Trusting in Jesus My Savior and Friend
Trusting in Jesus My Savior and Friend
Trusting in Jesus My Savior and Friend
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. Jn. 14:1
They that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. Psa. 9:10; Rom. 15:13
1. Trust - ing in Je - sus, my Sav - ior and Friend, Up - ward to heav - en my prais - es as - cend;
2. Trust - ing in Je - sus, the might - y to save, He is the moun - tain that break - eth the wave;
3. Trust - ing in Je - sus, how - ev - er you feel, Trust - ing in Je - sus if prayer - less you kneel;
4. Trust - ing in Je - sus, yes, that we can do, While we re - mem - ber that Je - sus is true;
Trust - ing in Je - sus, all trou - ble must flee, Glo - ry to Je - sus, my spir - it is free!
Down from the bos - om that’s shield - ed by trust, Falls eve - ry dag - ger that Sa - tan would thrust.
If all the heav - ens as brass should ap - pear, On - ly keep trust - ing and Je - sus is near.
Trust - ing, yes, trust - ing, and that is the whole, Trust - ing for - ev - er, it’s well with my soul.
Trust - ing in Je - sus, I’m hap - py and free, Mo - ment by mo - ment on Je - sus I stay;
Trust - ing, the fu - ture will ev - er be blest, Trust - ing, yes, trust - ing, my soul is at rest.
WORDS: Daniel S. Warner, pub.1893. MUSIC: Barner E. Warren, pub.1893. Public Domain.