Module 5
Module 5
Module 5
• Collaborative filtering
• Content‐based filtering
• Demographic filtering
• Knowledge‐based filtering
• Hybrid filtering.
Collaborative Filtering
• Also called as Social filtering.
• Most commonly used technique.
• To recommend items based on the opinions of other users.
• User‐based collaborative filtering
• Items will be recommended to a user based on how similar users rated these
• Item‐based collaborative filtering
• Items will be recommended to a user based on how this user rated similar
Similarity matrix
• One way to calculate similarity between users or items is to use a
user‐item matrix that contains information on which user bought
what item.
• Explicit ratings:
• Can be obtained by requesting a user to rate a certain item.
• Implicit ratings:
• Are obtained by associating a rating with a certain action such as buying an
Algorithm used
Neighborhood‐based algorithms are applied.
• No standard attributes and values are available, typical problems arise, such
as synonyms and polysemous words.
• Free text can then be translated into more structured data by using a
selection of free text terms as attributes.
• Techniques like TF‐IDF (term frequency/ inverse document frequency) can
then be used to assign weights to the different terms of an item.
Content‐Based Filtering
• Data is semistructured, consisting of some attributes with restricted
values and some free text.
• One approach to deal with this kind of data is to convert the text into
structured data.
Content‐Based Filtering
• A classification algorithm is invoked for each user based on his or her
ratings on items and their attributes.
• Predict whether a user will like an item with a specific representation.
• Can apply explicit/implicit rating.
Machine learning techniques used
• Logistic regression
• Neural networks
• Decision trees
• Association rules
• Bayesian networks
• Nearest neighbor methods
• Support vector machines
• Naïve Bayes.
• There is no cold start problem for new items.
• Items can also be recommended to users that have unique
• Possibility to give an explanation to the user about his or her
• Only ratings of the active user are used in order to build the profile.
• Only suitable if the right data are available.
• Old ratings potentially influence the recommendation.
• Over‐specialization can be a problem because such techniques will
focus on items similar to the previously bought items.
Demographic Filtering
• Recommends items based on demographic information of the user.
• The main challenge is to obtain the data.
• This can be explicitly done by asking for information from users such
as age, gender, address, and so on.
• Personal attributes.
• Analytical techniques could be used to extract information linked to
the interactions of the users with the system.
• There is not always a need for a history of user ratings.
• Segments can be used in combination with user–item interactions in
order to obtain a high‐level recommender system.
• The cold start problem for new users and new items.
• Difficulty in capturing the data, which is highly dependent on the
participation of the users.
Knowledge‐Based Filtering
• A recommender system is knowledge-based when it makes
recommendations based not on a user’s rating history, but on specific
queries made by the user.
• Case‐based recommenders
• The goal is to find the item that is most similar to the ones the user requires.
• Similarity is then often based on knowledge of the item domain.
• The system will then start with an example provided by the user and will generate a
user profile based on it.
• Based on this user profile gathering information and additional knowledge sources,
recommendations can then be proposed.
• That they can be used when there is only limited information about
the user.
• Expert knowledge is used in the recommender system.
• It is also possible to function in an environment with complex,
infrequently bought items.
• Can help customers actively, for example, by explaining products or
suggesting changes in case no recommendation is possible.
• System may require some effort concerning knowledge acquisition,
knowledge engineering, and development of the user interface.
• It can be difficult when the user is asked to provide the system with
an example if the number of items in the recommendation system is
very high.
• It may be difficult or impossible for the user to provide an example
that fits the user’s needs.
Hybrid Filtering
• Hybrid recommender systems combine the advantages of content‐
based, knowledge‐based, demographic, and collaborative filtering
recommender systems.
• Developed is to avoid the cold start problem.
• Combines two or more recommendation techniques to gain
performance with fewer of the drawbacks of any of them.
• There are seven types of hybrid techniques.
Types of hybrid techniques
• Weighted hybrid filtering:
• The recommendation scores of several recommenders are combined by
applying specific weights.
• Switching:
• Recommendations are taken from one recommender at a time, but not
always the same one.
• Mixed:
• Recommendations for multiple recommenders are shown to the user.
• Feature combination
• Different knowledge sources are used to obtain features, and these are then given to
the recommendation algorithm.
• Augmentation
• A first recommender computes the features while the next recommender computes
the remainder of the recommendation.
• Cascade
• Each recommender is assigned a certain priority and if high priority recommenders
produce a different score, the lower priority recommenders are decisive.
• Meta‐level hybrid
• Consists of a fi rst recommender that gives a model as output that is used as input by
the next recommender
• With the rising popularity of the web, people are closer connected to each other
than ever before.
• The demographic boundaries are fading away through the recently trending
online communication channels.
• Traditional word‐of‐ mouth advertising is replaced by the web.
• Web users have been putting billions of data online on social medias.
• Facebook
• Twitter
• Wikipedia (user‐generated encyclopedia)
• LinkedIn
• Reddit
• Instagram
• Users are no longer reluctant to share personal information about themselves,
their friends, their colleagues, their idols, and their political preferences with
anybody who is interested in them.
• Web users are 24/7 connected to all kinds of social media platforms, giving
real‐time information about their whereabouts.
• A new challenging research domain arises: social media analytics.
• These data sources offer invaluable knowledge and insights in customer behavior
and enable marketers to more carefully profile, track, and target their customers.
• Crawling through such data sources is far from evident because social media data
can take immense magnitudes never seen before.
From a sales‐oriented point of view:
• Social media offers advantages for both parties in the business–consumer relationship.
• People share thoughts and opinions on weblogs, microblogs, online forums, and review
websites, creating a strong effect of digital word‐of‐mouth advertising.
• Web users can use others’ experience to gain information and make purchase decisions.
• Consumers are no longer falling for transparent business tricks of a sales representative,
but they are well‐informed and make conscious choices like true experts.
• Companies are forced to keep offering high‐quality products and services, and only a
small failure can have disastrous consequences for the future.
• Consumers can easily compare product and service characteristics of both local and
global competitors.
• People trust social media platforms with their personal data and interests, making it an
invaluable data source for all types of stakeholders.
• Marketers who are searching for the most promising and profitable consumers to target
are now able to capture more concrete consumer characteristics, and hence develop a
better understanding of their customers.
• Next‐generation business intelligence platform.
• Politicians and governmental institutions can get an impression of the public
opinion through the analysis of social media.
• During election campaigns, studies claim that political candidates with a higher
social media engagement got relatively more votes within most political parties.
• Tool to acquire and propagate one’s reputation.
• Social media analytics is a multifaceted domain.
• Social networking sites are protective toward data sharing and offer built‐in
advertisement tools to set up personalized marketing campaigns.
Social Networking Sites: B2B Advertisement Tools
• Business‐to‐business industry is launched by capturing users’ information in
social network websites.
• Enabling personalized advertising and offering services for budget and impact
• Facebook Advertising is a far‐evolved marketing tool with an extensive variety of
facilities and services.
Facebook Advertising
• Calculates the impact and spread of the digital word‐of‐mouth advertising.
• Facebook Advertising is particularly suitable for Business‐to‐ Consumer (B2C)