Measure Report Child Rcads
Measure Report Child Rcads
Measure Report Child Rcads
The Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS) is a 47-item measure designed to
assess symptoms corresponding to anxiety disorders and depression in children and young
people aged 8–18 years. The original measure includes six subscales aimed at assessing
separation anxiety disorder, social phobia, generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder,
obsessive compulsive disorder and major depressive disorder.
Test-retest Sensitivity to
Internal consistency reliability Validity change
✓ ✓ ? ✓ ✓
Psychometric features (Scale) (Subscale)
*Please note that our assessment of this measure is based solely on the English self-report version of the RCADS, for children and
young people aged 8–18 years. The other versions of this measure were not assessed and therefore it should not be assumed
that they would receive the same rating.
• Some of the RCADS items contain sensitive content (for example item 37: ‘I think about death’). If an
individual raises issues around self-harm, suicide or related issues, they should either be referred to the
relevant mental health services or the appropriate safeguarding procedures should be put in place.
• We found insufficient evidence to establish that the RCADS has good test-retest reliability over short
periods of time.
• From our review of the evidence, it appears that the six subscales of the RCADS have a good validity, while
that of the total score is questionable. We would therefore encourage you to use the individual subscale
scores rather than the total score.
Versions available There are three additional versions of this measure available,
including a parent version (RCADS-P), a shortened 25-item
child self-report version and a shortened 25-item parent
Target population This measure was originally developed for children aged
8–18 years.
Key reference(s) Chorpita, B.F., Yim, L.M., Moffitt, C. ., Umemoto L.A., & Francis,
S.E. (2000). Assessment of symptoms of DSM-IV anxiety
and depression in children: A Revised Child Anxiety and
Depression Scale. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38,
Spence, S.H. (1997). Structure of anxiety symptoms among
children: A confirmatory factor-analytic study. Journal of
Abnormal Psychology, 106, 280–297.
Validity From our review of the evidence, it appears that the six subscales of the
RCADS have a good validity, while that of the total score is questionable.
We would therefore encourage you to use the individual subscale scores
rather than the total score.
de Ross et al. (2002) conducted a confirmatory factor analysis and
reported CFI = 0.83(6 factor) and RMSEA = 0.063 for six factors, and CFI
= 0.72 and RMSEA = 0.081 for one factor. This study was conducted in
Australia with a sample of 405 children aged between 8–18 years (mean
age = 13.24, SD = 2.52).
Donnelly et al. (2019) conducted a confirmatory factor analysis for
six factors and reported CFI = 0.96, RMSEA = 0.034. This study was
conducted in Ireland with a sample of 350 second-level students (186
female) aged between 12–18 years (mean age = 14.97, SD = 1.44). The
majority of students identified themselves as White (91.4%).
de Ross et al. (2002) reported that the RCADS subscales were
significantly associated with the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety
Scale (RCMAS) subscales and that the Pearson coefficients ranged
between 0.62 and 0.75. The authors also reported that the RCADS MMD
(Major depressive disorder) subscale score was significantly associated
with the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) (r = 0.80).
Donnelly et al. (2019) reported that both the RCADS MDD subscale and
RCADS total internalising factor were most strongly correlated with the
DASS-21 depression subscale (r = 0.79 for MDD and r = 0.73 for the
total internalising factor) compared to the DASS-21 anxiety subscale.
The RCADS PD (Panic Disorders) subscale and the RCADS total anxiety
subscale were reported to be most strongly correlated with the DASS-
Anxiety subscale (r = 0.72 and r = 0.71 respectively).
Chorpita et al. (2000) reported that the RCADS MMD (Major depressive
disorder) subscale score was associated with the Children's Depression
Inventory (CDI) (r = 0.70). The other subscales showed low correlations
with the CDI (r ranged between 0.18 and 0.45). The authors also
evaluated the correlations of the RCADS with the Revised Children's
Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS). It was predicted that the RCADS social
phobia (SP) subscale would correlate somewhat higher with the RCMAS-
Worry and RCMAS-P subscales, but correlations were low in particular
with RCMAS-Physiological Anxiety (r = 0.43). It was expected that the
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) subscale should correlate relatively
higher with the RCMAS-Worry, but correlation was low (r = 0.44). Validity
coefficients were generally elevated among girls relative to the boys.
Used in the The RCADS is a commonly used measure which has been
UK used in several UK studies, including in the assessment of the
DISCOVER Programme, the FRIENDS programme, the UK Resilience
Programme, the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE)
Education is the school curriculum and Growing2gether (Challen,
✓ Machin, & Gillham 2014; Humphrey K., 2019; Michelson et al., 2016;
Stallard et al., 2014).
Language(s) The RCADS is available in English and has also been officially
translated into 16 other languages, including French, German,
Spanish, Chinese, Dutch, Danish and Greek. The official translations
can be found at: