Assignment Descriptions
Assignment Descriptions
Assignment Descriptions
Students must also prepare a presentation slides that includes the following items:
a. Introduction (Problem with existing teaching and learning approach that can be solved using
b. Objective of DLO
c. Project management planning (use PERT or Gantt Chart)
d. Group members responsibility
e. Target group / audience
f. Development of the DLO that include screen capture with brief explanation
− Intro page
− Menu page
− 1 sample subtopic (all pages)
− 1 sample text-entry page, 1 sample MCQ page
− Developer info page
g. References/Resources
** Full interactivity and Edutainment/game based Mobile Learning Apps
This project is a group assignment, and it will cover a development of a mini game based learning
project on mobile platform that consists of following elements:
Students must also prepare presentation slides that includes the following items:
a. Introduction (What is the game, How the game works)
b. Content of the Apps (List of sprites and multimedia elements)
c. Target group / audience
d. Flowchart of the product
e. Development of the Apps (Screen capture with brief explanation)
f. Strong point of the Apps (Explain how your game is unique from other games)
g. References/Resources
• Any projects that are found to be the act of plagiarism, the group will automatically be given
zero mark.
• The project developed for this course is not taken from any previous/current
undergraduate/postgraduate project or thesis.