Cheeze Machine

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Big Tick

Cheeze Machine

1. Overview
The Cheeze Machine is a free string ensemble synthesizer. It is based on a CSound design
by Sean Costello.
Like all our synths, Cheeze Machine can be used either as a standalone synthesizer (PC-
only), or as a vst plugin (all platforms).

2. Installation
The downloaded package should consist in the following files:
Cheeze Machine.dll The actual plugin file. You should copy this file into your vst
plugins directory before being able to use it in your favourite
vst host.
Cheezemachine.exe The standalone version of the synth
Cheeze Machine.pdf The document you are reading right now !

3. Interface description
Cheeze Machine generates sounds by processing a saw-like waveform through a
chorus/ensemble section, a phaser section, and a stereo reverb.

The control parameters are:

(40) Attack The length of the enveloppe attack segment
(41) Release The length of the enveloppe release segment
(18) Brightness The amount of high harmonics within the oscillators
(42) Ensemble speed The speed of the low-frequency oscillators used to drive the
chorus/ensemble effect
(43) Ensemble amount The amount of chorus/ensemble effect (0 turns it off entirely)
(44) Ensemble feedback Add some kind of "glimmery" reflections to the ensemble
(45) Phaser speed The speed of the low-frequency oscillator controlling the
phaser effect.
(46) Phaser amount The amount of phasing effect (0 turns it off entirely)
(47) Phaser feedback Makes the phasing effect more obvious
(48) Reverb length The length of the reverberated sound
(49) Reverb amount The mix of reverberated signal
(7) Main out The main output level
Voices Controls the maximum number of sustaining notes the synth
can play. The internal voice stealing algorithm will try to reuse
any non-sustaining notes. If the same note than the one being
played is already in use, it will be reused immediatly.
Otherwise, the program will try to find a note to steal using the
following rules:
 never steal the lowest playing note
 if there are notes currently being released, but not
terminated, steal the one that has been playing since the
longest time
 if all notes are sustained, steal the one that was played
with the lowest velocity.

The number between brackets in the above list is the midi controller that can be used to
control the parameter.

Every changes you do to a patch are stored into a temporary patch. This temporary patch is
commited into one of the 8 patches slots whenever:
 You save the current bank. The temporary edits are then stored to the currently selected
patch slot.
 You use alt-click on one of the 8 patches buttons. The temporary edits are then stored to
the clicked patch slot. You can use this feature to quickly copy a patch in any of the 8 slots.

4. Standalone operation (PC only)

Running the Cheezemachine.exe file will launch the standalone version of the synth. In this
mode the program does not require a VST host, but is directly controlled by a MIDI input
device. You can configure the standalone mode settings by clicking on the setup button, in the
top right bar. This should bring up the following window:

The audio section, to the top, configures settings for the audio (DirectSound) interface:
Device The audio device to use.
Latency The desired playing latency (for 44100 sample rate).
Experiment with this value, too high a value will cause a
noticeable delay when playing your MIDI keyboard. Too low a
value will cause audible noise and crackle.
Use primary buffer When set, the system will use exclusive access to the audio
device. This will allow for better latency settings, but will
prevent other applications from playing sound while the synth
is in use.
Sample rate The desired sample rate. The higher this value, the lower the
actual latency, but the higher the CPU usage.

The midi section below defines settings for the MIDI interface:
Input The midi input device to use.
Input Channel The desired MIDI input channel.
Output The midi output device to use (currently not used by Cheeze
Output Channel The desired MIDI output channe (currently not used by
Cheeze Machine)

All these settings are stored within the registry, under the following key:
If you wish to uninstall the program (and have used the standalone version) you should
remove this key manually.

5. Credits
Credits go to:

- Sean Costello for his CSound design that started it all

- Sean "Deadskinboy" for the fantastic woody user interface
- Jon Seneger for the alternate, wonderfully slick "metal" interface
- Warren "Dub Jay" for compiling the Mac versions.
- Kevin Hammer for making some of the presets.

and to everyone who helped beta-testing this thing. Thanks to all.

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