Facial Primordia
Facial Primordia
Facial Primordia
> appear early in the 4th week to 8th week nares (nostrils) and nasal cavity.
> Gives rise to stomodeum Mesenchymal cells are the majorsource
> arise from 1st branchial arch that split in of the connective tissuecomponents,
mandibular and maxillary. including muscles, cartilage, bone, and
ligaments in thefacial and in the oral
5 Facial Primordia appear as prominences
around the stomodeum
1. Superior longitudinal
Shortens the tongue
Turns the apex and sides of the tongue
upward to make the dorsum concave
Origin: submucous fibrous layer below
the dorsum of the tongue and lingual
septum lingual septum=(naghahati sa
tongue into 2)
Insertion: extends to the lingual margin
2. Inferior longitudinal
Shortens the tongue
Makes the dorsum convex
Origin: root of tongue
Insertion: apex of tongue
3. Transverse
Narrows and elongates the tongue
Origin: median fibrous septum
Insertion: fibrous tissue at the margins
of tongue.
4. Vertical
Flattens and broadens the tongue
Origin: borders of the anterior part of
the tongue.
Insertion: ventral surface of the borders
of the tongue.
Enamel/ Substancia Adamantia/ Amelo B. Chemical properties
96% inorganic substance
Hard, translucent tissue covering the
– Crystalline calcium phosphate (90%)
anatomical crowns of teeth
– Hydroxyl apatite crystals
protective covering of the crown dentin
4% organic substance + water
Resists forces of mastication
– Proteins (amelogenins & non
amelogenins like enamelin &
A. Physical properties
1. varies in thickness
a. Incisal edge = 2mm
C. Macroscopic features
b. PM cusps = 2.3 – 2.5mm
1. Perikymata/ Imbrication lines of
c. M cusps 2.5 – 3mm
Pickerill – wavy ridges on the labial
(pinakamakapal, for grinding)
surface of anterior teeth)
2. Hardest calcified tissue in the body.
- Transverse, wavelike grooves
- has high mineral content
believed to be the external
- Hardness decreases from surface of
manifestations of Striae of Retzius.
enamel to DEJ
- visible to new erupted teeth,
- papasok ng papasok palambot ng
nawawala dahil sa abrasion.
2. Mamelons – rounded eminence of the
3. Brittle & Inelastic
incisal edges of newly erupted anterior
- prone to fracture if unsupported by
sound dentin
- Nawawala thru abrasion and
4. Translucent
malocclusion (kapag sungki di
- Color of teeth = color of dentin
natama sa opposing jkaya may
- Cervical area: more yellow(thinner
mamelon padin sa adult)
Enamel, reflects more of dentin)
like canine.