Om - 17e00206

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lavke 60 Code : 4E00206 Max. Marke : 6 MBA Ir Semester Lopplemerde Coramtnations Ocdober| nlosern ber OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT aaa (common 4o BE FS and MBA) Cror sluckmle admPlled tm 2020 only) SECTION =A: (D] @ecerPbe the hectortca! clos laprnendt ot prodiedion 6 operovione monagernent ? tes] Heelortal dexelepment ob productin £ 9 reef Mon ee j i Se e sn 196041 E190" echolan tfarted 46 note the Commenaltty ob probleme oced by operons 20 thy Shorted! teadeg radfon Stem as o Prope oi i Fitporlent Conceple velatecl fo Operations & prodeetions ol 1 Mondfactatng cys a ve ke Ao a. Levotee § prodectot 3. Tolal duals: mrenagemert 4. Bustnect a Re. engioeer?og- &. Suppl chan Management. 6. aofermadion about the reeoorces § focrlegics Qvotlable. I> Demand forecart for the pertod Br rohich foc tledvec averlable > ent2attonal oles re arden re i — enw a d ag . + cok a vastovr alteinaltsce’ @ Reseurees, (u) | hel te capocs olshsdfony Otecuse aboot rhe su ‘Aas delewntnatvon al Pease ble aller ab deaee Gree wth | Qutlable eccornplee t cay odgltaattont te ea erceodage (neh wohrch tWiekcoka the amovnl- of available « hy Dy sthalt te being vsed fo sopply cvwent demand, copoet obsteaadton = copacty odiliszcl, & vareke Prodve fon [ opdemom copay, 8 pro lecdfon devel, Determ*radson of Leastble prodvetton ablrnadive ay le Factor rating method. a. Lletghted factor rotog trethod. 8- foad- dtclance enethod. Le Combe Ob gravity metied), S. Break even aneliyete, ‘ emamples— Feat Pb alternate tc dvatlable @ rose Capable AD beeng, canited ot atke talking nde tone? deration cork.» exceds tehnoli & eee to tight of ovealt prajeedl A bepecdtes © scanned with OKEN Scanner @) @ @ " tobod ove +Hhe poles of sob shop Schedoling 3 Caplern woth an Plloclrodeon? achedulengs- OcBned ac vprecertbirg OP when ¢ rohere Cach opmadton Mececsary ho monudlac fore the Pode @c to be, pordoveneel. Roles af _qob shop sche doltogs- 1 monegpmert| cemfeal ‘ec hedu ler. a, Advance, Job schedule. BS Job schedule enties. tor the Submee fee epremand. 5. Tob scheckiler conece rations. + yob schedlolirg 2 System aad abelty. Example! t ~the feb coutd be the monudbetor oD & stngle Consurne them, cuch as ae avtomebe le =the problem te to cebedute the locke on +e machines. 26 at to mintenize the length of -the Scheduile - the deere Hh lakes & alt +h (em at fo be compledeel. a tecplain briebly aboot method af prclictton conhol | Predvelton comboli— st te the process’ wsalhen %& montored, & acdrone to Conkol procestee are urekelolen, hee m Tackde, demancl planning, copaetty, pleaning » schedoling » work Cerbec axetgorel : mo oudaetoring wohercby the predvelton operation : fees © scanned with OKEN Scanner Le Mase prodoe tons axl constluke asseenbly lenes coote @n bull. Bavtomatoo Lehnol tp provide Maen footers rll Por eon ob hho, a each product or Process reqquties ob Hever machine. 9.Both Produedton:— ao batch prodvelton the “See cL ge Fit defbrent clage creade the ed, output. al consdetues botcbee, eer ' production 2 Some mochtnosy. } & gob roductfont— WH of a proceet shed: consdedotes ugorkex making a atogle tlanderdired, & ontqve codt for cele customer. ainclide mony machines, L. no: ob exporenceal complageet: (0 | wovete a .chort mole: on Lene ob alancer Line oft baloace s— : 4) - Lene of falence % a Menagememt Control’ > Pow collecting, m¥éatertag presen den fect relating to dime, Cort & accompli hment- a ot entree Aheel all nodeoot & Machines todvh, teget lee #n,, baloricea fashton. silo pra tor & meckine should be over boctned & fdle. > By ,ralotoiaing dovorleme,. lene balancing raises won iting wd, Methode— ay Bu © scanned with OKEN Scanner eT o) Aas (>) Deser?be bei = (a) | Deser?be iP the procedtore a) method Stody 2 Aps | Method stody:- Method ¢tdody % the process of cobjectin work to Sytner ovedzcol seven fo make et mow elect ioe a ebleceont. Precedlore 3— . step UY i Selec! tthe job to be Moalteal ekp 24 oblatm g Lecord 1 Relotedt gfocts ebovl the job. Sep Sir Bocomtne : cre dfcal onalyéte. Step Let Develop + New! belle ellfrcteat & Economie pnethed. step St- Ziptlall: thet celeckal method os sheaadord prockce, gtep 6 + Motrlata + thot meth aceorcling to el elandaads. Defence the vostows tenn’ used’ 2n \ york meagurcenend t A work cneacurement Involver ac Lemadec | evaluation of the duotion’ of Yorke fo Compleke. [2m Tratefog ernployeet, accep ing new. Bdeves & workfore « plonning are Lome eocamples ob work pocatoreaend. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Terme P Lectin elody%- Tee dod | a deed & Continuo Observalzon al Jock, Bm using dene keeping clevice. ae-precleterertned mo lsio gine tyler’ ss gerry used to perfor loboy mute costing Bo dhder Bel piece-rater, wage -yatec. 8+ sdorcbrd dele tyslenz- th % 0 delabece of nore! dime volver, urvally digantreo! by wotk ‘element. | ls work Saropling := wet oh the cdedeelcal techntgee vied for dedemintng the proportion ob Hime Spec by toorkex @n VaaPour define d Core gover, ol actors. ‘i Se wrtte shork nok oo: work focopltng 4 Work Som plings- soork Sam pli te the cladiedvcal technrque 7 vied fox determining the roperifon of deme Sper bt toorkee far yoatour dedsned categories. of acter : > Tn work sano plin Stedy, a Jee Gems alt an Obsewa tons are made of the ‘workers’ over an exdenceal perfool Dd deme. _» one teoportorrd veage ob thie dechargve ec the dederentning the slanclard feme for mance! manudactartny. a © scanned with OKEN Scanner 0] ec Explote abovt guality wnholt Dualely conbelt~ auolehy conbol fe .2>4Ph; of proceden Palended fo ensures that @ manufackneel product ewkce adhe rat) to delencol eel of qealt evirerta. \ \ wy at % ettendsal, fo betlding q cuccess full bostnere hed ce levers pode thee meet costorness Galifacten. tt abe forms the bases ob an ebfe%nd | bosines! thet minimizes woe ¢ operates a hegh besele of Prodocrietty. L. process contel. 2. combo! chorts. 3. Acceptance Gampling. | he prodved Se ‘criiel. () 3M tohat ove He objec Fivce A materral management t eapleto an. defeel 2 i Marea management Morkertal managerrent % a halanéthe acl’. the objective 2 balancing act. the Objeofuc ex do be able fo deltuee uohed eux domet c toont, twohen g a they vont Ph, & deco at mere © scanned with OKEN Scanner Obyeerioes s— = Le primory objecdicess~ te fous’ puree s- TF rnerferfedle ck pod col Cvecetde tm reducing the price of Pleme Pt bogts P conhibuler % not onlsy recbacing the opacting cob 9. lowes rovertorice s keepin Pournforze low vcled Zon felpe +o scales, ensures bese coped ee deed op % Paoentonies . 8. Requlas svpplyir Continuity. of copply of madera & ectental for eliminateng the dleroptton zo proclvedion te we Hand ling ob _matevoles— Helps howestng ob preelochn | Costs. Qs Secondles! foc de8 2 lL nom ‘porchase ol row matervals Lon +e customer - concern & Fn teva, sale of Eeorthed pocvek 2% “banwn as beer 2. New deve loprendes— she cleve loproect con be. cucces cubly apple Pn roatetal hondlea 3: Slerchacktation Greatly helpful, 2n Comtellng matetal management process. 1o06e L © scanned with OKEN Scanner Gxplet Rporlence of matertal.e mnanagemert Liporlencey- 2 ~> Motagal mona enent % vtdal to ensore the Steady flow of qo" Re prodecttes popes lo | fa ney Cottemer emanol . 1; > Tmpotonce of matertal enone geenend foo soppy chata, Ka ake qeorontees prodectron schedules ove |) 6) oct. > Uorover , 74 can help Lave Preductton coct-s ughvle matototateg prodeed quath. Tllostrate Lhe twer en Moadereale hanagement eenoet s le ede requ éctfion Pcsues. a porchase order sevtstone E Macevractes, 3. ohipping a Pee ervort ag inaccurate Fnseobory levels. le Tnaceurale medertal | Counts. S Taoen tong adjuclments. 6. 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