicalions when fixsd mmnunicalions infaslructure are donn; and in order to
affod he owneF/poss€ssorvus€F hereof an opportunrty to comply wi$ existing rules and
regulalions, ha Commission hereby issues $e guidelines for be regisfation of unr€gistered
radio eouiom€nt under he radio seMces menlioned hereof;
2. The subs€qu€nt licensing of all radio squiprFnt to b€ registered under and pursuant to
his Ordq shall b€ in accordance with existing rules and r€gulations and he usual
lic€nsing prccedures.
Registration Poriod:
4. Registation Fe€s:
b. HF Radio Equipment
. Lov{ Po'r€r 6elow 50 watls) PHP 500.00
. l4€dium Po$/er (50 - 500 watb) - PHP s00.00
. High Power (abow 500 Mtts) PHP 500.00
6. Expired Radio Shtion License (RSL)fur more than fve (5) years issued to Civic Action
Groups/ftivate Radio Networi(s to include privately ow)ed and govemment owned
stations, Amateur Radio Operator Certifcate/Station Liconse {ROCiRSL) shall be
allor,wd to rene$/ without penalties. However, an applicant shall pay anears equivalent
to lic€nse tee for every year a fraclion of a year that the license has expired.
7. Radio equipment which are not type-approvedi accepted for commercial band and are
being used in Civic Action Groups/Private Radio Netao*s to include privately owned
and govemment ow)ed stations, are hereby allo',red to be registered and be issued a
Radio Slation License but not beyond June 30, 2024. Afrer his pedod, no radio statjon
license shall be reneu€d without lhis radio equipment having been replaced to a
commercially type-approved/accepted unit.
L Registranb and/or applicanh shall only be accepted in all NTC Regional Offces or
during their [4obils Licensing Activities.
10. All he radio equipment registered under ltris Memorandum Order shall be at the
accountability of the registrant.
11. All licsnses which have been revoked bv he final decision ol he Commission are
excluded ftom the amnesty program.
'12. The Commission reserves the right to reiect the registration of any radio equipment if
and wananted underthe circumstances in lhe interest of the public.
13. No succeeding General Amnesty or any amnesty shall be granted by this Commission
within the next five (5)years from November 30, 2023.
14. This order supersedes other l\4emoranda and orders inconsistent herewith.