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A Project Work in English Core Submitted in

Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement of All
India Senior Secondary Certificate
Examination 2023-24

Under the Guidance of

Mrs. K. R. RAGHAVI MADAM, PGT English Amara Raja
Vidyalayam, Diguvamagham, Chittoor


Name : B. Nitheesh Chowdary

Class :
Roll No :

This is to certify that this is a bonafide report of the Project

Work done by Nitheesh Chowdary of standard XII PCM
during the academic year 2023-24, submitted for the
Practical Examination towards the partial fulfilment of All
India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination course
prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education
(CBSE). The student has done the project with his/her own
effort and with guidance of the teacher concerned.


Internal Examiner External Examiner

Name: Name:

Examiner Code: Examiner Code:


I wish to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to Principal Shri

JAYASREE MAM for her exemplary guidance and constant encouragement
throughout the project. Her valuable support and supervision all throughout
the project has helped in successful completion of the project.

I am highly indebted to my teacher in charge Mrs. K. R. RAGHAVI MADAM

for providing me the opportunity to do this project under her guidance. Her
support, suggestions and constant motivation helped in successful
completion of this project.

I also acknowledge the efforts of my parents and classmates who helped

me throughout the project with their valuable suggestions and guidance
which had been helpful in various phases of the project.
Besides, I thank God Almighty for Her eternal presence and blessings.

B. Nitheesh Chowdary
(Student’s Name)
I, Nitheesh Chowdary do hereby declare that this project work in English
Core titled EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN INDIA submitted by me in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for AISSCE Class XII, is an original work
done by me under the guidance of Mrs. Raghavi Madam, PGT English,
Amara Raja Vidyalayam, Diguvamagham, Chittoor.

B. Nitheesh Chowdary
(Student’s Name)

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