Navigance Whitepaper Advance With Intelligence 2021
Navigance Whitepaper Advance With Intelligence 2021
Navigance Whitepaper Advance With Intelligence 2021
A detailed Navigance survey* of the chemical sector optimize, or to build the business case for technologies that
conducted found an array of differences in the nature of will enable them to do so more effectively, continuously, and
various chemical operations and their level of digital maturity in near real time.
but a common set of priorities across the board.
Artificial intelligence technologies such as machine learning
After the most critical need to ensure operational safety, can help alleviate that burden, enabling plant teams to focus
producers say they look to increase and maintain plant their energies on realizing the potential these advances
availability at sufficiently high levels. Only then will they turn uncover to increase plant availability or fine tune their
their attention to improving process efficiency – though it process for optimum efficiency.
too is seen as a growing priority.
This paper looks in more detail at these topics and the three
Accelerating industry trends such as economic downturn, steps towards digitalization Navigance believes producers
the loss of lang-standing sector experience and increased with any continuous chemical process can take with
emphasis on sustainability mean pressures to optimize confidence and at an appropriate pace, whatever their level
operations are growing. Digitalization is increasingly a of digital maturity today.
necessity, with some producers doing better than others.
Furthermore, it shows how working with a partner with
The most advanced plants are already exploring how deep-rooted experience in both chemical processes and
advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, and data science can help identify the potential availability
machine learning in particular, can help them make effective and efficiency gains, build a robust business case for the
use of plant data to accelerate and improve decision-making, technology to realize them, and provide ongoing expertise
maximize uptime and improve efficiency. to continuously make the most of them.
THE INDUSTRY PICTURE Interviewees came from fields including the production of ammonia, methanol,
and other basic chemicals, as well as from refineries. The topics explored ranged
Different perspectives, shared priorities
from the realities and challenges of daily plant operations to interviewees’ own
Chemical manufacturing is a sector of wide variations. There’s the sheer range of
priorities, opinions, and concerns.1
chemicals manufacturers produce, and the sizes of operations needed to make
them. The day-to-day challenges plant teams face also vary, as do their most Across the board, their top priority was maintaining high levels of safety in their
pressing, here-and-now needs. And the extent to which digital technologies are operations. And, in general, the standards of safety already being achieved in
already helping to address them differs too. their plants were already very advanced.
Despite these many differences, though, most operators’ needs are fundamentally Safety is also a prerequisite for achieving the two other priorities the research
the same at their core. This commonality was confirmed first hand in a study found to be common across the industry: delivering agreed output levels, and
of nearly 40 experts in chemical operations around the world, conducted by doing so within budgeted cost. Translated into operational needs, we might call
Navigance in 2020*. these priorities ‘plant availability’ and ‘process efficiency’.
Figure 1: Needs and trends in the chemical industry Availability and efficiency
The focus for availability is keeping plants and their processes
up and running, reducing the potential for downtime and
mitigating its negative effects, such as poor product quality,
low yield or damaged reputation.
Like availability, process efficiency – whether measured in yield, energy use, Growing pressure to optimize
selectivity, feedstock cost, emissions or by some other means – affects a plant’s Already, the chemicals industry is feeling the effects of certain trends and factors
ability to deliver its agreed output levels and do so within budget. that will make optimization not just a nice-to-have but a necessity.2
At a production level, the benefits of improving efficiency range from increasing The effect of economic downturn in recent years means the ability to do more
output and revenues to reducing costs, raw materials, and energy use. Beyond with less – from people to energy to raw materials – has never been more
the operational, doing so also creates scope to accelerate innovation, optimize pressing. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated this trend, with over 32,000
throughout the value chain, and keep pace with market and customer demands, production jobs lost in the sector in the 12 months from September 2019 alone.3
ensuring a roadmap to future success.
Meanwhile, chemical producers are struggling to replace lost experience as an
Increasing efficiency involves producers reliably measuring all relevant properties ageing workforce retires, taking with them skills and a problem-solving intuition
in order to control and optimize the manufacturing of their product. But unpicking that are hard to replicate quickly enough in new recruits – especially as retention
the causes of inefficiencies after they’ve happened is resource-heavy enough. of talent is also proving difficult.
And the utopia – predicting when and where they’ll occur in order to mitigate
Recent sharp increases in the price of raw materials4 – costs that can be difficult
against them – is a whole new level.
to pass on to the customer – have also made it imperative to operate more
It’s no wonder many producers in the Navigance survey said they would only focus economically.
attention on optimizing process efficiency once their plants were consistently
The coming years will also see a keener focus on the sustainability of chemical
achieving high levels of operational safety and uptime. But they may no longer
processes, and greater scrutiny of those running them. Rather than simplify
have the luxury of such time.
offsetting the impact of their operations, producers must now look to dramatically
and tangibly reduce that impact in the first place. Optimization will play an
important part in doing so.
Growing pressure to optimize will
Beyond operation safety, then, we can summarize the key priorities of chemical
not longer allow the luxury to putting
producers as optimizing the availability of their plants and the efficiency of their
attention on it only when high levels processes, improving sustainability standards along the way. Digitalization can
help achieve them, but the pace at which industry players are adopting the
of plant uptime have been reached.
necessary technologies varies greatly.
5 Advance with intelligence. - A white paper from Navigance
DIGITALIZATION IN THE CHEMICAL SECTOR Meanwhile, other smaller chemical players are taking their first steps into digital
ways of working. Those in the earliest stages have historically invested little into
The opportunity in the complexity
equipment and digital technologies. If there’s improvement potential to be found,
With digitalization, the tools, services, and solutions needed to add value to
it must often be within the confines of the assets they already have.
complex operations and achieve new levels of reliability, efficiency and profitability
have become more readily accessible.
One of the biggest barriers to optimizing
Some plants – often belonging to larger, pure chemical companies and global
integrated players – are already ahead of the curve. These digital innovators or
operations and digitalization in general for those
champions have invested readily and regularly in equipment and are capturing in the early stages of the journey is finding the
their operational data via Distributed Control Systems (DCSs) or Manufacturing
Execution Systems (MESs).
time and expertise needed to do it properly.
Now they are embracing artificial intelligence (AI), cloud-based services, and
other advanced digital technologies to help them make decisions based on Some may have recently installing process control systems (PCSs), and, in
current and relevant data, in order to more effectively and consistently reach some cases, data historians to store the information gathered from across their
their operational goals. operations. If they’re analyzing their data at all, it’s usually with basic tools such
as Excel rather than anything more advanced. And it’s time-consuming work that
remains prone to error.
Figure 2: Digital archetypes of plants in the chemical industry In fact, one of the biggest barriers to optimizing operations
and digitalization in general for those in the early stages
Digital Digital Digital Digital of the journey is the time and expertise needed to do it
beginners adopters innovators champions
properly. Resources that often can’t be spared from the
day-to-day running of operations.
The good news is help is available to help conduct such benefit assessments, The opportunity digitalization presents is to integrate continuous process data
build the business case for the technologies to help optimize operations, and into operational decision-making automatically. Using advanced technologies
take the steps needed to realize their potential. What’s more, the data plants are to remove time-consuming manual tasks, and pinpointing the patterns and
already gathering provides a solid foundation upon which to build. information that matter most almost instantly. Moving from retrospective
analysis and troubleshooting to a comprehensive and near-real-time view of how
Using plant data more effectively
the operation is running to inform confident, effective action and make the best
A typical chemical plant now has thousands of sensors collecting huge volumes of
use of all resources.
process and performance data. This information is used to help control the plant,
generate reporting, and may also be stored long term to support troubleshooting The AI advantage
and analytics. McKinsey5 believes AI represents nothing short of a paradigm shift for
manufacturing. A move away from hard-coded, expensive, inflexible,
Where such work is carried out, it’s often conducted retrospectively and at
first-principle-based solutions to adaptive self-learning solutions that use vast
irregular intervals, rather than routinely and in real time when it can make the
data and machine learning to smart effect.
greatest potential difference.
Machine learning, one of the building blocks and a specific subset of AI, enables
Much of this works is done manually, so depends on plants being able to
computers to spot patterns and relationships in both their experiences and
spare personnel for extended periods to conduct the required analysis. This is
available data, and so learn from them. Using its statistical methods and adaptive
challenging at any time, but especially given the current economic and industry
algorithms, computers can find previously unknown solutions and make decisions
conditions already described.
based on real data, with minimal human intervention, rather than follow explicit
Adding to the challenge is the sheer complexity of chemical manufacturing, with programming instructions.
its countless interconnected factors and overlaid effects, and the fact that data
The technology offers the potential to introduce clarity and predictability,
sources from multiple unit operations aren’t systematically linked and analyzed.
reducing errors and uncertainty while boosting productivity. For the chemical
For those tasked with measuring, analyzing, modeling, and implementing
sector, it means an end to time-consuming Excel-based data analysis and those
improvement actions, it means trying to find meaningful insights within
gut-feeling-based decisions. Instead, a robust, real-time online view helps
incomplete and often impenetrable data.
optimize plant production and control.
Though grounded in years of industry experience, decisions are usually made
using intuition or a gut feeling more than an irrefutable reading of all the facts. Over three quarters (76%) of industry experts
Not only is this a skill hard to pass on to future generations, but its results are
interviewed in the Navigance survey said they see
also imprecise. The sheer volume of data means even the keenest eyes are likely
to overlook important patterns or opportunities. And, if the data is only ever the potential of artificial intelligence technologies
historical, plant teams will always be on the back foot.
to improve the effectiveness of their operations.
7 Advance with intelligence. - A white paper from Navigance
Those that have already introduced industrial AI in the chemical sector are able to in the same industry. That’s because machine learning algorithms need to be
anticipate and adapt to changing conditions, meet customer demand, accelerate carefully selected and combined to consider chemical process specifics. And
product innovation, generate higher margins, and outperform their peers. those trained with more data – covering more states and situations a plant or
asset could encounter – typically deliver better-quality outcomes.
In one example, a world-leading raw materials manufacturer introduced two
real-time optimizers into its phenol production process as part of its first It is also important to think ahead to the needs you’re likely to have to tomorrow,
digital transformation project. Using machine leaning and predictive models to and make sure the technologies and services you invest in now will fit comfortably
recommend process improvements, it grew output of its phenol intermediate with any capabilities you’ll need to add later to meet future demands.
product by 2.5% and production by over 5,500 tons a year – a value gain of USD
Whatever your level of digital maturity, Navigance believes there are three
5.5 million.7
common steps you can take to digitalize your operation the right way, at the
If you’re among the producers yet to implement or build a compelling business right pace. An approach that helps answer your most pressing priorities and the
case for these technologies, don’t despair. If you’ve already been gathering associated technology needs in the right order, while complements your existing
and storing your plant data you hold a potential treasure trove. With the right investments.
expertise, it could be the key to improving everything from uptime or throughput
to energy consumption or profitability.
or buy what you need. With specialist technologies such as machine learning,
AI project
there’s less of a choice – at least for now. Industrial
Successful & business
Putting it to work for you demands a range of skills: from how to build its & domain AI adoption & knowledge
knowledge integration in
algorithms to how to collect and integrate the data needed to train them, and organisation
ultimately oversee that training.
Figure 3 shows the mix of skills a business might typically need to develop IT & data
(AI and ML
AI for itself. The large investment of people, time, and money it requires sees Innovation development and
excellence implementation)
most manufacturers and producers join forces with external experts in machine
learning and data analytics.
In doing so, it’s important to ensure the partner you choose has extensive
knowledge in your domain or is, at least, already working with several companies Figure 3: The skills and expertise needed to deploy machine learning effectively are many, varied and often
difficult to find or bring in-house
8 Advance with intelligence. - A white paper from Navigance
It’s an easy and effective way to tap into the right in-house or external expertise.
And it’s all done via a web-based service and interface, instead of drawn-out
email communications.
What’s more, data visualization and sharing of this kind creates the foundation
for doing much more your data too.
Since any downtime reduces the capacity for production while increasing its
costs, a common feeling among plant teams – certainly those consulted in the
Figure 4: Here the Navigance Plant Monitor can be seen spotting anomalies relating to a
valve leakage ~2 weeks before they impacted one customer’s operation
9 Advance with intelligence. - A white paper from Navigance
Navigance study – is “the more availability we have the better.” And they recognize Receiving these single alerts before any process limit is hit enables operational
this comes at the cost of higher investment in equipment and maintenance. teams to quickly pinpoint the potential root cause of any issues. They can then take
appropriate, focused, effective action quickly, before issues ever become problems.
The opportunity digital tools present is to help focus that investment and
Which reduces and potentially avoids altogether the risk of unplanned downtime.
maintenance more precisely and effectively, anticipating, and intercepting issues
early, speeding up remedies, and reducing costs. Step 3: continuous optimization of process efficiency
Once a consistent, high level of availability has been achieved, the next step is
While some digital solutions have proven useful for retrospective analysis and
to use your plant’s data to fine-tune your chemical process. So when is the right
remedial action, it is possible to take a much more proactive approach. The
time to do so?
Navigance Plant Monitor, for instance, automatically monitors process variables
around the clock and provides proactive 24/7 alerting of any issues or deviations In responses to the Navigance industry survey, over 80% of experts asked said
it observes in the data. they’d consider the shift once their plant was achieving a consistent Overall
Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of 90% or above. And, as we’ve heard, over three
Applying data-driven algorithms enables early warnings of, for instance, faster
quarters saw artificial intelligence as a technology with real potential to add value
rate-changes of variables, deviations from typical patterns, and similar unusual
when they do.
behavior. This goes beyond setting fixed limits for individual variables, which is
15 Confidential
the traditional approach of alarm settings in traditional DCS systems and typically Figure 5: Theyour
Optimize Navigance process
process optimizationby
continuously cycle
includes low or high temperatures, flows, pressures, or vibrations. pro-actively fine tuning control variables
Our technologies deliver Dashboard & actionable
In DCS systems, an issue with a piece of equipment that impacts several sensors prescriptive actions recommendations
or trends often results in operators being flooded with alarms. This issue, already Navigance
da d au
well known and investigated in the chemical industry8 , could lead to operators ss te process models to
ce oma m
o & data analysis at
pr aut ed
In contrast, the Plant Monitor uses intelligent algorithms and aggregation methods Your plant
methods to avoid alarm flooding. act upon with confidence to optimize their process.
10 Advance with intelligence. - A white paper from Navigance
With the Navigance Optimization Engine, a highly adaptive hybrid process model Seeing benefits fast – a case study
is built to represent your plant and hosted in the cloud, where it’s augmented In formaldehyde production, the raw material methanol makes up over
with machine learning and other analytics tools. 90% of the total production cost. The amount of product that methanol
yields is a vital KPI to measure and optimize. And it’s one Navigance helps
A continuous stream of plant data that is uploaded securely into the cloud, and
to improve.
automatically cleaned and prepared to remove all outliers, noise and discrepancies
using adaptive filters, pattern-matching heuristics and other additional At one large-scale formaldehyde producer, the Navigance Optimization
classification techniques. The AI-enhanced hybrid plant model then analyzes Engine was introduced in one of its many plants across multiple regions.
this cleaned, near-real-time data to learn and spot patterns, identify potential for Within just three months, the unit’s formaldehyde yield increased gradually
efficiency improvements, and make round-the-clock recommendations. by 0.8 mol% above the long-term average typically seen. All while the plant
operation was maintained at 100% capacity.
Plant personnel can access these recommendations in an online dashboard
and take confident action to fine tune the relevant process control variables, Key to this success were actionable recommendations on process control
continuously optimizing their process towards achieving their particular goals. variables derived from Navigance models, plus advice based on advanced
data analytics.
As a truly full-service analytics solution, Navigance goes beyond the automatic
recommendations to provide a level of support not available with comparable Just one example of the potential efficiency benefits formaldehyde
competitive platforms. This includes regular analysis of the plant’s data and producers could enjoy within weeks using Navigance to continuously
any patterns it displays by Navigance experts, with a view to providing ongoing optimize their process variables.
interpretation, insights and advice for continuous improvement.
In this way, producers can take data-driven decision-making to new levels. Moving 20
6: Case study: Continuous improvement of Formaldehyde yield
away from hours spent analyzing and cleaning data manually to a new era of Case study: Continuous improvement of Formaldehyde yield
after implementing Navigance
after implementing Navigance
effortless, continuous optimization. It’s a future some producers of chemicals are Monthly average efficiency in
Increasing monthly average
already seeing rapid benefits from today (see formaldehyde case study on the right). plant before Navigance
efficiency in plant after
Navigance implementation
Plant load ≥ 95%
Plant load < 95%
… while operating
mostly at 100%
plant load
11 Advance with intelligence. - A white paper from Navigance
Understand your plant Navigance models, machine You receive proactive alerts
setup and process, available Establish secure to inform preventative Navigance experts contunie
Design and deploy a connections and regular learning algortithms and
data, constraints, plus your other advanced analytics maintenance and/or to support you with ongoing
availability or efficiency Navigance solution specific uploads of your plant's data recommendations to help
to your plant and needs tools interrogate your analysis, insights, and
goals and improvement to Navigance analytics fine tune process control optimization advice
services in the cloud near-real-time data for
potential issues and opportunities variables and optimize
Figure 7: Navigance builds a detailed picture of your plant, process and priorities and combines digital tools and expertise to help you continuously optimize availability and efficiency. The full Navigance provides
a comprehensive, integrated solution for the digitization of your operation in the right way and at the right pace, and on a single, common platform you can extend to other processes and plants as needed.
And, long after your solution is up and running, Navigance continues to provide
expert support and advice, and continuously evolve and improve the capabilities
of its cloud services.