A Study On Risk and Return Analysis of Selected Private Sector Banks in India

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International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR)

E-ISSN: 2582-2160 ● Website: www.ijfmr.com● Email: [email protected]

A Study on Risk and Return Analysis of Selected

Private Sector Banks in India
Dr. A. Priya1, Nazar. M. H2
Assistant professor, Department of B.com (IT), Kongunadu Arts & ScienceCoimbatore – 641029
Tamilnadu, India
PhD Research Scholar, Kongunadu Arts & Science Coimbatore – 641029 Tamilnadu, India


The study examines determinants of risk and growth for five commercial banks in the period 2018-2022.
A bank's growth depends on its profitability and other variables of size, asset type, financial structure,
earnings dispersion and other independent variables. These variables may require finer-grained control
to maximize profits or minimize costs. Well-capitalized banks are perceived as less risky, and such
advantages lead to higher profitability. On the other hand, asset quality as measured by loan loss
reserves has a negative impact on a bank's performance. Furthermore, banks with large retail deposit-
taking networks have not achieved higher levels of profitability than banks with smaller networks. This
study examines the impact of these characteristics and financial structure variables on the importance of
the performance and profitability of the Indian banking industry. This paper presents a portion that
quantifies how internal determinants and external factors contribute to the performance of selected
private Indian banks. Finally, size and asset structure are two variables that show significant correlations
with bank profitability.


The banking sector is responsible for providing most of the finance for trade and commerce. Banking
has always been a highly profitable and focused activity, but now banks are differentiating their products
and services for better growth and sustainability. To grow, banks must constantly innovate and update to
maintain demand and discerning customers and to provide convenient, reliable and convenient services.
Driven by the challenge of expanding the banking market and capturing a larger share, some banks have
invested in more branches and created aggressive marketing policies to expand their geographic and
market reach. Other banks are looking at more innovative approaches to offering banking services over
the Internet. After India's independence, financial reforms laid the foundation for a strong and healthy
banking system. And with great progress in the implementation of reforms, the banking system is now
entering its second phase., the Indian banking sector faces several challenges that require the
development of new standards and strategies by Indian banks. The purpose of this study is to examine
the main factors affecting the financial risk of several private sector banks in India.

IJFMR23021880 Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2023 1

International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR)
E-ISSN: 2582-2160 ● Website: www.ijfmr.com● Email: [email protected]


Petria, N., Capraru, B. and Ihnatov, (2015) discusses various relationships between bank profitability.
Cost ratio, return/dividend ratio and spread ratio are three categories in which the author classifies
different ratios. These ratios can be used to understand a bank's financial position, operations and
investment attractiveness. By using such ratio analysis, he explained, comparisons can be made between
branches and the strengths and weaknesses of individual banks can be explored to make strategic
decisions and take the necessary corrective actions.
Goddard (2014) using cross-sectional, pooled cross-sectional time series and dynamic panel models.
Their model of profitability determinants incorporates size, diversification, risk, ownership type, and
dynamic effects. They found that despite increasing competition, there are significant decisions of
unusual interest each year. Evidence for a consistent or systematic relationship between size and
profitability is relatively weak. The relationship between reputation and profitability for off-balance
sheet businesses in bank portfolios is positive in the UK, but neutral or negative in other countries. The
correlation between capital adequacy and profitability is positive.
Javaid (2011) analysed the determinants of efficiency of top 10 banks in Pakistan during the period
2004-2008. They only focused on internal factors. Javaid et al. (2011) used pooled ordinary least squares
(POLS) to estimate the impact of assets, loans, stocks and deposits on return on assets (ROA), one of the
key profitability measures for banks. I investigated. Empirical results have found strong evidence that
these variables have a strong impact on profitability. However, the results show that higher returns do
not always come from higher total assets due to economies of scale. Higher borrowings also contribute
to profitability, but the effect is negligible. Shares and deposits have a significant influence on


The banks currently work in three formats in India viz. public sector banks, private sector banks and
foreign banks who are not aware of the growth factors which must be different in different places and
therefore the banks working in India will learn the factors. responsible for their growth.


According to the RBI and CMIE (Centre for Economic Monitoring of India) business databases, there
are 22 private banks in India, all of which are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the
National Stock Exchange (NSE). The top 5 commercial banks based on total assets were selected for
study, and data for all 10 banks over the last 5 years are available. As a result, they were selected as the
sampling unit for the study. Below are the sample banks considering in this study.

IJFMR23021880 Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2023 2

International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR)
E-ISSN: 2582-2160 ● Website: www.ijfmr.com● Email: [email protected]


SL. No BANK NAME Total Assets in crores

1 ICICI Bank Ltd 1,411,297.74

2 HDFC Bank Ltd 2,068,535.05

3 Axis Bank Ltd 1,175,178.11

4 Yes bank 318,220.23

5 IDBI bank 301,419.36


 The purpose of conducting this research paper is to examine the determinants of profitability
(growth) of banks operating in the Indian private sector.
 To evaluate the risk and returns factors for the selected private banks in India

H1: The characteristics that make up a bank's profitability in the key figures you choose have great
significance for the bank's earnings.

 Sample Size
For data analysis purposes, data from 5 banks, are the private sector banks (HDFC, ICICI, Federal, Yes
Bank, Axis Bank) were taken into profitability terms. selected based on.
 Data Source and Data Analysis
Data source:
Data for the purpose of this study was obtained from secondary sources. This includes bank annual
reports and other data published by RBI and other reliable sources.
Data analysis tools:
Bank data was used to analyse the dependence of bank profitability therefore ratio analysis was used to
analyse the data using profitability as the dependent variable and the other independent variable.


For data analysis purposes of the data from five private sectors from 2018 to 2022 were selected from
annual reports. Data were analysed using ratio analysis of risk and returns factors and profitability ratios
as the dependent variable and other ratios as the independent variable. The collected data is shown
 Bank size: Uses the bank's total assets (log). In general, the effect of increased scale on profitability
has been found to be positive to some extent. However, for banks that grow very large, size may be
negative for bureaucratic and other reasons. The effect is not clear. On the one hand, large banks can

IJFMR23021880 Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2023 3

International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR)
E-ISSN: 2582-2160 ● Website: www.ijfmr.com● Email: [email protected]

reduce costs through economies of scale and economies of scale. On the other hand, some argue that
smaller banks can achieve economies of scale by scaling up to a certain point where further
expansion leads to economies of scale. Therefore, there is no a priori forecast of the impact of this
variable on banks' profitability.
 Bank Ownership: There is no clear empirical evidence to support a positive relationship between
ownership and profitability, which is peculiar to the Indian banking sector. To capture this
relationship, we use dummy variable 1 for public banks and dummy variable 0 for private and
foreign banks, according to the literature.
 Equity capital to Total Assets (EC TA): Use the ratio of Equity to Total Assets as a proxy.
 Operating Efficiency (OE): We are use the bank's operating expenses to total assets as a proxy for
operating efficiency. This measurement is widely used in the literature.
 Credit risk (CR): Uses the ratio of a bank's total loss reserve to total loans (TL). It indicates the
probability of a loss due to the debtor's failure to fulfil its obligations to the bank.
 NPA Ratio: Uses the ratio of non-performing assets to total assets as a proxy. This ratio directly
affects the bank's profitability.
 PSL Ratio: Uses the ratio of preferred branch advances to total bank branch advances. In India,
banks are required to earmark a percentage of loans in priority sectors such as agriculture, housing,
education, SMEs and export-oriented units. Therefore, there is no a priori expected value for this
variable in terms of profitability
 Interest Income Ratio (RII): This variable is measured using the ratio of interest income to total
income. In addition, banks with more diversified activities have the opportunity to reduce costs
based on economies of scale. But before banks become less profitable, competition in the fee-
generating business is heating up. Therefore, there are no prior expectations for this variable.
 Labour Productivity (LP): Uses the ratio of total sales to total number of employees. This variable is
widely used to examine the impact on bank profitability. Improving labour productivity not only
reflects effective bank management, but also increases bank efficiency and further increases bank
profitability. To investigate whether the observed productivity gains contributed to the bank's profits,
we include the rate of change in labour productivity (measured by total real sales to number of
employees) in the model.
 Cost of Funds (KF): This ratio is calculated as the total cost of funds. That is, interest paid on bank
deposits and other borrowed money. Use this ratio as a proxy for the cost of funds. Higher cost of
funds and lower bank profitability.
 Banking Sector Development to GDP (DPGDP): Uses the ratio of total banking sector deposits to a
country's GDP. It reflects the overall level of development in the banking sector and measures the
importance of bank mobilization of savings in the economy.
 Stock Market Movement to GDP (MCAPGDP): Uses the ratio of stock market value to GDP. This
variable serves as a proxy for the relationship between financial developments and bank and capital
market funding and developments. As the stock market develops, more companies will raise funds
from the stock market rather than from banks. This not only reduces the volume of lending by banks,
but also reduces the risk of loan default.
 GDP Growth Rate: Economic growth, expressed as GDP growth rate, has several effects, such as
increased banking activity. Researchers argue that an upturn in the economy will have a positive
impact on banks' profitability as demand for loans increases. Increases in bank deposits and lending

IJFMR23021880 Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2023 4

International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR)
E-ISSN: 2582-2160 ● Website: www.ijfmr.com● Email: [email protected]

have a positive impact on bank profitability. When economic activity slows down, demand for loans
and deposits declines, adversely affecting profit margins.
In this table shows about the statistical details of assets, the period of capital gain, revenue and
efficiency of 2018 to2022


Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
ASSET 879189.16 964459.15 1098365.15 1,230,432.68 1,411,297.74

REVENUE 72,385.52 77,913.36 91,246.94 98,086.80 104,892.08

ASSET 0.77 0.34 0.72 1.31 1.65

CAPITAL 6.63 3.19 6.99 11.21 13.94
REVENUE -1.21 -1.15 -0.77 -0.22 0.34
EFFICIENCY 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05

The above table shows the clear view of the asset, revenue and other ratios of the ICICI Bank. The value
of asset of the ICICI Bank goes on increasing from the period of 2018 to2022. From 879189.16 to
1,411,297.74. the revenue of the ICICI Bank also same for the increasing value at the five years. The
capital and asset structure of the bank was increased for the last five years (2018 to 2022). Even though
the value of returns increases, due to covid the earnings of the bank was in stagnant level.


Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
ASSET 1,063,934.32 1,244,540.69 1,530,511.26 1,746,870.52 2,068,535.05

REVENUE 95,461.66 116,597.94 138,073.47 146,063.12 157,263.02

ASSET 1.64 1.69 1.71 1.78 1.78

CAPITAL 16.45 14.12 15.35 15.27 15.39
REVENUE 0.21 0.27 0.19 0.33 0.36

IJFMR23021880 Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2023 5

International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR)
E-ISSN: 2582-2160 ● Website: www.ijfmr.com● Email: [email protected]

EFFICIENCY 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.05

The above table shows the descriptive view of the asset and revenue and other ratios of the HDFC Bank.
The asset values of the HDFC Bank goes on inflection from the period of 2018 to2022. From
1,063,934.32 to 2,068,535.05. The revenue of HDFC bank also goes for the increasing value at the five
years. The asset structure and revenue structure of the bank was increased for the last five years (2018 to
2022) from 1.64 to 1.78 and 0.21 to 0.36. Even though the value of returns increases, due to covid, the
earningscapacity of the bank was in increasing level.


Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
ASSET 691,329.58 800,996.53 915,164.82 996,118.42 1,175,178.11

REVENUE 56,747.40 68,116.11 78,171.72 78,483.49 82,597.37

ASSET 0.03 0.58 0.17 0.66 1.10

CAPITAL 0.43 7.01 1.91 6.48 11.30
REVENUE -1.54 -1.05 -1.51 -0.82 -0.18
EFFICIENCY 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.06

The above table shows the clear view of the asset and revenue and ratios of the AXIS Bank. The asset
values and revenue values of the AXIS Bank goes on increasing trend from the period of 2018 to2022.
From 691,329.58to 1,175,178.11 and 56,747.40 to 82,597.37. The asset structure and capital structure of
the bank was volatility for the last five years and 2020 was lowest ratio compare to the other years. Even
though the value of returns for fluctuating due to covid, the earnings capacity of the bank was in
improving trend.


Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
ASSET 312,445.60 380,826.17 257,826.92 273,542.77 318,220.23

REVENUE 25,491.26 34,214.90 37,923.10 23,382.56 22,285.98

IJFMR23021880 Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2023 6

International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR)
E-ISSN: 2582-2160 ● Website: www.ijfmr.com● Email: [email protected]

ASSET 1.35 0.45 -6.36 -1.26 0.33

CAPITAL 16.40 6.39 -75.56 -10.42 3.15
REVENUE -0.31 -0.75 -10.96 -2.48 -0.69
EFFICIENCY 0.06 0.03 -0.58 -0.09 0.03

The above table shows the clear view of the asset and revenue and ratios of the YES Bank. The asset
values and of the YES Bank goes on fluctuating trend from the period of 2018 to2022. The revenue of
the YES bank also negative. The asset structure and capital structure of the bank was volatility for the
last five years and 2020 was lowest ratio compare to the other years. Even though the value of returns
for fluctuating due to covid, the earnings capacity of the bank was in improving trend.


Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
ASSET 350,313.64 320,284.49 299,942.37 297,764.08 301,419.36

REVENUE 30,035.41 25,371.53 25,295.48 24,556.93 22,985.19

ASSET -2.35 -4.71 -4.29 0.45 0.80

CAPITAL -50.99 -48.94 -46.82 4.45 7.34
REVENUE -4.35 -5.75 -5.78 -1.09 -0.74
EFFICIENCY -0.37 -0.42 -0.64 0.03 0.05

The above table shows the clear view of the asset and revenue and ratios of the IDBI Bank. The asset
values and of the IDBI Bank goes on fluctuating trend from the period of 2018 to2022 and 2018 highest
asset value and the lowest value is in the year of 2020. The revenue of the IDBI bank also decreasing
trend. The asset structure and capital structure of the bank was volatility for the last five years and the
efficiency ratio was improving in each year from -.37 to .05. Even though the value of returns for
fluctuating due to covid, the earnings capacity of the bank was in increasing level.



IJFMR23021880 Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2023 7

International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR)
E-ISSN: 2582-2160 ● Website: www.ijfmr.com● Email: [email protected]

Asset correlation Revenue correlation Std. Errora

.491 .319 .200

.096 .033 .303
.030 .016 .355
.029 -029 .386
.292 .294 .409
.357 .287 .430
.180 .145 .437
.016 .044 .439
.068 .073 .439
-079 -.061 .442
.103 .100 .448
.125 .125 .457
-.110 -.068 .467
.134 .107 .478
.188 .147 .490
.245 -.201 .503

Items Mean Std. Deviation N
Asset 1249404.7740 2251736.41345 25
revenue 69345.7336 42056.05650 25
asset ratio .0256 2.17658 25
revenue ratio 1.5620 2.50950 25
efficiency ratio .0540 .20682 25

The size of the correlation which has relationship between (perfect negative correlation) and (perfect
positive correlation). If the correlation is "statistically significant". It is also flags this number samples
[significant at least at the .05 level] or [significant at least at the .01 level]. If the correlation statistic
doesn't have a minus in front of it, that means that the correlation is positive, which means that high
scores for both variables go together, and low scores for both variables go together. If the correlation
statistic had a minus in front of it, that would mean that as the values of one variable goes up, the values
of the other variable go down (i.e., a negative or inverse correlation).
The study revealed power of to predict the future profitability of the banks. The correlation analysis
which is the statistical test for overall model fit in terms of further revealed that the ratio of Size and
Assets Structure explained the profitability. The total sum of squares (122.549) is the standard error that
would accrue if the mean of Size and Assets have been used to predict the dependent variable
(Profitability). Using the values of Size (five year) and Assets Structure these errors can be reduced by
28.14% (.200/.503). This reduction is deemed statistically significant with the average of .014% and
significance at level of 0.05%. With the above analysis, finally, it can be concluded that two variables
i.e., asset and revenue Structure explains the profitability in Indian private banks.

IJFMR23021880 Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2023 8

International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR)
E-ISSN: 2582-2160 ● Website: www.ijfmr.com● Email: [email protected]

The current study was conducted to identify the determinants of profitability of Indian private banks five
selected banks) for the period of 2018-2022. The ratios wasused to relationships of two variable like,
banking performance and the profitability of Indian banks. This study identified that the differences
between private banks in terms of size structure were statistically significant. Therefore, the study found
that taking higher risks yields to make a high returns.

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Vol. 51.
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4. Goddard (2014) The Dynamics of US Bank Profitability. The European Journal of Finance, 21, 426-
5. Petria, N., Capraru, B. and Ihnatov, I. (2015) Determinants of Banks’ Profitability: Evidence from
EU 27 Banking Systems. Procedia Economics and Finance, 20, 518-524.

IJFMR23021880 Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2023 9

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