Agent-Based Modeling
Agent-Based Modeling
Agent-Based Modeling
Agent-based modeling
Transportation engineers and planners rely on transportation forecasting models to address a wide
range of increasingly complicated issues, from congestion and air quality, to social equity concerns.
Two major strands of travel demand models have emerged over the past several decades, trip-based
and activity-based approaches.
The traditional four-step travel demand model, often referred to as the trip-based approach, takes
individual trips as the elementary subjects and considers aggregate travel choices in four steps: trip
generation, trip distribution, modal split, and route assignment. This sequential travel demand
modeling paradigm, which originated in the 1950s when limited data, computational power, and
algorithms were available, ignores the diversity across individuals and does not have solid
foundation in travel behavior theory. Discrete choice analysis, describes travel demand as a multi-
dimensional hierarchical choice process, including residential and business location choice, trip
origin, trip destination, travel modes and etc. Although discrete choice models could improve travel
demand prediction by classifying travelers according to certain attributes such as age, gender and
household incomes, it still in the end focuses on aggregate travel behaviors and ignores individual
decision-making processes. Another flaw of four-step model lies in the fact that this sequential
modeling process ignores the interaction between steps and could not predicts certain phenomenon
such as induced travel or demand, which can be thought of as a feedback from traffic assignment to
trip generation, distribution, and mode split. Although introducing feedback and iteratively
applying four-step approach could mitigate this problem, researchers believe that a coherent
framework should be introduced to address four steps simultaneously.
To overcome these inadequacies of conventional four-step modeling, activity-based models have
been applied in travel demand analysis since the 1970s. Activity-based models predict activities
and related travel choices by considering time and space constraints as well as individual
characteristics. Individuals will follow a sequence of activities and make corresponding trips
connecting those activities to maximize their utilities. Macroscopic travel patterns are predicted
through aggregation of individual travel choice.
Although activity-based models have the potential to bridge the gap between individual decision-
making processes and macroscopic travel demand, these models require solving many optimization
problems simultaneously, which is computationally difficult and behaviorally unrealistic.
Therefore, some models employs external aggregate methods such as User Equilibrium
(Deterministic (DUE) or Stochastic (SUE)) to address route choice, which compromises their
claims as microscopic decision-making models.
The agent-based travel demand model has emerged as a new generation of transportation
forecasting tools and provides an alternative to address the topic of travel demand modeling. This
modeling approach is flexible and capable to model individual decision making process. There
have been many applications of agent-based model in transportation (Transportation Research Part
C (2002) dedicated a special issue to this topic). This modeling strategy, however, has not yet been
widely adopted in travel demand modeling practice.
To build a pedagogically appropriate model, this chapter introduces an Agent-based Demand and
Assignment Model (ADAM), extending Zhang and Levinson (2004), which addresses the
destination choice and route choice problems with consideration of congestion. Students have the
opportunity to work with the ADAM model for several exercises.
Introduction to agent-based models for transport
While agent-based models are not commonly used in travel demand forecasting as such, many
activity-based models are agent-based models of a sort, at least in part, though the behaviors of the
agents are typically very complex. Historically, agent-based models come from different fields such
as genetics, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, social science. The advantage of using them in
transportation begins first with the intuition they provide. It makes more sense to people to think of
individual travelers behaving rather than flows. This is in part because it is also more realistic, in
that it can be formulated to capture the process by which travelers make decisions, and because it is
tracking individuals, can be internally consistent (so that a given traveler has a particular set of
constraints (like income, obligations, and time available)
There are several elements in an agent-based model:
Agents are like people who have characteristics, goals and behavioral rules. The actions of
agents depend on the environment they inhabit.
The environment provides a space where agents live. The environment is shaped by the
actions of agents.
Interaction rules describe how agents and the environment interact
An agent-based model evolves by itself once those micro-level elements are specified. Macro-level
properties emerge from this evolutionary process.
An exploratory agent-based model is presented below. The advantage of this model is its
simplicity. Clearly, it will lose some predictive detail, but hopefully gives you a flavor of the kinds
of modeling approaches and things that can be modeled with agent-based models in the realm of
travel demand.
Agent-based Demand and Assignment Model (ADAM)
The agent-based modeling approach assumes that aggregate urban travel demand patterns emerge
from multi-dimensional choice process of individuals. All agents have individual characteristics,
goals, and rules of travel behaviors. Agents exchange information with the environment on their
travel experiences and adjust their travel choices according to available information. In ADAM
travelers are active agents and nodes are fixed point agents, while links comprise the environment.
ADAM can be thought of as modeling the AM commute. As shown in Figure 1, ADAM examines
the status of each traveler after updating turning matrices at nodes. If a traveler has not found a
satisfactory job (status = 1), that traveler will continue the random process of job searching
following the rules presented later in this paper. The process will repeat until either all travelers
have found jobs (chosen a destination) or some maximum number of iterations are reached. The
key components of the agent-based model are introduced in turn below.
Travelers aim to find a job on the network and a route leading from their origin to this destination
with the lowest cost. In the searching process, each traveler visits a node and decides to either
accept or reject a job available at that node according to rules discussed later in this paper. If they
reject a job at that node, they proceed to another node. Travelers learn current link travel times in
the neighborhood of the node when they visit a node through this link and they will only proceed
through one link at each step. By accumulating link travel time information during the trip,
travelers could derive travel cost between any two nodes they visited.
Nodes are geographic locations where links intersect in the real world. In this model, they also
represent the abstract centroids of traffic zone where travelers originate from and are destined to.
Furthermore, nodes are carriers of pooled, collective knowledge, including both shortest path
information and attractiveness of adjacent nodes. Travelers would exchange knowledge with nodes
once they arrived at a new node. The knowledge and exchanging behavior is an abstraction of
information spread in a community and communications among travelers in the real world. Links
represents roads in the real world and have attributes such as length, free flow travel time, and
capacity. Links also provide information about traffic flow and travel time to travelers passing by,
which abstracts travelers’ observation of traffic condition in the real world. Links impose
geographic constraints to travelers since they are only able to visit adjacent nodes directly
connected by a link with the node they are currently visiting.
Rules are the most important attributes of an agent-based model, which drives the evolution of the
model given initial condition. There are two fundamental rules in ADAM: turning rules for finding
a destination and information exchange rules for improving paths.
Destination selection rules: Network Origin-Destination Exploration
The first element of ADAM is for each traveler, the discovery of a destination. The model which
does this Network Origin-Destination Exploration (NODE) is described below.
Nodes provide turning guidance matrices to travelers, which decide the probability for each traveler
to accept a job or proceed to the next node and which direction to go in the later case. Each node (i)
has a set of supply nodes S (s1 . . . s8) and a set of demand nodes D (d1 , . . . , dD). Therefore, a SD
matrix will be provided and each term, Ps,d (for simplicity, subscript i is omitted), represents the
probability to move from supply node s to demand node d.
The probability is determined by many factors, including travelers’ characteristics (Ωt), the
opportunity (or attractiveness) at the current node (bi), the opportunity at demand nodes (bd) and the
ease of reaching those opportunities (A).
(2) P = f (Ωt, bi, bd, A)
Different definitions of turning probability reflect assumptions of different underlying decision-
making processes of travelers regarding where to work and may lead to very different travel
demand patterns on the network. Zhang and Levinson (2004) assumed that this probability is
proportional to jobs available at each node and ignored the ease of reaching them (travel cost).
Another disadvantage of this assumption is that if a node does not have available jobs, travelers
will never search in this direction even though more jobs may be available via this node.
Extending Zhang and Levinson (2004), a Logit-form probability is used, where cd represents travel
cost to a destination while ci is the corresponding intrazonal travel cost. The parameter θ indicates
the importance of travel cost when travelers evaluate possible destinations, while β is related to
people’s relative willingness to travel. A larger β implies that travelers are more likely to accept
jobs at current node, thus have a shorter travel length.
The variable bd reflects the opportunity or attractiveness of a node and can be further generalized
beyond the number of jobs. We could define it as the summation of jobs on all nodes adjacent to
node d, which abstracts the regional accessibility discussed in many previous studies (Handy,
1993). This definition could mitigate the aforementioned problem of search direction. Using
accessibility to the whole network is another possibility. However, this may lead to essentially
random search since accessibility to the whole network of nearby nodes may be quite similar. In
this study we adopt regional accessibility as the indicator of attractiveness to next node, while
willingness to accept a job (to stay) is proportional to jobs available at current node.
Path learning rule: Agent-based route choice
The other important rule in ADAM is the path learning rule. Travelers will learn travel cost of links
on their travel route, while nodes keep information about the shortest path from itself to all other
nodes which have been visited by travelers to that node. Once a traveler arrives at a new node, that
traveler compares their knowledge about travel cost from the current node to each node on the
traveler’s travel route. Both of them will keep the shorter "shortest path" after knowledge exchange.
Although nodes originally have very limited knowledge about the routes in the remaining network,
information spreads rapidly on the network. With the congested link travel time, which can be
simply defined as any available travel time-flow relationship, each traveler’s choice will change the
link travel time on the network and thus affect destination and route choice of other travelers.
Travelers’ route adjustments will trigger more significant change on the network thus other
travelers’ behavior. This mechanism reflects the complexity of the real world.
ADAM's Agent-based route choice component (ARC) simulates individual route choices and
determines the flow pattern on the network subject to a given OD distribution.
The initial route choice can be either given or generated by a random-walk route searching process
at iteration 0. In the random walk scenario, travelers set off from their origins and travel in a
randomly chosen direction, updating directions after arriving at each node. However, directed
cycles and U-turns are prevented. Once travelers arrive at the destination, their travel routes
become the initial travel route and will be updated in subsequent iterations. The randomness of
searching direction and the large number of travelers will ensure the diversity of initial route
choices, which comprises the knowledge based on subsequent iterations.
On subsequent iterations, each traveler follows a fixed route chosen at the end of the previous
iteration. Once arriving at a destination centroid, travelers will enrich the information set with their
individual knowledge while benefiting from the pooled knowledge at the same time by exchanging
both shortest path and toll information with centroids. Those travelers will also bring that updated
information back to their origin and repeat the exchange process. The information exchange
mechanism is illustrated by Figure 1.
As illustrated in Figure 1, suppose that
the traveler originating at node 1 is
traveling to node 5, initially via node
4. His initial shortest path knowledge
is 1-3-4-5. Suppose the shortest path
information stored at node 5 is 4-5, 3-
5, 2-3-5 and 1-2-3-5, respectively
from nodes 4, 3, 2 and 1. The
comparison starts from the node
closest to the current node along the
path chain in traveler's memory and
repeats for each node on this chain
until reaching the origin. After
comparing the path from node 3 to 5,
the traveler's path information is
updated to 1-3-5 since the shortest
path for this path segment proposed
by the node is shorter than that held
by the traveler. Notice that this Agent-based route choice with Learning and Exchange of
improvement has also changed the Information (Illustration of specific model in wikibook
shortest path from node 1 to 5 in the Fundamentals of Transportation)
traveler's memory. Consequently, the node will adopt the path from node 1 proposed by the traveler
since 1-3-5 is better than 1-2-3-5. The updated path from node 1 to 5 then becomes part of the
traveler's shortest path information. This information exchange mechanism will naturally mutate
the path chain and generate the most efficient route, sometimes better than all known existing
routes. Since nodes store K alternative paths, nodes will insert the path proposed by the visitor in
their information pool as long as this path is better than the longest path stored. This information
will also be shared with those travelers visiting node 5 at subsequent steps.
After stopping at the destination node, travelers compare their travel route determined at the end of
previous iterations and shortest path learned during the currently iteration. The path length is
evaluated in dollar value by each traveler, considering their individual value of time and the toll
charged by each link segment. Since travelers have different values of time, the cost of K
alternatives should be reevaluated and sorted for each traveler. If the path suggested by the
destination node is better than their current route, the travelers have a probability to switch to the
better route that iteration. In general,
P = f (σ, Δ, T)
To apply this model, we choose a specific form:
Δ represents the potential benefit by switching routes, which is defined as the time or
money saving by choosing route proposed by the destination node instead of sticking to the
current route.
T is the threshold of benefit perception, which reflects both the incapability to perceive
small benefit and the inertia for people to change route.
σ denotes the probability of perceiving an existing better route in a given day, and captures
the differentiation in the effectiveness of social networks defines the shape of the
probability curve.
ARC simulates the day-to-day route choice behavior of travelers and this probability curve must
account for two factors:
1. the probability a traveler perceives this better path once its information is available and
2. the probability a traveler takes this path once it is learned. It should be noted that
information spreading takes time and not everyone learns immediately.
Travelers with more effective social networks are more likely to be exposed to such information
and thus have a higher probability of learning the better path. Once a new road opens, it takes
weeks or even months before the flow reaches a stable level. Even when people learn a better
alternative, route change involves a certain switching cost preventing travelers from changing
routes immediately. Or travelers may just resist changing because of inertia. Considering these
factors, this curve should increase as benefits increase and reach some upper limit predicted by the
willingness to learn. Estimation of this curve through survey or other psychological studies will
enhance the empirical foundation of the model.
Figure 2 illustrates the flow chart of ARC. After travelers choose their routes according to the
aforementioned probability, link flow and link travel time will be updated. Consequently, the cost
of all possible paths stored both at nodes and travelers will be updated without changing the choice
set. Then travelers will follow their new route and repeat the described process until an equilibrium
pattern is reached (equilibrium is defined here as link flow variance smaller than a pre-determined
threshold ϵ, we arbitrarily choose ϵ = 5. Once this equilibrium is reached, no traveler has the
incentive to change their travel route according to their behavioral rules and available information.
Thus a link flow pattern would be reached and could be provided to other model components under
a more comprehensive framework.
Traditional travel demand models disentangled this complexity by formulating an optimization
problem, using either Deterministic or Stochastic User Equilibrium. However, algorithms
employed to solve such optimization problems are computationally cumbersome and behaviorally
unrealistic. Instead, ADAM introduces a heuristic learning process to address this challenge. Under
this framework, travelers will reenter the network and choose their destination and route again
according to the link travel time resulting from their previous choices. Updated shortest path
information will be learned and spread by travelers. This process mimics people’s job change and
route change behavior. Given the initial condition, ADAM evolves with previously defined rules
and a pattern may be achieved according to certain convergence rules, from which macroscopic
information such as trip distribution and traffic assignment can be extracted by summing up
individual choices.
Agent-based Demand and Assignment Model interactive model
Note this software takes the number of trips, the share of those trips by automobile, and the number
of trips in the peak hour as given exogenously by the user. More complex agent-based models
could consider those directly. The arcs (links) in the model estimate travel time using a link
performance function, described in Route Choice
Further reading
A Primer for Agent-Based Simulation and Modeling in Transportation Applications published
by Federal Highway Administration.
Activity-Based Travel Demand Models: A Primer published by Strategic Highways Research
A Transportation Modeling Primer by Edward A. Beimborn
Zhu, Shanjiang and Levinson, David (2018) Agent-Based Route Choice with Learning and
Exchange of Information. Urban Science 2(3), 58.
Di, Xuan, Henry Liu, and David Levinson. (2015) Multi-agent Route Choice Game for
Transportation Engineering. Transportation Research Record 2480 55-63.
Tilahun, Nebiyou and David Levinson (2013) An Agent-Based Model of Worker and Job
Matching. Journal of Transport and Land Use 6(1) 73-88.
Huang, Arthur and David Levinson (2011) Why retailers cluster: An agent model of location
choice on supply chains. Environment and Planning b 38(1) 82 – 94.
Zhu, Shanjiang, Feng Xie and David Levinson (2011) Enhancing Transportation Education
through On-line Simulation using an Agent-Based Demand and Assignment Model. ASCE
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 137(1) 38-45.
Zhang, Lei, David Levinson, and Shanjiang Zhu (2008) Agent-Based Model of Price
Competition and Product Differentiation on Congested Networks. Journal of Transport
Economics and Policy Sept. 2008 42(3) 435-461.
Zou, Xi and David Levinson (2006) A Multi-Agent Congestion and Pricing Model.
Transportmetrica 2(3) 237-249.
Zhang, Lei and David Levinson. (2004a) An Agent-Based Approach to Travel Demand
Modeling: An Exploratory Analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the
Transportation Research Board 1898 28-38.
Zou, Xi and David Levinson (2003) Vehicle Based Intersection Management with Intelligent
Agents. ITS America Annual Meeting Proceedings.
Bar-Gera, Hillel, 2001, Transportation Network Test Problems, Ben-Gurion University of
Ben-Akiva, M. and Lerman S.R., 1985, Discrete choice analysis: theory and application to
travel demand. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Boyce, D., 2002, Is the sequential travel forecasting paradigm counterproductive. ASCE
Journal of Urban Planning and Development 128(4): 169-183
Handy S., 1993, Regional versus local accessibility: Implications for non-work travel.
Transportation Research Record 1400: 58–66.
Handy, S., et al. 2002. Education of Transportation Planning Professionals. Transportation
Research Record, no. 1812, pp. 151–160.
Kitamura, R., Pas, E.I., Lula, C.V., Lawton, K. and Benson, P.E., 1996, The Sequenced
Activity Mobility Simulator (SAMS): An Integrated Approach to Modeling Transportation,
Land Use and Air Quality. Transportation 23: 267-291
McFadden, D., 1974, The measurement of urban travel demand, Berkeley : Institute of Urban &
Regional Development, University of California.
Parthasarathi, P., Levinson, D., and Karamalaputi, R., 2003. Induced Demand: A Microscopic
Perspective. Urban Studies, Volume 40, Number 7, pp 1335–1353.
Pas, E.I., 1985, State of the art and research opportunities in travel demand: another
perspective. Transportation Research Part A(21): 431-438
Recker, W.W., McNally, M.G., and Root, G.S., 1986, A model of complex travel behavior:part
I-theoretical development. Transportation Research 20A: 307-318
Kitamura, R., 1988, An evaluation of activity-based travel analysis. Transportation 15: 9-34
Timmermans, H.J.P., Arentze, T.A. and Joh, C.-H., 2002, Analyzing space-time behavior:new
approaches to old problems, Progress in Human Geography, 26, 175-190.
Zhang, Lei and David Levinson. 2004. An Agent-Based Approach to Travel Demand
Modeling: An Exploratory Analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the
Transportation Research Board #1898 pp. 28–38, Retrieved from