Class X Maths PA II Question Paper 2023-2024
Class X Maths PA II Question Paper 2023-2024
Class X Maths PA II Question Paper 2023-2024
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ll .\LF \ f ARL \' E\AMINA TIONS, 2023-2-4
• Pka:,.e chec"- tha t tlti:,. ljtll.'sl i()n r 11 •. , . .
, _ · • I l I Cl'11ta111~ rrmkJ [1,ll!l'S.
• S1..'lnum~-r~l\l'nt1111hcri11h1] • J · • ...
1 • c:- l,lnu side lll the lJlll',tion papt'r :-hnulJ bl' ,Hillen l)O the titk rage
l 1th~ ans,\ er ho1'"- b~ lhl.' c,md ,Jatl.'
Ti me: 3 Hours
General Instructions: 1\ta,imum '.\larks: 80
(Consists of 20 qucstiuns ofone mark each)
If 2 positive integer a and b are writ ten as a = X3) ~ and b = xy3. "here '< and ) are prime numbers. then
the result obtained by diviJing the product of a and b by the I ICFta.b) is -
(a) xy (b) xf
The val ue of (x+y) on soh ing I9x + I7y = 55 and l 7x+ 19y = 53 is
I Page 1 of 7
rn L . 1 \ t:
i/1L• ,IC'1 ' filhU l1: _,! _I\()(_
1 ·, u . .AD
[' .... = \. on
D = X., "E- = \+~and
- . ·'"" re =~-1 . n1~n the ,alu\? l)fx i,
?l-1 \
f J1' I_
ln the given fig ure. QR_~: and <- I = <.2. Show that ~PQS ~ tiTQR.
QS • /~~ ·
•◄ •
Cl"-' -
.,..,,,-· '"'.... -~
•. ,, ..
- . - - -- - -- -· :,, ·at
PO .
length 20 cm . Find th~ leng th ol
fro m lhl' cent re. If the tangent is of
t to a circle are equal.
ents drawn from an exterior poin
29. Prove that length of two tang
5 sin 30 °+co s
2 2
45 °+4t a n ' 60 °
30. E va lu2siat e- -- -- -- -
n30 °cos60 °+ta n45 •
Evaluate cot 2 30 '' - cos 2 45°. ,. 'L
sm '60 °
ng frequency distribution .
3 J. Find the mode of the followi
50-60 60-70
Classes 0-10 10- 20 20-30 30-40 40-50
7 12 28 20 IO
Frequency 5 8
ns of 5 marks each)
(Section - D consists of 4 questio
logy are 336. 240 and 96
inar the num ber of particip ant s in Mathematics, Phys ics and Bio
32. In a sem of participants
min imu m num ber of rooms required ifin each room same number
respectively. Find lhe
t he of the same subject.
\\i]l he !>eatcd and all of the m mus
e the follo\, in~-
tionalit.v 1heorcm. llsc this 10 prm
33. State anJ pro\e Ba!>ic propnr
Page 4 of 7
HY / MATHS - X / SET - I
\BCD is a tr· ___ · · .
. dpczn11n Ill V. h1ch -\ B!', Dc11 r I ti AF RF
• 1i:11 pre)\ c 1lwt - -= -
t:D Fr.
D • C
A railway half ticket costs half the full fare. but the reservation charges are the same on a half ticket as on a
full ticket. One reserved first-class ticket from the station A to B cost Rs.2530. Also. one reserved first-class
ticket and one reserYed first-class half ticket from A lo B costs Rs.3810. FinJ the full fJJst-class ticket fare
from station A to B. and also the reservation charge for a ticket.
35. If the median of the fo llowing frequency distribution 32.5. Find the va lues of fi and / .
Classes 0-10 10-10 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 Total
Freque nc y h 5 9 12 !2 3 2 40
Compu te the mean of the fo llowi ng data by assumed mean method :
Marks More More More More More More More More More More
than than than than than than than than 70 than than
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 90
No . of 80 77 72 65 55 43 28 16 10 8
. the ath ot. a diver
. whens he takes a jump from the diving. board. ,
36. The figure given below shows p I , I she took a dive: mto the pool. Her
. . , d 48 feet above the water e,e ,
A nnie was standing on a d1vmg boar . . d . ·ven b)' the polynomial h (t) such that
· ·•f' ill secon S IS g 1
height (in feet) above the water level at any time
h(t) = -16t2+8t+k.
HY/MATHS-X/SET - 1 Page5of7
r -.
I It I
1 R 1 3.Ild
e and red ma ke purpl e. So . if one spinn er shows I't'd
spinner once. Blu
,'Waking pu rp le :Spin each
itten as --RB "'.
the r blue (BJ the n yo u win. Once such outcome is v.T
fo llowing question
Based on the aho ve answer the
the game ?
aJ List all pos sible outcomes of
t gets Rs.1 0 . but ifhe she
losses .
b) For each, a participan ch fund cv ulJ rhe ~· hl)(.\J
sch oo l. lf9 9 par ticipants pla:,ed calculate how mu
I-fo'she has to pa) Rs. 5 to the
ha, ·e collected.
Page 6 of 7
..:sam~anwuntofRs.~h.lsh1.• ·p J , .·
1 1. .
1eckJ D\ ~Ch{,u\•) i \: .1 . .I..: . I. II.. \. II. l ' I. Il, r " "' 1111 1):!
I I .
u 1 11~11 ,~ the g,lllil· .
I 1· ,l
11 11.11 li1•'-'- m u c1 unu 1d
I J bt: e·n
Design A : Brooch A is made \Vith silver wire in the form of a circle with diamete r 28mm . A wire used for
making 4 diameters v,.-hich divide the circle into 8 equal parts.
Design B: Brooch Bis made of two colours gold and silver. Outer part is made"' ith gold. TI1e
circumference of silver part is 44mm and the gold part is 3mm wide eYerywhere.
Based on the above information, ans\\er the fo llowing questions:
a) Find the total length of silver wire used in desi gn A. 1
b) Find the area of each sector of the brooch in the design A.
A boy is playing"' ith brooch B. He makes revolution with it along its edge. Ho\\ many complete
revolutions must it take to cover 80 rr mm?
c) Find the circumference of outer part (golden) in the design B. 1