Xu 2020
Xu 2020
Xu 2020
h i g h l i g h t s
Cellulose fiber is found to enhance axial compressive strength of concrete but weakens splitting tensile strength.
Polyvinyl alcohol fiber weakens axial compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and shear strength of concrete.
High dosage of fiber may lead to ineffective interweaving and agglomeration.
3 3
1.5 kg/m Cellulose fiber with 1.0 kg/m polyvinyl alcohol fiber is found to be optimal combination to achieve the best synergistic effect.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Mechanical properties of concrete reinforced with cellulose fiber (CTF), polyvinyl alcohol fiber (PF) and
Received 23 April 2020 polyolefin fiber suitable for various spray (VS) are experimentally studied. The individual impact of single
Received in revised form 27 July 2020 fiber as well as synergistic effect of hybrid fiber on axial compressive strength, splitting tensile strength
Accepted 13 August 2020
and shear strength of concrete are investigated. Microstructures of fiber reinforced concrete specimen as
well as its stress–strain relationship is also observed. The results show that CTF alone enhances axial
compressive strength of concrete but weakens splitting tensile strength; VS weakens splitting tensile
strength as well but has little impact on the other two strength; PF has a negative effect on all the three
Fiber reinforced concrete
Mechanical properties
mechanical strength. Synergistic effect of hybrid fiber varies with dosage, and only with the appropriate
Cellulose fiber fiber dosage can hybrid fiber has positive synergistic effect on mechanical properties. 1.5 kg/m3 cellulose
Polyvinyl alcohol fiber fiber with 1.0 kg/m3 polyvinyl alcohol fiber is found to be optimal combination of CTF-PF hybrid fiber to
Polyolefin fiber achieve the best synergistic effect. Practical implications of CTF, PF and VS are also put forward.
Stress–strain relationship Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0950-0618/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 H. Xu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 261 (2020) 120610
Table 1
Mineral compositions of cement, fly ash and mineral powder.
Table 2
Parameters of fibers.
Fiber Density/(g/cm3) Equivalent diameter/lm Average length/mm Tensilestrength/GPa Elasticmodulus/GPa Commonly used Price/(RMB/kg)
Type dosage/(kg/m3)
CTF-960 1.109 18 2.1 0.96 8.5 1.2 90
PF-2000 0.97 30 9 3.1 ~ 4.5 110 ~ 118 2 45
VS-3000 0.92 1000 30 2.6 ~ 3.9 112 ~ 120 2 70
Optical microscope (OLYMPUS BX53M) and scanning electron microscope (KYKY-EM3200) (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) are used to observe microstructures of fiber reinforced
concrete, the contact and bond between fiber and matrix concrete, as well as the development of hydration products of concrete. Fig. 3 shows the appearance of the three
kinds of fibers in present study, including the fiber in its natural state and the state being magnified 50 times.
Table 3
Mix proportion of fiber reinforced concrete specimens.
No. Specimens Cement /kg Fly ash /kg Mineral Fine aggregate /kg Coarse aggregate /kg Water Water/kg
powder /kg 0.60 ~ 4.75/ 0.30 ~ 0.60/ 0.15 ~ 0.30/ 2.36 ~ 9.50/ 9.50 ~ 19.00/ reducer/kg
mm mm mm mm mm
1 CTF0PF0VS0 340.1 30.1 60.2 335.8 181.7 155.5 121.7 909.3 11.0 167.1
2 CTF1.0PF0VS0 339.2 29.8 60.5 335.4 182.1 156.1 120.9 910.0 11.4 166.8
3 CTF1.2PF0VS0 340.1 30.2 59.8 335.3 181.2 155.1 121.6 909.8 10.9 167.3
4 CTF1.5PF0VS0 340.3 30.5 60.4 336.1 182.2 156.0 121.5 909.0 11.2 166.9
5 CTF1.8PF0VS0 339.7 29.6 59.8 335.7 181.4 155.9 122.3 908.7 10.8 167.1
6 CTF2.0PF0VS0 340.2 29.9 60.1 335.9 181.8 155.3 121.8 908.5 10.9 167.9
7 CTF0PF1.0VS0 340.4 30.2 60.3 336.2 182.3 155.5 121.3 909.0 11.0 166.8
8 CTF0PF2.0VS0 339.9 29.8 60.5 335.9 181.5 156.0 121.8 909.4 10.9 167.2
9 CTF0PF3.5VS0 339.7 30.2 60.4 335.5 181.4 155.2 120.9 910.1 11.4 166.8
10 CTF0PF4.0VS0 339.5 29.9 60.1 335.1 181.7 155.8 121.4 910.4 10.8 166.9
11 CTF0PF0VS1.0 340.2 30.3 59.4 335.9 182.1 155.4 120.7 909.3 10.6 167.3
12 CTF0PF0VS2.0 339.2 30.3 59.9 335.4 181.4 155.2 121.5 909.1 10.9 166.9
13 CTF0PF0VS3.5 340.3 29.7 59.6 335.2 181.1 155.2 121.3 909.1 11.2 167.1
14 CTF0PF0VS4.5 339.3 30.1 60.5 335.2 181.4 155.2 121.9 909.6 11.3 167.0
15 CTF1.0PF1.0VS0 340.1 29.6 59.5 335.3 181.0 154.7 121.6 908.8 10.8 166.7
16 CTF1.0PF2.0VS0 340.2 30.2 60.2 335.9 181.8 155.9 122.0 910.0 11.0 167.3
17 CTF1.2PF1.0VS0 339.8 29.8 59.7 335.6 181.2 155.4 121.7 909.3 10.6 166.6
18 CTF1.2PF2.0VS0 340.4 30.3 60.5 335.8 181.5 156.0 122.1 909.8 11.3 166.8
19 CTF1.2PF3.5VS0 339.9 29.7 59.7 335.1 181.3 155.2 121.3 908.7 11.2 167.6
20 CTF1.5PF1.0VS0 340.2 30.1 60.2 335.6 181.2 156.1 121.7 909.1 11.0 166.9
21 CTF1.5PF2.0VS0 339.5 29.8 59.6 334.8 180.8 156.3 122.0 910.1 10.8 167.2
22 CTF1.2PF2.0VS2.0 340.6 30.5 60.2 336.1 182.2 155.3 122.1 910.3 10.8 166.9
23 CTF1.2PF3.5VS3.5 340.5 29.9 59.5 335.2 182.3 155.1 120.8 909.8 11.4 167.0
Fig. 1. OLYMPUS BX53M optical microscope. Fig. 2. KYKY-EM3200 scanning electron microscope.
4 H. Xu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 261 (2020) 120610
(a) CTF in natural state (b) PF in natural state (c) VS in natural state
(d) CTF magnified 50 times (e) PF magnified 50 times (f) VS magnified 50 times
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of loading device. to the Chinese code CECS 13:2009 Standard test methods for fiber
reinforced concrete. The strength value obtained should therefore
be multiplied by the size conversion factor, which is 0.95.
(a) Plain concrete (b) CTF reinforced concrete (c) PF reinforced concrete
(d) VS reinforced concrete (e) CTF-PF reinforced concrete (f) CTF-PF-VS reinforced concrete
there is an obvious ‘‘bifurcation” phenomenon in the crack failure. concrete specimens are obtained, and the reinforcement coefficient
It is not difficult to conclude that in the process of compression, the and standard deviations of each specimen are calculated and pre-
presence of the fiber prevents the further expansion of the crack sented in Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6.
and slows down the development of the crack length and width.
At the same time, the interlaced fibers in the concrete matrix play
3.2.1. Reinforcement on axial compressive strength
a bridging role, which enhances the strength of the concrete
Fig. 10 shows the tested axial compressive strength of concrete
specimens as well as the calculated reinforcement coefficient. In
order to present the research findings of the reinforcing effect of
3.2. Effect of single-fiber on mechanical properties of matrix concrete fiber more directly, the Y-axis in Fig. 10(b) is set as bc 1. It can
be concluded that CTF has a positive effect on reinforcing axial
The effect of single fiber on mechanical properties of matrix compressive strength, while PF has a negative impact. The use of
concrete is studied, which is manifested in the axial compressive VS does not seem to contribute to the reinforcement of axial com-
strength, splitting tensile strength and shear strength of the fiber pressive strength of matrix concrete.
reinforced concrete. For the purpose of quantifying the effect of For CTF, 1.5 kg/m3 seems to be the optimal dosage for compres-
reinforcement on mechanical properties, a reinforcement coeffi- sive strength reinforcement. When the dosage of CTF gradually
cient b is defined as shown in equation (4): increases from 1.0 kg/m3 to 1.5 kg/m3, the axial compressive
strength increases from 57.9 MPa to 63.8 MPa, after which the
b ¼ f x =f x0 ð4Þ strength seems to decrease with the increase of dosage. By com-
parison, the compressive strength of concrete increases by 12%
Where, f x is the tested mechanical strength of fiber reinforced when CTF is used in dosage of 1.5 kg/m3.
concrete while and f x0 is the mechanical strength of plain concrete The reinforcing effect is totally different for PF, which somehow
without fiber reinforcement. For example, f c refers to the tested weakens the axial compressive strength by 35% at most when the
axial compressive strength of concrete specimens while f c0 refers dosage is 4.0 kg/m3. All concrete specimens, where the PF dosage
to that of plain concrete. Similarly, f t and f s are the tested splitting ranges from 1.0 kg/m3 to 4.0 kg/m3, shows a decrease in axial com-
tensile strength and shear strength of concrete specimens with pressive strength. It coincides with test results of Noushini et al.
fiber reinforcement. When the value of b is greater than 1, it means [19–20] and Zhang et al. [21]’s study which found PF fiber was
the fiber has a reinforcing effect on the mechanical properties of not beneficial to compressive strength and the strength decreased
the matrix concrete, while it does not contribute to and even with fiber dosage.
weaken the mechanical properties if it is below 1. The axial com- The reinforcing effect of VS fiber on compressive strength is not
pressive strength, splitting tensile strength and shear strength of obvious. Karamloo et al. [26] also obtained similar test results
Table 4
Mechanical strength, reinforcement coefficient, and standard deviations for the axial compressive strength of single-fiber reinforced concrete specimens.
Table 5
Mechanical strength, reinforcement coefficient, and standard deviations for the splitting tensile strength of single-fiber reinforced concrete specimens.
Table 6
Mechanical strength, reinforcement coefficient, and standard deviations for the shear strength of single-fiber reinforced concrete specimens.
which show negligible variation on the compressive strength of of fiber reinforced concrete with fiber dosage. Under the above-
concrete. mentioned fiber dosage, the axial compressive strength of fiber
Furthermore, the change law of the axial compressive strength reinforced concrete can be preliminarily predicted by the fiber
of fiber reinforced concrete with fiber dosage is obtained (see dosage.
Fig. 11). With the increase of fiber dosage, the change law of axial
compressive strength of CTF, PF and VS reinforced concrete can be 3.2.2. Reinforcement on splitting tensile strength
fitted by cubic, quadratic, and cubic polynomials, respectively. The Fig. 12 shows the tested splitting tensile strength of concrete
coefficients of determination of the fitting function are 0.83, 0.99, specimens and the calculated reinforcement coefficient. All kinds
and 0.97 respectively, indicating that the fitting function can accu- of fibers used in our study show a weakening effect on the splitting
rately represent the change law of the axial compressive strength tensile strength of the matrix concrete.
8 H. Xu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 261 (2020) 120610
The splitting tensile strength of concrete reinforced with CTF in tion of the fitting function are 0.58, 0.99, and 0.99 respectively,
dosage of 1.5 kg/m3 decrease by 23% when compared with that of indicating that the fitting function can accurately represent the
plain concrete. It is also worth noting that CTF reinforces the axial change law of the splitting tensile strength of fiber reinforced con-
compressive strength the most in the exact dosage, as is reported crete with fiber dosage. With the results shown in Fig. 11 and
in the previous section. Fig. 13, the relationship between the splitting tensile strength
The weakening effect is more significantly manifested in PF. The and axial compressive strength of fiber reinforced concrete was
splitting tensile strength of the No.8 concrete specimen is only further explored. The tensile-compressive strength relationship of
2.09 MPa, decreasing by 55% when compared with that of plain CTF, PF, and VS reinforced concrete can be fitted by cubic, quadra-
concrete. It occurs in concrete reinforced with PF in dosage of tic, and cubic polynomials respectively, and the coefficients of
3.5 kg/m3, which also exhibits a largely weakened axial compres- determination of the fitting functions are 0.87, 0.97, and 0.95,
sive strength by 28%. This finding contradicts with that of Noushini respectively (see Fig. 14). In this way, when the axial compressive
et al. [21] who found splitting tensile strength of conventional con- strength of fiber reinforced concrete is given, the splitting tensile
crete was significantly enhanced by introducing PF fiber. Noushini strength can be obtained accordingly.
et al. [21] also found the increased dosage of PF fiber did not con-
tribute to higher value of tensile strength of concrete, claiming 3.2.3. Reinforcement on shear strength
higher dosage of PF fiber has a negative impact on the splitting ten- Fig. 15 presents the research finding on fiber reinforcement on
sile strength. For VS, the weakening effect on splitting tensile shear strength of concrete specimens. The reinforcing effect of CTF
strength is more obvious when the dosage is 2.0 kg/m3, and the and VS on shear strength is not obvious, while PF has an obvious
strength decreases by 23%. Such impact becomes smaller when negative impact on shear strength of concrete.
the dosage increases to 4.5 kg/m3. Similarly, Karamloo et al. [26] CTF has little impact on shear strength of concrete until the
found the increase dosage of polyolefin (VS) fiber contributed to dosage reaches 1.8 kg/m3 when the shear strength of concrete
splitting tensile strength of concrete. decreases by 13%. The performance of VS on shear strength rein-
Furthermore, the change law of the splitting tensile strength of forcement is also unsteady. The shear strength shows a decrease
fiber reinforced concrete with fiber dosage is obtained (see Fig. 13). of 5% when the dosage is 2.0 kg/m3, but a slight increase of 9%
With the increase of fiber dosage, the splitting tensile strength of and 5% when the dosage is 3.5 kg/m3 and 4.5 kg/m3 respectively.
CTF, PF, and VS reinforced concrete can be fitted by cubic, primary, By contrast, the effect of PF is more distinct, which weakens the
and cubic polynomials, respectively. The coefficients of determina- shear strength by 49% when the dosage is 4.0 kg/m3.
H. Xu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 261 (2020) 120610 9
Furthermore, the change law of the shear strength of fiber rein- functions are 0.98 and 1 respectively. Furthermore, the change
forced concrete with fiber dosage is obtained (see Fig. 16). With the law of the shear strength of fiber reinforced concrete with axial
increase of fiber dosage, the shear strength of CTF reinforced con- compressive strength is obtained (see Fig. 17). It is found that
crete fluctuates with different amplitude, which cannot be fitted the relationship between the shear strength and axial compressive
by an effective fitting function. The shear strength of PF and VS strength of CTF, PF, and VS reinforced concrete can be accurately
reinforced concrete can be accurately fitted by quadratic and cubic represented by cubic polynomials. The coefficients of determina-
polynomials, and the coefficients of determination of the fitting tion of the fitting functions are 0.98, 0.99 and 0.82 respectively,
10 H. Xu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 261 (2020) 120610
which can realize accurate prediction of shear strength based on ical factor to control the effect of fiber reinforcement, and it has
axial compressive strength. According to the results in Fig. 10 to been justified in Li et al. [41] through pullout tests and numerical
Fig. 17, under the given dosage of CTF, PF and VS, not only can simulation.
we predict the axial compressive strength, splitting tensile Fig. 19 presents images of the four kinds of concrete specimens
strength, and shear strength of fiber reinforced concrete, but also taken by scanning electron microscope. As is shown in Fig. 19(a),
realize quick conversion between the three mechanical strength the internal structure of plain concrete is compact, and a large num-
above. That is to say, once given the fiber dosage, the three kinds ber of stable C-S-H cementing matrix can be seen. The unhydrated
of mechanical strength can be obtained simultaneously, which is fly ash particles are filled into the matrix pores to ensure the reduc-
conducive to the research of mechanical properties of fiber rein- tion of the initial defects of the matrix, but there are also a small
forced concrete. amount of free water loss resulting in the existence of pores.
Many C-S-H crystals, aft crystals, and calcium hydroxide exist in
3.2.4. Microstructure of single-fiber reinforced concrete the four kinds of concrete. The addition of fibers causes initial
The microstructure of single-fiber reinforced concrete is also defects such as pores and cracks in the matrix, probably resulting
analyzed by optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. in a decrease in the mechanical strength of the fiber reinforced
The microscopic structure of fiber reinforced concrete is amplified concrete. However, different structures of the three fibers may
by OLYMPUS optical microscope. Fig. 18 shows the 50-fold ampli- somehow exert different effect on the mechanical strength of con-
fication of plain concrete, concrete reinforced with CTF, PF and VS crete. For example, the small size and length of CTF makes it easy
respectively. As shown in Fig. 18(b), the bond between aggregate to fully bond with the cementing material, so that it guarantees the
particles is strengthened due to the addition of CTF. The distribu- internal stability of the structure, and contributes to bridging and
tion of the fiber in the aggregate is relatively uniform, and there transferring stress (see Fig. 19(b)). By contrast, VS is relatively lar-
is no fiber agglomeration. For concrete reinforced with PF, there ger and harder, whose surface is rough (see Fig. 19(d)), along which
are pores between aggregate particles, so that the bridging effect long narrow cracks and pores are easy to appear. PF tends to
of PF is insufficient and the mechanical properties of matrix con- agglomerate in the mixing process and cause pores and cracks in
crete are extremely weakened. For concrete reinforced with VS, aggregates, which reduces the mechanical properties of the matrix
there is a good bond between fiber and aggregate particles, but a concrete. It may account for the research finding that CTF has a
large number of pores along the fiber length are distributed around reinforcing effect on compressive strength while PF has a negative
the fiber. The interaction between the fiber and the matrix is a crit- effect. This finding also coincides with Li et al. [41] where they
H. Xu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 261 (2020) 120610 11
Fig. 18. 50-fold amplification of single-fiber reinforced concrete specimens by optical microscope.
Fig. 19. Images of single-fiber reinforced concrete specimens by scanning electron microscope.
found that only optimal fiber length and dosage can produce better crete. Similarly, Noushini et al. [21] found that incorporating longer
reinforcement effect, and longer fiber with higher dosage does not fibers would increases the possibility of pore connections in the
always contribute to mechanical strength of fiber reinforced con- matrix and lead to lower strength of the composite.
12 H. Xu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 261 (2020) 120610
3.3. Effects of hybrid fibers on mechanical properties of matrix coefficients are 0.846, 0.700 and 0.671 respectively. The formulas
concrete provided can estimate the mechanical strength of hybrid fiber rein-
forced concrete based on fiber dosage.
Different kind and dosage of fibers have different reinforcing
y ¼ 55:3105 þ 3:6895x1 3:6826x2 þ 0:6701x3 ð7Þ
effect on mechanical properties of concrete. In the range of the
appropriate fiber dosage, the application of hybrid fibers may pro-
y ¼ 3:7753 þ 0:5903x1 0:3060x2 þ 0:1254x3 ð8Þ
duce a positive synergistic effect and further enhance the mechan-
ical strength of concrete. Based on the research findings of the
y ¼ 7:4910 þ 0:6140x1 0:6138x2 þ 0:2832x3 ð9Þ
influence of single fiber on the mechanical strength of matrix con-
crete, the influence of hybrid fiber on the mechanical strength of Synergistic effect coefficients of CTF-PF hybrid fiber reinforced
matrix concrete is further studied. The synergistic effect of CTF- concrete are calculated and shown in Table 8. CTF-PF hybrid fiber
PF and CTF-PF-VS hybrid fiber is studied and reported in this in all specimens has a positive synergistic effect on axial compres-
section. sive strength, splitting tensile strength and shear strength of rein-
forced concrete except for the No.19 specimen, which shows a
3.3.1. CTF-PF hybrid fiber reinforcement on mechanical properties of negative synergistic effect in axial compressive strength. It is not
matrix concrete difficult to conclude that only with the appropriate fiber dosage
To quantitatively analyze the synergistic effect of CTF-PF hybrid can hybrid fiber has positive synergistic effect on mechanical prop-
fibers, the synergistic effect coefficients ax1 and ax2 are defined as erties. From the change of value of synergistic effect coefficients of
follows: No.15, No.17 and No.20 specimens, it can be found that the
increase of CTF dosage contributes to the positive synergistic effect.
bCP þ bminðC;PÞ
ax1 ¼ ð5Þ Another conclusion can be made by comparing the synergistic
bmaxðC;PÞ þ bminðC;PÞ effect coefficients of No.15 and No.16 specimens, No.17, No.18
and No.19 specimens that the increased dosage of PF weakens
bCP þ bmaxðC;PÞ the synergistic effect. CTF1.5PF1.0 may be the best combination
ax2 ¼ ð6Þ
bmaxðC;PÞ þ bminðC;PÞ of CTF-PF hybrid fiber in terms of reinforcing mechanical strength
of matrix concrete.
Where ax1 and ax2 are the synergistic effect coefficients, x rep-
resents for the strength type, while ac 1 and ac 2 are the synergistic
3.3.2. CTF-PF-VS hybrid fiber reinforcement on mechanical properties
effect coefficients of axial compressive strength, at 1 and at 2 are the
of matrix concrete
synergistic effect coefficients of splitting tensile strength, as1 and
On the basis of the study on synergistic effect of CTF-PF hybrid
as2 are the synergistic effect coefficients of shear strength. Where fiber, the synergistic effect of CTF-PF-VS hybrid fiber is further
bCP , defined in section 3.2, is the calculated reinforcement coeffi-
studied. Similarly, the synergistic effect coefficients of CTF-PF-VS
cient of CTF-PF hybrid fiber reinforced concrete, while bmaxðC;PÞ and
hybrid fiber are defined as follows:
bminðC;PÞ are the maximum and minimum value of the calculated
bCPV þ bminðCP;VÞ
reinforcement coefficient of concrete reinforced with either CTF ax1 ¼ ð10Þ
or PF. bmaxðCP;VÞ þ bminðCP;VÞ
The synergistic effect coefficients ax1 and ax2 represent positive
or negative synergistic effect of fibers. The synergistic effect is bCPV þ bmaxðCP;VÞ
judged based on the following principles. If ax1 is greater than
ax2 ¼ ð11Þ
bmaxðCP;VÞ þ bminðCP;VÞ
1.0, CTF-PF hybrid fiber has positive synergistic effect on certain
mechanical strength. If the value of ax1 is less than 1.0, the syner- Where , bCPV is the calculated reinforcement coefficient of
gistic effect should be further judged by the value of ax2 , which CTF-PF-VS hybrid fiber reinforced concrete, while bmaxðCP;VÞ and
indicates positive if it is greater than 1. Otherwise, the synergistic bminðCP;VÞ are the maximum and minimum value of the calculated
effect is negative. reinforcement coefficient of concrete reinforced with either CTF-
The tested axial compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, PF hybrid fiber or VS alone. Synergistic effect coefficients of CTF-
shear strength and the corresponding calculated reinforcement PF-VS hybrid fiber reinforced concrete are calculated and shown
coefficients of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete are shown in in Table 9.
Table 7. CTF-PF-VS hybrid fiber in No.22 specimen has a positive syner-
The formulas for estimating the axial compressive strength (eq. gistic effect on splitting tensile strength, but negative on axial com-
(7)), splitting tensile strength (eq. (8)) and shear strength (eq. (9) of pressive strength and shear strength of reinforced concrete. No.23
hybrid fiber reinforced concrete are further obtained, where x1 , x2 specimen shows positive synergistic effect in all the three kinds of
and x3 represent the dosage of CTF, PF and VS respectively, and y mechanical strength. By comparing the synergistic effect coeffi-
represents the corresponding mechanical strength. The fitting cients of No.18 and No.22 specimens, it can be found that the addi-
Table 7
Mechanical strength and reinforcement coefficient of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete specimens.
No. Specimens Axial compressive strength/MPa bc Splitting tensile strength/MPa bt Shear strength/MPa bs
15 CTF1.0PF1.0VS0 56.7 0.99 4.36 0.95 8.5 1.04
16 CTF1.0PF2.0VS0 54.3 0.95 4.07 0.88 7.8 0.95
17 CTF1.2PF1.0VS0 57.4 1.01 4.89 1.06 7.88 0.96
18 CTF1.2PF2.0VS0 55.0 0.96 4.59 1.00 7.8 0.95
19 CTF1.2PF3.5VS0 38.1 0.67 3.20 0.70 6.3 0.77
20 CTF1.5PF1.0VS0 59.7 1.05 5.54 1.20 8.4 1.02
21 CTF1.5PF2.0VS0 57.1 1.00 4.63 1.01 7.0 0.85
22 CTF1.2PF2.0VS2.0 48.6 0.85 3.66 0.80 6.9 0.84
23 CTF1.2PF3.5VS3.5 56.5 0.99 4.04 0.88 7.5 0.91
H. Xu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 261 (2020) 120610 13
Table 8
Synergistic effect coefficients of CTF-PF hybrid fiber reinforced concrete specimens.
No. Specimens ac1 ac2 Synergistic effect at1 at2 Synergistic effect as1 as2 Synergistic effect
15 CTF1.0PF1.0VS0 0.989 1.019 Positive 1.016 1.048 Positive 1.006 1.097 Positive
16 CTF1.0PF2.0VS0 0.967 1.015 Positive 1.014 1.129 Positive 0.958 1.141 Positive
17 CTF1.2PF1.0VS0 0.984 1.025 Positive 1.079 1.097 Positive 1.005 1.059 Positive
18 CTF1.2PF2.0VS0 0.962 1.021 Positive 1.071 1.199 Positive 1.000 1.147 Positive
19 CTF1.2PF3.5VS0 0.789 0.971 Negative 0.857 1.180 Positive 0.882 1.110 Positive
20 CTF1.5PF1.0VS0 0.965 1.043 Positive 1.169 1.259 Positive 0.994 1.090 Positive
21 CTF1.5PF2.0VS0 0.942 1.039 Positive 1.165 1.222 Positive 0.895 1.084 Positive
Table 9
Synergistic effect coefficients of CTF-PF-VS hybrid fiber reinforced concrete specimens.
tion of VS weakens the positive synergistic effect caused by CTF-PF appearance of a large number of honeycomb surface, small holes
hybrid fiber. However, a different conclusion can be made by com- and other defects on the matrix surface. In addition, there are a
paring synergistic effect coefficients of No.19 and No.23 specimens large number of penetrating cracks in the specimens which are
that the addition of VS contributes to the overall synergistic effect. more likely to be damaged under stress. Therefore, fiber type and
Further research on triple-fiber reinforced concrete and its syner- dosage may have important impact on overall strength of rein-
gistic effect is well recommended. forced concrete.
3.3.3. Microstructure of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete 4. Compressive stress–strain relationship of fiber reinforced
Figs. 20 and 21 show microstructures of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete
concrete. CTF-PF hybrid fibers are evenly distributed with full con-
tact with the concrete matrix. Moreover, there are some fly ash 4.1. Characteristics of compressive stress–strain curve of fiber
particles in the matrix that do not participate in hydration reaction, reinforced concrete
which is conducive to filling the pores in the matrix and making
the internal structure of the matrix full and tight. At the same time, According to the measurement of compressive stress and strain
PF is easier to aggregate together, and effective interweaving can of specimens (see Fig. 22), and combined with observed failure pat-
be realized under the appropriate dosage, while agglomeration is tern in the process of loading, the whole stress–strain development
easy to occur under the inappropriate dosage. When the fiber can be divided into four stages: elastic stage (O ~ A), stable crack
dosage is too large, the contact area between the fiber and the expansion stage (A ~ B), instable crack expansion stage (B ~ D),
aggregate increases, which increases the possibility of micro- and failure stage (after D). Point C is the stress peak, where the
cracks in internal concrete structures. In addition, it is easy to pro- slope is 0. Point A is the proportional limit, 40% of the peak stress.
duce fiber agglomerations, which inevitably leads to insufficient Point B is a critical point discriminating stable and unstable prop-
cementation between fiber and matrix during concrete mixing, agation of cracks, at which the value is 90% of the peak stress. Point
resulting in weak cementation interface. Similar phenomenon D is the inflection point of the curve where the second derivative of
was observed in Huang et al. [42], who found the increase in the the curve is 0.
volume fraction of aramid fiber led to uneven fiber distribution, At elastic stage (O ~ A), the compressive stress of the concrete
resulting in poor interfacial friction in the bonded section and thus does not exceed 40% of the peak stress. There are no visible cracks
ineffective contribution to the overall mechanical strength. on the specimen surface, and initial cracks at the concrete aggre-
For CTF-PF-VS hybrid fiber, due to the overlapping distribution gate section have not expanded. The fiber is not working yet. At
of VS and the winding of CTF and PF on VS, pores and even cracks this time, the slope of the compressive stress–strain curve hardly
are easy to occur in the concrete. Moreover, the existence of the changes, which is not much different from that of plain concrete.
cross distribution of the three fibers provides conditions for the The elastic modulus is basically equal to that of plain concrete,
(a) Concrete reinforced with CTF-PF hybrid fiber (b) Concrete reinforced with CTF-PF-VS hybrid fiber
Fig. 20. 50-fold amplification of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete specimens by optical microscope.
14 H. Xu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 261 (2020) 120610
(a) Concrete reinforced with CTF-PF hybrid fiber (b) Concrete reinforced with CTF-PF-VS hybrid fiber
Fig. 21. Images of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete specimens by scanning electron microscope.
and Poisson’s ratio is about 0.2. At this stage, hybrid fiber rein-
forced concrete can be regarded as linear elastic material.
When the compressive stress of the hybrid fiber-reinforced con- 4.2. Equation of compressive stress–strain curve of fiber reinforced
crete is in the range of 40%~90% of the peak stress, the compressive concrete
stress–strain curve shows an upward convex trend with nonlinear
changes, and the specimen produces inelastic deformation (A ~ B). The stress–strain curve reflects the mechanical characteristics
At this stage, the initial crack at the aggregate section inside the of the whole process of compression, which is an important basis
specimen begins to expand slowly and steadily. With the gradual for the stress analysis and deformation calculation of the concrete
increase of deformation, the fiber begins to work, inhibiting the structure as well as nonlinear simulation analysis by computer.
continuous expansion of cracks, and effectively improving the The experimental results show that the ascending and descending
bearing capacity of specimens. At the end of this stage, the Pois- sections of the compression stress–strain curves are similar. Con-
son’s ratio of specimens is close to 0.5, and the deformation of sidering that the peak stress and the corresponding strain are dif-
specimen volume reaches the extreme and will not continue to ferent in terms of different kinds of fiber and dosage, the equation
shrink. At this time, the cracks in the concrete have been greatly is normalized in a dimensionless way, i.e., x ¼ e=e0 ; y ¼ r=r0 where
expanded, but no visible cracks on the specimen surface can be r0 is the peak stress and e0 is the corresponding strain. The curve
seen. firstly goes through a rising section (0 x 1), arriving at its
When the compressive stress of the hybrid fiber-reinforced con- peak(x ¼ 1), and goes down to a falling section (x > 1). The rising
crete exceeds 90% of the peak stress, the specimen enters instable section and the falling section are continuous at the stress peak.
crack expansion stage (B ~ D), where cracks continue to expand According to the above analysis, the compressive stress–strain
even if the stress remains unchanged. With the increase of defor- curve of fiber reinforced concrete is similar to that of plain con-
mation, the bearing capacity of specimens increases slightly and crete, so the equation of compressive stress–strain curve of plain
gradually decreases after reaching the stress peak, which is mani- concrete is also applicable to hybrid fiber reinforced concrete.
fested as strain softening. Cracks along the direction of load appear There are many stress–strain equations put forward, including
on the specimen surface. When the stress peak is reached, the first the unified piecework equation of the curve of ascending section
macroscopic crack appears on the specimen surface. As the load and descending section [43,44]. The equation of ascending section
continues to increase, several cracks along the direction of load is mostly in polynomial form. In this paper, cubic polynomial equa-
H. Xu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 261 (2020) 120610 15
y ¼ a1 x þ ð3 2a1 Þx2 þ ða1 2Þx3 ð14Þ For the descending section, when x 1, the value of y is
between 0 and 1, so b1 0. If b1 equals to 0, the curve remains hor-
When x ¼ 0; dy=dx ¼ a1 : izontal after the stress peak, indicating an all-plastic constitutive
dy drc =f c drc =dec jx ¼ 0 Ec relation. When b1 ! 1, y 0 and the curve suddenly drops to a
a1 ¼ jx ¼ 0 ¼ jx ¼ 0 ¼ ¼ ð15Þ
dx dec =ec0 f c =ec0 Ec0 horizontal line with a constant value of 0, indicating a complete
brittle constitutive relation.
Where Ec is the initial tangential elastic modulus of concrete The compressive stress–strain curves of the specimens are close
and Ec0 the peak secant modulus in units of N/mm. a1 ranges from to each other in the ascending and descending sections. The curves
1.5 to 3.0 if 0 x < 1 and d y=dx2 0. of the ascending and descending sections are fitted with a unified
The descending section is expressed by rational fraction, as is equation of equation (14) and equation (18), and some of fitting
shown below curves and their parameters are presented in Fig. 23 and Table 10.
Table 10
Equations and parameters of Compressive stress–strain curves.
The compressive stress–strain curve of fiber reinforced concrete are found in the test specimens, which greatly distinguish from
varies with the fiber type, fiber dosage and combination. plain concrete. It indicates that the fiber reinforced concrete is
not completely crushed under the axial compression, and that
the fiber plays a significant role in strengthening the crack resis-
5. Conclusion
tance, which causes multiple deflections of the crack propagation
path and the occurrence of secondary cracks.
This paper investigates influence of CTF, PF and VS on the axial
Second, for single fiber reinforced concrete, CTF fiber is mostly
compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and shear strength
recommended to use in compression members with the optimal
of concrete, and explore synergistic effect of double or triple hybrid
dosage of 1.5 kg/m3 where the compressive strength reaches the
fiber on mechanical strengths. The following conclusions can be
highest. In the dosage range of 1.2 kg/m3 to 1.8 kg/m3, the axial
made based on the research findings reported above.
compressive strength of CTF fiber reinforced concrete increases
by 4% to 12% when compared with plain concrete. Specific decision
(1) Compared with plain concrete, CTF has a positive effect on
on fiber dosage shall depends on requirement of compressive
reinforcing axial compressive strength of concrete, but
strength in specific cases. The three kinds of fibers studied in this
weakens splitting tensile strength. Similarly, the use of VS
paper all have a weakening effect on the splitting tensile strength
weakens splitting tensile strength as well. PF has a negative
of concrete and therefore are not recommended for the splitting
effect on all the three mechanical strength including axial
tensile members used in practical engineering. VS fiber is recom-
compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and shear
mended to be used in shear members with the optimal dosage of
3.5 kg/m3 where the shear strength increased by 9% when com-
(2) Synergistic effect of hybrid fiber varies with dosage, and only
pared with plain concrete. The synergistic effect of CTF-PF hybrid
with the appropriate fiber dosage can hybrid fiber has posi-
fiber is found to be its optimal when the dosage of CTF is 1.5 kg/
tive synergistic effect on mechanical properties. The syner-
m3 and PF is 1.0 kg/m3.
gistic effect of CTF-PF hybrid fiber is found to be its
optimal when the dosage of CTF is 1.5 kg/m3 and PF is
1.0 kg/m3. For CTF-PF-VS hybrid fiber, further study is CRediT authorship contribution statement
needed to determine the optimal dosage.
(3) By observing microstructures of fiber reinforced concrete, it Haiyan Xu: Methodology, Writing - original draft. Zimeng
is found that an increase of fiber dosage may not benefit the Shao: Writing - review & editing. Zhijie Wang: Conceptualization,
overall mechanical performance concrete since ineffective Funding acquisition, Project administration. Libin Cai: Data cura-
interweaving and agglomeration are likely to occur which tion Formal analysis. Zhen Li: Investigation, Supervision. Hesong
increases the possibility of micro-cracks in internal concrete Jin: Visualizatio, Validation. Tiewei Chen: Visualizatio, Validation.
(4) Stress–strain development of hybrid fiber reinforced con-
Declaration of Competing Interest
crete is divided into four stages by: elastic stage, stable crack
expansion stage, instable crack expansion stage, and failure
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
stage. The ascending and descending sections of the com-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
pressive stress–strain curves of fiber-reinforced concrete
to influence the work reported in this paper.
can be fitted by cubic polynomials and rational fractions.
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