Activity DRRM

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Activity on Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

A. Identify at least three (3) hazards in your community and list possible mitigation and
prevention measures.

Hazards in the Community Mitigation and Prevention Measures

 Providing caution signs near the
damaged electrical material to alert
people of the unsafe condition of the
said electrical property will help them
know what to do in case of inevitable
contact with the area.
 Educate people with the necessary
information regarding safety measures
in handling damaged electrical
materials, and advise them to share their
takeaways with their friends or families,
which is a way of saving lives. This
Electrical Hazards (e.g. electrical shocks, measure is also a way for people to
overloaded circuits, damages wirings, protect their loved ones from related
exposed electrical parts, etc.) accidents, especially those with little

 Practice the conservation of

electricity. Not only does conserving
electricity help our electrical bills
decrease, but also helps avoid the
overheating of appliances that may
cause a fire.

 Careful handling of electrical

materials. People should be careful
when handling electrical materials, like
the wiring of appliances or circuits.
Check for exposed or grounded
electrical parts before holding or
touching them with bare hands, or use
safety gloves at least.

 Strengthen the foundation of houses,

especially those with weak concrete
Earthquake (In our village, most houses are feature. This may be done through
vulnerable to ground shaking, and are likely renovation, and replacing weak
to collapse when a strong earthquake hits structural materials with more durable
the area.) ones.
 Provide an efficient action plan for
safety and evacuation.
Falling (In our community, there are places  Furnishing a visible caution sign
with heights, especially ravines and cliffs, before the falling point. There are
wherein various falling accidents are likely to instances when people tend to forget
happen.) that there is a cliff near their way, and
only realize it when they are already on
the edge of the said cliff, which is highly
dangerous. Therefore, to avoid this kind
of accident, signage should be visibly
posted adjacent to the edge to alert
 Putting up fences on the edge to
prevent people from accidentally falling
even if they trips or unknowingly step on
the edge.

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